Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 9 Oct 1913, p. 2

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‘~\}\ eng'mmncnl of Interest tn nwny Highland Phlkt‘ls i.» that of Mn». ,l: m Whitmg. daughier or Mr and Mrs. ll..2 Whiting. LN Dearborn Ave. Chicago, to Jesse Spaldmg son 01 Mrs. C. F, Spaldlng. 1300 Astor St. The marriage WI” mark the second matrimonal al hance between the two families as MISS Whiting's brother. Bradford Whiting married Mr. Spaldmg‘s cousin, MISS Adele Harris several years aga Mr. Spaldlng has been captam of the Yale football team for two years and is at present at Yale coaching this year's team Mr. Spalding isanephew of Harry B. Clarke of E. Central Ave. 1 mu. m thv waning at 5:00 at mmdcnce. Mm'LfD. W; of Chicago at Avenue- Mrs. Ed. Larson of S. Second St. emer- tained thirty-five guests on Wednesday oven“ in honor of Mr. Larson's mother's aim-ninth biryhday. Miss Olga Taylor entertained at a beach party Sunday mght for Mlss Elizabeth Tyson. Miss Tessie McClory emertained. the euchre club informally on Monday even- mg. Mr. and Mrs. Merrick Milrills issued invitations the early part of this Week to the marriage of their daughter. Marjorie Aylesworth and George Washington Rossetter.of Chicago which will take placeonSaturday evening. Octdaer 25. a: half alter eight o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Dr. P. C. WolcotL rector of Trinity Episcopal Church will perform the ceremony. The bride will be attended by Miss Annie Scott of Chicago. formerly of Highland Park. as maid of honor. and a sister. Min Mildred Mihills will be brideh maid Mr. Raymond Redefler of Chicago will actubentrnan. Mr. Donald Davidson and Dr. Floyd Dondanville of Dwight “L. will be ushers. Mr. and Mrs. Roasetter will be at home after January first at 1109 Ardmore Ave, Chicago. The Elm Place Division of the P. T. A. gave a very pleasant. informal recep tion for the parents of the children of the Elm Place School and the teachers and officers of the different divisions of the association. Thursday evening at 8:00 at the Grammar School. Mm W. A. Alex- ander sang in her delightful way several songs. Miss Dorothy Wilson of the Anna Morgan studio. Chicago. gave several very entertaining musical monologues. The annual stag dinner or fget to gether day" which took place last Satur- day night. Oct. 4 at the Emma: was a great success The day was'spem in games of golf and cups were given as prizes to the winners. This Iclosed the parties for the season. The club c105ed Wednesday all except the locker rooms andtbe remaining guests have. mmed ova to the cottage for the winter. bricks 9:“! Fortienmnlfmudeuit. AWW Call and deliver Wednesdays 13st Saturday: 506 Davis Street The Social Side of Life 3638 Wm. Steams entertained an a large y “'ednesdav :mfinmn Mr D. Warren and Mrs. S S; Suxzun mo at her home on Hawthmrnr William Parker 36 Co. have your. Mptsfi of delicate mined by inferi'pricleaners’ ' you can havethé Original Color, retained by sdndmg them to Mrs Frederick Mrs Local Affairs 9f the week the, fami'ly By Ihc Obsrrwr Mrs. .-\. R Williams of Urulnd 8L, cn Iertamed a few guests mtnrmally at dm ner on Wedngfiuy evening. A wedding 1-,} Interest In many High Lind Parker's buhenm-annnuncrd M Mr and Mrs. .-\rc}fib.1ld Aberrrombu- «If till] Michigan Am. Chlragu. {urmx'rh‘ n: Highhmd l’arli‘ vi the” dzmghlm ham, to L‘reéd Brunnc of Chldlgu The \wddmg tank placr \VQflnmday evening. (h v -« at the home of lib: bride's parrnls. .u vuz'w ”Huck Thewrldc- wzh :me-ndw! by law sislrr. Miss JLOeK 2h brrdesmznd \Vth' Brunncll. brutficr at the groom m :M .I‘ lx-stnmn. 'HN‘ waidmg wgn .1 mn tJlnr'l onensnnly ”1"!an friends and rrlmxw- wrn- prewnthr and Mrs lhmmr‘! \\ :H be .u humr afar Ih-cunber tint m \ In: mg Tlre lutTlfiS‘Hl lllt‘ lk» .l .llt' IIH'H‘ than plumbed 511th :hc >kak'3b wt tln-z: card partv givn last thT-l) nth-Hum”. Oct. 3rd, at tl": lllghlaud [hark Clul; The prrx'ceds “"‘f owr $635 The purt) was largely ullendcd, there being mum out~ot~town giests from (lucugn :md tlw suburbs alonéthe ‘Nnrth >hnrr \‘m‘errll lunch‘euns we“? given by tlu- Lulu x‘ {or thmr guests prrcecdlng tlu- ultm l'lzcrc were Sr." Nit} - l.\',)l(‘_~ 'T T‘UM‘ h‘ cenmg the lflgmt \‘UH' at (ml. lulflr' ghnsc truth a“ hlradmul) lunrl uu‘mml ercd guest iowrl. br-guuung mrl) lll‘ hrghr-st scurg and so m: tlrmn ru t‘w Iovu-st. T116318“ \VJS chutriuli} dun: ated wrth 0a. The l’hrlantlmtpy Cummmcr nt’ riw (k sol) wrll (Tc-(id‘s- upon the dhtrtlmlmn w! the returnsxong [ht->6 \rHlUrl.‘ ”1:11le tmrh to be ctited nunwly Tht- "I [bet culusls THSKIIHKC. Arden Show. Lulu- lllutt Orphanage. and the Highland P'rrk R:- hel and Aid fixicty. ', lcuvrs and .HlTLlY.Hl Hm“ vb i, Puk. Mm E1 Grave. of Forest Glen and I Mrs. Robert-“Scott of Libertyville. ‘ Mr. and irs. Oscar Beccham. who have been v "ting relatives in southern [Maryland 10} (he past few ween re- Wtumed ‘0 thuir home last Tuesday eve» DeerffiHd News Items The regular monthly meeting of thc- village boarfl of trustres was held m Anderson's ”all Monday evening. B‘- yond the pasting of bulls little buslntss was transact‘iyd. Attorney (ianer sent in his resngaatmn as ullagc attorney The resignag'yn was accepted. Prestdcnt Whitingrepited Mr. Wayne Colby to succeed Mr. arvert On motion by Mr. Pettis. secorQéd by Mr. Wolfi, the board was authonigd to proceed to Contract for the layirfi of a concrete walk along the north jinc of Mr. John Vctter's propertyas Qrovided for by ordinance Mr. Vetternhavihg rrtused to comply with the orcfilance. On Tuesday of last week Mrs B. H Kress was hymen at a dinner party to fourteen lafies in honor of her blrth‘ day anniverxfiy. The out-of-town guests were Mrs J.‘ P. Schneider 01 Jeflerson nmg Mrs. C. quhns of anculn, Nth. was the guest of» Miss Anna Kmuxh a few days of last week. Mm Adcm ya: ill last wee-k and hcr sister, Mrs. Niggley of Chicago took care- of her. _‘ Last Tuesday Messrs. Fred and Henry Hardt mom} to Mr. Wm Mcrnman's " Roush and encc prevmusly ()(L'Upltd place and tamlly moved in to the r Margaret Vedder onday Mr Eduard A ’ of Gray: [Adu- *3! {he week and gu: ul hu mum”, Mr!- Adam plumes “‘I‘IC [HP ‘PK-Cnfl [UNIS \JI 3L“ 3 .\1l\ Shwanko; n! thuxg» m.“ We xurst 0! Mr: J PEI: Ins". wrrk prmr tr Miss Elda‘iliorcnberger was a delight ful hostess a; a card party m Minor M her eighteenth birthday BDIIIVCIS.ITY‘K0 twenty of hqf friends Saturday eve-mm; The first pan of the cvemng Wai spent in playing fin: hundred at which. Muss Mlldrcd Wtjting won zhe firq girl's prize and Mr, Emory the first hnv'e pun- Mr George ifarch and Mm: (Luz! 1‘\ h were awarded the cnnsuh'mn prune. Following 1 Cards Camr [1"9 rain-G?“ ments Whig were dznnt Xv M'Hrd up tables decorfled with ferns and galardm The remaint‘p of the ex emng v as spm In dancing. {Erhe out- of town guests “we \lr Almon Powers ofChu‘ago “ho the guest of Miss Mildred WhIImg \IIss Ruth (fillins of ChIcago who the guest of:_Miss Elda Horcnbergcr. by Mr. Henry Juhrcnd LEvamton, Ill. ‘9, fife and Beauty vtolor and fabric \V 35 and W33 Deerfield lost to Gfinvicv lut Sunday. by the were 01 6 to I ll the Glenuc' ball park Inability at the louls to Mt Rugen in pinches Iva l mainly rexpon-ible t (or the delux. Ilthouth poor heldmg on‘ the part of some 0th inhelden con tnbuted. The rain v the momm; nude . the diamond slaw ud there wu httle chance lot tut heldbg on hue rum-Jug. [) Dufly. the tint mqn up lo! Dee-meld clouted a three taut! to center held and scored on Lutug'n grounder to shun. lilenxtew uurted In line In the mood when I ncrntch hit I the pltlher tut lowed by a wild thfi from Lntug and one lrom Pettu Kt‘d one run In the lhlfd tnnmg (Henucw nude tun more rum on clenn hitun‘ From the lhtrd lo the seveneth both tqnu played ttght ball but tn that Inning (Bennew tallied tum n the result at t I 'u and two erron. In the eiIhth inntn Sol‘er lot Deemeld led mth a [Jagger k thxrd on a mld plh‘h and time I nn a bAd (hum tn thud by the (Helm? (Jlkhtr (.lcnnrw also k‘url'd In ,he etghlh u the result 0! a bad lhl" by Buru- nnd n wuld pttch by H n‘ Solxer and 1) Duffy Were the Ody Deerheld playen l who could golve ‘uum's smoke The former obtained [hm hm; and Ihf‘lfll"! twn‘ LISIUR 24nd Libufl) rarh ohlaxned a scrnh’h hr! ”0an was rm! hm hard but hr was Wild 5 Muss .\1.ldn-d \\ hâ€"‘nng C'leflalrlld fiu- Lumin-d purh h~l T In n4. n ~- u m hnnnr I)! \hu \IB (.1 |\l‘ “V I" lnll'n uh r W.“ (hr inn! Hf MI“ 5 ers‘ Mr‘ thkei spe the week emizat M" Hunry and Ir“ to er York Uty Mun (14y. F Own; (0 the c dad condun n of the rooms 1n whxcht fim ux made: are Conducted ha” d mm hue been Inaugurated m 0' er to laminate the work of the gram ar xhoul. Mrs Harry EVQ'Moorc Inns rrlumcd from Smm'rnlle, fits. Mr. LOUIS Rom: ol HJmmnnd, lnd,. was the gum}! 0! parents last week. Mm M. Hansel >nn of Chlcagn us the guest of Mrs. C. ”In A buur WI“ bikwen by the Ladua Aid Society 0! 1. Paul': Evangelical church Thunday. ‘1. Hi In Andcnon's hall. There will apron boothl. qum boothu~ fancy wo . 25c Chance grab bag, and use cream andcake. Acard party val be gncn by‘Nin Eugene Endcr 3 Mn. Kres- at the residence 0! (hcl r. Thur‘day, ()cuvbtr ’33 [or [he Dene“ 0! the Holy Cross church (Ill Mr and Mrs,;Plul Haunxhzld and daughter Alvxr: 1:1 Chitzgo “err the guru: a! the parents of the (ormer Mr and Mr; FJIHIP Parson of Du- plamcs wrxe [he rk-end gurus u! MA- Margaret Vedder onday Mr Eduard Ad‘n of Gray: [Adu- wan .\1[\ S hwanko; n! t hh 4;» m .n we xurst 0! Mr: J PEI: Ins". wrrk mm! to her lnp m Bcrhn ‘(Zermany Mr and Mrs If? H. unfrr) n1 lake Forest was the u «m! gurus «‘0 'hc nan-ms of I‘v- In?” Mr and Mn Jn;n karnlu L A g m! num‘x‘" n! [kg‘lhcflirt‘ ”'41 H'mlazzfi. Puke atzrndrd Hm «.k smusl guru und Lnduw \11 Sac the Iuspnn (v? ”H- y 0! (hr hangx h. :11 chum ‘: 1.1:: ’1‘ y evening .11 thc hum? of Mn Furry. is: who look par! in [he pzngmm wcr Rrv. Black. Mr ”.H-nd Yum, who Riv: I 00(0an shin, .u‘d lime piece, "butcg'l Beau” \Ih Rlvhzxrd San-1v nu w.“ .md [AL h’l.’s ( aun-l Slr) kcr w‘o wk: a wry the. me Mrs YH u; mu new, Mm ' Eu-r szstr;~ .11 Ian. I .l rru murky .\lr~.‘\\:m‘i 11! Tom .md the In." M .001, .m‘i lad.“ rm \\ (‘I‘h r Hung Im M Lang Mn mm; ”v"! Mom Is IMAGE!) II mu Tm Sm! by MW Stem III History. nae was I!) THE msmen war Par! 00 TM WW UUI ny Dunn. and Flam-I Imh Out m (M Wroclawâ€"Plum Whore Omly M I“! hr thr It Mom loco" Prey o! Flam... 5031):, ALAKKA A nun- fire but lroken out In ”at c1” of Nmno, (10.0- ” MUM-in; I norm um ‘uu-d out n are“ pun at line rlty The human huvr gulch-d Hm I'- (.30 I‘uld Slur-‘1- plum ilwre 1| plurrdlhe(h1a-lsupply ”imam: lurlne ulnler 1hr nrr Iyplrllua nu de lump-d by llu- gulc- $¢flhmg Man 0' Wnckaqc. From urn-1 h I "0mm; nun of ‘rrck-p- 1mm ‘hkh Mat: nn- tun-uh- Inu, ‘lufr hundrvdn n! )mmrlrn [-90 Na- lrr Inn‘s!!! x In nu- nrtrnnrxru o! 1110 "medium n-un Irr turning III) ”10‘ withlJp l.' Irv: kc-d honor] Ind HAY“- nr Ia'l :v ‘nrlx- u" rd .Ilrm'\.r--~ VA r. ch M! r-' HY‘J‘ [M'Hlun u! l' .- unm‘m.’ “uh ' n uh «1 n! . .-.- FiVQ Hundred n. \11 Cu" “to CCI'I TngHemno AN‘ 9 F Spun-.4 guppnu'd Ma! 10le Yvard (u of Mn- mural-r Hr! Jth~ "um-mt Hz! rrom u N" Inn! Rn! hr lh-rr Mean'u-mm- fipen- ‘err (unhulnn “mm! nut H Infill much lxt-uuu ”mm comlnx in from pllt‘t‘! Ibo" he “Mgr! h? mnrdend people don) (hr: nurh rr'mt-I took plnco. Ind 1n other lmunrou u would in" bet-n imponsblr h r him to have rrmmllted tho-m ln fut Spear" n In onlortnlnln' Hnr. nth-r lhnn the ro‘d wooded mur- derer of a Iron of mm women Ind children, "- hold up hv pour! of- ficials und dvtI-NIVOI our-nod 1n III- Ilnlna tho umulnx "mafrulon" Ihlrh III handed (I'm hy the avian nmokpr during a long nigh! "Ivon- 1n; .. ”not. a Man MlMIng luldo Intoâ€"- Other lur'lan Emu. TROY, N Y Prank W Stumpf. palm-nor u milk-tar, ground n 3 o‘cim-k In tho morning by the sound of An explulirn In ‘ho pmwflico, Ibout 100 foot frum hll hour-o. took ha: rifle Ind firm} at rundnm through u win- duu by 1hr “do 0! lb! uh, “Hm: I mu: Iho In attempting to rub the Mfr one u! the burgh". autumn! m the pmwm‘t wu IY'IIP‘ nth I run-um; r‘f‘m Ind firrd three IhIHF n Slump! pno u! ‘hl. h 111-! mluod the DOIHHID- 1” Tm. n 9n then run frnm the bui‘vflinx “.1 'hllpf‘ Th? ”11rd Int {m 1.4 «San! M41119 thr #:10- I hul'fl huh: r-nfrrv‘d jun! lxohfnd tho- H! Q‘IY RICH WIFE AND IAN HELD Both Charged wm~ [loving and o. "rung rarmI-aa In Canada. 91‘ I'U‘I. ”INN Mn \V 7' inurt'fin “14.4 v! “' A Langhlm {tnr rr‘o‘lur ‘ n mlt'mn-dl.“nr hmvoiry an Rpm“. mph and P J Mnrrimn. a tyx\o11n‘.' man {'(‘m Moon! Jan~ But. an Pn-Id a" Hm'rul pollu- aulinn u [ht nu, ml (1 .\',r Laughim am! (he (;-' “an n (hurtlha (Ill (farm-n « .' dr- lw . n ' rrI-wr. I: me: u; hnr a Ouch POSTIASTER K|LLS THIEF U! I}.- H SPENCER IDENTIFIED CL U :‘c lady-d (n or Hu- Murder 0! Mru. chroaL .xbn Hh 7r urw ~12” UHUAAHIK (H) l- n,»- fmnd In Help Dem .red v..- mood 0-“ hr HOUR. Demohlrcd «10' If;n erH~ nun]: \uhn- [In- \nm 4 Eur”! \‘ra- Huron! t.” ufvlzt 'Hl Nx \lrl. \«"'\ \th- In \".- NF!- " "W "‘9 0’ ~11" ht] to-‘rp‘w hr vhr run: of Hwy vu'n'r')‘ d Vhlt the) Lid I!“ v '2'!» tr: hm‘nl de- um 1.04 huh-Id bf Min; ”1.11“! '1' mull H)! lrll "'11 (cd‘l‘ “I ’or 1‘19 ‘Il Mood pnrer'l ”.lhir h|\~ r‘nx hiv‘r Rex nnd 1hr ‘1: 'hr nth Id 201 East Centnl Ave. Cl” £5901! flmn'w A Few of the Commodities 'We Handle Telephone 4 1 4 “MM mwuwmh mmmbfli It’s a real pleasure and satisfaction to do business with THE ERSKINE BANK “Everything we furnish has that Home Made Taste” North Shore Fud Supplyfig. Telephone 67 JAS. C. BOYLAN, Mgr. (L Let us furnish the material for your luncheons, dinners card parties. musicales re- ceptions. etc. ‘1. mm. Lumber. Linux Cmnrm. Cord Wood Kindling,\\'<xxi. Shmglcs. Burlap. Sacking Twine. Wall Board. Hay. Oats Com and Chicken Feed. Prompt Ik-liu 1'} Cabinet Work and Upholstering Moving and Storage A. E. N orrlen “ There are Reasons Fancy CakeBal'Iz m a flaming mu! lender, m flava’d and rum mm nu pends not nolmuch upon 1:1 the (he! 01 the mm“ Inc M on the We anlN‘ yuu In mncr wk Hy. good u-n'ur and plum" In plramoum. 230 N. St. John: A". II a spatially ol WhDCh In mm” than proud. So If you want an O- peciull) loathsome birthday WC 3 rich wedding uke order I- 9 make It and you'll be mot! U delighted With the result. CIR. need to order also QUALITY or m: lug“ Geary’o Home Tm 481438 Lincoln hi:

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