Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 20 Nov 1913, p. 4

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THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS PITBLISHED WEEKLY BY at Highland Park, Lake Telephone ‘: :, H Entered as wzwnd{lass matter Much 1, 1*11. I! the post ofiicc a! anhland Puk. I‘an‘ns. under the Act of March 3. HT" REAL SATISFACTION > ‘*‘@ D C. PURDYN" SONS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2“ 1913 Highland Park Theatre - West Central Ave. MOTION PICTURES And Vaudeville Four Act. of (he highest clnu Vuudeville obtain-Me. booked by the Wenern Vaudeville Assad-lion Every Wednesday 81 Saturday Evening 4 reel: of Picture: und Enkeruiner every nighL Fink Show nl 7:15; ucond Show It 9:00. Adm‘ssion Vaudeville Nights 25c Children under 9. 15: Other Nights 10c; Children nadeuiaeSc Let us help you-for oil heat- en are Mountâ€"dome ere better than others. The one sure beet for 20 green-the one that produces the most heat for the but cost. lithe one with thk trade-med. Hess e cold room In I ‘jifly"â€"to the remote“ coo net-I. The beet h clan And odofleee. Coats only one cent an hour. to useâ€" Come and see Highland Park’s Attractive New Playhouse Depend on thnt name for mun: umb- (ncdon. You can waning EARLS Ewen In this mofu. Socomoln. Int chnnco you got. md who on. critically. You will no! he urged to buyâ€"n mm an in“. But com. in noon. ._ _ A _. rrxim m sexlle dawn agzun. V Even 7 ‘peck lsmksn up and taken out-«hot ‘ rm: 3:: d up. And. auhc Sé-IY‘C muc. uuh no evm “‘Urh'. ynur turmlurr. wnndwwrk 2rd b rvfwrmd fiums are ed and pu‘nshed. Tn .A .‘ \. Louie. IITAILIINID I07. ‘ floater Wise” Choose An all norfiifiifiSONs The Northwestern Cafe 19 5k. meant-canto Open daily from 6:00 a. m. to 12:00 pan. mm u'n‘ Johns Avenue. opponll. depot i We are now makihg the old-fashioned kind “Like Mothef used to make” and the first of that: $3 We make them all; TaFfies white,’pink and brown. according to flavor. Taffies filled with nuts of all kinds; Cream Caramels, Nougat, and Cocoanut and Peanut Brittle. Or made to order if éesired tities for parties, bazaars, etc .x' juns L. LTDELL <9 County, Illinois Highland Park 5(1) MOLASSES TAFFY Year in Advance FRESH DAILY Mus Helen Rebling of W Central Aw visited friends in Chicago Sunday Mr Frank Matthens o! W. Central Aw is on a business tnp lo Tcrre Haulc. Ind Is on 21 Du Hus “'Ct‘k I LOCAL AND PEkSNOAL news I Miss Ahce Evans returned home Sun day from Columbus. Ohm where she vm: ed relamcs for sm'eral months, Mr. and Mrs. (330‘ Healer of (Humor were the Sunday guests at Mr, and Mrs JJHR‘S Heslcr o! S Urn-n M) Rd Mrs. Kcslcr wt 1J5 Mrhnu-xn N. has bccn 111 {or m:- pm: “um-k H A be around ugam. .\\ nu, {hr PM Mr .md Mrs Hun-'2' N: [hr \\ m-krud gum‘h M! Mr Murphy at “Xmmmdq, II! Shmhcn Mr. and Mrs T!.‘ [(-r Catherine ern the uunn nn F1 Shvnhen (at W {on Mr. and Mr}. W \\ :1'r Mrs. James Bowdcn nluh d: on Sunday and \w rc \irs. “men's sister \Ir< Miss (lenrude‘ and {“hs Harman-t Van Hoese‘n of the ['mn‘rqh «rt Chung“. spent Sunday wnh Mr and ML» H M Van Hoesen on Lincoln Au- Mr and Mrs. Wm. 5 Form-at “III mun hum the huwze on H1 Shcndan Rum! In to thexr ncw home on Mnrumc Rudd and Montgomery Ave. the first of the m-ck Mr. and Mrs‘ D. C‘ Purdy and Mr and Mrs‘ E. M. Laing left this \wck fur l-w‘w phine, Ala. where they WIH spend :hv winter. tri m A two weeks atay .it J:\~('l‘lUr Sprtt‘gx Mrs. E R. West and daughter Dorothy are making a three \xeelx's stay at Wau- kesha, \Vis. _ Miss (irace‘Murphy. “ho has been the guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Henry Schoendorf. while her mother, Mrs. Murphy. was enjoying a trip out west and who returned last week. Will return to her home in Wauconda. lll. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer A. Montgomery have returned to Highland Park after an absence of five months spent on their farm at Chesaning, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. John Glare are expected home the latter part of this week from Atlantic City where they have been spending several weeks. Mr Ftrt‘. is no“ he The house turmerl) run ly)‘ 5 lhle at 316 E Laurel Aw, mg run in connection With Laurrl lnn management of Miss and i.~ under the Laura Kennedy Mr Fred Peterson 0! Higlzmxxl, is ‘erecting a residence on N. Green Bay Rd Mr. John Sobey has returned from a several month: wait mth relatnes in Glenny. Mich. The bridge Club met mth Mrs. Janus W. Prindivnlle Tuesday afternoon. The embroidery class met Wednesdn afternoon with Mrs. W. J. Louderback on 311 Moraine Rd. The class holds fortnightly meetings Wedneadlyu under the direction of Mrs. DeMauriac. The Chicago Symphony ()rcheetra with Glenn Dillard Uunn t‘onducting, gave a toncert at Orchestra Hall Tuesday even Mr. and Mrs. A. Goelitz of Arkansas, have widen the house on s. Judson Ave.. formerly occupied by Mrs. and Mrs. D. Grant of Ravinia. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Hard returned Monday from a ten day’s visit m the east. While away they attended the Yale- Princeton and Princeton-Harvard (00!- ball games. Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Wheeler of Mil- waukee will be the guests over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. H. B‘ Clarke' 0! Central Avenue. Mrs. Eugene Bournique will leave to- day for Maryland to spend Thanksgiving with her son Joy. who attends the Tome School for Boys. in the east. The lecture class under the instruction of Professor John I. Halsey. met Monday with Mrs. [ta J. 6991' on Prospect Ave. The next meeting will be held Monday, Nov, 24. also at the home of Mrs. Geer. MI: and MB. L1 Nn-‘w ,\I numcn n! W Cc Mr .md Mrs H .\l Mri J, M. Tuttle “EH Iv'urx um»! \I in quan- UH Telephone no mdm‘ "as H am and dung}: I Lukr Forml, \urrr w n! .\h\ Il I’ Ihv gun! 1* Murphy W kemml In “Km and 1 Mr. John Salon! 0! imam was “he week-end guest of Mr. and Mn H. ER. London on 31.5mm Rd. 1 11:: Sunday night gathering of me smug people met last week with the gum. London on N. Sheridan Rd. this ”Sana-y mam they will meet vmh M;- ll Marjodc Small. Miu May Johnson of Chicago I: spend- ing this week with Mil Kildred Code 01 Linden Ave. Mr. and Mn. John Bcnion of W path Ave., announce the birth of a born Tunday of last week. Mr. Frank Walker. who ha. been in San Diego, Cal. for the put eleven months returned Sunday ind Is the gum of Mr. Wm. McNanley o! Oakwood Ave. Judge and Mrs. C. F. Fuhback received news of the serious illness of Mrs, Fish» back 3 father. Col. Thoma: Derry, a prominent cilizcn of California Mrs 'Fishback left at once for San l-‘Mnncmo and a telegram from her Tuesday dates that she found her (other bull hung but that the doctors say {here u no hope In! his rccoverv Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Brown 0! Kmenav wood have purchased the house on Lm- coln Ave. formerly occupied by Mr and hits. Geo. E. Sanborn and (axmly A Thanksgnmg seruce “I” be held m the Presbytenan (hurch a week hum (0- day, Nov. 27 at 10 o'clock, The serum WI” not exceed an hour In length. (losing m mm- for those who so demrc lu met! the UH tram Mrs John L‘hrmman u hm has tx-rn \ mt mg relatives and trlcnds xn 1,09 Angrles. Oakland and San Francm‘u, Lulrrurma for some trme returned home 1.1:! week and H sum-rung a severe aumk (-1 the 8“pr The many friends of Human home! are glad tn m htm out attrr .1 ~<‘\ctc‘ IHness dunng the past three weeks Martin ngdahl “as u-xnly Imurrd Saturday when I balky colt upset a tram mg cart and threw hum tn the street Hm head and shoulders wen- hudly hruuwi and h:- uas untunst'mua tnr mmt- tmzr un-kk \NI :1! P‘H'Iuh Lu and [rum thrrr hr vnll g" \lh lnm~.\h.\ "idly wt from a nu; m< Puhbuxgh. l’rnn n: Ml“ Exa M Irhm had Lh hcr uxlrsl\ u: Tnurxda)’ (he .\1I.~>ts Ain‘n All” an Alice Urinkwalcr u? (hungn Mrr‘ J. 5 Hrunn w! l..| Hump», Ind 1 the an»! 1:! l‘x-r daughter. Mn H l Rnhrrh hr wn-ral “rel“ [.1'th- TuLh Shrub” u! lk-rxhrld -\\‘r The Chicago Symphony ()rchfllra wuh Glenn Dillard Uunn tonducting, gave 3 Concert at Orchestra Hall Tuesday cwn mg, Nov. 18th which had for Ni purpose the pnpularuation of Arptrican music With Americans. The compacts or [hr n0Â¥eltlc§ were Mr. George Colburn. 1x1. Sowerby, and Eric Delamarter. punm and Mr Herman Felber. Jr.. \lohnlsL Among the muticnl numben tn a Sympgonic Poem, “Spring': Conquest by (konze Colbum. The North Shore Chapter I), A. R. "I” give a stereopticon lecture at the Elm Place auditorium on:Wednesday. Decem- ber 3 at three o'clock. The lubn-(‘t ml] be "Historic Spot: in the ColomllStxtea.” The receipt: will be given to the Elm Place school for l historic picture or lantern slide. The Insurance Adjuster! having com‘ meted their work. Mr. M. Lencioni begun (hm week to replir and r26! the Victom restaurant, recendy damaged by fire. MT. Lencioni expects to reopen the place some time next mt. \l \h Mr .l'lh' Tvd‘ '|1\\.Un!ur \I{‘ i \lux.: .n >161 nu g. \\ ho “(Hutu H {h Ix" \ . tn‘ Stuart Brown of Rawns Mr ~d.l\' h. .\r\\ \uvk the n \ptmux In ILH .am ‘ On Thu-d" “tomcat. Nov. 130-; Mb Tony limo! hm. Inna. an “naked in m to Ernai W ‘0! thin city. Mr. .nd NEW: m inhomeuZZSC-rccn Bayloud. ! Mr. Ind Mn. Geo M. Millard. ream” ‘ot Hughllnd Park. who have wen! the ‘ summer In Wutcm Canad- mdSouthcm ‘Cali'orml. are spending a few dnyn with 'Mm Geo. W. Hum of W. Cemnl Ave. .Mr. and Mn Millard are to nil on the ,Mayesuc [or Eumpe. Wedneoday. Upon the” return lhcy vull rcude m Paudmt. CAI qumeM the vane-in 0! camp com-4 I 90"! "*0! home my a: Dccrlick I'm In node! deMn Rhoda 0‘ C1“- leAl-_J uw hut-r" affirm» 3min of kud Park an am the M“ Among (ht many benuniul floral lnbuln at (he mnernl of Mrs J P Smnh “n I wremhti tact m diameter nn an and 1mm the employee. of 1hr} P.5muh Shoe umzpany 01 Chicago I! conuatrd u! bronze magnolia lean-s unh gun”! and yellow pearl chrynmhcmums. It “an. by many. conndcred one u! the mm! beaumul finial chflnS WI] hen- Ind was turnlshed by the Highland Park Green Houses Lester Levin was unc u! the new thralrc'l le number Ind that n! (hr r uhu m-rc abnul [hr hrs! IX‘JH‘C smw 1hr ”pt-mug p .pqu “nth [hr ngr ax 'I he .mic! mm on Mu! “mu-m MHHAH and hnv u~uc~i mutahmsf to be held at the A. adrr nrmnu .\\~\ .‘Hh hull (\rnmfl ((‘M W 'I he humeral M‘Hur Ma} >ucnncr Sum}. and daughter n1 ”w l u! Um'axu urrc Mid .\v\ 1" (1! MM) (“1‘ hurm‘ an 9 m urd .nwmbi) h-m \ \(‘X\ rmrrmmmg lush [Human “.13 Hmh'lmf \ Mum! (:1 H4 r1uu..fx:.~ n! I? h:n!ru-s!1ngduh Lathe! an~ ”pt-71111 l‘it Mic-[Hum “I”! a talk an 'lrhh Hmtm- 1 Hr ” I'hllllp prdrl n! L'flu‘ hum! [n.|\('(1 sworn] lnsh M'ln hung I'l Ur puml Hum Mlldn-d “rhh .md {~1th k'ng (inmrd u lntlc lush dance \cx) pxctlaiy ahnmpdmrd by Mm 1.1m: Marshall .1! (he pmrm H1xk~ Hpt'hrd 1‘}! an 'lrhh Hmtm- l :‘ L'flu‘ l'mrM pun“ hung “I t“ A ;»:.'m: At the rcgular met-1mg ml the Wumnzl'. Cwu‘ Club ul Rumi- lu-ld len' attrr noon In the Iwmbly room of tlu- school hnuse Mrs L‘ M Cartwright ul Eumfitun and Mrs Lit-hr ul Wmnetkl, spukt on thr suwat pertaining to cuoperanon tx- 'll‘rtl‘. xhuol board and ((mununlt) Mr; Cartwright pnnrd hcrull an mtrr tstmg talker and a \mman [warned of Ideas and Idrals and n nonmdcrnblr .srnsc- ul humnr Both uomc-n npoke largcl) of personal cxpcncncr In their wparatc commumtxm ml mtual laIlurc-s and 8\' hncxcmcnts nprncnad m then ctturtu tnunrd tumplrtr harmuny and undrr Handing lxtwcrn parrot; trachrn. (lul- drm and school board Mn Letbrr speaks wlth Iurrty and kmmlrdgr, to!“ mg I: ll]! duct tromncommumty “here the Iork u! cooper-Inc Idcu hu been carried on nearly to rompletnon and her talk Ir“ very helpful to the anmu community when muth Ilrcldy u bung dunc and mm: bung planned and worl- c-d toward. A lncl) 1nd mtcmtod dll cuungm followed, muny unIUlXII bung asked both :pukcn regard"); way: and means. dxtficuluu encounter“! Ind suc- cesxo stunncd‘ The Educational com~ 1‘30 INJm‘aH k1..'- vfl rli :ta ”gain! luring! !! «win .HtrInv-nn Min nembl) hm: \ u-n rx Human “.13 H‘HAR‘II'U \ [Mmflx rs u! I? h :mru-sxn {nk‘ ”pt-71111 l‘it nth-1m ll .‘|_ I. ...‘_v v.|\n1‘ u-‘m m'lrhh ”Mm-127*” cesxo Iltllnté‘ The Educational com~ mmec of the Woman'ICiwco Club whwh I’ll m churn: o! the program n to be congratulnted on I very interesting cher- H HIthzmd Park Club ngh Stihoul Nuhis \Voman's CIVICS Club [Us fin on Mu!) sun-r Mrs L Obituary Imgr audu-m :- nnc of [hr tratuns DUI I»! mum. hu (hr nrmnrnmrdmns. tun! that hzuc ap ‘mnx prmmg rqualh nun Hu Hugh \(r.« ‘h nut-chug \\« N hm.) HI I "I“ XI h $1111 Shore Trust Company State Bank (111(1) be obtained by installing an Everson Flhcr, pnce . . > ln'stallatmn $1, complete 311. Money bank any firm m .50 days xf not satisfactory. Let us Install one )r you ’r. H. DECKER co. .5 Dyers agghgleaners (L In thef selection of an investment “Sakai Fit-It" should be the prime oonsidetation. (L The First Mortmeo secured on imâ€" proved income producing real estate, . which we offer to investors have the i erit of this important factor. £11 or send for list of mortgages naming the _ mount you wish to put out. This is a favorable _ ime for investment as a six (6) per cent HM: rc- urh can now be obtained. ‘: A INCORPORA TED 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Telephone W Put 265 Why not have your clothing renovated here this week and give our WUl'k a fair trial 7 ()ur CLEAMNG AM) Dram; of ladies' and gcm's garmrnls, oriemal mgs, carpets. poniers, draprrws. piano covers. lace (unains, etc. cannot be duplumed by any local cleaner, as we have the LARGEST and most SANITARY plant in the West. .4 wagou will (all for and delivrr your gammts Even if You Have No New Clothes for Thanksgiving EARL \V. USE 3. wt, .3. w? Bring your prescription to u: and you get results that you have cx'ery right to expect from your doctor's careful diagnosis. ( ()ur drugs :u‘v puma full Stn-nmh :md conmouudvd m: wnimu to scicnu‘ ARTHUR W. VERCOE. PURE WATER MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 2123-2133 Lincoln Avenue. CHICAGO Lincoln - 1948 Div The value of human life is recognized in the motto of the new crusade “Safcty Fm”. State Bank Capital 3 100,000 Highluld Plrk. Ill. was“. Plumbing and Heating [’H.\I(\l \(‘IST um! \HH xrsmrr {hr nrunrs: (:1 any garment turn h_\ turn on “omen bend ut a sum 3 gnwn m anythma you quld hkr In “on! Thanksgn mg 1m) Our Cleaning Cashier SEND IT NUW >I.1 Yul? \A IL.“ um I Junk 39 qn. 'h and Divoruy Ll, Ill 8152

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