Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 25 Dec 1913, p. 2

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N Mrs. J. Van Evera will enlertam the Sunshine Circle and the O. H. 335 unIIhc evening of Dec. 30th at her 'home on Green Bay Road in compliment to Mr. Howaré ’ is: who is home frbm collme for the ys. Mn. F Y. Cain of Ravinia is to was a great give the 'ear's’e‘y‘; chilgiten party . cleamed $48‘ at Hull House. Chicago. I ‘ i for encylopa Mrs Henry 8, Clarke emanained a number of young people frorfi three to six o'clock at the Highland Park Club last Saturday afternoon for her daughter, Marie and her son. Harry 8. Clarke. J r. Last Wednesday evening Mrs. Samuel F. Knox entertained at dinner gjx young people for her daughter. Eunice Knox. Mrs. Seilar Ballard entertained infor~ malty at bridge last Saturday afternoon for Mrs Gerard Van Schaick's sister. Miss Morel, of Savanah, (‘13.; 'who has been the house guest of Mrs. Vad Schatck for several weeks. maIIy at 21 (Matt. noon of last week This week's social calcnt’lar' has been gay with events and still gay-er mll be the next. T.l€‘ card party gist-n Mon- day afternoon by Mrs. Lloyd M Bergen and Miss Kathleen Bergen \\ JS'I delight- tul affair. Among the out-oi-tonn guests were Miss Hart at Western Springs. Miss Carlisle of Riverside. Miss Liiiia'n Ander- son of Rogers Park. formerly 0! Highland Park. Mrs. Van Poole of Boston, Miss Forbes of Evanston. Miss Davidson of Chicago and Mrs. Alan Mt‘Farlcm of cm- cago, and Miss Bradley of Ottawa. lowa. who are the house guests of Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Bergen, 0n the evening of the 22nd Mrs. w. E. Ten Broeck was hostess at a Dutch supper to thirty or 'thirtyhve people of the young boy and git! set for W. feanTer. Broeck and son John. Those asSisting Mrs. Tgi Broeck were Mrs. Jameson and Miss Kennedy. Later the guests attended the .informal dance at the club and were much interest ed in the “Viennese Hesitation Waltz". illustrated by Joan Sawyer and Wallace McCutcheon With motion pictutes. This evening will be the annual Christmas dance at the club. Among those enter- taining preceding this affair will be the Misses Maritirie and Dorothy Loiudon who will give a buffet supper to a number of their friends. Saturday evening the twenty- seventh the Junior cotillion' 'will take place. Among those entertaining at buffet suppers before attendingjthe dance will be Mrs. William French for her daughters, the Misses Miriam‘dnd Mary French who will be hostess to about six~ teen guests. Mrs. Bowen Sghumacher will entertain a number of the young people complimentary to Mi”, Frances Small and Mr. Frank Wymondi A large progressive dinner WI“ be given by Mrs. Paul W. Chapman, 328 E. Laurel Ave. on the evening of December the 27th. There will be thirtylour guests present. Mrs. Edward F. Carry. 1100 Lake Shore drive, gave an opera party last ESaturday afternoon at the matinee performance of "Faust" for her older daughter Ermina. who is home for the holidays from West~ over Academy. and to schoolmates of the ' young lady. who are the house guests at the Carry residence. Mrs (hrry has planned a number of partiesf for the young tolk. among them a teadance the afternoon of the 24th. The hours are from four to seven o'clock. 7 to Miss Hazel Wells. Mr. tun, lonn l Deerfield Ne Mrs. W'. A. \Vhiting v hostess at the tire hund home Tuesday evening Pettis was awarded the: l-I Knickerbocker the set phine Woodman the thiri Hottua the COBSOlJIIUn p Mr. and Mrs. H Knigg parents of a baby boy. b. Dec. thh. Miss Viola (lraves of F the Weekend guest of Mi The regular monthly 1 Mu Sigma Chi Will be hel of the Misses llorenlierg 'ning. The Sunday school t Holy Cross church willi gram at the residente ot l-‘riday afternoon. \u-uui mi 1 11L. Rllk‘lllt' Wells' hm Miss lrene Hutclmon w Mrs Ralph King o! Wauk Miss Lillian Egart of Cl guest of her aunt. Mrs. FM The bakery sale gin-n Society ot the l’resbyteriti. day atternoon at the resid P. Hutchison was pronot as $18.35 was cleared Mr. Roy Hutt‘hison was Miss Isabel Kist of Wilmei Miss Christ Duffy i0 ver' Mrs. J. C Ender and Mr tertained Mr. and Mrs. \ Highland Park Sunday. I Antes leave next week [or Miss Ruth Reichelt enter ber of friends from Liberty Forest last week. Mrs. Reit'helt, Sr. has tions for a children's party 33. from 4 to 3.3!) p. m, The Teachers Training c no meeting Christmas week again Monday, Dec Will of Moses “()n Nebo‘s Lone was read by one of the iiiei meeting last week which ln:1\nc "a .L- I x i .. The Chz‘ismzn spmt 1~ abroad and the young penplc of the distant schmls and colleges Hr:- rqmcmg m'cr this? “get to« gether" days again‘ Chrzstmn “me is always a pernd of unusual such] chn'm' and this year prdmmvs (u .vixtstrzp .1“ others in It: mulhphcn) at cutatmmncnt ()ur snmvfali m» first at tin.» week addcd much joy to the alrrndy happy bt‘ans of the youngsters. Although Puk km: its hlgh Am mg {hr Lugv firm!) (Imam-m lxghts or gaycly this Ch“sl;1‘..l>_ “rek. it mun-s w»)! be that u! the Hume 13PM) also has Its shadows. Ilrcember n1 19H which celebmtw Hm ymr 113 sixty-thud m1} rcmam dark m the K?'{€Zd\ for nmny .mmml (human sfumm Mus 'l‘cnzplv because of the solemn \mmr Dgalh “In; 5. Huvne Mll haw the gathering at her tamed among us Ihcn That ~0me 0: us home In Hnghlemd Park. 406 E. Laun-l dance on IS no Sign that nur hejan‘ 4n- Aw not bearing m wupatz'y “uh ”10>C “fw Mr and Mn Emil Rudulph mun-named mourn. I' u .L. n 7 , Elisha Morgan entertaihed infor ‘t a three~table bridge Fridayafter The Social Side of Life To OurLazmdry and Dry Claiming Patrons You have made this year a notable one in our historv by the volume of business with which you hawe favored us So over whelming have beenlthcse evidences of your confidence and approul that 'at timeo. wan all our 1a: whey and best efforzx we have been unable {b make deli» cues as promptly as we haxe planned. These deli” we haxe regretted even more (h m you who h‘vefiisplgfiyi 36 courtm and yatfunck under such (r) "‘8 COOdIIIOdS' I. ~ '0' . u. o' . .c- .‘u' -~' 2 For this generous patronage we want to thank you and Wlsh you on behalf of the. The Reliable Laundry and us flllpknlca A Very Merry Chrntmas and A Happy dud Prosperous Nev. Year '5 0. G St. Peter S. A 51 Peru Jocul Affairs of the week B\ the (Hm-nu cleamed 548.1719 money will ix de i {or encylopedias and school supplies Miss Leila Glynch left Sunday iillt‘l- noon for her home in Wauconda. Mr. Emory Whiting spent Christinm’ thh his father. Mr. Richard Whiting The children of the village were pleas- antly surprised when Santa Claus visited them at Antes’ store Friday [afternoon 0n the arrival of the 3 o‘clock train Santa Claus as he got off was met by a number of youthful enthusnasts who with loud cries of joy heralded to all the CUUHA try side that Santa Claus had arm ei‘, His young friends theniescorted him iu‘ the store where he heard the [wants of every child and presented each one wnh a beautiful box of Christmas candy The box social at the Saugatuck Schuw' was a great succees. Miss Ruth Rachel: Mrs. Reichen. Sr. a Jr. attended the lecturr tessorl of Italy at th‘ Fnday afternoon. The Teachers Tralmng class mll hau- no meeting Christmas week but WI“ meet again Monday. Dec 2"”) The Burlal of Moses “()n Nelxl‘s Lonely .\l0untam" was read by one ml the mambo“ at thc meeting last week whsch finished the lessons on the Me of Muse.» Mrs. M. J. Clark spent the latter part of the week Wllh her daughter. Mus Elizabeth Clark of ln'mg l'ark (Ions for a ch1'dren'< party Tuexiny 133. from 4 to Slit) p, m, tertained Mr‘ and Mrs. Wm. A Highland Park Sunday: Mr (H AntES leave next week [or Flnrld‘ Miss Ruth Reichelt entertained Miss Irene Hutchmm was the- guest of Mrs Ralph King 0! Waukegun last week. Miss Lillian Eight of Chung“ was {hr guest of her aum. Mr»: Fred H )renfx-rger. The Sunny schm Holy Crass churrh v gram at the resndrm’u Friday afk-rnuon‘ The regular manthly meeting 0! [hr Mu Sigma Chi m“ be held at (h: hmm- ofrhe Masts florcnbcrgrr l-‘nddy eve mng. Miss “012: (lraves of Forest (lien was the weekend guest of Mus Mane Krcss Mr‘ and Mrs. H Knlggr rm- rh parents of a baby buy. born ch DBL“ 17m Mrs W A. \\ hmng was a dellghnul hustess a! the me huz drcd nub at her home Tuesday evening Mrs hmnln Pems was awarded the first pnze, ‘Mrs E chkerbocker the seomd. Miss Jose phme “nodman (he third and Mus Mary Huttua the consolatwn pnzc eerfield News Items \Irs Elmer Skui'wm- rururtmmd Il'm Huhrv club on Mummy. x‘xr‘nsng Mr and Mrs. F P. Kenna!) «)1 SN? Mn'hIan Ave. entrrtmnrd hmrlrrn mm!) at dmncr UL Fwd» m \ \fizpllnzvnt lim‘ Hazel Ruth“: an} Mr (filth-rt Wells. Mr. We”:~ ho'm- 15m Burlmg inn, Imul Mr and Mrst Emil Rudulph mun-named muffin-n KUL‘SI:~ :n >C\(‘H n \Rm k (hum-r on Tucxdu .13 .1 u‘lcbm'lv-z‘. tn zhclr .wm wedding unnlxerurv. Thr Iublr “.l~ armmndl)‘ drowned m hull)‘ and mistletoe, ctr. all Hi kwggmx \Allh the 36.150“ Ammg {hr Lugv firm!) Umst mun-s w»)! be that u! the Hum: 13 which celebmtw {hm year It: Sixty-l A) sd‘un)’ L‘hl.‘dfrf\ 0! (hr hurrh NH KHt‘ a mu: pnu sale gin-n by the Dory and Mrs, Rmchelt. In,“ Jrr by M me. Mon “-1 f, the Illtnuls thmtxc Hl-u and Mrs 1.: Pvlr rn- Mrs. Wm. Antes or 14): Mr and Mrs .‘C'n mr Flnrlda. . ax I‘sucd ,Im Ira ’t M! J C Ender tamed a num \zHc .md 1.3km- are the happy 'dnesday I )t‘\ {i5 wlfo- nu.” down uHh .Ymu .umt W III-um (u “'mquth tn Ill-'1" In ". (hwu- «mum and no [u unl‘n-r H n vL-u fwmurru-n (lmrnlm: “Nth \[:‘~ 1“] 'u-' hath runuht ho-r 1‘ [hr t-n‘\ I. Hm “urn! lu “’n‘h ln-r (u .- u :w .m1 l .11“ ‘ wnln-lliwl “Nb H " 'I‘un \I'.-"~ v'o-V ln- mmlq- ll1~' vutr)‘ HI h1~ m ‘r\ "'l‘rnuhlvd. ulmnt 3 In tho mornm'.’ with my “MN culling ln-r mum uy :uvl rhlm! hn-r‘vlf In no \H'h hr? urn-h nlur-md tn L'XIHH‘T M.” drw u m- I: who Jill. and I lrmxhlul hr 1! far (war of any hurt KflillL' «brand a“ ru-Hrnm [lawn-mm: tn hair, but i tn aim-p "gun .\".1~~ M11110 hulm- "hot!!! '1" umrml in: Hf U RIM th» limit of nluur-lll)‘ In this «‘urinm nrt WM nrlmwml by Hh- mun. :In “ha vompmwl n whuh- Pyrlr' in bar «In-p 0n nwnkmg ah:- fnmu! m l! d).- mum rvmemlmr unly 1hr w-numlhm 00!)le .‘I‘HH‘KII Kmkum. il’)!’ h)- nm.» h. nun nun-r"! (11mm tum-no :uul Int-d u} watn (men run-mu] lu)‘ [hr dmth at .1 ”var rc-Intiun \u tln- d.u\ nun- an Mi duprn-utnn un-w, nn-I hp “Jun-d tn nut of? the dam-:- ”h mm l“\il):t"t’1‘ him but that night tlw (In-um www- :11. um! the damn n' unn tlu-n [autumn-d "The m-xt morning the pout brought nrws ur the lllllth'n dunth at the hut! *h‘tn-r at Lulwn- with uhum l [and «tap-d on my way tu I'mnuwznr" Many po-nph- h.|\'9 Iln-Jnu-d poo-try In tlwlr MH-vp Tha- hind-m ('hruuh'le toH‘ of nm- Imln “bu DI'ULI' from I vlrt'nm with tho- twm- utn-nmInz down hh (av-es at ”M- pathun u! the Ruhr“); luwsz Popyl on May Dow In PI mw‘ Hun- \l.I\ drv -\\ rum-rut! {nun Hu- :r.«~~ nrmm: nml vthnlh K Hf \ln) thy .\\ u hu‘ '\ “why.- Urn-n nnd )rnwrv H)’ (M‘ writ-Im- the [N- ku-l- II! (In- )lelL: prunmh-r I‘o‘rv‘ win-LAM“ In} 3‘)! (h.- an-r hu- hm! wry-nu! mm ‘Htlv K‘Hlll' of (hnn'o- run! \n-rn- [wr Ta (1) MIL-{19d “uh Hu- um-rnllnn, mu: [he [Indium-u homw wn- Ilhu-“l-v- wt)! fh-d \‘vl sumo- gnwplr whn hm:- heard 0! ”w Irmumlhnn are- 1"ng "In lhv puma: m...» lvr upon In um um. mm for NI um!hmh’."'â€"».\'cw Yuri Sun 31f. ”udgklns 0! North (Muhna pfr ed at {he nmrnmx wrucc In 1hr Pu [6mm Churph Sund‘n Mr ”1.5),; durum his 52.1) m Drum-3d wanthv g of Ur. ILIHI G‘vo Ham H.” I Chane. And Thu Chnp The Chriumu program of the Pmby- (trim church was one of the best ever presented by the Bible xhool. Each elm was represented m a tong, dqugue or dnll An enghxecmhcemur) L'hnumu play was given by M)» Emlhe Kntak's class enmk-d "A Christmas Guest" A large offering “as taken in: fun-um mu lions. Mn. Rcu‘hcll's SIT: (1:53 gau- (cn dollars which they had came-d and [an large [nuts “err {MGM-d \nih gm: tor ()hvct Mignon w) ~ A meeting at (he m of the Free- bneriu and United Bvuulficd church. was held in the former chuck Seturdey I. evening to consider the condidnuon d: the three Proud-n churches in a union! chumubutowincmmeoppodfion ol 0 cl um“ minority in the United Evangelical 0! church the mamman’on of the wishe- in o! the majority wu deferred until a mm H propmous eeuon b. H. hr. ILnu M! .md MIR 4“" MI 511 .‘ JUVENILE HIGH FINANCE. H M“ lwll_1[ \\Cq1k~r mm thron- \\n‘ku-r “1W (um 331-mvlrx 1...; In lhlnk SUIIH‘HIJT‘ m II.- THE HIGHLAND PARKPRESSHIGHLAND PARKIUJNOIS SINGULAR DREAMS. I‘Ile‘ YU u _}P\\¢n \\ hwn- hw had ”dung (PM! .( ‘i‘ (I' (h:- ‘vrmhh-Jl (“filth-HI 4 In» Will Own (ha World HI. '11' I rev 9) cg n Ill-'1" In «- :Hlllo-F H |‘- v10“ .1. \l:‘~ T'l 'u-r *nn‘\ '1; h: i" ‘u v u ('D .m1 I I‘\\ n \.-,.~*~ ,v..r h-H Huh haum n hm \ gun-d :Ilnl ll‘u‘ II: “It” dullh Hf Mn \(Mr { tho H“ \\ \V . m-n [hr ,. «Jila‘~1."l» .,{ ‘ler “tn-H \IH "I|’Ihf'r1' "1-" I! n w! “MHHIHM nuuh fur Pu-r "l Ind?) n! Hun“ " “\ H .‘H’x [\o-v‘lvvu-l'“ I" Mlvllnl .‘l:1\HIH~' H H Md r\tt'{ul In HI! 0” i- Hnmzn run-"19mm “kw Hm sh nztm u.’ A «Pug :‘t awn i'lnmhm- nn (no mm rm n “1- hare mun-.1 “\vr Culendn' tnlk \ :u "H urri" n‘f 1'4 :1 E. Z... :11; :2 1:“... Z" r, ._,. _ 1L; LL12 _ :1. :71: .1; _ 7.2:; 3:: _.. 7.; 4.1.2.: nlf‘h lwug. In uh “I! n! Inm‘mem “zn -V-«~1|.I.. [nun-d In Hui-w MM ”4.“.- !u mlznm \ I‘M-r 'vn'y Wuhan-I" o-nlJH- Thu-n unv n-‘o-riing “I ‘72.} ”J" "Rlduuh 1H I-hti’ n INN-r rwlm-‘Hng rm lllh'."\"0“l Mr- Hnun duh kvm 1h» nmmlmmrnt and :meumi Vw' hu-hrm-l lh- hm! tu-«n "Hm: )n dhrnlw In (hr Kumr numb huh/ml .'l L'u- lluw. In» vxpluim-«i and mevm; .1 (w-nc- n'\r up.“ llw mun- “10'! r- 1.! hf: nih- H II unld HIM 1h! numhwl I'u' p'q- [ho-.1 ham-Hy mm n" «n; 1rd thinn thnvinrd In: In I '. m- |.> that h» hm! h]. n--n-r (‘ulllr Hm ”041"“! 1‘0“ l‘ Tin-n f Km [H.H mun.” thv (~ unmnx Hum [Pu-m up f1! [ml-or MM all Tn im- Tug-'1 mums and mum: hl’v‘uih Tho-'1 lhn huadnmn and hh er~ rmhw! rurunnl um» hm: H. 'UTL' 'l nil (In-1r a 2M [In \|\ and (U “1 k :1 !m w. m“! I :1 Km (HI- I I h Fly Paper Cnught nnd Held Mu Mov “or Man Enters Helpful 'muomwmmw-owuud On In “my. flu. and pedal-ti] .uud. gem abl- wm pow-r [mph In“ In m ‘ obIHnu‘yf Manh- Malone. after work in: three your. for Ma. leby. up pared one morning at Mn. Wllwn't back door and Ipplled fur I pluv. I J i a “I M'H'Hu Illu- (Hvl Ishr- uh! n.1- uwnwd r "“32"" \Iu “1 "\fi .m Ihllh' I‘\[ Pu'q‘ |' \\‘ I")! [Mr 9‘ (h MN I an: Hui}: l'l:l1~ 13w uln‘ H "Why." and (be nurpriwl Mrs “‘11 sun. "I thought )ou were uurhng to: Mr: nub,"- "I III. mum Bu! l'w- qull " “ls Hut so?" Mr- WHmuI mum not run on! her .nrprnu- "I though! you HLml )n-r ' Th. Only Cum. lid-pug: made It ho-r prnufr and a“: Innnwna In htnr uhnlm»! uh m “at! “III-[1w] H In! A m m’ ‘lmLo'n- m din-nun M: \In hulflwrv‘ rumplullu-d In hm \ w! lznuumm Mr‘ Nun-pup “m- !nr hur "l lmu- It, In” \o-r) n! Ulnv~ " “\tht (in )an (In full . [\o-v‘lvVu-“H ‘ “1.\ I Innr |H‘\ ' u! mutiny ,; Hm! dhl nu- ux.‘ Hm \At'pl In 3- 1.. l-wl nnd mw-[I H ll QUEER TRAP FOR LIONS Danger Not lmmmont. .ucw'ul D Vgr, Strung. 1‘! If H‘l-Hlnl)’ H I \wx “ml lunk ufh-r h-l Hn-n- l “um W WERE SNOW“. lmlml I do. mum will H. CM Mind rrl ' ‘HI ,\1 "\ H..- \uth l. H hv-ud- ’1 In- Hum prnm I'Mht huuum ln-lng- un rluh‘lfurl ln 5:0! I‘ll, I" hum-d uH-r Ind mm nu ruamm and nunmx HI \Aq. Inu' m u! ("‘urw \\ .n H ntmk m IH' I mm. H ‘- um- Hum; I\ v I umrru-d y [ml u Illu- (H'I In Iu numnx Hum “In! Hm! ’4‘” 1H 'Y 1h In! * l “:1“! In \.‘|;¢\c' Amp u! Inn \\ .u-r n. Way I!“ h,..- In! {l um) .\ nu'r. mg"! ~H bun“ 1h oupponrnnco km rhruq. 1 Y In ”I“ l'H‘ Hr Ifhy um” Hurt In lhu-n In-n HIM Inw‘ {am in [In-1' Hum [mum-1‘} mm!" 1m. Iu\ \ l‘r I! In." ln'\ v- IMHHI 1m; her \uH {HI-dun I: -1]. tnm ”(also ”tr ”,0 (If? uh ll HEAT FOR SALE ...,‘4 ”A: .:.\n"r\ V \UL (111“ \w r" 4.; r: "wu' a \t‘!\ (1“ 1.1;” xv”: “me-u \nlh u>XMSIMI -'\ ‘h-. 's Sobcy '5 Sanitary Shop Y-l-_L--‘ AQI 4‘5 1h hr! ‘I .m! H HI. L'Ill :th «I hl Ill Highland Park Shoe Repairing Shop (Let us repair your shoes. ()urprices are the lowest and our work the best and absolutely guaranteed. (Don't throw away your old shoes. rubbers, tires of all kinds. Clothes. etc, we'll buy them and pay you a good price. We call for and de- liver goods when desired. Tele- phone us and we‘ll attend to your wants promptly. North Shore Auto Transportation Co. St. Johns Avenue Adephone 57 JAS. c. BOYLAN, North Shore Fuel Supply Co. OUR CHRISTMAS SALE ALSO DEALERS IN LUIBKK. BUILDING “TERM” FEED prompt l0 vour heating plant le: us send our coal expen It [nu are not gemng guaranteed COAL 101' mm parthular needs arr prepared to WIN \nu pmmpjb‘ “‘th Luge steam plan! Mr make-s no dmrx‘rnu- \Khrthrr \uu (”grate LElIERIROS..A¢auf«KlSS£la-IFORDCARS We intend Continuing both policies and will welcome the new friends we have made this L'hriStmas and the old friends we alwavs had. Phat 1s lust \A'ha! \w an plrpm'erM at?” WE ADVERTISED IT i his because we carried the best stock in the history of the store and WE KNOW THE REASON '. (all on \‘uu ()ur dvhvenes are very ______________*# 108 W. Central Ave. Have been the greatat in the history of our store and we Out of town Moving with Auto Truck and “r GUARANTEE Ru Wmmn 230 N. St. Johns Ave. '. g the bestwrcsult: from smnH bay burnrr‘ we “1 My.“ ‘ Through the Holidays [lirhh elephone (.OOD MEAT HF “11. 9» 431433 rupph \‘(m «

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