Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 25 Dec 1913, p. 4

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THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS I LOCAL AND PERSONAL ifivs PIBLLSMEU \VEEKLX ! at Highland PAI'IM l“; Tch-phnnc Min: Price 51.50 P" tha- ;u q mm: .x: the M1 uf M "h REAL SATISFACTION @ \thi\l‘n' You must use )u-rmnm u; V‘ have real ‘dustmg satisfacnon'. ‘ You cannot get Nu-E‘iui-h results without Nu-Fini-h. Every user becomes an en- thusmst. A tnal ml} comings _ you it has no equal. uu-nmsl is a arvelous dustinz- ,4' cleaEnd lishmg hv ' uld. '1! I! you just us! in the usua| way-- / but what a dxfierence! No dust flying m the . _ room to settle down I ah. Everv Ipcckurahen up and ta en'out» not just stirred up. And. a! the name lime. , with no extra work. your furniture. woodwork npd hardwood floors an cleaned and pomhcd. Try a lie bottle. ‘ITAILIOICD I07 I 1 IS ‘IrV ‘ c ‘ ‘ uid. “a “go! us! in the u but what 1 ¢ No dust fly! room to set Ipcck u rah: jug: wrred L wuh no ext __.J_..â€"l. 1 Northwestern Cafe THK'RSDAY n1: PURwa" SONS Will Dine with Us Today “How Shall we Have Better Churches‘in Highland Park?” 'ifiuptist (31mm) III! [um I"!!! “Should We Make New Year's Resblutions?” “A Church for All the Peopk" HERBERT FRANCIS Sunday, Highland Park Hotel First 33mm (limb 11:30 to 3:30 Price 50 cents Mrs. M.Sim111ers That our sauce am by the higher priced announce: it will me I SpecialFullCourse q,- Avcmw who didn‘t cakje to go to the trouble of preparing dinner themselves Many Others Know This H mconvonnto Open daily {mm 6m (14“ [)klk'EMNiR u-Fini-II to satisfaction. Nu-Fiuilh Nu-Fini-h. 7:45 p. In- Alums!" Proprietor ll s will be their first perhaps and so they will learn what q juus Kc kuun H vppnvh- (35" “('1 « UL1\ZX‘.\, .\l! ‘9“ III AdViM‘t oi .\lmm-.v,\nl,~. Mr and Mn ( wt \lxanukcc, \\ \u‘x-k 0! Mn Lu w \‘m.’ ".'."'..J! MK 1. )1. and“ cunt}. “1| Mud l‘ul‘k LG 330 EVANS and cuisine arc equalled unlx ged xestaumms mt thc 1m L'm,|.L 191 Mr and Mn .\1 L L “111 (x m: s,“r1‘. """ ~ .; Mr (mung: Lnnzud m V MTS,UCOF}Z(‘ I) “few”? .! L'hnfl‘n UH 5U!\-'..I\ «I: .\II\ and Mr. Hernmn Brmxn wt urmt Fall~ hun‘r-r‘x Mm~ 'r.n Mont. were the \uk end g ran ”1 Mn \ Mar k l’ [1 George Campbell \11‘ :~.n.;.m :\ x I Dr. and Mrs B \ Humflmx h-tt “mi H'I‘H‘N'i '\ 13“ “’1‘ nesday to spend I‘m Lhnslx h “wk Nudrni willir‘rrn‘ \th Mrs Hmmlh-x‘m parvnh, Mr .n.“ I’Vuli‘W'Y "1 1-“: Mrs. W. R Schrli «)2 Fun dLl LA" “h Mn lf'w. Rm-se 1h:- Jumor \uxmarx n! the ipmupd. 'I-r wh’n \1~1 :Church met at the home or Mr; \\ J \ U’UIH) N “ :[UUdCrbaLk Saturday atmmm Xur the M: .md Mn f ipurpose o! filling shxkings m xnd m t! 1 .4 \\ ..;.k(-g.m .11.:1 :nnsalon In Chicago. Among those prewn' wt! hr qursh me 'wcre Sarah Louderback Shallne Dans Rw'se". .in hUHN' {Marion Nonross. Murxcl Payne. hulyn M, and Mn J Lam-.- \hn- Card L‘alhermc Card. Him (”11”, _\\(. “I”, Mr). T. Lemmm \\I‘ (or .mpcmhcms M‘YUY.‘ Iurnrd hunts Sumhy A mu-l)‘ . 1H Mr‘ Rub”! 8!: the holldays tron liamstown. H.153 josephme S‘dlcy Muss Florence Shcixon of Mnramc Kn who has been “sum; for several nmntm m Atlanta. (.21., returned Sunday In her home. Mlss Dorothy Mitchell mu spend the holidays With her patcnts. Mr, and Mn J. J. Mitchell 0( Roger Williams Au- 1Mm Mitchell attends the lk-Kdlt) .‘mr , mal school. Egypt. wmter 1n Empn MIN .1 l’alesunc. ML Fred I’hpr w been the huuw gum: of Mr and Mrs J c vme [)rn'e Mr Frank R Hum lctx Ln: v spend Chnszmm m Ur» \Inln(-> to be vulh hnlmtx- and lum- dd who went an 191' In Ht" 1'. wrath wnh Mrs Bunk .anm-r urmla holiday seasnn Mr and Mrs Wu P famxly have Yaken Ihr hu ocruplcd by Mrs. Maud H Moraine Road Mr. and Mrs, Enul Ruduip their guests over L‘hrmtzr Mrs. Albert Heller and .\1 Steele of Chlcagu, Frank Gallagher and M operated on last week hr the Augusiana hospital The telephone glrls unnuumc {heir .m nual dance a! Ravnma Park Casmn Mr Wednesday. January 3151. Pruchard : Orchestra ml! furnish the music “uh In Mr. and Mn V Washington. MN for an cxu-ndrd v Mrs. Paul L. L'dcl Axenue. The Ynung Mum Park annnunvc Hu- u :1 gm (1.1th hr SM: R‘nanm I’nrk L‘mmr» Mr and Mn L1H: I'i Nvmh thuygn “:1 4.5013!“ IL Chrw Mu Hum 'i .\I m p m .\I 1\\1 rs‘ W M. Bennett of Iunr, arnvrd SJturday evcmng M Halt “11h thelrdaughh-r 'rlo-lf .nd 3.” . MI W \ ".r' AK" “:1. '4 Mn Huh md H .' mm; a" huuw wnduzhy .1! ph ulll haxr A» 1‘3.“ Mr and H: and Mr- [.udi-m u rrr . 1 “trim I! Hm Shdr; 5H” daughu-r H yum-ll» u... Hound Kuhn. who «nod-collect in DeoMoius. lovl “ W '°' 'h' holiday: Mr George [inch-hard in Providence. R l on bu the holidays wnh ha ; Mrs. George P Englrhal Place Mr. and Mrs He (amlly w|l| spend the Mason 3 ”they, Mr Chu‘ago Mr and Mr: T > Thnxiurr L‘thmm (hr (P‘rntnnu gum d n br )H ! .\1.l»~.cnkrr \\ Mus “AWL“ |\\' LL11) \1 Mn Harmlmn 5!: um um L F N‘dlhrr Ennih Hi ‘ (OHHC‘II) 0! Highland Park hm hHHH‘ m Lhc mutt: Mr and Mn Charles F. Lam (hr uhnsrmas guests m than Mr: (Hm I, Beardsln, 617x Luu Mus \14N42Hn-‘.1.\v. ‘.\.‘~' ‘Sun-i.1\ui.\lr» l, \414 \ m 3% H!‘r‘f‘\ 31:» '13111'4 \hmx‘ \hl"! k l' “(1' ‘k1' ‘~ I‘ “314411 x\ \ I‘v' Yb: ‘ ”Mm. ptrw: '\ In” \ui‘tgv "1". Ian" udrni \‘Illtr‘Yt'l‘uC .1' kn: ‘.-‘ \ :-\:::"><-r ‘ Iv MILH'» ‘. “Ix 1!“?! Rt‘v‘sé" .I'l .|!\‘ A 1K? .r (Uf‘T‘ a' “mud“ «J! Mu V Luunu M “ad-waxy: Mr and Mrs Johnlrmn Marshall arm [on (he first at lau neck for (he wmh hau- rrntrd nnc 1)! me Mamet anlh umagrs m Oakland. Fia Mr and Mrs ”1)quan Sin-r! .md mm M! New Mer (I!) are spendxng (he huh d‘n‘ \«Hh Mrs Stu-H's pan-ms Mr And MI: Frank L “(411 MM \\ J [mudrrfuxk \A'H "Z‘ITI'IKJ‘Y mun hum“ people at a supprr \uzniu pun rt) NU .I gt'l‘.» A! khuhl m ”uh-:11 4»! (hr IJHLl'H If‘r Hm “huh vs.“ gnu-n H» Um- .IS)SI§[("1 Yn tho ‘quz mght (nth a! ‘ .mrh :4. pmndrd Mr A“ Hv- V m, {hr vhuuh wan ph-t'm‘ « mrrhng v. 4‘ \nnoum‘emrnu hau- hrrc ut the marrmgw all “mgr“. daughvcrn! RH n: R:\\rn9wuud mrmrrh at In Albert Dodge Pn‘nzw Thr wedding («wk plau- u-mtx-t 32nd. at the hmnr ‘ [a .1.\pu e‘ {HQ M hu- qursh 4AM (hrht r Albert Dodge Pn‘nzw 4.; \ hr wedding («wk plmc M 71114 -mtx-x 32nd. at me hmu- ~! 33‘!- urn!» Follow-mg .1 hurl In‘nr Ir and Mr; Permna MH tx- 1'. M NH Nu Hermitage Au- \! ”2mg YI‘V'H.I\ SQ‘,’\ h (‘N I). \1.Erskinc (Sb C INSURANCE: Nut 1 calm-Iv H “('1 ‘ch ‘stablislud in Highland Park nz‘rr 36 ”an \1 \l :2"):- .\lr~1 I», ..( H‘urufn u-th‘rg pm. In». rr 1.1m 1n hxmx L 'A! \r~ N \\ cu:- h r ,: :zHun-n‘w AH‘ .h 1‘ \Y M ghlrr \hn F 1x 0t lhnr (Laughlrf man ulah‘ M lusrd mnln Axe \\u rr! u :1 am 1‘ \‘l M .. JR Mr {r M H a“..(l‘.r !‘( \1 VHF!“ In Property ()wneu un HI Jc Ind Shrndnn Road hm“: 0! Final ”norm. on Spend Auoumont No 53 rrquxH'l'J'nlln! Hu‘ unguul uxuumnu Iur 1hr umsnudmn «It 1hr same the “is! (he-um! 1hr «mum! rshmllcd hv (ht-1‘, (xvtxvn1\JI1fiil-.|14\lhr .1“ hung mlrrrfl «u. fn-mh nr \nmhrn unmd m amntpaulhr utIinht’h n! 1?:- agar» .._.u o... x:|t1;n'1)ll'\?1“(‘!‘l A Lrannu “at (he-um! (ht-1‘, (I. Dr H- \mrrrfl «u. tn amn cpau' (hr ‘irh! 91!! um! (”\rt'zflfl human WM. KHH M J GU Nu m r. “.1 tx- 3'»! m-x! rrxulu “wrung u! '.M H ,J \ r --.4 h \num hxpnzmrm; ix t‘u fludrh!) vi the gnu-mt ("punmrnl \In twlhr rulrrtammg feature Hml Mir! noun The «in l3 m ‘ Laygr ”(me up”: - . ... m n.4- \:i!nr\l I '1 \1I\« uxsuu “a! rrlm‘ Mr slum mu \N f ru- \L.‘ Chuk- “cam. Unma uy. reared. died Saturday. Dc- h m In. beam. 522 Vine Ave" n nine-t He retired from we In 1909. Ha mdaw Inn Man Uhvc Loy u! Chwqo, “HI-low urn born I! Middle- .crcnts and 'l and“ Assmtmnon r grimy: f1 uni «‘1 r all born ll I'llwn 7.1m! educated m the Rudmg Pu Me uu n! Pmm in 3870 Ind 1. ‘2! rummlumnrd l 1 m ‘hc 2nd Arhlmu In ()bnu-n ”Ht-Imp ‘0‘ Nu- 1:!t'pInu-IHH‘! -\ m mud ‘rH'fh nlr .u tmu shun) Men-:1 n ”.1 k .h ”1 “am ()blluuv v NOTICE sirrxn‘l (n ”11- F.1d rd In h! lu-mrmml wlrd l r \lplhlh and .‘IHrI!‘..5~lrl~ derH ”4‘ kl"\!l‘.uul the V. oln Av. Du Inon khool Dari-con «1'1»!!! uh". Humid n! .‘y. z ".r lll‘h din 01 ‘1' Mn? Hr Mud “mud urnh luvmu fwd m 4»! Lahr L--UIH\ HI- dm n! Ikx‘nnfrr 19”. mg Hal {he .sznd mu m: :uknunmliy h» the the ungmul utdmamr “on «It 1hr same the an: run! (sum-led hv Plu‘ c 5dum| pl \\ \1 "Arr? 1 \1r\ uh! f‘l \\;mmrxan «m [J IVH :1! 1‘ [85 [h ru- U and .5 M K" ! 54 HI! hr x ‘I'S lll North Shore Trust Company (L In the selection of an investment “Sufoty First" should be the pnme consideration. (L The First Mortguges securvd on im- proved mcomc prnducmg rm] (Mate, \x'hlch \w offer In 1H\('thH!'~ Law the mrm Hf {Ins xmpm‘tzmt {mtm‘ mmtguuw wrung the TM? ls £11.1\131'2h]t‘ Call «Ir send for 1M of :unuum _\'<>u \nsh In put (mt Umr tux’ LH\('.\(m(‘!H as n \1\. Hi) pt: u v'. m-t 11-- mm mm mm be n1 Iant‘d mm «m: . “The Imperial” Nth Dyers and Cleaners INCORPORATED on “(T mm AVENUE Tm W Pl‘k 255 Tolopbom lclcpl: \N'hx nu: haw- yum «101mm: H'HH\.‘ “rd; and gnv nur Work a tan Um CLEAMM‘. AND IH'HM gamnn's urn-ma! rugs aim-H 1): mm nuwrs line Lurtmns ch In .H _\ 1m d1 dcaner 21> \‘H hm must SANHAm plant m the \M‘ wagon will (all for and ARTHUR W. VERCOE. Cashier The value of human hi in me motto of the “SJ-t! rim"- HAW OFFICE AND V ZlZJ-ZISJ Duds Avon». State Bank apital $100,000 Highland Park. I” luthmg H'HM HM. ( f ludn'x' and m’nt's x-x< wmn~ d1 memes h \ .umn! hr dupinaled hnu‘ the LARMH and dr/wrr your garments Refurnishing your Bali Ru- H life is recognized 19 new crusade .. CHICAGO r‘po 0! MM! ‘lmhes “'hen lhn begm (u Inge the Hrshnc‘ss of mum hope I! not gunr Cleaning and prnmng \nll trim-en an 1er ganurm at Get The Full Value H ILA 51u:‘\ .m HT, Done By UI ‘ ur hm: method: 31H‘Yht!e"~ul'. u! Mug ‘ .mt‘ m mum. vxpfl .1 \'\r Mr rxprru! |!|1 \Hn'Hl Mp0 \AHJR" i uir l'llrlbmt alt “ulfl DECKER C0. ht )mmbmfl I , may think- L'WMP ’Ifl‘ h. Hus (.s1l‘l II' \( all u. m. {of Li“,

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