Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 8 Jan 1914, p. 2

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Mm Frank Lincoln Wean gave a lunch- eon last Friday at her home for Miss Margot Cushing and Mi:- Gladys Spencer who were home from Vmar for the holidays. Mn Wean will entertain at a large bridge party Friday ol this week for her daughter, Mrs. O. Dickinson Street of New York, who is spending several weeks with her little daughter at her mothers home on Ravine and Forest Ax mues. Word came last week or the engage- ment of Mi? Charlotte Friese. daughter of Mr. and’Mrs. A. W. Friese of Keml- worth. formerly of Highland Park. to John B. Henning, son of Mr. and Mn F. H. Henning of Peoria. ()nce agmn the Christmas holiday sea- son has ended and has slipped safely away into history, not sadly by any means but very. very happily. .-\ll of the young people agreed that the Christ- mas vacation of 1913 and 1914 was the iolliest and most successful one ever ex- perienced in our city and that it will not soon be forgotten. The only fault to be found however. if one wishes to find one. is that it has slipped away entirely too quickly. All good times have a way of doing that. The craze for dancing con- tinued all through the fortnight. It has been nothing but dance, afternoon. eve- ning and well into morning. Two of the prettiest dances of last week are worth mentioning again. They are the lota Pi Sorority dance and the Sigma Delta Beta Fraternity dance which took place at the Highland Park club last Monday and Tuesday evenings. Dec. 29 and 30. Every- body was in the best of spirits and ap- peared to be having the best of good times and revelling in the fact of being together again. The good music furnish- ed at the dances added more than half to the plemant evenings and it was a pretty sight indeed to see these fascinat- ingly dressed tangoers gliding gracefully around the brilliantly lighted ballroom. Even the large Iota Pi banner of black and gold which has never failed to Be present at any of its dances. seemed to hang in an unusually dignified manner and beamed down upon the merry dancers as if to say. “l'm proud of all of you." Several dehghttul dinner parties ' were given preceding these affairs. (me in particular the Observer Wishes to speak oi this Week also. ()n the evening of December 50th. Mr. and Mrs Carleton Moseley opened their beautitul home on. Prospect Ave. to tiny )ilullg people. the friends 0! their son (Leorge .iiid dazigliter‘ Marion, where they entertained them at a delighttul bullet supper. This huge and spacious home n...» .iriistit‘tilix (it-con atetl nith sii‘iila‘x'. holly wreaths and Christinzhoells. Tnegiat‘ii-mhospitality of Mr. and Mrs Muse-fer added to the Charm of the evening. Throughaii mer- sighton the part ot the ()hseriei the names of the patrlfllefises oi iht‘sl’ two dances were not published last Week. The patronesses of the Iota Pi dance were: Mesdames Hugh R. London. Henry J. Thayer, Abbie B. Bastin. Lloyd M. Bergen. and F. L. Deming. Those of the fraternity dance were: Mesdames Addison R. Warner, Daniel Cobb. James Pierce. Gordon Ray, Nathan Corwnh. Eugene Bournique. Earl W. Spencer. Llovd M. Bergen. John F. L. Curtis. Henry Doty. Carleton Moseley. William Morgan. and William Cregier. Another jolly party was the masquerade dance‘ at the club New Year's Eve. It was largely attended and several dinner parties preceded it. The costumes were of many kinds and descriptions. There were a number of clowns and cowbovs, others were dressed in Japanese. gypsy. Turkish. Russian. colonial and Spanish costumes. After the grand march which began about ten o'clock the prizes were awarded to those wearing the best costumes. Miss Margaret Deming won first prize and Miss Dorothy Sargent, second prize. while Donald Lafiin of Chi- cago. and Frank Wymond received the boy's prizes At twelve o'clock it was announced that 1914 had arrived and then without warning there arose an en; thusiastic uproar of horns. whistling. yells and firing of revolvers The never tiring couples danced until one o'clock. Telephones 107md 964 The Social Side of Lift: Rough Dry and Flat Work 12 Pieces 50 Pieces $0.35 of our..High Class work on mg$Pad Mm Ere-don Galas at our ldw rate of Local Affairs of the week By the Dbserwr hasl The]. Q. club. a literary satiety nt 9"6' .iwhlch Mr and Mrs. C. E Selmurfier hau- the :been members for a number 0! years. orth held its annual meeting New Year's live a Pi lat the Schautfier resndence. There were “[3 :fpresent between twenty and twenty-tile the imembers. This meeting wasthetwentyw and fifth anniversary of the society. On New Year's eve St. James church abâ€" 'hall in Highwood was the scene of much :merriinent when a program and Christmas tree was provided for the children of the ”h" Vparish. Among the children taking part halfifivere the Misses Edith Light. Marie 3 a p’Connor. Anna Munk, Catherine and Mt. Bessue Morren. and Master Kenneth ully Hepburn The chonr sang a number of on; tarrols. ‘8‘; i Miss Wilhelmina Morn-n entertained a humber of triends at her home on New 1 to , ' hear 5 eve. hf _.. ._.»... w I\ unul guests of “:5 H. Zoehler of W'aukcgan An unknown man. apparently ‘ tramp Monday ‘nr 3 man um 01 work walklw bd‘un Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bleimehloi Chncag (H “(afield and ERNH' w” km“! by t" n were the guests of the latter: broth: ! 13-3 on the St Paul mad Monday mowing Mr. Edw. Blexmchl Sunday. about 1 k) ()clmk Mr. and Mrs. S‘ P, Hutchison were the guests of Mrs. H. Zoehler of Waukcgan Mouday. Miss Mildred Whiting had as herguests New Year's day Mes"; Paul Obercnter, Cliflord Graves and Horace Collip nf Chicago. Miss Elfried: Knaak entertained a few of her friends at a microscope party Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Winkel has been Viliting relatives in McHenry. ol Muss Elizabeth Lipscy of La (irvange lat: week. Mrs. Reichelt. Sr. entertamcd the teachers or the grammar school at dmhcr Tuesday evening. ' The New Year's Eve dance given by the Mu Sigma Chi girls quite eclipsed any of their previous attempts at enter Gluing. An elaborate system 0! lighting was installed through the courtesy and kindness ot Mr Robert Greenslade Holly and evergreen were entwmed with red ribbons and myriad: of colored lights wereintergpersed in the festoons. The pennants of the club members decorated the walls of the hall and college sofa pillows were placed in the Window seats One hundred young people danced the old year out and the new year in to the strains of the tango and the hesnation Waltz. Deerfield society has been slow in accepting the new dances but for the tint time they were sanctioned New Year's Eve. As midnight slipped away the grand march began and horns were distributed to the merry makers who made an incessant dirt. Mr W. A Whiting was floor manager and conduct- ed the dance in his charming way. The chaperones were Mesdames Kress. Whit- tag. Haunschild and Reichelt, Followmg the dance a number of the young people were entertained at the home of the Misses Kress. ‘Deerfield News Items (than! :1 qml' duh of Mrs L" P \Vumh to Inn-t exen' wrhcr Mr and Mrs C, F Muhr‘r Sxmlh ls- sued 35 xmituliuxh to {he culurrd ch1!~ drcn of ()dklund. F14 Jl Cimatnms tune The httlc peuplc wore dehghtmlly (‘Hh‘r- tamed Santa Claus w.» their and .1 bnlhamly lighted tree prcmly (lee-om:- cd and lighted thh many (”lured clcd‘nc lights nude [he rycs uf thesv lllllx‘ color- ed folk dance mernlv. Edd) little 3an present was given .1 (icorge \Vushmgmn or 3 Martha Washmgtun dull “hllc‘ cavh boy reamed a game Applcs. (and) and popcorn were wrved Miss Elizabeth Reichclt was the guest Mrs. Edward Stellman of Highwood will be hostess at a card party on Thurs lay evening, Jan lSlll at St James l’ansh la“. number I‘m-r u! Hmhlnmif :1 qml' duh I'm-\d .' P “umhmk Cnn'lnucd an pug:- rm-sd I) rhU \‘4 NH by the members u! the board as well as the wlhge attorney. Mr‘ Colby. the H!- lage engineer. Mr. Runner, and a con- saderable number of the citizen; A mt~ mm was then made authonn‘ng the clerk to advertise {or bIds for the laying of the water main between Deerfield and Highland Park‘ A resolutnon was then read and adopted authonung the pres:- dent and clerk to sign the water contra? wnth Highland Park The bonrdthen ad- )gurned In Tursda) ext-rung It 730 to (lose {mm 10 ,u) p m until 6 o'clrx‘k a m daily except on Saturday: when they shall close at 12 o’clock rmdmgh'. also to keep closed on Sundays. legal holidays or on speetal or general electL-n days Also prohlbmng the sale. exhthltnm or distribution of any Indet‘ent bucks. pictures or plays Also requmng all wm- dow shades. blinds or screen: tn any saloon Hr bar room In be rain-d. ()Dent'd nr remmed at lltlll p m daily so that I treelmd unobstructed new of the bf and Intermr at such saloon may be had from the street A petntmn requestmx the board of trustees to submrt the or- dinance for the Issuing of water certm- cates to a vnte of the people WIS reat‘. The board then resolved the” Into I commrttee of the whole for thedncusmon of the petmon whtt‘h was entered .nto The board of trustees met In regullr sex-nun on Munda)’ evening, An ur- dmanre was passed requmn' the “loan: of he! {flfndj Monday rvcninu Misses Hda and Mabel Horenbcrgrr were the guests at Mus Jenny [Mum-r of (hxragu Sunday Mrs Janus has been sprndn‘.“ the hol days In Halesburx Mr and Mrs Murchison and daughter Irene wcro- the guests 0! Mr‘ and Mrs Roy Haskln (>1 WHmelleSuunly \‘It t‘“ Mr. Nelwn 15 runductmg rrhrarnh fur hIs plav "The Folly of Funr' Inn h mll be- wwn fur thr benefit ul {hr gum; mar «haul m Mum A\ ”w schunl IN nuuh fnr txx‘upAmJV The din-“rm an- htvpxng :u h «n» {M wan a! lhv hulhhng M "4 "T'hn! J.H‘.1Llr\ A’w-H tic-(humm: rxw Muss Ruth Collins a! Chicago was the guest of Misi Elda Horcnbcrger chnrs- day and Thursday Mrs Oscar Beecham w” hostess It the five hundred club Tuesday attenflm The successful Winners 1»! prizes Were Mrs.J L‘ Wolff. Muss (Mr: finder. and Mrs, l. Penis the gur-st of Muss Eleanor Men-r last week. Misses Mary Bleunchl and Flam-na- Ender were the week end guests of, Mus Clara Endrr The LadlesAld Socwt)‘ of '5! Paul's Evangelical church wull meet at the humr of Mrs. C. H. Juhrend Thursday ahcr- HOOD. -. n A .~ In 1 .~. lnmmmvw n! the hunrd u! trad:- in “(him (ur) in Mm hr “:11 lbldo- ln‘ H, bu! Hun l.’ (hp 4191 lawn 0! (b0 urbltru (urn cummlltw- 1~ unsuthmh-r) hr “Ill (urn. \ir l’unrn In 30 :nm [he (.mrt‘ .mJ prmo- llul hrn-mlwr worn u..- nux unnuulnlrd fur (hr purpmu u! hwmllnfl :rzcen. (hrro-by run-mg Ihurh. m that month to [my hm.” pr! 0'! lhnn Ihm ”the-rund- I. 1.1L} Inn.- bro“ HMIKO‘d (0 [Mn Misses Mary Bleunchl and Flam-na- Ender were the week end guests of, Mus Clara Endrr , Rev. Black conducted memonn! ser :vnma In the L'mled Evangelical church gSunday momma for Rev. Lmdcnmcner, a 1former pastor, who died I: I missionary in China. Mus [rt-m- McL'adw wt (hm-4g» vms the gur-st of Muss Eleanor Men-r last week. Misses hadura .md Myrtlt- Fnshenprnt [he hi)hdd\§ Wllh [he-1r :qut. Mus RUM- Schmuz. The [Mummy \ tub of Dm-rhrld u.“ rntertmncd 4! [hr home n1 .\1I~.~ mehz‘d Supple Saturday awning. h: Mr Wm Hicmn-hl and tun Harm-x e»: LMJ, who hun- bccn \:$";n,,; M' .11ng .‘Jh Edw Hlku-hl fur «mic lww. rr tuned to their hume Mundav rxvmng Mn» th-n Fuldlar and Mr Frank Supple spent the “'(‘l'k end .1! Suppimmlc A! the election of officers m the l'mtrd Evangelical Sunday swim-oi New Yrar‘s ddv Mus Emma Selig was Pit-(led nun-:- mlrndrnh Hamid Yum ‘41 rrmn and Arm) Franz, trrnslnrr Mr, and Mrs. Edward Kn‘ak 01 (hi cago were the guests of Dr Knaak last week Mr and Mrs. (Ann Bet-(ham had as their guests on New Year's day Mr and Mrs. L. Beccham and Mr. Arthur Bnmn of Chungo New Year’s Afternoon nbout twenty of the young people for whom the tango has a {ascmanon hld an inrormdl danc- mg party m Anderson's Inn. Mrs H H Krrs: entertained a number Mr‘ W. W‘ Clark of Cllcuo Ind Dr. Parker of the Ohvct Prabyunan'chun'h of San Francisco. who occupied the puipn of the Presbyterian church Sunday were the guests of Dr Dans. Mr. nod Mn. Renchelt, Sr. and Faith Ind Morriu Sel: Reichclt were the guest: of Mr. 1nd Mm Wm. Cowlin 0! Wood» stock Wednesday and Thunday. Mr. and Mn. Edi. Wand family mthesueuaolflnud Mn Kind- xiem of Hubbard Woods New Yur'l day. The tenchen 1nd 051cm of the Pru- byterian church will hold I meeting in the church Wednesday owning. \\ ,IHH THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOE xi'ru I dru n urn- Luv prca- hrd .If 1! (- Pzrld In the [inmgri wrmng. Fuurlmie baptized AI Hu- >(‘l' \VI‘ |~ ,ltnhl muar ln\j ltun PEORIA‘ HVI. hr 1 Parsons. ‘hu “an . prmm. chn In t'hhuxw fur Inn-L} 3 I! the rexidrn. .~ ~' Lu dun. J “T Irv-1r. v»! this Mn member of the I, 331 h-me Huh Liconu Rovohod. BRIHVNINH ILL l‘oxuly film:- Wardrna Allen uud Edvard: conm cued I burrs! of quL bus :1 me fllh nznrkvl n! H P “odd! mud n this 1! [hr 1w: nnd ”Hun-r mmmnflly rhoked Mn litrnnr In. a fin?) dfllor Conleuol Elaymg Cullnn SI'RIXHFH‘LIJ) HJ. “mum (‘ Berry uhu phat lud LHed hunk-l (‘ul h-n bmuun- u.’ the altrrxtlxn l‘uilrn ‘3; trrshmtnx upun Min l‘rur! LUIO', ploudrd xuilxy lo numb-whim Ind an lAhO'H-lu l'hulc-r u Hu- churn- (.l’fh‘! ullh H n nrnlrnce of {rum nae yen 10 Mr Chicago-n Accuul Brother Ill/()HVIMVTHN IL! A l'r'llfnn for I Mun-tn Ink filo-d In Mr. ‘ITM‘ (on Huldrvdu- n! l hung-y :L Hm pr.) Inn» .-v:.:1 tu’a‘l..~l hm brv'fmr Her nun ( Hnrunrd u! HIM u mutun ul Influx mm In u-uzm (hr-3! HIHHH'YI o-ntnh- hr- hnd MIN-.1 [trope-Hy \uiuwd m nurr than I'd '-- div-churn- u! - ‘hulxun ublrh her bun bnnd “I! drunlux «nun-d [ho- do-nlh of \Ira Rulmrl Hnuhn of North Hrn dermm a brldo- u! n («I nmnlh- Thr \hnrxv- rnlerrd hrr bro-Ill mar (h! hour! Ind death “In 11mm! ’1; ulnmunvnun \Ir- Hlxnnn‘ hrs! hm band an. M! 9d In In n-udo-nl .vllv dlm hum of the nut lho- Illin 1mm. (’1 I)! Q! ”13. 11,1. Thnnma (‘4'!) at)" plnmwr‘ turn of ()uqm'm h- dI-ud ho-rr ll lhv ago 0! ugh!) «um )o-nrl Ho- ‘1: u dx-unl relunr u! “‘lh“! Tmmu (‘4 nuly {nrmerly u! (be ( nth ultc dunno or thlnth‘ 1» 1‘ . and hum of In! Ange-Ir: Ind v” uln- of the Mn wctlun fun-mom rmplmvd b) (In- Illim h- ! enlru’ no “I soulhrrn H 1mm. GH'MUD. a 1..» pr h; 13.: - Shoot. Ind. by Accident CALEB“! HI; ILI. Tm- lmh Vollva For Or... M040“)!- Zl().\' (’ITY. IIJ..Vâ€" Wlhur Glenn You". our-err u! Zion (My. "no ("mod I umpnlxn uxllnll I-umtn'l low-tux Noun-a. um Iklfll. short Mane-1L Ind mosquito n0! Mocking. A! n un-ean of camou- II III do- (1de In Igpurnl pmvn ‘nmwn In npo-cmrn, uhu un- lu Inn» uhrtll 1.x uurfun- Ixulnu (he Apprurunlr lx. pubHr u! yuunx 5:1an in lmmmimt u urn Tun “My nppnlnu-d 1h ‘h-vxv 0! [hr Murlho lrlxuo- They In- \lrn W II ('Iondmc-n. Ith- u! the muur and Mr: Anna I'Ihl l'hr lulu-r MI! llFlNl 1hr nlhrr \Aunwn tn turn: . (ummmn-o- \!r \‘nllxn .4 m nIIIuIlllH'r‘ (bill I cunfrrrnm' I‘m! to-rn hrld I“. the City umnw,‘ MIL n \ .u m run- in: (rnmrd an urdHlnqu Hun ul.l 0n- nhle the p‘ In» I. What I4 nun ubo ofirnd the Hun!» it‘uglr "Hmrrnur [‘II‘ mph 5 dun-u u» I. ~ rlnu Um \(I m 1% z - DLCuom Pioneer In 00.6 [H Ql MIN. 11,1. Thnnma ILUNOIS- NEWS NOTES hr!” J! r~va and Alt-a Dr G. F. Pnrtono Die; 1,2- yu v-r II ram! ilshmi In Loucr H. '11. va'( Aaron n L»; ”U i.1 I" flq‘lf‘h ‘-! ‘ -r:‘ w.” HLJd \! u) and \\ nun» and (uni Hmh nf Hulk nym‘ paid that H (h: M b) Hm arbilruth the board 0! truth in Mm hr “:11 lbldo- ln‘ H, Um Inlnn 0! (ho lr'MU‘I 1~ lmsutlnfm (u!) hr [IFM'L‘ In: p11,“. MIL} .‘vurn. died F dulKYJo-r, M". Mn Hr u.. . :- Am idem-I )o-urxn r dry: IA Wage us the h Mull! r. .‘wrr, f..- M!- m Io r nib h “(H k I!“ HU nil H Drnw In dwip (mm of nlr tu-r) ”"m‘v' rlmo you take | brain. and Her) m "5"“ l "'4 "" ”"" “'1‘ ’"ll"“‘ He amn- nlm. ewrnhluu .4» gm! m 5! ‘hnt I? my " â€" lin'thnore Am.“ A simpler mfllmd fur Hum who hau- lml llnu- or "mu-Hunt” (0 ll u-ud n g} mun-mm In to (urn life‘s dun} mutlne lqu n (‘UHHDUUUI dhu‘tpllno In bro-lulu; l! Hu- puor breather (ah- (be trouble in watch himself run-fully be I111 find lhnl Ibo-n he in eugnunl upon all) unrl. um mali- fur rim-r u! lenlmu lu- ‘Imu [ml chm hum”... an dun-U n. mum! hr ullhm-l hnnvmlr} bnldl his P-rvu'h 'I'bml llw Maud (u! nml II HUM-u! uln-u 1! (-uxhl m l»' deanml. and (he \rurko-r rxlluunh hlmu-lf. not M) “Huh I!" Ido- 1:11le 3! by hll hrxh-vl bh'llihr If our [nun-r! HV I!‘l' Ihm‘l plllu- In- pmn n. n- Hw 4 mm unh mun! ln-umvivm l-n-nlho-rn :1 n- n wand HID [0 )nlu n g) mun- mu m (-nilnnu-uh c In IIM lc-nrh In like the lung: III I huh) lwarxu 10 mm In. fret nmi hnmln Hut rvlm-mln-r limt u-uumu In l-n-Mmux IIH A)“ In: KINâ€"1H”)? It hum! lhlhku hr II nix-mun} {mm in. (Ink rlm'p! when he 1- 1n Hu- run-m than 1hr (SH-pl) u! [Hunt 2. Con-on Ind 0009 .ml‘hbng II E...» (ml to Good Honlth liq-Iv n r.- [u Teflon 550 Cars Stored, Rented and Repaired HEAT FOR SALE ‘ Great Reductions in Sweater Coats DIM « Raymond W. Schneider St Johns Avenue Telephone 33] FILLING THE LUNGS North Shore Auto Transportation Co. GUERBROS..Mml«nSSfl.nIFOIDCARS JAS. C. BOYLAN, Mgr. Aelephonc 67 North Shore Fuel Supply Co. (mu! m futh m at“ on you ALSO DEALERS IN LUMBER. BUILDING MATERIAH FEED guaranteed CUAL forflyour pann'ular needs WBARANTEE H u. Wnum \nur hezmng glaggilet us send our road expert It mm are not getting the best results from Ill) makgs nu dlffvn‘nce whether you nxx'mte lurg :geam plant or a small base burnrr we prepared to serve I‘hat must what we are prcpan-d In offer To clear up our stock we are offering Sweater Coats at a very great reduction I ruxmlnm‘.) lawn-u r» {Iv-,nrul [mm m'hlm Maler vour SPIN/ions var/v Out of town Moving with Auto Truck pl.) up In! “mg-u- rm inn Tu lb Hr- «‘nl Hu- ()ur deln'vnw are very UN '0' Ha. Hold, 0m (Balm: do hI- Ym-In-mnhh- MIDIâ€"- : You 3nd your not [hot-mum, at“ 1 no You muld KM nlonu u Ina“ with j out a bend on your ubomdm u with one All) â€"Aw {anther mm "gm-u ‘ um. “In who-uh wank! a fellnb 1‘ Ion!) bl: hawâ€"Purl HI. Ochoa“ Touch “Th,” MulIo-r h a punch at burn». m: A! the drums Inn: nub! h» put my He “might and who“ no hnd [In h-ho-d I In. mu mark: pooh-r"- l‘lIrm-ndr HIM!" ()H-r n air-mm H: n hu‘ H“ you un- 0: nm- drn.- --un- m. um- hum" lw n-mnrhwl |~- l (“v ('ommx Dunu- lu mm mvr lhln Nlllu- Imrn Luv hole Ind dnnr nuhl Ihln ll yo nu III!) ”I I». not «I \u ul‘vr" he [rui'h‘d Arxnmml gulf your lung! a few "rm-n wltb bmlh. llml In! lhelr mph-Hy You In“ h:- nurprhwd to m the lmpruu-uwnl lhul =l will umkv In your gnu-ml t‘uluIlHuu "Tutu-I." [Mu [ur you promptly mlh 230 N. St. Johns Ave. liunvuh “.1“ you rur‘rnlmrfl Al H Sobcy's Soniury Shop On" ‘14“ \In. loin-rm“ u”. l Vmwponcdg Hum: mm m- man. I E YER Y HOUSEKEEPER Tclopbone ‘3] 433 OUR MEATS M\ >11‘1u1r1 41W. in Dbl-9mg «Man Hui La! and r\r'\ n H Why-l my m:- pron mu rnlm {Hr - 1.1"!“er hr‘Hlman \I\ mu In mull) m- rm) H'Iu' Ishm‘ “I'IIH‘ .u...m.-r ndvrs Imnx 1117'!) phi) 51'0“ err 11"“. Hmrtl ”M I]. tho ml Hunt“: Hun, 14 ml hm lb and In Hell and I vo'lwlb In: \o-d )unmd the N Thr run-1n mun» ‘ 10'0“ It) l but 1 Int-av, t-Mvod mull. \qn‘u. near I (mm royo. Mood (h! I NW Md. _ _..__ _._,_, __._...~.._. c-..__...__â€" Mr. and Mn. Edw. Wand family were the gueue of Mr. Ind Mn Kloc - stem of Hubbard Woods New Year'I dIy. The teacher- Ind oflicm of the Pree- byterian church will hold I meeting in the church WedneIdIy evening. Mr. Ind MrI. Reichelt. Sr. and FIith . Ind MorriI Sel: Reichelt were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Cowlin of Wood stock Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. W. W. Clark of Clicngo Ind Dr. Parker of the Olivet Prenbyterian'church of San Francisco. who occupied the pulptl of the Presbyterian church Sunday were :the guests of Dr. Dans. New Year’s Iftemoon Ibout twenty of the young people for whom the tango has a fascination had an informal danc- :ing party in Anderson's hall. , Rev. Black conducted memoriIl ser :vicrs in the L'nited Evangelical church gSunday morning for Rev. Lindenmeier. a 1former pastor. who died I: I missionary at our lolw rate of 12 Pieces $0.35 Telephones 107 and 954 The Social Side of Life Local Affairs of the week By the Dbsener C. F. Mather Smith is- Mr and Mrs ()nce agmn the Christmas holiday sea- .a son has ended and has slipped safely sued 33 imitations to the colored chil~ away into history. not sadly by any dren of ilakland. FLi at Christmas time means but \ery. very happily. All of The little people were delightfully enter- the young people agreed that the Christ- ,tained. Santa Claus was theie and mas yaczition of 1913 and 1914 was the ~..i brilliantly lighted tree prettily iolliest and most successful one ever ex- god and lighted With many colored electric perienced in our city and that it will not :lights made the eyes of these little color- soon be forgotten. The only fault to healed folk dance merrily. Each little girl found however. if one wishes to find one. ipresent was given a tieorge Washington is that it has slipped away entirely too lor a Martha Washington doll “llllt‘ each quickly. All good times have a way of {boy receiied a game Apples. candy and doing that. The craze for dancing con- jpopcorn were served timied all through the fortnight. It has i The x Q club. a mcmry ”(My 0, been nothing bl" dance, afternoon. 9"6' .lwhich Mr and Mrs. C. Ii Sclitiul’ller hayr- ning and well into morning. Two of the :been members for a number m years. Nellie“ dances 0‘ last week are worth held its annual meeting New Year's live mentioning again. They are the I0” Pl ‘iat the Schautfler restdence. There were Sorority dance and the Sigma Delta Beta lpresent between twenty and twenty-the Fraternity dance which took place at the lmembers. This meeting was the twenty- Highland Park club last Monday and .W‘h anniversary of the society. Tuesday {venim Dec. 29 a"?! 30' Every- l-l On New Year's eve St. James church body was In the b?“ of spirits and abâ€" ”hall in Highwood was the scene of much together again. The good music furnish- Among the children taking part ‘ ed at the dances added more than halfilwere the Misses Edith Light. Maine to the plemant evenings and it was a ' pretty sight indeed to see these fascinat- ingly dressed tangoers gliding gracefully around the brilliantly lighted ballroom. Even the large Iota pl banner or black l Miss Wilhelmina Morren entertained a old w ich has never failed to be and g h . humber of friends at her home on New present at any of its dances. seemed to lYear's (we l . p’Connor. Anna MuZik. Catherine and Bessie Morren. and Master Kenneth Hepburn. The choir sang a number of carrols. hang in an unusually dignified manner and beamed down upon the merry dancers as if to say. “i'm proud of all of you." Several delightful dinner parties ' were given preceding these affairs. the in particular the Observer Wishes to speak of this Week also. (In the evening of December 50th. Mr. and Mrs Carleton three mmi Moseley opened their beuutitul home on .li't‘lock .\Il\‘\‘ Helen Conrad “an .iznoii.’ Prospect Ave. to lile young people. the those \iiio .issistel .\Il\\ Iirlllltl‘ friends of their son (ieorge and daughter I Marion, where they entertained them .it l‘ltiss Illt" tlnx uet'k \\llll \Il\ if R a delightful buffet This huge l.0iiiloi: on ,\'.. Sheridan Rd and spacious home “cl: .iriisticciio (Ic'c'illv and Mrs. Edward Stellman of Highwood' - 'll be hostess at it card party on Thurs tay evening, Jan 15th at St James I’arish all. Miss Marjorie Emilee of Bill .\IJlll St. Ei‘unsion entertained informally Lil .i It'.l bn Wednesday from fl\t' 'I‘Iie Wednesday Litteinoon ('l‘lli3iil4lt‘l\ «upper. .\ number of Highland I’.i7n ii. ' l" iiith sn‘iiln‘x‘. wreaths ated holly gillllltll :1 mill“ tltill Tuesday .i‘ Cl’ll’lSllnIthlis. Tnegiuciomhospitality of M” L' p “m“,‘mk of Mr. and Mrs Moseley added to the to meet exery ”my, Tiiesdny charm of the evening. Throughan Ii\t'l’- Con'inued On page -, Sight on the part of the ()bsenei the names of the patronesses of these two dances were not published last The patrouesses of the Iota Pi dance ’ were: Mesdames Hugh R. Loudon. Henry J. Thayer, Abbie B. Bastin. Lloyd M. Bergen. and F. L. Deming. Those of I i I the fraternity dance were: ’:i l'. .m. The sot lt‘l) .~ ‘Deerfield News Items week. : The New Year's Eve dance given by the Mu Sigma Chi girls quite CCllpSQd‘ Mesdames any of their previous attempts at enter mining. An elaborate system of lighting was installed through the courtesy and kindness of Mr. Robert Greenslade Holly and evergreen were entwined with ‘ red ribbons and myriad: of colored lights Morgan. and William Cregier. Another '"e‘mer§p"r5"d ”1 ”“3 h’filml‘ls. The ‘ jolly party was the masquerade dance pennants 0f the cum "WWW"! decorated at the club New Year's Eve. It was‘the walls of the hall and college sofa largely attended and several dinner pillows were placed in the Window seats parties preceded it. The costumes wereof One hundred Vounfl People danced the many kinds and descriptions. There 0“ Year out and the new year In '0 the werea number of clowns and cowboys. strains 0! the ”“30 and the hCSIthon‘ others were dressed in Japanese. gypsy. waltz. name” 5009” has be?“ slowi Turkish. Russian. colonial and Spanish m “WWW the new dances b“! for the: costumes. After the grand march which m“ time they were sant-‘lll'm‘d New; began about ten o'clock the prizes were Year's Eve. A5 m'dmflm “WM 3‘3)‘ awarded to those wearing the best I» 8'3““ marCh began ”Ed horns we": costumes. Miss Margaret Deming won distributed to the merry makers who first prize and Miss Dorothy Sargent, made an 'ncefiam did. Mr. W. A second prize. while Donald Lafiin of Chi- Wbmmg was fi‘x’r man-lit” and conduct- £310. and Frank Wymond received the ed the dance in his charming way. The boy's prizes At tWelve o'clock it was chaperones were Mesdames Kress. Whit. In ced that 19“ had arrived and ing. Haunschild and Reichelt. Following L then without warning there arose an en; the dance a number or the young W9“- ; thusiastic uproar of horns. whistling. a?“ entertained at the home 0' the yells and firing of revolvers The never "is“ hrm' ' tiring couples danced until one o'clock. Mrs Reichelt. Sr. entertained the teachers or the grammar school at dinner - Tuesday evening. Addison R. Warner, Daniel Cobb. James Pierce. Gordon Ray, Nathan Corwuh. Eugene Bournique. Earl W. Spencer. . Llovd M. Bergen. John F. L. Curtis. Henry Doty. Carleton Moseley. William Word came last week of the engage- ment of Mi Charlotte Friese. daughter of Mr. and'Mrs. A. W. Friese of Kenil- Miss Elizabeth Reichelt was the guest ‘ worth. formerly of Highland Park. to 0i Miss Elizabeth Lipsey of La (irange‘ John B. Henning, son of Mr. and Mrs : last week. " F. H. Henning of Peoria. ;’ Mr. and Mrs. W. Winkel has beenl Mrs Frank Lincoln Wean gave it lunch- I VIIItlng relatives m McHenry. [ / eon last Friday at her home for Miin Miss Elfrieda Knaak entertained a few i Margot Cushing and MisI Gladys Spencer who were home from Vassar for theiTuesday evening. in China. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knsak of (hi cago were the guests of Dr Knaak last week. Mr and Mrs. ()scar Bee-chain had as their guests on New Year's day Mr and Mrs. L. Beechani and Mr. Arthur Ilrown of Chic:‘.go At the election of officers in the l'nited Evangelical Sunday school New Years «lav Miss Emma Selig was elected super- intendent. Harold \'.'iiit u-i\ .liid Arno Franz, treasurer Mr Win Illi'iiiii-lil and ton II.IT\I“\ it: Iowa, who htiii- been Hiring M' and Mrs hilw llli‘ii‘u-Iil for iillif timed to their home Monday ruining Miss Hell-n Flfllllaf and Mr Iirank Supple spent the week end .it NippIi-dule Ill'lt'. lt‘ him The Harmony \ lid) of llei-rlield “its eiitertuined .ii the home of Mm \Vlililft‘tl Supple Saturday eiening. Misses Isadora .ind Myrtle Fisherspent the holidays Wllh their :iuut. Miss Rose Schniiiz. Miss Irene Mccadie oi (hicugo “as the guest of Miss Eleanor Meier week. last Misses Mary Bleiinehl and Florence Ender were the week end guests of, .‘Ilss Clara Ender The Ladies Aid Society of Si l’aul's Evangelical church will meet at the home of Mrs. C. Ii. Juhrend Thursday after- noon. Miss Ruth Collins of Chicago was the guest of Miss Elda llorenberger ‘vVednes- day and Thursday Mrs ()scIr Beecham wIs hostess It the five hundred club Tuesday afterrflm The successful winners of prizes Were Mrs] L‘ Wolff. Miss Clara I'iiider. Mrs. I. I'ettis Mr. Nelson is conducting rr'llt‘afsil‘ for his play "The Folly of Force' unit h “Ill be gnen for the lk‘l’it‘flt oi the gum; lifl(l niar school as soon .h the school la ready for occupancy The dirt-rim are hoping to h iie gm session of the building by ".i ZT'h o! J.ll‘\ .xh-u ilt‘tIll’JIlil'l exw tun-x i-. 'i we lie w“ -“ l.l.'l..3f‘» .‘iut‘. l'.< ‘ lam. .i E. l“' \\'1::Iv \Ti K m .; \ i~ .iksisth A i " 'hi- .;ii'w.ii:::; u! r-iiziituri- ..:i .. ~ ii I't"?"“lv WI“ lw- \\l\ tut: 12.2':- e: mg. ' ’ ll: .inil il't' i, li‘bl I’It'flll'llg' I'lili'l Ill l.iii prt-a- bed .i'. l! i- i ill‘."' ii --i \l'ltlil“ lll‘lil iii the lining-‘1 Four little Ii ll\ ii i li.:di.n were baptized at the X‘I' ii'.i. ‘iiiri i: \ii il,i\ vii-irning. \‘It t‘“ Mrs Jtiryis has been spending the holi- days in lialesburg Mr and Mrs Hutchison and daughter Irene were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Roy Iiaskin of WilmetleSuunay Misses I-Iiila and Mabel Horenberger were the guests of Miss Jenny Dittner of (hicago Sunday Mrs H H Kres: entertained a number of her friends Monday evening. The board of trusteei met in regulIr session on Monday evening. An or- dinance was passed requmng the saloons to close from liitt) p in until 6 o'clock a in daily except on Saturday: when they shall close at 12 o’clock midnigh'. also to keep closed on Sundays. legal holidays or on special or general election days Also prohibiting the sale. exhibition or distribution of any indecent books. pictures or plays Also requiring all wm- dow shades. blinds or screens in any saloon or bar room to be rained. opened or remoied at llilll p in daily so that I freeiind unobstructed new of the b.r and interior of such saloon may be had from the street A petition requesting the board of trustees to Iubrnit the or- dinance for the issuing of VIter certifi- cites to a vote of the people was rear‘. The board then resolved It!!!” into I committee of the whole for thediecuinon ‘pf the petition which was entered mm by the members of the board as well as the Village attorney. Mr. Colby. the \‘ll- lage engineer. Mr. Rosstter, Ind a con- siderable number of the citizen; A mc~ tion was then made authorizing the clerk to advertise for bids for the laying of of her friends It . microscope partylthe water main between Deerfield and Highland Park. A resolution was then . Miss Mildred Whiting hadas her guests : "ad ‘md ad'mkd "worm". (be presi- . . . 1 holidays. Mrs Wean Will entertain at a New Year's day Mm."$ Paul Oberenter. g dent and clerk to sign the water contra: large bridle party Friday oi this weequlmord Graves and “0'3“ (501“!) ”liWHh llixhland Park for her daughter, Mrs. O. Dickinson hlcago. Street of New York, who Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hutchison were the; - - l '9 59°11de , guests of Mrs. H. Zoehler of Waukegan . several weeks with her little daughter at : Monday. her mothers home on Ravine and Forest ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bleimehlor Chicagol Deerfield and Evert!" w” km“! by I" n , were the guests of the Iatter's brother. l ‘ Mr. Edw. Bleimehl Sunday. 4. Ai enues. The board then ad- liouriic‘d to Tuesday eiening It 730 An unknown man. apparently a tramp ‘ or a man out of work walkiw between I35 on the St. Paul road Monday morring ‘ about 7 .lo o'clock. ' . ‘MW'fif'Y v» w ‘5' u ,uvâ€"w “TNT. illlUNOIS- NEWS NOTES Volle For 0"... Mode“)!- th).\' t’lTY. VoliVI. overseer of Zion t‘fty. giirIted I (IriileIn IinnIt women'- low-cut biotin-I. Ilit Ikirtl. Ihort DIBP\Q‘8_ Ind mosquito net stockings At I meeting of milieu. lt III do- (1de to Igpolnt New" Ioniun iii Ipeitorin, who are to unite Ullt‘tl' Ly ‘Irfnre IfiIlllrl the Iiiiiurunie it. public of young: itirin lii immodest It Tuo “ere appointed in iii-rite of the )liirIlp league They Iri- Mrs W I! t'lendiui-n. mile of the mayor Ind .\irI Anna mm the lItto-r villi select the other \Aomeii to ioriii I (uniriiittee \lr \‘oliik M ii iii Illilillt'o“ (bill A conference liml tern lit-Id Ill. the City attorney ‘lll. io th- in;r (named an iirtllllflliiw iiui vii en- tire “\I“ Ible the pi lite it new»? “411.!“ who onrtid In? “1 tuli- li‘ugi r "Hoiernor l ‘ l ii i- *;t i‘ I. Mn ‘0 mom i (inn-u u.i~ i« ~ nr~l . 'i r stir» ring UH‘ to Mlliil - i \4 :iii PedI Want p-... rum" Wage. Sl'lllxili‘li‘l 'r 'l.i- six- lerlilI; Minna. - i. .’ ’..o llll- Ill li- Strife Tim ' . r. here. reptil'llliit.~ it"l' . ‘ ' .. 123' Ill. 'UIHt‘Illlilll to Y.i t .- i l‘ ii. wage ii r li‘ui l.o-r- .i ‘i i nu, it Iargi-r .l.ll ' . ‘ - - ' zilii.‘.n- l~lriil.oi. it. ir . ' ~ 1. "i- i-i.i.iu. lint-mu ‘ . . ll 'l.o ‘l.ilt' li‘L’l-ln' ii ‘ ' 1 Hull "‘l'liil .| _ i' ' t ' ' . ‘ in...- Ii.’ F'iilt‘ lil l-il'l ' "- "i if s l. u-liioi.~o. i. i-..i. ' .' 3 -1 lm s .l.ii.1!'--ii ' . .lliil .ii i i. i-l '\ in. ll" :iiriii.v:.l l .21.: ::.~i.' '. : .i: e-l-i Icllllllitt ~ :~-\ 'l- .‘ryii i~i- n.’ ~' !.m. pi ;~vrt\ r ~~ it -:'vi- AK" A In“ prm l.'1..'l.l ~.i.I fiipnirlli‘“ If; '.'.i' -‘.i'< Lorer Hurts Court Action. R'N i\ L»; .u‘u'Ii .. . Tn.- l'..i 'I’t. ll'Hi: Li I‘q‘fl‘h '-! . 'r:. “in "ti-1W! mil the il-n'ni- .l'li l. .4 oil) "in li1~livl~ Hl‘ll ill» ugi- Ililid" b) l Ii that. of Iliu k lslniiil \ r held that If fIii [iri-u Phlnlllsllt‘il by the Irbltnitiot. ionimittiw of the board of trade iii Illlhlfll tor) to him Iie uzll Iblde by it. lvu! tiiIl l.’ the ilei lsion of the IrlilfrI lion committee i~ unsatisimtor) be “ill (one Mr I’Itten to go :nto [he tourt‘ and proie tliIl Ilt‘t‘i'lllln‘r corn “I! not llllflllrllillt‘d for tile purpmu of boosting :rit‘en. thereby forcing iihoris in Nut month to pay hixlmi prl es lhIn they otherwise Ii i.ld lune been obliged to pin and (Uni \\ H)Ilt‘ \\ a\ ma it hit) Magi” to LIId TeIchIrt Sl'lthJ'lElll. ill. The IllillillF Flt-iii instillation elm ted ol flu-n for Illt‘ ensuing your an follimr T’ri-siiivm Senator Hunt: 3‘ \YIgllI (‘1l\ -iip~-rinti-i:d»-nt of whoop i. Spriiieneld i‘rit \iu- Walter i‘ottu i-f Hunt St Ixillll \lii-s \i-I 1e il;.rd \liO' irisiilim " l Tent llPrll president ll Fl'i iinvi trn‘ [iri'sllls'tll 1" i hit .il-l' "vi oriiw‘i of laSajle 'Y'v'ah'J'PF. \l:.ii "~ \\ -il:.'iri. ll.i'l. lu-r '-\w .i‘..i.-v1.:..i'-- i. ii ‘.‘.}.. .. .i F" I r (hf/~O. Syru l'~.‘ i' \I‘ ' ..' l i ‘ .‘ l . i ' l' »i ' ,v \ l v ' \ .,y n i I v' \ i' \ i l v. L‘ i \ c \ '~ ~ - H: V e 'i ii. ' i ' k‘ ‘i ‘i '...'.iilllili ’ " a1 "Kill .i'hi 'i ; “elf l‘- r~ *l, i- ii.” v-r Dvcuom Pioneer II 00.6. lil Ql iil.\. ll,l. Thoma» (Vin aty. piotiiwri turn of fiuouwin ii- di-Id here It the age of eight) elitiit year- lie on I dill-Ill relatiie of liliihoi Tll(.nlll~ (‘4 nIty formerly of the i Ith olic dimer» of Wuhingiin li 1‘.Ind no“ of In! Ange-lee and “In one Of the first section fore-men employed by the llllni ii- ! entral on its southern ll lll’liiln (TH'MUD. Shoou Bride by Accident. CAIJ‘ZSIH ill} ”.1. The Icildenlll diâ€"(‘hIrge of I shotgun ‘l‘li’h her hiiii band “I! 1i"llilllK llilIrd the death of HM Robert Higgins of North lien dersoii. I bride of I fen month- Tlll‘ thrxe entered her bro-III nut the heart Ind deItli “In Ilmont ’ri utItiiIneoun \iri- Higginiu‘ first band an Ml ed in In lrtldvlll fins Chicagoui Acequ Brother lilaunthVTiiN “J A l'r'lllnfl TOT I illalliill III Die-d In Mr. ilr‘p toii lloliirvdu- of t liziax-i H. Kim pro but» ura‘mi her bro'fmr Her mini 1 ilnruuri‘. of lllm ll melon iii legliiir thiil iii eeltlitig their mothers o-iitnli- be had a .th.‘ - .1 property \Ilued ii' nure in.“ 31‘ ..,. ConieIIII Slaying Cullen Sl'lllXiiFll‘LlJl Il.l. \‘lllllm (‘ Berry who rhot Itid Llled lllllle'l (‘ul len IN‘tflUhD‘ of the Ittenlliii l‘ullen our; bestowing upon Min l‘eIrl lame, pleaded guilty to lllllirll-Atlll¢'r Ind uIii lAhO'll-Iii theater I! the charge iIrrleii ulth it I sentence of from line yen to life Hen Licenu Revohed. BRIHVNlNil Il.l. I‘eiuly Hami- WIrdens Allen Ind lid-Iran eonm eIted I turn! of blIiL bun It the fllh market of It I' lbddr Ind II this is the Mnond often-e ~.iiiimIrily revoked hi.- llI’PIlFQ‘ in. I fin?) deIler Dr G. F. PIrnonI Diet PEORIA. Ill. llr fluorite 7 Parsons. Ibo “a- I prm‘lolng physi- clIn in l'l‘illfllv for final.) )earii. died It the reiiidv-n. .~ M Li: din KlJo-r, 31-1, J W. lrulr. of tliiii l‘lf\ lie ‘u I member of the la )Il leme l ilJ.. ,_ Wihur Glenn inIu . ‘mr: mam PARK mm PARK tumors ”w.._.__c..__ 1.... "WW- _.._ s_._.-.-.. . ’_____ l ‘ ‘ eat Reductions in Sweater Coats - To clear up our stock we are offering Sweater Coats at a very great reduction .llaltr your SF/(Y‘Iltms ear/y aymond W. Schneider Telephone 33] St Johns Avenue lat e steam )laiit or a ill't' If you are not eltin to call on you. Aelephone 67 HEAT FOR SALE That is ust what Vie are re red to serve guaranteed CHAT- for your particular needs E YER Y HOUSEKEEPER llial IH’I .ier l ‘ It'l Iail.ll\ eniio the YSJAI.‘ N‘l .i-«' and tin-ii llinli unnh to .l.l\< the ‘.‘li.e will a \Ari. iiooiislit-d i‘ mtisfai tiiii. OUR MEATS fm iiii,.' )‘\e [itinull I’llll uliiii‘i I.i.'ll|i\ liii .iic ..‘u.i\.~li-iulri am‘. iul: of Hill. \ciiil llir\ Iltl'lvllliii‘ .iiiw \oi.i order.- lit' t' Sobey'I Sanitary Shop Telephone d3lâ€"433 ; wired to offer. It iiizikes no difference whether you OX‘I‘IlIf‘ :i small base burner We 'ou ronntly With a the best results from your heating plant let us send our coal expert ( )ui’ dt‘ll\'t‘rlt‘.\ are very liliillllll and VH‘ (ii‘ARANTHa ii 1.]. \‘i'i‘ionr. ALSO DULERS lN LUMBER. North Shore Fuel Supply Co. JAS. C. BOYLAN, Mgr. BUILDING MATERIAH IEED 230 N. St. Johns Ave. Cars Stored, Rented and Repaired Out of town Moving with Auto Truck North Shore Auto Transportation Co. IIUERBROS..Mml«IISSEl.nIF0lDCARS TelthIe 550 FILLING THE LUNGS. Con-en and Deep Onething II [neon tial to Good HIIIth .\o More of mimic li..- pun-ii inii "Ill glie ul.‘ i~-:ir more frequent ii-iu-i 'ii-t than the isllr} iwiilviinr Iii-milit- dH-i-l) ll ll'l n pvife- it) siiiii-ii- rule of Iii'n.lli ii-t ll ll ioimliiiiily lirwiki-u ,I‘Ilt‘lt‘ tiri- luv “"."‘ iii it‘llrll lb lih'llllir If our pout-rs of will IIlRl'I [illlir Irl' poor ill ltI llie 4 pipe with most lllltlml‘lt‘lil t-ri-iitlii-rn 1! It- [1 good l-llu [0 Join in g} tuiiii- um oi ('nlllllll'lllt c II- and leiirti to use the lung: III I linlip learn. to unv its feet nmi liniiilI Ilut remember i'imt lemons lh l-n-Itbiiig Iill do no good if the in lime! tiiiiikI he in nlmoveil {him his first rlm'lll unen‘ be lI 1n the claim A simpler method for Date lIUI lime or opportunity to It tend I g} lllllillluln in to turn life‘I daily . mutlne into n (‘UllIlDUUUI discipline llll ore-i ti lng be will fltiii lliiit Ibo-ii be in etigiiuni upon iii.) “oil. iliat mull- for rim-e It It‘lllilill In- eteii breathe in iii-em iiiil dd“lll’ rip iisiiiil Iir ultiiin-l iiiiniiiilr} holdI his l-rmi'h Thus [be blood i ui n‘til ll \ill.ilnl “lH'll it ought to In' cleanmi. and worker exliuiinh him-elf. not so iiiuili by bio- lnbon l! by [ill l)?‘ll‘('l llrIw in deep dmftI of air eu-ri time you take I breItb. and eiery lit lle ubile hlUli Hernliluu ad» and fill The those who, me. You could get Ilonu Iii well with i out I head on your shoulder! II with if the pot" breather take-I, (be trouble to watch himself rIn-fiillyl l l Why-ii your long! I few "men with breath- tbiit tut their mini-iii You Illl hr surprised to m the liiiiirou-uwiil iii-it it will unite In your grin-ml t‘ulu‘llliiu "Tillie-I." Itui fur Difioronl Viewpo-htl I'lllll‘zlli \‘Ill lilll'l""‘. w m- ill-lying gulf liiiiili.’ mil bo- (IT"'\I lirilliiiiilli (Mt-r n air-min iii I fill‘ on \I\ lDllT tut) on- n no» driu- .-un- llii lwiltll’ “0-0 born" he reiiinriu-I |~- lii- I‘fld die t‘oiiiliig timin- in mm to pin) oier thin Mllie' burn iov :iiioiimr hole Ind dune right into ll Mung lye III III!) Hi In not (I ioii illrf) newer" Armiliiiill he growled UN '0' Rue Head. 016 (Enlnil ilo hi. fm-lii-iliiililc- MIDIâ€"- You Ind your Iet thoroughly at“ one Aigyâ€"Aw. farther. bow I'I-flit‘u iomi' Win who-uh would I fellnb ‘ I'oIh his hut?â€"-Puck HII DelieItI Touch. “Thnt Muller is It pear-h It borrow in: At the dance Inst right he put my tie tin-night iiiid when he tind iln ii-bo-d I In. lilo mark: poorer"- l‘lirgeiiiie Hliitter obi-9mg. "\Till yon rorrolmrzi‘n my nit-pron lint)!“ ”Naw. l "(iii do ll‘lll lint l‘li ItIiot by whnt yo- ~iiy " â€" Itri'fiiiiore Ammi I’R 5,000 oer C 11"“. tliiirtl (NIB llil D the rei rui-iu l I‘JIirly 14 II ' liiil ii and ii ht-Vlh U] li) lu- I lhll I lrlwll llii \ 0- Joined the The rein-lit Iliiil'e Twice. lul' V l but TAM", rely . - mou- Tw - 0) . "0’0. Ind tent IeIr MCI bined thIt 4 f ., “- If“ to .4 . em! I

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