Maihclooeufoflm _ 7:13meorallpoinu north; 8:48 a. m. for Ill poinuexcept local north; 11:49 Lm.hrlllp0itlbb0flh;lZ:35p.xnfor allpointnexceptloalnmh; 2:13 9.11:. luallpoints continual Highwood; 3.01 animal] point: north except Highâ€" Mï¬ï¬‚pmdwnflmï¬ntxflp. m for :11 points. Sunday: 5:46 p. m. for aflpoints. REAL SATISFACTION Entered as seconddu- matter March 1. 1911. u the post ofï¬ce at Highland Park. "IIMIS. under (h: Am 0! March 3.1879. ' WMSISOMYmhMme cleaned sndpï¬ï¬shed. w‘Irryï¬ifbome: arm nova PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN L. UDELL at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone ;: :: Highland Park 562 THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS D. C. PURDYu" SONS â€WATID D. M. Erskine 83.. Co. INSURANCE Established in Highland Park over 36 Year: Dr. Herbert Francis Evans 'onthuethemu Sermbn “If I Had Only Known" This is Fifth in a series often minute interpretations. from the Christian point of \'iCW’. of great nationni events and movements. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 1914 Sunday, Feb. 15 “A Religion with the Forward Look†7:45 p. m. Pulpit Editorial “The Most Important News Item of the Week†33W Chard) WMMW ‘ We’re ‘Gomg Some’too 19 St. Johns Avenne Service a la carte from 6:30 a. m. to midnight Table (1’ Hate Dinner from noon to 8:00 p. m. nth. llmm Hoar Northwestern Cafe Breakfast Dinner ‘ Supper Loon: Ram , Mrs. B. A. Smith of So. Second 81.. is gviaitin‘ her daughter for even! week: iin St. Joe. Mich. ‘, Little Dallas Smith of Second SL. is on I the sick list will: dypthen'a. ‘ Mr. Samuel Bingham with his eon. Samuel, Jr.. of N. Sheridan Rd.. left the ï¬rst of this week for New York prepanr wry to sailing for France {or an indeï¬nite stay, Percy Prior, who has been on the sick list fat a few days is improving. :L Mr. and Mr; Marshall 5. Mmh of 521 Belle Ave.. left‘lut week for an extended trip through Californin. They expeci to return to their home in Highland Park the ï¬n! part of May Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Clow of Second Stuart the Week-end [nuts 0! In. Clow's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W1 W. Dyke of Crystal Lake. Ill. Mn. Jame. Dawn of Olkwood Ave.. near Lincoln, has been very ill {or the put two weeks bu! is improving. Mrs. James W. Prindiville wit; her two children left last Thursday to spend the remainder of the winter with Mm Prindiville's father. Mr. Clark of L0: Angela. Cal. John Farmer was taken to the Augustana hospital last week where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. John Glass of Cary Ave., Ravinia_, has as her guest {or several weeks her_ cousin. Mrs. Mary Fargo Walton of Mrs. C. E. Schautï¬cr has returned from a weeks Visit in Memphis. Tenn. Mrs‘ Farquahr 0f [)cxrvm was {kn-guest last week 0! Mrs. H. L' Tillman. 700 Proapect Ava Mrs. Furqunhr, who is on her way to Colorado Spnngs. luff [hr ï¬rst of this week. Mr. and Mrs John Putnam In: this week foraseveral Weeks \Iuy m San Diego. CaL Tht'v vull \Nt at the Home of Mrs. Putnam's father. Mn. (thles \Vinchestcr, Mr. and Mrs. “C .-\‘ Alexander Ian Wednesday for Honda and after a frw weeks VISiK at pointt: along they»: (0313! they WI†g0 to their winter hnmc, inlu Rusa. near Bellun'e. 'I'hc) ml] return to Highland Park m the var!) spring. Miss Lucile Meyners, “ho has been conï¬ned to her home with (he grippe tor the past week is able to be around again. Mr, R. G. Evans has as Ins guest this week his brother. I, (‘1. Evans quolumbu». Ohio. The Dorcas Society of the Presbyterian church meets on the ï¬rst and third Mon- days of each month at ten o'clock in the morning. The purpose this society is to sew for those in need. Luncheon is served at noon. If you wish to be- come a member kindly send your mem- bership to Mrs. R. 0. Miller. There were eight people who joined the United Evangelical church last Sun- day. and ï¬fteen young people who joined the Christian Endeavor; results of Goâ€"to- Church-Sunday. Rev. J. Foster Van Evera is spending a week or ten days in Grayvnlle. "L. where he is assisting in special meelings. The BIracca class met Tuesday eve thing in the basement of the United Evan gelical church. Gibbs. Mr. R. MA Jacks. M. D.. has opened an oflice on Waukegan Ava. Highwood in the building formerly oaupicd by M. J. There were about seventy-[Ive couples present at the dance given Saturday night at the post gymnasium hy Troop B of the 5th Cavalry. Mr‘ and Mrs. Harry Burke hav‘e as their guests Mr. and Mrs: Charles Butler and children of Montreal. Canada. ' The Misses Catherine and Mary O'Donnell had as their week-end Eilest Miss Mary Kelley of Chicago. formerly of Highland Park Mr‘ Cecil McEvoy uf Ottawa. ,UL was the week-end guest of Mr. John Canned I LOCAL AND PERSONAL [EVE | Telephone 948 HUHIC, V lllil ml] return to spring. left \[;I)‘ tn this Sam at the Home Mr» Cthles tam .\|rs.(}|en Marston Ht Rmuw Xtrne. better kntmn as the “11“)"er nu: Rottenthal was one of thc gumts “ht, ttmk part m the impromptu prngmm at the Russnan tea pun-n m .\c-\\ York Tuesday ulterntxm h) I'nnt'c Paul 'l‘ruuhcttkny She gm c an mtt-tprcta Four 01 the children oer‘ and Mn F. Baht are now ill with Icarlet fever. Him and Moon are critictllyill with mullgn-nt scarlet fever and are not It all lmpl’oved while Carl and George have slight cane. and m getting in; nlccly. Miss Nita Anderson 0! Sheridan Place. wag initiated into the (lama Chapter 0! Pi Sigma Phi Sorority on Saturday eve- ning Mrs F. K. Maechlllc and daughter Jeanette are visiting at Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. Mesura, Julius annn-r and Fritz Baht returned home on Tuesday {mm a sev- eral weeks stay In (ahturnm . Mrs, Nclwn of Fun du 1.:u. “is, Is visiting hvr daughters, Mrs Fn-d Yuhnle of Vine Ann. and Mrs" X Trt‘xuu of Highwond [mum-(1km She game an mtmpreta Imn of â€w [.uvc \Vallz of Mnszknmskl Mrs. M II‘IMHI z-xpecls to return horm- In varly 4‘1nrx‘h‘ Cmm. Wort \ Mrs Frank Earl Smith, tormerlv Miss Clara “‘xllmnn, who has been â€suing for :1 number n: weeks at thr- humv or her parem‘. Mr and Mrs T C Willmms nn .\' Shrndnn Rd‘. returned uuh her hulc sun LN Saturday In hrr huxm- In Kansas L'sz. Tchobu 0.5 Mrs. C F. French of Baltimnrr, ()hm_ |s nsmmz tor sen-ral weeks at thc hnmr of her daughtrr, Mrs J C. Morrison «)1 Ranm- [)Hu- l‘rueman Metzel lett last Wednesday lor; , "3'. 5 I I Diviuoa ap extended trip to the Bermuda: They /Laat Frtday, Feb. 6th the “Uh School tmll return to their home In Highland [human 0! the Parent: and Teachen‘ ‘Park some tlme m APm- ‘Aï¬m‘lattun met at the Deerï¬eld-Sh'leldl Mr and Mrs, E. B. MetZrl and chtl- â€nth Schml and listened to two short dren wull leave next Thursday for a nu- ydranTETfuattona o! hutont‘ epnodeu acted eral weeks stay in â€Sea Breeze" on the by boy Itudent- of Mr. Ruph Pernne. east coast of Florida, returning to Hugh; Flnt was the "Death of Socrates." the land Park m the early sprung. :seamdascene tn the “Virginia Anembly." Mr George M Hard m away on a sew An" â€"3" Wmnlalmns memben and eral weeks busmess tnp In L‘alttnrnm the†"""d3 adjourned ‘0 an upstnlru room where a beautttul paper nu read Mrs. C F. French of Balttrnnre ()hm_ 5) Mrs l‘ar! W, 51.0ҠM] “Mum'r . _ .- _ _At _..,_t . h. .L I Mr and Mrs. A. J, Metzel and son. Trueman Metzel left last Wednesday for a extended trip to the Bermuda: They mll return to their home m Highland ‘Park some time tn Apnl. Mm Archibald Aberr'romby. {ormctly Miss Helen Reblinc. in qunte ill at her home in Raven-wood with quinsv sore throat. Word was received here last week 0! the serious illness 0! William Harrison, who is working in Wheaten. Ill. He Is expected home this week. lMN.GI~oo-IQ!M W'Uï¬ ()wnng to the large attendance at her talks on music, Miss Caner wull RIVC the rest of her series at the home of Mrs. George Jones on Vine Avc‘ and Sheridan Rd. instead 0! at her atudm. Telephone 7.3-1. The Woman's Auxmary uf the Epm‘npal church met m the parish house Monday the 9th. ? Frank Knight. Jr.. is improving utter I J visit various pluc- In Georgia. :three weeks “he... I: The gm: 0! the Y. W. C. A are mnkm‘ ‘. Miu Once Murphy 0! Wnucondl. [llw , matron. to give I lap-neu- plny en- :hu been them of Mia Beak Mc-:mled "Kikn". They expect to be able H‘lmnney of N. Green Bay Rd for seven! ‘ m present it sometime next month. iweeka a' The choir of 51. [ohm Eumlical Lmle David Gray. Jr‘ who has been seriously ill for several weeks mth bronchial pneumonia at hIS hnmc nn ()lencoe Ave†is convalescmg rapidly 2 :06 p. m Monday. Wedneodny Ind Friday Evening: from 7 to 9 pm. The Highland Plrk Public Library in open daily. except Sunday. from Mrs. John Alexander and hr! 11 O'her Mrs Ayrcs have gone to Daytunu. Fla‘ where they WI“ remain until the nnddlc of the :prmg. Mr‘ and Mrs. George Hram and small son Robinson returned ((1 thru humr m Evansmn Wednesday ant-r a tour wen-ks stay at [he Grant home on Rdnnr Au- Mr. and Mn. John Ruse“ and family 0! Oak Park were the week-end gunu of Mrs. Russell's pan-ms, Mr. and Mn James Grant. week; i The choir ol St. Johm Eun‘elical Mrs. Frederick Fischer 0! So. Gmnichurch nnnounc: a total to be [wen in‘ Bay Rd.. who has been ill for scveral’the church hall on Green Bay Rd. and weeks is improving rapidly E Homcvood Ave. Wednendny evening. Mr. and Mn. W. S. Hoyt 0; 50. Green 1 Feb. 18th. A cordinl mutation to extend- Bay Rd.. had .- their We" on Sunday | ed to I“ and 1 good time u natured. Mr. Hoyt’s mm, Mtu Amy Hoyt 01‘ A number of tnendn survriu-d Mr. E-I Evanston. I ll Kuehne of 204 Homewood Ave. on Mr. and Mn Henry Ewart and Mr. I w'dne’d" 9""an- C‘rd' "" the and Mn. Jame: Grant have returned â€nu" 01â€" ""‘m‘ from a {our week: visut at Isles of Pines. i thlutkrkcn meet wrthquutr In arctdent ‘ Wednesday afternoon It the Elm Place: Crammer School. Whtlc gonna down the‘ stain he trtpprd and tell down Iboutï¬vej strps mth the rrault that his left lorr‘ ‘ . ‘ arm was broke-n In two plates Thr bond-st Mr‘ and Mrs. (:corxc hrant and Wt'rr wt and ll t5 huprd he'll art along son Robtnson returned ((1 thru humr m Mr. and Mn. John Ruse“ and lamtly 0! Oak Park were the week-end gunut of Mrs. Russell's pan-ms, Mr. and Mn James Grant. mtrh' For Sunday evening Feb. “ti. the membenolthe M. Eduard: on Non]: Ava. mm a valentine node] to In given in the church. A delightful pm mm has been planned. The price of Adlai-ion will be ï¬fteen cent; All who plan to attend the socul bring] vulentlne with you. MnAgnu Leonard Hill 0! Denver. Colo†arrived here Monday evening and is visiting her daughter, Mn 0. A 'IHBWPARKNWPMKW ELLA FRIEDMAN E. E. FARMER am .:.:‘. Bah.“- 'UIIIM Pupllld meoln Ave. xhool m to gut an exhxblllon o! gymnusuc work. The rmd'yur meeting at Lake County teacher: I: nnnounced for Fndny. Feb. 20. a! Lake Forest Then- vnll be m by Col. Geo () Shield; president 0‘ Iï¬ Lem: 0! American Sportsmen and L C. Lord 0! the Eastern lllinou Normal and Fobmry 20:]. Selected .- D... '0'! m. Coo-(y Cuba. 5 The regular Ionm'htly meeting ol the: Ouch club will be held in the clubroomol nut Thur-thy Illernoon. Feb. 19th, u 2: 45 o'clock. The dny mll be in chute. of the Ann and Crafts Committee. Mn; Robert 8. Gregory of Chic-no will be duel weaker. Her abject will be “The Art of lndia.’ Inch exhibit: l’aughrrn day wm MANN-d last Turn» day atlrrmmn at the Wmnan‘s Lluh Miss Maxim-rue Schaetcx hand ‘harge 0! [hr program Muss L harlouc Furs-e and Miss Lumsc Wan- nt Krmlanrlh gave ‘drmonslralmns n! the modern dance-s. ,Mlu FYH‘M‘ In buys amrr h-uk lhr grmlc» man's part and hug-[her (hr) IIIuMHilt'd Ihe Hesllalmn, [hr One Step and Tango Mr Robe-rt Northrup nf L'hwaan at (hc‘ plant). Pm edmg the dancing Mm an gnu-.1 hrn-I mtrndm lory talk un "How the new dam vs ungmalrd " MI. Albert Renxnng sang tun uln‘lmns en- titled '"Thy' Benmmg E\ n." by Mr- Duwcll and "A Bowl of Rum" by R. H. Clark. Mm Elizabeth Mdlyule van 1(- compamht. Mr. Northrop. who is Icon - pour u! ragtime. played u'verll (‘Ilthyl numbcm he III) rented two monologue; ‘ The {ollowmfl Ind)" urn hm’ Chairman. Mn. Geo M. Bind. inflated" by the Medium Robert E. Scyllrth. E] H. Mornoon, J C. Mornuon. R. L. Sand- mck. («-0 C Wright. Ind Samuel PtrIII-i men! ‘ mmnmnunm? hmxl Its anxh-grs and Responsibllmes." anmhmrnls nrwâ€" senâ€? bv the ladies at Lake “luff. me u! thr pupils xe- palrcd m (hr mnmnxum to damn Thomas Fmdlm and Mt N'hnndrr play ed rrspcuncl) plum .ud time Pum‘h was srrved and !h«- Hum c- vhapcruned hy [,akr Fme‘s! Mdlr‘ The Woman's Ciuc Club 0! szmn, WI†meet at the Village HODOC Frid-y, Feb 13th. at half alter two o'clock. The Highllnd Park Woman's Club nod the Oven Club are invited to meet wnththcm to bar Mn Ella F. Stewart. of the "ll- nois Equal Suffrage Association speak on {hfâ€"8W ol "Socul Gains from the néw Suflrage Law." On Saturday evening the Knlerolhrn will flht‘ {heir Illustrated lemme on "Shmmnx the Rapid: of the (Brand Canyon 0! Arizona," In addition to [he stereoptu‘on News the) have a number of remarkable nmtmn pu‘ture‘ of the ex cmng Inndents 0! their lourlren hundred mule )nurnev Mrmberu are requested to be present pmmptly at eight ï¬fteen Mr. and Mn Ward W. thletu mu: their younger dnu‘hm Carolyn. no on p two weeks «anthem mp. They will The board 0! director: 0! the Y. W. C. A. hold mening- (hc am Wednesday 0! each month at 10:00 o'clock I. m‘ m the rooms. an E. Cemnl Ava hadnoottncoaï¬a viii lb II" Wolf-claim" “*5 h†5.3:": Pet :0. the Mull “I. Aged-(ion dance ha. been W mm Feb. xowmxcu n. 'arents and Teachers’ Assocnanon Highland Park Club \Voman's Civic Club \Voman's Club Ossoli Club Making a specialty of loans on improved real estate in North Shore territory including Rogers Park, Evan“: mette, Kcnilworth, Winnetka. Glenooe, Highland Park, Lake Fomt. Security under mortgages in this herring continually enhancing while the rate of interest is 3mm North Shore Trust Com; Capital $100,000 OrunixdunduthoBanking 1...": a» 5m. oerLoa. A mg†will call for cal Joliwr your (mt: Why not have your clothing renovated here this week and give our work a fair trial? Our CLEANING ANp DYEXNG of ladm' and gem s garments. oriental rugs, mrpets, ponien, drapenes. piano covers. lace cum-um, etc.. cannot be duplicated by any Iocalcleener as we have the LARGEST and most SANITARY plant tn the West. ladnes' Ind Remit-men‘- cluthmg. They have learn- ed that our work keep. them In new dome. til the umc‘ They never have an old looking mi! :11 the" Unrdrobcv know [he Importance of appearance Thal't- why so many (‘umr and take advantage of uur ah]! In UpToâ€"Date People MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 2123-2133 Lincoln Avoann, CHICAGO Tobin».- Liuoll - 1m Dim 214WCINTMLAVENUE quhuelkfldhdï¬s Dyers and Cleaners “The Imperial†Call the Docto Mull?!“ When sickness comes consult your physician. After his careful diagnosis bring hlS prescription to and it will be ï¬lled quickly and correctly North Shore Trust Company Highland Puk, Illinois manhu- ulnar-hun- Linn, MORTGAGE BANKERS INCORPORATED Anupâ€"uo-dnnehnhroom u neon- urylortheiamér. Con-unus- mthhdplnioryourfloorm and we wul m you out with a but! mdwhidayou will be proud. tithmnmuchmjnonyour pock- WhNext I.I.I_C0. “flu Divot-coy - .131 W. Central Ava. ()ppmntc N01 comer k rm 1 al Sunny numll turd wuud 11001 md cold water The ï¬rm opp dâ€. ufl‘u‘fl on Favo- ILL coalâ€"l DI.“ Surveying [mphy h It†774 I We‘t We have lutureu by Ioll r- Fresh I and Sn rm J. P.