Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 5 Mar 1914, p. 6

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011! “Want ads” bring results 3' North ShoreAutoTransportafion Co. m3305..mfumnlmw “9502550 Ila-u.” Sole Agents for Ford Cars gas. 9. 30mm Mgr. Adephone 67 in East and West Deer-field Township ‘ Out of town Moving with Auto Truck North Shore Fuel Supply Co. If you have put off signing a contract for telephone Service, attend to it now. Call the Commercial Department and ask that contract be sent you for signature. ' Local and Long Distance Service from every Bell Telephone Station. rom t to call on xou. Our deliveries are very your heating plant let garanteed COAL for xour grficular needs If zou are not getting the {west results from are large makgg no difference whether you ograte a That is just what we are geared to offer. It Telephone Company geared to serve you gromptly withr The New Directory steam plant or a small bas'e burner, Chicago Telephone Company C. T. Ford. District Manager Telephone 9W3 and we GUARANTEE FULL WEIGHT. m B311 March 10 goes to press of the Rdbert Greenslade Highland Park Fuel Co. HERMAN DENZBL. Bye. \Ve We Keep the Best that Money can Buy 230 N. St. Johns Eve. Estimates gladly fimnisbed on all marlv dud - Fixtures Give us a trial order and be convinced also handle all kinds of Building Material 134NocthSecondSt. rho-.305; fl System W Park firm 29. 400 (00'. “(at 660 {wt west of the E 1320 feet west n! the E 1980 feet west 01' the E 2640 feet was! of the PI 3100 feet west of the B At the .\'.\\'. corner of At the Stu-(ion Line S Toes shall be plac the EAST VILLAGE 'l'lml (nut irun [mm <hnl|_l)(‘ placed in tln- linv ”1' “W cm! iron miter mpply pi'w hon-in llrfil\'i(l"ll wlu-rm‘vr.nmwmsary in lay pipe as heroin provided. That must imn ten-4 for fire hydrant: xlmll he plan-d in the line of the. cast iron water supply pipe or main. hervin provided. with 4" branch, provided with one length of 12" east iron. pipe of 4" internal «linms‘tor on Dveffic-ld Awnuin Toes shall be placed 71" fret west of n pl...” .m. . _ A” , AL Jnlzl 110‘“ (HHSHI‘N \\'II ”in: HIIII PM? irIIII II‘IN‘IN din” lu- IIIIII-I-Il il‘ (in “m III (III- I-:I~t iIIIn \ullor supp!) pipe or IIIzliII ill‘l't'ill IIIIn'iIloIl III. II” IIIIIIII~ “'iH'rl‘ \flill [IIIKN I-ImneIt and of II \i/l' IIIriI-~IxIIII|iIIg to HIV vuIInI-I‘tinn In “0 III IIJI- IIIIII :I 6" 141' III crII-u {mm In“ llllill~ :II I-.II II ~IIII-I inh-rwdion II~ ‘illn II II" \iHIIInI \\ .III-r “I.“ rm} u! and and .. . u... \H “mm! Awning land from MMCII point 2! (- w in!” “uh-r "llllllh' pi'pt- ul‘ "min uf 03” inn-run! «liunn-ln-r dun” he laid in “mud mn-nm- «HI 2: lim- [2 («w-t \nNn-rly uf and purulh-l in ”nu Writer lino themrf. 7. . .. . I“! .\\<'nm-: nlm a mu! irnn' wan-r qxlppl) pi'w ur mum n!' U" intbrmll dinnu-tm dull lw laid on l-"uir ”aka! .\\'vnm~ nn a ”HP It! fw‘t Nm'lh [If and pamlL-l In thn' H'Illt’l' lino‘ nf Fair ”alki .\\I'HII1‘ frmn Ilu- l'I‘HlI'I' lim- uf ”Mk .\\‘Imm' tn :1 point 1'! fw‘t \uNh-rly «if tho l'vntvr “no (If iln-fun- prmiahul fur in Lint-"Ill Au-nun. tin-um- running \nwt I25 (wt north and paralllvl (u (iH' m'lllvl"lim- Hf Him-l _\\vnm-, to a [mint 12 In?! uznt of the ~e-ntur lim- 0! Park .\\omtv: him that .t nut iron wutn-r mpply pipe or "min at ti" inn-rim! «liunu'tI-r shall ho laid in fl'urk Awnm- frnm uml (“mm-ting with n nmin lu-n-inln-furv pnivitlml for in ‘ Hum-l Awnur. nml tin-um running norm- vrli on u Him I‘.’ fm-t can! of and pnrnllvl tn tln- m-ntc-r “no of Park Awnm- to a paint un ['H' muth line of Hrmnnuul Awnlw; him that u “'IIN‘I' nip.- ur "min of ti" illlt‘l'llili ‘liinm-tvx‘ uhu l “4' laid ml at lim- 1;! I'm-t hurth of nml paruih-l to tho m-ntvr “hr of Fair Hub ‘Aw-nur- [mint and mmnwting with thvfnmiu hvrn'iniu- lfnn» pruiich-d fur «m Park Avenue. and running to am! minim-Ming with ”I" muin hvra-inlx-furv pruniuimi ftn' nu Linmln “hm-nun: nl~n that u emit irnn \uxtn-r mmily l‘ilN' Hr “min of 6" inturvmh «limm-tvr «hull iw luid un a lim- 12 t'wt north ut' um] 'mt'nlh-l tn‘tht‘ (rule-r lim- uf (hh-rnmnn.\\4-m|4-. from mul umno-vt I ing to n mprly pilw or main hvrvinlw- {un- prmidm t'nr in Linmln \n-nm: the-nu- runniu: um! to thv hut lino) of Park Ail-nun; .ilw. thht a mu! imuj \Hllv'l‘ "'i'l".‘ pi'n- or main 0' ti" intu-r llili :lmIm-tn-r din” ho :1rti<irllt'ti'cl nn 2: Jim 11! I'm-t north at unduatruih-l tn thw- m-nh-r Iim' of H-ntmi .\\'¢‘nlle. frtrn :in-I "ulna-ting In a nmin h4-rvinlu-fnn- pm \‘idml for in Linmln .\\’I‘Illn‘. nml Iilt'lh'o' running; \nwt tn Hm mu In... ..I Inw- An-nuv: “Ln. that an ear dupply pip» nr muin hf «limm-lvr «hull lw luid nun .- north uf and 'mrnlh-l ln‘tl U! (hh-rnmnn_\\4-mu- {mm H My it Urdu/luv! by (hg l'rr‘sitlt'n! and HIM/"II 0]. Trlmlt'ts at the l'ldeC of [her/N111: ‘l i NILC'I‘IUN I. That 1| llK‘ul iiuprmw-nwnf , lw maih- within tlu- limitfi of [llt' \‘illugt- inf lkwrfiohl. in thv ('mlnty of Luke. and fSlnte of llliuni», thv nature, ('halratfu-r. {locality and dewriptiulfi of which im- :pmwnwnt is an iullamj: Thu! at oust .irnn wutn-r supply pipc‘e'geur main, eight [18) inches iutn-rnul dilute-(tr shall] he‘ ”still in Dearth-Ill Awnno‘ from and mu- ; "(K-ting with [hr wutt‘r "lain (which hus “we" Inert-lx-{urv prm‘ided for in utlwr , prmreedingui uhivh muin is in he lflill in, l lk‘vriield Avenue from the (‘lly of High-g '3 land Purk to the east lina of the Village; lurf lIh-erliehl. at a point )3 feet nurth uf' ltlll’ writer lino of lkwrfiehl Avenue. utl tho- Mid vu~t limits of llw Villugv u!" lM-l‘lia‘lil, :iml frum lhvnn- tlu- <uicl 8’” HM imn wntvr «upply pipv’ nhull lw laid on u lim- l2 “‘0! uurlh‘mul parallel I”; [luv (‘t‘flll‘l‘ linv ul' lM-riii-hl ikwiiliv. to a g *puilll IMO I‘m-l Nb! of “It Wt“! lillo- uf‘ wtlu- Villugu of lhw-rfia-lol; Man, that u‘ rah! irmi “nu-r supply pii w or main, 8" lilllo‘l‘lml iliaum-u-r nlmll w unutruvtwl ‘ in Linmln Awnuv. from a pair! I! fm-l 1 north of lhu- m-nh-r uf Fair “1le Aw" 119.. ,;qul thl'im- running mutlwrly "lung [hm lllh' lg {01" “O“! of "ml nun-ll“! on n... (-vntvr Univ 01' Linmln .\\A'llllt’. tn u point ISM! {not smith of Hm north Iin of (‘onlml Avenue. auul mnnécting with the 5‘" ulpply pipe- abun- provitknl fur in lM-rfivld Awnm»: ulw that a mu! iron mutur supply pipc‘ ur main. 8" hm-rnal :liumrter whull lu- laid on “an! Ava-mm from and mmm-“xing to NW umin hon-inv 1"} in ”11' (‘1'; in lll'tniili‘d for hmnl from Park Avenue to -Un tho nurth sidv of I :I'nlu Uzlk .'\\!nllt‘ to (- tho- \\u--stn-rl_\ side of Mt Pair (Mk1 \H-mw m I m'u'IH mmlimu- to (H315 south awn)» \ mnnw-ting uith Hut-.mnin u-rl-in» -rr pl'xnirlml l'nr in lk-m-liuld Awnlu'. wmtinning tn Hm «mm on 2| lilw I‘vv! um! of and south Hf thc- router ‘ Hf Hmml Au-nm- tn Hm sullth nml . uu-I .:;_uin to llu- wnth In Hm «mth u! llruml _\\--Imn-. Vilhige Limits to e _ t 800 feet east of the south quarter ff Twenty-nine (29), whip Forty- three. (43) forth, ‘ _ge Twelve (12) East '0! the Third ; ipal Meridian. 0n the west side 01:;Lincoln Avenue from Farr Oaks Aven to a point 1,500 feet south of Central", venue. 0n the north slde of Hazel Avenue from Park Avenue to Lincoln Avenue. A cast'imn water pipe of 6 inchee'lnternul diameter‘ . on the east side of Park Avenue from Greenwood Avenue toi Hazel Avenue. ()1: the north side of Filr ()nkl Avenue |frmn Park Avenue toflltincoln Avenue. {On the north side of ermnnn Avenue. ifrmn Park Avenue to :Ainmln Avenue! AM the north side ufE‘Centrul Avenue; from Paul; Avenue to Linenln Avenuet -Uu the uurth side of Ffiir (lulu) Avenue; ; {rem Unk .\\enue to (Emmi Avenue. (in; :tlu- westerly side of ”mild Avenue from,I ‘l-‘nlr (lulu Avenue to the south end ul'f Iirzllnl Avenue tngvthet‘; uilh nwemur‘v‘ tittingi. let-u, (Tune-mg hydrants undj \ulvw pertaining there“), in the Yillugei‘ ”f HL‘L‘NL‘IL‘I n - I1 inlrthc Vilhgo '0! like, and State of I] .. thy construction of2 icy mint to be laid , ltfeatl: . A cut hon water: ” pe of eight (8) inches internal di on the north side of Reel-field AvoI‘h from the East Inn 1,, ll" ll {In Ill' .. ...... .u . thmm- running mutherly "lung [he I2 {014 “wt of and lmmlle-l to Um 1mm: H ELI? "UIIIII mm IN“ <hn||_l)o plucvd in: Hn' 0nd iron mlter mpply pruvidc-d u'lu-rm‘vr.nmwmsary as heroin provided. thgv “uh-r phtl. Hz 4.5 \\n ('u'fl. irun [llllf_'~ nr mp3 ~hnll 1m o- wwl~ uf all llrfllll'hl" of 1h.- 1...“ hvlwin prnvirlwl. (Wm-pt u: 111' rl'u‘munr Inn-1 that III‘!‘I pipe hwn‘!” [H‘M'inIo-«L In (In- m-nlvrlim- Hf ”um-l ‘n a puinl 12 [mt mm of Hm n- 0! Park .\\omiv: Him that of mid Section Line III II] r' H-nlml .\\‘¢‘Tme. frtrn 2111-! I a nmin lu-rvinlu-fnn- pm Linmlln .\\’I‘Iill1‘. nml HH'IIH' In Hm rust lino of Park ‘ a mu! irnn‘ \m-n-r mpuh up ur [1.1“ I rml“ nf LIMITS: E. Village Limits E. Village Limim l-‘l Village Limits. R. mug; Limits. F. Village Limits. f Lincoln Avenue. S. E. homer Bec- . A intbrmll dinnu-tm ”aka: Awnuv nu a and panvl In thu- anw .\u-mw frum Hi Im “an! Ava-mm to NW quin hon-inv in Lint-"Ill Au-nun. I25 (wt north and rvln plug Vshu” ho UHI pip:- ("'2‘ m uuu'l mm; perlormnl in («unnec- i tinn hvrewith shall be in u'mrdnnm- with 'suid Dalrfield Standard Stu-intuitions. Gl'ARASTEE. >31me ‘1. For the keeping and ,nmintaining in a pauable mmlition the {nth-r“ in which pipes have been laid :fur a period uf one year from and after Jim mmpletion and amptant’e of the wurk‘ which keeping and maintaining shall mnsiut of refilling depressions. mum! by a svttling of the hackfilling. :tlm Village of” Dvorflfild shall retain tlmre (3) per rout of the nontravt price for tho- miil work. and ii the contncbor ,ur t'unlrut'tors {or this improvement Ilia" All pipm shall he laid and all ing or other wosk perforle in [inn hprewith shall be in u'mrdm said Devrfield Standard Sum-mm («51' mm PIPE. .\H ping and muting». shall! be made 06 Hm hm! quality I»! Inc-ta] aunl ihaH in all rthm‘ts mufurm to the specifica- tinm known atwvsigllnted as IMrfie-ld Standard Sptfe' ' 3 ions. nu! Iv“ than fiu- iln‘lH" inlvruul din-l1 mc-tvr. and he tith-d “ilh al mm iruni (um-r nu uhivh mud hr «=th in rnimH IMtvn. thv ln-llvh \WV." _\H valve; lu-xlw ~lmll h.- mmh‘ In vuvml from four; tn \ix few! and \hd” in an“ I‘v-po-vh mnr? form to tho .~pm-iti«-ntiom known aw” «lo-~igxmlc-d m IM-rliwl-l Manchu-II Spwiii-l ('ulitrn“. ' in all I'vquhlumt'nzrm to tin- ~ln'v] Hum :uluph-d and damignnlu. n~ l Iichl Slumlunl Sp-vilirulinn» ‘ HATE \‘Aurzs .\\1; Lu”; lumm Huh- nnlu-w “in: \nln- how-s dial plum-ll in lln- liw- uf tlw piln- 'IQ'l‘l‘ill \‘iIh-«l for :It all pipv inlvrwvlimm. gan- \':Ilu-~ mm! In- of (hp tum-st um um! In) :Ipprm'wl by tin- "aural nf I. Imprm'l-momi of the Villngc- uf “<er and <huH («mfurm in all l'!"lK'(*t\ In ~pwilirutinu~ kmm'n mul «lesignnlwl Ih-vrliu-M Standard Sluwifivzitinnu. mlwu shall he mmh- tn 01w" by turn m the- In“. blow huh-s. flaw-4. m-ulm and nu} «le-wription. lrm- to fnrm nurt‘. of \rurknmnlikv linhh inlw- 3| ll'll‘ih' «rt-Hg!!! «If I' [u .‘HJMH H». pvr «warn inn-l _\\:-nm~ uml Fuir (Mk! Avenue. , .\t thc- Nurthq-xut mrm-r of Haze-l .\\'o-nu«- uml l’nrk Awnm: ,\l the Nurthuc-st worm-r of Harm] Awnuv uml Linmln Arc-nu". .\t ”w NurthmM mrno-r of Linmin Awnm- and Untvrumnn Ave-mun llu- Nurthxumt mwm-r of Linrvnlu .\\vnm- um] ('o-ntrul .\\0‘lllll'. \t n [mint MIN! fw-l wuth ,uf t'n-utrul .\\n-nm- un Lincoln .\\o-nm-. the N. E. c-urm-r Hf h-ntml A\\‘<'nlu‘ um! I‘m-k tho-nun. “IN: on Intc-rnmmL .\\«-mn~ mm {out “wt of Linvnlni (\n-nuv. ”n (5mm! .\H-nm- alt llll' \‘nrthwmt nor mar uf H‘Il'l‘lllflllll .\\’I‘HIII'. Hn (irslnd .\\'1'llllv .nt thq- «mth Hu- firm-L '.\t .\( nml n! .\H In! valid hylrunh ~|tall| (-\ta‘ml {hr and nm'hulf {t't‘l ha-hm lhq- t"|ith”\h(‘d :rmh- and Inn and nnvlm” foo-t :I’NH‘P, Hwy ~huH In- m'uimml with twu hrunzv mu././.lr~ uf (himgn Nnmhlrul. ":HP’I hy :Irnllt ~huH hm:- nn nutnlxmtit- drip fur Irninzlgv, 'l'lu- «lrlp mu~t rIIN- tight!) ulu-n thr hylrzlnh Iwgin tn tIlM‘H :uul Iml~t h-mv 1m \mtt-r «eluding: in the- ‘tnmlpi'w u‘m-n tlw hydrant in vlnm-«l. T'Il‘ hylmnt shall Iw mmh- of tuugh 4'31}. l‘.‘l~' iron frm- frnm vuM ~hul~ blow huh-s. flaw-4. m-ulnw and :lpfwt‘ m‘ o 1 i x 'l’lwn- dull! In- 2“ 2m hynlmm- “ith sunilizn‘) \nh’m :uul \‘ulu- how-x mid Hrc- hylrnnl- “ith mniliury vulnm anal \nln- hum ~hu|l lw (‘UIIHH'U‘II with tlw aw in 1hr m-l irun ~upply pipr n;- hvrI-r inln-fnn- prmidvfl by u u-zu‘t iron 'DI’IHN'II uf 4" inn-run! dimm-u-r and ~hull In- plnvul at lhc- fulluu'ing paints. til-wit: IU I'm-l mm! of tlu- Han! \'il|ug- Limilm 1980 few! new! of thc- Han-1 Villngu- Limiti. A! tlw Nurtlmml mn'm-r Hf lM-rlivhl _\\c'nur :uul Livmvlll Analm‘. .H Um Nurtlmmt curm-r of [berm-M Awnm- uml l-‘rmul Awnuv. At a point, 660 feet east. of the West \illugq- Limits. A\t Hu- .\'nrth\u-~t unrm-r of Fair (hula: Awnm- nml “mull .\\'«-nm-. ‘ \ paint 450 {PM unit]: of Fuir Unkx Art-mm um Hruml Axum». .‘L’pl! I'm-t muth of Hula-i .\\'b‘llll(‘ un (irmnl .\wnm-. A 1 Al HH- Nmthwut I-urm-r (if firm-"wood Awmw and Park .\\vnIn-. \t llu- Nurthmut mnwr of Fair ”aka Awnuv and Park Avenue, \( Hn- nnrflnu-q «Arm-r «If Lim-nln 7;:â€" .xâ€" 1:... RT. ,:_ .1: .22: 1!; Li... 2.2â€": 7.x. .â€" _.7 7:: _::_/~:.:;â€" ::.__ 7F .\\vnm-. A! n point 1.300 {wt ml Au-mw. (m PARK .\\'E.\‘l‘H, lbl‘ulu'hn'n shall be plum-d: .304) fret mm): of Fair (in Mm u! the NE. Partner of (m GRAN!) .\\'HX|‘E.. nf FAIR, OAKS AVENI‘H Awnhe. At a point #00 f‘ Avemm At a point 1-H! fun A\\"’!ll9, H Um N.\\', (-urnvr mm. \1 H10 .\'.\\', mrm-r « \t a paint Mm {w on LINCOLN AV ixififfég SKI-{be phm’d: ‘K At a point 5.50 {wt south of Fair be placed: ‘ At the KW. mrner of Second Avenue. At the NE. corner of Park Ave-mm. At tlu- .\'.\\'. corner of Springfield Ave! "no. At the. :\:.\\'._m‘)fngrrpf Lincoln Arenua (mks 'Avenue At the XJV. (K At_ .1 point. it l but“. ‘Atspoin pointhetmtofthoWut I Limit; ‘ oil‘snlsmwoon Arman, Tees sha’ll hep At me 8.16m come“)! Oak Street. At the SE Corner of Purl: Avenue‘ On FAIR OAKS AVENUE, Tees shall be p:laoed At the N. corner of 05k Axenne. At the N \ , corner of (‘mnd Avenue 0n F AIR. OAKS AVEVI E, Tees ahan Atfithh' brave-at corner “Second '\ H-mn [mint 1mm fm-t N.\\', mrm-r uf (‘vntrul Aw'ml [mint .301! [wt mull: of ('vn \ .\L\'|C IKU\I'I§ P HHS H YIIKA \“l‘fi \ E. ,"‘?""°r of Hui?! Xkfiue‘ - uf tlw piln- 'IQ'l‘l‘ill pm ‘ pipv inlvrwvlimm. All, In- of (hp tum-st quality} by tin- "aural nf hwnl' the Villago- uf lkowliehtl ‘I in all ITNIK'CI\ In llw| m‘n mul «lesignnlwl an! rd SIW‘ifivzitinnu. All. mh- tn 01w" by turning} nu uuunury vulum and H] In- mnnwtml \sith tlw iron ~llllpl_\' pipr an “0“" [-41 by u u-zu‘t iron 'DI’IHN'II comer of 100 feet HOG feet III IIIII~I I'IIN- light!) ~ Iv VIII tn Ulu‘ll and Her «unling in the- India"! In (Inn-«l III lw thlll' of lullgh. Im- fInIII 41D” ~hulm Rt'illlw NIH] lll'ff'UK‘ (If m- to fanII nml l'lil'k- {out muth of DH-rtio l’u i r Huh .\ \‘vnuv \uhn‘ lunuw shall} IIH'I’ I'nI'h \alho‘. In upright ~lmft and all 9(l1l\'fl[ of (,).~tl-r1||»InII inlvruul diu- n mm irun :th in rniml ' A H valve ml from {our muth muth I and nimll from 27.000 'h and ‘h‘ull hr ~|N"'Hi(~n. Haze] south south 500 feet south vurml {hr "flathlishwl for! "have, lwu hrunzp Hut-h In’ dial” b0 of Hon-r Avenue, of Hazel n! Hum-I “ith 4 'vnt l ‘c-nlx ‘vnll I I l r i l i l I l l l l l l l l I I I l V In “Huhelnlnh Days In Fleet Show": Is thl~z Lulmm-here hwldent. which Imp-i penned wlu-u ho was in the diplomatic: sen'lm- and was m-nt on a mission to} St. PPM-111mm: 3' Reruw mum“: he had a dispute with: tlm run-ism uflir-e about his expensesgl The {urollzn office had us Idea of the 30319; I.uluuu~lu-re had his. But the“ nail-e rvruwd tn remmlder It: ded- slun. Lulmut-here took his leave. crows-i od the channel and was tn all appear- ance lust. A week after the l’pvolnti ed time he had not arrived at St.» Petershurg. A representative of. the foreign once was. sent out on 'Mis trail. He was tricyd to Paris and from thence to Vienna, where he was run to earth. In reply to his discoverer he coolly «Id. “The foreign (Mice Mued to pay me my expenses. and I'm whit- lnz to St. Peter-burg." Little Man was (uloflnx picture: with her not of palms. She used a rim that failed to please and ext-Maw: "Oh. I dhln't mean to do that' How ever, what‘ I (lobe is done and can't be undoneâ€"except shoe lam "â€"Chlan xv_Â¥ Now- ! er'lmx 7. Thu: Elhunn “I 1'0“»); :1” :uturm-y nf Hw mill \‘illam- I»! and : hu- i~ hen-Ivy din-"luv! tn (“v n [tr-titilm in '5 NW (‘mmty ('nur! uf Lake ('uunty. lHi‘ Minis. in ”w nnnw of the Village u! Dwr [ 1 H .. praying Hunt Ate-[m be taken) to levy 5n ~1I-‘l‘inl :hu-«uwnt fur mid imprnw tun-m, in .‘It'I-urnldm'e- \run the pnn‘isium :nf thi~ Hrdinnnmn and in NW mumu-i l I 'uwutrilrml by but. \‘Han N‘ Thu! .1” Urnlillanm-i or yarn of “Miriam-IN unlflir'li‘nu uith thi~ Urnlinam-q- slmH In- and m» same nrvn hvn-by I'I-IM'MNL 1 Shivl'un 5t .A:l~ Hrdinnnw- dull ll'i in in“ form- and v-ffm-t from and after! it~ pnwflm- and unhlimnann ' V - . .~ ‘Yumf ~i;_vuml In) [In I’m-«M In! Truuxmu of thc- \illu; “Ind uHmh-ul In ”I? \illu: ltlu- mnummh- wall of the I’m-Hiv-H. Said l-omh whu I 1rwnr<L~Iuw uith and *hall mmfurm In Un- prm‘i-AimH ".1- Ul-m-rul Aswmhly nf Illinni~_ vnlillwl. “AM A LUI‘NI Ilu'n‘mq-uwnh." .\ th. .\. I). 1897. um] Hu-rt-lu. ": Tum. J.- KNAKK Villagr ("ll'rl' XI"! Sn'rmV Ii, For the- purp Inning ”w “Hie-Minn Hf UN «mm-(ling im-tallmvmn of un-nt fur mid ivppmu-uwnl. be immmL payable out 0! all nu-nh hearing inh-n-‘t at 5'2"; pI-r unuum, mwuh puicl‘ .HI inntnllmentn shall bear; inur- out until paid at the mic of five and mw-lmlf per «vnt (5}13%p per annum, sum llllt‘l’l'nl un nJl ammentu shall be- gin tn run {rum NM‘ date of the first \uur-lwr iwunml on amount of work done,‘ us wrtifiwl by mid Board uf local lm-l prun‘nwnb‘ In the ('lo-rk u! the (‘nurl ill lwhirh lln- n-M-“mvflt Illf‘l‘l'fur shall b9 u-untirnml. 1 The intern-it nu let'll installnwuf shall; he payulult- unfollmu: Uu tlw 27ill any ul' .lunmu‘)~ m-xt “mm-«ling the «late of! lln- first \‘uuvln-r imuwd on xxx-(Haunt of ‘ \mrk dan «m mid impmromvm. no er . li-ul u~ Mort-sand. the Interval act-rum! up’ In tlm! time on all unpaid in-ullmenh-l dual! In- due and payable- and (“Hm-(Hf: with Nu- initullmem. and tllemfu-r the intvml on all unpaid inuullml-nh, then ‘ payable. shall be lmynhlefimmnlly. and} In» :lm- nml pnyahlv It ”'14- mmr timv Juli [lu- installments maturing in much ymr? and I» vullwtwl- Un-nzuu HI o-wry'in- «um-v. “lumen-r paymvllt in mud» by; any in‘lnlluu-ms. inn-r941 mmll lw Hal, h-utml llu-rmm up In ulutn- of such [my-l mvnt. ' on .u... I'll‘lll‘lll‘. Ill! [Inna] dune Htlmn, ..\ I).1897.andamvndmemo there- tn; and that of the amount of said as- l m-sumvnt tn he collected as aforesmd, the ~um of UN}- THUl HAY!) FHE HLN HRH) SEVENTY- THREE and 50/100 DULl ARS- 181,573.50), which sum does SECTION 5. That the aggregfla umount “amassed, and each indh'idmu unwssmcnt, including the nun-amen! again“. the Village of Durfield, if there be any, shall be divided into 'l'rn ll”) initullmentu, together with u” of the fractional amount-I. and the -v, .â€"v IMLIARS- 181,573.50), which sum does not exceed six I6) per cent of the amount of such asumnunent, shall be a . plied so far as may be reqhired to t e payment of all lawful expenqm attend- ing the plu'mlings for mixing said im- pruwment, and the cost of nuking 5nd mill-cling the assessment therefor, in m-mrdunm- mm the provision: of aid Act, M17105 4. That the said improve- ment ulmll be made. and the whole cost tlu-rmf he puid {or by special assess- men! in mmmlnm-v uith All Act of the Honvrul Aswmbly of {I‘m State 0! HH- nni-. «milled, ’ An Act Concerning Lm-nl lmprywnu-nh" approved June summit That the recommendation uf the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Deerfleld providing for said improvement, together with the estimate of the cost thereof made by the Engineer of the Village of Deerfield, both thereto attached, be and the same are hereby approved. "run 5t .nh Hrdinnnw- dull lu- il form- and v-ffm-t from and after 'umgv and puhlicntinn. I’RUYED: Mnréh 2nd. A. l). )9“. (3 \\". I’m-rm. I‘rrxidrul I'm Tm». l The entire improvement hminbebu provided 'for in this Ordium shun be canistructul under the superintendent of the Board of Local Improvements with. Village of Daerfleld. All the BMW used in the construction of the imp-om; ment hereinbefom Ipecifld phall be 0! the Best quality and o! I kind specially adapted for the purpose for watch It‘ shall be used, and all the wry labor shall be performed in I pod And workuumuke manner. » field. MW than mm 13“â€" “ L-bby'u Long Walk An Exeoption. H'linn nl lllt‘ Vxnml anal nllnwnln of maid unwâ€" nxpmu-nwnl, hands shall fill‘ out ul all uni-l install inlv-n-‘t at [In- rat» of unm, payuhlv annually. the l’n-nith‘nl allhl ”(bard tlw Village 0' lhorflrld llIP Village (‘lc-rlx'. unde'r :ll of the will Yilluyr o! lunnh ~lmll lu- issued in and *lmll in all MPH'XI prlu'i-Aimr‘ ml the Art nl‘ u-mluly nf the State ol I. “An Art (oncoming v It flu- mmr timv m: mturin‘: in much ymr 4-rl'\\h m o-wry'in- paynwll! in mud» by illlvl'wl mm“ lw «al- ln min!» of suck [my- the- purpose- uf nntiri .\ pprm‘wl J um: um] unu-mln‘wnts Village 0! [Mr he tnkPn to levy r mid improve II the Imn‘isium In “W mu mm said improve- the whole cost special assess- An Act of the “av-““325: “39, 15c . March 3rd lewimhflmiadmn Mfmfihfiy’u Van-dual. Fat of the ' duo Vndovmm Youvillilvnnfiad- good-bow ulho‘HW'u-k That" We have discontinued Vaudeville on Wednadayn but wul run large future; by the famous players. We have MOTION PICTURE And Vaudeville West Central Ave. Highland Park Theatre Thi- 724-! “NI-It'dâ€" lief-u. was»! 231%“ 1mm CROPLEY G. PHILLIP: FRED SCHAEFER PLUMBING “atom! of its condition in this newspaper from time to time. AJC. MORGAN , ”m“, ‘ C. FIGRANT is a SAFE BANK in which to put your SAVINGSâ€" Its ml is counted and its qun'u'a Smn'u'ud by the Stat; Authorities periodiafly. u n R. G. Evaflu 143.qu

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