Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 5 Mar 1914, p. 8

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Nine and one half inches of snow tell during the da) and “hvn it stop« red a bowling gale SPY in. The um- peralure, uhlch had rPlllkilllNJ at a law dexres above (realm. drnp .- m’xny degree-s. freezing tlw slush and snow thst (mored the strvvls. Street Cleaner. Swamped. With only :‘m per cent (.1 the snmx from the two prmlous storms rumm- ed from the principal strum» thor- city szrw-t cleaning dPlartnunl fared a new problem. Already Stmmuu hes teen spent 11: snow removal work and bit} omclals were unable tn make an estimate of the probable cnst or the nflslatest storm. .Wlth its telegraph wires dtmn. alg- nnla crippled and tracks drifted high wtth mow. the Pennsylvania railroad nude no attempt to run a train out of New York after 7 o'clock. and all In- cmlng trains (mm the west and south arrived from two to eleven hours Into. A local tnln from At- lantic (‘lty "rived 1t 4:30 o'cloek, "ten hours and titty-three minute; In”. The conductor reported that tho storm wu still raging along th: can and that the snow was drifting badly. ”In. and Ono-Half Inches 01 Snow‘ Falls in New York City; Funds Aral _ Exhausted From Oflur Stormofi mm Famino Fundâ€"Hundred. ; wilt in Station 3nd Railway Carl. NEW' YORK. -â€" New York and A large part of the East are sullen-int from one of the worst stcrma in their; Ilstory. Five persons have been “11-“ ed. sulfur as reported, railroad tramc' Ii tied up and wire communicationl crippled. Strees nd sidewalks aref covered with an icy coating, makingi hlklng difficult and dangerous. and vehicle irsfllc in llmusl impossible,‘ Few trains are lemlux mer any 01‘ the main trunk lines rur the west} and south and street car and elevated} tune in the city and suburbs is lame‘ ad in some instances suspended. Not since the blizzard of 1888, to which oid residents point as the worst in the history of the city. has I storm resulted in so much suffering. A milk lamina is feared. because of [be suspended train service in New Jersey and New York state. “HST STORM SINCE 1888 Railroads Suspend Operations} Ships at Mercy at Seas. EAST PARALYZED counts when it comes to selecting Meats of Quality. We are prepared to supply you with h the Pennsylvtnh railroad su- of tender, juicy. fine-flavored Meats. Let us know your needs and leave your order here for prompt dehvery. What shall we send you today? Why Pay $35 or $40 for Your Spring Suit? Block Tailoring Co., 647 am Amway fl We will send one of our salesman to show you our New Spaing line of imported goods for $30, with Extra pants $35 Open up an account with us. Your credit is good, drop us a postal and we will send our man out 'to take your measure. Phone THE CHOICBT CUTS vey'o Sanitary Shop Tm 431-433 EXPERIENCE are keen and durable, easily taken apart and easy to clean They are built-for ease. Every part fits perfectly. Like all Harder’ s goods the Chief Considera- tion is Quality. you want Hardware, think of HARDER, they go‘togelghjer" Harder’s Hardware 180‘ Special Prices for this week lllinoi. Stats League. , (‘HAMPAmx ILL. â€"â€" A m9 (.lub league. to be known as the HM»? noln State league. is groomed as the! successor to the HHnals-Mlssourii league Lincoln Stream? Kankakee' iunmpaigu, Oman and either 142' . Selle or Peru are the clues regarded§ bv President "line as likely to con- F salute the reorganized [mun Trains tn the New York (‘entral lines fared little better. Points up state could not he reached by wire ‘lnd the wherabouts of seieral incom- ‘not be learned. reported lost was the Twentieth (‘en-l ? were reported mg mail and passenger trains could Among other trains thry imited. Cold Springs. 3 distance wiles. thirty broken telegraph poles are down. Albany and Bullalo were out of communication and New York Central trains between these points lost The storm put nearly mery wireless station along U‘e coast hereabouts out of comniis e'on and after 6 o'clock communica- tion with ships at sea was impossible 'ihe serials of the station were Between Peeksulle and (if elevn render them useless. so } ‘crippled with sleet and snow as to‘ age of the lots and lands upoh said Oak St.. in the City of Highland Park. where- in said work is to be done or their agents may within ten days.of the pub- lication of ”“5 notice. elect to take said work and enter into a written contract to do the whole of said work at ten per centum less than the price at :which the same_has been awarded. V Frank P. Hawkins. , joseph L. Fearing. | Robert W. Buckley. l George L" Vetter. Board of L0tal impiouments of the City i of Highland Park ' Dated at Highland Park. Illinois. March 5th A D. 1914. 1-2 -»+, i ’ now-anal}- Some Say More Were Frozen Than Hunters Killed Last Season. TERM-Z HAl'TE, 1ND. â€"â€" Jesse Winslow of West Tom Hume reports a covey of fourteen quail frozen [(- dcmh in the norm. Many farmers near here say the sudden cold and thirty hours of snow wnh zero u-mpé-rature following km- ed more quail than did the hunters in the last open season. Owner of Cuba and Chicago Syndi- cate Fnil to Come to Terms. (‘INCINNAFL ()i-HOi ,.V The urns onered Charles P. Taft by a Chicago Syndicate {or the controlling interest in the Chicago National league hue {“11 I'hxb_ are not acceptable to Mt. Taft «the has held a conference here with L. .I. Behan, the represvntathe of thy syndicate. Just what the (érms were “as not ghen out but the conferenca did not last an hour. Mr. Hehan departed for Chicago uttvr it ended. TAFT REJECTS $750,000 BID MANY QUAIL DIE IN STORM tion may sleeping cars remained on the tracks all night. in them were 800 passengers. many of whom slept pemefuily ignorant that they were not on their way to their destinnth Hundred. Walt in Sutton:- In the waiting rooms were hundreds of persons waiting for the resumption oi truffle. Lunt-hrocms and dining balls were kept open an nikhl {or their nccommodulion. Mm Novice Public notice is hereby given that the Subscriber Administrator of the Estate of Sarah A. Patchen, cleansed. dull: tend the County Court of Lake County. ntaterm thereof to be holden it the Court Hoax in Waukeganidn laid Coun- ty, on the first Mondav cit Apn‘l mt, 1914 when and where all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to present-the same to said Court for adjudication Board of Local improvements of the City of Highland Park. Notice is hereby given to ell persons interested. that the bids toe the fumish- ing of all labor. tools and material; nec- essary for the construction of a cast iron lateral main water supply pipe four [4] inches intemai diameter. to he constru'cb ed and laid in, along and under Oak St., from and connecting with the present eight [8] inch water main now laid in Broadway Ave. and from thence souther- ly fifteen [15] feet east of and parallel with the center line of Oak St. for a dis- trance of three hundred and. ninety feet. {390] together with shut-off valves, fire hydrants and special castings, all in the City of Highland Park. Lake County, Illinois, were opened on the 2nd day of March A. D. 191:. and Douglas McNeil! being the lowest bidder, for the construc- tion of said water main, the contract was awarded to said Douglas McNeill on the 2nd day of March A. D. 1914. Said bid for the work as a whole is as tollows: Quantities Approximated . 2} (ons‘f' cast iron pipe 1 fire hydrant with shut-OK valve and box complete 14"shut-off valve and Edward W.Mcl)crmott { Administrator \Vaukegan. Illinois. Feb. 91h. 1914. The owners of a majority of the front- E one small purse containing pair 0! age of the lots and lands upon said Oak ‘ mond earrings. Liberal reward to fit St.. in the City of Highland Park. where- 1 Call or phone Highland Park Pres o: in said work is to be done or theiri agents may within ten days.of the pub- : Lostâ€"Monday morning between lication of ”“5 notice. elect to take said No. Sheridan Rd. and Northwestern work and enter into a written contract ‘ tion, gold chain with slug peals. Re to do the whole of said work 'at ten per i to above address Ind receive rewnrdt centum less than the price at which the 3 MISCELLANEOUS. same has been awarded. . i mmflmecnm M-.. L ..... 100 pounds lead Jmc Caytage Labor [excavating back- filling. calking, etc. complete] mum. kiln-ml Telephone 763i [slit-ales Furnished , Hf} 124 N. Green My Red “W P* Notice of Awnding Contnct ELLA FRIEDMAN Dmunckd 3"7 Pninting and Docotiting Wall Piper. Elk Supplied \- ‘1 Damascfis Geo. H. Mofiii Total $231.00 Price Amt $30.“) $67.50 12.50 Prim Rim 102.00 38.00 ‘ 12.50 ! SITUATIONS WAN fED K SITUATION WANTED â€"â€" Gardener and igeneral man. knows Ihe care of electric ,Iear. Married. age 32. Beat North Shore . reterences. Address Gardener, 442 W. iCemral Ave.. Highland Park. 1-2 pd POSITION WANTED-Pm private place a: houseman. Good experience. Address H. Olin. 614 Sheridan Rd., % Flanders. Telephone 390. Fox RENTâ€"Nicely fuxnished from room. fumbeet. use of telephone, etc. 235 W. Vine Ave, telephone Highland Park 405. Lady or gentleman employed Claric- F. Cum 2 George E. Phillips j The Board of Directors of the said High- land Park Safety Deposit Company. 1 George E. Phillips. 1 Room 3, State Bank Bldg" 1 Highland Park. 111., ! Attorney. 51-52-1 I 7 F0: Rm~+room flat at 130 Onwen- tsia Ave. near Exmoor golf grounds. ln- quire next door cut. a special meeting of the stockboiQers of the Highland Park Safety Deposit Com- pany, an lllinou Corporation, will beheld ’ at the general office. of said corporation locata! at No. 21 South St John: Ave. in .v the city of Highland Park In the County of Lake and State of Illinois on Thurs- ' day. March 26th. A. D. 1914 at the hour; of four o’clock p. m. for the purpoee of ' voting upon and determining the follow-- ing questions (0- wit: (1) The sale of all the ahets and properiies of the said corporation. (2) The surrender of the charter. franchises, and corporate name of the said Highland Park Safety Deposit Co. and the dissolution of the said corpora- lion. Band at Highland Park this 181?} day of-February A‘ I). 1914. WAmnfoRiNTâ€"Gor7room house ingoodoonduion. Butrefm given. State price wanted .AddreuA. H. High land Park Pres. l4pd FOR SALEâ€"Bed room let, stoves, chair. couch and othet household lumitune. Address. Mn. Chat. Richards, first home north of City hall, Lake Forest 1 FOR SALE OR RENT”;6‘YOOUI house. 3 rooms down stairs; modem. 825.00 per month. Will lease or sell on easy terms. Joseph Delhaye, Chicago and North Green Bay Rd., telephone 333. tf FOR SALE-~Black horse 7 vem old, 15 hundred pounds, also 1 turkey gobble-r. 2 fine. drake; Inquire Snppledale Farm [Joan-0d Employment Agency WANTEDâ€"All kinds of female help; American and foreign. Wages 87 to $10 a week. Also first class help furnished on short notice. Apply 111 N. St. Johns Ava, telephone 263. Mrs. J. M. Deming. EMPLOYMENT AGENCYâ€"First class help received for all household positions. Em- ploymem of all kind: for women and girls. Mr; T. Walsh, 238 N. First St. nut Elm Place: Tel. 700â€"M-3. Hand-ti fiEKPLOYMENT Acmâ€" Women de- siring work. should register. with me. If vou need help addreu Mm Geo. Smith Jr.. over Schumacher's drug store. Tel. 320. tf Notice of Special Meeting to Duuolve Corpontion i; WANTED-Five room house or flat, furnace heat, centrally located, three in family. H. 3. Evans, telephone 61. I pd Have us make your buttons to match your clothing. All sizes cloth covered buttons including ivory rims and com- bination; Northwestern Department Store. 52-1-2-3-pd ~FOR SALEâ€"Shaman! pianos and M. Schulz Co. pianos, also player pianos in both makes. Will rent or sell on my payment; Send your tuning order here. Aldenfs Piano Shop. 313 S. Genesce St Wauk‘egan, Ill. Phone 395. ti Fun SAL3~Fint clan National cash register in good condition. Will sell {or $20 for quick sale. Burrill's 5 and 10 cent store. Tel. 390. 51-52-pd L057-Thursdly evening, Feb. 26th. on streels of Highland Park, or on west na- tion platform of Northwestern railroad. one small purse containing pair 0! din- mond earrings. Liberal reward to finder. Call or phone Highland Park Pres office. Deerfield, Ill. Tel. 234-W-2. SAcsmcn SALB- Cottage, 5 rooms, east side nearlake. large lot. tree. and ham, bargain for some one wanting home and garden, or space to build another home which will easily rem. Tel. 684. l LOST- On road between Highland Park and Deerfield. Scotch plaid steamer nu. Reward if returned to Plums office. 1 pd Lostâ€"Monday morning between 122 No. Sheridan Rd. and Northwestern sta- tion, gold chain with slug pcals. Return 55m PHONE 23 Public notice is hereby given that a FOR SALE g: G._ Phillie; ‘ I SUALLY at this season or a“2 little later if you’ll listen at» tentively at night you’ll heat .1 sounds against the wall of» the skythat tell the story. They; mean the first of the feathered; wanderers are returning to the: Northland. Their instinct is sureri than the schola'r’s logic. They": know that Spring is in the air. .l A perfect automatic water heater for small homes Enjoy rfect hot weter service inyour home. lnsv a Ruu Cottage Water Heater. It tespon ds instant :51. to the turn of a faucet and sup plies you with unlimited. inexpensive hot water, and only heats -. water you used without any waste of fuel. time attention. Made just like the large Standard Ru the Cottage Heater offers a reliable, economical hot water service for any small home For further -. 7‘ tails see the Gas Company. PubligSgtjrice Company ; 119 Bad Central Avenue Hm9m121m,lt05p.m. v, 7:30t09p. mexcept Wednesdays andSundays ManninedbyFimChirchofChMSaenMOHfigmandeé Ravinia Wk March 12, 20, 26 .2 We’re ready to perform the operation. Coming down to the work-aday world the fact suggests that ’tis ankxcellent time to wire your house for Electnc Service. North Shore Gas CoMy You Wylnvited tomakc oftheprivflegaofthe cumsmn éc’lENCE READING ROOM 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS At Last .’ Tm's Home Restaurant WWI! 5W W. Evmbodv and his wile or sweet- heart can get meals to the” liking hete. It's an open more! why. The mute! has no better mean not product than we can use, we recommend our cooking becauso hundreds of patrons praise n to us and ie know our service, moonli- menn and menu charges 10 be equitable. Put your feet undercut tables with app'etiwa whetxed by pleasurable anticipation. WouCcntnIAmu if?" umyrdooui‘ 5g: wbmittpd to "W or district. may Vote 1: payment of all (In: petition ma} v ”finial district eh fm clerk shall 31 ‘ul IAIES £5 ’ fix Iubmitted to u m or dum‘cx u t“ town or duui The mum mix m and must he .;fi’°‘th¢m Youi’ mentfioai the. {new road '8 poll m QM be pol! m: an Elem to take adj grins demon u with the town or 15 days prjor to 1 "lino Quicker. pastor. ‘ lecture on "The 1 ¢urch puflors. educational pnrpl is free. the aim aim being to dl Moment. «flared View: wilI comprehensive rq life on botli' tides York to MVenicemd OnSundnygu churchwillbco: Only a short Li vertiaed an "old t convey the infom the mysteries of “her quadnllcs b mead (bat we wili (among-n walu u 12‘" dances 3! let! ”it rear. sum i! Business Men's A "nut more couy Ind then 2 "ca! Times" dance is March 17 and W! Ravima Park Cat R Jones. n'olini: Hide-r. md Mm. FJuabem' M will give a prq b01102 under the {and Park Worn: will be added to IUSICALE FOR On Wednesday Monday cvé: mn': Club 11 akin-F4 men would phi-1

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