Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 2 Apr 1914, p. 10

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t3: ‘10 Suite 4. 5 andG. State Bank Bldg. 7“. 573 m MIX. IL BARBER SHOP W. Central Ave. Hist} Dr. R A “a BL] L Bauh- DENTISTS Automobile Tires, Metals Rubber: A SPECIALTY E.“ of C. N. w. R. R. Box No. 664 High“ Puk Drop me a postal card or telephone me and I will call for goods North of Deafield Road J. Smith M .u has! his a. Iron Rags “When you want Hardware, think of HARDER, they go together Telephone Hmhlnnd Park mY-J mud. n. 3.: Ala VENCEL MUZIK Just Received Our Spring Shipments Phone IL Surprising how marry: things you‘need around the house are to be found right here in my store. It’s surprising, too, how low they’re priced and how high the quality is. Brushes and brooms and pails and paint, refrigerators and lamps, lant- erns and ‘oil stoves, hammocks and meat choppers, wash- boards, clothes lines, tinWare and enamel ware, stepladders, why, whatever you want, we have it here. (Come in and get acquainted. We are doing business on the pnnapal that you are entitled to the best goods money can buy at the lowest price cash can command. That’s why our trade is growing. Drop in soon. Rubber Paper, etc. North Shore Gas Co. Cabinet and Elevated Oven ». Types of Ranges The ebony finish, with white enamel? panels, broiler and drip pan and} lighter attachment combine improv‘é ed construction with sanitary and» easy- -to- keep- clean features. ‘ ' You are invited to call and inspect them Highland Park Harder’s Hardware 180 “Yen." mis'wvred the 0mm“. "I wish he‘d stop [1 Sim-9 hP got dyspepsia home seems nothing but a do“ In arithmetic.” Always CounQing. "Your husband says that when be Is angry he always mum: (on before ho- npenks." mq um- Woman. "Pprbaps I can help you." said Lord Dunn. and. babbling over to a hu- rean. be unlocked a drawer and took out the missing “00.000 banknutev whit-b had been lying them for many years. After hzwing done no he laid the p99: thnt there were only thrPe aim-h nun-w in exlutonce. '."One he ,snid. "wvi have at the bank. anothet‘ [ have just ‘ hundvd to your lordship and the third i which some time nan dimmwrvd from; rlrt-nlntion, we have lever been nhiv‘ to trace." BC in P.‘ m of ed a: ll 33;“ o! companion-hum. one day asked her to go to town and a»! lehekfllhedfothimnfltemt of Eugixmd. When the can read: In utart the old peer uni down at '1‘. writing tqhie and. having written ou‘ a rite-ck for (10001). told her to ht sure and tee that the not one uute for the whole.amount_ ‘ ‘ ’ When «be marked the hunt the cashier manure nit-med with the manager. who united the mine to step into his private of live. Having satisfied hit-melt as n her authority for making aim-h a re quest. he Mid that if she did nut oh Jet-t he would mun-h rather send a clerk to nccompany her with the note She gladly assented to thll urnlnue ment. and in due mun-e the rierk in lvemun handed the £100.00" inmknvt» tn Lord Dysart. An Englinh Lord Who Had I Curiou- Mlni. For Hoarding. A curious story or huurdlnx I- mm In Ralph Neville} book of Hon-up: A formt-r Lord Dynurt wbu lira-d more ur has an luvulld's life In M bumm- m) the outskirts of London. rare tully watched orer by a lady 'who not The Favorite Dish of Fish is doubtless the most welcome to its lovers. But it must be fresh and have a flavor. otherwise it is not “reliable." The freshness of fish is its, principal attraction. It isa necessity with us before we buy it, and we only take enough in stock to last a single day -- no keeping of Fish for us. for Fish will not keep. Here you may be always certain that you are getting the previous day's catch. Tlpton’s Home Restaurant LIKED BIG BANKNOTES. Witt Count] Avenue of Wealthy Farmer Found Dead, , MACOMB, ILL â€"- John Jones a well known farmer, residing them three and onehnlf miles west 0' Tennessee Wu round desd It his hgme with a bullet hole through iii brain. The supposition in that he con: mittnd sulphu- The board previously had formally accepted the resignation of Preddm- 70hr) G Rnuman. Mr MacBfldeiWfli 9551: me his duties April 1. ' Takes Ten to Bury Giant: JACKSONVILLE. ILLq â€"â€" ”EC! men were required to lower the bad, of Peru Baujan into the grave h Arenzville. Mr. Baujan who weVghe 510 pounds. was reputed to be‘ 3,!1' largest man In Illinois Ind a spbcin casket 6 feet long. 30 inches Widr and 26 Inches deep. had to M or dered. Choun to Succnd J. G. Bowman In ‘ Iowa sun Institution. IOWA CITY. IOWA. â€" Proms: um Thomas R. MacBride. head at u... botany department. was elected not- ing president of the Iowa State unl- wrsny by the suite board of educa' Hon. Sailing Vessels on Lake Dlubpon from Traffic. (‘ H l (‘ AG 0. â€" The fact tint sallmg vessels have Ill but disappear- (d from traffic service on the Grout lakes was called to public attention by the converslon of the Schooner l'arrler lnto a clubhouse for the Mn- coln Pork Yum club. Only two big schooner: now curry freight from the tort of Chicago. The (‘nrrler win he unchored In the harbor at Macon: Pnrk and fitted n a clubhuune. Althtrugh the minority Republic”: do not concede the defeat of their candidate for governor. H. B. Ander- ron, returns indicate the renomhn- tion of Governor Byrne. the majority state ticket leader. P. 0 Richmds, the independent Republican candl- date for gm ernor, polled a surprising- ly large vote MAC BRIDE UNIVENTY HEAD Congressman Burk. Nominated: at South Dakot- Statewide Primary. PIERRE, s. D. â€" Sefimor Foe 1. Crawford, the Republican ina- 1ority faction candidate, went down’ to (“eteat before Congressman ChariuP. Burke, minority candidate. who as nominated for I‘nited States 1‘ 101‘ in the statewide primary election. ONLY TWO SCHOONERS LEFT BEATS CRAWFORD IN DAKOTA _ T0 EXCHANGEâ€"An 88 acre Axhjns {arm improved with new eight 3W§ouse and fenced with woven wire no Mange forflighland Park property. int. 436. ‘ 3+5 L: t~ MISCELLANEOUS. 9â€" . you are looking for a good man to do yohr lawn and garden work call on Aid fem-son, 1010 Lake St., Evanston. 1‘61. arm-R. 4-8 pd van": belt; In. over Schul Emwmm AGENCYâ€"First class help receigEd for all household positions. Em- plpyment of all kinds for women and gitlw'Mrs. T. Walsh, 238 N. First St. nmilm Place. Tel.700-M-3. 41-pd-tf ~§cnomm AGENCYâ€" Women de- ui.ringfw9(k._shou!q regisggr, with me. If Hunted Employ-3m Agucy Warmâ€"All kinds of'. female. help. American and foreign. Wages $7 to $10 a week. Also first class he] furnishcd on short notice. Apply 11] St. Johns Ava. fielcphone 263. Mrs. J. M. Deming. FOREVRENTâ€"Troom house, all modern impraqements; hot water heat. Inquire of Jefie Sobey. 210 E. Central Ave. tf Purimâ€"Two flat: on S. First SL, one ofiwlflch In: six rooms and bath and one MI neven rooms and bath. Inquire 126 S. First St. or tel. 330. 5 FOR RENTâ€"4 room flat. Pleasant St, mghwopd. Address Harry Olander, High~ wood. I“. spa F0! Inn-Nice dun apartment and furnished rooms in the fltwthom build- M St. Johns Ave. and Moraine Rd Tel. FOR RENTâ€"4400111 flat at 130 ancn- his Ave. near Exmoor golf grounds. In. quire next door east. (f FOR RENTâ€"Houses, vacant. from $35 to $250, also furnished houses, long and abort terms from $65 up to $600 monthly. Rgfcrencu required. N. A. Aldridge. Erskinq Bank Bldg. 4-5 pd BOAT I'OR SALEâ€"12ft. sailing dory, in good condition; fine sea boat, fast sailer. 'Will sell boat complete with sails, spars, rigging and all equipment at an abeolute sacrifice price of 875.00. The boat is a gift at this price. W. Clare T. Udell. 302 Park Ave. Wilmette. Telephone Wilmette 498. 56 pd FOR SALEâ€"English baby cab and gas range, very reasonable. Tel. 721-L. 5 SITUATIONS WAN [ED POSITION WANTEDâ€"By young man who deiires position as chauffeur and is will- :ing to da‘odd jobs around the house. Ad- ldreaa F. W. R. Press office. 3-6 pd FOR RENT FOR RENTâ€"Desirable 6 room fiat, 208 E. Central Ave. Steam heat. Sobey's market, 310 E. Central Ave. tf FOR ‘RENTâ€"7-room flat; a" modern conveniences. Apply 52 N. Second St., or of Ray W. Schneider, 13 St. Johns Ave. tf SITUATION WANTEDâ€"Man would like (a do work around house, such as clean- lng rugs. setting out and taking up plan”, all kinds of garden work, etc. Address Frank Hathaway. 716 N. Green Bay Rd. TeL 726-1.. 5 Srruniox WANTEDâ€" A young man would like to have a position as chauffeur. Has had! years experience in driving 1nd repairing cars. and is not afraid of Work. HI: good habits and has a chauf- feurs state license. Age 22 years. Tel. POSITION WANTEDâ€"AH around house- man wants position. Tel. 247. 5 . F0! subca- hot Incubator. mie- lion roll top desk and refrigerator. Ad'- dre-W.R.0we'h,227W.VineAve. 5 FOR Sue-50 feet of bone with reel need only twice $14.00; 2 lawn mowers, 1 WM, 2 piano lumps, and cum miscellmemu pieces of furniture. Apply A. E. Pres office. 5 FOR SALE- A Bohn refrigerator medi-l dum size. Price $5.00 Address K F. D Press office. 5pd h FOR SALEâ€"Desirable 100 ft lot on 0-On wentsia Ave" 200 ft west of Green Bay; Rd. only $12 00 per front ft. or will build| on Game for purchaser. Write and I will | call on you in Highland Park the follow- im Saturday afternoon. Terms to suit. 0. A. Lewis, 2156 Milwaukee Ave, Chi- cago. ' 56 F0! Smâ€"Shoningcr pinion and M. SchulzCo. pianos. also player piano in both make; Will rent or cell on em paymenb: Send your tuning order hem. Alden’s Plum Shop, 313 So. Genesee Sc, Waukegnn. Ill. Phone 395. ti FOR SALEâ€"Oak dinning, table, practi- cally new. ‘Will sell less than half price. Phone 704-]. 5 pd Mr. Wm. Tillman has just returned from a trip to Oklahoma and speak: so favorably of the mining and clim:xe down there that he is willing to tell h‘s 80 acre farm at a sacrifice price and in- vest down there. Any one interested may communicate with Mr. Tillman. Tel. 893-Y-1 a FOR SALEâ€"Very cheap. new up to date 8‘room house. Price $4000. Address Box 195 Lake Bluff. Ill. 5-6 FOR SI.LEâ€"â€"7â€"room corner house. 75x 138. Large barn and poultry house. Price $3..500 Apply Box 195, Lake Bluff, Ill. 56 FOR SALE-A flock of eleven faying chickens, part of which are white leghorns and part white Orfington; also about 150 feet of chicken wire. Apply 133 Lake Ave. Tel. 1035. 5 pd um “mammal-5m [help addm; Min. Geo. 5mm}; Schumacher’s drug store. Tel. LOSTâ€"A silver card case on Monday afternoon between 316 and 345 Laurel Ave. Finder please return to 547 So. Sheridan Rd. andreoeivc reward. 5 LOST LOSTâ€"A platinum bar pin with three pearls and two saphires; reward for re- turntoMmF.S.Nonh.43-1 E. Central WANTED TO RENTâ€"4 or 5 room house or flat; two in family. Address] Highland Park Press. 5 Dd WANTED~Fumished rooms for light housekeeping, 3 in family. Slate terms. Addreu R. 3. Press office. 5 nd Improve and protect your property with an ornamental fence. Benedict and O'Neil, Waukegan, 11]., 417 Phone 1194-]. t! BOARD WANTED-May 13!. 2 rooms and board in private family, 2 adults and 2 children. AddressF Highland Park Press. WANTEDâ€"By elderly lady, one furnish- ed room for summer. Address 5. Press MISCELLANEOUS ' WILL LEAVE PIANO FOR SUMMERâ€"I am going away. will leave piano with re- sponsible family. Address L. M. PRlLss office. 50d 0mm Work Tchphou 436 65m. P110"! 23 Idli- 833-. E. 'E. FARMER WI“ Piper. Etc. Federal Junior Public Service Company OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS fywarecardiauylnvimd , tomkeméofthemivflegesofthe CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM ‘ :119 Eastcentral Avmue ‘ Hours9m12‘amnmsp m. 730 to 9 p. m. except Wednesdays ahd Sundays MWMFImChMcthhMSdmmofflughlandM§ 3% 3. f $3 7.50 Payable $3.75 down balance in nine monthly installments ELECTRIC Suction Cleaner Demonstntiom at our Display Rooms “9.0006.“ A". Gland”. DENTIST . {5 Stung An. Highland Pd!“ FT“... 374 - Telephone H. P. 18 (Pan's 1909-1910) . Organist and director of Thai! Brnopal Church and supervilt music in High School, annm that he will accept a limited mal- ber of pupils for the study of m piano and harmony Mr. Dietd will also be available {or coach. on repertoire. etc. Studio:12 Erskine [Bank Bldg. «:4 609 Fine Art: Bldg. Formmw-lmn Tel. H. P. 48 12 N. MM Ave-u Mug. :3, _CHICAGO a Exclusive Ludiec’ SOKOF F DRESSMAKEJ! . an I. 5...: Sad mun nun. Tokphone “IN-L Sidney Arno Dz'etch DR. WATSON"? (LThe fan is a Spedal type making 7000 revo; lutions a minute ant there fare double ex3 haust tubes leadinfil back to the dust bag-i: feature whose practi; cal effect is to incrm: the volume of air at tho; nozzle, make the pas; age of dust and did twice as rapid and thus” doublelthe'll'efficiency‘fi ofitheImachinef- E97359? beam with M. l (th is provided with ‘3 double dust bag, w ' ‘ prevents the finest 2% from escaping through' the fabric. IL The Federal Jumi weighs 12 pounds is fitted with the ea; running wheels. K. glides over a rug # the slightest touch. $73 Fresh Butter, Eggs Ind Poultry 33I IcDuids Anne Emma Steffen .l.P.STEFFEN RICHARD PARK.” COMM mummou Chi- My wu Collected ”- is May .38 Judy and ‘0 Cir, Uidl October. ‘ Put Odin-net A: the meenng '1 .msday q‘ conned cauld haw armed a reunion, for a time m an} “(non of nearTy al‘. fenced druwmg the hm (hm turning 11 mor 1»: the can ‘1 gioner: and pawn; a read (faced by Ald. \ rum. as («A3 “it IS hereby ran-wed and government and Imanag public park nmx human as together vim the street 3'1 (jug along said park. :uged fibereby turned me: to agd Grounds (.Lomnimee, . derived from the sale of u of Highland Park be and hacby ordered turned ave in and Grounds Cumrmu pended as they zhmk p henuufication and upkeep md park. {or (he use 01 1 Highland Park, “And it is further under and skull be taken from d of the wall running can: 1: ed uou‘ of pumping mm The ordimnces wen u the motion for 1 IBM the resolution was lost. All i“ “No." Later the and M and will come u; mum mm‘ Following a recount “3.46 be mndened f: M to the credit 01 can the finance commune “We Wt recommen um bennotructed to m proper ofidah in ‘! mmammq the City a mama Park: fined by the count! 1913 tax levy and dell Fran May first to JuIy 1.6.! in aid to have a for the dty Ind "fused! out until Oct first. In the city was forced to hon pay its bolls. This saml made by several school (I Adopted cngrosoed salaries of city officials Read business men's transfer of park. Refer: tion of cx-Mnyor Oliver c to the fact that the pave: Ave“ now II: had candida by contractor: for two board. An excellent report 0 which shows a saving o‘ yen, was read by the so and will be given in full Adopted an ordinance with reinforwd concrete from Laurd Ave. comb! Adjourned to”!!! PM Min-co Sunb- wood And 5' The promised new ,I Milwaukoe elcctnc uh ind patrons will be 313‘ once more we are m b” acrvice between nghwoa This "I“ be maintained d morning rush hourt. org o'clock. and from noon ‘ evening rush. Limited u every hour during lb! “1 once in each tom Flam Drum at High“ Sunfiy After-o.- I Continuing his pdk‘y'l attraction: on Sunday HI secured (he mouon mar 0! "Ens! Lynne" which I the Hughland Park The“ rloon and evening. Mu Will remember “Eu! Lyl "venty-five years since it duced n has had. not! 1‘5 Cabin", more perform! Nay given m Americl - most (amous played- “it full of dramatic ! make It very valuable . ductiou nnd ix '1: mid OI 'hich p» the p510!!! the picture was made i 5m, Which cvcx up: it c “EAST LYNNE" ll NEW“

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