Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 9 Apr 1914, p. 2

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Inhlatmns have been sent out for the , aporoacfung marriage ni sts Mary Glen : Bless. daughlcr of Mr. and Mrs, Jv-seph Blosanm Rim». of Rochester, N. Y. to Mr. Roger Sherman V2111, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sherman \‘axl of ,xhis City. The wedding in to take place at the Third Presbytrnan chunh m Rochestrr‘ X. Y. i’on the evmvng of xpril 315m. at S u‘ckxk. 'A large receptum rs to follow (h: cerev ‘ mony u the (‘renaee Valley club. Miss Cecil Vail. sister of the groom. us to be the honored maid, and MISS Dorothy "Skin: of Chicago. Miss Mabel Green wood of Princeton, Ill, Miss Elsa Boush and Miss Ehzabdh Robbins of Rochester, N.Y..arctn be the bridesmaids. Mr. Malcolm VaIL a 'bruther 0f the bridc‘ (room. will sen:- as bestman, while Mr. Caricum Vail, u'nother brother is to be master of ccremomei. Those \xhu ml] act as usher: arc Mr. David Crawford 0f Chicagn. Mr. Donald Scott nf Evanston. Mr. Hnward Shelby of Philadelphia. and Mr. Hrrbcrt Exsénhart of Rochrstc-r. .\' Y. Thc cnlnr scheme of the gown: worn by the maul u: honor and the brides- maids IS [0 be the Mrs Aaron Ward roses. The L'hurk'h Is to be decorated with Eastc-r 11119: and palms. The bride and bndegmow u nil go 10 Ash ills, N. C on their hnne} moon, returning the 20th of May to Hmhland Park “here they Willgbzntn thew nc'My burl! home LI] 113 E, 1.11m»! Ave ments. People arc spending {heir time in "church going" and keeping in spirit ihe Easter time. However, thc ()bsen er breathes a sigh of relief at the :hought of having reached the last wwk In lsnt and takes heart again on hearing oi the annual Easter d;nner-dancc to be held next Monday evening at the Highland Park Club. Mrs. Elonzo E. Tyncr, 136 Prospect Ann. is to be a dinner hostess that exening to ten guests all of whom will latcr attend the dance at the club. Still another dinner party to be gi'en the same evening preceding Ihe dance is that of Mrs. Marshall B Sampsclli Her gue>ts WI" be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franklin Carr, 51:, and Mrs. Thoma) Clements, Mr. and Mrs. Simeon B.Chiztcnden, \1155 Dorothy Clark and Mr. H. Al TounL-r. The: Five Hundred club met on Thurs. day with Mrs. F. H Sheeks of Homewood Ave. The prizes were awarded to Mrs. Geo. Vetter. Mr C A. Larson. MmEJ. Bock and Mr. \V m. Ernst. Dainty re- fresmonts were served. ' Lovell and Tom Underwood entertain- ed about twenty of their boy friends at a buffet supper at their home in Berh'n. Gamay. The “fair was in honor of their (fiend Samuel Bingham who has been traveling abroad since January. Mrs. chry \Valzhcrs entertained tweh e Ilttle friends of her daughter Mildred on Friday afternoon in compliment to Mil- dred‘s: seventh birthday Th1» being Holy \Veek. thew x: stxii Then-nth and Lu! mi .\“53 Pnsulla nicourse a dearth at 50cm: emcrtam- Caner": musuai perms will be an every The embr )Edrr)’ dag: nuli bcenzeruu: ed next Wednndau at the home of Mn E. B. Met/x! 0n Centra! .\\c. "neg huau lmimzmn: hau- bccn is:ucd by I'hzfrp “as the we: L Spexdel of Lake Forest for an infur Mr). “j A. V mal (hncmg party [.0 bu given In honor' Vlrs Fran a! the [)eerficid-Shieids ngh School splmdi-ng thi Classwf 19H. nn the esemng of Wedncs. Z friends and day, Apr]! 151%.. L” Anderson's hall in ‘ Lake Forest fr-H : erghl In Hen-n thirty " MP EdW», o'clock. ;Sunda_v wit ; Enaer. Let us help you with your house cleaning by dry cleaning yonr oriental rugs, creton cur- tains. draperies. etc. and by doing your family and house hold laundry The Social Side of Life High Class Launderen and French Dry Cleaners 0|! M have been chad from 107 and $410 1781:! 179 Local Affairs of the week B\ l?! “by! mr Onborne 'will preach. A committee meeting of the Parent- Teacher Association met at the home of Miss Josephine Woodman Monday afterfl noon where plans were made to provide meals for the Lake County teachers who will hold their meeting in the aemblyf hall of the Grammar school Friday, April ' 25th. ' Mrs. Fred Horenberger was a charm ing hostess to a number of her Iriendai Thursday afternoon in honor of her; birthday anniversary I . “as. CINE-(d by accident of with. : cidzl intent Woman Drowneln Cider». l BLOOMINGTON "1.. j'me body of .\'r«. Jacob X'ucl'er (.’ Iago 111.. was fuund in a damn by her WI band It i.~ Lnt knomn whether deflh; .SYCAMORE, ILL -â€" The men engaged in tearing of! the the Loni: Lloyd homestead , ed more than ’00 pounds of he»~ stored in the attic by been. Special singing um be one of the features of the services at the Presby- terian church Sunday. Mr. Charles Onbome "will preach. lDeerfield News he; Mrs. August Winters entertamed about thirty 01 her relatives Sunday. the oc- ca<iun being in honor wf htfr um ExxaldV who was confirmed. Mrs. Frank l’etcrwn and familv is spending this neck in Waukegan fishing friends and relatives. Quml-cile .. r, .. ”AVON-Ferrari Mrs. Jone: and Spnng Quarleue His) Amelia Schxxarrz gave a very en» )uyabic birthday party at the Y. W. C. A. mums Wednesday awning, April Isl. A delicious supper “as sened at which the most anractive failure was the hug: bxrthday cake with as prcny lime can- dlt's. All (xf the tables were decorated wnh flowers and the rooms were made wry pretty mth bouquets. Mrs. Eugene A Bournique. 315 8. (en tral Axe. will cutertam at a family din- ner at her hulht‘ this «wing in honur of her falher. Mr. John Filch Curtis. “ho will celebrate his Slat birthday. Mr and Mrs. (Irvcr. Mr. and Mrs “'mrnmurr Mr. and Mrz. Geo. Jacobs of Chicago. werc the guest: of Mr. andersv Frank Jacobs Sunday Miss Elizabeth L‘Eark of Irving Park mtsthe week-end gurst of her sister, Mr). “l A. Whitmg Mr and Mrs. W. A Whiting returned Saturda) alter spendinga “eek visiting lriend.‘ in Delrnit. Mich. Mrs. F Bergman and daughter Beatriu‘ were the “ark end quests of Mrs. (f, Goodman. Mr, mal'nr. Hr 1m“ pastor ('nitcd Evangciuui qnurch :00): of the serviccs {here Sunday. Mrs. W. Hutd‘mlz; «.f Waukexdi éâ€"d relau‘.’es 1H Ilccrfici laat week Six Lim- Pieces. H. . Godard Mrs Annette: Jones a). (1 Hr Sidney James Fxh‘a nd Cycle... . .. H. \on Ficiixz Fxh‘a nd Cycle. ‘ . \on Ficiixz Mr Alexander P Gray 3rd Theme and \' aflations . . .. Chm Aland Miss Carver [met by E'ogliccza .‘_V Leo: Miss Mas-1r. and Mr. Uray mg rental to be given next Tuesday cxenmg. April ch 31815 o'clockat the resndchc of Mrs George W. Rébcrtsr The program is as follows: Quartrttmu, , String Quartet Ihmmi Perche Prayer froth Tosco, ‘linr \l..- ..Pogmcrf .Fronmno Puccini .u Ala u The Law and Order League met a‘ the home of Mr. Milton Frantz Sunday. Mrs. Perry is the guest of her daugh tcr, Mrs. Baxter of Chicago this week. Mrs. A. Schneider entertained. Mobday in hunor 0! her birthday anniversary Her daughter, Mrs. Geo \eddar “as [the out of town guest. Miss Mamn Mawn Bingham vf Chicago spent h his cousin. Mrs. Eugene m“ pastor of the urch :ook charge f Waukexdn visit Leoncavalio . On Palm Sunday Messrs. Ralph Hbrenâ€" ! berget. Ewald Wintegs George Japoba. and Oscar Schwab were confirmed M St. . Paul's German Evangelical church E , Mr. and Mn Greenllade of Hig land 3 Park were the guests- of Mrs E. Kn ker- ' bocker Sunday A high mass wiil be said in the Haly Cross church Easter Sunday at 9 o'clock instead of the regular low mass. Mr. and Mrs. John Huhn are receiving congratulations on the birth of a boy. born Sunday. April 3. Special devotional services win be held in the United Evangelical church Sundag. Lurd Nil-"lvlh-I' “mu :1le hum-ring IINIHK Hm lil‘il'hh .Igvnv), .\l 1.14 In)- ufii-‘vr :hkwl him “hut h.- “nmmi " "I shuuhl so mm‘h :ikv tu drive 001‘} with Lord Kitl'lu-nm' 1mm,- Ilmn‘." luv nld mun ruplird. * "\\'hy'.'" the mum-r asked. 1 "You 50:0." (be Slhhlm‘sc :mmrmfiegdi nniu-ly, “after my friends zunl' iii-- qualmunves saw an» sitting at the shin- nf‘ Lurd Kitchener tho-y «-:uuu in Ink. um- urn-r the ntlu-r. and from unefl rm-t-iu-d :5. from :umthor i‘.’. from util- um U and m piuetvrs from [he very “mm-q, They all bellvve that l (1)1)“ «pvuk in favur of El Lord. "And." the old man milk-1!. "l shbmd \vry mm 2: Mn- In we Hut Mama-n i“ mm. m WWW "M "W“ , , ITEMS or RECEIPTS Mrs. A. Schneider entertainedjfobday Balanre on hand at beginning in honor of her birthday annivemfi- ‘foffiscalyeaHAprill-Z, 1913) s 87,019.35 Her daughter, Mrs. 090‘ Veddar “'33 the From distribution of trustees 2.48430 0 out "f “M" guest. From special district taxes. . . . 108,062.62 Miss Edith Stryker of Oak Park 'was - From msurance adjustments 5.000.00 the week-end guest of Mr and Mrs. Fromtmnafersuu. .. 126001!) Stryker. Fr " sale ofschool property. 153.52 Mr James Keefe returned last week i’fi‘dis‘trict bonds or “0‘95 is' after traveling for several weeks tbrddfl} 4! for bonding 33qu ~ - 23400-00 the south. ‘ t From treasurers of other town- Mr. and Mrs. Munson have moved on shtps :‘ _"' " " "“" ' 37235 From tumpn fers. , . . ...V 14810.00 the Frantz farm. .1 II. I: III >9 From (state of former treasur- “.hne driving UDL' day Lord ““0” ’7! rlfl IILLUUIII \tu msu'lil “0.111 MAL-r noticed an old luau in the “We! 1’de out on dlrcctorsordemâ€" whom he rw‘ounlzvd as an acquainmm'b . Foraccount 0‘ “3‘75“ NO- 112 from the Sudnu The consul gv-uengl Paid 0|" on director'sorders-â€" unit-ml !!w driwr tn «up and inrhui‘ Foraccoumof DistriclNo.113 Hu- Uld mun [u take a seat in the (‘ar‘7 rinxv', Sn ”‘9' 1w.» drove Inm‘flwl‘ Tm‘ expenditures ----------- 5 [hruugh Ilw [nu II (0 Mn: [olet‘e In “'llh'h FcaSh balaflCr on hand at date Ihw Sunlnnww‘ “Jun-d In) an. ‘34, 1914) .... ,\ fa-w d:|\~ kin-r lhwdnrk fr‘vnd M ‘; 'l'zn- “union 'l‘num-rim tells x.“ mum» in: ~lur_\' of mm U! [be subju-tu of lprd Kilvhmu-rj. consul gexwrnl ’ In Egypt. who turned the power and In- fluence of~the {anions English sqldler to his pcnsomcl prom. ; Misses Lillian Egm and Ruth durumr of Chicago were the weekend guest; of Misses Mabel and Bid: Horenbergcé ' BM Nciflur Pride Nor Glory Figund In HI. Ambifion. 'l'zn- “union 'lnIIm-rim tells x.” mum» in: ~tur_\' of mm I)! [be subju-tu of a New Auto Mark I: Reached. SPRIXHFI 121.1», 11.1.. 1T; number 01‘ 31:11 mnhilw rem‘stvrwl \I‘C 1h» workmrv 0f smu- {rum Jan. I Mr. John Schneider 0! Jefferson 3’ark was the guest of Mrs. J. C. Wolff Shun day. ‘ ()n Tuesday evening Miss Mildred Whiting was hostess at a card party; to a number of her friends. Miss Irene Hu(chison and Mr. Alex Willman yen: the‘succmful winners of prizes. Mrs. Herbert Allen of Detroit spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Whitin‘g, MI» Hermina Haunschild :pcul Sun- pusu Cu. rent of box for lyr. day and Monday With her hrnther. Mr. Ca>h on hand a! date (April 3- J Haunschild ' 4X9”) belonginglo Pnncipal Mn John A. Sznkcr and famxh were Wt township fund thr guests of Mr and Mrs Fwd Nuerrn Cam on hand at datr held for berg of Highland Park. . d :rnbutmn \Irs. Walter Chase and daughter Dorothy of Chkago where ‘he guests of Mrs. Perry last week. Mrs. Carl Lang entertained a {ct of her relatives Friday aftemoon in r-‘onur M hrr birthday annhersarx. '~ Mrs: 1. “it! had as her gue>t> Sunday Mr». F. Wm. Mrs, L Witt. Muss Louise Wu: and Mr. and Mrs. Siler of Chicago. A successful bakery sale “as gn’en by the Dorcas Society In the tuu n hall Sal. urdu)’ afternoon. March 23. MN is Z'J'W'l. “hile 1‘,- me name perjiod in 191:; the number was £17,000 and in 1912 it was pg!)- 22.-mu. ‘ WANTED ONE MORE RIDE. m :Totai baiant‘e and recwptx .3241 711.21 ITEMS OF EXPENDITI RES {Paid out on director 3 orders - 2 For account of District No 107 50,067,530 iPaid out on director' 5 ordersâ€" 3 For account of District No. “B 4029059 I Paid out on director's orders ~ For account 0! District No. 109 23.15124 Paid out on director's orders â€" For account of District No. 110 599.70 2 Paid out on director's orders-â€" I Foraccount of District No. 111] 5,507.10 Paid out on director's orders-â€" Faraccount of District No. 112 1.779.30 ' Paid out on director's ordersâ€"â€" ‘ For accountof District No.113 56.78637 Sworn to and subscribed before m3, this 6th day of April A. D. 1914. iOF TOWNSHIP AND msmxcrrunns BY THE TREASURER 0F TOWN. SHIP SO. ‘3, RANGE NO 12. LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS During the fiscal year Mating April I- 2,‘.1913 and ending April 34 19M. PBOWNSHIP TREASURER 1N AC- ; COUNT WITH SCHOOL TRUSTEE I V ITEMS OF RECEIPTS [Cash on hand at beginning of i fiscal year (AprilZ. 1913). be- i Ionging to Principal of Town- ! ship fund ................... 3 2.22727 ,Cash on hand at beginning of i fiscal year. held for distribu- » "on H . ,,,,,,, ,. Received interest from town- ; ship fund ..... , . Received from county superin- tandem Total expenditures loan: and balance I do hereby certify the foregoing report to be correct, according to the best of my knowledge and belief. vo-n- . did ”'1 (-hnrgu l':l|min: H14 Iml'hfirun,‘ 1m [mm ”I" :2.u- 4 “.3"! '..'-,I~ :‘vn! glam-um :‘m' [I Tin-w In a rumvlvm rocumpen‘e In “I? my cvmiunxm-ss of a liable and. .-(‘h$-ro. From tuition fers. , . ..., From (state of former treasur- er 0-. error . From Highland Park State Bank. interest on deposits . From Harris Trust and Savings Bank aCCrued mien-wt nn $8.000 (”Bond is>uv Mmq'c- I! ~ 1.. lellil' Jun-HIM! TOWNSHIP TREASURER IN AC- COUNT WITH SCHOOL DISTRICTS Total. . . . $5,802. 60 ITEMS OF EXPEHJITL RES Loans and investments of townshlp funds mad: 5 11400.00 Dislnbmcd and pm to Urdu of dluxncts ...... . , , 3484,90 Paid mmpcnsatinn n! Irrawrer 82500 Paid int idt ntals of (rushes and treaxurrr .H. 7.00 Pam Highland Park Safru De- prmt to. rent of box for 1 yr. 8 00 Ca>h on hand a! date (April '11 4 1914). belonginglo Pnncipal ANNUALSTATEMENTFOR PUBLICA- TION 0F RECEIPTS AND EXPEN- ‘Eul mi; 23 "In! Total Immu- nudimr Hn- “HM-r h-Hnw. Inn-1’” p-s, Iml yuu ought to Na. buw he «I nH-f" WM. M. DOOLEY, Treasurer‘ |.«- LII‘I‘ un ”w 1132:: is H’ upium umw «Im‘n I” II! -M nil Inmlw :uml ”Hulk-s n! n-la-rll'il‘ [MM and “pa-h! Hn- I‘vmnlv wnts in Hm HUI IH-I-dw! LHIMNH I’rn Stage Paint Chargeu. Hmllo' M-mv III‘V'U‘ 99‘ _'.lill~! Hu- min-r fc-HHW. CHARLES F. GRANT 8178.18580 "241V?” 21 63,525.41 3,451.25 24 W. Central Avenue - - Highland Park [Iii-is ~ - Telephone [“3 Roasting Chickens. . . . . . ; ................. fie: ‘Steu Chickens ..................... a ...... at: Rump Corned Beef ................ i . a A . ..15¢:_§ Boneless Brisket Corned Beef ............... uqé Porterhouse Steak .......................... %: Club Steak ...................... ' .......... ‘Native Rib Roast Beef. lst and 2nd cut. 16 and 186’” Rolled Roast Beef, boneless .............. 18c; Hamburg Steak ............................ 15c§ Sirloin Steak ..................... . ..... 221332 Round Steak ............................... 18¢: Native Pot Roast ..................... 113, and 1313:: Hind Quarter Spring Lamb ................. 186115 Peacock Brand Hams ........................ 186% Breakfast Bacon ............................. lacig Peacock Brand Bacon ........................ Veal Roast. . .. ............ '. ..... 16c.18c and27 ._1 Pork Loin Roast ................... . .18cf: Pork Shoulder Roast ........................ 135C 3; Leaf Lard ................................... 120‘: Wisconsin Full Cream American Cheese ........ 23$: Strictly F1 esh Eggs. . . . .............. 5 ....... 23ers: , WeMMbtheChdicestMeats Give us a tr'ml order and be oonmeul 117.74 Tolopho-u Late For.“ 611 and 139 THE ERSKINE‘ BANK? It’s a real pleasure and satisfaction to do business with Wednesday and 521qu OH NO! WE‘HAVEENOT STUFFED 0i} Palace Cash Meat Mark Telepfione 2 “ There are Reasons” LEO A. HAAK, Mgr. On Every at the of fine cakes and pastries are surf to be in great demand; 80 we I‘; sise you to order the cake or DO you prefer in order thax mm: M not be disappomted. Come i. person to order. We have severfi‘ new varieti‘ts Wthh you must 8‘0 to appreciale. They look almod too dainty to eat. But that's whit may are tug jug me same‘ Gary’g Home Bakery ourspecialfastakahp U Tel Eig.

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