£1 rib nth. ads goal JIT‘)<,<{ to a k i drge YEW. 1n- ch ’Y‘-‘)n[h up at»: '1' cents lays I'ï¬ nddilloml rents of my for for be a follow: h M's/ted 148 Fat 9., .sladei in. “Chi“ woman“ (59’ detain. P" PANY St. I N AB \pril ACOLUMNFORTE ‘ NEARBYNEWSITEIS " USEOFEVERYBODY ,OFLOCALMEREST W Mr. Ciener um: I Candidate New with Interest A shwrt tmw ago, mardcke in mm column m uhmn the mt" pron-axed against the method (t magmas school electtons and 1: made me View with sharper eyes the proceed- mtut Sa'urdJy In the pollmgplace. in m: alt-st on top at the ballot box.I tound :wn 3150.“ :mm uxtnhuting bal- ms am. as {hex ttundr-«i :nrm out then- .†51-.» us lhh exprewmn "This 5: the Board'\ gandidatc. thls is the ballot you mt." Wandering mto the street I pon- dgred . «:7 the term "Thc' Board's vamhd- “rand than I met a woman who was very Angry because. 3ht‘ sznd, 3hr had m “heard Dr Wok-on, ~e‘t’ft'ii1l')‘ ot the H M tell a man he was cndeavoring to 51 met a hdping vote from. that he sim» “' W Must. vote “we can't allowâ€. the [l nun Day: the secretary told him. "we 5 m‘:;llow one at these other fellows to get f.What"0ther fellows" and why {Ouldfl't immunity and his friends allow one dï¬cm later in" Later I learned that c M votes began to come in for Mr ‘ii Cher that â€S. O. S." call had been sent l; â€by theBoard members and women b rationed at the depot to tell the news to ' a remnm‘ busmess men and inform them . ll M thqmust vote "for the Board's can : c “a." It. is doubtful it any of these men had any reason for doing this 9th! thin they had been asked to by a ‘ ‘ Band member and :1 is also doubtful it E mot them ever even wondered why ‘ Mntiimr was a candidate. On this 1 n9: call. I was told. Mr. R. L. Sandwick. . “ fol the high school. was sent to l [4‘ch where he rustled out the vote ‘ ‘ “Med “the Board's candidate". 1!? med why Mrr Sandwick displayed“ to much interest in electing Mr. Hart~ }‘ inn; uncut as great an interest as that Mayer! by Dr. Wolcott; does Mrl Sand- vnd fear that it a stranger gets on the . Bud he will ï¬nd that Mr Sandwtck‘s Ithmistration does nnt prove him the panexcellent prinmpal he should be in‘i no of the large salary he draws? Then afln [ wondered. dues Dr. Wolcott fear: that: astranger is put on the Boardl that: will be greater publicity to thel Board'saffairn. that the public will have Kraut knowlmlgcui ltow us money l5 being spent? Here I remembered that all I Had seen m rmd'd in the new build- mgs us i :iwr- ;-; ll-t-l My“ tn the ef- fm 'hat the \‘.~i1'r:ic'< had been let, nothing was Mild 4001.! me amounts or has» not) 2', s new tlhldrllfl,‘ “'Hlld gust. \Vhri'wr this .3 :Eic (4.1: ti: '1 tlE l‘ktzss Hr rim Board I do not know but I also fen-m“ ‘xrm'. zine Luka- erester, Which is 'mhl c ml. > 'z «, thy "ll‘ .trtl's Lillldlditleâ€. .1... a: ram Wad Protective A..‘W-uh-sm Town-hip Amrconmu â€anion an They Noni-mud i for Withheld Commit-ions. Hdld- ' him And Give: Reuou for ‘ up MM! Shoots hi: Victim at to Daily I Lake Bluff m 'hat 'hr \“ nommg was mud 5cm .m‘ 8 IR .Cn‘n‘ publ Mr. :1 Boar“. I rent; Wm‘WX the Jnnmtltï¬. Tu thrvst people who wxsh to know why “I Mesa? was a candtdate 1 mil state‘ mat he 'was put forward by certain memwrsfpt' the First Ward Protective‘ Ass“ mtitin and thetr frrends who have ‘0“8 "ehe'td that the present adminis- tratzun at the Hugh Schnol has been a Unsalv ektravaganl um: and to whom the methods pursued in regards the new mudmgs. in spite of the fact that the plenum was made that the four hand- ! me buildings were to be erected on a bond an of $201000. were proof of the ï¬ct. ‘ at the mu: Inhered (ha‘ km: mmur‘ host people n ded . mt umncwm won onmmnlma mm (ht his paper had S were wntrac 1 ember o! [luxlasu ------- cated Mr. If THE PRESS publishes this letter set- a voted against ana LJU [UK we mu cm».-. is amount 1 ting fourth their reasons Vfor nominating 2 while the men diVided 248 to 268. Under pupils en- ‘ Mr. Gieser the men who did so will feel i the old charter the entire township of hey have won a victory in spite of l. Shields is supposed to be dry territory he number i that t mall. the fact that they failed to elect their 1 but judicial decisions have been rendered secrecy in ‘candidate, although he won in the only to the effect that the charter does not e may beldistrict where they contested. (or they control territory outside Shields. The they were i teel that the publicity gained will bring a l Waukegan Sun even goes so for as to :r on the i_ lot “hunters to the high school question 1state that the charter controls the sale of . they were'flnottlï¬of though: in which they have liquor in Highwood. which lies whonyl were aging l never unattached it before within Lake County. ‘ has alwayll In doing I wish to state that the . The ofï¬cers elected were: Mayor. Lev- : Board to members of the Association would appre‘ ' erett Thompwn; treasurer, Thomas H. a voice a cite a reply, through the columns of Harm; supervisor. John Redmond. mar- es in TH: 'hle mass. to this letter. .Ishall. Timothy Howe; aldermen, ï¬rst ~ ‘ ‘ C. J. S. ward. A. B. Jockman; second word. Wm. "74-4 r Mmm or Tm; FIRST Wunl. C. Whoa and third ward. Joseph the let. not Following a program t'tHrd \Mth goodb' speeches a! thc New Tner High schooll] awmbly hall Saturday afternoon, Gov-f‘ ernor Edward F. Dunn, by turning the ï¬rst made of earth, nï¬iciany started the work on the new mteru-pting sewer.l whrch will connect with (He Sanitary; drumagr channel In \Vlimettc and when? completed furnish 3H North 51mm towns: up to and Including ()lencor: \\ Ith a san- E nary sewage «irsrmsdl. The even? was! an ausplcmus mlz‘ attrndcd by more than ‘ tfltlroprescma'tvr citizens It was tnm a celebratum \AhlL‘h wnl gn d0\\n m the; histurv «rt Nrw Trwr hm’lhhvp us «mg- 0ft thnmst mxtul nuanuns. :tmrkmg theg start on a prmett whrch m years (0’; rorm- will pruh-rt the hvnlrh «If {ht'i thnumndx (1f restdc'nh at Mr anlh'; rorm- will prutet‘t the health «If â€it!“ thousandx of rt’5l(lt‘lll\ ut the Xt-rth ShorF.- Wmmn'ku Tm’k Town of Wnukegnn After Collector Endnrsement nt thesults started agdmst Town Cnllectnr Robert E. Mutnw to re» cover money he is said In have retained In excess ut the $1500 salary allowed by law. was taken by the Waukegan town board at the annual meeting and Assis- ant States Attorney PL Mt Runyartl was instructed to take all necessary stepsto collect the money Hold-up Man Shoot. Victim John Dulezal of Libertyville aged 37 years. lies m McAlister hospital. Wanke- gan, the \‘ICIlm ot a hold-up man between the Lake Bluff electric substation and the west branch of the Northwestern at elewn o'clock Sunday night With a bullet hole clear through hrs stomach. t Dolezal crawled to Lake Bluff where he {named assistance in getting to Wauke- v I 1 I i gan. .Nn ,axeailant Begin Work on New Trier Drnimae Salon Recorded of Interest in Highland Park Ind Vicinity i H. P, Beers and wt to Hannah L.‘ Rothschild. lot 2. blk 73. Highland Park. W. D. $10.00. ‘ Masier in Chancery to W. B, Sawyer. lot 6. blk 66. Highland Park. Deed $5217 Tl. L H. Meyer and W! to C. G. Romanov,“ W 5 ll): 11. blk 10, Exmnor Add. High- land Park. “I. D $10.00. Josephine S. Lubkeman to LN. Berube and wl. Im l and part in! 2. sub of blk 4, Burrhcll's sub, Highwmul W. D. $100.00 Frudcnck Maui and W! m Juhn Curmlan. S. 6 rods N 5 N. W. l src ‘30, lh-erlicld Twp. w 1), $30000. > Tnkel Place on Force Tonight. nli Of- ficers Stepping up To till the vacancy caused by the restgnatinn 0t Ofï¬cer Rechtenwaid, which takes etfect today. Mayor Htmkins has appointed John Grant of Homewnod Ave.. and this gentlemen will assume the the duties of an oï¬cer tonight, the other ,men stepping up as Ofï¬cer Rechtenwald twas the ranking ofï¬cer of the force. To m: the resxgnatinn 0X rakes etfect m appointed )0} Ave" and this notice but it is required to posta numberi of notices in “conspicuous places". Just ‘ what a conspicuous place is. is of ' course open to argument but this writer believesi that if the Board members wanted a ‘3 really conspicuous spot in Highland Park , they would have chosen a loCation in thei vicinity of Central and StJohnsAvenues. l the place where the members and their} friends found most of their helping votes; I when the S. O. 5. call went out. it would ‘ seem that they knew where the most ‘ people would be when they needed them. i and “a spot where a thing may be seen by the most people" would appear. in this , 1-- “Amman, DOUS‘ JOHN GRANT NEW POLICEMAN Nu trace has been found of the REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS to be a good cljï¬nition where the members and their und most of their helping votes S. O. 5. call went out. it would I they knew where the most Mann or Tm; 1-1351 WM mmm Assocumos for conspic SOME murmur ATSCHMEIEC‘HON For the ï¬rst time in many years thei Ky Elinor B. nyfe, Ch. irlnnn I ‘ election of a member of the High Schnol ; For three years ‘1“. 05,0“ dub at its 1 {Board of Educatinn furnished some e.\ ,m‘n ewense had mg a beach and piay- ‘ 1c1tement when last Saturday, an unex ground for Highland Park on the publict zpeat-d candidate bobbed up in the porn bathing beach 2}?th year the dub hasl son' of Mr. Paul (heaer and mused a 1 tried arid failed to prevent me hauling of 1 flurn among those who adhere to the sand {fom that flan of the beach used by [policy of voting for the candi date selcci- :the Children as a playground This year: {ed by the hoidmrr board numbers inlm February a petition signed by 296; Ithis case Mr. W11) Hartman. In ‘hL‘Ewters asking m" an 11rdinadce be 811-1 éxownsmp 1hr only plzm' where l acted prohibiting the hauling of sand! HHS hm‘ket‘é amtmplt‘d 111 K07 â€m from the beach was presented to the ‘A URL. .\‘Ir.(’.'11:~r1' rem/Ind 19$ Wins in c.011ncii A! the 'same “me [ï¬g east side ‘ \11 narmmnx. 1711. A“ the 1.11161 111mm- park cummiSsiuners applied for the Gen ;repw>e1i1s murr mics than 11w usually "31 Ave Park the object being 101 icast in the emin- district 11 \HH bx- sewn keep the park in order and with the co :thut same one hustled thls time. 11; West operation of [he Use-,0); (Jul) havingl! 1 i '1 i mm (2mm mus urlwm ï¬m mmm mien comm non mm co. l-‘riouh of Raul Glow Noah-u ‘u Poll Mm yo.“ fof Hill Hon Thu Mr. Hnrunnn Received. the Haï¬- \lr Hartnmn'r. 17!». -\\ the luxwr mzurt' } park commisshmérs applied for the Cen rcpznems murv \utcs than an usu 1'1â€) "31 Ave park me object being :01 cast in the emm dlslrict 11 mll ln- wkn keep {he park in order and with the co that some one hustled thls time 11 W est operauon of the 031.1011 C311!) having Deerï¬eld the two candidates rece'n ed l0 something worth «M19 and worthy of em h but in l dkt‘ Forest where the 1 Highland Park. The Ccntral Ave. Park (-9159? supportex b d'd “0‘ have workers 1 is a disgrace to any community especial- and where the vote usually amounts {0'11}, one that pvides itself in béing an at- betwmn 20 and 30. 214 ballots were cast, l traclive suburb†The bluff is a mass of all for Mr. Hamnan. makmg the totals. ï¬nhy papers. old lunch boxei. refuse of 1Hanman, 403-. Gm"; 204. all kinds which bloc} down on the beach ll is said that Mr. (hear was nominal- lmaking it extremely disagreeable during ed by members of theFirst Ward Associa- the summer mom)“, ll is said that Mr Gleser was nominal- ed by members of the First Ward Associa- 1 tion and thal he himself. did little work. Evidence of this was seen when he pass- ed the polling place, at the time when the excitement was greatest; he was at- tired in his butchers clothes and riding on {the ï¬re (ruck going with the other ï¬re- i men to protect his neighbors properly. Life Savor: Ready to Build lid uh PI,- ment of Suburiptiom cumodmetwo boat: While in the atlic them will be lockers and bunks {or the crew mrmbers. An idea which has: not been considered yr: owing to lack of funds is a retiring mom for mum-n and chiidren but there is space (or suth a room and latt-r an attempt ml! be made to equip 1t. .v ~wâ€"rr Last year the crew made a good record. ; and one each in Highland rarx, Lane some of its members have worked with 1 Forest and North Chicago. The law the government crew at Evanstun andistates thai ihete ofï¬cials shall be ap- nll have studied the use of the Pulmotor i pointed by thrceicircuivjudges, sining md Ldng Motor in addition to ordinary i together, who shall ï¬rst divide the dis- ï¬rst aids. They man their boats wen trict into ï¬V ,wgrds, making each as - -- - 77“-: . n.. A»... in Vnnnulgï¬m akr. 0n the snutlt side, aiong lllr cum: 1) feet there Will b: a porch 5 (set wide Ind dedicated to the use 01 the patrons": If the batch. llie lllllln tloor mll ac- ‘(lnlOdeC two boats while in the alllk‘ heu- will be lockers and bunks {or the :rew members. \Ii ldtll \Ihith has not been considered {wt owii g to halt of funds is a retiring room for mum-Ii and :hildren but there is space (or such a room and later an attempt \\'lll be made to equip It. l Last year the Ire -. made a good remind“ some of its members have worked with Date Set by Law,20 Duyd After Election. mg of the Cu). hall. ï¬n 3†jun. etc ' amp F‘H' 0" Sunday '° “Pm"‘lh‘m' ‘ we renimmrnt‘l that the cm clerlt bt 13 I; "’"l twb'bly M Mn“ ,structed to obtain a plan and an estimateI Monday "“3 33“" ‘» ,from the l’ubllc Str \ice Co where )\ the-I \‘mt that the proposition to establish lighting of the Cliy’ buildings tan beI :I sallllur) district along the lake shore in made more efï¬cient and morecmnoniital 1. :Ike Lounty has received the apprmal \Ve turther recommend that the Lil) of (h? voters the next move in the pro- clerk be instructed to notify the Public ceedings “Ill be the appointment of trus- ‘ Service Company of Northern Illinois to tees or commissioners, of which the law' install the lights agreed to by the Chicagol says there shall in ï¬ve, two in Waukegan Northwestern Railway Company, he -. and one each in Highland Park Lake in above mentioned. as per letter under! Forest and North Chicago. The law! date of March 26th, 191'! from the Chi-é the government crew at Evanstun andlstates that these ofl‘icials shall be ap- cages: Northwedetu Railway Compmy all have studied the use of the Pulmotor I pointed by three Circuit lodges, sitting (which Is hereto attacked. and Int-dd a' and Lung Motor in addition to ordinary l together, who shall ï¬rst divide the dis~l part hefét‘f ) with the W031! ï¬rst aids. They man their boats well and they have proved a commendable vigilance, even after the season closed. For these reasons they deserve support and it is hoped that the promised sub scriptions will not be slow in coming in. LAKE FOREST RETAINS OLD CHARTER l n- ann of 387 to 498 Commission Gov- trict into ftv ,wprds, making each as said PuklicSflVicIW Mlnnderl nearly equal 0 the other in populationI imonthly Isdparatc bill for such Mm! as possible. The ï¬ve men‘ thus appointed such bdl t9 and "City of Highland Park. ' will draw lots to determine the length ofl Account Chicago and Northwestern their terms dné oi whlch will expire each Railway tampon." I year and the vacancy filled by the judgesi Yogi: committee having completed the Following the election of ofï¬cers the work entrusted to it by the city coutitil.‘ board will inyesti ate conditions in the now but to be diecharï¬ed": district and pr re plans and recom- Juan 3.. Fumw; l mendatlons tit) be submitted to the voters , R. W. W Iat the time they are asked to supply the'I P. W. m Aldermen Fearing moved. seconded by necessary [uhds through a bond issue. » 4m...“ Chum, that the report of By Vote of 387 to 498 Commission Cov- enunonl and We“ Lou The charter election in Lake Forest? Tuesday proved just as warm as was: announced in the advance notices andi those favoring the retention 0! the pre- ‘1 sent charter won out as per Ichedoleï¬ the vote being 498 (o 367. 119 women] me CALI. FOR BOAT HOUSE FUNDS. man it Ekclod ILLINOIS. THURSDAIB MIL 16. I914 .. “alum-4., Unhu cram coun- Thu . has.“ and M Ctr. n P.â€- m. ‘3 Clu‘ldnp 1"“ 100° 5"." 1 . ‘ 1nd MM-ucr 5‘ The city has new given my care tol this park. the principle reason being lack Q of funds. The commissioners are willing and able to put it in order and maintain it as a public phn‘k. All opposition to this project comes from the west side alderman Thé council has had the mat- lteI' under adempntjor ovqr two months and nothing lï¬n been‘ Me. At the l legular meetin‘ April 7th. l motion was i made and carried. that no hauling of [sand would be moved from tlut portion of the beach south of the [etaining wall. ! Anyone knowï¬ that a musure of this Ikind means mjcdcally nothing as far as a permaneni tun gig" The city does not keep pu ic. k in order. muff»: will i: ‘3?sz lhaâ€"tmmisskmon to do it. 5; _ i ‘ m amen-on 51..~ JOHNS AVE 1 Mum. MWI will we. Amomobilo : ' Bathtub- Martin Rihgdahl, fbr years proprietor of the Moraine Livery is erecging a hand- some garage at the comer of St. John: Ave. and Elm Place'wbj't'h he hopes to have' ready for otcupancy some time dur- ing May. Th! buildingf‘is to be 55x125 v-n _. K‘y Elinor, 8- Eyffe,‘ C hairpin! Well Know- ‘ Ill ‘ l h; m Followinwa MW in muhoqrusgmwscc.m Lwho nu beén ill nébiqhome for n in day; valiant: F0 lvmton ‘bodtd. "The naturedhilï¬lmh not [given to "u ~'~v4 and iaexpecfed w accomodate 50 ma- chine: Makingdlhlmll not give up the livery battles. " I u: lust-I‘- w. Tn: his “than. L: 3:4? 4!“ cammmmfl’ Statement 0‘ Special Cog-niche Ap- pan by Mayor Show Conï¬d- cable Saving in 1.5.56... The following. omitted from the re- port of the c0uncil proceedings of last week, is a statement of the special com- mitteé on lights appointed by the Mayor when it was decided to change the ï¬ght- ing system of the city: “Your committee begs to report that†the Chicago and Milwaukee Electric Railway has re-arranged the free lights furnished by it so as to better protect( our street crossings. and we also begin; advise that arrangements have just been agreed to, with the Chicago and North- western Railway, whereby they are to pay for the following additional lamps which will be installed immediately. 1-40 C. P. lamp at Bloom St. subway. 1-80 C. P. lamp at Central Ave. grade icrossing. 1 2-40 C. P. lamp at Laurel Ave. subway. ! 1-40 C. P. lamp at Sheridan Pl. subway. l 1-80 C. P. lamp at Lincoln Ave. grade Ecrossing. l 1-80 C. P. lamp at Roger Williams Ave. grade crossing. 1-80 C. P. lamp at County Line grade crossing. The Chicago 8: Northwestern further agrees to pay for the 80 C. P. lamp now installed under citv contract at Vine Ave. and Green Bay Rd., and they also tufted to pay for the 80 C. 'P. lamp now insuli- ed under city contract at the Elm Place grade crosdng. ' Thus it will be seen that eight addi- tional units are to be installed and paid for without expense to the city along the right-of-way of the Chicago Non!» western, and that the city will be relieved of the expense 0! plying for (we light: already installed, :1 above stated. ‘_.___,, iper month $36000 for a total of 208; l.amps (including cost of lighting city; ‘buildings and Water Works ) ' . 5 We therefore have a! the present time' !26 more lamps than we had last year. and nur street ligting 15 costing $17000 mumhl) has than )I did whxch will m \0ch a saving of mme than $2 (Hmonper We '5th the foilowing ï¬gures show. in; average present cost 0! street light- ing as Wted with flu auras: cost last yenr. J In 1913 the city paid for street iigbtinj per monthj$530.36'. (including free lights! ing of cityibuildings and Water Works.) 1 There went 182 lamps installed. In 19141 (under new contract) the city is paying 1 annum In the )udgnwm of your unmnzllee a further savmg um be madw m the light ing of the city hall ï¬rv 3m jun etc , and we remmmrnd mat the cm clerk be In structed to obtain a plan and an estimate from the Public Service Co. whereby the lighting M ihe cny bundmgs can be 1 Joan}, Fumm 1‘ } R. ï¬lm 7 g 'I P. W. W ‘ l Aldermen Fearing unwed. uconded by ~ Alderman Shaken. din use report of éthe Special Comm on. Sueet Light- : in: be accepted andthereeommendaflons {marred in, and that the qomxniuee be ‘discharged from fun)!“ consideration 01 Mb: subject. . . . 1 Cards] Ayes All. nu. awn-uh“ mmmmmmm- m.auducticanndflvilh¢m M I oppottnnity to Ian! 01 Martin Latâ€. Ptflflou‘or only 0" 1m in El School District an FM ABM Faring tad Backloy UM if ill City EM“ As petitions for only one ticket ‘m each district have been ï¬led the school elec- tions Saturday will be rather quiet. es- pecially when compared with the excite- ment of lasl Saturday. The name: of the candidates were given in las( week's issue City Election The city election Tuesday m two wards at least, promises to be Just as quiet, for Aldermen Buckley in the mom! and Fearing in the third wards have no op- position to their return. In the ï¬rst Alfred A. Moses i5 opposed by Harry Friebele while the fourth has n {our cor- nered ï¬ght with Edwin E. Larson. Ed- ward T. Stuenkel, Edward J. Bock and 1 Byron J. Stevens as candidates. Some Thin.- co Redo-Int Voters should remember thlt the Park question and the plan to turn Sheridan Rd. over to the Lincoln Park commisj sionen are not settled yet and that the newly elected aldermen will have to handle the question 0! a renewal of the Milwaukee Electric's ,rraneh‘ue. The constituents of Aldermen may and Fearing probably know their positions .on the ï¬rst two questions. ,u they have .1 already voted on both, Abut the new men they favor, should have 1 publicly ex- pressed opinion before cleftion. Wmanuuguarw Outside of having- I- mall for alderman. or a] has mud: the same Highland, Park. in the fut M illiam Sheaben is running Imam inJ the 2nd there are two Meyer: and William CW fwhilc in the third. Emma WW {in John Rm. Lnnmrw Peterson. i 000ch any nuyoï¬mm 1 As ladle Donne-H"; Month! mm! an injunction asked by the "W re straining, them from dung so the vote" of Deerï¬eld viliage may not have an op- {porlunirv to decide at this election Ewbcther or not (he vxilage is to become “"dry rerntory but there are many we“ :informed men who hold to the opinion thai an eleciion may nu! be restrained Ehy injunction. the proper proceeding, Ema) hoid being an action after xhe eiec tion to dedan x1 imnhd For me cieuum of Iguéters Mrs‘ 1Emu-m: Ender is the Univ opponent to “(‘16 regular ticket which contains the ‘ manic-s 0! William M; Ruy. Fred Horcn- i . > .bz‘rgcr‘, and Poter Juhrgnd. 3 IS anthem m DRAINAGE comxnss i Mr. [(8. Knight. on of Thou to Revu- ' “It [flinch It Satin-h $ Mr. ;.F BKnighthfthh any; will be I one of nineteen delimit†who ‘lnll repre- V. ‘sem llhnois at the earth awn! meet. :inz of the Nation Drainage Cm :which Will be held In Savanah 01.. April ,22 In 25 g. Chicago is the hi of the Dr!!!- iage congressmdi‘me media which will .in the Ohio and W mm [1’ gunman. the am “much is mm tbecause of the am up its borders of tyne“ than 2.0m.“ ngmp indom- 0d acres, whooe rpduï¬uim would add ,nt newssomonw :9 the annual rum 'tprodum. ma greatly mm the busi- Imes-of thesttte. 31!.th been 'éanactivemcmbernnd 'oï¬cet smoe the s;Congress was cranked. ‘ Be Sure‘ to Read Mahdi! 4. Adven’ SEQ-9:" ' hit. N 'w“ , 4 :1- Volume4