Mr. and Mrs. L‘ K Rehm and family of Chicago were entcnained at dinner a! the home of Mrs Harry E‘ Moore. hone): .4: .l :érd pus, Wednesday men- ing the occaslorx in honor of her birthday anniversary. Muss’shidred Whiting :md Mr Emory Whiting were awarded ï¬rst grins and Mus“ Elda Horenbergv-r “as awarded the codyalation prize. After d€~ lightful refreshments the guests emoyed the remainder ol rhe evening in tango- ina, Among these Dresent were Misses E14: Horenberger. Mildred Whiting. Cit-a Pyle Irehc Hutchison. Hermina Haimschud. Mary Hozrua. Clara Ender. andMessrs‘ Lester Stanger. Alex Will- ml’nn. Robert 'Antea Georg: Karch. Arthur Ender. 'Elmcr Claw-ey. Emory Whiting. Carl Rommel and Harry Muhlke. Mm Marv Bloimehl of Chicago was the week-end Mt at zhe home of her banner, Mr. EBBIeamehL Mm edtcrta Henrv Waér‘ners r: S. (in-en Ba, RaL. gay: them Iver. pkrwsan' :‘dfpflm' (:1 Honda; ensuing when they came {0 My tzrz" gcmb'atc‘ their tenth wedding inmat-rxw, A number 0! Useful llilmmuzn arndes were showered upon the bud: and grown: o! ten years. cards were the feature of the evening {Miniuus fe‘l’eah'twnb as crc served dj‘y ru- UP. Mandin- menmg the young ladies oiilhe L‘. S.- M h. ofï¬cv force participat- ed in 3 km hen shower mr Miss Agnes Simmerm one of {new number, whose manage to Edward Golden of Highwood will take '9sz :n the near tuture. NH. t an Buchanan. 310 .\andll‘.t RJ‘ enmmziac xix: Northb‘horethapter oï¬zhe [' A R .l' a delightful luncheon or; Wedm-xda) M'Krrnoun. Mrs, Ear! “7 Spencer KJVC an Intern-Ming talk m1 2h:- “Mexwan Stluatxun.†' 'Deerfield News Items Dn Eater Monday evening the Mu Siï¬ma th girls sustained their past reputation a: charming hostesses, the 00 union being their annnal Easter dance which was held In Anderson's hall. The dining mum “as attractively decorated in pink and the walls were covered with pmnants which added greatly to thc ef- fectiveness of the decorations. Mr. Wm. A.M’hmng acted as floor manager in his usual char-rum tas‘nmn. The m‘erry (1*de «.5 yuung people. chapcroncd by Madame» Whiting Bee-(ham, and Ender. danced ths tango and hesitation waltz until I: n'clock. There were guests {Rim Highland Park Libertyville. Chi- ca'iv and Forest Glen. Following the daac: Mm Mildred Whiting entertained tel-{her guca‘IS Messrs. Paul ()berreuttu and Carl Lot-l: nf Chicago at a dawn lei. Rye-no: I: \VJJ‘J. FteeLm: - [ Q35 («ic'r'ggu‘ xuf‘ :Jr . xx 1“? :v' realer-rx ‘ 14151154 the Ed's 1n: F gazr A‘r. “51,3: 'x '1 ‘\ Tyne! :n 1cm: ' Q'Qlem‘ ‘!l>3 The $ncizll Side of Life High ¢lau Laundcrers and French Dry Cleaners 0nrfPhones have been changed from 1‘)? and 964 to 178 and 179 _u 1.1.1:“!hJ 0 dry? deamng and pressmg busi- ne 5 never was better and we do a lot f it, the same with our Laundry buï¬ness. Are you one of our pa- tro s? , I M R5939? W was a aim ming {Mu} nern St I Mr and Mn (in-en Ba, RLL \ I. \\(KU \I'>>Cb L Im‘1.:z\fhir50fthe \uck a Park “9%“ 1 4m. Ed)“ The Wood Nlrc T‘Jspetl ’l‘hurx , Mr. and Mrs. James Glass of Chicago were the week end guests of Mrs. Ralph ! Knickerbocker. i . Mr. H. E. Moore Is on a trip to the l E Paciï¬c coast. A union prayer service was held in the Presbyterian church Sunday evening un- der the auspices of the Young People's Societies of three churcm Mr. John Horenberger was reelected to the Wilmot School District Board of Directors. Mm James Fritch's {as stove exploded and caused be: several serious burns. The April meeting of the Lake County (eachers “ill be held in the Deerï¬eld Grammar school Saturday. April 25th. Luncheon will be served by the Parent- Teacher Association at 25 cents per plate. An illustxated lecture on Norwav and Sweden will be gixcn iri the afternoon and class demonstratiousvin the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lhas. Mahn of Traverse L‘xty, Much. announce the marriage of their daughter. Sarah Grace. to Ray L. Phillips of Highland Park April BU, 1914 Mr. Edward Knaak of Chuagu “As the guest of his parents. Mr‘ and Mr). T. Knaak. tn Fred J. Jarchum‘ The marrmgc took plau- Tucsday. Apnl 381?]. Mr‘ and Mrs. JJrchow mil be at home after Jun: 15! at :1!) Hunk-wood Ave. ' Mr and Mrs. Wm. Kis; and Elno Km of Wilmette were the guests of Miss Jasephine Woodman Sunday. .Mrs‘ Ruby of Highland Park “a: the guest of Mrs. J. A. Stryker Friday. The Dcertield Grammar :chooi base‘ ball team “hid: played the LibertyviHe Grammar school team on‘llu: grounds of the inner Saxurda) m1: wdorlous with a score 0! 6 [00 .. ecenxng. Thursdn a: a card part Edd :n Srv Jame-5' church hall‘ '1 crrds wili gr.» hm ‘rl the fund to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Béecham entertain- ed at a dinner party preceding the Mn Sigma Chi dance Monday evemng. Mrs. Beecham had as her guests Mr. and Mrs. Luuic Beecham and Mr. Arthur Brown of CthZRO and Mr‘ and Mrs. W. Carr and Mrs. Just and her :on. Labard Just and Mr Howard Wzlson of leerlyville. The [)ecrï¬cld Athletic club has schedul. eda baseball game vmh Niles Center which ml! be played on the [leerï¬cld diamond Sunday April 26. .1 .x'ardrd Lime brace Mary Smith. the small daughter 0! Mr. and Mrs. L'. F Mather Smith, celebrated hr!‘ ï¬fth bxrlhday 4‘ her humein Oakland. Fla. a fortnight ago. MA. “Hiram Uppsz‘dlczamr dhd Mr: Harrv Burke mil be hostesses this II'L' g'dercn .i I’Ark ‘iuh. T hu.’ 1f m rch hall‘ The pro- he fund to drfmy -\. {ma-s v.11] he ['1 :‘Lngc or . [U \h'. \wddmg ‘Zh, Mr. Mumâ€) Oped Air D. Everett. Earl l’. Sedgwick. Lucien (i. Yue. will take place in the near future. At a recent meeting uf the Board of Managers of the Bible School. held in the church ofï¬ce, the committee on nominations for the election of oï¬icers for the ensuing year made the following report, which was duly accepted and the follow- ing named persons were elected to the ofï¬ces named: Superintendent, Faxun; assistant superintendent. Jesse L. Smith; assistant superintendent, H. R†Smith: secretary and treasurer, E. B. Metzel;choristor, F. M. Steele; pianist. Miss Bertha Harbaugh: superintendent adult department. F. I). Everett: superin-7 tendent Senior department‘ C. H. Booth: superintendent Intermediate department. 1 D. Faxonfl superintendent Junior department. Mrsfl Clara 1. Tremaine; superintendent PriJ (acting superintendent}, H. mary department, Miss Edith Moss; sup- erintendent Beginners department. lact‘ ing superintendent): Miss Margaret Fol- lansbee; superintendent. Cradle Roll, Mrs. J. A. Putnam; superintendent. Home department. Mrs. John Gourley. The re-installation of these elders‘ H. D. ‘ \ )F l-‘IL‘lAl. lf'l'llec‘A'l‘lt )Ni REPORT or m common HIGHLAND PARK STATE located at Highland Park. State of mm. the commence-mental business on tl of April‘ Wâ€. as made to, the 1’ Public Accuunts ot the State uf Illinois to law, RESOURCES Lmusv †Lnans on real estate 129,699.67 Loans on cullateral serum-t) intuit! Other anns and discounts 60.734 u. OVERDKWTs _ lsvnsnntfl's Slate county and municipal s 75.719.1-‘3 Public service curpmaimn bonds 12330050 Other bonds and «curiae. use 5r MISCELLANEOUS Runner:- tiank'mg House , L:U.llo.t.u Real Estate other than banking house 367 :1 hrs Peon lluxs State ‘ ll9.L~m.7‘.' National ' 8.25.75 L‘Asu on than Current} ' ' 3.83000 Gold cmh 115 00 Silver all:- I 574 00 Manor win I _ 87.221 ()1an Cats" Resot'ncss Checks and other dash items U393 hi Tmal renqurccb The gymnasium class of the Y. W. C. A. entertained the Lake Forest Senior members Tuesdav evening. April 215:. They were all dressed as cinkixrn‘ and a great deal of mernment was prmoked by some of the coskumes. Ice cream. cake and cocoa was sen ed. LZ _: the annual meeting of the cllurrh and congregation held recently. lhe fol- lowing trustew were re-electcd lusucccrd themselves. Messrs. Carleton Moseley, John A. l'umnm, Walter H. Baldwin, and Messrs. E. B. Metzel. A, J. Beatly. George Mr Hard; and (he follnwing elders were re-clected to sufft‘t‘d themselves for a period of three- years: Messrs. Frances- Mr Charles K.(.)r>burm- ml} l)!‘ m"- damrdm the Presbyterian church the evcuing of May ï¬rst. RL‘L L'urrxur. Pm- fessor of chr at McL‘urmek Thur logical Seminary. Rev. E, P. Day 0! En- deavor Presbylenan church and Rex. Houghtnn nf the Hinsdalc P:'c.~h)trrian church “ill takv purl in the (en-111nm: '.' Miss Frances Frnsch of Highnoud and sts Hedvu-g (nesez' Hf nghlund I'axk were the guwu uf Mi» lidrih [’rltis Sunday. « sign purh wt {hut \xslt Kn lhv [inf-.0 Sctll‘rrnum Hnusc 1n L'hhagu CiliKITMI‘ \\'l‘,n>1wntt\vrl\'r \vusx l im: in nu- wn thc manncrs and cm of 11m pcuplc. appcurmg m awxumg; :1»: ."..1"\ Ir: Indm gmr .1 mm! m: l (“Julnting .x lzxrgv number n! kLL'I’.“ phllH’L'> nf thr L‘uumry; Mrs. Huh umi Mnx Woodman sum: “ I‘m AL u‘ H The last mass meeting in the interest of Inca! option was held in the Deerï¬eld assembly hall Friday evening. The {act that a part of Lake Forest lies in West Deerï¬eld Township was told by Mr. Quuflv. “ho stated by the tharter of Lake Forvspsuloons were tilt-gal In Deer- ï¬eld. Drt Mrh'ille P Boy-mum It pastor of the Woodlawn Baptist church delivered astirring and dramatic addrr» m the intern-st of pruhibttiun. l'rut. A. 'l‘. Thatcher of Cztlifnrmu. .1 mmpmun 3H1}:- er “1' national regutatton :ung a large number of Mmgs. He “as acuompanicd b) [nun Antes whose piunu plm‘um mus a deltght, rspn'tally u> II was ugh! und- in); wt nnglnztl manuscript. Tm Wunmn': Miniunm‘y hum-1x the I‘zrdnrmmn (hurch hcld thcu‘ A nwclmg a! 1hr hum: UK Mrs. T L. [\n humild) JHt‘I‘HHJH. Mrs h‘z-uchull, had chargv ..; 111v gum-ting, Mn 0 It'd lhv d!‘\(ltll71hll t‘kk‘!klt~t'\ .\l.".~ } Faun: .md Mrs. RL'lLin-ir. J: gnu pur1> u: Hm: nut in lhv “when The election of a director for school district 109 was held in the sthool Satur- day evening. Mr. J. A. Reichelt was un- animously reelected. _ The Board or- gqnized Monday morning electing Mr. J. A: Reichelt president. Mr. B. H. Kress clerk and Mr. S. 5. Love. Miss Winifred Supple attended a form- al dancing party given by the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority at Champaign Fnday. ‘Mr. Harley Dart entertained a few of his schoolmates at a party in honor of his btrthday anniversary Frida) afternoon. 65m PHARMACIST PHONE 23 Presbyterian Church Notes m5 HIGHLAND PARK 132553. mu gnrmenk: ‘m gln yr upvvn Hm Snrleu m Inf (U Iii; lht' \dt‘ilfk“. Ml! .( .1 membcx‘ u: the nuxh mam Scitlcmcm. .-\ bux he >enx to m:- Scltlemt‘nt :_i:+::: xi; t. .12: N 1.25.57 .3 32...}. 2: :i tin-11‘ Agm] F L. [\xLMk :‘Iï¬hk‘ll, \1. MN (Lu k .\l."_~ lï¬rfl ()[~h(:!'l (unfe- 1113‘ VH‘ ht:- Khv mg nu H (‘1 éSu dn) of ~25an sworn Nance i~ lIerehy {him to all pcrsuns Inn-rated Ihn! (hé (iii) (uuncil ..I ll}: ( ll) of Highland Park. (Inunu of Luke and Stile ul lllinola, having nrdtred (III! II supplemental special unenmcnt he lev- Ied to (In the deï¬ciency of the cm! of Ihe work and interest fur the (Irudmg‘. Drain- im: Pining with tandem and ulher'wipe improving ul Hi‘h Sheet in lhe (in of Highland, l’nrk, Lake County. Illinois, from the no'rlh line (If Sheridan Road (lurmerly known is Part ( linmn) west- erly m the ens! line ol'W'IIIkcflnn Ave- nue. which improycmcnt was provided fur by an ordinance passed ‘heretolore on the 2nd dny of December A. D.. l9l3, and the lgwt'ullupense- M such proceed. ing, lheyrdinunce for said supplement-l specul annulment being on ï¬le in the ol‘ fIcc ui the Ihe City Clerk of mid City. and having applied In the (oumy Court oi Lake Cuumy {or an lueumenx ul' Ihe cm! of said improvemeni. accurdinglu benchâ€. and I nupplemenul special av ,ntnmenl [hereof having been made and rcturned to slid ‘courl, the hull hearing (hereon will he hnd on the In day M May A. 1).. I914, or as soon (hereafter. as Ihe bushes: of the court will permit. ‘ L’APnM. 57(th PAID IN Sl‘RPLL'rZ FUND ’ l'xnn'mfln PROFITS above an I ledge and‘gt {‘ 0er bonds ind «gut-inn MISCELLANEOUS Rwawcas Banking House Real hunt: («her than A Luna Lnans on real estate 129,699.67 Loans of: unilateral sen-uni) ALML‘LH': Other anns and (“gamma 60.734 4h OVERDKW‘H. IM'EsTMst DEPOSITS The Md would be both better and DW It u. would dwell on the duty of up“ n ‘well u on». harm‘- m,“ m.-,-8tr John Lubbock mom or m common or HIGHLAND PARK STATE BANK located at Hmhlllid M. State of Illinois. before (hr commencement 0‘ busmrss on the 4th day of April‘ 1914. as made to, the Auditor of Pubhc Avmunls ot the Stair 01' Illinois pursuant to law, Said Iupplemennl special nucnmcnt it payable in one inllnllmcm. A†person! desiring may ï¬le objectionx in paid court hcfure “id day. add may appear on (he heurinu Ind make their delensc. W. E. BRAND. (Mice! appointed m nuke uid unrumenl Datcd It Highland fark. "linnh. April w. A. 1).. I914. 74 SIATsorl A; Loumyof h i,- Supplement-I‘Spo’ciul AucumentNotice No. 86. inIeerï¬ Ihï¬t t Ctty Council Ill flu City 3". fli‘hlflMP County of Lulu and Stub 0‘ [Ilium-9' hnvin‘ order“! III-I I Iupélcmml up 1 â€millâ€! be lev- ied [ngly thq‘ daiobncy of Ibn cost of the work â€a imcrut for Ike Grading. Drain- in; thin‘ ad otherwise improving of SI. Joim II Avcnue. in the City of Hi‘h- land link. from 1M north line 0! Ccmrnl Avenï¬c to thQ north line of Vine Avenue. whichjmprovcmc wu provided for by In orginhncc ‘4)†hcrctofore on the 2nd in of Qece , r A. 0.. I913, and the lawful "puma! of such procudin‘, the ordinance to} nid supplemental upecI-II "conï¬ne-(gein‘ on ï¬le in the ol- ï¬cc of the (.in Vcrk of llid City. and burial. Implied mfthe County Court 0‘ Lake (County. (or :In argument of the cost: of said improvement. accordin‘ to beneï¬t... and I supplement-l special Ib- sessmnnc thercol .uvin‘ heen mad: and returned [0 slid gourI, the ï¬nal hearing Ihcreon will he ï¬nd on the lst III) III Ms) A I)..19H,,or as soon thereafter In IIII: business of the court will permit. Notice} I: krcby jinn Io all pom Suit! supplemental special assessment i. pauhlé‘in one inï¬lullmcnt. All persons dniring may El: .dhjecliuns in said court before Mid day. and may appeur an the heurin‘ and make their dell-nae. 'umu Appuinkd m mike Imd .nsuum‘nl Ilulcd a! Highland Park. Illinui‘. Savings. labia! tomoticr 221.588,â€! Demand. Inb' to check 329.7mw Demand am; am. “3.444.750 L‘ennï¬ed checks 4.107 22 Supphutnut Spock] Auuunm Node. ,’ "a?" \pr“ â€Nb A. D,.1‘“§ Met. LlAHUJTH-Ls NOTICE to before me lhia 10th Cit/«3145 F. Gust Cashier. F BRAND ’ARK ILLINOIS Geo. 8. mena. Noun Public 60.734 M! 243.8741?» 261.03 9 MJXKUKI 12.0!!le . 13.36 We are pleased to quote Anthracite Coal for April delivery at the following prices: Large Egg ........................ $8.00 SmallEgg ........... W825 Range ........... ........ 8.25 Chestnut ..... . . ................. 8.50 Pea . . .. ............................. 7.25 Buckwheat .................. . ........ 6.00 Solvay Coke ......................... 6.50 Above prices will increase 10 cents per ton a month. We endeavor to supply the very highest grade Coal and arantee full weight and will try our utmost to satis all customers. There will be an extra charge for carrying Coal in bags or baskets. For further in- formation call phone 335. Tclephoneo Luke Forest 617 Ind 139 Get Your Coal While. lt’s Cheap Reduced Prices For April Deliveries THE ERSKIN E BANK It’s a real pleasure and satisfaction to do business with We handle only the Cboicest Meats Give us a trial order and be convinced 24 W. Central Avenue - - Highland Park Illinois - - Telephone 160 Roasting Chickens .......................... 22c Stew Chickem. , . . . .. .,. . . ..., i .. 20c Rump Corned Beef ...... . , a . 15c Boneless Brisket C‘ll‘lltil l’x‘t‘l‘v ....... , i , . 15c Porterhouse Steak , . . . . . _ , . . . . . , i . , . 28c Club Steak . , a. , .. . . . . ,. ..... 25c Native Rib Roast Beef. st and 2nd cut.. ‘16 and 16c Rolled Roast Beef, boneles> . . . i . ..... . 18c Hamburg Steak ................... . 15c Sirloin Steak ..... . . , . . . . . . ....... 22c Round Steak ........ . . . . . . 18c Native Pot Roast.. . . a . . .11 _,and 13c Hind Quarter Spring Lamb. . , . a . . . 18c Peacock Brand Hams . . , . i V , i . . , . 18c Breakfast Baum. ...... . . a . . 18c Peacock Brand Bacon ........ . ........ 38c Veal Roast .......... . _ 1.6c. 18c and 2‘Uc Pork Loin Roast. ., . ..... _. . . V ._, , ..17c Pork Shoulder Roast, . . . , _ 7 . . ......... 135C LeafLard. . 12c. VK isconsin lull Cream .Axiteiic an Cheese . ‘ .L’Iic~ Strictly FlE‘Sh Egg»... .. , . 34c On Every Wednesday and Saturday Palace Cash Meat Market on; no: WE mwfinoris'mrm 01% Special Sale-1% FURNITURE STORE Antique Furniture Repaired and Refinished right in your home Vincent Quarta “ There are Reasons†LEO A. HAAK, Mgr. at the LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS 160. 18c and 2UC . V ._ V ..17c ......... 135m - 12C AI Ordinance Fixing the Sui-net of Officer: I“ Ceruin L-ployees of the City of Hi‘hhnd Pull Be it Ordained tn the Cu} Council the (in of Highland Park. Section 1. That the salaries of following city 0mm and eupioyees. ï¬xed it such I tum u is provided tor‘ (Hi ordinance {or tech oï¬cer. or d ployee. for the duchar‘e of the duneuj tub oï¬tce u (CQUITCG under the luu‘ (NStlte of Illmon. and the mama! d H): CI“ 0(- Highhnd Perk durt ‘klerm of h',’ ofï¬ce or emplmmet â€Cutting the (nut dn 01 Mu A . 19H, end the! such oï¬cet or emploj “I“ receive no lurtber connect-ti “VII! the City of Hmbhnd Park {or i dutieb of tuch uï¬tce during the 1:1 thereof Thu the "In; 01'th (menu: 0‘ P '50 Works In. Ind me! use n hen ï¬led It [be sun of One Thouuod L h“ 131W).W) per canon. Thu the ulnr) 01 each 01 (ht pol 0‘02“ ‘cxccpl Inch police-Den II .ru ““04 for Ipccill dun cad lo! I h-it “! 1:“ than I \eaflw and n in be“ “uh: the mm a Nb: Hundred D h" (39â€) per “mull each ‘ That the ulury o! the city murflull lid the name 3: berth} ï¬xed at the I ‘009 Thodsnnd Dollars SINK, 00' Thu the ulon of the Superinte- '1 wl‘" Wort“. croï¬cio Cth 8* lllbc “VII" “'orll M and it 5. ï¬xed I! the sum oi Tue!" HI!- Doll." M20000 9.. “mm. Th" the uhr) of the Autumn ‘3'"?! It the Water “mk- be. and hi“! I! the sum of Ntnc Hundrrd 1‘" ($900.00) per unnum. Thu the ullrx tin Ire-gurrr be. the sum of Three Th" th: “I.“ ut the nnntunt to C“) Clerk be. and n herd“ ï¬nd at "In: 0‘ Ei‘hl Hundred Ind Porn Du“ (M 00) per unnumt rhut the Inlnn u! the ~ttnuv'r‘hc the C“) Ckrk': uï¬tcc he Ind u hfl' ï¬led It the turn of ~Ix Hundrtd sh†Dollan (Shem 0“? pct annum. Th-t the â€I.†of the \uywnnletl 0‘ water nnd Scucr‘ Hum. ¢\-0‘ â€"N Inspector, M and H :9 thereby (I It the lum of Hm; 'lhounrw Do! “1000-00) per Innum‘ Th'l lhe $.117\ tut the 1‘"! 31." “‘1 Auiaunt Fur Hush.“ and F “’“v be and it n hurl“ turd II the‘ d ““1†Dollar (3! (IN (or the ï¬n! I o! Mundane: at catch ï¬re. and ï¬ll, a °¢ “(Cadence at ench hrc. and um “'50) per hour of semi! nervicc new '0' etch hour thereafter Innum Telep/zom Eig/z t-Fz'u u! lhc aunt-m lo and 19 here!“ hxtd Hundred UuHor‘ SJ I 1 fke W C‘ Glad: bulb!