Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 30 Apr 1914, p. 1

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NH ROOM I ardxs m: stuck Lummg yoU'd your wants at phouid ‘rxâ€" ; throia rt {Hr \ .91! ha goods Pncex‘ are ':e <ame. V? the profit a: fume b‘dn Trhumr and ex- ncu‘a'x \a.‘ 5.1:. and take in apoum'mrnt L) are an?» LT .1 \ 1c- for something and talk to us. ‘enue ’9 Home Bakery ‘rnpctt i fined, finish“ t2: F'n. Wmdow'Shkl Varnzsnex and lashes. rake wour mouth in“ «ms fiamr before you Upenor guaraty we In sh every dz), :0 our pll' r. graham as well :8 fl and Bran we bike II good weigh! lol'e. E and whwesnme qmlity. ’W you ":3? every day re’s F loorh dware! hudy clse can or {he ‘xuum UCZMIS Moore 8: C0- . anzash \v... Chic... .R’S BREAD W quash \v... Cb“ (chiral 3338<378‘ dwaré IN, Agent of HARDEk (H H? ays ‘ark ”’BIRDLAND 30cm isms PROMISE OF NEWS AND ARRIVALS§ GENERAL CLEANUP \ cams are loaded with large catkins of as rid. ruddy brown. 8 prodigal dwplav of? fine color Some cmmnwoods bear «)nly : .ménish yellow ratkins. the pnsullate \ blossom» These are not nearly smnterest ins and later on they pnxlucmhc nullwns of fuzzy seeds which [he wmd Will spread $0.1: the lantlsrapv and uxrrj; through 006 \ opcn wmdmw. A cutlnnWOUd wuh pl‘snl‘mtr blossoms TS lmlc better than a .I. l: ‘xnc mus: have a mxmnmmd n shout-4 "« a strvvmtc {rec 'l‘lh-nurwn men Jr» \uppux‘d [w furnish thew uni: ‘4th Mr rails‘ ln.‘ .1 "\ amlnm pupmr.“ Tm- ;mxmou-l :tmrs vnmv'xurtlv wen here Hal-Eh nilgiu Nlter l): knuwx‘. M llS mnn' '1! less l‘nnipu‘xmus HOW befflllsr ()Y [N lonutheninu catkmsl Likr the birch -r namc n1 "lmp lmrnbcam." 1‘ Number 9 A COLUMN DEVOTED T0 0UT-0Fâ€"DO0RS DADY CALLS WAR ON “BLIND PIGGERS" Mere-ting Contribution. Concerning the Stale't Attorney nyl Bird: Ind Trees of (hit Neigh- Men Operlting borhood will be Published ‘» vice: also and I Weekly Vince oi Jeri: and 33 my 31'. Ikulk- heap like“ the f sum!‘ 3 51.3141‘. b they C.l:“.t‘_ Mr I'ms mu- gngr: :‘r‘wugh abundant m our umld‘ during the :‘nuraung «awn nmer xmgs whllc here. The little whit:- Ihrmu <pdr» row, Ji;i~, Tm) nnly a fwr a bncI time. 2~ Eran! mornmq and rvemng m his sxuwz but pensive callr The martin.» urixr-J .n colonies during the pd<t week .ndn‘u-v have been carelully studying the VJUUL'S apartment huuses Subrmtted forthclr gracxous apprmal by various nmbxtwu: birdlm‘eri. Barn 5“ allows and m swallows slum about in the air. The chcwmk haunts low shrubbery and th- vicimty or brush piles looking well the put suggested by his nlcknamc of “ground robin." His frequent call, "Cherv wink' Cherwxnk?" is heard and now and then he mounts aloft to sung. "Chuck- bur? Prll-a-wxll-avmll-a." The brown thrasher letsurely smgs while the garden- er is plantmg seeds, "Drop-it-drop-it. cover :t up. cmer it up. pull ll up. pull It The mtzonwoods have the most con~ npicuous display this week. Not \erv much can be sand in pranse of the cotton- toad as J (tee mr lawns or parkway.» but it :5 $0 beautiful in blossoming time that one almost forgets n5 shnrtcomings for the remamder of the year. Just now the irces that bear the staminate blos- tts , more '1! less t'nnipu‘tmus HOW befflllsr ()Y llslcngthening catkmst Like the bll'Ch I! turn“ its cukms durmg the < tanner and “hf” the leaves tall thew are con sptcuuus on the bare branches all (luring the wmter For thts reasun alone the hop hurnbeant would be commended as alawn tree with its mp decorated in winter thh threefingered catkins. These cathns are now lengthening and shed- ding thetr pollen. There are incon- Ipncuous ptsullate flower buds on each ttee uhtch are new opening to receive pollen and 1t 13 from these blossoms seldom noticed that the “hops" whigh cover the tree-tops m autumn appear. name n! "twp ‘nurnneum. 1‘ The while birch now has long gold- green cathins. These are very handsome Spring offerings from a very hundoome tree. Its catkim like those of the horn- tree. lts catkim like those of the horn- beam nre staminate and shed pollen. l'he pistillaxe flowers which furnish the until coca of autumn and winter are likewise inconspicuous. One has to ex- Infine the twigs carefully at this time to distinguish them from leaf buds. The hard maples are beginning to open out then small yellow blossoms to hang down on long golden threads. Handsome a Is this choice tree in summer and autumn it is hardly more pleasing than when m spring its golden flower masses gleam among the opening leaf buds. [MED BY “JAMIE Him CAR \ :mcr wrcn about ‘m («mae- : ‘, quozr wr nxrimhn rm In an mt-«rm-w mrh Stutr's Attorney [huly \th 1‘. (hr \\'.u:kr‘gan Sun publishes Mr. Ihuiy ;< (muted as sayxng: “There is gmng to be Something domg‘ I'll promxse yum that The law must he ubeycd.” The "smut-thing" retvrrrd to IS the pro- <cvutmn Hf thw so milk-d “hhnd-pm" kccp er: \\ hn (\peraxc throughout the (Hunt) and x-x‘pnMHy in 1hr lake rrgmn .md u! thv resort «m ners and when who openly opcmu: Jul :zmr ‘mnrs and nther gambling drHL‘r‘Sr Th:- Iakc rvmnn ls full uf x‘. rNr m.u2‘.mrs. \ch ll(;_1lrl may probably pm ,xde nme-trmm n! the re<0rl pnmb. hm: Mr Dadv says hr \s gmng to rhruw {hem ail nut. sx mlxh than up .md haul the t)“ ncrs mm u-urt As tor (he "bhnd pig" kt‘t'pt’TS, thcy are Alan to be; brought be~ forcrhc mum and finrd. :‘mrdlng r0 «m ncrs mm wmrt As tor (he "bhnd pig" kt‘t'pt’TS, thcy are Alan to be; brought be~ fore me mum and finrd. JN'COYdlng x0 Mr l’ady. A: for the Fox Lake mgiun Mr. [lady savs. but here are his own words. acuurdmg to The Sun. “I have served both [hr Village ofl‘icmls 0! Fox Lake and the salimnkerpers there with notice that this year 1 wt” see to it that they pay their entire yearly license 08500 in ad\ ance instead of evading the law by paying their license in half and quarter years and then qmtting business at the expiratinn of that time." These are big promises and those who favor obeyance of the Raw and no favors shown mill eagerly await the start of the campaign but there are many who wonâ€" der why Mr. Dady delayed so long} Why didn't he start last year or the year be fore. or in any year of his previous term? If he had. things would have been so much easier for him now; also his action at that time would have made it easier for saloon-keepers in territory which is about to become 'dry'. they would know txactiy where‘tbcy stand. that the dry 'a -7 7777.7 . , v~.2e means é‘dry terntory. But then it Mr. Dady had done this he probably would not have been State's Attorney now. Lrt us all hope that he means “hathr >J)’$.lnd that the people who vutetn have- salvom In thenr terrttury wall hm:- them. and res'pevtably run. and that the owners “hm pay a license wnll kmm the» are nut tunnpetmg with men “hudU nut. and that the pcuplt‘ who vote to ham: :1 dry ICH‘HH!‘} mil have It A. C. MORGAN NEW PRESIDENT OF BANK At the rz-gular mceung u! thr- directors? ()1 mt llrglllund l’ark State Bank held onI AprilBTth. MLA. L‘. Mnrgan, (If thlsl city, was equed prr‘srdent to fill the: vacancy caused by the death of Mr C. (Ll Phillips. whu served the bank in rhatl capacity" for a number of years. The‘: election of Mr. Morgan wrll appeal [of the patrons of the bank and the public; generally because of his popularity andl high standing in rhe community as a! man of affairs. l Mr. J. M. Appel of Chicago. who was claied vice president together with the cabin. Mr. c. F. Gram, will be active in conducting the business of the bank. The seiection of Mr. Appel was due to his unusual ekperience in banking mat- ters. For many years he was connected with the State Banking Department. first as a hunk examiner, and later as Chief of the department supervising state banks. trust companies and saving as- sociations. Mr. Appel is president of the Guaranty Securities Company, and of the Certified Audit Campaign um.- ‘I-l--â€" . ".7, The report submitted by the cashier at this meeting shows the bank to be in a flourishing condition. As an evidence of the high esteem in which the former president. Mr. Phillips, was held by his associates, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Whereas. convened in special sessioni the Board of Directors of the Highland Park State Bank find themselves sudden- ly bereft of their executive head by the un- timely passing of the valuable life of Cropley G. Phillipe. until last week our much respected president. and Whereas. we desire to make record of our sincere esteem for his incorruptible, integrity as a man, citizen and official; and of our deep personal loss in the sud- den severance'ot our business ties and personal friendship; Therefore be it Resolved, that this expression of our re- ; and greet loss be spread, upon ‘the ‘records of this bank and an engrossed ’cqw of the same be transmitted to the stricken family' together with an expres- sion of our deepest sympathv. Men Opeuting Gambling De- vice: also and Force Obser- vance of Law Appel, of Chicago in Appoimed Vice Prelident of State In- utituh'on he will Prouecule Find Body of Mining Waning-n Woman NEARBY NEWS ITEMS . OF LOCAL INTEREST KENILWORTH m WAR ON IOSQUHOS Representative Grahnm Married chrewmatxw Thomas C. Graham of the Elghlh <enatnnal (lxsmct was married Thursday mnrning at 10-30 o‘clock in Sir I’e‘tvrk‘ churrh m Antmch m Mix: Calh~ ennc- Walsh of Lung Luke. McHenry Ian Saloon Limit The \lHch‘ buard of Mdirnry at its last met-1mg massed an urdmanct rt" striding 1hr number (.x salumh m those \2‘Lamw (n nwlw. knnrdmu m the C(‘I‘.>u,‘. um usvrs Hilt' mhmn tn merv strtcttiig thc IlLllllhrr (.1 salutith tn those the merv h) ll; ’)-~r\tt‘t pcople tn thr xillnur. (it l'tkt‘l‘.t'. \t‘ttirdlflfl \2‘l.ti;r~ t‘n‘lhux {lib Llix'rs nilt' m’titmn rtgh County Fair two Weeks Earlier The nfht‘c-rs and burnt! til dirt-(tors (it the Liiiu‘ County Agricultural Board met in lee'ileik‘ lust Meek and appointed tl. e sewral committees to start work of} preparing tor the 1914 county fair which) Will be hrl d at ltbertyulle August 18 to! 'Zl. r-__.:_. c-L--i T--_L.. A.--:l-..6 ' The boys are pretty weak at bat as yet butthope to overcome ”it: as the season * profiresws~ with lots of practice, The fielding was a little lose Sunday on ac- count 0! thc unaccustomed playing of> one or two positium but this strangenessl will wear tin in a ts“ more games and the}; a faster fielding team could not be1 ‘ had’ on a prairie diamond. i Sheral recrutts were on hand {or a mm: but only hm were given an op- pominity tn show what they had; theyl we" Pitchers Kruger and Wolff and worked pretty well. ‘ Convict School Teacher Audit-n! The jury Friday afternoon returned a verdict of entity in the case of Mrs. Elizabeth Horcn, who was charged with haVlng made an a5sau1t upon Mrs. Floy’ Watrous of Lake Bluff last February. The penalty tor a nolation of this nature; is from $3 to $100. at the discretion of the court. The alleged attack tollowed a whippmg given Mrs. Horen's son by Mrs. WatrQus. who is a Lake Bluff school teacher. Kcnilworth to War on Mosquito: War has been d‘eclared on the deadly musqum» in Kenilwortl‘. By action laken in a mteling ol the Kemlwunh lmprove- men! association held In the Assembly hall last Monday nighla amomugh cam- palgn Will be . nnduued during It}; scrim: and early sur. mer nmmhs :51ch '- (he germ carrying parsonnus inserts, The members of the a<snciannn haw- pledge-d their suppnrt in n plan In t-xtcrmznale {hr mnxqum‘ by .l rumplvlo spruv 01 ml llm l> J knofkultl 'm :lu- mwch Find Body of Mining Woman 1" 1r hudv m Mn Juhn Ht-m'm-n ..; Bit-gun, whu had bet-n mm“ In wwks Ad‘ found Hmunw m :m Raymond Flinn. who Graduated from lg Will Plan Elm Plnce Addition 1 Members of the school board of Dis- trict 107 have accepted the plans for tho new addition prmred by Raymond Flinn of this city. Perhaps it is not unusual but it is worthy of note that Mr. Flinn is a graduate of the school for which her has designed an addition and is also an? alumnus of DeerfieldShields. Bun'iu On Saturday the stock and fixtures 'oti the E. G. Burrill 5 and 10 cent store weré moved from the Fletcher block tti the Frank Green building almost directly; opposite. Mr. Burrill is now ready tori business in his new place and it is anéf nounced that he will also take order-1 and make collections for F. B. Greer“ lce Cream. 's.mdny. my 2.4 Tickets at admission being issued um; week give xhe date (f the parents’ uni-k1 nual reception at the high school as SIM urday evening, May 2nd. in place 0Q Friday evening, May lst, as announ _‘ in these columns last week. the c ' ; being made to avoid conflict with 9.8: Young Men's Club minstrel. All H38 school pupils and their parents are ' course invited and a special invitation ' given to pupils of the eighth A A ”2-49- given to yup-Ia v. ...- -.._-__ _, 7 , .. their ptrenu and teachers. Adminioé will be by ticket onlv. in Luke I! Luke Forest. Coun‘ Iv F-ir two Week- Earlier 1.06M. MEN DESIGNS NEW SCHOOL HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS}; THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1914 WHERTJJEW ” IOVESANDIOCENISTORE 1 Move! from “cult-t Block: Acton the Street to Gnoc' a ' rents’ any, m Wing Vi" )0] as Sn“ Hufim to fill m place“ o{ In] 1*, presented _ Mon at the n In! MK 1U 35mm susou cm on SUNDAY mmosmmcmn 4103 Cmeent- Will Open Next SuM-y on Alderman Faring introduces Audnr Mom Communion Compaq bu Gen- new Ground! and WI“! Many P-rk Ordinance Which in En- enl High School Contact. Fm new Phyen Regulus look [rob-ed. Will Extend Fire Subh- lo be on Dgerf’wld Good to Fans Limit: South. ' Ave. near Track. The Htghland Park Regulars mtt de- fed Sund .n at the hands of the Ktrch mans of Chitago by the close more of 4 to fif'l‘uking ihtn consideration the fact tha! this: “as the first time some 0f the local boys have tried to play {or two years, it was an rxcellent game. exciting. and-,clme, and vntcrtmning' for the fun nine innings. _ It seemed like old times with Maroney '* behind the bat with lots of “pen" Geo. * Glader on second and the fast outfielders} Dufly. Wahlbruck and Conrad working 3 in the gardens i Regular! E hfinonex. C w. lamb 3rd P wthlbrmfk. CF G. Ckigh‘on. 1b J, H‘Dke. S 5 L mm. L F G. Gladey. 3nd Ed donrad. R F Tom K1¢§fnhn~ Pom“. L Saigon 2nd B. Kfmgrr‘ P R. We”. P \‘arfixk. c F K'rehman. 4* A 35137. "-1 with, I Tum! Dduhk Creighum 1 MIA]. By "Crescem Fan" As :mnuum’ed m these (alumna 13>: week, thr tilescems WI” mnuguratv then 191‘ hawaH season next Sunday. May 1’. Tho‘altrnctiun Will be the L‘ulofimls. :a (as: 521m m: nine from Chim m. k Last Eamon the L‘ulnnials PStzll)li>ht’(i quite it reputation tnr themselws in and Hr0§nd Chicago and hung up an envmble rcco‘rd‘ They declare that the L'rewents are‘éin fur a drubbing on their first tune outflhut they may be sadly mistaken as Manager Flinn has collecteda team this year which can step some and which is certain to set a faster pace than ex en the Crgceuts of last year fie Créscents' new field, as has also beat prewously ax'mounced, is just somb- w of the old Lincoln Ave.grounds. but a u rt walk from up town and close by .th'q‘Lincoln Ave. station of the electric A row 01 box seats. which will be erdned in front of the grandstand and wlich will be protected by a wire screen. wig he a new and welcome feature and will idd considerablv to the comfort of spa/atom. Unless an unforseen delay océurlkhese seats will be ready .at the min“: gnme.‘ Work on the field and thfi‘stxznctures is progressing rapidly and, a M getails excepted. will be in shape ‘fot Sunday’s game. flowfif the weather man will only be soilnd u to furnish pleasant weather thd tell! of this week and Sunday, there wfil be' some good. enjoyable and whole- mefiporl down on Lincoln Ave. next my” will 3* COIBdI ‘0 Ca “ Andra-nut of Offieor “"3! yellowing the resignation of Chief Gen- ; e“: which take. efl’ect tonight. Officer Gnome Wingwill be appointed by Mayor'; flufim to fill the vacancy and his name ‘ win he presented to the council for con- ‘ Mon at the meeting Tuesday night. ‘ 'V will fill the vacancy caused: w , pfommlon of Officer Wing and z “1 met will go on duty as motorcycle ; . ' Mr. Wing has proven unable - ' ince his appointment to the force ’ yromotion would carry outa good 3 WI: . l’oltfof advancing an able man when] I. ‘ m roucnm mum By “Regular Fln" A B R THE LINEI'P PO A H l urgw 27 1} PO A I vladw L' 0 SH SH E 4| (I (I ‘J O REPORTMCOUNCH. ADJOURNEMEETING At {he adjourned meeting of the citv council last Thursdaynight Ald. Fearing immduced an ordhxance on xhe pubiic park as folkmsr “An Ordinance 0! the City of Highland Park giving consent to the commissioners of the Highland Park East Park District ., to take charge of, improve and maintain . as a public park part of Block 28. City of' Highland Park, otherwise known as the Public Park at the foot of Central Ave." l' pon motion of the alderman the or- dinance was engrossed Ald. Sheahan and Obee voting “No“ i Resolution on Gas Question WHEREAS the Special Committee on Gas Lighting has submitted a report; under date of March 14th 1914 to the Mayor and City Council of the City of! Highland Park showing that the gas fur-‘ . nished by the North Shore Gas Company is not of the standard quality and grade required by the ordinance under which said North Shore Gas Company is author- ized to distribute gas in the City of High- ‘land Park, i THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that g the City Attorney be and he is here ibv directed to prepare a petition in the name (if the City of Highland Park, set» ' ting forth the failure of said North Shore iGas Company to complywith the require- ' ments of said Ordinance. and praying | them. |will be occupied by an office, that the said North Shore Gas Company on the excaiations. materiai is being landed on the grounds and it is believed that the new school wlil be ready for 00 'cupancy in the fall. The new Merchants Delivery stables are also well under gray and will soon be completed. Fair Stable to be Fine Building Those residents along Ualtwood Ave. who objected to the location of the Fair stables and warehouse near that thorough- fare may rest in peace for a5ide from ad- iditional traffic it will bring. it appear! that the new building will not bother Instead of being built to (ace Oakwood it will have a frontage of 55 feet on Deert‘ield Ave: and will extend south along the Northwestern right-of- wayadistance of 112 feet. This will bring it about 70 feet from Oakwood Ave. The front and rear parts of the building will be two stories. the front elevation being very handsome. On the second floorifront there will be a 6 room flat for the caretaker. The main floor loading platform; harness and store room: and 13 horse stalls The cost is estimated at $15,000 and the Walther Construction Co, which has the contract state that work :0; i- “n...” .h ”H...“ i will be commenced at once. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Attorney be and he is here- bv directed to prepare a petition in the name (if the City of Highland Park, set» ting forth the failure of said North Shore Gas Company to complywith the require- ments of said Ordinance. and praying that the said North Shore Gas Company may be required to answer the charges therein, and that upon the final hearing of said petition the Commission will make such order in the premises as may seem meet AND. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED.that ‘ the Mayor be and he is hereby 1111-; thorized m {ign said complaint in thc‘gmmls ABE FIRST IN FIELD name of the City of Highland Park. § Alderman Vener moved. secnnded by . " ‘ . Ald ()ber. that the report ofthe Committee ‘1 A“ unfidu.” .0 f" 5"“ 'Republw-n ‘ Nesta-hon. Progreuuvu to be a 10 t-d an19hcr>swnxm 'ndanons ‘on« (“”2“); ( ‘ t k Meet Soon. Five Precinct. _ . . . ,. for Deerficld Extend the Fire Limits ' AM. Fearing mtruduwd :1 resuluhnn whirh'wns passed. rxtrndmz 1hr fire 11m 11.3 in )1» “an! a: (”Eloisa 1mm thes W tr rm'rn! 'u'nv‘n 131$) Hmhlrmd Addmon 11.3 m [11> “am a: hultwsu mm cr rm'rn! 'u'm‘k 131$) Hmhhnc nv r!hwv>‘1 along 51 Johns m N :1rr hhwk 133. I‘rwn nunh asl tn warns! of ~amr anu lhrn warhead to N. W comer u! Mm ‘r'. 151-1 xhvn .\' E. iu mrncr I»! \‘umt‘ and wullunh! man's: Jud on :‘ue tr) .\' W. x'wrnu .1? Mock 14‘). qum hue Par! :4» “mm Aux. wuth m and mams Judwn .nzzd Rugrr \Vxlhams kw; 105, E, rurncr at block 161 then wuxhycal m N. E mmrr of blo‘k 161 and mmhoas! to turner of same. From here snuthwesl to St, Juhns along suuth line n.‘ hltxk 164 and northwmz along cast lme n!’ 5L john: to piace of beginning. Everyono hlcrefld mutt Suburibe if Amount is to be Rained At a in em; of the Playgmuni _ <50- ciation held Monday evening, it was uund that the various soliciting committees had received promises of from $100 to $500. the whole making a total of nearly $1000. This sum represented the work of a little over a week and was sufficient encourage- ment to cause the committee to secure a short extension of the option held on ihe desired property although it is realized by all thatii the amount necessary is to be raised there must be a response from all the people in the district. Asii u not possible for the solictors to reach every- one it was decided to place subecriptinn cards in the three drug stores It should be remembered that the first installment is not due until October and the second next May. making the pay- ments very easy: also that any amount from one dollar up will be welcomed. MnnyShubu end ".00de ”4‘ Pukveye l-pnvod Because all the work has not been com pleted we are unable to record the im- v, movements which have been made m our parks and parkway: during the past week but we hope to have either Mr Jennie L. Smith or Mr. E. L Millard, the men who. have been pomirxent in the Arbor Week MING“! a detailed story for next; week. However the planting outlined lmweekhabeenoompletedmdin ad didon 1m shrubs have beenplaced at the corner of Laurel Ave. and Firm 5!. PLAYGROUND FUND IS GROWING L'a rned A yes All W ”I! NEWFMRWNGTOBEHNEO’E The Moses Construction Co‘, wmch has the genera! contract for the new high school buildings, has already begun work and great pméress has been made on the excgn ations. Material is being landed on the grounds and it is believed that the new school wxll be ready for 00 cupancy in the (all. COUNTY- POLITICS NEXT "! THE RING Lounly polmvs may be exprgtrd to ailzlc {rum mm! pamcularly be- L‘uuse the hm “rather as s‘urnmg but be- came the primane: fur the unmananons of state andcmmly ufin‘u‘: .md umgress- men “111 be held In Septembrt. At the prewnt wnUnu Ullr would mppnse that \he Kepuhhqana have {he only part). In Luau County. a: 18915! xii the (‘andlda‘fl «ha are circulatmg {H‘Lrh arr asking (or \uu-s for the Re pu‘mu an nnr- manor. '1 hrrt are out lm (tour I) 'reaaurer. his. Hepburn of High-wand and prcu’m assist- am treawrer; Wimam Rnsmg of Round Lake and Le:- Mchunuugh o! Vt aukeggn. Rr pubhcans down this “an feel lha: the nomination should come to this end at me county and they ml] probably give their suaport toaMr. Hepburn who seems to be well qualified for the posimm he seeks. Rumors of Progrouivc Ticket While no definite announcements have been made there are rumors to the efiect that a meeting 0! Progressives from I" over the county will be held this Week arm)“ and the probable outcome wflt‘be a complete cnunty ticket Congreamu Thomson has already announced M: are to be returned and the Chicago Post Ind [he tbllowing to say regarding it when the announcemem 1m nude: ‘As a Chkagorepreoeoutiveww man Thomeon deserves V woven from this community {liallowed in Washington the same . con- scientious and courageous coune that made him me o! the few most valuable men‘vtbat have eve: at in our city conn- cil. He is we of the then who have to curate Ind ulna-due knowledge 0! the different questions that prevent them- selves m legislam With this one- term expetience of the ways of Congress he ought to be one of the most useful members at the next Congress" No definlne word has been received from Mr. Munro but it is supposed that bewillnwnneekthe Prone-in pom- ination for representative. Mr. Gnhnm. the Democratic wave. has up nounced thathewillminbeinthefidd Iflte‘ election without 2. D. name somewhere on the ticket. November. Deafield Township voter; willfind the polling pines more con- vaficntlybcuedforn will then have fivc'nmudofthreepncincu. Tbcvotc azmmmmmuamm districfingmundetthe h- and the NW HI! “My do the workatduSetembamm Fiv- Putildl (at W ,1" Volume 4‘

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