Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 7 May 1914, p. 4

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F33; D. C. PURDYF’ SONS The Highland Park Public Library is open daily. except Sunday, from 2 to 6 p. :21. Monday. Wednesdzy and Friday Evenings from 7 to 9 pm Bu! Conn-in D. M. Erskine £2; Co. INSURANCE Established in Highland Park over 36 Year: The care of Lawns. making new and repairing old lawns. pruning trees and shrubs either by day or contract. James'MCNeill You must use Nn-Fililh to have real ‘dusti ng satisfaction'. You cannot get Nun-Finish ‘ ranks without Nu-Fi-I-h. Every user becomes an en- thusiast. A trial will convince _ you it has no equal. Ill-FINISH, Telephone 763-J “The Church for all the people" Dr. Herbert Francis Evans REAL SATISFACTION WWSISOnYe-Iiflvmg Entered as :econd-clau nutter Mirth 1. 1911.11 the poo: oflice 3! Highland Park. “limb. with! the Act 01 Match 3. 1379. Puuxsnxn ““3va av Joax L. Unm at Highlnnd Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone u :: Highland Park W mummmhmr AU mothtsfs and those who wish to honor motherhood are cordially in- vnzed m be present. D. C. PURDYW SONS Mother’s Day Weeds “Matherâ€"A Tribute” Baptist alum!) In! liml lmn THl'RSDAY. MAY 7. 1914 on these theme: at Next Sunday is Now in Stock Catalog Free IOTAW 0.71 HI)!“ Gardener 7:45 p. In. Editorial MOIPOIATID ”I... Heur It the L o In! Run Mr.'and Mm 0. A. Mason have opened their home on Ravine Phce after spend; in; a greater part of the winter in Bil- loxi, Miss. Dr. Bergen Is very ill at his home on E Laurel Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Joseplg’F. Learning and son Jerry, returned Wédnesday from a fortnight: visit in Denver, COL. at the home of Mrs. Leaming's brother. Mrs. George Scott of Chicago will again occupy the Samuel Holmes residence on 217 Linden Ave. during phe summer. Mrs Frank Lincoln Wean leaves todav for an indefinite stay in New York at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. Dickinson Street; Mrs. Wean will attend the first birthday anniversary of her little grand- Mr. Norris Parrot has returned to Highland Park after having graduated from the Wymnn's School of the Forest. m Munissing. Mich. l)r.iA, R. Sheldon has returned from Norwalk. Ohio where he wens called last week on account of the death of his father. ML: Henry J. Thayer and daughter. Miss I‘Mildred Thayer wnll leave next week for an Indefinite visa in the east visiting various points of intexpst. amorg them thev will visit Mrs. Thayer‘s old homeétead in Vermont. Mrs. Myron Schofield returned home on Saturday after spending several weeks with relatives in Green Bay. Wis. The Philathea class of the Baptist!l church entertained at a supper Tuesday: evening and a miscellaneous shower In: compliment to Mus Agnes Simmersl whose marriage to Edward Golden oi! Highwood will soon place. 1 Miss Georgina Strakford has as her guest for several weeks Miss Hilda Biank of Jefferson, Wis. Mrs. B. F. Schwalbe, proprletress uf Highland Hall. will take possessmn of the hall on Monday. May lllh. The opening will be May 15th. Knowles Pittman. formerlv mth tl.e El Paso (135 and Electric Co.. IS pow representing the North Shore Gas Co. in the Highland Park and Lake Forest disâ€" tricts In the Commercial Department» Mr. Pittman is ill the service of the com panys' comwncrs desiring Information, on any apphancea. Henry M. Prior. who is at the Augus- tana hospital suffering from blood poisonâ€" ing is doing nicely. Mr, Frank Matthews of W. Cemnl Ana. is on a business “’1p in Minnesota. During his absence Mrs. Matthews is visiting her parents in Waupun. Wis. Mrs. H. H. Decker and son. Henry Decker ofAusun were the guests last week of Mrs. D. P. Sheahen u! W. Can Ira! Ave. Mr, and Mrs. Decker left on Sunday evening for Des Moines. Iowa, where they will makc‘heir future home. Dr. Ullman has rented the Ritter house on Sheridan Rd. and has his office of business in his residence. Mr. and Mrs. George Bryant. 400 E. :Central .‘\\t‘.. have leased their home for gthe summer months to Mr. and Mrs. E. 'Reinhold and family of Chicago. Mr. 'and Mrs. Reinhold took possession the :first part of the week. Doctors Roberts. Sexmxth and 0'ch are among-the first to occupy quarters 0n the new and handsome office floor of the Sheridan Building at the corner 03 Sheridan Rd. and Central Ave. Ema: BersclL son of Mr. ad Mrs. Wm. Bersch of E. Central Ave” who has been UK for the past thirteen weeks with heart trouble. was out for :he firm. time Monday. . MISS Ruth Pinkerton. lhe contralto Sflolst m the Trinxty church choir we: the week-end guest of Mrs. Josiah Boyer. Muss Lillie Bell, Miss Jessxca L‘hver and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shelton will be the week-end guests of Miss Irene Zentner m Milwaukee. Dean Cornwall. an xllustratnr for the: Tribune gave a (hnlk talk at the parish house last Monday evening. Musical numbers were rendered by Mr. Sidney A. Much. piano, and Mr. Faukner, tenor. Mus Mary Louis: Sedgxxigk [taxes to- mght tor a several weeks visn with fnt‘nds In Kansas (My. Mu Mrs. M. A. Mihills spent several days last week as the guest of her daughter. Mrs. George VR Russeuer. 36131’inegrm‘r Ave” Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Redman of Chicago were the week-end guests of Mrs. David Mainard Shaw, 559 5. Forest Ave. The Misses Cora and Nellie Hocker. Mary Larson and Louise Muth of Chi- cago were the Sunday guests of Mrs. A. Diem of Highwood, The young ladies walked from Evanston to Highwood. ject and (he topics; Formal and Infor- mal Education, Need, of Private Support. Number of Pupils and Grades per Teachâ€" er and Daily Time Schedule. The Woman’s Civic Club will meet in the Ravinia hall Friday afternoon at 2:30. "Grade School Methods" will be the sub- The contract lor the Young Men's Club boat house has been let. Herman Bor- chardt receiving the carpenter and W. E. Cummings. the pile driving' contract. Work has already been commenced and the contractor: promise the hon that they will have a place to hang their win- ter suit: by June 15th. ' limubmsom' NEWS] f Link Margaret and Josephine Cox ind E Elda aBamborough are ill with themeasds. . Mrs.Jas. Bowden “as taken to tic [ Augusxana hospital \lnnday. Mrs. Bow- :den has been ill for some time but it is hoped that with hospital can she will ! rapidly recover Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shields and small son. John Griffiths Shields, opened their home on 50. St. Johns Ave. last Sat- urday after spending the winter in Chi- cago. Mr. and Mrs. Shields and ton sxnt ae'vernl weeks during the winter in Cuba, visiting Mrs. Shields' sister. ’ The Rm .1] Neighbors announce a chrd party fur the awning of Friday. May [*3th atMas‘onic halL I Mr. m Mrs. Mex Robertsomwill leave Hot Scot|and next week where they WM .spend the summer. . Rev. Schraeder preached his farewell sermon at the Ebenezer church on Sun- day. Rev. 1'“ A. Rcuder will fill the vacumy made by Rev. Schraeder. Mr. J. A. Hlmndahl broke ground on Sheridan Rd.. Monday. where he will hmld a new shut: store. Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Brand‘ Were the Sunday guests of friends in Chicago . Miss Edith Muench spent the week-end with relaiives in Napenilie Ill. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Flcherty d Bloom SL. announce the birth aha daugb ler. bom Friday May lst. r Mr. and Mrs- Richard chmn‘of Chi- cago were the Sunday guests of Miss Priscilla Nocrenberg of Second St Little Dorothy Evans IS on the sick list with the measels this w.eek Mr. and Mrs James Duffy and {aniily‘g have rented on: of the Chaos. Warren} cottages on (keen Bay Rd., {Olmerly oc- cupird by the Fred R. Moon's. w» [ileanur Rube] of \Iiclngan Am Chicago was 111.- wvek- end gum of Miss Helen Conrad of Md-mern St. MISS Eva Manon had has her guésts» un Friday the Misses Alice- Drinkwater and jmvul ()"Limxnors of Chicago Miss Margatek Kelly of Chicago.,form~ erly uf Highland Park was the: guest last week m" the Misses Catherine and Mhry O‘Donnell of W. Central Ave. ’ Mr. and Mrs. A. (3. Sander. of Tower. Minn" the latter being fotinorly' Missl Josephine Likheck at this city. annuunce the arrival (It an cighk puuhd son. le’uni Guurge Sanders. born April 4th. ' I 4 65m PHARMACIST Mr. and Mrs Frank Straiqm of Ravens» wood. the latter former?! Miss .110 Waterhouse, announce the birth of a son. born Tuesday. May 5th. Mnand Mrs. Harry Nichols left ":on Wednesday for Hastings. Minn. when they wit visit relatives, ' Arbor Day will be sbscrved by the Presbyterian Bible schaovl on Satuviay aftemoon at which time shrubs and lanes will be planted about the church by var- ious depanmems of the school. ‘aad others who wish to participate. ’ PHONE 23 The next Vesper service will be' held at Ihe'l’resbylenan church the first Sun» day in June at 4.30 o‘cluck. ’ A series or free lecmres by Mr. C. H. Swingle. under me auspices of the Inter- national Blble Student's Assucimnon Gull begin in Library hall Sunday ahernoan at three o'clmk. The subject hr he fin! lecture will be "W h) dld God Per- mir Evil?" Mrs. Frederirk l'llmann Vhas Itamd Mrs. B. . cm 5 house 01125017: Cu- tral Au. for the summer month and has subrenmi n m ML and Mrs. Samuel Holmes and tam”): NIT". Ullmahn “an spend the wm'mer abroad Visiting in England and Wales. Frederick lillmann. Jr., and Miss Margaret I'Hmann WI” In: at Miss Carvcr'a, 256 E. Central Aw. Mr. and Mrs. c. w. Buckley and $1. Sadie Bucklev have. returned from a 5m- eral weeks mm m the south. The above picture ahwé the members of the Lyric Quartette who win he heard in a cancer: at the Pin! Bapxist Church on the evening of Friday. May 15m. Besides Mrs. Chas. H. Warren of this (It). the members are Caroline E. Bonnewn, Florence E. Moody. and (iarttudc Ermelmg. T'hc-y will be assisted by Grace Lam kin, reader and Meta Bonnesbn. accompanist. The admission will bradults twenty- five and thildren fiftecnpento. Singem who will Appear iii Baptist Church Concert I PRESMIGHIAND PARK W015 Neurby Locals a Fire which started late Thursday after- noon datroyed two houses' In Roundout 39d almost wiped out a“ that part- of the What north of the Milwaukee trad I. NEARBY NEWS OF LOCAL INTEREST Begin Work. on Connecting Sewer Work probably will he started on the Wilmette end of (be new north shore intercepting sewer next Week, proflding all of the water mains, which are being changed to the opposite side of the street in Sheridan Road and other streets through which lbe sewer will7 be built, are in place. The H. j. McNichols Con- struction company has all of its equip- ment at the drainage channel and prac- tically all of the track laid in the streets through which the sewer will be dug. for the dinky engines and dirt trains to operate uponâ€"Lake Slum News. ‘ Miss HeknACoale, who h2< bt-cn \‘iait- {mg for over a year at 11 e home of he! iaunt Mrs Richard E H) x in \ isah'a, «6.2L. has returned to her home in High- iiand Park. Miss Rita Murray. also at ' Visalia accompanied Miss Coale Int-st and “ill be her guest for a few days be- vfore leaxing for West Poem “here she will be the guest ob hcr cousin. Map: Peter Murray. Mr. Charles E. Follansbee has br0k(n ground for a residence to be built on the corner of Moraine and Sheridan Roads. Mrs. George H. Campbelt has as. her guest for a month or so her niece. Miss Josephine O'Connor of Providence, R. I. Mr. and: Mrs. Leon Stmuss hm taken the Chat. H. F'shback house on Vme AVe. for the summer. Mrs. James Watson and daughter Helen returned Sunday night from Mo- mence, El- where they spent a week as the guests of Mrs. Watson's nmher. Mr‘. Martha Clark. ‘Mr. and Mrs R W. Flinn have rented their home-0013!". laurel Ave. to a family by the lane of Mr. and Mn Parkin. WFI'gm's areliving on Park Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur H. Miller, as E Central Ave" leave th's week for a trip through the east and to Canada where they will sail from Montreal for an ex- tended joorney though several of the European counties. Thv caddsot’ the Northwmzcrn Military and Naval Avadcmy k-avg Saturday for Lake (it-new when: 'hry my” remznn un~ til the close of schml. Nix/tine} Buukxm of Beaumont £31.. I is <pen ag a month or so with herI slstcn \“3. John Harmon 251 Park 1mm; j I‘lxvelsior Springs, Mo., :5 proving Iobe lap popular a place for nghland Park ;pcop|c (0 never! to for a “eek or so as I‘Frtm‘h Litk. Among those who we \Isnting them now are: Mr. and Mrs. D IF Kelly and daughter Muss Enieen Kely. hi1.r and Mrs» Dudley Putnam and lime {ison mturn this week from a fortnighls gstax and Mrs John M Tunle returned [.14 mm}: (1118‘! spendmaz Nae-ml week. there Among Highland Park («21k \isiting ab Frenvh Lick are Mn. and Mrs: Elana) Tyner and Mr. and Mrs, Julian F. [.V Cu-tis. Miss Folsam opcnud he! hume on For- est and Prosped Aves. last Saturday after spending the winner m Chicago with her sister. Mrs. C. C. Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. F. N‘ Burrs have vented their home on Central Ava. for three months in Mr. antMrs. Robert Manda! and fnmliy of Chicago. Miss Elsie Maynard d Freeportx. “L, is the guest of Mn. A. A. Putnam. Mehille Cobb is m Fun du Lac. Wis, for a week on Mines; Mr, and Mrs. john ()ourh-y haw re- turned to their home. 115 E. Elm Mace. after a Iwo months visit in Scotland with Mrs. Marley's rcbth'es. Mr. and Mrs. Gourley filed for Scotland last February. Muss Ruth Helms of Chimgn “:45 the guru last Sunday of Miss Ruth Exxing, 541 So 5!. )ohns Ave. Norman Peterson 0! Eda-water, was thtigué-st of Howard Schumacher lau Thursday. Mm William Rogers Ruffrmr. Dean Ava. szvinia. has visiting hcr for several “fucks her sister, Mr‘s. (hemxlle Huward and two daughters. uf New York. Qt?“ ”r! Base Ball goods of every description and_ they cost you less here than anywhere else Bats Balls Shoes Suits Gloves Stockings Masks Etc. Base Ball Time is Are Yeu ready for the Umpire’s Call ARTHUR I. m halal RA 1. cm. Vice Predm l J GIN", (h Making a specialty of loans on improved real estate in M North Shore territory including Rogers Park, Evanston, W533 mette, KeniIWOrth, Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland Park axfl Lake Forest. Security under mortgages in this territory if continually enhancing while’ the rate of interest is attractive; North Shore Trust Compaq Capital $100,000 Why not have your clothing renovated here this week and give our work a fair trial? Our CLEANING AND DYEING of ladies' and gent‘s garments, oriental rugs, carpets, portiers, draperies. piano covers. lace curtains. etc, cannot be duplicated by any local cleaner, as we have the LARGESr and most SANITARY plant in the West. Tolophonu 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Telephone Emu M 2E5 Dyers and Cleaners INCORPORATED Chas. H. ,Warren Co. “The Imperial” wagon will call for and deliver North Shore Trust Company Nowisthtthefor Batter Up MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 21234133 LincoIn Avenue. CHICAGO Organized under the Banking Lam of the State of Illinois MORTGAGE BANKERS BATTER UP Highland Pa Pk, Illinois '1 1 When you make connecnons with .us. you cahnect yourself with Plpmben who understand thexr bus- inns. An order from you will promptly put all our knOwledge and skill at your service. And the cost will not be great. T. H. Decker Co. Have Your Pipes fixed Shall 7 our wégvrgwcanl for yours this week? The curtains and por- tiers will be like new, and the blankets fresh. and we?! and clean as the dav mgy were bought. for the coming Summer, and we will return them to you done up as they never could be at home Send us your lace cur- ains, blankets and porticrs to be your garments Divemy - 8} 52 Here- Pa): fur m damnr an irurtnm of‘ m vvrk all Phone 180 Bring Y¢ {11'}!

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