Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 14 May 1914, p. 2

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Mr. and Mrs. Mather Smith entertaxnl ed at dmm-r on Us! Wednesday evening at their home m Oakland. Fla, m honor of Mr, and Mrs. Forest D. Carr of ()r- lando. Fla. Later m the evening the party motored on Lake Apoppa. On Fnday afternoon will occur the Ar- den Shore luncheon at the Moraine hotel. Mrs John Regan announces ‘he mar- riage of her daughter, Vera Dwycr, tn Herman Sasch. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sasch of this city. The marriage took ; place Saninily. May 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Such will be at home after June 15 at their flat on Green Buy and Moraine Rds. Mawr and Mrs. Frank P. lid'~\}\,[‘.: (\‘lr'n'Jt-cd lhcrr fifnflh weddm; Jnm'mr SdrV on 115: bumlav al'lcrn-onn, leanng rats: m rrn- (My m; a fnrtmght's vmt m fats: m rrn- «Lu Washmgtma. U Flore-m; maid in waitianune Rhinehart. 'ln conclusion, Miss Marie Moll. played leveral delightful piano selections. 'Pe‘: haps it would be well to mention here the fact that the new Kimball Grand. which was given partly by the board and partly paid for by the pupilsof this school was christened for the first time that tuning by real artists, The program was_ followed by reports. These were given by the secretary protem. Mrs. C. H. Baker; the treasurer. Mrs. 0. L. Uleson. Mrs. Thomas Clements. Chain man ot Elm Place Division; Mrs. Ross J. Beau): chairman of the South Division. and Mrs. William French, chairman of the High School Divismn. Mr. R. L3 Sandmck.chairman of the nominating committee. reported the follmrmg nom- inees fur the ensumg year Mrs. Gordon Buchanan. president. Mrs. meen W. St’htiniacher. \xcc president. Mzss Esther White. 3ndvxce prestdent. Mrs. W. R. rapper \ecretnn And Mrs. ()leam, {Yt‘ft<« urer The rcpur: “rs :Lnam'm ACD'r‘d \ Despite the inclement weather of last Tnursdav evening there were present about a. hundred .md titty .it the snczal and annual meeting of the Paren's and 'l‘eae‘hers Association held at the Ltncoln school. The program opened With a series of (Line‘t'i by the Lincoln school pupils. The “Dance of the Wooden Shoe" was dJHC by eight or ten little boys and girls of the third and fourth grades. This, the audience enjoyed fully as mite‘h as the performers themselves. Elizabeth Morrison, Frances Hulbruok and Mary Tapper. dressed in effective Scotch cost- umes danced the "Highland Fling". fiery prettilx. "The Maid of the Mist," an in- terpretive dance was gracefully perform- ed by Mtss Frances Holbrmk, a sixth grade pupil. Miss Olive Knebes played delightfully three piano solos. Mr Henry Schautfier rendered two beautiful cello selections wrih Miss Victoria Pownall as accompantst. Miss (‘yuxnev's eighth grade pupils of the Elm Place school presented the ‘Casket Scene." from the Merchant of Venice. must cleverly. The cast of characters is was folluws. Portia. Mary Card, Bassanm. Frances Buell; Nerissa, J'rsephim- Faxnn. Gratianu. Bowen Schuâ€" macher: Prince of Monica), belma zliold- berg. Prince of Aregon. Helen Welm Jessica. Marv Fay; Lorenzo, Bertram Schultze: Messenger. Marjorie Merritt; Page, Constance Vercoe: Herald..- warm (ll The Social Side of Life J. Collar Moulder that shapes your collars, moulds the top edges smooth and creates ample tie space which makes it easy to adjust the cravat. Collars will never crack through the use of this perfected moulder. Come and see it work or better still. let us Show you on your own collars. HIS is a picture of our new Prosperity Collar Moulder that shanes vnur collars, High Class Launderers and French Dry Cleane‘ Our Pious have been changed from 107 and $4 to 178 M179 wrung yca' e are duh c 1119933?! Park Inca] Affairs of the week Eh (hr Obserw-r \\ Itl. awn-prime anthems by the Choir and serninns «in Mother and Home. \lo’hen“ Day “85 Lclebrated in the Pres» 1'): rerun churr h \‘ indm White cam} mms were dlwll’lbult‘d to all mothers. The “'«irld‘s Peaqc Sunday will be ab. served next Sunday. Miss lda Durham of Kenilworth, Miss Jean Hatch 0f WIlniette and Miss Marian Dougherty 0! Western Springs were the quests of Miss Ruth Reichelt Saturday. Miss Louise Huhn will entertain the l officers and teachers of the Presbyterian i Bible school Friday eiening ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Fisher and daugh- ters. Isadora. Mrytle and Rose were the week-end guests of Miss Rose Schmitz. MnO I. Rockenback visited friends in Lake Zurich Sunday Misses Martha and Dora Waltermann of Chicago were the week-end guests of their cousin. Miss Florence Johnson. Deérfield News Items Miss Donna Drew was hostess at an informal tea on last Friday afternoon at her home on Hazel Ave. complimentary to Muss Muriel Bouncn of Beaumont. CAL who is‘ the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Harmon. The guests present were .1 few old time friends of Miss Bouhon. dz . Mrs. Arthur W. Jerrems. 224 Linden Ave” “ill entertain twelve guests at a dinner followed by bridge on Friday we niiig, May 15th in honor of Mr and Mrs. Richard F. Peyton. Jr. who will leave the latter part of this month with their daughter. Catherine Peyton. for an exâ€" tended trip abroad. At present Mr. and Mrs‘ Peyton and their daughter are liv- ing at the Laurel lnn. Mrs. Jerrems will also entenain on next Monday after noon at which time she will be hostess at a luncheon. Mrs. Franklin B. Husscy wxll give- a luncheon for Mrs Rxchard F Peyton. Jr. next Tuesday a‘tcrnoon at her home on No. Linden Ave. [0 “'thh onlv the mosl Intimate friends 0‘ Mrs. Peyton have been hidden. On Saturday. May 9th. occurred the marriage 01' Fred C. Booth of N. Second 5L. and Miss Della Mueller of Green Bay. Wis, :mily an Friday evening. Games and «iancmg passed the evening hours must delightfully" Delicwus refreshments were served. 51:53 Leila Glynch spent t!‘ Lake Villa. \an. anon-mante- anthem her celebrate her firth birthday anmver sary on Saturday afternoon. The little tots played games, and dainty refresh. moms ware served them. The hours were lrom three In five. sts Gladys Larson, daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. Edwm Larson of Second St. anIL «1 about fineen of hcrlmle friends to help (‘r 19 week-end to Johnson who made a brilliant stop of a bad bounce. The visitors scored one run in the 6th on errors and one in the 9th. the only earned run of the game. Deerfield threatened to tie the score in the 8th and 9th. but Nash always tightn- ed in pinches and had his spitball work mg in perfection. Hc was given good \UDDOII. Morse at 3nd shining at the de- fpn>c A good crowed turm‘d GUI to the unmr in 5pm- o! the threatening weather, Marxian PM!” ha» whedulcd a game (I' Rit‘ mm Park next Sunday. Villnge Board Meeting A brink-t1 report M the meeting of the \2 l! nag!) hoard “hich “as held Vim hit is n “Mun. [he old board after dispos‘ mg of old hills adjourned and the new board then convened. the outgoing trus- tee 1L ‘WM escorting the new mem 65m PHONE 23 the latter were \u‘turiuus wnh aficore'of The Dec-meld Junmrs whn played the LIbertyxiHe Juniors on thr grounds of I\II..’IHLI .urs u Ipper and Mrvand Mrs I‘m) IhIIIdIIIanaIII ndedIhI-Iunemlnf Mrs. E I;IIII(hnan. nIIIIhIr II! Mn Clafiver and Mn UIuIdma'I. nhII “hllc unmfig for a street car was struck and thrown 1t) fem bv an aIItIIIIIIIIIIIe. Mrs (mudmhn who- was 73 sears IIld dlt‘d Instantly The' funeral services Ionk plan: Sum!” after- noon from her home. ‘ \\'IIHII {In hiL'h "I“! II! HI .«If [he HM IIIiniIfi (If IIJII II: |\ ‘\\. IzIIiIIz slIuIIIII IIII .IIIIIIIIIh-IL €:I;.:. Ithx ennn :Ignw 1‘. II all-4,: ,I-II-II l'uIIIi._I IIIIIkII )1 mm“ ‘~‘:I\iIII'\ luIIIk IIIII'II lllIHlIhI um- II.ImIiIII-~zs :IIIII ['l‘l)\’[N'r men. I- e \I-IIIIiI :In family d" Illn- [IUINI :HUH\HIH'IH II! III lo 6.. II.” .. I. I-\IMIXIIIIIII .- MLAnd Mrs Cl tpper and Mrvand Mrs (my. | ;« mdman am-nded Ihc tunemlnf Mn , Including a number of Ola-0140“" ; guests the young people of Dec3fld were ‘delightfully entertained at the av party .giwn by the Deerfield baseballfiam Sar- ,urdax m rning. ' Mr. and Mrs. Suhm. Mr. and Mrs :Bmunan and famih. “r S. A. Kruse and three daughter.‘ Elizabeth. Flonm e and '\llylle Kruse “(fr [he gursls ué Mr and \h’x. Edward \‘(llg Sundzn “ Mr. M. S. Hanc~ of Springfiefd “'3‘ a week-end guest at Suppdah‘ Fang). Mrs. J. Pyle and daughter. Chiral Pyle. \lr and Mrs c.\ L‘. Anus and daughter I Inmn wrre the guests of Mrs. Marshall' uf Lhungn Sunday. Mr. and Mn. Trippe- 0t Hayrinxmn Kansas \\:re the “cek mud ghests (.f .\h\ Mabel Sx ham-r .‘hhél‘b Irene Henne»y Eng Clara Ahxrnsm’ Clucagu \u-re the (trek-end guc>1> uf stsm Elda and Mabel Horn-n- bcrger " Mr and Mrs. \\' Mu nsnn 'ofxicncacn 1H. “(n {he week end gnu q‘ of Mr and Mn] .\ Sinker. Mr. C. 8.1315101] and M1“ Mabel Schaerfer are \isuing Mrs. $1xaeffer's parents Mr. and Mrs. Judd Eaton of PrairieVicw. Mr. Elmer Gieser and Mr. Wierhoff of Highland Park visited the Chritian En.L deamr of the United Evan_ cal and Fresh» Ierian church Sunday Ing Miss Gertrude 1 antigen of fifighland Park was the week-end sued; of Miss EdIIh Anderson. A number of school friends;4 of Rav- mond and Gladys Goodmm gang them a pleasant surprise Tuesday evenfihg. ’ me {warm PARK 1mm ois L Photo '31): dearest slster.‘ she wrote.’ “you have [passed anntber mflestone In life's foam:- [)0 w" realize that you n2 a you) heater the gnve? I wish you ”unhappy returns a! the day "â€"01!- can Inter Ocean flor‘ Aster. who. mung!) in good ‘ health. was by no means Young. was «slamming lwr birthdzn. and it fell to _lha_ melnmhul} one to send (-ongratu-i llltloii .‘Ul limmluz. 1.1:!) \\';n~ h-iliu: (hr uihw ’11:) Mum! n rnlln-r lllzllhz'inus nun! '\\‘hU \‘c‘k'lln‘il MI #00 G'H‘U‘thiuz (llrml‘b Mm- spm'hu‘le-x HUI gnu-Uri! pleasure in M» was in "(lending lu net-mi. and in case of a friend's ilIm-a-x she found mnmle the [mm-m Will: 5400:]; ("rein-dings nnd with (Rim of other; wbn had met untimely doullh turunxh similar atflk tlolzs "'Hn- ”Minn-I.- muw uf nmw-nmml n-rrnl‘ a-Y .:.:~ 1 411mm! explain " , l'. 'mr) “It Is lilac-LY." lu- xnys "Hint the van omnnntiuns may nm-(‘x llu- urn-nus system thmuzh the nasal mmuhmm- nlthnuuh nnnwnzznizml :n mlnru Why {lime omunutimm \huuld. ir’ plainly pprveh'vd as due tn run. mum- x-ur lzxin symmum’ in HUN: who .‘rvnd rah k rvmlily IHH‘l‘r\NNMl. ’ ‘ Cats and Man. .\'0 subject that Dr. “‘e-lr Mitchell studied. «Jilin-r svivmlfiv or sm-iul. i:- more curious than [he olu- lu- :lmwrih- ‘ed In :\ um» knuwn [nun-r «milk-d "0f Allurophobiu um! tln- l'n\\m‘ In H.- Conscious or [he ('nl us Near. Who-n rust-en and ['nhonnl." In this: [In lk-r Dr. Mitvhell do-clunw that [huh- are [IL-mum who have lwrn uhlo In «ii:â€" anufi'lu tln- [unmoun- nf :a m! by its tum-H. hut (-ummt any lungw' do aw 1|le so! who n-tnin :nhimy m clvu-m unseen cats. MHW Impnrmm qun‘llu- M huwvn‘l‘. H ”w Nu) I! is rhihlren Hmnhl pin) in n \. hm it h nlmnluln-l) ll"rv\‘~:ll‘_\ should play sibllll'\\hl'l'l‘ if (I: grow up ”I MIL l‘ux' Hu-rv i5 “NW. 1 Ihink. In lln- lmmL TTmW‘ the Method Nature Provudod For Thur Dev-lopmcnt. "Ami. llw alrm‘ts u! Hm ("My shall lw full H! lugs and L'll‘ls Mini“: ill the stun-ls Hu-rvnf " 'l‘luN quv 7.4-vhul'iuh in 520 Ii (' Hm tlwre- wvn- Hun-r ummrmrx in th‘hurinh's day Khan Un-n- an- in nurs' 'l'lu- vhiMn-n Iw\\‘ ”mu! for llwir pm} sumn- plnw- 3.1va than ”Ir sin-Pl e-nwmlitlu'r. earns. hul NUT. (but ( ultiunm- sm fruln :1 [Hair Hl'ugur's \U lilm rm. hum) is [m nmnnmtw If :x u! .\'.a.\~' gum; 1n (mu: :1 I:II'L'.I-r xln‘nlin' m-xr 39:41‘ or in In.» _\l~.:r\ ll dawn-s In kcvp up in MM'IHI llLlllu‘X~ unh lln~ [HMNP llt‘\l dw-I‘ nr furHu-r u}: lhv >[T1‘l’L H lill_\.~ [:ihlnls’ A-l' mnlul'.':ll‘\ Ul‘ t‘ll(‘.\‘\‘£ll[>01h;l\ nu mum!!!) {mum-“Ls. Inn in Hunt mum pm nu uwnlhl) iu sIume-lil in ”Ir §:I\llx:\ lunk It Ll“ 1m margin at" wvurh) lluu mm In ln-xu-r n h In haw .1 mar 'iln Hf l'l'm-zn’w-a UL.“ In .m um: um I“ A Bank Account Is Better Than Shov- ThaQ Koeps One Broke. .1! is quH- |"'\.~'i|-'~‘ Hm! llu- .\!m-l'i I'm: Luna?) is lm: nulimmtw I! n u! CHILDREN MUST PLAY xu_\ ut' l'\w tun ”ham 1 Her Congratulation: .llhlui. 1.1:!) \\';l~ h ‘\ Mum! n rnlln-r II I.“ SAVE A LITTLE. IIVI HM Hm tlwre- wvn- teu'w th‘hurinh's day Khan I“ 'l'llt' (‘hiMN-h IW\\‘ pm} sumn- plnm- 3.1va spm'hll nmllnnl, H i» play that infmu'y ex ls such as (him: us :1 a child who is «Io-priv- P to play h- deprived y to grow unâ€"Cmns- lln IIN‘ \\ c- ;| I'I 2| \\ :H'mn: 0~linn ”I.” lhvh‘ In (Ii-s- lu‘ its do rm chm-4'! \IIIL‘ I|I1N':IT ('l! 1h Illm lll‘ I'll Highland Park Fuel Co. 102 N. First St ‘. Hm Dead, Pm. T It’s 'Old and Strong 3 per cent - interest paid on Savings Real Estate, Loans and Insurance THE ERSKINE BANK 15 West Central Avenue, 2 doors east of the Highland Park Theatre 'clephonu Luke Forest 617 and I39 We carry limestone, granite screenings sewer pipe, lime, cement, gravel, sand. etc including Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Shoes, Pants and everything for men at remarkably low prices. Shoes from $2.00 up Pants from $1 to $4 Men’s Furnishings I take pleasure in announcing to the people of the North Shore the opening of a large and exclusive stock of FURNITURE STORE Antique Furniture Reunited And Refinighed right in your home Vincent Quarta GOOD BANK 188 LAKE F CREST. ILLINOIS, whole wheat and Bran \u- 2mmâ€" every day in good wexgm loaH‘S and of pure and wholesome quainy. We will serve you fresh ever) day by leaving your order. that will make your mouth “at bv its dehcious flavor berm” w fastens superior qualny \u- .v serving fresh every day to our :v BAKER’S BREAD RYE» graham. 735 Mr ‘elephone 335 “Oh, there‘s a Dllhwd um u! I uhe was making Unoéncotrs The) whre ‘h ding maids, 'hm H though shy we ed ruber mâ€"au "l'nua nen‘om do“ 1 (1! 1.0! «and .‘\\\V all {halt Tim v.\ "N“ In} judgm- "My“ 11‘ (olnn Ha stm'r Ayn ludn} The) G01 Sl'o‘ I Cw rtr par UH: ”JP! Ms :n‘ ..3 firn.:_\ \m arm“! Ham (-(1 vrrun'n and Hm! about {In won hm \\ ’- [IMMMI := I“ of Ahâ€"xn (‘XhHHH-(I A! haintw l-k'mrv Lit;- u k. A! !l.\( l-}' a was n-zuhqul. twr arm uu :15 and “AL :. ‘0' "It‘s m; In"! lmth poshhc-‘y think you "Madam I : “Tum”: any I will; _\nu "-â€".\'e‘ A PERIL I: Won 3 ( UHIKM‘ bl." Be [y it 1:- “Mia [haul min-d rt of Hull \ o-rs the ’12)‘ I“ lu- H H h (”T N" ”N

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