Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 28 May 1914, p. 4

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my R FOR RENT The care of Lawns, making new and repairing old lawns, pruning trees“ and shrubs either by day or contract. Telephone 763-J Full line of Garden Sup- plies including seeds fer- tilizer and tools at James McNeill You must use Nun-Finish to have real ‘dusting satisfaction'. You cannot get Nn-Fi-i-h results without Nun-Finish. Every user becomes an en- thusiast A trial will convince you it has no equal. Ill FINISH is a marvdous dusting. cleaning pohshing Ii- hand an mood-dun mam Much 1. 1911.“ the post cake I: W Pnrk. "131)th under tho Act cl March 3. 1879. REAL SATISFACTION ErskineBank'Building 5 Wh‘Lflp’uh-iflm‘ Prim Winn av 10ml L. Um: at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone :: : HichhndParkW Juan In the usuil w'ayu but what a {hm-fence! No dust fivmg In the mum to settle down again. Every ~‘prck is takrn up and mkcn out-r-nut ms! snrred up, AWL at the same time. wuh no rxzm wnr'n‘ \‘uur ful‘IXI‘JH‘. wmndwnrk apd huzd ' k! finuz) are charted and mhshcd‘ Trv .1 2x ixxsze. IOTAILIIMID I074 on these theme: at “The Church {or all the people” Dr. Herbert Francis Evans A large stock of the best Lawn Mowers, Tools, and Garden Hose at “Throwing the Baby out with the Bath!" Short. vigorous discus- sions of important topics for every ones welfare. A large sum of money is lost yearly by buying at the wrong place. You will find that You can save time and money by trading at ‘ “How Shall we pos- sess Life’s Values?" Harder’s Hardware mantist album; In: lam! film! Sunday, May 31 D. C. PURDYH‘O SONS Harder’s Hardware Choice Office THURSDAY, MAY 28. 1914 Harder’s is a marvdous dysting. cleaning~ mhshmg h- quxd. \ 'n it ypu mat Gardener in the Lost INCORPORATED 7:45 p. m Hen! ll ‘ William Albert Yager. four month old son of Mr. and Mn John Yager. died on Friday. May 23rd. of pneumonia‘ It his home at 315 So. Sheridan Rd., Waukegan. Buriél was at Oakwoods cemetery, Wau- kegan Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mm Yager were formerly of Highwcod. Mr, and Mrs. James Grant of Ravine Ave, will have as (heir week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. John Russell and children, Flomce and James. of Oak Park. and Mr. and Mrs. George Grant and their son Robihson, of Evanston. Miss H. M. Fox. who has been quxte ill for the past week. is able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Smith of Chitin" have taken the old Moore cottage on S Johns Ave, to remain indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillet, Mr. and Mrs Harley Guile! of Chicago. and Muss Elsie Frelke of Park Rldge. were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, P‘ (mm 0! No. L‘xrcen Bay Rd. Mrs. James G. Gould of Glendale. Cal. formerly Miss Isabella Ewart of this city, is the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ewart of Park Ave. Mrs. Gould will spend the summer here. Miss Helen Ewart, who is training for nurse at a Chicago Training school, was the guest on Sunday of her parents at 108 Park Ave On account of Saturday being Decora- tion Day. the Public Library will be closed. Mr. mud Mrs. Carl Hanson and {amilv of North Chicago. spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Chas. Grant of No. Second St. Miss Helen Mayer has returned HY Mr Highland Park after 5 years study at daug vigiin with Prof. Press. Miss Mayerjthe” often played before royalty and was pre- I Mr seated with a violin over two hundrediMiCh years old by the Baron and Baron‘esfigowe von Wutzburg of Munich. a _. Communiun services will be held at the Presbyterain chucrch the first Sun- day 1n June. On June 71h, the Sunday s:huol hour will be changed from 12 o'clock noon to 8:30 In the morning, and the hour for morning worshxp will be 11:00 instead of 10:30 o'clock. Mr. J, C. Morrison is in Nrw York on a business trip. Miss Blanche Mason Will be among those graduating this June from the FM- versity of Chicago. Mr. Samuel F. Knox is expertcd home this week after a three weeks absence In California. Miss Ruth Ewing had as hcr guests over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jams Har- bcck and Miss Ruth Helms 01 Chicago. Mr, and Mrs: Anwn C. Morgan hau- rented thui' home on Lindcn Park Hate to Mr. and Mrs. Melville Rothschild and family of Chicago for four months. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan expect to leave within a fortnight for their summer home at Green Lake, Wis. Thv ”inn Mat-chtk- Sr. home on N SecSund L. is quarantined on aauunx of Seuton being I” “uh scarlet fever. Mr. George McBndc is m Indianapolis on a busmess mp. Mn. Sarah Wilcox Cregier is visning relatixes and fncnds in Minneapolis. She expects to be away for mvoral weeks. The aney Secund St. is Neuron being Mrs. Carletun Muwley will leave this Week fur a Man in tlw east. While east she Wlll attend the commencement exer- cises at the Hill school in Potts-(own, Penn, which Wlll take place the 61h, Tlh. 8th and 9th of June George Moseley is a memberof the graduating H.155 lhlh year. Mr. and Mn. Hzm'v A. Whack-r and fannl)’ were ”lt‘ guests lzbt Sunday 0! Mr. and Mrs. Rex Jones. Mrs. E. Duffy of W. Laurel Ava. who has been I“ at the Augualdna hospital for .x number of m-cks returned to her home on Sunday wry much lmprmed. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mead of Highwood had as their week-end guests Mr. and Mn. Herman Kluember of Kcnusha. The Misses Agnes Garrity and Florence Waters and Mr. Edward Mead were the Sunday guests of Mr. Walter Garrity at Morgan Park. Mrs. Robert Ware of W. Laurel Ave is on the sxck list this week‘ Mr. and Mn W. Hoyt of So. Green Bay Rd, the latter being formerly Miss Grace Elvev. are receiving congratula- tions on the birth of a son. born Sunday, May 24th. Mr. Jake 661110!) announces the open- in: of a first class shoe repairing shop at 21 W. Central Ave. ’Mr. and Mn. Palmer A. Montgomery left this week {or their farm It Chanting, Mich. where the? will spend a part of the summer. their automobile was shipped to Benton Rabat, Mich, and from there they will motel: to theit farm. Mr. and Mn. W. H. Miller are the guests of Mrs. John Bonner It Milbumc, Ill. [mm mom-ms] a. "L 1 103 p. m. 7 to 5 p. m. Sunday and other hours by appoinlmenx. Oflice phone 95. Resndence phone- 124. - announces the rrmmal of his olicc mlhc mm Sheridan Bulldlng, corner ‘1 Central :\ \‘0, and Sheridan Road and his resident:- IGSELL Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lobddl and their daughter. Miss Edith Lobdell,’ who have been spending the winter In Chicago. have taken {or the summ'er hnonths the Ralph Fietcher Seymour horn” on Cary Ave, Ravinia. Mr. and Mn. Seymour will occupy the Anna Margin cottage known as the "Eastglte” cotthgc. PHARMACIST Mr. and Mrs George Millltd Ind small daughter, Elizabeth. are now occupying their own home on So. Sheridan Rd. Mrs; N. W. Thompson of Jnckson, Mich.. is the guest of her “our, Mrs. Bowen W. Schumachcr for meal weeks. PHONE 23 Mr‘ and Mrs. A. 1.. Drum and family. who havelx-en spending (I? winter In (jhxmgo are no“ hung in [Mir Highland Park home on Monlgomery Rd. ' On Tuesday evening. June 2nd, there will be a concert held in the Ebenezer churrh on So. Second St. The program w1ll include the following soloists: The Mia-vs Alice Evans and Bertha Harbaugh and Mr. chry Schuufller. 3719 price ul admission Will be 25 cents. Mrs‘ Muses D. Well: and tier daughter, Miss Elizabeth Well: of the Lakoll hotel in Chicago, WI” spend the wmmer at the Moraine him-l. Mr and Mrs. A. 1.. Drum and family. who havelx-en spending ll? winter in Chicago are no“ hung in [Mir Highland be engaged at a sum no! to exceed $8.00 a day and for a period a! time no( to ex-i‘ (‘t‘t‘d five days Ald. Franng mm'rd. Mi‘nndrd by Aldr Nnhols, that the same be referred to thc‘ Finame L‘UHIHHHPC, l Carried A)" All ‘ Ald Fearing moved, senmdcd by Ald, Sheahen. that me my clerk bclnauucled f to mmly the owners 0! lots and 86. South Highland. that an urdinancr pm» i Viding fur the construction «)1 a ('um‘rcl" walk has been prz-aenu-d to [he City‘ COUDClI lur adupliun and that a public hearing WI” tx- lirld at the city hall on. June 2nd, 1914. ‘ ll‘ There wfll be but one mail deliéery un Saturday. Decoration Day, ind ‘hal Will I): In the forenoon‘ The pumflcc wnll b: open from 7 to 10 o'clock. Mrs‘ Robert O'Brien is the gun! of her pan-ms, Mr and Mrs. Fouldl 0! Liberty- vllle. Mrs. O'Brien was f¢rmerly .“lss Knurah Foulds of this titv.‘ Miss Helen Juhnston ofHpr Jersey. who 15 a Senior at {he Unlvprtiti (:1 Ch:- mgn wxll be {he weck-t‘nd guys: of M155 [)urulh) Bastln. m Williamstown. Mass” to be' present at the Williams College cotnmmcemem. Mr. Robert Shields will be among those grrdualing this June‘ Miss Constance Shields wilt leave soon for the cast to attend the Rye| Semmary graduating exercises in Rye. New York; later joining her aunt, Mrs.:H.C. Tnlhnan Miss Marion Hicks. who was operated upon for appendmus at the Auxualana hospital a tortmght ago, in mmdly con- valescing. Mr and Mrs Jcronmcmoryfleardslev hznc takr-n an apartment at V114 \\ nym- ~\\¢- Edgewatcr Mr. and Mrs. I-rcd N. Bay”?! arc luv ingat (he Moraine [or uveral weeks. Mrs. Haynes plans togocastthcjwrmielh of June, where >hl‘ wa spend the sum~ mer. Presbyterian Church Notes Mrs. Earl W. Spencer aqd hetdaughter, Miss Ethel Spencer WI” re tain in the east to be present a: the corfimencement exercises of Vassar College and Yale Col- lege‘ Miss Gladys Spencor will 'graduate from Vassar m June and Mr. Egbert Spenrer will graduate from Yale. Mrs. Charles U. Raymond ( of Dayton. Ohio, Mr: Samuel Cary Glow'ct and Miss Mary Glover of Chicago, ard the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L Holbrook. Hr Letter Levin, whobulben living ianlcuotortheputtwo Mamba attuned to Highland Park M will re- nnin with his puma for the unmet” Mr. Levin expect- lo numb: the lull. Mrs. Mary Carver and . Princillm Carver will leave today, the lb. for the‘ Pacific coast where Mrs. Cu"; will vltit ,' relatives and Mia Carver 4m make a 5 concert tour in cities Along lh'o coat a far as Vancouver. Mn Ross J. Beatty u visiun. relntivcs in Munsey, Ind. ‘~ Wnupun. Wbowlflc Mt. Mgfihe'l h- hecnonabmtnastrthts. MnankShaheu wad $9.5m" cueuofrelnn'vatn Chtaco.- ’ Mathews ha ban viddy Hm It w.wflnfmkmmin m EWIE’W rm,- DR. ROBERTS Photo (I. at Highland Pm}, La. 0).. nu. Dmd Mn 27m. A. D. 1914. Frank P. Hawking Joseph I. fearing R. “C Buckley Hymn 1. Serum Funk W. Shade. Doc!!!- 0! Poo’I_-ln{pr9vgmef!CI all! 0 City The owner! of. mnjurili ol the In)!"- nge «II the Inn and I-ndI Ipnn lh. sum. wherein said work in lo be done any within (tn [l0] dun ulcer the due 0! the public-lion horn-l. elect l0 lake said. work nod cnler into a written contract! to do mid work It lcn [IO] per mm.‘ lcu than the price it which (he uni-0' hu been In urded (iuken (Innate Labor H mm. 4"(1. '. Pipe (41 $26 00 400 “H Ipccul caning- 2 fire hydrnn I with lux.\ll\c ,. (a 3800 I4" ugh: um! bun m 12 50 Lend ‘ Board ol Local Improvements 0! the City I of Hi‘hland Park. Notice it hereby given all persona ia- tereated. that the bid: tor the luraiahin‘ ol all toola. labor and materiala neoeuary , for tha conltructioa 0! a call iron lateral main water tupply pipe, [our [0] inches interaal diametat. together with in 1 hydrants. Illut-o"valv¢| and apacial cut- : lll‘l to be laid in. along and under Bron- aon St. connecting at a point oa the north end ofthe preaent {our [4] inch watet main in Roger “illtaua Ave. at a point two hundred and Mty [250] feet eaaterly' Iron the east line 0! Rice 5L. said point baa-1 thirteen [I3] feet aouth ot the cea- ter line at Illd Hromon St. and run-lat from thence northeasterl) thirteen [l3] leet loatheautetly of the centev line ol‘ Bron-0a St and paralell thereto, to a point opposite the northerly line 0! lot 87' South Highland Addttion to the Cit) ol~ Hi‘hland Park. all in the City of Hi|l -1 land Park Lake County. lllinoit. werei opened on the 27th day at May A. l". 1914. and Douglas McNeill bein‘ the' love" relponatble bidder. the contract! waa awarded to Illd Douglat McNeill on the 27th day of May A. I). I9“, aatd bid being itemized ll lullows; | Uuan. Approx. l’rice Ant Ald, Sheahm mrnrd, secondrd by AM. Nichols, (hat an urdmancr pr Aiding for the extension 0! a an mam 1n Bums Place be referred to (he Clly attorney. Ald. Franng muvrd, ML'Undfd by Ald‘ Nnhois, that the same be referred to the Fmame cummuu-c RESOLVED. that all plats which have been accepted by the (fly, be recorded m the city book of plats, and that Mr. Shields be engaged at a sum no! to exceed $8.00 a day and for a period 0! “me no( to ex- (‘t‘t‘d five days Told horrby apurmeâ€"d, and that all acts hert- lulmc done by hum as such acting Pres:- drnt of sand Board‘ be and the same I: hrn-hv sutnhcd, cunmmrd and approved. Carried Aid. Moses presented the {allowing resolution. IH: 11‘ R1551 )LVEI) that the appumt» men! or Aid. Buckley by the Board of Lmal hnpmvcnwnts lwrrtolore made on the lllh day 0! May A. I). 1914.“) act as prcsndcnt of said boarddunng the abwm‘e of May” Hawkins. be and Ihc same I5 horrby apurmeâ€"d, and that all acts hert- Carned‘ Ald Oboe mmed, seconded by Ald Putnam, the adoption of the lullowmg remflulmn: ()n monon of Aid. ()bce. same was re ferred to the Buildmg and Grounds com- mmecz fur n'purt at the next meehng 0! the cm munczl. Manon carncd, Aid. ()bec mmrd, secondt-d by Ald. Nulmi~.lha1 1hr question nf repairs In Rznmc Place ho rclrrred m the Sin-cl and AHr)’ commutre With power to act Carried. Aid Prarmglnnoducrd an ordmancr regulating the muvnng of houses and uther buildings Ald. Fearing moved. seconded by Ald. Putnam, that the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements be accept- rd and concurred In. Reopecdully yom 54mm. 5. Hausa. City Attorney. The Board of Locnl Improvement: reclxnmended thnt the sum of 825.0) a month. lortbe current fiscal year be Ip- proprinted from the 6% in speculate“ men: account. (in provided by statute to! be applied toward the cost of making; and collecting such assessmenu) for the ‘ purpose of allowing the tecrctary of said board to employ a clerk to perform and ; lwep all records and perform all clcn‘cal \mrk {or sand board. per not provided by statute to beawflad toward the cost of making and collecting iigwfiozu 3.4135083605253338; Langfig-aaw 8 so 3. EiawRII-Egl %§.!§.Kunai.8 98:13:.a‘ngi aanif3§3i§ ~ZSI<E an: In 5% I 3E:1€v§9u§tlt “3590583213390; 885%. 83.58 I 9. In Notice of A‘vudin. Como ‘10! l' nce .Pipc (a $20 00 Carried Aye- All L‘arrred Ayes All SMJJ l2.00 “5.50 Ant North Share Trust Com Highland Park, Illinois AmUl I. Vim. Praia! I“ 1 cm. Via Freda! Making a specialty of loans on improved real cstatedn I North Shore territory including Rogers Park, livanston" mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland Park . Lake Forwt. Security under mortgages in this temtoq continually enhancing while the rate of interest 15 attracfi I've ulwuyl and my “(mean here c )mmmdei upon my on! appear“ 4.0ch A. tuna-g mom I noon noq an m nu! OI pauad p" pun: p sump A. “an ”m a I II INCORPORATED ZNEASHINTRALAVENUE quhuefliflndl’filfis Dyers and Cleaners “The Imperial” wagon. will call for [/16 heat flaw hot days (171d M' lmuu' we will be (001 in 0m of flaw garments. buv us 507m" (15 (to (NT xufii'rmg zczth [inn I have ever saw in High/(uni Park Suits (mdfind they [1011’ (/16 has! selec- lim’ 0f Rompers, Crmbmzx‘ and Play Ynu am gm one for 50K 14/). Won’t you Doar ‘Mot/wr.‘ North Shore Trust Company MAIN ornc: AND wonxs 2123-2133 Luca. An-m. CHICAGO I lmzrc 100de 01‘(’7‘ H'ARREN’S Capital $100,0bo Offlufiled undo: the Banking anof the Shte of lllinoin MORTGAGE BANKERS 93113308 3901:) w‘] I'm Glad Because Ila hero to by cleaned and prencd. I'll npmnm everywhere. and deliver your garmt’nts nu noq nu q; m1! ‘uoq 0 Apt.- A- “an ”In a l uq; nun ""l T- H. Decker Co. thfld'flaw l“ E. Conn-u] Ave. Phone 10‘ Ixn‘ing/y yumx. i lay be Hot Enough New BUT \Vhen in doubt, call on How do you expect to keep Warm next \s mter? jolm and Susie Phon: l 80 a” Ir

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