Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 11 Jun 1914, p. 2

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Mm G. Maerklin of W. Central Ave, entertained a number of friends at lunch- eon today. Mrs. C. E. Woodruff. 339 Roger Wil- liams Ave. has cards out for an informal tea to be given on Saturday afternoon, June 20th. from {our until seven o'clock to met her daughter, Mrs. Allan H. Goodhew of Philadelphxa. On last Thursday evening Mrs. John Russell of Oak Park entertained at a six o’clock dinner in compliment to her cousin. Mm Jzimes G. Gould of Glendale, Cal., who was an April bride. Mm Henry Glidden entertained at bridge at the Exmoor on last Friday afternoon in honor of her friend Mrs. John Lanphier, of Springfield. Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis .\'. Kimball enter- tained at‘dinner on last Wednesday eve- ning at their home. in honor of the Schaui‘fler family who are soon to leave their old home here. The guests present were old acquaintance. of the Schauffler family. T :c members of {he Nurth Shore Ciuptc-r l). A R. have sent out cards of invitation m 3 Flag Day celebration to be hall at eight o'clock on the evening of June Urh. in the Trinity Parish house. The program committee is to be con- gralulatrd upon securing Andrew C Mc~ Laughlin of the University of Chicago. prestdentot' the American History As- sociation to speak on that evening. Music will be furnished by the High School Boys Glee club. Mrs. W. A. Alex- ander and Mr. Worthe Faulkner. An in- formal reception will follow the program.; utnuxnrr. Marguerite uermame nreger. tr lit-um: Elmendurf l’hillxps, sun of Mrsr Cruplry 0. Phillips ot 2115 N0. Sherxdan Rd, which took place Wednes- day afternoun at lull after four o'clock, 1n the Shred Heart Catholic church in Hubbard Woods. The bride was attend- ed bv her snter. Miss Dorothy Kreger. whnlc Edwrn Phxlllps. brother of the groom avted as bestmanv After the cere'n :ny Mr, and Mrs. Phillips lett for a short weddmg tnp for five days. On thexr return they wxll spend the summer With Mr, l’hxlhps' rather. ’Pleasunt For the Caller; Tu'u Mallow lhznlv a forum! will on n tll~trml_ :It'llllilllltulll‘t‘ 'l‘ln- wk ml llh‘lll to “hit untll slw :Hu‘l'tzhnwl “In-.hgr the person Inqulrml lur wu.i In l‘rusvnth she trim-«l (lH\\l|~lilll‘\ unl :Ilmumm-d thut "lln- Iml) u» nut :11 lmruv‘ mm- M the (”Hon nhdnu. rlml <lw hml t‘urxuth-h ln-r t‘nrth In her {fl-«Id "Lt‘l mo: wrm- nu hum: an yum nml "0h It l~n’t M :II.’ put in Hm hmhl c-llw'rfllll}; "I told hw wlm It 0%“ " .\~-\\ \"urk Globe lllJltI \illll ll.’l‘¢"‘ll l‘}. llll~" Mr. and Mrs. Andrew John Kregcr of Glencoe. mnounce the marriage of their dJUKhTt‘T. Margueme Germame Kreger. Mr and Mrs. anette Sr Munro will gn'e a dance and garden party at their home on Green Bay Rd.. Saturday ave- nmg, June 13th. m honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rogrr Sherman Vail and Miss Ruth Bush 0! New Orleans, who is the guesl of her firmncees parent's. Mr. and Mrs l-Idwzn L. Lubdcll In Rzu'lnia. Mrs. Sidnefi' J. Holland gave an infor- mal tea last Sunday evening for several of the younger set to meet her niece. MISS Harriet Holland of Atlanta. Ga. Mrs Holland has cards out for a tea to be given at her home. 443 5 \‘me Ave. on Wednesday the seventeenth of June from three untxl five o'clock, cohplimen- tary to her niece. Miss Harriet Holland. at her home. 427 Prospect Ave. Mrs. Fred N. Baylies: willjbe among Mrs. Arthur P. Van Schaick, 451 E. those entertaininz‘lat {bridge this after: Laurel Ave. entertained at an informal noon at the EmeOl' Country Chib- bridge on last Wednesday afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sandwick en- her sister. Miss Muriel Boulton of Beau- tertained the members of the faculty of mont, Cal. the DeerfieldShields High school at a Mrs. Sidney J_ Holland gave an infer. picnic on the beach onflast Tuesday eve- mal tea last Sunday evening for several ning. ' Mrs. Walter E. Carr was hostess at a bndge party on last Tuesday afternonn at her home. 427 Prospect Ave. ed the EpSilon Chapter. Theta Sigma Phi 'I‘ht- ullipers of the \\'.’iukegan Chapter Sorority. of which she is a mcziibcr, at .1 Will miner the degrees. The Worthy spread. from three to 51x. Matron is Mrs. Clara N. Howe and tlze Mrs Fred Fischer, Jr. of McGovern » Worthy Patron, Harry I.. Howe. A sup- St.. entertained a number of friends in~ ' per Wi.“ {CHOW the meeting. formally on Sunday evening. the occasion K A committee of girls from the Fresh- celebrating Mr. Fischer's birthday an- men. Sophomore and Junior classes of niversary. ;the Déerficld-Shields High school gave a Mrs. Walter E. Carr was hostess at a beach‘party on '33! Wednesday afternoon bridge party on last Tuesday afternonn {or the girls 0‘ the Senior class. On Tuesday afzernnmta Muss .\'.mcy Mg Phg‘rson or No‘ 5:. Johns .â€"\vc,. cntertauy ed the Epsnlon Chapter. Them ngmn Ph: Sorority. of which she is a mcmbcr, at .1 spread, from three to 51x. The Social Shit of Life High Class Launderers and French Dry Cleaners ' RB'EflQE W mm Muss .\'.mcy Mg ' The C ampbell Chzm'rr of the Eastern )hns .â€"\vc,. cntertauy Smrwiil cntcrmm :kxe \\'.uukc-gan Chapter. NH The? Sweet Girl Graduate H%m_l’avk .ocal Affairs of the wee Phones 178 and 179 is not the only one who wants her apparel to look attractive. We make a specialty of carefully cleaning and pressing Ladies fancy dresses and clothing of every description. the ()lxwrwr “With nm- t‘Xt’t‘pnl'H “‘unmnl “’5',” saved (by pin: ll with an red flannel will ln'\‘vl"(‘0llle Inn-k {marl-flu thin film 65m Francis Everett will: give :an informal farewell party tlnsjevcning at his home on Hazel Ave. for a'number ol the young people who are to leave Highland Park soon. to be away indefinitely. The Alumni Association of the Deer- field-Shlelds High school will hold its fourteentn annual,banquet and business meeting on next Wednesday evening. June 17th at seven; o'clock at Highland Hall. There will be dancing in the gym~ nasinm following the banquet. PHONE 23 On Tuesdny evening Mrs. Mary Sheahen entertained about forty of her children, grandchildren and relatives. The occa- sion celebratingjher seventy-fourth birth- day‘ ls il (rm: ann-l Have Harder put your Lawn Mower in first elm condition. Phone 180 and he will call for it. Oh] n’t :It nl.’ llo’l‘eNM'lf‘}. mxu ImM c-hm-rfnfh; "I [mm m- ” .\~-\\ YUI‘L‘ (”Che Gone For ione For Good. ann-r (Ivar. thnt en-r) nhmm‘d Minn-s llm'k l Chicago. Ill. Popula- Price Restaurant Hu utood the To“ Riki.“ 32 N. Fifth Ave Photo for 30 you. dnuglm-r; lh. [rum h} (1.1: [with-oat Sh» of the Deer- will hold its and business Bullimur. Not Ignorant of mlsfurtune. 1:19.?! from mr own woe: to lid the writ-baa -\ erg“ “No. How dld you hxppen minim-e at blm?"â€"Chk~ngo Record Berni ‘ - The Burned Church. 1 Jim Iregnrdlug damage to church by flreI~Gnod job It wnsn't a “Mary Hm. BINâ€"You're rh. vm mate. Only one man put out of work and he draws his money. ~l. undon Punch Probably An Accident. “Did mu lunthe lm“ pale the bride groom “ :l Mean Man Stump Clerkâ€"Thin {mark over LEARNING HOW TO UNLEARN. Weight. mmlnm. \\':utnm nt \Vlndnu - Well. of nli the menu people' “11}. l' u- Modern Schntim Hurting Incl- to malivd hundreds of h-ttc-rs that In-rv-n't Thales of Milotus. ' anywhere near full Wright. and mm When we Were youn‘ and knew with that I'm sending one Just n little bit out doubt that the molecule was com » over you mum to charge extra for it. 1posed of two or three ultlmlttI poms ' Boston Transcript [culled atoms. we listened compluveotly â€"--.â€"â€"~â€" Ito the statement thut “wk-me pm A 8.1. Background. :Mes in a straight line, philosophy A man rnther untidy in his mmnuli‘mund in ‘ C'N'C- 0" 5' b?“ “0“! I, hubltn was dismissing the question ut‘ belle-l Inlml " Now that we are older ‘ s new waistcoat with a friend ‘ 5 sad believe that the simplest atom haul "Whnt r‘olur would run :Idrifl?" he pearly 18(1) Pll’tl. we find that per-I lsked the friend i hip! the helix is expressive of science‘ ‘“ by." said the friend. "I‘d not onv " '0“ MM! the editor of the En i l 0! Soup t‘uiorf" â€" Suturduy fienlng; sigcjerius and Hiatus Journal. > A 8.1. Background. ‘ A man ruther uulld) In his mmnuii habits was dismissing the queltlon ot‘ a new wnhtmut with a friend ‘ 2 "Hm I dullhl If hr “HI mkn- IM- umm-y. Mr (‘nrvwxiu‘ the rlurwnmu. rulhl llmlmfnll) "lh- 1‘ \c-r_\ howl "UIL lh' ‘: [nlm H «M lln- Ilmuum n-r "l'm'c-I'u (Inn-ya prnle lluw um um e;. u!) Inn: “and uprixm?" "Hm I dunhl If 1 umm-y. Mr (‘nl‘thiu fluhl llmlmfull) ”“1 “UIL [Io-‘1 [nlm H "Hill ”I“ fix: er (‘Ivl tnthm .nm- Im‘! ln~ lnw ILI‘ :1 ~ [Him um] [Lu :1I\\;|_\\ slum-s mmwd {rum 1 [Inn's (0 [ln' llllh- Thu]. sullmr} unlk In :1 rv-A “All!“ Dr 50" It} [hr n mugwl 'uml lhuv‘ll'fl Hh 05.1mm: Human Stridoo. .\lnn_\' mrl'l->]~a|)«ln-|;I~ lmu- beehhfll in}: llu- h-nutlx u! llwl!‘ xlr‘de. mn-n thus“ small “-55 \\lm‘[l:l1‘\' out llw mug“: of n «It» kw! mull In "911nm. .- llml lwvnt)‘ tun lung ~tc-1N umkr l\\.-I- [3‘ [Wu _\‘nnls Hut :1 unlkvl {run- (In city aren- tn- (-nnws us m-nr up llnN' KIWI] [0 [hr yard to ”I" sh-p nu u Inn; “Mlk. “(- plumb “\r “w! v‘lflht :nu' nun- Im‘! m~h~~~ {Lu 21 um“).- flcr'l» In llll" :tlxll [Lu :1|\\.‘|_\\ lwl\\q'§‘ll ILE. Hum» of Ms n-lullros In wbnm I» had been kind during his ”fr Q‘lw‘tm (Ins strnnne!) du-urun-d umuunn-In I. mark m: bum! plan--“nubmmm Slur He was laflnhly goneroua to other-3 as well as Indulgent of his own “'thIn ; and It so happened that he died (hr; Very year he had prophesied would In- I Mi but He had furllu-rumre bmuuh: his furtunv [0 sun In a low club (but Ml er ms frW dc-I-u were pnld UHHHUR rv "mun-d u! n]! his lxmwsxlolu fluid-v from the clothes in wlm'h he “13"." [)0 hurled but a [mlr or curious uhl' allmwru 0 A vermin rich mun whn was rpr) extravagant In bls taste: beclmo pm mac-d of the idou that be bad just nu mnuy yearn to ”\‘e and ()0 more. and be calculnh-djhat If he spent a natal portion of hi. principal every year his life and bl: property would expire lo wtber‘ I I'M‘I \hutr: "H I)! inumuilhk- M u:- uul [U “ml Hull [hr dulled an "Inn. ll“ buumn ulrenulh; ul Inn-l. "hm. unhw" I'wl mm uun- mmlr ”Ir ~m on: sluteuwul lllnl I! hlsI now hm] u»: bled ewr)’ nigh! dlmuz m. lnl'ruuw vamp he could not bare borur the has. 0! m:- lmitiun Lnrd l'ulmerxtun was no nun-h n! (acted by his I‘ork that be bud I fly ('11! high (Ink bullt. whlrb Ind-VIM”! «1 a swndlug position He exmuum. thnl I! he fell asleep while "'th In keep up with bl: work the NB Woum awaken Mn) Tin-n- shunt l1: u vlnm ll 1!) .\Ix:~h-v (lrlm .m :un-n-ut um! rurlnu~ unnumm-m «If \\'‘ murlrlo \vluvh nl\\n_\n :IHHH l~ rlw :Irh-nlluu u! \l~llurs :uul lln'h lur- as”) is usually l|.-n;lm-|m1 l-_\ H! In slrwtmn I)” rlu- un-utmwm :m- m, urn rd (Wu Sllllyu‘N of n singular nllllm' H ”II tln- lll\'(‘l'l]lll0n "IZIYHJ .\\l‘ u lnu'h In English Would 1w “en-n nuth 111:." or. llluro' vollnqulull) pm. “null: IUL' else" The slur} Hm! I: told u! (Inn atmnuv devlre 13 us fullmrn: drum .11: um «I! \\'h.lz- m Hm nth-“IL as”) is us Story 01 In Ecconcnc Man and Q Cuf- oul Monumonl. A nulruu tlll Lard lhnwbory onve wrotr the fl»: Ioulnx mun-ruin: the duties u! prim- mlnlih-r "Hr has (u dam! will; In. soverulgn. “uh the mlnm-t. with pH 'Iulm-nt :md ulrh publir uplniun H: H \‘urimw khuh and dour-«w Sumr .- nis (‘Ullc‘zlL’lh'yl he must tUIIVHIIv wan II? ”My “Jl\(‘ '1! “IUD”! M‘llh' “‘1'“ I» INJUIQ'. It is :1 [mun-~11”: mhurmu- uh DI-rnell frequently stated (hut n- muu could lmu- any nutlun of the m duons life. und when Gladstone um rah-med from tln- dink-n of prime um. aster he leaped bond over heel. dmu n grass bunk at Lurd Evam' lhrumn. run-«r m-ngm I’HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS I 11.41.”! HH‘ “HM ENGLAND'S PREMsERsmP. A PAIR OF SLIPPERS. 31mm :.__:. 7. :55... 1:... 1...: _ z .1. : ~::.:I.I_:h 7:51:27 2: 2:: 7.7: ..l.z..: Ti. 44:2... Emey Bag: |11||‘L'h' UH l ; \\ 1m Inn! (2H1. Il-rl’lvl 1|\\.‘|_\\ lwl\\q'§‘ll “‘nlll L‘I'JI' In M Thur. of 4'."er I) :1 nullm-ul ”w III ”I l'! (up H mm]. In Hull III-II) IrIL‘ vmlu Were one of the Greek phllooophm.‘ Thale- of Mlletllu. for instance tos stroll into I modern assembly of play! l kill. and chomlttl. the language would ’ be more troublesome than the idea-f He would hear the physical chemist? remnrklng chvcrfully that there in no matter. for that which we call nutter? In only energy. and Thales would r02 mark. "l'luglnrist." The disciple-s of‘ 'relutivlty. the ultra modern phyliristn.’ wouldtell him that space nnd time In- one. and Thales wOuld nigh to thlnlt of his boylsh debutet i seen; we follow the “chant-‘- in tempting IL We bellow. wlth the “chemists. am the so called element! In fundamen tall: the same. Whether we will trim mute one to another remains to be Fur cool durum H “HUM he lmnl lu bent the (‘hunlng 0! (our “qu single bnnded and with no wcnlmm elven! a pair of Ducts and I stick The In;_\ [HIHMI on bl:- lhn'w Ihvln n! lhv “mm-"l tln'n mud. | rn~h rm Hm Ht: k. 51mm)“: M [In- sum Kruu’l Ht" sun Hm! HIM-v «on looking nun Ml)‘ [In bu) un- nmlnln; du) luv “ll Coolnou and Dump 09 - Pluck, Kaflr Hordboy, Fuux Hum nll nM-«l u ln'H’ u.’ Int!!!- FACED ' FOUR LIONS. Ravinia Park Theatre Sunday Afternoon, fnne 14th Judge Clifford P. Smith, C. S. B. A Free ’ ;Ctu1”e Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist Highland Park (II The Public is Cordially Invited to be Present Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Uh- lnun. um] will be given under the auspices of I. \YII: .I [ht ln-n' hum. o-I d 1;»! Im- :.;,“.:.'l SPAGHETI'I lemmmmm RAVIOLI =3 trim Â¥ Eve-in. Di... 7!: Ann-gm Ind. for M32600 5 to ht; MUSIC Private Dining loo- for u to 180 Ml. SINGING 9 in It ! , , mmAmullmcwuco :5 ml Hum! nlnl uni he at three-thirty o’clock Wall Paper Salef It’s Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Savings THE ERSKINE BANK 'olophonoo Luke For.“ 817 Ind 139 13 St. John: Ave. Have Your Clocks ‘Cle‘aned and Repaired Real Estate, Loam and Insurance FURNITURE STORE Antique Furniture Rep-ind and Rcf'minbed fill" in your home We call for and deliver. All work guaranteed for one year. Jewelry repairing a specialty. THE ALMINI comm? lnbfiou Doom-ton and PM I. N. WM Av... CHICAGO . W. SCHNEIDER‘ Vincent Quarta on GOOD BANK MICHELI’Sl LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS Our entire stock to (“lost One Half Regular Price An Opportunity not h» inc over-looked Telephone 331 (11k! h19\~ [hr guru: at Hu )1 bunald lam “wk. HnlsH u' Shr'mfl‘ of MI and Mr: F‘ A L hndrcn » d‘ hmd 1n the 'fim Sunoa} nmrmng Mrs} Allhh \\ u [‘5‘ “hm ha.» D001 Muss Ruth kru‘hl Lu; Mundm wht hunov m the man hm \ullrgr VIZ-95m (nrmnunmh wrnc Hmnh Sunday l 2411, W111 Dr HIM!" ’I he enlrllnmm n? We (.xmuun-v I 0a) Hrmng, lulu: (hg1'\§97¢ v. I‘Q‘k “ Q)“ h u n: “Mung 'I he MmNa- (.rr‘ n? ‘nrln mm \H lt‘ Mabrl and Lu). W Harnmm ( 1).: \c- Mrs M V 1r: Mn» I ‘ .dl Mr. and Mrs. P: were the week- Crofl Hyghial M! am? M15 “('rr [In VH1 k4 Schmlu. Dverticld N‘Q‘Y? hurl"? My Mr: } PM 031 km M rm XhSN‘.‘ k ,m a Mm _ A My (In H21';x .13“ use-1t ll ,um fiv'! ugh am ma \e Hg rain “18 d Mrs {ht ihglll. \ hIC. WIN mt:

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