Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 11 Jun 1914, p. 3

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1C6) . S. B. iANK } Savings }ance work wel rv ', ILLINOIS 8t: zed tist ephone 331 : t 1 close Jar Price AVIOLI Repaired "the I 1'6 SINGING Deerfield News Items Mr ‘11! Mrs. Buntc and daughter Catherinc, w! (than). were the guests of Mr and Mrs. J C. Wolff Sunday. Muss Hun \Vheden and Mr. E. Stuart of Chxcagn were the week-cud guests of Miss Emma Selig, 3' Mr and Mrs. Chas. Wcrhahn. Mrs. Rosenow u! nghlund Park, and Mrs. F. Hohty at Shermerwlle. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Selig Sunday. Mrs. E, French uf Seattle, Wash, was the guest :1! the home of Mr. Geo. Mc- .DOnald last week. A Children’s day entertainment W1” be Held m the United Evangelical church Sunday mornmg at ten o‘clock. Muss Alma Ward Leith of Pittsburg, Pt. who has been Vlsmng her cousm. Miss Ruth Relchelt. left for La Junta. Col, Mnnd I)‘, where she will be maid of honor at the marriage of one of her Ober- lin College clhssmates. Rev-.L'. K. Osborne officiated at the commumun servuccs In the Presbyterian Achurch Sunday morning. Sunday the 14th wxli be observed as Children's day. The entertaxnment ngen by the pupils of the drummer school Will be held Fri- day evemng Junc 12m. instead 0! last Week June 3th, as previousiv announced. Mrs. Leshe Brand entertained at lunch Mrs. Leslie Brand entertained at lunan eon Thursday. Viisses Llara Pilling, Hanna Filling Viola Engie and Sadie Madden of Chi- Clgo Were the Sunday guests of vHiss Jennie Kurch. The Misses Gertrude and Emma Clavey of Glcnuew were the guests ofthe Misses Mabe: and Elda Horenberger Sunday. Mrs J A. Reicheit Sr entertained {he HMmonv Club at dinner on Thursday Which was sen/ed on the lawn. Mr Alan Meyer returned from the Cnii'n~r<zrj; of “linulS Sunday evening. Mr. Hufvcr. a classmatc of Alvin's. is Viki! the Mr. H by WIS _,.‘» Mam Mabel Mxiler and Ruth Lidger- "Ow,“ 1'3 ndcd a Death party given by the \r-r a: class 0! I). 8‘ High school at mi?- Si {in k Saturday mening. Mr» \I J Clark is visiting her daugh- ter .‘1.:< ‘ hzabeth Clark of lning Pa'fk. Mr and Mrs. E. Fisher and daughter Were the week-end gue8ts of Misss Rose Schmitz. ‘ M: End Mrs. Fred Phillips of Chicago. Vere the weekend guests of Mrs. S. H. Croft. .g “mt success J Grammar 'mly hall Friday. June 19th. rv sale .md lawn socxal given SUClc‘Iy Saturday aftermxm K L" Ll S pcf, a ncncemcnt exercises Tclpplzonv 151',le fâ€"Fz'z'e TAKE CARE OFTYO UR TREES rnt exercises of the school mll be held m 0’ ’’’’’ Hzghland Par/e Greenhouses No better time than the present to attend to your Trees, there isn't a private ground in Highland Park where pruning of some kind isn’t necessary, here we have a Tree which isn't doing well, a lot of small growth along the trunk and the branches should be pruned and the Tree relieved, this will encourage a healthy growth. Other Trees have a lot of dead wood to be taken out or branches which spoil the shape of the Tree and there are still others where the tops have grown to such proportions and the leaves are so dense that it is impossible to get a stand of grass below them. This condition existing in many of our show places is absolutly wrong and can be overcome to a great extent by proper pruning, but you should have competent men, not Tree Butchers nor Tree Doctors, there isn't much difference between the two, both charge 75 cents per hour and leave the town for good when there isn’t much more doing. You can't expect them to take the same interest in your work as the men at Home, and one Attic Otlice down town, a gilted letterhead a Typewriter and a lot ofGall are their assets. Yes we need the money and we can give you good, honeSt work and results. it is on this that we have built up a Splendid business. a reputation xx orth a whole lot, we are keeping about forty families happy and prosperous the year through and don't care how high the School Taxes are. Come on and let's get together xx e are just as anxious as you to have your Trees in the best shape possible, let's go over them and show you \Vht’rt’ YOU “in spend a few dollars to good advantage. When lonesome call up 55. 31155 Mary Dunn .and Mr. Willmm .\_\'.\'l'.\L ‘\I'I'R()l’Rl.-\TIU.\' BILL Einrdmg 0f Lakf FM?“ “9” (he L'UL‘SIS .-\n orwliv‘mwe making appropriation 0! Mrs. F‘ Gunckrl Sunday. fur Corporate purposes {or the fiscal V ,. 4‘ - * . I', Adjourned Meeting Q5 the City Council 15‘1“; .rnm M“) 1. 1‘” 1- ‘“ AP“! ". It was moved by Kit-55 and seconded bv Horenberger that the plat of dedica- non of Park .-\vc.. presented by Mrs. Hole be accepted and approved. Carried. An adjourned :necnng hf the V'lllage Board was held on June 4th It was moved by Kress and seconded by Horenberger that the enginrer, Mr. Rossuer, be instructed to make a dedica- tion plat showmg (ha: Hazel Ava, be 66 feet wide from Lintoln Ave. to Journal It was moved by Fritsch and seconded by Juhrend that no watermatn belonging to the Village be tapped without first ob- taininga permit from the Village clerk and that no member of the board has authority to grant such permisston. Carried. It was moved by Ray and seconded by Kress that our water meters llt the High- land Park limits bc kept shut off and only be opened by a permit i~asucd by the village clerk upon authority at the village board or the presldem. Carried. The board then adjourned. subject to the call of the chair. "i'ho digitize ire-t nerve-doctor, brings deep. unbroken deep. which uootboo union and We: then to with. VVhy build an extra room? Equip your porch with Vudor Porch Shadesâ€"- then eat am} sleep in it. Let in air and light. yet keep your porch cool and adv-(g. $1.:le will mean hunger. ,, “4.- 4.....-â€" Porch Shades THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIG Section 1. Thur. the following sums, or so much thereof as may he author- ized by law. he and the same are hero- by appropriated far the corporate pur- poses for the fiscal year commenving May first. nineteen hundred fourteen and endimz April thirtieth. Nineteen hundred fifteen: Vl’n-V it nrdinuvwed by the city mum of the City 09' Highland Park. (‘ouv- 0f Lale and State of Illinois. isix'sbecial meetings , 4f!" 00 (‘ity marshal . . 1000.00 Three police oflicers (900.00 each) ,, ., , . i 2700.00 City stenographe . 66000 Street and Alley Fund Salary, foreman Public works 51000110 Feed and supplies for city horses 200.00 labor on streets 300000 Material for repairs 400.00 Plowing snow 20000 Sidewalk stv‘bs 250 00 Enginger â€"â€"__helpers â€"lines for ~: nn sidewalk grades, etv. New tools. repairs to tools, horses, harness, wagons. etc. . V Pent for extra horse Miscellaneous items Altering the intersection of Second Street and Green Bay Road _, u, ....... Fire Department Fund Salary of volunteer firemen and incidental expenses in connection with fire de- partment . 3 Street Lighting Fund To expense of lighting of streets. parks. city hall, fire station, police station. water works and light on fountain at corner of Pen- tral Avenue and Sheridan Road ., ,. . i v.3 Sewn Fund For general repairs to se‘wer syntgm - A An J To building of bridges in city of Highland Park . ..... $2542.41 Water Fund Salary of chief engineer $1200.00 Salary of hm assistant en- gineers ($900.00 each) 1800,00 Salary. superintendent of Wm ter mains ,. 0 1000.00 One- half of City collector's sal- ary . One- half of citv clerk‘ s salary Sultry, day fireman at fire station V. Sallry. pight fireman at fire Ration Freight, express. camge. etc. 400 tons of coal @ 84.50 m... 1 Libruy Fund meet expenses of public library, ‘ Bonded Bridge Fund Sultry of Officers $2209.48 $100090 $4500.00 200.00 300000 400.00 20000 $804.30 150.00 200 00 200.00 ‘3 3‘ Q”- 9.9 88 8‘8 88 th’lm ~ J '$2886.62 Public Benoit. Fund 50.00 rx00 Supplies und rapm [.Jllmr Maintenance u! 1 ment . .\'cw meters, men-r lmxes and fixtures l New boilers and addition to water works 1 (‘oul for office of Superinten- dent of water and sewer mains, polite station and fire station ('ollector’u Salary Fund One-half of city collectnr's salary . (‘ounty treasurer. commission for. collecting delinquent special Issusmenu Specinl Alfie-uncut Expense Enginecrlng. inspection and other ex nae: in connec- tion wit locul improve- Imp raved Roads l-und Tarvining n o r t h Sherid-n Turviaing Prolpect Avenue and Laurel Avenue anvining C e n t r I] Avenue from fountain to west city limits . .. Stone and um. repairs Labor. cleaning, repairing and mnintmning i m p r o \' ed roads For oiling streets and roads Salary, special police ofiicer {or seven months Park Fund Labor, cleaning, cutting grass and improving city parks $200.0“ Bonded lldcbtcdnm Fund Bonds due this fiscal year 31400000 Interest on outstanding bonds 358).“ To redeem ud em funding bonds UP 915 13000.00 Miuelluheoun Ind Contingent Fund Salar {or assistant to city cerk _ V . smopo Salary for assistant to my treasurer 300.00 Salary for inspector of board of health 300.00 Salary for Issiltant to secre- tary of bond or local im- provements 9.00 00 Rent for dumping grounds 30.00 New Mowrcyclo :uwm Repairs and supplies for muâ€" ‘ “man I mun -ll\- u‘. l‘ ..... torcycles, sic, oflii'e supplies .. For visiting nurses at schools For two toilets) a! beach and New filing case for vault ______ Public ludit of accounts Re-inforcing floor of null Janitor service . . .. Coal for city hall Analysis of ice find mxlk . Miscellnneoun Mms, not other- wise provided {or . . Bran Fund Labor Ind Ila-will {or main- pfinfng and repairing plrk .. .. -- For recording plats ‘ New records (of clerk, collec or and :rcawror Election} expensgs _ ‘ . License tags, license books, menu PARK ILLINOIS a public bene- 150mm find roads 100mm olice officer d ,. pu rt $822R.20 s 600.00 10mm: IMNHM fun-cm $540.00 104mm. 37000 Fund mmm 1100.00 mum 300.00 0300.00 200.00 100,00 200w 100.00 200.00 mum 40,00 30.00 (N0 11'31' . and 19"? . $2MITLSS Sm: on 2. All unexpendod balancoa of an} Item or Hem: nf am general expcxme :xpprnpnatmn nude b) this ordumvce may be expended in ma‘ in; up an) dedcmnry m In) item or item: Section 3. All ordinances or parts of m-hnances Inconsistent herewifll shall be and the same are hereby reâ€" penled. ._., _, I n | in. Lhe'sune gexmérnl upbropr'mtion and {or the name ghoul urpmse or in a like appropriation nm e by thu orii- 1 Sem on 4. This ondir‘nnce shall he! in force {rum and after us panama upâ€" prmul Ind publication. Passed. Jun? 91h. 191-1. Apprmt-d, June lOth, 1911. Frank P. HIV." nu: Mlyor Arc rm-d mun-M Native is hereby given to all permns intermxted that the (‘ity ("olncll of the (‘it)’ of Highland Park, (‘ounty of Lake and State of Illinois hlvinx ordered that St. Johna Ave. from the souther‘y line of Laurel Avenue, It the Ju .c- tion 0! [Aurel Avenue Ind St. Johns Avenue, southerly to the north end of the new Turn: and Mncul-m pave- ment in St. Johns Aienuo, near the southerly line of Sheri an Road at Ila Junction With St. Johny. Avenue. be grade-d. drained. paved with re-in- {on-ed concrete pavement hzning I curbed edge and otherwise imprmed. all in tho City of Highland Park. Lake ('ounty. lllinou. The nrdinnnrr {or the rame being on file in the off (‘9 of the (‘lty (‘lcrk of mid City and having applied to the ('nunty (‘ourt of Lukp county {or 1n uuuaxment of the unit: of said im rovement wording to lwi‘nn‘lls, an an assessment thereof having been made and returned to said court. the final hearing thereon Will be had on the ‘Ztith day of June. A. ll, lt'l-l. or as soon thervafter u, the business of the court will permit. Suid assessments is payable in ten installments, with interest at the rate of tin: (5! per centum per annum on all installments from and after dnte to! issue 0! first voucher. All persons desiring my file objection: in aid court before aid (hy Ind nppur on the belting and nuke flair defense. Richard W. lhvkim Officer 3 pointed to nuke ni uguqunt SI'EV'AL ASSESSMENT NUTH‘E NP. 2‘6 Mn mud n 111.8138 'P’nrk, m, June 0:, A. 1).. 191; was 'm-d mun-M then-0'1 l .u nut ~" r" fun-i mi;- ..jqnnpllufui I'.'_\‘h por- Huu nf ~g1-1'Ial at «1-99- non! 10 [w lent-d, and >1 .3“ dehcwm‘y m Ulri- .. :N Imsvssme'lu (a be as- »..mM by nty R?- (‘ondil'nm-d on Bond hum Hr 1w“)? 1‘ «Me “'15. “‘1", 121:. 1918‘. now. 1:220, 1:031. and 1922 V $2M w: on 2‘ All unexpendod bal Anm: E. A, Warn-h (hm :muury (‘ity (’lerk 'Jnd swung” 15.3.18 R971: innunnrrmvnt James Hepburn I \Vi5h to announce my candidacy for County Treasurer subject to the de- cision of the Re- publicap primaries to be held Tuesday September 9, 1914. Having served as De p u t y County Treasurer during the past four years and believing that I have performed the duties as such faithfully, I take this means of ask- ing the voters of Lake Countv for this promotion.

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