Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 18 Jun 1914, p. 8

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Shoes â€" Oxfords 5- Slippers 111 E. Central Ave. Our “Want ads” bring. results Mr. Head of the House (I The work of the office, the store, or the shop is hard, but after all its a pleasure, because your heart’s in it and you tackle it with a higher degree of strength. (LThere is likewise a good deal of work in the home that’s pleasant (L But there’s one indespensable job there, which for thousands of years â€" as long anyway as people have worn clothes â€" has been performed by the women of the species. Your business establishment if its in the race at all is modern and there- fore wouldn’t tolerate anything so crude, so wasteful of energy, as the backbreak- ing, nerve wracking operation of doing the family washing as it is done in mil- lions of homes every week. You’d have a machine to take over such drudgery in your business. (LThere’s a machine to take over the family washing -- the (th’s one of the most remarkable exam- ples of simple mechanical principles that you ever saw. lt’s efficiency is such that all that is necessary is to put in the clothes to be washed, run in some“water, add some soap, turn the switch that starts the motor and then just look on. (LThe record shows that the perfection of the machine and its work make such an appeal that 85 % of sales are made to men. (L We are having a sale of Electric Wash- ‘4‘ ing Machines this month--- an extraordin' ary sale which comes to aniefid June.30. We are selling the Standard Types of (Lin addition you will receive a credit of $5 on the first payment until the ale doseomobserve the date -- June 30, if you present the certificate we have mailed you. Two weeks free trial of the ma- chine in your home if desired Our new summer line of Oxfords and Slippers are the best money can buy. You’ll like them. We guarantee our repair work to be absolutely right. Public Service Company word with you at prices nngin‘ from $50 to $135 Terms of sale. $10 down Balance in monthly payments Electric Washing Machines of Northern Illinois Frunk'Recktenwald. Prop. slut-«fin. Lug-manua- ‘ditknll “use. . ' Blind.“ when replies In M “ . ‘ Advertisement: will not be medulla publication in the current hue km: 9 a. m. Thursday. Fox SAuâ€"Shonincer pianoa and M. Schulz Co. pianos. alao player piano in both make; Will rent or aell on my paymenu. Send your tuning order here. Aldens' Piano Shop, 313 So. Gem-ace $1.. Waukcgan, [11. Phone 395. ll I Hunted lei-ploy“! Agency WANTBD~AII kind: of female help; ’ American and foreign. Wages 81 to 8101 a week. Also first class help luminhed on shon notice. Apply 124 So. Fin!»5refl ‘ Ave., telephone 263. Mm J. M. Donaina. ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCYâ€"First clu- hclp l received for all hounhold position; Em- ployment of all kinds for women and' girls. Mr T. Walsh. 2338 N. FirIt'Sl. mar Elm Place. Tel. 700 MG. “-0641 â€"-EMPLUYMENT AUI-LNQ\'- Women dc-' siring work. shnuld register, mlh me.‘ ll You need help addrcsa Mrs. ()eu. Smlth Jr. over Schumachw's drug slum. Tel. 320. ll 1 and paid for. W. Brown. 5 749W. Fox SALEâ€"Beddmg plums. asters, 35¢ per (1112., $1125 per 100. salvms, $1.00))” doz,, $7.54) per 100; vincas, 15c and 20¢ each; lohella “x each Also stocks. peluma .md p<pp1r egg plant. and tomato plants at green. house 110th of Gourlcy' s lumbtr find on .\ P115! 51. Evenings alter 5.30. 15-16 FUR SALE nu Exumsmâ€"zâ€"Iown 400 acres of mntx-rlund ln-Iwn-n Houston and Reuumunt. Tcxas. clear, and mk- pcxfect (m (“Mu-Id). an»! mr SHAW WIN cxrhangc (01' Highland Park~ property. John A. Reichch, xxx-mud. “I. 15-19 FUR SM E Porcrlnin llLt‘d rcfrlgerator, large Sideboard. IS nth”- desks l typ< wrmr duk lprmlmg pins M has than halt pxu‘c Mrs. L E Suhaufiicr.16pd Fox SM [aw-Very cheap. electric mm, elcclnc pad. eln‘uic ldmp, icc box. heal‘ er. swung machine and olhrr odd: and ends of huuwhold gonds. all in first claa condition. 228 E. Pazk Aw. 16 pd FUR SALEâ€"Edison phonograph. used a lime mar one vear; plays both 2 and 4 minute records. WI“ also scll'wl) reculdxs. cheap‘ Inquire of Jerry, Railroad Men’s Home. 16 pd Fun SALE-One 3»!on express Wagon. ball bearing (urn table. and a 12 foot base: good as new. Call (elephant, Wau- kegan 775. after 6:00 o'clock p. m. 16 FOR RENT FOR RENT- House and barn at 429 W. Deerfield Ave. Tel. 709 W. M FOR RENT/ Furnished large conVenjent first fiat. With 0r Without piano. Addrefl 231 No. St, Johns Ave. or tel. 790W. H FUR RENraSlore at 208 E. Central Ave. Inquire Sobcy's markeK. 210 E. Cen- tral Ave. If FOR RENTâ€"Steam heated apartment. 6 rooms and bath; lwo extra room: if de- sired. 47 St. Johns Ave‘, phones 49 and 199. F. P. Hawkinsv :1 FOR RENTâ€"[ksirable 6 room fiat. 210 E. Central Ave. Steam heat. Sobey'n market. 210 E. Central Ave. * :1 FOR RENTâ€"-7-room house. all modern improvements; hot water heat. Inquire of Jesse Sobcy. 210 E. CentraI Avg (1 FOR RENT-Nicdy furnished roomuoh cut side near buuineu dismct. Gentlemn only desired. 215 E. Central Ave. ”1005913. If Warmâ€"A lid to tell main dam ing the summer months. Must begovcr 16 years of age. ' Address Press «fie: or tel. 562. 16 pd WAmnâ€" Woman to do wuhi ‘ every ’ Tuesday in electric wash machi . Ad- ; dress 327 Prospect Ave. or tel. 2“. l6 WANTEDâ€"Girl to help with we 01! WANTEDâ€"Girl to help with fire children to go home nights. M.» E. Phelps, 327 Prospect Ave: Tens; ' ’ WANTED Bell boys at Highly“ Hun. Please call a! Half in person 3 16 Announcement Miss Alma Sahuri wishes to that she has opened a Swedish parlor It 5% E. Central Ave" Tel. 54a “-19 pd LOST LUST~~NCW roller skate alobg path through grmc, corner Linden “d Elm l’laCr Reward 11 returned (0 w Elm Place. i 16 LOWâ€"Ladies black lemhu’ Econ - "“ mining about $18 in currency. rda» 2 n“i return tickets x0 Chicago. and at key. E Was lost on bluff just of the Pr Moraine hotel. Reward if "#111de M this otfica ii 16 pd- 51‘ FOR SALE ’Relinbk. with good experknce. 1 Win! 51.. Highland Put. III. John ienced gardener. Tel. MR. 1090 Wmno-Laundry work at home Calloraddrcu 1m N.Sccond$(. 16pd Wmmâ€"A position as tutor and com- panion to boy; Spccxally prepared in French and Vlollncdlo inatructor. One year atudy in France. Beat reference: at“ nan (uh. ,-_. n, Addrrsl Henry ($.Schaufi1cr, 420 Oak- wood Ave. Highland Park, Ill. 16 pa Tl'TURINhâ€"A” grammar school undies. alwhlghschuol (icrmun, English, “In .,.... -..~ Trl T11) I. )6 pd Tl'TURINhâ€"All grammar Kn alsohlgh schuol (icrmun. En tory, elc. Ttl, TZUJ. MISCELLANEOUS Improve and proud your properly mm an ornamental (rm!- Bcnodlcl and U'Nwl, Wnukcgan. “I. 417 Phone 119‘) u 'I’L'Tukmu By R R. i'crnnr of the “term-Id Shlclds lacullv, m (net-k. R0 man, English, all branch": of high y‘hunl hnsmry, chic: and munonncs Tel. 751 L Tl mam“. \n undmuradault of Wu hams Cum-gr “nuld gnu- matrucuun dul- mg 1hr sunmu-l m huh a html ur mam mar studies. or would scht-asuflhpanlun In yuung buys Apply [u the Rev. 1' k \Vuluxu. ZHLS E l,.;unl Au‘. ’1 (‘1‘ 91M 1! “XVIED Fm JL.‘\ and August board and mum lor um ‘mds. maul lmw auras :1) his! ”our, My! 1(. l.) punh, hum: pxrlrruhlx 1n: luxlhrr HIIHHLUIHX‘ avg-A [u when ”(nu-gnu in .W Special Aueumenl Notice No. 59 Notice ts’ hereby mum to all persnnn mten-xtedthat the (It) L‘nunttl ut the City ul lltxltwtmd, L'nunty ul Lake and State (ll llllnm_~_ lmu- (”(lt'l‘l‘tl that .1 (its? tron lateral mam water \ttppl) ptpc tour (-l) tncltes internal tltutm-u-r tx- \ umtru. t- ed and lard m. ulnng and under a [)QHIUH of North AH', (“mu-(tum vutlt the present water mum mm ldHl tn l‘nlnter Am and running them 1- «Myth tur a total distanceot tvm hundred mneu r...“ teet to be laid on the nurthtrh srde at North Ave. together wuh one tun (2) inch shut off valve and spex‘tal cazttngs, all In the City of lllghwtmd, County ut Lake and State at lllmois. The ordtn- ance for the same being on file in the office of the City clerk of sand uty and hnvinx applied to the County Court ot Lake County {or an amment {or the cost of and Improvement accordmg to benefits and an assessment roll havmg been made and returned to sand cuurt the final hean'ng thereon wxll be had on the 5th day 0! July A. l), 1914 or as soon there-alter as the business 0! the court wyll permit I (t) inches internal diameter be conatruct- ed and laid in. under and along portiona ;ul Central Ave from and connecting with the preterit water main now llld in Highwood Ave. and lrom thenre southerly ;on the westerly side ol Central Ave for i a total diatance 0! three hundred and itwenty- Jive (325) feet together with one ‘ fire hydrant. all in the City of Highwood County 01 Lake and State of lllinoia The iordlnance for the same being on file in the ofice o! the city clerk of aid city and having applied to the county court of Lake County for an aueaament [or the coat of said improvement according :to benefits and an aaaesament roll having been made and returned to said court, ithe final hearing thereon WI“ be had on rthe 6th day of July, A. D. 1914 or aaaoon ; thereafter as the buainesa oi the court ; will permit. Said assessment I! payable In two in- stallmems vnth Interest u the rate of five (5%» per centum per annum on all Installment; (rum and aft" dau- 01 usur of first voucher, All persons desiring may file obwcnons In and court bcion- and day and may appear on the hearing and makc 1hr” defcnu. Pcrwn Ippomted to make bald am ment. Dated It nghwood. llhnou, June 18, A D. 191‘. Special Anon-out Notice No. 58 Notice is hereby given to all perums interested that the city councnl of the City of Highwood, County 0! Lake and Stlte of Illinois. have ordered that a cut iron lateral main water uupply pipe. four Said amment is payable In three in- stallments wnh interest at the rate of five (5’7: ) per centum on all Installment: from and after date at issue of first voucher. All persons desiring may file oba'ections in and court before said day and mav appear on the hearing and make their “use. ‘ FARNHAM A. Hanson Pcnon appdntcd to make and assess- ment. Dated at Highwood. Illinnis. June 18. A l)., 1914‘ Mrs. Samar! Ltvin of Fnst St, was given a very pleasant surprise when a number of ladle: from Evanstnn came on Wednesday to celebrate her birthday un- nivcrsary. Mrs. George F, Conrad and children, Priscilla and Wes!” are the guests 01 Mr. and Mn. M. C. Cont-d of McGovern h good experknce. 124 50. mm mu. m. John oun. ' 15 pd Work by the day by In expu- Oliver FARNHAM A. Hum»: 169‘ Harder’s Hardware The Isle; of Pines United [and Companies Robert Irvin Wall, Proddul Clement J. Wull. 50",. and Iran?“ Among its very extensive holdings are over one thousand (1000) acres of the choicest and best located land on the San Juan Estate. It should be borne in mind that the San Juan Plantation is a very large one, the western boundary being within two and one-half miles of the town of Santa Fe and extending ten miles east to the sea. The western part of the San Juan Plantation adjoins the famous Santa Fe Estate, 8 property standing in a class by itself. The San Juan land, owned by this company, is the pick of the tract, having been selected from practically the whole of the tract and was per- sonally examined, selected and purchased by Roben lrwin Hall. president of the Isle of Pines National Bank Trust Co, through whose hands and ownership over one-fourth of all the land on the Isle of Pines has passed, and who is recog- nized as the best posted man on Isle ot,Pines soils on the Isle The Largest Land Owners on the Isle of Pines The Isle of Pines United Land Companies owm some exceptionally good San Juan land located between but two and a half to three miles from the town of Santa Fe, and I offer this land for sale in tracts of ten, twenty or forty acres at a price of Fifty dollars per acre. Will sell on deferred payments if desired. Write or call for beautifully illustrated literature duA i ll)- ing the Isle of Pines its mamificmt climate its \mndmtu health {fixtures and great natural advantages mw Snutlu in California and Florida for the vcn profitable gnmii g at (1 marketing of grapefruit, oranges, lemons, pmeapplrs mild winter vegetables. moment J. Wall, Suite 534-5 Monadnock BHg.,Chicago KEâ€" Have been heated in than office building for the put “it”: In" You Housewives Will Appreciate Our Household Hardwareâ€" Surprising how many things you need around the house are to be found right here in my store. It’s surprising, too, how low they‘re priced and how high the quality is. Brushes and brooms and pails and paint, refrigerators and lamps, lanterns and oil stoves, hammocks and meat choppers, wash- boards. clothes lines, tiny/are and enamel Wmuu, “vs-Iva lulu“. ----.. ware, eteplnddere, why, whgteve; you, want, we have it here. blame“ on the ciple that yon are entitled to the belt goode money can buy at the loweet price cub can command. That's why our trade In growing. Drop In eoon. “When you want HARDWARE think of HARDER, they go together” 119 East Central Avenue V Hfiurtho 12a.'m., 1 «:5 p. m. 7:30 to 9 p. m. except Wednwdays and Sundays “dawned by PM Church of Christ. Scientifl. of Hixhllnd Park A Corpontion Org-nixed under the Laws of low- Capiul Stock. Fully Pdd, $250,000.00 West Central Avenue a-n- it in {he fresh pouhry you buy of a. We can assure you that Our Poultry and Meat; are fine grained. trndrr and o! delmm flavor. because we know the-y have been fed Hflhl, rinseâ€"d fur the highest Class-trade {ha} demandr the best, \Vhy dun! )uu gnr 115.2!1131 order? Where Qudity Counts Sobcy’s Sanitary Shop Telcpbgm 431-433 u. of“! Pl‘ 300“" ‘ canoe By '1 Tht k H‘scf‘nfl t0! the 5v. clue!“ CG." an blflfid‘ a, NW)! of Phy ambit-“relic the Amétum do“ {hat (om mine and per“ “1 md hmund C in a“; agnx‘lld 0‘ commit: 1M1 “e “ fl‘flhfl gen-d U!» W find who now I will he the» firs ‘rhe Im’al.‘ drm {of new: Sundl Park Hhc new Th: (nan! Pl the Clan-null tam gallon)“ 0 \'i(‘t()r\ TM put up a 13! hi the) gun the‘ “resting battle Glam ".nke pl gan dam um I then (mihdd mun-rah“ exh (cm: Mail, (I Casmnr. \ have PUHH the k on unmwetdy werc stnkt-oul on!) (mt sft'ul" have happened Mp); had mud or had hf MG: buck-fl W'h bud m It“ 1 It ah Um“, I" the par: 01 [mg mg feature. h‘ dew-L satch- Th: lineup: Cream“: Hellmanr. M Richards 3s w hufl) 2b Cronm ,\ Policy p J. Dufiy. lib Cause“. H Schmidt. 11 Flmn ll, Gram Parks Crescent) A llendana The Crete! aimed at a c! up hlrd mm 300 batter 1 This latest I Flinn wvefl 300 hmen. I erubk {or Cb the midortu lcw weeks n to npoeu u 06. Many I but the Real day ind an is An chill hving cm! egn ha I windows a! pony'n ya! dhlly fourth gamma an study Corticalli hull. m be Tins Ti- m?” (ll

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