mmmm WWflflnYï¬i W Wm: :1 Joan Lynnâ€"L uuwmxuumm'lï¬m Telephone :: :: Human†55? chum once“ W Put. mActolMuchSJfllfl REAL SATISFACTION You must use Nu-Fhi-h to have real ‘dusting satisfaction'. Ydu cannot get Kin-Finish results without Nn-Finl-h. Every user becomes an en- thusiast. A tn'al will convince you it has no equal. heathâ€: sous 1i a mum. Requires much lul lubm'sndmes 1m ice and salt than my othet free-er. See it before you buy I free-er. mm m _ ‘lv‘lli't‘hï¬Ã©bu;x{r'; Jé‘rvï¬.â€"y6d‘rrlii 7 Kurt. woodwork ard hardwood n00 are clanedandpohshed. TrvaZScballc. ' “IAILwNID “7‘ “The Freezer with the Aerating Dasher†The mt wondrrï¬tl ofnll frv-uerw. By means of its astonishing sent ug spoons it whips air into evcry particle of the freezing cmm, makingice cream math a revelation in texture and delimvy. It breaks .1: records in speedâ€"- Enacted uncondclag â€9“: Much 1.3911.“ D. c PURDYM’ soNs ROBERT GREENSLADE 134 S. City of Fiat Paw Telephone 954 Cooling »_ Refreshing Breezes Lake Brownwood Why nu: spwrzd your vacation at (in: delughthvl resort? Boating, Buhmg. Fishing. Tennis and IHNLIM‘. liuakfr'! m1 n'quu! Sonata, Congrouioml Libnry fury. T‘un Food Lnboruon‘en, 80-2}.th Forts. and on Battle Ship. he lchy bu Itood every tent and proved in mpgriorit! over gnu rinL_ ‘96“! 9mm. *9!" “a“. In" no mulled u standardâ€"Ibo work“ but "(ricer-tor. Who you buy 3 m "trimmer 22¢ m bourâ€" ono that in mud to [in shot-Inn -dlllcdon. Ask for n comâ€"or but “in. new [I apd In u|_Ihmv_ygq our lam __-,,di,,,, _, At 1-2 Cent an Hour mkqpufogtlgorcl'u- Allan: 'thc votld_ “COW W D. C. Purdy Sons ed with breezes equal to tho=e on the mountain side. You enjoy one of the greatest boons avaiIable in an elec- trically lighted home. Your bedroom, dining room. kitchen or living room flood- With an Electric Fun in Your bedroom. you awake re- freshed and ï¬t for action. None of the lassitudc and nervelessnesa which come of tossing uneasily through a sweltering night. Marian H. Craig THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1914 Miss Helen Mayer Teacher of Violin Pupfl of becomxnx one uf (he nan-s- umac! modem hie. Costs only ‘9 Why postpone getting one? is a marvelous dusting- clegmnav-Kolishinl 11- md._ ‘ “u you has us! In the usual may“ but whnt l difference! No dust (bring in the V room to tattle down a. week is nkcn up and u en Jug stirred up. Anal. :1 the gems! Inn and Cottages MORNIATCD St. Phone SOS-L Michigan 1 Miss Hilda Hoffman of Sheridan Rd ispent the week-end with relatives m f Racine, Wis. Mr and Mrs. Theodore Hansen 0! EChxcago spent Saturday With Mr. John ) Baker of Central Ave K i Miss Barbara Swartz of Chicago Is â€pending the week with Mrs. George iErnst of Homewood Ave. i Miss Nixa Anderson is expecied home i from the University of Illinois to spend i the Fourth. , Mrs. Peter Nutter of Green Bay Rd. ‘leaves Sunday for Chicago 10 spend Sc\ ieral days with her daughters. Miss Marjnrie Struble of Chicago spent Ethe weekend with Mrs. A, llulabud of ‘Ft. Sheridan. the past fortnight. Mrs Charles J. Daily and Miss Finn or St. Laws are ihc guest: of Mr. and Mrs. Richmnnd Deal) on So Sheridan Rd. Charla Culwr is (he guest (if hisunclc_ Mr James H‘ Shit-Ids. Mn, Juhn W {55de was called to lndmnnpnhs last Sunday by ihe sudden lâ€llt‘~'i nl hr‘r husband. A change in the services of the Evan gelical Lutheran church on W. Central Ave for the summer months will take effect on July 51h. On that Sunday English services will be preached and on the following Sunday, German. English and German will then alternate every other Sunday thereafter for the rest of the summer and the Sunday evening services will be cancelled. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brownlee 0! High wood had as their guest Sunday Mr. Wm Herben of Bloomington. Ill. Miss Anna ()hlwein and Mus MM} Sewmg of this city will leaxr FHL‘Jd)‘ tn! a months' Vlsll in fouhï¬efd and JACk‘VWI ville, UL - Miss Edna Memke of Central A\e. ml] have Thursday morning to spend hr! two weeks vacamm at her home in Wes!- ï¬eld. Wis. M's. Rngers and faintly have relumm‘. t) Ft‘ Sheridan from F1. LL‘IHL'nWUfâ€) where they have been statmm-d for [ht past year‘ The Luther League of (he Iimngdxml Lutheran church enjvg‘ed a mic In rm Kniggc resxdence in Deerï¬eld Mwn- w monthly meeting was held. Capt. and Mrs. Bates and (L1'Jghlrt Margaret have returned from Tcxas Cm to Ft. Sheridan “her:- Mrs‘ Bates and Miss Margaret mll remmn Capt. [5.ltk’5 will return to Texas City in a few days The stsrs Alice Kass. Bessw Murphy Anna Cutie. and Mary O'Donnell at thy: city attended a linen shown-r gn'rn n honor of MISS Kittie Brown of Waukc gan. formerly of Highwood, last Thurs day evening. Miss Brown M“ be mar ried to Albert Blaha of Waukngan or July lst. Mr. and Mrs. A‘ Robertson of St Johns Ava. who have been usiung relatives in Scotland for the past six weeks, will leavt- soon to spend several weeks in Germany and then return to Scotland before they come home in October. Miss Catherine Sullivan and sts Scar)- of Chicago spent Sunday \nth Mrs. C P. Sullivan of Park Ave. Mr. A. J. Custavsun of Chicago spent Sunday with his sisters, Mrs. S St Peter and Mrs. john LTdeH of \'\ne Aux Mrs. Wm. Ludlow of Hugh-wood Au" Is home again and doing nicely after an operation for appendmns. m the Evan.»- mn hospital. th. John thorne 0: N. SL Johns Ava. wikh her son, Hurry Osborne and her sister. Mrs. F. Shelton nf St Johns Ave“ has been visnxng her brother. hit chrv Bell of Wadgworth. Ill, {or several day Miss Eva Morton 0( Green Bav Rd" attended a luncheon given by the Daugh- ters of Isabella, Marquette Court. at the Parkway tea room. Lake Shore [)nve and Superior St. on last Saturday. Mi. “er3. W. Grebe of Railroad Ave†are being congrutuhtedontbebmh of a daughter. born Monday. June 29m Mr Walter Garrity. who |< hung in} Morgan Park. spent Sunday wuh hxs sister. Mrs‘ Wm. Schmldx of McGovern St. Miss Alma Kelly of Highwood was on the sitk list last week. Miss Sadie Cole of Wmnetka spent a few days last week wilh Mrs. J. 5. Rich- ards of Orchard and St. Johns Place. Mr. and Mn. Charm Robe"! Of Chi ago mad I puny of friend. motored out to spend the week-end with Mr and Mn. Jame: Grant of Ruin Place. The men's class of the Baptist Sunday school had charge of the evening service. The choir was just of the men and gave { ï¬ve special numbers. Mr. Thompson l and Mr. William Ray. solos. and Mr C. Warren and Mr. Thompson. a dueL Mr. Evans gave a very Interesting talk. I “What is a Man's Job." The service was: well attended. l Mrs. W. R. Kenny and daughter Kath ryn of Ravenswood spent last Thursday with Mrs. Wm. Doolex of Central Ave. Miss Ruth Mowers of NorzhAve. spcm Tuesday and Wednesday of ï¬ns week visiting Miss Audrey Nelson of Chicagu‘ Miss Hazel Simmer of First SL is on a months \‘iSlt with relatives in Virginia Mn. John Russell of Oak Park with her two children. Florence and Jlmes. spent avert! day: last week with her mother. Mrs, James Grant of Qavine Pl. Miss Henrietta Ingersol of Homewood Ave.. is spending her vacation in Mil~ waukee. Wis. 1 mm NWN181 Misses Marion and Helcn DeLacey of Waukegan are spendmg several days [his week with Miss Mary Mxils of Green Bay Rd. a y f Miss Bessm Moon- of Higbwood was :bltten last Sunday by a dog owned by a lcolored family by the name of Mortimer ‘II is said that the dog has a record for Q vicmusness and many Insist that It should 1 be shot. Mr‘ and Mrs. Samuel Parhnment, mth their :on Clarence and thelr daughter. .Vlrs. Utren Santord Peabody will return Saturdy trom a motor trip through the east, Mr. and Mrs. Parliament and Mrs, Peabody left the early part (A June to at» tend the commencement “noses at the l Wesleyan l'mversny in Mnddletou no fConn.. where their son joined them on an lextended motor trip through Connetlcut, ‘ Massachusetts. New Hampahxre. Vermont. ‘ and Montreal, Quebec and Toronto. on hrs new house on E “De Arr Fred enck l’el Inns Is the architect Mrs Gerard Van Schalck and chtldren will Ieaxe early In August to spend two months near Asheulle. N. C. Dr Herbert F. Evans has resigned as pastor at the First Baptmt churth and Will leave soon to take up Blblt work at (lrmncl. Iowa college. Mr. Woolen. a member of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra has taken the R A , A C d \V. .\1IS> Ashbnxrk and Mn! Runlrr n1 54 pound boy Wednesday Jul\ 13!, Indumug-ohs were the guests {hr paat The () H‘ “'3 “aâ€. a heath narly on week “I ‘3" hm“? 0‘ ML and M’5~ Mundm owning m honor of the Sun- Thvmm L‘lemems ' .~hu,(‘ (â€VIC Hf (hr megclmal chunh. .\l‘ .1'w‘ .\Ix> H H Chandlcr haw turnrd from n sew-ml wrcks Hm! I!‘ Mr and Mrs. Wm. Minard had asthexr week end guest Mrs. Sidney Cook of Ft Leavenworth. Kansas. who has been m Chicago the past few weeks unending the biennial. Mrs Cook Ind her [annly were former residents 0! thisntv, having hVed hr 3 numbvr of year! m (he \Vll Lam A Krrtm't plate on Ranm‘ Unu‘ \hsS [allzabrrh Scarborough rclurnrd his! \dem-xdd)’ from a sen-ml “Mk5 .1~.I.rt meln, Ill Miss Wrnlrn-d Cox 1! (hm-Hung. HI. accompanied Muss \ .ntmrwuuh humc, They er bulh have Mn H L‘ I'xllman and MissCunsmnce â€llclds n-quned last Thursday from a wvcral wot-k5 VISII In the $514 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Prtaxon an- nouncc (he blrth o! a non. Charlcs Drury Preston. Wednesday. June 10m. Mrs. David Gray returned Ihe latte! part of this week from Citronclle. All. where she has been Visiting her mother the past (onmght. Mulliurbonolfldï¬vnkh- beenontheuckliutotmdm Mi. Muduerlu Mid Sheridan Rd. left last Wednesday tot Lush. Wye. to spend the hammer with her sister. Mn. Robert Bur. Mia Lou'ue Shale-'0! “organ Park spent the week-end with. Mn. Prod Schuter of Sheridan Rd.' ‘-'\ The Mysnc Workers will be hosts at a concert and supper to| be given In Ma- somv Hall Monday night. Mrs Jnhn Stupey of Highwood cnrer‘ tamed as her guests [35! Sunday Mr Oscar (‘mrgie M Chicago. Mr. and Mrs Jus Suxpey of Chicago, Mrs. Snmh and \1155 Margaret Slupcy of Hubbard \Vuods. md sts Lulu Stupey of Exansmn George Baldwin will spend hm summez 1n Canada In the Sascatthcwan country, He left Monday night. It (hm-Hung. HI. accompanied Muss \ .ntmrwuuh humc, They VilH bulh Raw Urdu) fur ‘1 “rt-ks ViSIl at While Lake Huh Miss Ruth Baldwm of Wan-rt), N. Y. ‘s thcgurst Iur a month or >0 0! her Jnn‘lc and .mm. Mr, and Mrs. Wahcr H Baldwin Mr. Goo. Conud “Antioch went the week-end with his par'enu, Mt. Ind Mn. M‘ C. Conrad o! McGovern St. Mia Ruth Chattenqn. Mus Indy 0! the Daddy Lona Loan 00.. but uken the John A. Roach house on‘ Ravine Place for me summer. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Carling o! N. St. Johns Aw are receiving congratulations on the binh of a duugh‘er born Friday . June 26th. Gray and Ehsha Stubbl and Franc» Everett “‘1†spend their summer at a boys camp In Mnshawah. Minn. They left the early part 0! this Week. Mus Marie ()ctzel ol Fn-rmonl, Mich Is expected next week to Vim her grand 'nnther. Mrs. Geo. Huber ut (Zn-rn Bay David Mlyer and ~{amilv of Chicuo have taken the C. W. Buckley cottage for the summer. Mrs, Roy Zimmer ol Md‘mu-rn N. .and Mn» Ethel Zunmer 0t Urn-n Bay Rd are spending a week m Sxaughmn, W15. W15 {65m PHARMACIST PHONE 23 Telephone 715-1. See Blomdahl’l shoes and slippers for summer wear. Cup. not and m. 2H Homo-cod An. "but! P-i um mcméaMmmrmmm JOHN C. BORCHARDT Photo Sam and H {Wane-m Manama Imimtynflkhhndhrkm Fun-mummnmnw {ti-mm banana :5- tuba Richard! ï¬hommcmnhyufwthewmma. Mn M. DeLacey with her daughter Helen Ind Mn hma McDonouuh o! Waukegnn spent Wednesday of this week mth Mrs. H. Mill: on Green Bay Rd. A party of ï¬fty prrsons from the Young I‘mples Auxiliary of Chm-go spent Sun- day at the Hall. C. H Bourgrms and parly o! Iix {rom Chicago spent Sunday at the Hall H‘ A. Turgmn tnd H G. Turgeon 0! Kansas City, Missoun‘ visited their brother, Sloane Turgeon at the Hall tut week. '1 hr regular Saturday evening dance. Mm h was postponed Lu! Kerk. will be held Hus Saturday and weekly lhcrnller. lhghland Hall gun" for an extended stayart F Eider and lamily. George Dauh. Albm Slemdcl. Harry Webb-ch. Alex Tubovuky, Mm B. Reync‘ds. Mi. W Gardner. MIuG Rnnch I" 0! Ch; can.) ï¬nd W S. Gout. Oak Park. and L. W \Khllcomb. N Y. Mr LOUIS Spengler 0! Lus Angela. Calv. {ormerly of (his Cny. is the guest 0! In: brother, W S Spenglcr. {18 (Memo: Ave Mr and Mrs (. \Iauklm u! Lrhlrn! Aw c-nh-rxamcd 51l‘.‘ Emma Scrum†of M‘luqumn “H. \h» C ~\hnmvrk and Mrs I () Jun" â€9 Chicago and Mn \Iwnr HI Rogers Pain un MM \undm Mrs .353†“(‘13th1 u! (mural Aw hla gunc In, Halt [eldtnrs 1n Huhun. Muh Mm Edith Lobdell n ï¬shing in an east. While cut she ntendcd the Smith course commencement and u expected ‘0 rflum hex! week. Mr and Mn Bd- win Lobdcll are spending n (unmghl It a ï¬shing camp m Wisconsin. Mr. and Mn Edmund Henry End 3nd lmle daughter. at Indianapolis arc upend- Ing several weeks “Iâ€! Mr: Euel'l par ems. Mr and Mrs \K‘Ilham D. Messenger .‘shs: Emma vaml u! Callturnil u- ex- pch-d mmâ€) .a trutmghl l0 IYHVQ‘ In Hughland Park “Inâ€: sh:- “I†spend the summer wuh he: snstrr and brothcrm- mu, M: and Mrs Samuel 5. Hulmn Mr :~nd Mn kn hard I man-m: an- re- cenmx umgla'ulah‘ n~ vn xhr hum M I My“ \‘c-rna Potter “1 Chicago, Who had been \mnng Mm Anna lenmth the p»! \uck. urn who‘d hnmr In the- xllnrw Mr and Mrs Werner Spengler havr rrrnrd Lhezr collage fur the remainder 0! the summer and arr slay-mg {or a it“ weeks at 418 Ulcnruc Ave Mn â€Lu-n of Chnx‘agn wxll nprnd the anih \nm her mum“. Mrs John Sc! um n! Secund bl The Fur Hundu-d x'lul) rnynyt‘d a beach party on has! Monday Muss Edith Mernman of Central A\(‘., vxpecu to tpcnd hrr vacation wnh he: aum, Mrs. Tompklnl in Oak Park Mr. and Mrs Paul Wahlbruck and daughvrr Mary, have mm'cd to the \‘hnrldcr houu‘ un beyond 51. (.crard Van Sthau‘k has stark-d vmrk Mr. Woolrtt. a member of (he Chicago Symphony Orchestra has taken the R L, Sandwnck house {or July and Augufl. Miss Edith Muss. Mr, H, M Bacnn and son. Rnberl Bamn are guests {or wveral weeks 3! Russell Hall, Muss Rubmson and her pupils gave a musical on Wednnday cwemng a! the Rim Place 5(th Mr and Mn. Frcd Reese of Auburn Park spent the werk»cnd With Mn. Herman Dcnzel of Second St. Mnbnhnddwkwm have-humanity Mn 1. Hart- muolLIGnnnndbam m Mn. Grover Cox with her children. Margaret Ind Jooephinc. in mending xv on! week: with her mother. Mn P. J. Culkin of Green Bay Rd. Mr. 1nd Mn. Jean Ganelon and family of Oak Park Ipem Wednesday wuh Mn Herman Denzel of Second St. Fuurthm Jancsnlle, Wu“ where Mn Schnndley waH rcmmn to vmt relative. for several wceks Mr. and Mr: Raymond Schneider and daughter Horencc exped to spend \hc Fourth a! Lake lk-uhla. “l5. M133 Dale McMahon of Green Bay Rd, lean»: Fnday tor a months wan wnh hrr mulher, Mrs. Doctor Munsey of (.aslon, Ind ThIl-i cod-l m («ll-II Mammallnvwlflnlk. ummwumm hub..- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schmidley and family of Second SL expect to spend the Mlss Ruth Shocndurt of Central Ana. n spendmx hcr \autmn m Wuucunda wuh hrr aunt, Mrs D Murphy, Highland Hall (‘1 CHAS. H. WARREN COMPANY mm i moot. mu.- uu 1 cm Making a specialty of loans on improved real ('Statv in n! North Shore terntory including Rogers Park. Evansvm, Wilt mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka. Glenn». leghland Park 8‘ Lake Forest. Security under mortgagrs m xhls ternmry .* continually enhancing while tho mic of mtvrvst 1.x attracï¬n North Shore Trust Company . Capital $100,000 “The Imperial†Dyers and Cleaners INCORPORA TED 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Tdep Why nut have your Chuthmg n-nm :atrd \x'm'k and gut uur \A‘ux'k 21 bur 131; Our CLEANING AM) “HIV. 0! lu<iu-~' gannems. oriental rugs. Carwxs, :x'rnns piano con-rs. lace curtains, cut. (annux Ix» by any local cleaner. as we haw 1hr LA most SANITARY plant in the Wm .4 wagon will (all for and dr/iz‘t‘r TUNI' form: n!.\ Silk and Muslin, all sizes North Shore Trust Company THE MOST ATTRACTIVE EFFECTS 2l23- 2133 Dutch Avon“. CHICAGO Lincoln ~1N8 Div Bunting, Torpedoes Pin wheels, Sparklers Organixed under the Bnnking Lam of the State of Illinois MORTGAGE BANKERS“ 4th FLAGS Highland Park, Illinois Absolutely Harmless MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS Highland Park, Illinois It May be Hot Enough Now BUT H 8m and Ila! Wm: Huh: I“ E. Contrul Ava. â€one 201 T. H. Decker Co. HO“ do ym (4pm I 1(r keep warm nvxl \\ mm" \Vhen m doubt, ( all (m Telephone Highland Park 265 he: Punk-I arr ruxned x! yum Anal umt shows 31x45 Man» or unnkire \ madam nothing (.4! l\bu\4 u:. lid) appara Thom uhrv m.» ure hi HM hm: « 1\?"'HU7> Cleaning and rqgumrl) 1n! “nth .‘unhl Divcney . 8152 ’sHJ Preu'mg 1 J mum. on. HUNT)!" Mt 511(1 and mm mu mnamm present ' nhr part nHu-v 1'81 . uu unlit 1 hand. me hull! 11 «19mm! You I! the ndvi nrdlnlm um 1n m idvn In) moo 1h!- PM) roum‘ll rhir var hm 38L 1 underl â€wile (hr H†an» "In! urn-Th] ( [In "ml! ï¬re pron mvmm l \u- tune um: u p Fllvv'ak \ I“ um} (HIV (.rnyyc h h up y! M." â€will ('uulu'.‘ bu u] lay Inc-rid» mun! )L ‘h IIIHM‘H-Il amt 1 rm: ullu-v "4‘ \thr "1‘ Mun n-plï¬xl OD (PM?! u) u Mn is l I nam 0 11 I1 hmu \ 1hr ' W. an» Inn TIH‘IH' mil" hp Hwy". You Hm†tum [lulu r mw nun}! work done l'xl nun h? hK nem- 11]! luv], {urvl In Ammn spam in | 3nd pl!!!) one nnd (I mull-ll, ‘|\ \l I†If um mluuusu le \ Q'V’Hl‘ hr Ill‘ : pui‘ n‘. 1 Mn \ (IL IIflV the Uln 1h: Aulhnrh u d )01 FNH h:- Manx IHH] mne H l u “will Uh) urdill hlr‘l u-«l m U pro hll hhll‘ HI mu! no! }()u by