Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 16 Jul 1914, p. 2

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Hereafter the children's performances on Thursday afternoons, will be given in the open air pavilion instead of the theatre. The same rules that have gov- erned the admission to the theatre will prevail in the pavilion. This afternoon, July 16th. at two fifteen, Mr. Frederick Stock will deliver a lecture on orchestral music with instrumental denomstrations by members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. He WI“ be assisted by Mrs. Ellen Crosby of Glencoe, who will tell to the children the “Nutcracker Fairy Tale." illustrated by Tschaikowsky’s Nutcracker Ballet music. The club dances in the Casino, under the auspices of the Ra- vinia Club, will in the future take place every evening except Sunday during the intermission between the first and second half of the evening‘s program. The first intermission dance was held Monday, July 13th and was chaperoned by Mrs. The dinner given by the Campbell Chapter of the Eastern Star last Thurs- day was Well attended and much enjoyed. After the dinner the Grand Worthy Matron of Illinois was entertained and the evening closed with refreshments in the ballroom at Highland Hall. Mr; Henry Ditmer of N. StJohns Ave. will entcnain the Eucher club todav. Mrs. S. A. St. Peter entertained last Friday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Udell of Grand Rapids. Mich, who have been visiting wnh relatives here for the past week. Mrs. Robert 8. Gregory will entertain a few Winnetka friends at luncheon on Friday afternoon to meet Mrs. Edward Butler who is planning to make her home in Winnetka in the near future. Saturday night at the Moraine hotel will be the vaudeville night again this be- ing the second in the seriet All en ' e- ly new attractions are planned which 'll prove as interesting it not more interest- ing than the last. After the vaudeville there will be another one-step contest. which surely is to be looked forward to on account of the last contest being such a big success and a prize will be given to the winner. Miss Lillie Bell of Highwood Ava. en- tained several of her friends at a beach party Monday night. Mm 103. Mooney wishes the statement that she entertained the French class of the Lincoln Ave. school in honor of her daughters birthday, to be corrected. Mrs. Mooney entertained friends other daugh- ter. Mr‘ and Mn Swan Johnson. of Maple Ave.. announce the engagement of their daughter. Alveda Christina to Rev. Johan Landin of Chicago. The wedding of Miss Edith Ewing Schwartz of this city. to Hamilton Rogers of New York took place last Tuesday evening. July 14th at Jamestown. R. I.. where the brides family is spending the season. Only the relatives and a lew in- timate friends were present at the ceremony. Mrs. John Irwin Marshall entertained twelve guests at dinner on last Monday evening at her home on Prospect Ave. Mrs. Marshall and her daughter, Miss Valencia Rafferty have cards out for a large bridge party to be given on the afternoon of July 24m. The Reading class which is studying the modern drama under the instruction of Mm Florence Everett of Chicago. met last Tuesday morning at ten o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Charles T. Boynton. FOR RENT Erskine Bank Building The Social Side of Life Choice Office in the H D8 of Families ”dre- ding us their laundry work du gthis hot weather and are ha g it ROUGH DRY with all FLAT W RK IRONED at the rate of 12 pieces 1' 35c or $ _00 50 pieces for; ................ 1 Local Affairs of the week High ClassZLanudcrers and French Dry Cleaners It isn't 3:0th your wink to doyour own (cumin! when you can have it don as cheaplygas this. TRY IT Telephone: 178 and 179 the Obcn'cr :u- 1 Despite the hot weather on last Mon- day there were over one hundred people [9' trim Chicago to Waukegan present at ”5' the Arden Shore basket luncheon besides re- the twenty~three worker; who are heads “ill of the different departments in the camp. 3“ The camp was inspected and the new “° i buildings were exhibited. The early 5" comers saw dancing in the assembly hall to t at 11:00 o’clock. The general family were Ch seéred dinner at 12:00 o'clock The boys ‘0 1mgrched in to the beat of the drum. Tvienty- two babies. all of whom were ‘0 under two years of age. were cared for Ch ' in the baby fold while the mothers were ‘ati'dinner. Great interest was shown in e.. j the waitress section. where forty-two girls are enjoying new houses. The prize 2” coyage was the new E. V. Price building wh'ere ten young women live for one ad. week with their chaperones. Miss Moore, W head of the section of anaemic children 1d who stay all summer. exhibited the Ward W._Willits Memorial building with great ‘ pride. At the general meeting which directly followed the luncheon some needs were made known. mostly for eqliipment and supplies most of which were filled. The Board wishes it known that visitors are welcomed at any time and are always gladly shown around the camp. in LS! - TS. V6 he ‘ Among the social affairs this week {given in honor of Miss Corona Williams lofLCalifornia, who is the guest of Miss EGladys Spencer, was a dinner on last i Tuesday evening at the Pink Poodle i'l’he young people motored out west and 1 after dinner motored back to the Moraine l hotel where the remainder of the evening Iwgs spent in dancing. On Wednesday iMh. Frank Lincoln Wean entertained a fipmy of four young people complimen- : taty to Miss Williams at a luncheon and I (have party. Miss Margot Cushing will ; thostess at a dinner party at the Mor- i ai‘e for the visitor on Saturday evening. fir. Almon Powers of Chicago was the min of sts Mildred Whiting Sunday. Afr-s. F. Kursten and family of Chicago wege the gubsts of Mrs. Kursten's parents, Mr: and Mn. C. W. Penis Sunday. Mrs P. Olson. Mrs. Sundquist of Blue lslahd, and Mr. and Mrs. J Olson of W. Pullman were the guests of Mrs. Geo. Gogdman last week. hp. and Mm Milton Frantz are re- ceiving congyuulations on the birth of a girl} Thursday. July 9th. Mrs. J. C. Wolff was the guest of her sistgr, Mrs. M. Hess of Chicago a few days of last week. The Mr: Sigma Chi will hold its regular mogthly meeting at the home of the Mines Kress Friday evening. UL Peck of Chicago was the guest the; home of Mr. J. C. Ender Sundav. Deerfield News Items A number of young people chaperoned byMr. and Mrs. Whiting and Mr. and Mrt. Beecham attended the dance at Half Day Saturday evening. Misses Hazel Bell and Gladys Tucker of Highland Park were the guests of Miss Ruth Lidgerwood in! week. There were several dinner parties given last Saturday evening at the Exmoor dinnindance. Among the hosts and hostesses were: Mr. and Mn John Glgss, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Swigan, Mbs Swigart, Mr. Lawrence McIntyre. W; M. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Carter, Mr. Paul Mackall and Mr. and Mrs. 0. WJohnson. W. A. Alexander. Mrs. Andrew McLeinh. Mrs. Wallace DeWolf and Mrs. Frank R. McMullin. These ladies are to be assist- ed by the chairmen of the local town committees. On next Thursday after- nQon. Miss Jessie Harding will tell to the children C-rim's much loved fairv tale, "Snow White." with incidental music. The story has been taken from the play that is now being produced in the Chil- dren‘s theatre in New York. Mrs. F. C. Noerenberg of Second St., edtertained the Sewing club on Wednes- dgy. xis week Williams of Miss on las: Total ................ meow; The proposal for bids for ram-main 'n1 the village was accepted Ind thc clerk: instructed to place the Idvertiutnmt in ; four conspicious places in tho Village, the ' to have in inserted in TH] HIGHLAND: PARK Puss 3 The Board of Local lmomvemcnta will meet next Saturday. July 18d; to optn bids for watermaina in the village. The Word ”Luv-id." The word "lurid" ia miluud by many people as a synonym for ‘tlarint' or “fiery." One mean in thb aanon of "lurid“ language. “lurid” lama, "In- rid” drama; It is probaflo “It not one person in mm known tba ml meaning of “lurid." The dictionary de- fines it as “ghastly. pale. mummy.“ which in no way can'ia out the m eral and mistaken idea of the word.â€" Now York World. relatives in lowa. Forty-one girl: of the Bohemian Settle ment. house of Chimo. find their teacher. Miss Duncan. were entertained by the member! of the Presbytcfiln church at a picnic in the lull wk Wedneoday. ’July Mia Mildred Whiting. who was Eon the amusement committee. showed :great enthusium in the children's game; 3 Miss Whiting has been united to Insist in [the same work at Evamcon in the near i future. The annual appropriation ordinance: was passed for the following'lmounn: 3 For fees andsalaries ..........8 40000 Street lighting fund. ....... 4.. “KNIT Street and alley fund .......... 1X01!) ’ General and improvement {mode . 500.00; Permission was granted to the CW Telepone Co. to place an anchor at Deer- field and Woodward Aves. but deified their request lo trim the Ire” ”Lincoln Ave. The presidem and! clerk were authorized to sign the dedigation plat of Hazel Ave. and the clerk instructed to have it recorded. The Board agreed to accept the guarantee of W. G. Hay and his father against freezing of the water- main [or a period of five yearn. Vouchen were ordered drawn against the water fund for nine hundred sixty [our dollar! for Mr. Hoy; five hundred forty five dol- lars for Mr. Rossiler‘. one hundred doi- lars for Mr. Colby, and forty {our dollan for Lincoln Penis. ' Mr. Smith the telephone operatot, Ind family had to leave Deerfleld [at week on account of the ill health 01w. Smith. Mr. Garrity of Hiahwood fillotbevaancy. Village Bond Media. The village board met in remain In sion on Monday evening, July 6th. Mrs. M. J. Clark is visiting her daugh ter. Miss Elizabeth Clark of Irving Park. Mrs. E. Therrien and her Ion Edward returned last week after I few week: visit in Michiun. - Miss Eleanor Meyer vs. the we" of Miss Irene Mncede 0! Chicago In! M. Dr. and Mn Giske of Wheeling were the mm of Miss Emmi Sell: Sunday. Mr. and Mn John Selig Ind ML and Mrs. Schinliver were the gum It the Mitchell home in Chicago Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Fichtl of Slpulpa. 01:11.. who has been the guest .1: the Kre- home during the pas! month. expect: :0 leave for Voltaire, N. D. ncxi week. Mn. Fichtl will be accompanied by hér niece. Miss Loretta Krm. Mrs. B. H. Kress, who has been the guest of her sister. Mn N. MaKellar of Fargo. N. D. for the past two weeks. re- turned to her home Thursday evening. Mrs. Karch was accompanied by her niece, Miss Margaret McKcllIr who will be the guest at the Kreu home during the remainder of July and the month of August. Many socill functions have been planned for Miss McKellu. The Misses Jennie and‘ were the guests of Mrs. l of Chicago Thursday. Mrs. B. H. Kress, whc guest of her sister, Mn Fargo. N. D. {or the past w.udMnGmM§§-fivflth| Mum’s-Marin . Finlplmtorthc . , mdtheflolyCNI_ 0.4:»me July 8. on the great e1 Miss W home of Mr. J C. WWW Mn. deh m o! W bu“!- in: her main. Mi. Inn. _ Mn] F. Pmmawhw of Rockford. m visiting “fun home of Mrs. Peter-en's non. Mr. PmkPetptm Mn. a Nichols 0! 0mm ijuuu her sitter. Mn. Cunell. * Basic and Pane. Mum Mn 1. A. Reichelt. In. and daughter Elizabeth are visiting Mn. quphknlcker- bocker of Grand Rapida. High. The Misses Bessie and Gnce Catalan left Monday for Michigan where they will viait Mia Marion Craigf, Miss Ruth Reichelt spent Sunday in Waukegan. Min Florence Carolan will teach the Wilmot school in September. ' Thole-x: "movie" show wlll be given in the school auditorium l week from Friday evening. July 2‘. Mn Chas. K Orabome la viaiting fiSEll PHONE 23 movie" show I: Auditorium I ma. July 2‘. L K Onbomo or Michigan where they Mnrion Cnigi Reichel! spent Sunday in e Carolnn will tuch the in September. ' ovic" show It“! be given mdirnrium 1 ml: (rum who has been I Mn N. MaKellar past two week. Thursday evenil Pounce Bumps. There was «named pmul Mtg pa- per an early as 181?; but postage stamp. proper begin with than mod In Great Britain between 1833-1840. It Fortune has ”(ton been blamed for he? blindness. hm fnnmn- 1: Doc a blind as men nre.~ 8.1mm»! Smiles wn not until INK) or IMO (but the Id- bfll". Stamp wns uu-d (In h-ttm Ind other man matter-New York Ameri- The South Carolina of the Second drbion of the Atlnnuc am and. eight twelreincb gun- nnd In In con- Inlnd or Capt-In Robert L Run-ell Capt-In George W. Kline command: the Vermont of the Second dlvlltnn of the Amantlc fleet. The Vermont hn twenty-four gum. I: 0! H1000 tom Ind 1W bonepower Clpuln William 8. film: command- tbe torpedo flotilla o! the Atlantic fleet Bl. flagship Is the cruiser Birming- ham. He has twenty-two torpedo boat douroycn in his command. Bur A4 command Atlantic l and flu. Whip; Janey m 'M In Amie-n Pru- A-Iot um Photo By Acumen: Pro- Anodnlan. CAPTAIN R. L RUSSELL CAPTAIN G. W. KLINE. aw AMAL mm. dmlnl Frank IL Batty in in of the Third division of the fleet, which includel fin loc- blttiesblpo-m Virginia. hi. the Goon“. Nobrukn. New SPACHETH’ Fm Italian Rmunnt RAVIOLI Eva-h. Din-tr 7k Arr-win “a for M_P.ߤ.0 “C M DH“ R0. for .0 to I” Poop}. SINGING Tohphonu Luk- Foreol 617 und 139 It’s Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Real Estate, Loans and Insurance THE. ERSKINE BANK Telephone 331 R. W. SCHNEIDER Mich“ Am tall I] Stud. CHICAGO Antique Furniture Repaired :nd Refinish“! right in your home Vincent Quarta HERE'Sa great deal of satisfaction in being able to appear without a coat and yet know and feel that you are not at a disadvantage. You will always feel com- fortable in an ' GOOD BANK SHIRT whether youyooat’s off or on. W81 50 up. F URNITURE STORE Gents F urnisnings ARROW 'MICHELI’S Lav LAKE F CREST, ILLINOIS for dinner toinorrow? 11 it's the but of nourishing food; let us supply you. The Meats we ofler are tender. juicy and dehcious in flavor. We serve you courteous- ly. deliver prompt!) and ask only fair pricu. 13 S. St. Johm Ave. Whtvmldyalike Telephone ‘31433 Le [10‘ In I, )001 lo [00‘ if!!!

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