Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 16 Jul 1914, p. 4

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DC. PURDYn" SONS Requires much less labor and use: less ice and salt than my other freaer. Scc xt before you buy 3 freezer. Innuuuo an The most wonderful nfal! fre‘ezera. By means of its mtumxhing m-ratmg spoum it whips air into every partldc of the freezing vrcam, making ire ('rmm mat is a rcvrlntinn in texture and dchcm-y. It breaks all records in ‘pecd â€" makes perfect Ice mun “Banana. “The Freeze; with the Aerating Dasher” WWSLSOpaYmiIMm Enwmd u second-clan matte: March 1 1911. It. the post otfice at Hugh and Park 1111mm. under the Act of March 3 1879. ._ memmrmmss You must use Nun-Finish to have real ‘dusting satisfaction'. You cannot get Nun-Finish results without Nu-Fininh. Every user becomes an en- thusiast A trial wul convince you it has no equal. Punusuao WEEKLY BY JOHN L. Uozui at Highland Park. Lake County, lllinoi§ Telephone :: 2: Highland Park 561 REAL SAHSFACTION City of Paw Paw h I marvelous dusting- clunin [fishing I:- uid 'iz it you just us! in the usual way-- but what a diffexfence! No dust flying m the' room to scale down I 'n.’ Every ppeck is taken up and t en out-«no: Just stirred up. And. It the same time. with no extra work your furniture. woodwork and ha door: are cleaned and pohshed. Try I 25c bottle. IITAILIM “74 Why not spend your vacation at {ms dchghmxl resort? Boating, Bathing. Fishing. Tennis and DANCING. Book?” on requtsl Lake Brownwood ROBERT GREENSLADE 134 5. Second St. Phone 805-L Telephone 954 Miss Helen Mayer I30!!! Wear-- in the Ca itol. Senna. Coagmional Libnry. $11" Food Wanda, Ho. ink, Forts, and on But“. Shipc. .ha McCray bu Hood ovary test and proved its superiority over every riul. wave the world Mchy Wur- lto" 0‘ Recruited u lundudâ€"tho "H's bent refrimwr. When you buy A m "frigenmr m m. butâ€" “. mt " summed to live nboolutn addiction. 7 fiAnk (drive-m better um. “no In Ind lot at nine. you our human. m o! lcCru Raft-mm Electric Irons D. C. PURDYn‘SONS stays hot the porth nr wherever there is an electric socket. Simply at- tach the cord and in about five minutes the iron is hotuand D. C. Purdy Sons dzscomfort Ironzmywhercnun Iron cuts mu: that trouble and EYHYOU <.x\ Marian H. Craig L‘HH’X‘T‘. Inexpensive L) THURSDAY, JL'LY 16, 1914 Pym] 0‘ U C3n£ II'HI]> Inn and Cottages fire nccdcd‘ An clout Teacher of Violin MOIPOOATID l!) e K are r ‘ m: qun‘k Michigan Mr. and Mrs Wm. Schmidt of Mc- deern SL, are being congratulated on thé birth of a daughter, ThursdaVJub'Q, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. St. Peter and chil- dren of Onwemsia Ave., spent Sunday in Mlywood with relatives. Saturday night at the Moraine \\ :ll be: seéond vaudeville night of the scncs. The vaudeville will be followed by a anew step contest. ‘ | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Ruffncr had as their guest last week their cousm. Miss l$ally Davenport of San Francisco, Cal ’ * Miss Dorothy Thompson and Miss ‘Constance Foley of Paris. ”mark; an- [hr guests of Mtss Margaret Bunncll. . ‘Mrs, B rwen W. Schumachcr \th her idgughters. Catherine and Elxzabeth land son. Bowen, jr. will leave Frtrlzty {to spend the rumamdcr of the summer !at Mason Luke, Wis. They expect to re- gturn to their home early in September. Mr. Fred D. Porter of Carry Ave.. is on athrec weeks' cruise along the north shbre of Lake Superior in his yacht Iraquois. Mr. Robert Shields returned last Mon- day night from the east. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Bard left this week to spend a fortnight or so at ' rgian Bay, Canada. ’ rs. Charlotte Plato of Chicago is the gJest of Mrs. Thomas Lynas on Vine Ave. Mrs. George Campbell is entertaining Miss Stevens of Rutland. Vt. 'jNIrs. Lee Maxwell of Bronxvillc. N Y. IS viaiting at the home of her Slsltr and bmther-in'law, Mr. and 'Mrs‘ James Troxel on‘ Moraine Rd. Miss Rowena Bastin spent the week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jfome G. Beardsley in Edgcwater. 3Mrs. Addison R. Warner, accompanied {mm a fortnights \‘isn by her daughters. Helen and Rulh. and Wis. sén Robert, left late last week {or Wau-r Miss Ethel Spencer sawkee, Wis. where ‘hey will spend the ‘ spend the remainder o remainder of the summer. Y nub“... u-:- .‘ Miss Ruth Lidgerwood of Deertield Was the guest of Miss Gladys Tucker 0! SOakwood Ave. several days last week, j' Miss Florence Osborne of St. Johns lAve. expects to leave soon to visit with ”elatives in Eigin. Ill. Miss Hazel Bell of St. Johns Ave. was Jute guest of Miss Ruth Lidgerwood of :peerfield on Tuesday. Mr. B. W. Schumucher accompanied by ii: sister. Mrs. J. G. Winpenny sailed last T‘uesday. July 14th for a two months gavel abroad in England, France and Switzerland. Miss Margaret Sedgwick has been entrr gaining her cousin, Miss Dorothy Heald df Kansas City for several days. ; Miss Ruth Howe of Lake Geneva is 31: guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forest [3‘ Marsh. 340 Prospect Ave. _ Goodrich Schauffier left Wednesday of this week to spend the summer at York Beach, Me. v Mrs. Wm. Lovell. who was operated upon last week at the Hahnemann hos- eital in Chicago. is rapidly convalescing {Ind is expected w return to her home Mthin a week or so. ? Miss Sophia Rasmusa-n sprnt Sundzn' wixhdwr >1~Irr LEmns uf Ccfln'n Aw ; R. S. Udell and tamily ofGrand Rapids. Mich, spent the past w¢ek with Paul and ,ohn Udell and families and Walter Cope find family. . The Sunday sthool classes of thy North Ave. M. E. church held their piL‘HM’ at Diamond Lake Wednesday. '5 Harv: \\'|1:nn runner!) or nghwmx’. f'rv'mrm-d trwm Minnewtd In attend [hr 4 ‘ :mcrul ('1 Hjlmdr Rnlx-rg lust Sunday. ' Mr, and Mrs. (leorge Rudolph of Park Aw. spent Sunday with Mrs. Rudvlph's 35:” in Lake Zurich. Mrs‘ Archie Johnson wilh her daughter Dorothy spent the work-end mxh rela- tives in Austin. Miss Helen Moore and her suster of Chicago. formerly from Highland Park, spent the weekend with Mrs. J. (Eruell of Elm Place. Miss Mona Bahr of Laurel Ave. and Miss Hazel Nolan of Lincoln Place. spent sexeral days last week at the Duffy farm in Deerficld. Miss Anna Hansen of Lake Forest. formerly of Highland Park. was thegucsz of Mrs. E. R. Gerhardt of Green Bay Rd‘ last week. Miss Hazel Wells of Waukegan. visitgd Miss Ruth Mowers of North Ave. last week. ' Mr. an‘d Mrs. Wm. Simon 0! Detroit. Mich" formerly of this city. are upending two we'eka with Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Jeppesen. Mrs. V. W. Overly who. with her chil- dren, has been visiting her brother: family in Chicago. will leave 'shortly for Salt Lake City, Utah. Mm John Osbome of St. Johns Ave. with her son Harry spent last week will: her sister, Mrs. Harry Sampson of Elgin. Mr. Percy Prior of Sheridan Rd., is spending several weeks at Lake Koskon- ong. Wis. Mr. David Lighthall, who has been very ill in the Augustana hospital for the past few weeks, is imprm'ing and is ex- pected home in the near future. 'Mm. G. Garbolct left Monday {or 1 months visit with his daughter, Mrs. Grace Braune of Chicago. I LOCAL AND mom ms] of Chicago Mrs Elmer 5 Miss Ethel Spencer leave; today to .spcnd the remainder of the sUmmer in l ‘ . .. 4 hphrlam. Vl IS. Little Warren Bruwnlcc is ill will) the measles. Miss Irene Zentner of Milwaukee, who has been \‘ISitlng Miss Lillie‘Bell of HighwoodAvc-A, has left to spend the summer with relatives in Butte and Hamilton. Mont. Miss Alice Evans, who has been visit~ ing in Columbus. Ohio for Lhé past few weeks is expected home this waek. Mrs. Renting of Chicago with her two children spent the week-end wilh her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Smith of Second St, ML and Mia. T. H. Decker 0! Second St. entertained their two niecei, the Masses Laura and Mabel Fangell of Evanston last Sunday. Mr and Mrs Charles H. Baker left Wedmsday l0 juin thmr son, Jack Baker in Babcock. Wm, where they will pans the {cumming summer monihlu Their home on ('ylenroe Ave. has been rented to Mr. Paul Lunch and children of Chi- Mrs. A C M nrc and children left Sat urday morning {or a months'. visit with relatives at Wmona Lake. and Anderson, Indiana. Miss Lida Gourlcy of Elm Place. re- turned Monday from Peoria where she wemto attend the Christian Endeavor convention Miss Priscilla Noerenb'crg of Second St. and Mr. Arthur Mierhofl of Green Bay Rd. also attended the con- venlion. 'GSFLL Mrs Eugene 5 Andrew: accompanied by her daughter. Miss Grace Andrews w‘ll leave Saturday for the wt. They will spend a momh at Nantucket. Miss Cecelia Landau visited in Crystle Lake on last Sunday. PHARMACIST Mrs. Danie'l Cobb, who has been spend- ing several weeks with Mr. and Mrs John Putnam on Prospect Ave.. left Tuesday night for the cast where she will remain with Mr. Cobb Ind Miss Annie Cobb until the early fall. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lobdell and their son. Mr. Charles Lobdcll and Miss Ruth Bush have returned from their fisfimg trip in Wisconsm. Miss Edith Lobdell. who spent some weeks visiting in the east has also returned to her home on Cary Ave. in Ravinia. PHON E Z 3 1 Miss Charlene Brand of Second 51., ’spent the week-end with friends in Elgm, III. ML and Mrs. Harry 8. Clarke returned the early part of this week from a short lake cruise to Muskcgon on Mr. Clarke's private yacht. Mr. Clarke lctt Wednes- day for a three weeks cruise to Georgian Bay. Canada with a party of men. Miss Harm-t Ruttler of lndmnnpolh n the guest 0! Mr. and Mrs. 'l'homas Clements. f Mrs. Massey of Chicago with her two Echildren. has been visiting her maker. 9 Mrs. Henry Clow of Second St. the past j week. Misses Marmn and Helen Van Hoest'n at meln l’lanz spcm the past wrek m Hvdc Park as (hr guests (If their aunt. Mrs; Paul W. Chapman has returned (rum a three weeks nsn with relatives 1n Jersvynlle: 1H Mr. Chapman's mmher :accumparm-d her and Is \‘isxting them at thr humm- at 332% EA Laurcl Ave. sts ()hvna ()rth spent the past week wuth her cuusm. Mrs. U‘ 8. Brand. Mrs. Brand unh her daughter Salome return ed wnh Muss 0th to her home at Ran- dun Lake. Wis. and will remain for a H51! Miss Hrlen .Flmn returned Tuesday Mr. Jack Bell of St. Johns Ave.. has gone to Manitowish, Wis. lot the sun» mcr. Mrs. Peter Hutlcr of Green Bay Rd., left Sunday to spend I week in Chicago with her daughter, Min Lorena Haven. Mrs. S. T. Rebling of Central Ave., and her sister, Miss Zahne are visiting relr five: in Duluth, Minn. for several week; Mr. Walter Garrity of Chicago spent Sunday at the home 0! his cuter. Mn. Schmidt of McGovern St. Miu Helen Gruell of Elm Place and Mia Hilda Hoffman 01 Sheridnn Rd. spent Sunday with friend: in Racine, Mr. and Mn. Arthur T§llmn of Can tral Ava. announce the arrival of a son Friday, Jury 10. Mr. Frank Conrnd o! McGoVefn St tpent the weekend in Guy. M Miss Fihcilla Nocnnhu: named? Mn. Juno. cm of cum with Monday from Peoria when the was a berm Iona. spent the weekend with delegate to the Chrilthn Bade-vat cou- ‘Mn. Herman Danae! of Second SL "”50"- 1 Mn Eln Ringer a! Guano k visitins Miu Helen Sullivan and Mia _ nhl Mn Wm Denul of Hm Ave Cunpbell, both 01 Park Ava. ”It the Mr. and Mn. Fred Claw olSocond SL. Mines Grace and Bessie CudnnolDeer- ”d My and Mn. w Flinn of field left Monday to spend men! weeks hung An N the wad at cm". Mis- Hclen Sullivan and Mia _ nhl Cunpbell, both 01 Park Avg, fill the Mines Grace and Bettie Cnrolanol Dad!- field left Monday to spend men! weeks at Brownwood Luke. Mich, near Paw Paw City. THE HIGHLAND PARK mum HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS a... Photo Supplies at Urun Lake In the mixed tourwme on lut satur- day morning Mrs. Charles W. Buckley and Mr. Walter Smith won best gross; Mn. A. Lawrence Mill! and Mr C. G. Alexander won the best net and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carr won second heat net. The morning was in charge ot Mesdamoo James W. Prindn'ille and (-rrald Peck. Mr. 0. R Hoyne, with a score of 70. won the .pectal trophy in the ll" hole rnednl play handicap in the atternoon WednesA day. July 15th, was the Women's Tourna- mcnt against Bogey, in charge of Mes- dames Herman Thomas and Arthur W Jerrems. Beginning today, July 16th through the ltlth, will be the “Invitation Tournament," for [hl' gentlemen at whith time each memtx-r iimv lll\‘ll€ two guests. This morning thz "Qualifying Rounu" lrl-holes vull he played with 6 flights of 16 to quality. In the afternoon WI” be the “First Round Match Play," 18 holes At 4 o'clock the men WI“ play tor the “Neverupneverin Cup." known as the Approaching and Putting contest. The total stroke of all three balls to count. On Friday morning. July 17th. Wt“ occur the Smcond Round Match play, )8 holes, 'lor "A" flights. Beaten Eights. “B" flights. This is for players of respective flights who were put out in the First Round Match play. First Round Match play. ‘ 18 holes, for "B" flights. In the after» noon “A" flights will qunlity in the Third 18-hole Round Match play and "B". flight: will qualify in the Second lS-hole ‘ Round Match play. For guests whof failed to quality in their respective; flights or who were put out in the First' Round Match play will quality (or thei ”Conwlntion cup." Thi: will be followed l by the 18-hole match play against Bogey, i‘ handicap 1 difference counting. Player: ii club handicap to be considered with 1 special trophy to winner. There will be . a special trophy for the best total score of two days, for 7th. 8th, 9th and 13th holes. Saturday morning, July 18th, the finals will be played. Winners of 6 “A" flights. 6 “B" flights and .lri-liole match play to qualify. The hotel Is attracting more [guests {rum UUKSIdL‘ plates each year and‘this season numbers many people fromzthe sriuth. Among the late arrival: inly be mentioned Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Kinney. Miss Julia 5. Kinney, Mn. A. J. Baird _ and Miss Constance Kingle. Kansas City, Mr: C. R Byrne Mm Byrne Mrs. B. S Moore. child and maid Galveston. Texas Mr. J. S. Cosden. Tulsa. ()kl|.. Mrs. H. P. Johnson and daughter. Mm Johnson, Memphis. Tenn; Mrs. A. W. Johnson, St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs Thea. L Jarrett. Springfield. Hl.; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. John- son, Atlanta. (33., Mr. (2. M. Haskell. QBlwmfield. N. J. V Master Dewey Smith, who has made isuch a hit as the bad boy In the pour I house in Daddy Long Legs. spent Tues- ‘ iday with Mr. Trowbndge. the Jimmy‘ ‘McBnde of the play Mr. Guy Standing. the leading man. has 50 ered his Connec- {ition \th the company and gone to New ‘ ;'.\ork He expects to return in two or three week: and proposes to mike the: Moraine his permanent place of residence 1‘ .while he is in the west. 217 I. (nus! Av-c HIGHLAND MIX Paper Hnntin' nod Decor-tin. I‘hc open air vaudeville and dance- was m sucu-ssful that another m“ be given on Salurday evening nr.\l [m whlch snmc Clever prolrssmna! people haw;- bcen rnkaxed. Mr and Mrs. J. E Boggild. the new Danish Consul (u Chicago. and Mrl. Hog» gxld have taken rooms at the Moraine- whn‘h they (-xpc-ct to make their perman- ent humt‘ Whllt‘ lhvy are stationed m (Imago, The new Minister to Sweden. Mr. In Nelson Morrig whoa: lppointmem wul unanimouslv confimed by the Senate on? Monday last, has been stopping at (he: Moraine for the pan few wrek; ML Morr'. expects (cleave for his new post in I. short time. Mn. Eble of Morgan Puk spent the weekend with Miss Kmie Nolnn o! Cen- tral Ave. Mn John Erb with her ion Vmocnt. of St. Louis arm/ed Tuetday to spend uv- era! week: with her parents. Mr. md Mn. Geo. Smith of Second SL ' Mn. Additoa o! Morgln Park is in the Presbyterian hospiul where the undet- went an opention. Mn. Addimn is a sister to Mn. C. F. Muchtlc of Green Bay Rd. and has Mend: here. Mr. John My in enjoying I two weekn‘ Mr. and Mn. lama finest: of Glen-i cot with their two children, And Mi. ; Ellen Cox 0! Hkhwood Ipent Sunday a! I tthulkinabomeonGrcen Bade 1 Mr. Eugene Como! Xanadu. Wig. in: o ViIltiM his parents, Mr. and Mn. W. D. . Cox 0! Highwood. C. M. GATES Exmoor Club Moraine Hotel PAINTING cent in late winter advancing again, 5 peir cent in July and :3 pcr cent in September. 116 E. Coninl Av. SAVE MONEY by contracting for' your heatirJg work now. For several 'years boilers and radiators have dropped 10 per Highlnnd Purk, Illinois malmmuu,r.rmu- 2.1mm.uh Making a specialty of loans on improved real estate in the North Shore territory including Rogers Park. Evanston, Wil- mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe. Highland Park and Lake Forest. Security under mortgages in this territory is continually enhancing while the rate of interest is attractive. North Shore Trust Company A wagon will call for and deliver your garments Why not have your clothing renovated here this Week and give our work a fair trial? Our CLEANING AND DYEXNG of ladies' and gent‘s garments. oriental rugs. carpets. portiers. draperies, piano covers. lace curtains, etc, cannot be duplicated by any local cleaner. as we have the LARGEST and most SANITARY plant in the West. You ran saw about 10 per cent by comfort/Hp (1/ mm 1 (I [>0 cent for three months is big intrmst. 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Telephone Highland Part 265 Dyers and Cleaners “The Imperial” North Shore Trust Company '. H. Decker Company ”*1. Seal ‘H Bod Wale Bail: YOUR APPEARANCE MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 2123â€"2133 Lincoln Avenue. CHICAGO MORTGAGE BANKERS Capital $100,000 Organized under the Banking Laws of the Sate of Illinois Chas. H. Warren Company HM pm. Illinois We keep Armor Plate “(N and rh‘nmnmnd them. They fit :1 with (he pom) 01 war HUH‘ bf‘LaUM‘ they‘re the very best tor the mom) The makrrs guarantee Armor Plate. Ask to see No‘ 2616. 25¢ 1: made of the strongest. hrs! mm nbxznnabir exactly to size and shag» :m' moans mm, with Harmyh‘ol, the only du- xhat m!‘ n~: yamâ€"that means long wcuz Mop working and “(mums nvr'r the hulrs that “MI: 53m Hate ”use I: lulu-5:1 mny h Armor Hate, Put Away the Daming Basket A rmor Plate Hosiery INCORPORATED M'at‘-Nr:ptn<):. (uuld do 1hr work yusnw. M: “r 1mm- \m‘ in M‘hd your garmcn‘kre as 3 (Hal ()ur prucaS re iair and our work always satis- factory Cleaning And depends to a great ex- tent upon tht neatness of your appa e‘ H you Wish tn msurc an always at Wire appearance haw your Clothes sent tvus for my; |r\('Y \UUY KM 53m (flunrd “(.1 r u, vu-m a Divot-Ky - 8‘52 Pressing Phone 20} alfir Il‘b knit «01),?an dyed n~t ”Jure LN u mugs- {nut In

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