‘ man Broad. .\ an: the- ~~nnn~sx uf the (Hunmbm river a kind or bread is made by 1b.- Ininm from: :2 moss that grows on the spruce ï¬r trw This moss is prawn-M by planing I? m heaps, sprinkling It mm water .‘Ilnl permitting It to fer mum. Then it is rolled into balls as M: as a man‘s bend. and these are baked In piu lu “u" where the masculine tt'l'lllllulf“ with “.‘o These short nnmes are use-d must cummunly. In fnct, they are ap plied as ulcknumes in many 011895. and especially nnmng the ldwer Classes per Ions are uddrmsed or referred to only by these names. Spanish Nicknumn. One of the peculiar ways In whlch Spunlsh dlfl’en from Eugllxll ls In the names the language gin-s In all people with a certain lutlrlulty or peculiarity. A bllnd man I: referred to us el clean. a man with but one eye ls n tUerto. a put: noted man Is chum. one who Is «on and Is a b19010. u (‘0th Is a lame man and a manco has but one arm. I! be In humpbncked be In H jumlmdn. , t! baldhended n calm. and it his balrl ls Very short he is a pelmn. Tlu- fan ‘ nlne‘ titles for the same (‘ltlsï¬t’s nru the» 5» same. wltb the exoeptluu that they end ,' A young man In I‘urls hml lost hl< last sou at the gambllng tuhle. .\‘nt only wu he wlthout menus. but he hml lost a large sum belonging to his mn- ployer. He started for the Seine with the lntentiun o! druwnlng himself. (m the way there was n grent wmmutloul caused by’the escape of u liun from :n strulllnx nlennxerle. The :Inlm:|l mun.- gulloplng down the street. and people fled lu every (llrectlnn Instantly the mun “‘hn mus see-kin: denth Climbed a lump post and clung tn the top of lt. trembling lu e\er,\ liml: When the nnllnul was ruptured nml the danger was M‘er he proceeded to tho- rlver and plunged in â€"-Wuslllngton 1 Star. 1 There had been shipped on a Mlssls-i Ilppi river steamboat a box with al glass cover. containing a very active‘ rattlesnake. Whenever any one up- ‘ pruached the box the serpent would: strike the cover The 0w nor of the r91» ’ tile challenged any one to hold his fln- l ger on the glass and let the rattler strike at it. There was no danger. and , It seemed an easy thing to do. First one and then another tried it. but “ hen the snake gme its \lcious spring the ï¬nger was invariably drawn back with 1 a Jerk. Instinct was strunger than n-u- i son and will combined. I Mon Potent at Tim-s Thur: Reason In Dirvoting Our Actions. That even In man Instinct Is swme times stronger than rmsou is illustrur ed by these two cases: Whatever the sense in wiziwh it H used. the word "garden" “Imus sur- ceeds in carrying with it an utums phere of romance and beauty. whivh Countless ages of use cnuuot dim.-â€" Philadelphia Record. Liberty Hyde Bailey deï¬nes 8 Ear- den as “the personal part of :m mum- tlmt urea wind: is most intimately us swinted with the private life of the home." Gradually the sense of the word has vbnnged t0 cover those parts of the land devoted to the cultivation of plants clther {or pleasure or for use thus, we have the vegetable nr frml garden. and on the olber lmnd. ID- wall. water or rose garden. etc. The word gurdvu is from the olC Anglenxnn rout â€gyrden." mommyE an luolosuro. At that time, due tn the uncertain chnmvtor of community “to. it was eitht-r ihrlosed within forum-:1 â€(ms or left unprotected and exposed without. Thu private melosed laud was the garden of that time. That l~~ the manning u! garden 1n the Song of Solomon. In tho Old Anglo-Snxon It Mun: Pri- vate lncloud Lind. We speak so freely and often of a "garden." nssumlug that there is some well deï¬ned common use of that word even among the authorities HI] gurdeu- ing subjects. But the fact is that It has reached mighty elastic limits in their Writings and speech Mild mu be taken to mean anything truth the enormous Lrh‘nle parks and estates to the tin can glories of u back yurdl ou‘R‘WoRo «13mm? HUMAN INSTINCT. Maintained by First Church of Christ, Scientist. of Highland Park \ntm-rp. :m the othvr ' di’vmuuds and 6mm! :« \‘ 3th hummus [u be d [r \mrks an the l Mum. furnidwd by You are Cordially Invited: to make use of the privileges of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ' READING ROOM 119 East Central Avenue Hours 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. Every day except Sunday 1111 was at the Industry In EII‘ 'rp hus form-d Nave. Amsn-r mules in small u‘it)‘ over Ant 0 dmnmnds Is i A veiy different measure (known as ‘zhe Adamson Bill) is also pending, ‘which Covers the same subject so far “as it relates to navigable streams. l'nle\s the latter bill is very materi- aiiy amEQnded in a number of particu- Iars, I trust it may be defeated for ‘the many necessary safeguards of the Ipublic interest which are present in .the Ferris bill are conspicuous for [their absence when we examine the Adamsoh bill Our (‘ummittee spent weeks in work upon this measure. Its terms safe- guard the interests of the public in this great utility and insures a fair return tn those Who May invest in projects of this kind and every efl'ort will be made to pass'it in the near l ‘ Under such a leasing system the} government retains control of the dam-shes and thus holds the key to- Ith'e entire situation, and prevents‘ these tremendously valuahle sites, from getting into the control of those who at least might. and if we are to’ judge from past experiences. would manipulate them for their own great A ï¬nancial gain to the detriment of the l publicEgenerally who are really en- titled to these beneï¬ts themselves. or a new lessee on terms than to agreed upon. i Afbill (known as the Ferris Bill) seeking to avoid and prevent that ‘danger, has been reported to the :Houï¬e by the (‘ommittee on Public Hands. This bill, hOWever, can only Icontiol those water pOWer sites locat- led on the Public Lands in the west. llt providesfor the leasing of dam- jsitesflocnted on such public lands for 3a period of not more than ï¬fty years. )The bill contains provisions which will insure prompt development, good ser- 'vice hnd reasonable rates to consum- ers and prevents monopoly. It fur- ther contains provisions whereby the people can take over the property and plant of the lessee at the termination of the lease at a compensation to be,1 determined as provided in the bill or can lelse for another term to the same l Groups of men of wealth and power, 'foreseeing the tremendous possibili- ,ties in this thing, have gone about ac- quiring and getting control of these dam-sites. not for the purpose of de- ’veloping all of them, but with the ob- ject. of deieloping some and keeping 'others from developing the remainder. thul limiting the supply of the prod- uct_(electricity) and giving them an iron clad monopoly of it. As one of the greatest authorities on the subject stattd. in testifying before one com- mitflee, ‘the essential danger in the water power problem is the conten- tratlon of ownership and control." The very heart of this problem is to be'found in the sites along the parts of streams where there is sufficient fall in the water to create power in commercial quantities, which sites are suitable for the erection of dams. In the hearings before our Commit- tee on Public Lands on this subject. it was pointed out that engineers have estimated that the total available horsepower in the l'nited States. shQuld be placed at 200,000,000. Of that poSSihle development we have to- day about 6,000,000 horsepower cre- ated from water powers. One of the big problems before our country today is that relating to its ‘water power. The use of electricity and electrical power is still in its in- fancy. In the next ï¬fty years it is bound to grow to tremendous propor- tions. It has been said by those fa- miliar with the subject, that such questions as the currency and the tariï¬' are relatively unimportant when compared with the question of the de\eloping and harnessing of the water power of our countrx and con-3 \e'rting it into electrical energy for! use by our people. That is a strongu statement but I feel it does not go too far. Represent-ï¬ve Say. Hi. Commituo Want: Forrin Bill. Which WI" Prevent Funhcr Monopoly in Want Pnuod THOMSON WRITE OF BILL IN HOUSE FEW MEN CONTROL WATER POWER SITES By Chu. M. Tho-non Highlnnd Park Mail 50M†Malls Close as follows: 7.13 a‘ m. for all points north; 8:48 a. m. tar all points except local north; 11:49 a‘ m. lur all points north; 12:35 p. m. for all points except local nort'h; 2:18 p. m’. for all points south, and lllghwood; 3.01 p. m. for all points north except High- wood; 5:42 p. m. for all points; 6:!) p. m {or all points. Sunday: 5:16 p. m. for all points. Losrâ€"-Pla(inum bar pin set with single large pearl. ll found return to A. Lawrence Mills, Jr., 602 St. Johm Place, tel 296. and receu-e liberal reward. 20 POSITION WANTEDâ€"with board and room. experienced chauffeur, â€bet and can give good references: good on repair work; colored. Ulysses Floyd..720 Pros- pect Ava. Winnetka. 111.7331. 20 pd PHARMACIST SEWING WANTED â€" Good seamstress will go out as companion and teammreu ij do light housework. Tel. 752-]. 20pd SITUATION WANTED POSITION WANTEDâ€"As coachman or hyuee nan; Will take care of horse. ‘or Cows. Address Geo. Muller, General De livery, Highland Park. 20 nd 1 PHONE 23 SEWING WANTEDâ€"Good aeamstréu and dressmaker, will go out by the day. Tc]. 752~J. ‘ 20 nd TummNGâ€"By R. R. Penine of the Deertield Shields High school llculty. All branches of hmmy; civics. economics, physnca} geography. Tel. 7314.. 19 pd Tutormg mathematics. Telephone 761L (L (J, Taylor of Decrï¬cld-Shieldl Hngn SC .001. 228 E. Central Ave. D H d FOR RENT â€"Two barns'. one suitable for garage; centrally located. N. A. Ald- ridge. Erskine Bank Bldg. 20 FOR RENT~Nice front parlor, cooking; privilege if desired; walking distance Ravima Puk. Phone 785-R. 8 Mt! For: RENTâ€"House. with or wlthout l barn at 435 “1 Central Ave. Inquire 437 W. Central Ave. Tel. 7161.. 19 Room In RENT -Ai Y. W, C. A. head- quarters. 20 FUR RENTâ€"Groom flatnall modern im- provements. Alfred HIâ€, 536nm! Bay Rd. 8.13 If FOR RENTâ€"Steam healed Ipanxnent. 6 rooms and bath.,two extra roomu H de- sired. 47 St. Johns Ava, phone. 49 and 1’9. F. P. Hawkins. B3 [1 FOR Ranâ€"5mm at 206 E. Central Aw. Inquire Sobcy's market, 210 E. Cen- t'al Ave. Bl 1! Fun RENTâ€"Fumishcd flat.- and fur mshed rooms 231.5'0. St. John: Ave. Tel. Saunas FOR SALEâ€"Mrs. T. M. Dooley. 161 N. Green Bay Rd. Tel. 809-W. 20 FOR RENT FOR SALE-Large lot on Gage Ind De Tamble Aves. A bargain. N. A. Aldridge. Erskine Bank Bldg. 20 FOR SALEâ€" Property at 555 Forest Ave A bargain for quick sale. N A. Aldridge Erskine Bank Bldg. 20 FOR SALE Fox SALEâ€"~Shoninger piano. and M1 Schulz Cabianoo. also player piano in} both_makes. Will rem or tell on euyf payments. Send your tuning order here. Alden: Piano Shop 313 So Genmc 3L. ‘ Waukegan, Ill Phone 395. 88 Mg Fon bALE A bed and dresser at (37! W. Central Ave. 20 pd ; â€"Eurwvumr Acmâ€" Women de- siring work. should register. '10: me. I! You need help address Mn. Geo. Smith Jr.. over Schumncher'o drug "9" Tel. 320. 86 (1 EMPLOYMENT Aquaâ€"Elm clue help received for all household positions. Em- ploymemot all kind: for women and girl; Mrs. T. Walsh. 238 N. Fin! SL'i near Elm Place. Tel. 7007M-3. B 15111 1' Blind ads, where replies are ordered 1 sent to this ofï¬ce, douhle tutu. ; Advertisements will not be received for lpu-blicalion in the current lune alter 5 I p. m. Wednesday. l “and Enpbynul Ago-c, \VANnDâ€"â€" All kinds of (male help; ‘ American and foreign mu. man to no a week. Also ï¬n! clue furnished on short notice. Apply 124 50? Pint Snet Ave, telephone 263. Mn. J. M. Douala. 5 line. or Ian, 1 insertion. 25c.uclud~ ditional line 5c. "THE “CW PARK mmGHIâ€"AND Pmnmiozs WWâ€!!! MISCEuANEOUS HELP WANTED LOST Photo Bltl L Lincoln. of Music. I The members of n church choir not I ‘ hundred miles (mm Glasgow Cross are Mpouslble fur the rationing: “Allegro modernmâ€"n Inmuuu nullnn composer 1who wrou- u large number of pieces: poco cmscendo~a mm swell: loco- It express tum-ed (derived from Iocomo tire); staccatoâ€"stick to We noted; prestoâ€"turn urer; Intervalâ€"n short mute for refreshments; mu due no- dlla-wlth mid feet!" Not I0 )onz um, ‘ adds the Glasgow News, we heard I} young lad: In rapture. over Wblt Ibo calla] Chopin‘s "Beam" and it tool In some time to discover that she meant Chopin's “Emu." l The Police Committee was instruct- Ied to notify the City Attorne) to get [out on ‘injunction restraining the Chi- cago Milwaukee Electric Ruilrond from violating any of the provisions of the ordinances governing their franchise. The plat presented by Robert L. Mc- Elroy subdividing lots 68 and 69, and 139 in South Highlnnd Addition to Highland Park. excepQ that part of lot 69 condemned by the city was IC- cepted. The Aldermen were instructed to submit a list of the lights necessary in their Ward, to the Street and Alâ€" ‘ley Committee. The city attorney was ordered to confer with Attomey Schumacker, the Chicago 6: Milwaukee Electric Philâ€" rond and the property owners. regard- ing' the paving of St. Johns Avenue, and report to the City Council at its next meeting. The question of inmning '- light on St. Johns Avenue north of Perk Ave- nue was referred to the Street and Alley Committee. The policing of aninin wns re- ferred to the Finance And Police Com- mitCega for report to the City Coun- cil at the Idjourned meeting. continued from ï¬n! page same hereby is npproprinted from the iStreet and Alley Funds Ind the same {placed at the disposal of the mayor and chairman of the Street and Alley .Commjttee and they are hereby direct- red to purchase said horse and empow. lered in accordance with thin resolution 'was referred to the Finlnce Commit- The mayor was ordered to use his discretion in directing the city marâ€" shal'regarding the removal of brick placed in the parkway on Central Ave- nue by the Chicago Telephone Com- NH)“ The Building and Grounds Commit- tee was instructed to proceed to in- stall toilets It the Lake Front-park. cmcouucn mocmmcs" AnnOuhcement Oncof the Special Features will be the Model Kitchcn which will be fully equipped with (mm-date labor sarâ€" ing devices. - A complete line of Household Gas Applzances will be in full operation. ‘ Monday, july 20th “ to visit our new Display Room in the Fletcher Block which will be opened YOU aye Cbrdially inviged mark ' "COAL" ‘ ESdunton FRANK L. sxuzsimom OfflaodYudaEhï¬Pha-ndmstnu ; Tm.“ LAKE GENEVA ICE gnmmmmIImunmHullumnnï¬â€˜li' show] nndl diti Me. this Iail‘ of 1‘ Mil able anc. but I a bsd In Ava In Dow! their of S the pub! the I will lack "n‘il "Mm Ge-M dvd ‘ (km 0! ll Ignl H You are Cordially Invited: to make use of the privileges of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ' READING ROOM 119 East Central Avenue Hours 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. Every day except Sunday Maintained by First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Highland Park h. -_.. _A,__~_ ___.___- -___._.‘ ~‘5’b’u‘n9 0R0 mirrors?“ {my MEN comm 'â€"""' i In the Old Anglo-Saxon It Meant PH.) vats inclosed Land. We speak so freely and often of a1 "garden." assuming that there is some} even among the authorities on garden. ing subjects. But the fact is that it has‘ reached mighty elastic limits in their writings and speech and can be taken to mean anything from the enormous Wm“ Fur“ Bill. Which Will private parks and estates to the tin can glories of a back yard. Prevent Further Monopoly in The word garden is from the OIC West PM AngleuXiiii root â€gyrden." meaning an inclosure. At that time, due to the; uncertain character of community life. it was either iii-iosed within fortifica well defined common use 0! â€I“! “'Ol‘d THOMSON WRITE 0F BILL [N HOUSE received for all household positions. Em- By Chas. M. Thomson tions or left unprotected and exposed} One Of the big problems 1-1910†0}" without. This private inclosed laud country today is that relating to its was the garden of that time. That is‘wster power. The use of electricity ‘ . and electrical power is still in its in- FOR SALEâ€"Property at 555 Forest AV" l the meaning ~f garden in the Song of‘ Solomon. fancy. In the next ï¬fty years it i Gmdually the sense of the word has WATER POWER SITES ginge‘griiéiihofdlgrgufri'dgginuii Representative Says His Committee bound to grow to tremendous propor- i [5'8ka Bank Bldg. 20‘ Q um â€Vim NIB 5 lines or less, 1 insertion. 25¢, each ditional line 5c. ' Blind ads, where replies are ordered isent to this ofï¬ce, double rates. ; Advertisements will not be received for lpublicaiion in the current issue after 5 l p. m. Wednesday. l Doomed Employment Agency Warmthâ€"All kinds ova faunas]; hzllp: American and foreign. as to o a week. Also first class hgp furnished on short notice. Apply 124 Sal'int Snet Ave., telephone 263. Mrs. J. M. Donaing. BS ti â€"Eurwvusur Acmâ€" Women de- Jr.. over Schumacher's drug store. Tel. 320. 86 ti EMPLOYMENT Asimovâ€"First class help ploymentoi all kinds for women and girls Mrs. T. Walsh, 238 N. First St. near Elm Place. Tel. 7007M-3. B 15 if, FOR SALE , For: SALEâ€"~Shoninger pianos and M Schulz Colpisnos. also player piano in, both_makes. Will rent or sell on eaayf payments. Send your tuning order here. ‘ Aldens' Piano Shop, 313 So. Genesee 3L. i Waukegan, Ill. Phone 395. BB ti 5 FoR but! A bed and dresser at mi W. Central Ave. 20 pd i s A bargain for quick sale. N. A. Aldndgeu Room in the . which will be opened Monday, july 20th A complete line of Household changed to cover those parts of the land devoted to the cultivation of plants either for pleasure or for use thus, we have the vegetable or frmi garden. and on the other hand. th- wall. water or rose garden. etc. Liberty Hyde Bailey defines a car- den as “the personal part of an estate that area which is most intimately as sociated with the private life of the home." Whatever the sense in which it is used. the word "garden" always sur- ceeds in carrying with it an atmos phere of romance and beauty. which Countless ages of use cannot dim.-â€" Philadelphia Record. HUMAN lNSTlNCT. More Potent at Times Than Reason In Directing Our Actions. That even in man instinct is some times stronger than reason is illustrat. ed by these two cases: There had been shipped on a Missis-. sippi river steamboat a box with a.‘ glass cover. containing a very active‘ rattlesnake. Whenever any one an commercial quantities, which sites are barn 3‘ 435 W. Central AW- inquire ‘37 proached the box the serpent would: strike the cover. The owner of the rel» l tile challenged any one to hold his tin- l ger on the glass and let the rattler‘ strike at it. There was no danger, and , it seemed an easy thing to do. First one and then another tried it. but when the snake gave its vicious spring the finger was invariably drawn back with tions. It has been said by those fa- FOR SALE-Lame 10‘ 0n Gage Ind 09‘ 'quiring and getting control of these miliar with the subject, that such questions as the currency and the tariï¬' are relatively unimportant when compared with the question of the developing and harnessing of the water power of our country and con-‘ vet-ting it into electrical energy for use by our people. That ,is a strong statement but I feel it does not go too far. In the hearings before our Commit- tee on Public Lands on this subject, it horsepower in the l'nited States. should be placed at 200,000,000. Of that possible development we have to- day about 6,000,000 horsepower cre- ated from water powers. The very heart of this problem is; to be'found in the sites along the parts of streams where there is sufficient: fall in the water to create power in‘ suitable for the erection of dams. Groups of men of wealth and power,‘ foreseeing the tremendous possibili- ties in this thing, have gone about ac- dam-sites, not for the purpose of de- veloping all of them, but with the ob-l . _ ,It'ai Ave. Bl if: was potnted out that engineers havei estimated that the total available‘ 4 fTamble Aves. A bargain. N. A. Aldridge, . Erskine Bank Bldg. 20: i SQl'ABS ros SALEâ€"Mrs. T. M. Dooley, 161 N. Green Bay Rd. Tel. 809-W. so. FOR RENT i l FOR RENTâ€"Steam heated apartment. (if jrooms and bathiwo extra rooms ii de- isired. 47 St. Johns Ave, phones 49 and. 1’9. F. l’. Hawkins. 83 ti, 3 For; RENTâ€"Store at 206 E. Central‘ A\ e. Inquire Sobey's market, 210 E. Ceng l'llg dept-(CS. , FUR Rssrâ€"Fumished flats and for I f nished rooms 231.5'0. St. Johns Ave. Tel. 1' i790-W- a l u‘ , FUR RENTâ€"Groom fiat, all modern im-lE ‘provements. Alfred Hill,‘53 Green Bayi l Rd. 8.13 â€i FOR RENT~Nice front parlor, cooking privilege if desired; walking distance1 Ravima Park. Phone 785-R. B ldtf For: RENTâ€"House, with or withoutl 3 W. Central Ave. Tel. 7161.. 19 ‘ ROOM to RENT -At Y. W, C. A. head- quarters. 20 Fun RENT â€"Two barns, one suitable “ ’ ’ " " “ ""‘“ “†‘ â€"“ ‘ ' V - I v - l iiitf'é‘iiéihfliyéi’ii‘“ “ “’ “3.5 CITY WWOCEEDINGS“ continued from first page HELP WANTED which will be fully â€". â€" â€" â€"â€" â€"â€" â€" ~â€" â€"â€" -â€"- â€"-. â€". â€"- â€". â€"- â€". â€" -â€" â€"_ â€". â€". â€"â€" â€"- â€". â€"_ â€". â€" â€" â€" â€" .. w‘w‘sNMaIs‘neuâ€"lWr-N. .. ... .: -W-.'. _. ....._ ,.., , wwwvawVv . a Jerk. instinct was stronger than rea- son and will combined. . . . . A young man in Paris had lost his thus limiting the supply or the prod- last so“ at the gambling table. xâ€, mctlelectricityl and giving them an only was he without means. but he lliltl Ill‘ofl clad monopoly 01' it- A3 one 0‘ lost a large sum belonging to his eni- ithe greatest authorities on the subject pioyer. He started for the Seine with lstatitd, in testifying before one com- tbe intention of drowning himself. (in .mlt’iee- “the essential danger in the the way there was i] great cutllmutlou. ‘watér power problem is the concen- caused by'the escape of ii lion ll‘nm :I tratlon of ownership and control." strolling ineniurerle. The animal (â€lllllt'l 1 galloping down the street. and people A‘bill (knOWn as the Ferris Bill) fled in every direction ‘ . g _ . seeking to avoid and prevent that instantly the man “ho “as see-kin: danger, has been reported to the death climbed a lamp posit and clung tn . ‘ . . the top of it. trembling in e\er,\ limb gHOU‘le by the (tommittee on PUNK When the animal was captured and lllt' : Lands. This bl“. however, can 01113 danger was over he proceeded to the contlol those water power Slit-‘8 locat-, river and plunged iii-Washington ed oh the Public Lands in the west.‘ Star. lit pi'ovidesfor the leasing of dam- Span' h Ni kn . jsitesflocnted on such public lands for is e am s. One of the peculiar ways in which ighpezit’)? or "(it morevthan ï¬fty years. Spanish differs from English is in the e I contains provisions which “l†. dressmaker, will 0 out b the da . Tel. names the hmzuime Riv"! m all people Insure prompt development, good ser- 752.]. 8 Y y 20 pd with a certain inï¬rmity or peculiarity. vice lind reasonable rates ‘0 consum- A blind man is referred to as el ciego. ers and prevents monopoly. It fur- a man with but one eye is a toerto. a put: noted man is chzito. one who is cross Q’Qd ‘3 a “9010' “ ml“ ’5 a lame plant of the lessee at the termination} man. and a msnco has but one arm. l If he is humpbncked he is a jomimdn, ,3“ the .lease at a compensation F0 be, it baldhended n culvo. and if his hair “em“‘ed “3 Pr°â€ded â€â€˜ the b'“ or hiuee nan; Will take care of horses or is Very short he is a Winn. The fem" "a" lelse {0’ 8mm" term t° the same cows. Address Geo. Muller General Ije nine titles for the same Chm-“(’5 are the ,or 8 new lessee on terms than to be “very Highland Park ’ 30 pd same. with the exception that they end ,agreed upon. ‘ " ' in “a" where the masculine terminate . . I with “.‘o These short names are use-«i Lnder â€Ch a 1983""! system the}, most commonly. in fact, they are up government retains 00""01 0f â€NRC plied as nicknames in many cases. and dam-sites and thus holds the key especially among the lower classes per: ‘the entire situation, sons are addressed or referred to only these tremendously by these mules. valuable sites, ifrom getting into the control of those who at; least might, and if we are to’ Eurcps's Diamond Industry. :judge from past experiences, Years ago Amsterdam was at thel mani ulate them i' r th 'r w 1 head of the diamond industry in Fol p 0 e1 0 n greit L fins '1 ' ‘ . rope. 0f lute Antm-rp has forged‘ "up gain to the detriment or m" “’1' nip-ml .‘llltl taken first place. Amster public generally who are really en- duui very largely specializes in .x'nialhntled ‘0 these benefits themselves. stones. and its sum-riority over Ant ‘ Our Committee spent weeks in work \verp in cutting tin-so diamonds is 1upon this measure. Its terms safe- ‘ject;of developing some and keeping: ’others from developing the remainder.. ,ther contains provisions whereby the will go out as companion and seamstress Alley Committee. people can take over the property and Will do light housework. Tel. 752-]. 20pd to ‘ work; colored. Ulysses Floyd..720 Pros- and Prevents‘pect Ave, Winnetka. Telgaai. 20 pd‘ would large pearl. if found return to A.. same hereby is appropriated from the 1 WANTEDâ€"An active representative by‘Street “‘d All" Fund“ ‘nd the same one of the largest and most reliable auto I placed at the disposal of the mayor mobile companies. (0 look after our in- land chairman of the Street and Alley terests in and around Highland Park. ,5 Committee ‘nd they 5" '10be direct- Room 138 New Morton Hotel, 18th and led to PUWh‘†“id horse and "MN" . Michigan Ave, ChicagO. 17.20pdlered in accordance with this resolution . . . , {was referred to the Finance Commit- “ ANTED - First class private family. . tee. girl as pastry cook at country club. He 5 I'Wllh referen‘ etc Ma r Sk k The Building and Grounds Commit- py ‘LCS. ' nage O m tee was instructed to proceed to in-' Lountry Club, (Jlencoe. Ill. Phone Glen- . . . coe 600 202! pd stall torlets at the Lake front-park. ‘ . The mayor was ordered to use his} MISCEMEOUS. ‘discretion in directing the city marâ€"l Tutormgmathematics. Telephone 761Ll‘h’fl'"Warm"8 the "mov‘l 0‘ 1’7“" (i. C, Taylor of Deerfield-Shleids High placed in the plrkway on Central Ave- ‘ SC .001, 228 E. Central Ave. D II tl nue by the Chicago Telephone Com- g TummNGâ€"By R. R. Perrine oi the plny. Deertield Shields High school faculty. Alli The policing of Rlvini. WIS u. branches of history; civics, economics, ' - physical geography. Tel. 7314.. . 19 pd ferred to the Finance and Police Com- mittegs for report to the City Coun- sxmc WANTED 600d seamstress md'cil at the adjourned meeting. The question of installing a light on ' St. Johns Avenue north of Park Ave-i nue was referred to the Street and; l l l SEWING WANTEDâ€"Good seamstress l The Aldermen were instructed to: SITUATION WANTED submit a list of the lights neeessary' ~ . . in their Ward, to the Street and Alâ€"i PrislrioN WANTEDâ€"A3 coachman or ley Committee. l The city attorney was ordered tol confer with Attomey Schumacker, thef Chicago 6: Milwaukee Electric Railâ€"j road and the property owners, regard- ing the paving of St. Johns Avenue,l and report to the City Council at its next meeting. , The plat presented by Robert L. Mc- ‘ LOST Elroy subdividing lots 68 and 69, and 139 in South Highland Addition to Highland Park, except that part of [lot 69 condemned by the city was ac- IK _ . . vicepted. , *3â€- and ’“N‘e “beâ€! reward. 20" The Police Committee was instruct, led to notify the City Attorney to get‘ Highland Park M.“ sci-via lOUt ozmiiiimvm: â€Em?“ g“? Câ€; Mails close as follows: yeago ‘ l “nu ea “in“ “who‘d ‘ POSITION Wasrsnâ€"wiih board and 00m. experienced chauffeur, â€her and an give good references: good on repair Losrâ€"-Platinuln bar pin set with single awrence Mills, Jr, 602 St. Johm Place ,, , . l v' ' .~ ' unquestioned. Antwerp on the other ‘l th . . f . . iii a. m. for all pomts north; 8:48 adfrom '01“th any of the P’°â€"°'}' ' . ‘ a V . ‘ , ‘ M â€luau e interests 0 the public in g . . of the ordinances governing their in . i, this l.|...'. tll li.)l)lfrls .iml Slilnil . . . . . in. tax all pornts except local north. llz49‘ . '_ ' . M“ _ . â€this. great utility and insures a fair . ‘ ‘ ,, :franchise. p1,â€, .i â€ml.“ .. \ ..u lmppi us [U In t i th 'h 1 ' , _ _ a. m. for all pomts north. 12.35 p. m. iori mlmr in ilt'lllJllil lr Works on the re â€f." l' 0,30 l‘ 0 m") imest m all points except local north' 2:18 p m’l m lzlrtzi-l‘ ’i'mmviil sivllm.‘ furnished by WWW“ "f â€â€œ3 kmd and every 9’70†for all points south, and ilighwood; 3.01: Lingo-gs of Music. . il:.- London gt‘nllliiilt'. rim] at mm mm. Will be made to pass it in the near p. m. for all points north except High. The members of n church choir nota. mu» .v Ill-Dilllimll/JN' m.- sm..u suuill- future.§ 4 wood: 5142 P- m- for 8†Points: 6‘4!) p. m‘ hundred miles fmm Glasgow Cross are, wth ,\.’ri«':ln limitless 4 r_ g A vel'y different measure (known as all .MO" Brsad. lthe Adamson Bill) is also pending, .\ on: the shores of the (‘l\.linit;l:~““lll6h Covers the same SUbleCt so far river a kind or bread is made by tip-‘85 it relates to navigable streams/ Iniuns iron: :2 moss that grows on the I'nlexs the latter bill is very materi- spiuce tlr trw This moss is preparel ally amEQnded in a number of particu- oy placing u in heaps, sprinkling it Ears, I trust it may be defeated for “'“h “'"h‘r III-ll permitting It l0 {9" the many necessary safeguards of the input. Then it is rolled into balls “public interest which are present in big as a mans bend. and these are .the Ferris bill are conspicuous for ink l . ’ ed n pits [their absence when we examine the .Adamsorl bill. ‘for all points. Sunday: 5:16 p. m.ior , responsible for the following: “Allegro po'ms‘ motlemllP-I {anions iiulian composer who wrote a large number of pieces:i poco cmscendo~a little swell: locoâ€"i at express speed (derived from locomo i tirel; staccatoâ€"stick to the notes; . prestoâ€"turn over; intervalâ€"a short 1 pause for refreshments; con due pe- dale-with cold feet!" Not so long am, adds the Glasgow News, we heard I young lady in ruptures over what she canal Chopin‘s "Because," and it took as some time to discover that she meant Chopin's “Benceuse. â€"‘â€"-â€"_ “a A...â€" ‘illlllllllilllllllIlllllllillllllili Electric , tovs or Hot- plateâ€"you can cooli a meal on itâ€"outdoors ' llllillllllillllllllllliliilllliili CrossCreelt Lehigh FRANK L. SlLJES O'Beso-dYardsEqulaaa-dï¬atflnd 5 701950...“ i YOU are cbrdially invited to visit our new Display Fletcher Block v i ’ Gas Appliances will be in full operation“ ‘ Onoof the Special Features will be the Model Kitchen equipped with u/Ho-da/c laborsar- I s i But icomfort won’t be complete without an I Electric Fa n i i : doing business hard: by . Eloctria'ty :- the house Gill 3 do a lot for you in sums-us“ alleviate the season's M LAKE GENEVA ICE Jim telephone 65 and. on... Man will call §--COAL--' 25am w-.m-v. 0 lllllllllll‘lil‘li’f. llliillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllli ll'ROM “’igl Con :4; Elia. D F I till-31:2 iiiiiiiéiii‘ii: é