Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 23 Jul 1914, p. 1

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k the e to day rch. lete 'ROM HHHHHI :ed 0} ’ck ca“ Telephone 65 .V [d anton 1T1 ICE For these reasons I did not believe. and I do not now believe, that the time is ripe or opporture for us to negoti- ate with the Chicago Northwestern Railway for a piece of their property to be used for a depot of the Chicago Milwaukee Electric. When the Sliltlb of the (‘hicago Milwaukee Electric Railway is more clearly de- termined. and when they obtain from the city a new franchise cleaning up 501110 of the present intolerable conâ€" ditions. I ahouid say that then would ire the time to do all we can to assist “Zr?! and ourselves by either re-locatâ€" its their tucks so as to pl'0‘-'lll0 a prayer more for a depot or depots at vermin important street intersections: Hr if (hi: is not practicable try to get the Xorthwestern to assist. The Milwaukee Electric situation is pain-ups the most important matter now confronting the people of High- land Park, and it should be settledâ€" the sooner the better. The conditions prevailing, with re- spect to the relations between the city of Highland Park amid” Chicago Milwaukee Electric Railroad, should not be tolerated indefinitely. and should be cleaned up as soon as possi- lie. Mr. W. 0. Johnson. receiver for this Road, is not responsible for most of the conditions. prevailingâ€"they having originated before the Receivâ€" ership, but during his term of office he has continued to exclude the public from parts of St. Johns Avenue. as aforesaid. and has caused the tracks of the Road to be raised still higher above the grade of our streets in some places. I‘I Highland Park s'iutTi of Laurel Avenue I understand the strip now 0câ€" cupied by their tracks was formerly paveJ. and I also understand that tl.c Milwaukee Electric people tore up the paving so as to exclude the public frbm their tracks: and I have been un- able to discover where they got their right so to do. This statement is not quite correct, and it does not represent exactly what I said. My statement was that I be- lieved the time to attempt to obtain from the Northwestern, ground on which the Electric Railroad might build a depot. wns inopportune. The status of the Milwaukee Electric, through Highland Park and other north shore towns, is not yet settled. Their franchisa through Highland Park expires in 1917 and We have a great many matters to settle with them before a new franchise can be granted. They are illegally occupyingcertain ”thus at St. Johns Avenue all the way from Ravinia Park north. to the exclusion of the public. In many places they have raised their tracks above the grade of our streets. this being contrary to law. and not in accordance with their rights under the eXlStJlK franchises. lThey have two franchises through Highland Park, one through Ravinia and one through Highland Park before Pavinia was annexed). Down at aninia they have raised their tracks so chh allow the grade of St. Johns Axenue that the bal- ance of St. Johns Avenue is nothing but a “mud hole," and thn pulvli. is absolutely and entirely excluded from the Use of more than half of the street in some places. and iii other place< is totally excluded from the use of the street. ’Senaue on June 15th and was sent to! conference on the 18th of last month. The conference committee is dead-locked on two items. namely those appropriating ithe mileage for members 0! the House I 9 and the Senate. g The present law provide. that each member of the Senate and House shall I receive a sum equal to twenty cents per ; ‘mile for the distance traveled from hisi ! home to Washington and return. for each 1 sessnon of Congress. 'l‘here IS a contest over the appropriar . 'tion for mileage every year. This ye ir ‘ in the House the Appropriations com- , l niittee reported the bill carrying a pro- ‘ lvisibn‘changing the law and givmg memr lbers such an for mileage as would.pa_v their actual traveling expenses from their homes to Washington and re turn {or each session. including the de- ‘penilent members 0: their families. An attempt was made in the Housetu amend that Dar! 0: the bill by restoring the pru- vismn (it the present la A’. namely twenty cen's a nizle. l \‘nted ilgtllnsl that amend- ment {or i believe the present law “writs out very ineqtiitnhly in :i number of ways. l‘he amendment “as lost and the bill. as The to these items. paved the HUUM‘ [in ‘conniiiiiee on apprr i'riatinns had repurt- :(l and regumliit'mlctl l? W. e» the in” re ighed ili: 5 -ii ila. h it‘i lithe items “ere pr xiiiptly put bzitn («r twenty cents a mile. \\ hen the lilll came back to the House for action on the Senate amendments. the Hume changed You printed an article in your issue of July 16th in which you made the statement that the writer objected to the city using its influence to induce the Chicago Northwestern Railway to allow the Chicago Milwaukee Electric Railroad to build a passenger depot at the northwest corner of Cen- tral and St. Johns Avenues on proper- ty owned by the Chicago North« western Railway “on the ground that it was business which should be at- tended to by the Electric Road offici- als." EDHHR\VUHZ, The {UH-mung lclu-r (in! nu! gumc to uS‘nmrkcd "tn: putvlu'u» turn‘ but It us such acnncxsx- sunny: mnh or {he alderman's View ut the cvnls or- lgnalcd and uminmmcd byxhe Mllwaukcc Elecmc that \w R'L‘l ‘.( is news for the public and {hm-Mom pnnt it without the uwdl (“[15an We do nut, however, grasp hlfik‘gls’ lwr wv believe that the lack 01' J cuntml drpox :5 one of the “enls"wh1uh. as the alderman states. “ahuukd be settledâ€"the sooner the bexter." Gentlemen: ALD. FEARINGWRITES 0F ELECTRIC LINE THOISON FAVORED LOWER RATE BILL Corrects Slighk Error in “Preu” Report Deocribea in Leuer Fight Bclwun Home of Council Proceeding: nnd To”: and sum; on Bill. to Lower gov Electric Road hll 'Miluge Exponus of Members Worsted City 5 offiolh Houlel A COLUMN FOR THE . fwouw CUT DOWN USE 0E EVERYBODY ' MILEAGE EXPENSE Number 21 Joseph L. Fearing Mrs. Scott Durand of Lake Forest sold 14 head of highbred young cattle this week for the sum of $5.000. Howéver, those who have charge of this blfl in the House always inslst that these two items shall be considered to- gether.‘ If they must go up or down my. getherfit will probably be up. as I do not imagine the Senate wnl! agree to mmc down. I : Nearby Locnlt thng' to collect thc whtcl tax {mm all thcfowners of vehicles in their town. the Wiimette vnflagc board has ifiued a statemhnt that sum wxll be broughtagamst those failing to pay at once. P. 5. Since wrmng this letter House has receded and concurred m Sendie‘amendments on (has: ncms :hv {nil Has been passed. It it More possible to get a vote on these éwo items separately 1 would favor givingithe Senate the twenty cents a mile ofi which they Insist and reducmg membérs of the House to actual lravt‘hng expengis for themselves and their fannhcs W. e41 the lull rt' tghed {31:5 '71 Ha. h it‘\ thew Items “ere pr xniptly put bilkh to twenty cents a mile. \\ lien the filll came back to the House for ”(Hun on the Senate amendments. the Hume changed the prm'isron as [0 members of the Sen- ate from twenty cents a mile to five cents a mile; and refused to agree to the Senate amendment as to House members. 50 the bin went to conference, the Senate insistmg on twenty cents a mile for members of both Senate and House and the House insisting on actual experibea for merflbers n.‘ the House and dependent members of their families and as to Sen- ate m¢mbers either the same or a rate of five cehts a mile, and: the bill has been hung up on those two Items for a month. The conference Committee has reported a disagreement several times but both Housed have declined to yield. The last time the committee reported 3 disagree- ment vaoted in favor of the motion for the House to recede and concur in the Senaté amendments. I believe we have made a real effort to reduce these item; It is proposing a change in exrsting law and asithe Senate refuses to agree to a changé, I believe the House proposing the chhngc should be the one to give way. after a dead-lock of a month. The legislative appropriation bull car. hes appropriations for the salaries of all officials in the executive. legislative and judical branches in the Government and sundry items incident thereto. This bill passed the House April 17th. and the Senaue on June 15th and was sent to conference on the 18th of last month. The conference committee is dead-locked on two items. namely those appropriating the mlleage for members of the House and the Senate. 'l‘hc-risml year 0! th: Governuu-nt ol‘ the United Sink“? begins July first :indl closes June 30th. livery annual appmprim 1 tion bill should, then-tore. be passed be- l fore {my 1, the beginning or the year furl whicli' it makes appropriations. The-rel are thirteen of these bills and out of this ‘ numher six have as yet not been passed All of them have been acted upon by the House, and the Senate has also passed all of them with certain amendments. The 3 House has agreed to some of theseI amendments and disagreed to others and V all of these six bills are now pending be. ; fore Conference committees appointed by 1 the {No branches of Congress for the; purpqse of reaching some agreement on these points of difference. By Chu. M. Thomlon the film able to make thxs renul’x .x‘l Before (he news was telephoned Hil‘ Mfice by the (hxcago pnlwc and by Alix-1'! Larson. who was one ml the Busmcsi Mens' Associa‘ uon's volunteer searchers, THB Puss was printed and m :he posmrfice. In or- der to gel the news to our reader! (hat night u was nevessary to haxc the paper! returned and to print the red line across the tace_o{ them. An Inventor) Hf {he rift-(Is of the late Wm, E. Bgrschnwhu mct dualh by drown- mg In the (lump; Urainagv Canal last \Vcdllrsday' xeu-als the ram that he car- ncd Insurance polncu-s K0 the amount of $8.000. $2,000 hie In the I‘aufic Mutual. 51,000 Me 1n the Prudential. and 35,00) :n‘mdcnt In the Ametn'nn HmLers. Moat uf our rmdcrs \wrc :nfnrmrd u! the- {act \hnnly .xfxer lhv: body ul ML Bench u as rm‘uvercd Thursday .«Iicxnvun at J15 through the 11m- mum-d m I‘t5> this {mm pum- u! Lns: \«cr'hs pnpn but we: wrrc un- able 1') make thxs renuh .x‘l Before (he news was telephoned Hil‘ Mfice by the (hxcago pnlwc and by Alix-1'! Larson. who was one ml the Busmcsi Mens' Associa‘ $8.000 Carried by W. E. Bench. Who Wu Drowned in Canal Donation for Orphnnnge The board also subscribed $1,000 toward the building fund for the $35,- 000 additior soon to be erected It the Lake Bluff Orphnnage. In a letter to the board MISS Judson, superinten- dent of the orphanage. stated that they now have $8,000 in the bank and $19,000 in subscriptions. The board members feel that as there Are 78 Lake county children, more than one- third of the total. quartered at the in- stitution {or the care of which the board pays annually only 32,000 that the SUMO is deserved. The m-q fl wr “Iii "minim the fol- :nn'iri: l;:'1ll'l z~t uL'iv'r of hospital rhywvnm, unrd in: men. mud for “Una-:1, {\iu private “mun, operating morn. sterilizing rnnm, dressing room and diet kitchen. The dimensions of the ward rooms will he 11' feet by 25 feL-t. The second floor will contain linen rooms and quarters for the an 1£lCh€> of the hospiml and the base‘ ment. tubercular dining room, tuber- culur pantry. recre: tiun room, hospital employes dining room and the Inhom- Iurv. ’ crate while- the The dimeriuu')‘ W.- vU feet lg; 3’. The {xx-q :1 wl Having acquired a freshxait uni- Wantogal Dentist Drowned tarium the Like COUM)‘ Supervisory Dr. J. M. Fischer, - dentist of Wau- are IIOW’ going to add I hospital talkenn and ”(whim .3 on. of {hr the Jullfly facilities for caring {orhigyg (mp: prominent professional those unable to care {or themulvuimen. "I! drowned in the waiters of and {or the purpa-sc Ippropriakd (vhttt' _- Waukrun hut-or about 10 o'clock sum 314.000 I“ ”1le meeting lauiSunday morning when he pitched from Thursday- The plans have been dr-wnltne deck of hi. power boat. the- “au- b." C W. Webster and provide {or arW2:u-'I'u_\'<S¢-v:. Physician. worked two-story and basement structure to me,- the body 0! the victim for over be erected on part of the land ock‘u- two hunts but \Nllhnl)! avail, A hrurt- pied by the >2iriitariiini, Which is lO‘ :cndiitg t‘mturr of the Hugely wai- L'utc‘tl Ull (iramd Avenue iitiout three that in; Fischer} Wife and son Jog- nliles “‘e-t wt. Wuukrkhn. \Vitiicned all thr hair-mung «ietnzls 'l'he wads n" the [Hillillllg will he of \§)[h~_iu[ bemg “My tn remit-Y int-int h0”u“' tile With the t-xterior 0! stucco n'u'v. rinish. The foundation Will he of con- The "Hytiirhtiflt' \\hn'h 1‘ a full» SUPERVISORS DECIDE TO BUILD HOSPITAL $14,000 STRUCTURE PROVIDED F0! THE PRESS has the pleasure of pretentinz the above halt-tone reproduction of a watercolor study of the Elm Place Primary tchool now in mate»: 0! construction It congratulates District 107 In advance of the completion of what promisesto be an unusually beautiful and interestim building. The front of the building lacing Elm Place is shown in the illustration with the two mtnnm one on either side of the terrace which is reached by a short fligth of stepo. The three large windows opening out on the terrace represent the ninth view from the kindergarten room. These are casement windows coming to the floor level and swing open so Lhat the terrace and the kindergarten has a continuum floor. This, and the southern exposure will make the kindergarten a luitable open-air room {or mild weather Will be Eroctod on Portion of 353. Oe- cupied by Sanitarium Board lb. Gino 81.000 to Orphan-‘0 M- difion Building Fund The New Elm Place Primary Building CARRIED MUCH INSURANCE HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. JULY 23. 1914 of the ['UU \\ II] he of firm-lun- 90’1' The nmturlvmt, “hn'h “19- mf‘m cruiser, 1.: «me- 'hu “'1“ ysxlhnw-d !1-~-‘ than tul which h. had ' ‘1:H Bury Dr. Price in Wnukcxan The rennin: of Dr. Vincent C. Price noted as the inventor of baking pow- der and other household articles, and iconsidered u Wuikonn': (must I (Continued on page 5) H" Suwhg. 'nnxm' g, 1n(uh1pl:l‘¢‘1 by 2.x {and}. wuflhu wnh Attorney and Mn. William I“. We)“ nnd Bruce Stephens. he started out In (hr hm: for a vruisc about (ho: harlmr‘ The rudder was ar‘tlng badly. e:- pemnHy when an eflun “n5 madeto send the boat to port. At tune-s In- stead of ro-spondlng Xi> 11 shhuld, H seemed to ”end the craft to slaxboard, Un one of these occasions the boat headed {ounrd the (hrk, when It should have gone In (he opposne db rechon. To prevent a coHimon with the dock hr.Â¥1scherieup¢d u)the ran and tried to fend off the MU" which doubllvus would have damaged the bust. In so doing he lost his balance and plunged into xhe mater Without In outcry. The son discovered that his father was in the water and at his outcry both Weiss and Stephen: jumped in and endeavored to swim to where the doctu'r. unable to swim, was making frantic eflorts to keep afloat. The boat. however, had traveled some din. tam‘e and the men arriH-d (on late. The body was recovered m ten min- utes after the acmdent m‘curmt 'AUIECMDDITISTDIOIIEDIIUIE “-3“de Wih'u Noon .0- ' ”SthUVOWfl “in. FuunlolDr.Pv-kc HARRYNEWSITEIS '0FL06ALINTERFST Hail .re-rk 4 up i' twhr morn- weed- (mung uuned .21 her 5. He g him 5118. Troop B 0! the filth avalrv. siationed II Fan Shmdan, wnll le‘ve on July 3 lot I pncuce hike to For! Benjamin Hem at Indiana pom Ind In the neighborhood of sixty five men will unite the trip The departynre {Troop B. will love ody’wo troops at on Sheridan. has n linuMe \uzm‘y over lhc Cm- renu an huu- xhe Regulnn Ind this certalnly rhnuld prowe to be a rut- thnu 200d xnmv. (hung (u both the erulnrs and ('n-rwrnts hmmg rehadulod nut I»! [own mum-s. accommodations for round trips. m Glen View are being made and humus will probably leave the depot It one o'vlock for Git-n Vic!" Better make arr-Inkemenu to no. this game before Sunday. The. Regulnn vuli play a charity pm on Suurday. August 15‘. “Ah the Mandel}. v my: a ham 0! {ulna-n Ten ”plan “839% in we game Is ”to refinrd the HR! {001‘ .l l'erulurs arromplin'hoi Samba) li‘ 1h xpt‘t’d )0.“ lunerg '0' well, thx- "3qu \pukr for itself The warm m-nlly war a farm Sunday but one cannot hold (by manager for booking smh tum», as hm kymwledxe regardnw _(he slrenmh nf the (‘hk‘l'o turn: us lxmlted. Further. he was very {orturmu> in being able to get thc Franklms to come out .‘I he failed to arrunn a glme'ct the. ting Mon- day ext-mug, hoping no I: up with the (reuenu again. but somehow It went umiu. It in hoped an! the Rog- ulnrs Ind L‘rncenu will play another series and nrnnpemenh will probub- 1y be nude in the nu} future {or .- nenes at the end of thé season. Sun- day, July 21101. ‘hr Refill-rs )oumey to (Elen View to play Harry Hoffmnn's ntrung Glen Vlew team; Thus team Will Loan For! July 28 on Tr”. Indian-poll By “Crucenl Fan" The t :t-M-ents donned the Twnltghts in a unwanted affair last Sunday at Hex-rut l'mlx’ lly the count of l?‘ to d. It became apparent alter the first Couple of tnntttge that the visitors I't-re no match {or the fast local mne. The home team scored at vnll and could wally hfl\e whtteumhed Its op~ pom-ms had 11 chosen to do so. Mt ‘ 3n re ml the inn counctl and I del- rflhll‘rl: lrnm Rant‘ta futmahcd consxdcr- able tmmvment, 8‘ the meeting Manda? night 1"! those apétator: not particulat- ly Inlcrt'alt‘d tn the matter under dtscua- aion h) stltgmg a :éirited debate over a aidewatlk nou ‘nemg land In Dean Ave. It ‘appears that the contractors are layini the walk m curve: in order to save treat and please a ten! property owner: and After the Lhtrd innlng l’utter jus’lhll 01h!" Pfl'pflti ownen clued. A‘ lot-bed the hall to the batters so an to ’00? time the he dlrkt was paaaed and at gtVe the players behind mm 5.14m: l another one aldernhn returned a book practice. The Crescent: beg". theientitled "The Revtfid Ordinance. 0! the fame thh all the PM)": at their l 00' 0‘ Highland Park." 'thh M been regular positions, but before the con- , handed him in ordej 11“" N "“83“ I?“ test wat- over Tom Crdttn had taken a “P on I certain 1"} in such manner that crack at twirling, Potter at catching, R appeared ”W “345003 W" "1m it crumb." .g gm basing. Frank Cro- ratber than handed to the doner. Alto ntn at second basing. Hellman at third basing, Schmidt at ahatstopplny, and Jimmie Dttfiy. Richarda and Dante Dufiy at outfielding. The Crescent: regret that they were unable to boolt better opponenta for last Sunday. A: it wax. they were fortunate in getting a game at all. Several attampta were made earlier in the week to clinch a with the Rania", but nothlnd doing. It in bopod.thou(h,thata' rieaolgamea can be arranged a theae two taaau later in the aaaaon. Next Sunday the Cr‘aaccnta journey to Waukegan where they play He- Cann’l team in the second of their three-trame serlea. This game will be played at Mct'ann's ne“ park on Mar- C--....I ’rl... al_..l_n,r l... (ether it was a nth}: childish exhibition. name of the aldermen even wanna. to take their dolls and go home. Following tathereanltottbetytfleaaltappeanoa the council maria-t, Ald. Sham-nova ascended by an. Steven that the mm. M by Carl Hoennaan. W. C. McGowan, and urban relative to W on the eaat aide of Dec: Ave. titween Regen Wil- liam Ave. and 8m St be referred mtheunat and aley committee with power to act. Motion carried. Ayes. Alderman Steuben. Hotel. Oboe ~and Steven. Nana Aldermen fltcbola, Buckley; Ald. Fearing not votln‘. » , AMI-baring moved aeconded by Md. Buckley. that the méetmg adjourn. Mo- tion loot. Next Sunday the Cr‘uccnu journey to Waukepn when they pity Ic- C.nn’l mm in the “com! of their three-mime series. This game will be played at Md'nnn's nefi park on Mar- .(m Street‘ The olectnv hnr runs right put the noutds. Browning AVenue new; the “Lynx-oi station. 'Ihe ( Imam: my”! the fin! game of 1hr series und the Waukenm are The Crescent: regret that they vere unable to book better opponent: for last Sunday. A: it tn. they were forumau in getting a game at all. Several atumpta wen made earlier in the week to clinch a pm with the Regular-a, but nothind doing. It ia Mow. BALL EADJOURN [mama wm RGAMB o my COUNCIL Taun- hd Expected to Play Togethcr Appropriate 810,900 for Now 3.1 but Negotiations F0” “rough. and Addition I[lo Punpb. Sn- Bofla .0 Out of Town Next (ion. ' II Poicm. for Sundli Ruvinh. he! Buunou VISITORS N0 IATCH ll EITHER CASE RAVINIA SIDEWAIK CAUSE OF DEBATE M" ll‘ '1‘ ('hzn‘ayu “("0 Yhe UV- 1“ 'lvw swat.- {or tin-re Dunes and . m ' I laws >hi-MN the mung .w- w,’ :lulrhmson, “uhihrdt‘k n' .1 If}. respedneiy, “hex right. ('hrnâ€" mm « u Articd twica, Hap” go! We ,2 uw-m-Eude hn sate (“Ire as (in! r» (."mitr; the rest manage} {u h.l « u. If v nose {Jr safe drum, mn'n T a h'n', of {turteen Ten Nolan TROOP 3 0H PRACTICE MICE Ry “Rocul-r run" Keguhnn Hâ€"Frlnhlins 3 Pepxlnn finished on {Up \ .ax "(-"tmI Pmk I“.‘ n I' (er )3 m g-v‘qwr't. Ax- Ike ..'1 3th be up! n! (max. ,H).! .‘w ‘v'ni {am it}! haw I: f:' (- t; u' '03-)!L' gnome {“0 an}! 1h: b.4llfel‘15'2n 9:111) 9r] g \ ,’ ntcra's. :. gr“ .: Ry “Rocul-r run ' A mummy n-pon -..‘ Uu- nag-mo mm mntec sunrd bv Anirrmcn 1': (mm: and Nicholn, Aid. Mon-1 brmg thc MM member. recummmdcd flu: >233 !x- ap- propriued from the mmellaneoui and continuum hand {or the purpoac or hiring nboliccman 10: R011“. A mouon to .dopl '88 lost. the m standing. Ayes, mam Nidaou. Fearing and Buckley; 2“,“. Anemia: Monet, Shaken, (he: The petition presented by A. A. Hula Ind other: for udeynlk on Sheri“ M was referred to the cry auorm “5 il- otrucuom to prepare 1n ordnance (or The Chicago Telephone Company. I. quit for puma-non to rebuild the pram! uulx locucd m the m corner 04 SLJohm at] Central An... In relericd to the ”reel ind Alley oom- mmcc Wllh pave! to net. Repealed un ordmmce prondmg lot the puma and othcrmse xmprovin. 01 R33: St. Pater] In ordmance prowdmg lot I umpkmcnul sperm] assessment to pay the estimated dcficmnry of the COO! of the work and interest lonhemmtrucnon 01 can": mum and bxeral sewer: mu. lambda, flush tanks. house connecxmnl. M I was: punficatmn works wnh an outlet pipe (heretmm, alw creating a newer dnsmd [hen-fut. urmh Improve- mém was provided tux b) an demanct paucdthcrelolorc on (he mu day of September, A. D 1908. Puocd an ()rdmnnce granting to the Noflh Short GuCumpany, a Lurpvnauon the nah! to extend a gas main. m, upon CM Ilonl Bum: Play? Mom "I intenep- {nun thh chrn It» h'uad '0 Du: I’l- Ayn Aldermen Nichols. Buckley and Farm; ‘33:; Aidcrmcn Sheahrm. Moses. Oh“ and Stew-m . Extn Polkem n WWW-TM Confinuedoopqes for Runnin Volume 4 ‘A

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