2, It a house party the past fortnight in Charlevoix. Mich. In the party were the Minna Marjorie and Dorothy Loudon, Lucia Page of Chicago and “Pete" Russell of Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Herron of Peoria chaperoned the party. Exmoor was tray with dinner parties on last Saturday evening. Among the hosts and hostesses were: Mr. and Mrs. John Glass. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Hol- land. who entertained in _honor of their guest Miss Dorothy Dox, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Dean. George Swigart. Miss Swigart. Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Glidden. Mr. and Mrs. John Esmond. Major Beal, and Mr. and Mrs W. M. Collins. Among the luncheon hostesses on last Thursday afternoon were: Mrs. Martin J. lnsull. Mrs. D. F. Kelly. Mrs. Frank L. Wean. Mrs. Earl W. Spencer. and Mrs. Jacobsen. ()n last Wednesday evening Miss Eliza- beth Tlamondon of the Exmoor was host- ess at a dinner-dance- \IissJegezc .l 1:11:14 .v ll ;)Td\t‘n’ in stun form. her .Idilptlill‘. of the {airy play, ‘ Sitiv thw and the Seven llwartx†(Wllh lnCldt‘n'Lll rmmt‘), as pmluced (it the Childreng' Theatre :n New York. It will be held in the 0an air paulmn at 2:15 this attrrntxm Mrs. Annette R. Imes at the plan) The tulle-wing Thurs- day afternoon. July Lilith. Wl“ be in charge of Mrs. Genevra Johnstone Ruling) of Chicagw. She W1†give an Indian scene With lndian setting. The can p ï¬re girls of the Y. W. C. A. \Hll appear in lndxan dances. Mrs. Bishop Will 5mg 3 short recrtal of Indian Tribal songs in costume. The children's programs this year under the auspices of the Ravinia Club have been unusually attractive and entertaining and a large attendance has been present at each affair. There has 3130 been a better attendance at the tea- dansants held every evening. except Sun- day. in the Casino during the intermis- sion between the ï¬rst and second half of the concert program. ‘ John Herron of Lake Forest was host atahouse party the past fortnight in FOR RENT be assisted by the lollowing young ladies: The Misses Harriet Learning, Jessie and Evelyn Taylor, Elsie Drelskie. Helen Jones. Lulu Johannson. Edith Jensen. Madelyn Woodruff and Louise Darby. Among the gentlemen who will have charge of some of the features will be: The Messrs. George Fairweather. Lawrence Buck. Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Clifford Raymond. Frank R. Bolt and and Joseph Schoeninger. Mrs. Charles‘ Mauran. Mrs. Willard Searls, Mrs. Wheeler. and Mrs Bayard Taylor will also assnxt me «murmur-e, Ravinia‘s annual garden party for the beneï¬t of Arden Shore camp will be given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Crandall on Roger Williams Ave, on Saturday afternoon, July 25th at 3:30 o’clock. There will be accessories for the summer porch and garden. flowers and candy for sale; pony rides. ï¬sh pond, ice cream cones, etc. for the children; and dancing for all. The committee will On Friday aflerr‘oon. July 24th, Mrs John Irwin Marshall and her daughter, Miss Valencia Rafferty will be hostesses ata large bridge party to be given at their home. 636 Prospect Ave. The Sunahmc Circle Club of the l’mtcx! Evangelrcné charm emertamed the U H 8.3 with IJ‘WH'I sucml on Monday cw mng on the lawn 0: Rev. B. A. Schuhzc on N Second 5L There were about thirty m gUt"[> m attendance. the decom- tions bung pretty Japanese lanterns 1n abundance every where. All reported a very enjoyable ex ening. Choice Ofï¬ce The Sncial Side of Life in the l 11'}; Hprcwn’ mstun uptmr: of the {aIry play, am! the Seven hwzu'fx†l2 rmmv), as pmiuced ("I affair. There has mdance at the tea- Iening. except Sun- nng the intermis- and second half of ‘are ding us their laundry wbrk’; g‘dgi' ng this hot weather and are having it ROUGH DRY with all FLAT WORK [RONED at the rate of 12 pieces for 35c or $ .00 50 pieces for ................. 1 Local Affairs of the week erzh L‘r'asilï¬und: n r5 and Freud: [)ry (‘lmm-I FUNDREDS of Families B\ the Ohsen R59??? @9912 G. Hov oéWoodstock for twenty thous- , and eighthundred andlforty-ï¬ve dollars {The work‘is to begin within ten days and i to be completed within sixty working days. The coxiuact for the water in the lage of Deerï¬eld was awarded to Mr , t Him The Womans Mrsslonar) Socretv of â€w“, the Prestbterian church was entertained u“, at the home of Mrs. \ ctter Sr Thursday --â€.. evening. Mrs V'etter was assisted by “-11. ~ her daughters. Miss knnie \etter and! tn 21-! Hrs. Sorg; Miss Helen Duncan head restdent bf the Bohemian Settlement v house gaie a most exhaustive talk about ‘ the work in and around the settlement. ’ 1 Telephone: 178 and 179 It is" ‘t worth your while (0 do your own laundry when you can have it done as ('lltaply as this. T R Y IT. Miss Ruth Reichelt was a guest at the Sharer club in De Kalb I“. last week. Mr, and Mrs. John A. Reicheh, and Faith and Morris Reichelt are the guest.- of Mr. arid Mrs. Esterday of \‘an Oren, HI. Mrs Chas. Lloyd and family of Chi-l (330 and Mrs. Haephy of Hammond Ind. were the guests of Mrs. E. Clapper a few; days last? week. The annual Union Sunday school picnic of the United Evangelical and Presby- ‘terianchurches will be held in Schlie's grove. Saturt’ay. July 25th. Hayracks will leave the churches at ten o'clock The contests and races will begin at two o'clock in the afternoon and a ball game at three o'clock. In addition to the regular races and contests some hovel features on the program are a leap frog race. father blowing contest. needle threading, crowing and whistling con- tests. A group photograph will be taken of the winners in the races and contests. including members of the victorious ball nine. Mr. Alvin Knaak and Mr. Robert Penis Hsited friends in Valpariso. Ind. Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Herbert Allen was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Whiting Friday and Satur- day. Mr Louis Romn'cl of Hammond. Ind “as \isuir‘g hm parents, Mr and Mrs, P Rummel a few dab 1a.»! week. Mrss Flarenm Hqcrman of Chicago is the guezt or her aunt, Mrs. h. “illmann, Deerfield News Items burg, Ind., wher fur a few, “rm-ks Mrs Ira J. ()eer gave an informal musical followed by 5 buffet luncheon at her home on Prospect Ave. on last Sat- urday morning. The affair was given in honor of her cousins| the Misses Aynslie and Clara Moore of Jacksonville. Ill.. who are musical people; the former being 4 Singer and MW latter a \iolinist. \llhb Bsrth‘n Harhdugh playcd puma ï¬elt‘l’llnll\ and Mm Estr-lzc L‘la'k 31mg. Mi: Chm Evert-t: “an :lw n'cnunpumsz, On next Wednesday Mrs. Robert B. Gregory and Mrs J, McGregor Adams will give a supper the Arden Shore camp. Automobiles will meet at 5:10 train {mm the city, reaching Lake Bluff at 60'clock. Supper will be served at T o';c|ock there will be time for inspection before supper. At 8 o'clock there is to be an entertain- men: given by the “family†and camp guests This year there is a very full camp, the number having reached four‘ hundred ï¬fty seven people. Next week ‘ is to be Highland Park week at the camp. beginning Sunday August 2nd The Vesper service will be in charge of Rev. ‘ Peter C. Wolcott. The young choir b( ya I of Trinity church will go up with Mr ‘ Sidney Dietch. Mrs Fayette S. Munroi is arranging the entertainment at the camp for Highland Park week. ngbml’avfl Mm, \\'1llm'n 1). Mann. 331.) X 51‘1â€)†s Ava. wax hush-‘5 at an nnformul tea on last WednesdJy afternoon 1n honor (rt her mother and sister, Mrs‘ H T, Brown- ing and Miss Bmwmng of [)etront. Mich. L va Mr, .md Mrs (Euqdu- Un-uel of Elm Hut. .mnouncc (hv ongmrnmnt of their (Lllluh‘t'r. Helen Harmer. to Harr) \Vhizr 01 â€NS at): Nudate has brcn st: for [he wvdding. nder 1m Tuesday tor (hr-ens d., where :he ml] \lsit her aunt Vil Unv day :1! \ HI" "lllh :|<k.~.] "\\'l:vl‘v"\‘ {In "â€0 :Iin't h: "â€I' ï¬ll" [in \\’: The Deciding Voice. In a hunluesa men‘s club In a West- orn town there sprang up two factions one w-hkh criticised the steward be- onmw he did not prmlde thv members with good uwnls and one which de- fI-mh-d Mm INN)" 'Hu- vliwutv gut [inner and throw. Half Hn- “Iuh “unto-d to Hra- the slow- nrd nt unru Th.- utlwr lmlf said he “:er “â€141le, Tin-n “lthnut warning tho ~19qu himsvlf den-Mu! Hu- Illnlln'lltnlh ques- Hun grass, and barns have been‘ Dumb] from that cause.â€"Phlladelphh Frau. 65m PHARMACIST} PHONE 23 More Luble to Canon" in Powdered Than In Sohd Sublhll‘ICOI. Thv v'n-n'ï¬lv 5'1â€â€œ.50 hr u-nmlmvdlun “I have frequently been Inked If there Is murh drluklng among the Flu- plans There ls comparatively very llttle. The Filipinos have ducuvered. oven l! Homo u! our own (‘ountrymeu have lmt. that alcoholic drinks and the tropics do nut mlx. It ls M-ldom you see a I’lllplno lnmxlcatal. There are nntlve lnrn-wml drlnks ln dlfl’en'nt 11L lands, but the people do nnt owrln- dulge,"â€"W:Hlllngmn Post. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION bearable. but ordinarily i would rather live in the Philippine. than in most sections or this country. It in tortu- nate that in the month of greatest hu- midity, Septvmber, the temper-tum t'aiis lower than at any other time or the year. which makes it possible to endure the condition; "It I-c not m-nvmlly known pvrhuns that tlw (‘wlst [Inc at the» l'hIIImvtnc Islands In Iunuv-r than that n! th» I'nituI Stun-s." snId a than “no hns FIN'IIK more than tittm-n with In that (wintry. "The l'h‘llpplln'i ar-- nuun-r mm Islands," In- runtInuwI. “It would “to one nun; umnttn In (Our n†u! thc- Islands. 0! course â€M' clIthte Hr rIvs. but In mmt parts It Is dellxhtfnlt Tho average temperature In lower thnu In many parts at the I‘nItod States. and the [mummy Is not nvurly a“ great. “ovum: or temper-tun- In the I'hIIIpnInes have been kept qua: mm. and In that tIuw the manmum record- ed was 103 degrees. The [Dean tem- perature Is from 70 to I!) degrees. "I! the humtdtty were (treat them are tunes when It w8uId be ummt un~ VL M. Kt-ay B mnl of Local lmprm’rmemg Village 0! lk‘rrtivld. Lake County, Ill Dated July IS. A. l) 1914‘ Th-ir Cont Lin. Notice is he-by given by the Board of Local Improvements 0! the Village of Deerï¬eld that bids were opaled on July 18. 1914, for approximately 12000 feet of 8 inch and approximately 10,000 feet 0! 6 inch cast Iron watermain together W|Ih ï¬re hydrants and necessary ï¬ttings and that W. (L Hay. being the lnwcst re sponsible blddt’f, the contract “as award- ed to W. (2. Hm «in thr 18th day (ii July A. l) l9’.l A moving picture show will be held in {he assembly hall of the school Friday evening, July 24m. Miss Ruth Collins 0! Chicago and Min Elda Homberger visited friends at In- diana Harbor, Ind. Sunday. Mr. Wm. Carolan. min» been In New Boston. [I]. for em! months. open! a few days of last week via: hi0 â€renal. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carola. Mr. md Mn. Smbun 0! Park Ridge, III. were the week-end guest: I! the Carolin home . in't hire." ruplh-d Hm mutter. P hn was gum: (lnwn Hn- ‘trH-t Ilnvxhing good to out."- nmmcmMmummm' H In! PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Notice of Awgrdin‘ Contact lllr'h tinn- :1 uu-mlwr of â€In “nib-r. ~‘l~-\\.In|'" ant Lino II Longor Thin Thai of (ho Unnod Sula. lml mun-rally known m-rlmm W. A Whiting C W, Perm. 1". H. Krvss “C M. Rt-ay de- The odur qulvti [hr nen'en. refrnbu the tired um um Induces a restful nap er. A pretty mp fur nmh n pillow 1! bell w- math- of mu “mm with :1 pine tree be trans IlHrhn-d nymn It. Burnt banana Ind gmu am». In among the new (‘olorl Long kimono Macros, (MM-ring to the Wrist. Ire as popular In over The mgvk mm! (warning 10 Im- 31mph whim Mumm- lu un "ï¬rm-[He h-xlture (Sn-Do do «hlm- Mun“?! hure rbt-mt nth-s. culiurq and 1mm): of homamcb 0d l‘urï¬s muslin Soun- u! the new blouses have darn in [In-m and ï¬tted g1rdles All (“â€0" 1-! 5:-l|mv (-qm Inâ€; main. "’9 In rnvur fur m-pn rule Mom-m Figured (‘Npe de chine Mousu man I delightful change «o. »s»9<?»s .. Porch Pillm Nothing 1. more enjoyable than porch pillows for the hammovk or all! chairs. and I balsam lenw In more do llgmrul than any other The small cut-use bouquet:- o! I'Ib ber flower: that made their Ippecrnm last year If? mu In cum-m for the batber. Ind sometime. rubber lower- In and u mmminx for Dublin up. "Ubbï¬l’il‘d Bathing Capt Bathing caps tblt are specially do nimble lure vinon or rubberized tilt mounted on a nut! frame, The-e cups would nave much discomfort from the bright sunlight of the wnuhun Some very pretty bathing calm. nude or the mliherixed silk. are uhlrrvd Into a rosette over each ear. tlh- HIIII‘I :I‘H tttutlv Hf Iltt‘Htttt pink tun-n. â€h- skirt \uth n Yer) dw-p tmm' wt It: mum pl:tlt- utnl ntthhn-d “1th ultite piping" nth) tuttluth dune (he trunL The shttply out and kw (mu-o was like plpod .thmhle mm tuuvhm ere prqut-d tn the flute Llltvd basque and the ntrtpvd whlle and black (-ultnr and um: The ()1an NHIMIHIU hut worn with this costume was of hemp. with TIM In the cleft crown Canons; Too. of Rum Attractiwmu For Summer 8min. This mason It is wruewbll dimcuii to distinguish between iimn and cotton in the Deane-r weaving, u (be: up pvnr so similar, and mnuy of them are provided with (he «mu-Hen: mer‘ rurizui nuish Whirl) not only given ihvm a silky riprwnrnnr‘v imi mndm unh- ‘_l:| hump p .\u â€in The box plniL so long treated with disdain. has not only n-turm-(L but is occupying a place of popularity in (he fashions of the season On the town or apricot colored Canton crape illus truted here the foundation skirt is closely box planed and is topped by a plain little orerskirt fastened In front by bullet shaped yellow buttons. edged with whim On the bodice the low shouldvr line is evident. High but (mm! boots with light un suede top. add the ï¬nishing touch. v6 N..." “30454, BLOUSE FANCIES. 3 BEAUTIFUL LINENS‘ “1‘ I ‘IHJ H .mlfl Gown With Phi!“ Mud and “not! Ovorfldn. APKII‘UT FETCHING MODEL 11.â€! an-n mm an. «mo \ mntlv Hf "llf‘HllI‘ pink "I “uh a ver) dm-p lllllll' pl:|ll- um! mmhn-d um» 1 nu.) hullum dune (he 1‘ IAI‘I 00W! \\.1\ mug] H \luh‘l H! mm l'u!'[_\ l.v| Ilmlnr 1w. 0.- NW and Mm“ In l.l~~4:vh Ir l'ul “MICHELI'Sâ€" SPACFETHD limou- ltdinn Restaurant R A V10 L l Eva-h. Din-ct 75c Arum-u Mod. for Mott; Panic. "USIC PM. Dims; Room for ’0 to 150 P0091. SH Tel-phono- m. Fund on “a no It’s Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on SM Real Eltate, Loans and Insurance THE ERSKINE BANK Telephone 331 Miclï¬gnn ï¬venue And 1 I Street, CHICAGO whether your/coat’ 5 off or on. _81. 50 “up R. W. SCHNEIDER GOOD BANK HERE'S a great deal of satisfaction in being able to appear without a coat and yet know and feel that you are not at a disadvantage. You will always feel oom- fortable in an ARROW SHIRT Cents Furnisnings LAKE F CREST. ILLINOIS Courteous nervnce, plompt dellvr "'7. choice can. best vnnety and Mr prim our sped-Inn H we pkax lheu: every umr, don't you think xx uould be well {or you to give us a ma]? OUR TENDER MEATS when you notc the healthy, happy people who buy and rat SHIRT IT’S A GOOD SIGN 13 S. St. Johns Ave. fol-phon- 01433 SINGING solemn] upon a {canon of MI flvdv that It Unw, a )Ollllâ€˜ï¬ um. um lunvhw tutu) l UK the had “)1 tbrlr m (‘urlmn II (In! I b. p!“ dink a what ( of am: bridge and «- nf lull «huh: I mum. all WI I'vrrn mm H II! (but I lhr II: were I um"? 1 "OH I' Th? hrowu um] [h I: {m 8010‘ View 1 11IIIM' ‘ “9010': wnp lnrur "JIM \\ LI (110* vlp H" lunnluc bunny ('rmltfl The [In lm m lmlul'n 0m UT1 \ lm