Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 30 Jul 1914, p. 2

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Interest in raising the “where-with-all" to keep open the camp at Arden Shore for its nearly 500 guests. still continues. and announcement has just come of an- othec garden party and dance at Win- nethon Friday, July Slst. it is to be held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Hibbard, Jr, from 4 until Gin the afternoon and from 9 until 12 in the evening. Mrs. Hibbard opened her grounds in the afternoon at the special request of a number of friends who wished tosee the unique planning of her garden. Since thepublication in the April number of “Country Life in America" oer. Miller’s article describing them. much interest has been shown as the gardens demon- strate what charming efiorts can be had or comparatively small areas. Bridge, games for children and dancing on the modern tennis court are other attractions ' Tickets at $1.50 can be obtained from the chairman. Mn John Sidney Bumet, Winnetka. or at the gate. In caseof rain , the party will be postponed until the following day. 0n last Thursday evening the Campbell Chapter Eastern Star entertained with a delightful luncheon as a farewell to Mr. and Mrs. H. Ewart and daughter, Mrs. James ()ould. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart leave September first for the Isle Of Pines. where they WI“ reside, while Mrs. Gould will return to her home in Glendale. Cal. about the first of October. The scheme for table decorations was indeed very clever, the center piece being an island, while the salad and ices were of pine apple. After toasts and speeches Mrs. Chas Snyder, Worthy Matron in behalii of the Chaper presented the honored< guests with sterling silver souvenir spoons. Miss Lzllie Bell entertained ten young ladies at a supper on last Sunday mcning in honor of Miss :\d;i Allen. Whu l: the guest of Miss Jessica Ciixcr The program to be gncn t?.i< :tttur- noo". in the open air pawlinn, under the auspices of the Rminia L‘lub will be in charge of Mme. Genevra Johnstone Eshop. who wxll sing Indian Tribal songs in costume. The Camp Fire girls of the Y. W. C. .-\. will give Indian dances also in costume. Among the songs Mrs. Bishop will sing will be: “Prairie Land?) Hiawatha‘s Death Song" (in the Ojibayl language). “My Little Pappoose." “My! Bark Canoe," and “Farewell to the Desert." On Thursday afternoon, August . 6th.of the following week, Mrs Elleni Crosby, who told so charmingly thei "Nutcracker Fairy Tale" several weeks ago is again to entertain the children. She will tell the story of ”Siegfried." by ‘ Richard Wagner. using the piano for musical illustrations. ‘ i FOR RENT Cards nf mutation were srn! Au: L151 week by the Mlsses Manon and Blanche Mason for a reception to be gncn at their home, 125 Ravine Place an the afternoon of Friday. July 315: 1mm. ‘. un» til60'clock in honor of Mrs. Edmund Henry Extel of Imhanapulis and Miss Emma Smoot nf California. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Erickson of “Cl Central Ave. announce the marriage or; their son John. to Miss Lucile [)anlels of this city. The wedding took plau- Mim‘ day morning, July 20th at 7 n'i'llwk in St.Marvs Catholic church‘ The bride wasattended by Miss Elizabeth Ralph, cousin of the groom, while another cousin, Arthur Ralph acted as bestn‘zui. Rev. Dr. O'Niell performed the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Erickson will be at home to their many friends, on Deerfielcl .\\r‘. Carl [:arson of 231) McDaniels Ave, cult-brazed his TTth birthday on Sunday llV haung all his Chlldl‘t‘ll to the number of 3H, spend the afternoon and evening at his hiynv tn c‘lllA‘)“ games. music and ddllt‘lng,_ .\lis< Rhodd Catlin or Rdvinin gave an Inlilrllllll ten 1.15! Wednesday afternoon trivm liintil 6 o'clock at her home on Roger Williams Ave The affair L‘th'll .'l honor or her guest Miss Lotusc W515 Choice Office The Social Side of Life Local Affairs of the week av“ ¢..vâ€" ”in W in the “Lake F rbht Park, Highland Park Day, and if, in havmg a good time, you wilt down your shirt and collar or if it rains and you get $03 ed REMEMBER there'ls ONE LACE where you can have yOur. Laundry or Clothing put in shape, as good as new and that is EVERYBODY come to {91m krnfif pan-l: Hiahlnnd Rnfiafifs'bgqu .ur rune) Ul unstiingtiin IS the guest ‘5“)“9 ML and Mrs. William Grant of 120 t , of Mr. treswell. songs Laurel A?” announce the marriage of )f the their daughter, Jessie Mary Grant to .. . also Oscar RaYmond Noerenberg of this city. ‘1‘ Perfum‘an‘e 0‘ "Daddy LONE L98! . in Mrs. ‘ The marriage took place last night (Wed- ‘Uiicagn Monday evening. . ‘éf‘d~ '1 nesday) at half after seven o'clock at the ' The Union picnic held in the Schlie )Jibay I home of the brides parents The bride grove Saturday was a notable event “My ' wore a gain of white taffeta and carried ‘ socially. The spirit of unity which the ' the a shower gbouquet of white roses and ‘progressives hope will eventually result ugust ; ““83 0f ”‘19 valley, while the bridesmaid, ; in the consolidation of the rural churches, Ellen l Miss Catherine Grant. sister of the bride. ' was beautifully exemplified. ”:2: ; wore a gown of emhroidered Whi‘e‘ Miss Arline Bleimehl has just returned ham” and tamed 9m" "3395' Mr- trom a trip to Grand Rapids. Mich. dren. ‘ Clarence Noerenberg. brother of the , by groom, seryed as bestman. The immediate_ Mr' and Mrs' 10h” Aj Rachelt ”1 ) for family werfe the only guests present. Rev. guests of Mri and Mrs. Julius Reichelt of 5}. Foster Wan Evera performed the cere- 1 FL Madison, [Owa’ pbell mony, whiE Mrs. Raymond Hardaher of} Misses Cathryn and Marie Hull 0' ith a Chicago. pEyed Mendelssohn’s Wedding Crystal Lake are the BUGS“ 0‘ Mi” Ruth ' Mr. March. The house was most artistically’ RBiChClt. i y ’ Mrs. decorated Twith foliage. cattails and1 Mrs. B H Kress entertained at a (fin; eave gladiolas. :Mr. and Mrs. Noerenberg left ‘ ner party Monday evening in honor of' ’ines amid showers ul rlt't’, for a weeks' wed- 3 Mrs. T. Whiting of Winnepeg. Canada.l vould ing trip after which they WI“ be at home who is the guest of Mrs W. A. Whiting. 1 Cal. at 153 30. Second St.. after September i . f . , N ' ' ieme lst., until their new home on ()akwood MISS inrtha Haggi Is the guest Of Mrs! very Ave, is 60¢chth Ci Decklar of Chicago for a week. ' A large party of young people attended l l By the Obvn x'r Telephone; 178 and 179 Deerfield. (Sake County, Ill Dated July 1 A. D 1914. nil Un \V‘cdncsdly .AIh-rnoon Mrs. Wm J, ng Lnudvrback gave a luncheon follmwd by he bridgc uther humzn 311 Moraine Rd.. In hunor of Mrs. R. N. (h-tty of Ft. Shendan, W. A. Whiting C‘ W. Penis B H. Kress W M Reay Board of Locél Improvements, Village of Notice is hereby given by the Board of: Local Imprdvements of the Village of; Deerfield thét bids were opened on July ; 18. 19“, for approximately 12000 feet oil 8 inch and aPproximatcly 10,000 feet of 6 ‘ inch cast iron watermain together with' fire hydrants and necessary fittings and, that W. G. Hoy. being the lowest re~ ‘ sponsible biciler. the contract was award- ‘ ed to W. (3‘ Hey on the 18th day 0! July A. D. 1917:. ? 1‘ Mrs. Freifich of Walshington, D. C , who is the guett of Mrs. Chas. G. Yoc. has lhad a nuqflwr of affairs given in her l honor durlhg her stay here. Among ‘them will his a luncheon this afternoon at which Miss iknevieve Mott will be hostess | at her home: on Laurel Ave. R. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hunt- er, Mr. and‘ Mrs. John Glass. Mr. and Mrs J. F. ford. Mr. and Mrs. James Prindiville. Mr. and Mrs G. S. Femald, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Clement, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Qlidden. Mr. and Mrs. Simeon B. Chittendcn, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McIntyre. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Shortwell, and Miss Elien Kelley. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs Kellogg of Winnetka en- tertained tw'tnty-three guests at a lunch- eon. Amonk those who were hostesm at luncheon ion last Thursday afternoon were: Mrs. John Glass. Mrs. John M. Tuttle, and Mrs John F. L. Curtis. gMng dinner parties at the Ex- m ounh Club on last Satugday eve- ning were: :Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carr, Mr. ann Mrfi. Robert F. Huasey. Mr. and Mn A. D. Tlamonden, Mr. and Mrs. A. mafia-M whu will halve sovm thh Colonel Getty for Denver, Culurudu, where {hcy have been stationcd On Wednesday cvcnxng Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Enckson entertained about om- hundrrd )nd fifty guests with a I’E‘CCDIIOH In I'mnm‘ bf thmr son who was rccunliy manned tin MRS LumHe Daniels of this Clrj: ;\ musical program was follnwcd hy thm'lfig. In Mls< Rhudd Cum” or Rdvinia gau- an mznrmrnl ten 1.15! Wednesday afternoon tnvm 81mm] 6 o'dock at her home on Rugcr Williams Aw." The affair w.” urn-n .1 honor or her guest Miss Loung- [h‘rizx a: No“ Orleans. Noticd of Awnrdin' Contnct Honesty. n.- whu pram-s Neely wbnt be menus to purvlulne and he who enu- merates tlu- faults of what he means In w]; may not up a partnership with "l haw H:- snu that all he 19 he mww tn Ins wlfv." Hullstnn l‘nst. MWM Havo Helped. ”We \wrv traveling all duy In the teeth of the gnlv." "l'lty _\’ml 1””th hun- n dentist." "\tht for?" "To dru“ the tH‘tb." Her Dovngs. "His wife mud» a foul of him." , "What reason have you for saying that?" Miss Frances Manev of Milwaukee, Wis., visited Mrs. David Hotenberger last week. Miss Gloria Beecham entertained a few of her friends Monday evening in honor of her guest Miss Dorothy Dodd of Indianapolis. Ind, who is visiting her for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Winkle are receiving con- gratulations on the birth of a son. born Monday. July 20‘ Miss Lillian Eggert and Mr. Chain Bendt of Chicago were the guests of Min Mabel Hornberger over Sunday. um‘sty Mrs. B‘ H‘ Kress entertained at a diTn-g 71”,”; is ner party Monday evening in honor of I Allaka u “ Mrs. T. Whiting of Winnepeg, Canadml 4 . , ,er grnOe or who I: the guest of Mrs; W. A. Whmng. jfnr domesth Miss Martha Haggi is the guest of Mn; While the C Decklar hf Chicago for a week. iph'in 'imp h, 65151-1 PHARMACIST PHONE 23 The Union picnic held in the Schlie grove Saturday was a notable event socially, The spirit of unity which the progressives hope will eventually result in the consolidation of the rural churchec. was beautifully exemplified. Mr Huh-5 or “flushmgmn Is lhg guest of Mr. (‘reswclL Mr. 311:1 Mrs Wm Rm)" loil hat wet‘k fur thtcc mwnxhs Hf trawl [hrvugh Europe Mrs Rmy's sun-r. Mrs. Hupkms has charm- of thy «hxldn-n dunng thrir ab- sauce. rm-mhcrs. Plum (u m“ be dlscuwvd Lm'r Thw Mu r [numhh um NIISN'5 Kw.“ true this 1.1; rm-mhcry { l have his own word for It Hot nur'” twin Brmnn ”All \\ .1> thc guest nf .\ \h‘s, ~\nders.m {ur luge board to [1 [by town and l hnmd m hrlp (f mmmx plann- I To cclebratv the installation of the :watcr scrim: iii [)certield, the lack of ;which in the past has kept the Villagc HO years behind in progress compar‘ed ijth its North Shore ncixhlxirs, a gigantic celebration is being planned by Mr, Whit- ing. the Village president. and Mcusrs. Rt‘ichelt. Jr, Kress and Love. schobl dlrt‘L‘IOFS. A home (UHHHK dav. the date of which Will be announced later. with a big picnic iii Knickerlxx‘kcr's grow. whore refreshments “I” be .wrved, and thrgrounds WI” lie t-lvctrimlly lighted fur an evening enteitziininent With an outwit-door moving pitturc' thW. Hall of thc procccds “I” lx- gin-n to the ill Ten memhrrs M the l’n‘sbytcrian Church Biblr N‘hnul and six from the L'mtcd Evangciual Chumh attended the annual Dm-rfix-ld '[Rmnshlp Sunday school convention at the Nnrlh Avenue M, E, church in lhghland l’ark Sunday attor- noon Miss Mildred Whiting entertained at a‘ dinner party Friday evening in honor of Mixs Margaret McKrHar of Fargo, N, [1,: who is the xuvsl at Iilt‘ Minn Kress. Mr. 11:. Keefe left Wednesday {of 01 wego. N. Y. to remain for several weqks‘ Miss Irene McCadie or Chicago is the gum of Miss Eleanor Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fidlar and Mid Helen Fndlar of Chicago were the week- end guests at Suppledalc (arm. The Misses Margaret. Grace and Beuic' Carolan, who wen: vusmng at Paw Paw Lake and South Haven for several wequ returned to (hear home Saturday. ._._ W_<â€"-â€"â€"~- w.â€" ._ a ._ cherfield News Items} FAVORS fllw Miss Winifred Supple spent I fei days last week with Mr; Frank Supple 0’ Austin “I MI THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS rvkvr n-Iun lLuhur. Mu nf Mrs. l‘rrl pay the (‘Im‘trlL' light bill of [he n‘mdundcr {n the school dctmy [he cxpcnsc ol the Photo ur. Mu'h. where he rs. l‘rrr)": daughter. l 1"“ days HH‘ h: gnh In-M their the finmc of (he \‘ In be gncn somr mini upnn by tht‘ na-rnmg rhc play n-Iurnm! Saturday A Man" of Support. Her Father You «xx-wt me to nup pOI’hMlnrurt-t huh-finitely? ”er Hun- bandeeH. I hope yuu may stand Yrom under wry gradually, airâ€"Boo» ton Tnucrlm. Nothing II denied to well directed la- bor; nothing 13 over to be 1:qu without lt.--81r 309an Reynold; With the passage of this bill Alasku should be as ussured adequate undres- sonable means 0! developing her re sources. and with the building' 0! the railroad already provided for. that territory should experience a period of unprecedented utivity Ind prox- verity. 1an adjustment of the terms and con- dition: of the lenses at the end of 20 yelr periods. as may meet mnferi-l ally changed conditions. . 1 The royalties prodded h) the bill: assure the smemment In ndequlte return on these lenses And the bill pro- l \idu {or certain renal churns bn-edl 9n the area leased which In desigâ€"l glued to insure reasonably continuous' operation of the mines. I This bill provides for the leasing of Alaska’s coal deposits in areas of sufficient size to warrant the instal- lation of large and modern equipment and the mining and marketing of the coal upon the payment of a reason~ able royalty, while at the same time smell areas may be developed and nzined without charge, {or domestic men. The leasing periods provided: {or in the bill Ire indeterminate so1 that lessees may be willing to expend the money necessary {or the thorouzh equipment of a large mine. Provision. is made in the bill, however, for such] i While the Alaskn coal output up to jthin time has been insignificant. the gamma! (onnumption in the territoxy 3“: over 100,000 tons. Most of this has been taken up there from the Van- couver Island fields. to lht‘ 1l¢-\ rhipmcm u.’ thn- Alaska «on field: m :l th(- rhipnwit «if thv pl’u(lil(‘l nf thew 112mm u'uiild .wriii tn ln- noc- t-shui') fwi' thi- suvumsful and prnfit- Znhle uiwrzition of tth- tmnspwrta- “on lines. In providin;r fur the con- iltructinn of n railroad in Alaska hy the Government. we have struck from thht Territory. the shackles which iwere surely being fastened upon it {by those who were acquiring a mo» ,nopoly of the terminal facilities and :the railroad lines. By the withdrawn] in! the unenterod coal lands of Alaska {in 190“. thotfrnud by "hH‘h many ‘sought to eVudo the laws and take to ltherfiselves that to which they had no fright. was stor"el But to continue ;that withdrawal hns l)e(“) :m not of rcruelty to the people 3" Alns‘ " and an lact 0" ianstice to o reelu‘a This bill lwill open up the e lands to a wise andl lwell regulated dew.- opment through a! leasing sy stem. There is much high grade coal ir- Allaka us well as vast beds of a low- er grnOe or lignite which is suitable for domestic use. Hunspm'tuh row-n! puma Thv MH kmmn as the Alzhkn (’unl Lmulm: H1”, “huh hu~ Ivm-I. {mor tu :‘vpmtw! h}- Ihr M-mnmh-e- on I'l."ll1 Lamvh um! 1~ mm pvmhm: in (h:- Ht-‘xw. nuuv lm und in M- n comr (hr turn} 0! an of A I huu- P‘eIuHe-J that the «run! up “1-H ‘us the nlhvr natural run-urn» of iALAskn shouM lw “pent-d tn deu’lnpr ‘mvm u! (mun These remurws m the Alasku pubLu‘ lands, un- nwnui by ‘hc [>00va of our “hulo «mudry and an- sufr from nmnopoly, “axu- or des- trummn n':1_\' while so uwm-d While {ht-er lamb should remmn m Hmvrn- hwn! much-hm, (ht-y ~huuld luv “[N‘n» ed to ”30 prnmptly. upon Mwm] torn», rwg‘nrmg mum-(hat.- zmd H-a- smmlu'e- nlml'lupnu-nf Thlh tht- M-nrr fit of rhn-up fuel “’1” uu-nm to the peuph- of Alaska um! duuMh-n uIr-n (u 01:- pvnph of wn‘ I‘m xhv' chant slilh'fi, (hr “Uh-mum! n{ I‘\H‘!y‘l\n- ngru'uL turn} inmh Iv: Almkn wa Pn- hasten- »! um! thv jmt and unq- dmvlnpuwnt of Almknh "mourn-n W1” tukc- lhv f During the half dozen years follouh in: 1900, the actions 0! veruin lnrxe ‘and very pdwerful lhtt‘n'filn in this ‘(()untr_\‘ by wth ”my finuflhl to get Etonlrnl Hf thc Immense run] deposits ‘ix: Alus‘. n, hm‘essltatcd the Wthrnw- mi of prnvlirully :11 the n-mmmng con! bearing: public land: of that terri- tory Thu hrnugh all dm-olupment of thaw Emu]; and he (“ml m them, proper 1n u'rH as Improper, tn u Hand- Mil]. This vondKiun of Unngx was of course not the end sought. Thrne nut- urnl resources should and must be de- veloped, but in surh u way in (n wru- tho host ”mire-~14 of all the penplna Believes Pun“. ol Bill Mad-in. il Poo- dblo lot-Com to Grunt Locuholdu in Coal Fit”. Would Hclp Other Pm. THOISON WOULD OPE] UP TERM)" ll ["‘hutr "10' By Chas; M. Thomoon 0' km und in M' 1| (‘onr the .\lu.~kn railroad hi” :i I.) (Rmyrww. l'rnpor rilrllHH‘.‘ nn' ¢-.~.~r:.tinl mm! u.’ Ihn- Alaska «nu! Jupnnwt Hf thv pywiuct mm 3111? l_\' Our “Want ads” bring. results SPAGHETTI Fm: Italian Rosanna! R A V10 L I Eve-h; Dinner 75: Arrange-gnu M for Haw Parties MUSIC Print. Dbl-g Roo- for 50 u 150 People SINGING Tolopbonu [Aka For.“ 617 And 139 It’s Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Real Estate, Loam and Insurance THE ERSKINE BANK 'Icclru Mud Old: . lml Ind Huh nu... “0"“: HIVIII\ “Hm-arm.“ \inl... (Knaak Bros. Prop.) Phone Deerfie|d 225-1 - D DEERFIEID GARAGE Agents Lu! leuon hrtwrcn 5,000 Ind I00“) pcoplr “mind But unfurl- uuucly lhu w-ucd mu a lull:- bu loo long. I'ur when lhn fun-ll) dud plan ”It” mdcl all the (her- I-ndl nut gum- (Zunnqurnlh they were io'rrd m rllhu pm a much hl‘hcv pncr In! sum: nlhn car or ‘0 nuhoul in (hulund Dun'l you he Imun‘ the 5.000 or Del-3mg m-u-r hclpu molten ()n (he conlnn nl hundcn. ~lm‘ cannot uu- you money ()n vhc cnmnr) H con. you mono) ll you wan! lu pl.) Ihu uummcr enjoy the "ho/r hummer Dun'l cu! your plcnurc In hull (in \our ()\¢‘fl.fld today 10,“)0 dnnppoinlcd {wonk- liu-r) d" \nununnyunl lurnly Y‘lP [our huun walled 3nd Ihe \enlcr- Remember the (hrrlum do). nn'ev come back. luv-Ir“ .h..! h...- n..- a...“ 8950 < Michigan Avenue and 11 Street, CHICAGO Vincent Quarta FURNITURE STORE Antique F traiture Res-mired and Refin'uhed right in your home Don’t Delay N. GOOD BANK yin/Jud $1075 H‘Hh r/ulnt \lmh v and gum vulm 'MICHELI'S I‘n..~ '. P‘ 70141,! l‘kll‘l‘ S"I-(,Il’l(;\ll(l\.\ “I‘U ll lut- IN n h “N.. h... \lwhll lup (.uru. n. Ind hoot LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS you order here willprovc worth the money and nusfy the most particulnr. marrow? 0! experience to know that our de licioun mcats m good. EVERY CHOICE CUT IT DOESN'T TAKE A CHEF That': win we nrr deliver?!“ (Her 5,0“) L‘lrl - month ugh! now! Hen" ttlcphunr our dtoler. Col )0ur(h¢vlnnd today Dun‘l dcllv, power, ‘pecd, beam), co-Iorl‘ Ink Ind prnclicnll) (\cry needlul convtnlcnct her Invented for In lutomohllc. The Overlund n the world} re. noun-ed economy cu ll cont; lhc Icon to purchur and IIIU the lean Io mainlunnv And n (we- you everything you null In I cut” Remember the (herlund hu lun‘ru wheel hue; the mom pnw. erful mutm, the large“ turn. the fine“ equipment, and I. the mm: lborou‘hh and mutt currluH‘ mun- uhclured car, In! the pnee. (m the mullet. not order a roast form Deerfield Illinois Huh .r-d: nmrdmm-u (jnra: \num k-m \ Amnn \\ man... u: Ilrrlvu Hutu HUI IN 11“ Pic.» Public nod pursuance of altered by (I County, lllil aux on the Frinch, old lhc estate oi outed, will c Sun or [1 Count 0! 19mm: August A. D.’ o'clock in the o! the Coun I' cam. Suite of due to the In; cub all the rfi ate, which 1 ash-Iliu- abducted uoanowdu udmtbeft titan-dial lndSuteol divide!) of Illinois. col-1 thenonhIHn‘ mhedyon‘ Avenue. 304‘ mammalian thee-thud mean-tuned Avenue. toil Sahara-l. thematic-d Lhereinof dwdde: (harem of l deceased July 8. 191* Nodoador dlufifl

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