g! TIM“. . FOR RENTâ€"A beautiful higlhduc Won Gnfl Bah-rd. Two m wdk Io Wakingâ€. Pubâ€" â€: In. and claw. Occupuscy on 0! Hon October I“. Write BLUM. 4.3. Grand Boulevard, Chm". Ii 8 m Requires much le- hbornndmeu les- ke And nlt than my other free-er. See it before you buy A free-er. uncut. ~74 nemoct wonderful of." m. By man: of its â€ï¬nishing touting It whip. nir into every patiole of the (reeling (1mm. makingice cmm mt it n mehflu in texture 3nd delimcy. It bmh :11 record- In Ipeedâ€" “The Freezer with the Aerating W†n c runnvu- sons m City of Paw Paw Why nut spend your vacalion a! [his delighllul resort? Boating, Bathing, Fishing. Tennis and DANCING. Bookie! an Imus! Lake Brownwood I nuke-Fugue“- M, mam“ M Sud Yuri. Am wwdfh. L4; .. Telephone 954 Miss Helen Mayer *Louis Kreidler Green News Co. is a marvelous dustinfl‘ cleanxn ‘pohshmg 1r uld‘ 'ith n )‘-=u just us: in the usual way" but what a (hffcrencc! ,. No dusz flying 1n the ‘ room to settle down a '21. Every speck Is taken up and ta en out-um): )uSK surred up. And. atthesame lime. _wuh no extra work. your furniture. woodw urk ï¬nd hardwood floors are cleaned and puixshed. Try a 25x: boule. You must use Nun-Finish to have real ‘dusting satisfaction'. You cannot get Nn-Finilh results without Nn-Fiui-h. Every user becomes an en- thusiast. A trial will convince you it has no equal. Ill-FINISH, i‘ REAL SATISFACHON Entered u mood-clap mun" Much 1. 1911.1: thaws! oï¬cen HM Park. which. node: thActofMuchSJS’N, Miss Alma Sahuri W Mail.“ pt Y. i Punumzn Want :1 JOBNLUDILL Itflighland PnrhhkeCumtaninois Telephone :2 :1 WM“ MWPARKPRESS Mgrign H. Craig D. C. PURDYu" SONS Inc ? â€5f“ has made wonderfully clear records for the Columbia Graphophone Company. P993] of 'm I! m- Swodinb M0 203 E. Central Ave. 2 (d) M 39 St. Johns Ave. Highland Park the Famous Baritone Inn and Cottages We are {heir Agents and can supply yuu wuh (hm:- ur an) utter Columbia kvrunis THURSDAY, JULY 30. i914 now Singing at aninia Teacher of Violin 'OWTY |$ (concur IIYAIBIIO†‘7‘ July 28th. Mr. and Mn. A. Abercromby of Chi- cago will move (into the D. P. Sheahen house on W. Central Ave. Aug. In. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welch' announce the birth of a daughter. born Tuesday, 1.4.. ml Mrs. William H. Lamboni had as her guemlutweekher butter and non. in-law. Mr. and?Mrs. Barrett Scarborough of Milwaukee, die latter formerly Miss Frances Hale. and her sister, Mn. Merry- gold of Green Like, Wis. week! trip to '11): Canadian Rockie; 6116“?»ka nn‘om points of in terest along the Paciï¬c coast Mr. and Mrs,ka Clark are expect- edtom this much fun I several Mr. and Mrs. Curtis N, Kimball and three children.- Wallace, David and Mary Kimball return Friday of this with from the east where: they have be. touring 1 New England by motor the pg month Mn. William Gallagher olLaeAnceles. formerly of Highland Pnrk. who visited rdltivei and friends here for the put meal weeks} was called home on Friday on account of the serious illness ol her daughter Pearl. who is ill with up- pendicitis. ‘ ' Miss Blanche Toland ol Logmport. lnd.. is the gueet thh week of her sister. Mia Edna Tollnd d Oakwood Ave. The Misses Toland will leave next week for their home in [0313139011. Mr. and Mn. Franklin 8. Hussey are entertaining Hr. Hussey's sister. Miss Hussey of Minneapol‘n Miss Al’ene'Nom 0! Elkhart. Ind.. is the gun: thiszneck “Miss Bertha Har- baugh. - Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Prior are recmv- in; congratulï¬tnms upon the birth of a son. bcm Jul)? 25th, In Jacksonville. Fla. Mrs. Prior tas Woicon. Miss Mercy 8. Hwker of Austin, was ‘ the week-end‘gnest of MissRuth Beardsley. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. H S Vail and Miss Cecil Vall and .\Ir.land \Irs. Earl W. Spemer and family age spending the remunnderf of the <ummer In thraim “is. uherï¬ the lamlllt‘S tyne a untage l Mr. and Mrs. George Allen Mason and} son Allen In left Wednescay fur Wau l wmet on Nantucket Island where they will spend the month of August. I i Arthur Werhoff and Irving Brand are Ispehding a; weeks‘ vacation at Lake ! Koskonong,§Wis. Colonel and Mrs. William A. Mann of New York ire spending several weeks with Mr. arfl Mrs. JamesM. Troxel on Moraine Rdi Mm Lee Maxwdl. who has been vititing at the home of her sister and brbthPrJn-law, Mr. and Mrs. Troxel. left this week for her home in New York. ‘0! L'isccm. lll. \lr andIIMrs (has. Brown of Webstcr 1 Am had is their week- -end guests thuir sun and daughter- in law Mr. and Mrs. ‘Clms. \. Brow n. Jr., of Chicago. i The \iiss'kes Mabel Berg and Noreen Brownlee went Sunday in Carv lll. Miss Adj: Allen of Terra Haute lnd. is the gutâ€"5:; of Miss Jessica Cliver. f Miss Eréma Smoot of California. is ispending tfle remainder of the summer ‘ Swith her siDter and brother in law Mr ’ :and Mrs. Shmuel S. Holmes I Mr. Sidngy Dietch is on a six weeks 5 lconcert [out with Micus Kellerman of i {the Metropolitan Opera Co. doing solo work and agcompanying Mr. Kellerman? who is bassésoloist. l MISS Rése \hrks‘ of Aurora. “1, was the “wk-end gues: of her sister. Mn Joseph (1 CBC)! wt Mchem St t‘ \Irs. T :‘Lenclnni, who has been quite ,ill fur the past #5ch is abh- tu be around gagam : \|A\. yum ncx'n m xll}l(‘ HI UC JHIUIIU ~ ,‘Ihb (It-xtrndu I’hxlhgu wt lilgm. “1., was ; the guest of her comm. Miss Hitrrlcl Mr. and Mrs. (1. Krueger mi 50. Urn-1t [J-lvunmg L151 \\'(’('k. Bay Rd:. had us their guests several days: last \\’t‘{‘k"t\1r>. Krucgrr's SXSIUFS. Mrs. .\m:! 'l‘t-nim and daughter. Mrs. Juhn hmtc' nt Q!11t:Jgn.;mdMrs..-\lfrcd[iuvstl< again. Mr and Mrs. RIChqu Huukms \ihitt-(l fur a tortmght us the gum! of Mrs Anson Murgun um! {mum at l â€kw (irmwu Miss Helen Golden of Lawton. Mich†who wasthe guest of Miss Helen Conrad Ia>t mm]; left Saturday for Minneapolis whcre she will visit relatch‘s. later visu- ng 1n Iowa before returning honm Mes>rs§ George Schmidt and Frank Krcwer bf Chxcago were the Sunday gutw‘ts of‘Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schmidt of Mt'Gm‘ern St. ‘i Mrs. E Campbell and children of Chi- cago are the guests for several weeks of 4 Mrs. Campbell's mother, Mrs Ellen Clark Eof McGovern St. Miss Helen Sullivan of E. Park Ave, WI“ have as her guest for the week-end Miss ergaret Mertha of Milwaukee, Wis. Mr and Mrs. M. C. Conrad enjoyed a motoring trip to Antioch and Woodstock, Ill. on Wednesday of last week. returning on Fridjy with Master Irving Conrad, who will spend several weeks with his grandparents. Mr. W. B. Gsell is in the Prabyterian hospital suffering with rheumatism. MiugLilllm Hallen. who was the gnu: of Mid Eva Morton last week returned to her home in Chicago on Tuesday. mfw‘rimerud of So. Pint St. [u the week-end guest of Miss Ruth Limb! 0! Chicago. - mï¬um Helen Sullivan. Bertha W1 and Bea-team!“ returned on Satin-{I1 fmm’ a two week:' stay in South “Haven and Paw Paw Lake, Mich. Imam-mum] forme Miss Mary be quite a treat. The succeeds of the social will go to help defnv the debt (I: St. lama Catholic chuteh of that city. The public is cordially invited to attend. The Pint United Evangelical K. L. C. E. have invited the Preebvten'an C. E. Society to attend en Echo meeting It the Evangelical church Sundny evening It 6:301! which time the reports 0! the Peoria State C. E. convention will he given by Miss Lida Gourley of the Pree- byterian Socilly and Miss Priscilla: Noerenberz and Arthur Mierhoff of the United Evangelical Society. All C. ER. are cordially invited. There will be special music. On Satmday evening the Italian. 0! Highwood are giving a lawn Dcial and dance on the lawn cl Mr. and Mn. V. Muzik 0‘ N. Pint St. One of the feature. of the m will be dances in costume bv Domed the [Him with will indeed; ; Mrs. Herald Vlm Srhaxk In†have Friday In Vim: rclanvrs in Northbamhna yto be away until October. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Crume of So Greén Bay R 1., an: recflvin; congrmu‘ations on the arrival of a 10 pound boy. b0'n Su1- day, July 25m. 651311 muml ()ur locak florist, Mr. Fntz Bahr was one of the Judge-s at the flower show held tast week at Lake Forest at the Durand Art Institute under the auspwt‘s of the HorticulttualSocnety and Garden Club of Ilhnms. Miss Syhra Gustawa of Maywood. [IL is spending several weeks visiting her relatives, Mrs. S. A: St. Peter and Mrs. J. L. L'deIL Mrs‘ Habey B. G White I) entertain: ins: her aunt, Mrs. Douglas (hhsnn of S’. [mum and hrr niece. Miss Ruth Gibson Culondand Mrs. R 3'. Gerry 0! For! Sheridan have been stamens-d In Denver for :1 mm. They cxpen In Ieavev (he lalrcr part or this wm‘ Miss Louise Denis of New Orleans is the gx exx at the home of her In: nd Miss Rhoda ubï¬â€˜m In Ravlma. Mrs. Wm, Lovell returned last Thum- day from the hospnal and I: now at her home on Prospect Ave. greatly beneï¬ted by her late operation. Mrs. Henry Boyd anompumcd by her mather. Mrs‘ Jacoby and her two Chil~ dren have taken a cottage at Ocean City. N. }.. where they Wlll remain until September 15m. Mrs. H. P. Dqusun and Mass Alice Davidson returned last 'I‘lzurbday (mm a weeks' v15)! at Lake (mnma Mr. and Mrs, C F Mdthcr turtaincd lhmr ummn», Mrs‘ and family of Womhtnck, “1 week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Svlicry .mnoum‘u thv birlh U! a (Luhflih-r. bum Thursday, July 23rd. ' 3X! Fn-drrh the Lhuglg u \) Julv LTIh hum pnnzvsxm L‘z-x In Europa MI and Mrs. RIChqu Huukms \ihi-u-(l fur a tormxght us the gum! of Mrs Anson Murgun um! {mum LI: luk:'(}t‘11e‘\.‘l Miss Mildrcd Thaycr had a: hcr guest a few days of this wcek Miss Margaret Szmih or [)rs Mumâ€, lawn. who was Miss 'I‘hilyrrk‘«Inasmnu- .1! {hr HIHBIdL‘ school In \Vlsrunsm, (m Fnday both young lzuhcs ml] lvuu- tnr Shvll Lake, “'15.“thlhvywxll bv vnh-rtmm‘d at a hUU.\\' part3: Mm: Snmh \HH return mth Ml» Thuyx-r and ml] by hc'r gum! tar smcml \n-vkx‘ hvruro rvturnmg 10 hr! homo. Miss Marie Wilson n.’ Washington, D, C., has returned to FL Sheridan “here she formerly lived, Mrs. J. S. Retug and Mrs. Jas. Rainy of Highwood, who haw been vmting .m Pittsburg, ’21., for >ewral “eeks have re turned. Mrs. Thomas 5. Patrick was tafen to the Presbyterian hospital on Monday where she was operated upon for 'ap- pendicnis. Mrs‘ Patrick IS dumg as nice Iy as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ware will move on Friday from W. Laurel Av.e to Win- netka III Mr. and Mn Francis North, who have been spending the summer in one o! the cottages at Deer Lick Farm Inn. are planning to move into their new home in Winnetka about Aug. lst. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Freberg and ‘Mrs. A. Knudsen spent a few days of. this week motoring through Wisconsin. I The Libertyville, Wnukcgan. Wmmd: and Highland Park Chapters 0! Eastern Star are enjoying a picnic today It Area. lll. Special cars left this morning at ten 0 'cl.ock The members of the chdlah Lytheran church announce. an ice cream atrial for Saturday evening. Aug. 1-: at Lak‘a Prom Park. The public la cordially invhad. THE mam muggknnssmcmm PARK. ILLINOIS 'n ,-\ SILKK (’nrnllnml (ll nphuny ()nhvsna. sailed \‘mx Yurk m: (M Kron- ‘lr Eur ‘1 tun :rmnrl‘s' \‘iMI Hoto' l. 1» Beck tho past Smxth en xm‘ morning It ten o'clock, Rev Met woï¬dadng Interment '- huoï¬ncrumy cemetery. Shela-mm «trinket-haw“ mam Mrs. A. w. Mom nee Catherine ! Dormady. 0! W. Vine Ave.. died on Sun-J, day evening, Julv 26th. at 7 o'clock“: the; Ramood holniul, after an illne-u of, two run of moor. She was born in ’ Sc. Loni. in 1377, India; her thirty-cent: ' yn'n dd. Funenl Icrvioa m held at mm: of her mother, Mn undue-v; y. 4533 Humane Aye" QNcgo. I “‘“J... _â€"â€"l~ , .E- J. EVIM with a score of 70. waa the]1 winner of the special my in the 18W bile medal play handicap on Ian Satin-J day afternoon. July 25th This Saturdayf there will be a mixed We in the; morning. Mn Guy V. Dickmaoo in j chame. Thin will be followed by an 18- i bolemedalplay handicap witheapecial! (replay. In the “term: will be the 18- 1 hole again» Bossy. Thi- vill be a match play i handicap diflercnce counting with a glacial trophy for low Meadamea Richmond Dean and erbell were in I charge 0! the cla- handieap Wedneaday l the 29th. Neat Wedneaday will be the. Woman’l Western Golf Anocialion and [neat day in cha of Mn. W. A. Alex-f under and Mia l Deming. Thial la to be an allday flair. 3 (The Geschdlachaft Erholuna Club 0! Edlicaao with about one hunched Mm Mud luncheon here and then rep-bred lo film/min Park for the concert on July 15m [he ope-rd mnflm Ma) mg a! the Hall "tl‘us week Mr. Lnulht‘ Le Baum, Null" 1thally, and Allrrd Kaufman ut New York. N. Y. Cordelia Latham, Hit» ncapohs, M1nn.. Lena Mason 0! England; ‘lvy Sam. C. Nuns“. and Jose! Patri- jnaclgot Australia L Sanmlofl 01 New j York Cuy. N Y, 5 “Last Saturday's dance was very well at- ; tended and everyone had an cmllcul gllme. Ted Shawn and Hilda Beyer will†EMI. K Roth acco-Ipunymg on lhrpunql gave an vxhibmon ol the Maxis», Fur- Im ï¬nd Tango. which way enjogtd very much They I?“ [or New York on Mon- day where they will rest up before sun- ilgon a tour through the Unwed Sula,- Aiuurnlla and South Amrma. E J “cmgandH. Moran of Cedar Rapids, Ia and Mrs E l) Morrison 0! Washing ton IA T he uemk rnd guests arr Mr. Frc‘dA Krllugg and Hrlen and Esther Kellogg of Milwaukee, Wls, Arthur Hershxd. Spranxruâ€"LI Il'. Dr and Mrs. Cook: Adams. Lnl Mr Hui I'r‘IIlPI‘ Chi cagu. I». E Almond. Lam (L um... Wu; Baron and Balm-r3; Rawâ€. Lingo; Henry] Bourgtuos. (Mum, 5'ch Wm. M Mann-hm, Elmira. N Y. I: II Page'- burx, I’nlon. IH H. Fclber, Sr. Chicagu. Misses Elizabeth and Hckn Hunt and Anna C. Shea of Auahn. Mrs. A. Kumbalek and two chug!!- lers, Julia and Rose, or Two Rn'cra, Wit; F‘ Hull and hum!) u! S! Lou’s, Mo. Mrs. B, Kipling and Iamxly of Kansas City, Mu. H 5‘ Camp of L‘hu‘ago. Mrs: ‘Jnu L l’uu-rbough and tamxly 01 Dallas, Texas; Muss Mary Caliper. Dallas. Texas; Tin-pcrmzmem gucsls are, 51l\\ L W. Rubmwn ult‘hvcauu, Mr: Wm Hardy and sons, of Rln-r Forest; l'aul Russell 0! Oak link, Mn F M. Mul‘muan and daughn-rmtf Springbold, lH. Mn E 1’. Hall and LHmI) wt 5’ 1.4mm, Mu. Mn L, :pH (in |H| M! In: Nvlsv‘ id.m Wyn that “12}; h|~ {armly Mr Rqu‘rt W agvr 1»! [hr Ln My W 'I’ J"<-nmn, \‘u‘r l‘n-mdt-m 0! HIV \V‘allundl [Link Hi Ihc Rt-puhlu, Chi‘ mg“, mm Mrs, H‘nmn an- gucst.‘ of the Mumlm' Mrs Sage-r, who was more seriously in- )nred. is at the Lake Forest Hospital, Hm father and mother are With her and hm hm hmllwrs and 313‘th are- at the Mommy \shrnu- HH')‘ nail her daily. â€or brnrhcr. Mr (‘mnrgr Miller, :5 2m uld gin-st hero anq wax dreadiufly shock-d uhvn [hr Il('\\\ mt {hr arudrm was Punk (‘11 In huh I} hruxsed Sldt‘ she was not seriously in- }ured. Miss. Barler Is wry popular in my hnuse and With the other young peo- plt- hvre emu-rs into all of the hotel act- isiucs with much spirit and she receives grmt sympathy {mm a great many friends. UH?‘ Ht‘ll Miss Alice Barler. who was injured in the accident at Ravinia Crossmg on Mona day evening, is doing nicely and she is expected to be out of her room in a few niuri- days. Beyond a slight scalp wound and a cut across the forehead. necessit- ating 3 km stitches, tngeiher with a bad- l‘m-u- vul‘. 1w I?“ Mr. and Mn C. A. Heating 0! Tare flute and Mn. Pink 0! Indianapolis, Ind. viuited Rev. Van Eve}. and lamily Wednesday. The video“ Ire on a two months trip throuch the northweu, stopping in Yellowstone Park and coin to Spokane. Wuh. While unloading cw from out ï¬n Rncinc Tueodav evening 'Mr. Elmo: Bur- ril received I fractured Inn by ï¬lling from the car. WWMywtm 111 week with his mm, David Homberger o! W Exmoor Club ,(‘l‘k\ .xgn nu 1n-ruhhnn! x has {cunt rm Highland Hall Moraine Hotel 115.1quny mg?†Inglwld, Hi, (If 5' Lotus, .\ Yul) u! 51 I, m Mnrnswlrcs {rum Sher- he ml] rmurn In Hm hutrl nn Mundm m .x! Larkr, the populu Man J30, “hm mu 1111mm} M‘V the lH mm; Q anlrrnm H05 n nwumm! his \(' r IIU‘Co-Inlhu. SAVE MONEY by contracting for your heating work now. For several years boilers and radiators have dropped 10 per cent in late winter advancing again. 5 per cent in July and 5 per cent in September. Youmsave about loneroentbywntradiugatom. 10;"wa three months isbqintenst. WU“ A wagon will call for and deliver your garment: v" -‘ â€"‘ v- - vv """‘ (um Why not have your clothing renovated heré this week and give mar work a fair trial? Our CLEANING AND DYEING of ladies’ and gcnt's Harmema oriental rugs. carpets. portien. dnpm'm.‘ piano covers. lace curtains. ctc.. cannot be duplicated by any local cleaner. as we have the LARGEST and most SANITARY plant in the Weep 1 quart cans 2 quart cans 1 gallon cans Highland Park, Illinois amun l. moot. he“ M] an, he. he“ I. 1mm Making a specialty of loans on improved real estate in the North Shore territory including Rogers Park, Evanston. Wil- mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland Park and Lake Forest. Security under mortgages in this territory is continually enhancing while the rate of‘interest is attractive, Are the Worms at Y0ur Flowers INCORPORATED 214 EASHIENTRAL AVENUE quhuflitflndl’uiZGS Dyers ‘ and Cleaners North Shore Trust Company San ltary Vapor North Shore Trust Company T. HDecket Greatest thing of the age YOUR APPEARANCE â€Met d: Company "dishâ€"alluvial. MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 2128-2138 [hool- Avonu, CHICAGO MORTGAGE BANKERS . Capital $100,000 Organized under the Banking Lqm of the State of Illinois SOLE AGENTS Atomizer Free Use depends to a great ex- tent upon me acumen of your apparel. If you wuh lo inaure an air-ya atV tractive nppeannce have your clothe- Iem tout for MN! Mn. John Br teen 111 for the around gun. It. and Mn. ï¬eld Avc. had! we: Sunday. -Ch ï¬r Mn Albert “flung her :1 men? ween Mia Sadie I m: of her pl move tron. [ht Ave unto mmr Aug Isl can that Tel 111E.