Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 6 Aug 1914, p. 8

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.\t tv-n ‘-'t"l"' Hf {1:0 th of hf» L 4‘ ‘_ ’ you“. V nun-hm] thn- :lgc- at I“ ent sue muvh imprm‘mL :Hnl Ml) exlw'taflvn of 42.21! mm. .\[ thv gun nf m tin-mum has imprmul n st“! :mziv thirty nine _\\':| PM the nurnm! nun I-r you“ at ::_"- 131» mu m 'n 15 ~i\!_\' fivu )0 IN _\1n‘l' Lix 1mm \mrd' “'Hh MI!‘ 1‘ l'Hlyquw; l: Hrv nun Hf ' V '1‘! 1'. so that n: §t*\'t’lH_\‘ )‘v‘IJN r k M49? pan. ()1: rum: Iv [IHSHt‘d Nu- vixhtiv'h 3‘: n fi'\;-e~4‘1:ll HM Hf :Hu.x:r Y 11v HM- i~‘ :l’w'fl! L‘f’y-Iiflh l1 Yuri OM May Couni Upon Living at Any Givon Ago. No statistiwu have been (-ulculnte‘d mm greater mre than the tables which give the exact exlmvmtinn of life for men and “mnen at various ages. These mnrtuliry rubles 1m.- utflcinlly ac- cepted by the \‘urluus status in the L'uited Stakes. and {rum them the life Insurance mmpzmies umumn- their mum Hf lnsunuu'v. 'l‘lu'y :m- us n“â€" cunm- as tho must run-full) :nt‘n-rul figures run make them. lemuzv Republican Primaries County Clerk Subject to the decision of the Carl P. Westerfield EXPECTATION OF LIFE. Daily’s Readye-to-Wear Second Door West 6f Theatre Phone 1072 HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. IN‘:I\'I iy-ilpr-‘l wl him (lu\\'l\ it‘ll ‘Hl Sept, 9, 1914 Maintaimd by First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Highland Park Of Great Pride hm! ‘mr.: (pus:- ‘_’ you“. \Hn-n xzc- nf (“e-My the Candid“. for You are Cordially Invited to make use of the pfivfleges of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 119 East Central Avenue Hours 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. Every day except Sunday : tum-d :md [mul- 41w! km-{n-r mm] r- >3k‘lxl. Thv my upuu the rr-llvm'. and fe-tvlwd him hmel that his skuil 'l)~:il :Hnl them- Is still ‘_‘.‘_’l| yours before- r tn‘vmyrfin- the M] :nul Illvt'v are _\\':|1’\ uhvuzl tllo- (‘Vlw'mtiun t) rliw Hill] 1”: tin if! 11‘ hzunvs Is still I] H r'ni ll'u >l‘l Special at Corset Covers and Bassieres House Dresses “2;“ Lawn, Percale and Gingham, all culors, Hice]. . .. . . .. 1 Lot, of Percale Aprons Mm in :T “l‘rzai‘a down on. on" 1 Lot Soiled Shirt Waists ‘iis. \{1‘1 said an ‘nnd 1 will. but “asu't it inlzuwyypus In me. now?"â€" ~1;11( M w i 1 \\' The niltumohlie. motorboat. wireless telegraphic apparatus. Christmas tru- festouns. electric tuys umi trnins. eler trio engines. Iocni bell. teleptmne umi unnnm-iutor systems. mininture light» ing equipments. lnvdlrul batteries and vibrators. electric alarm clocks. bur ginr alarms. :iutnmntic dmr upenvrfi. sate trucking devices and intvruul um- ("him-s in their many forms. devices for setting of! dyuumite explosions in enumtluns. the unions testing «mt (it)! and: c-lH‘trlv clock fleerce. to any nothing o! [In- divers ways that It iw nsmi 1n wicntitiv t-xperinu-nts. ure :1 fvw ut iln- must uininus of Its nppil mtimw. ‘ In in munnrm'turv [tn-re nre about us nmnx prm-t-ssos us are nan-usury in tile nmitin: u! u tunusten lnmu nnd tin- :nnuhine-ry pun-Ms timt nmkos ll nlui rmmmnmis tiw inzn-(iiontx til"! 2-; intuit is wnmtm't’nlq' inn-renting Sn mun"! is the formula plum-d intn Bill’ii ~hell tin-t whvn oomph-[mi u but tvry “vii ln'flhh‘r up to n unltnrtn um i't'l‘zlxr ' l‘ln- nixnvst Known lllII|n‘l‘:l;:n' in tin- ninnutm'lnn- u! M dry wall is twm-ty in 'l‘in- r! I?! origin at the dry buttery is nun-{Izmir many inn-ntnr" inning clnimmiglln‘ liunnr ‘.\t'\\' \nrk World Nut: as Food. A Judioluns use ur nnh‘ Inns Myra-<1 cased (if ixnllxt-stiun hy n-Iio-ying tho ('0flstlpdflun \Vh'l'h was [hr mlhv. 2m zils and pine km‘m-Is [nlrtitllhifly :Il'I' rich In nntuml nil \\ hh-h gin-s wzlrlmh. km-[m um dim-«he system rlonr :uM doc-s nmvh lmvnnl nmkin: tlu- >kln (-lem‘ und healthy. Weight fur “Huh! nuts cumuln :u'tuully fur nn-ru [mm-id thun hreull. 'l'lu-y are u sure fund {nr all who have u tvmlvm-y tnwnrll :Iny furm ur rheunmtlunL uml (In-y nrv ulm beneficial In rum-s of uu-ntzll strain und :enerul "Horn-s." m Man: Us“ and the Numoroun Proc. . can In It: Making. 'l‘lmt 'culumuu little object. the dry cell. lung played nu lulportnut part In the ndvlinwmeut of scientific resexlrch. ’l‘ln-ro lire (cw :lrtlvlcs nmnufuvtured that are) ”M in so many Wuys us the dry buttery. 3'0! It Is by no mmns u M‘eut tflm'ul'ery. ' The surviving Room-rs mule. sooth-d the costly creature with n qunrtcr ur fn‘sh beef nnd II:I~m'l_\' rvmuvcd tlw body nfltln-ir t'nlllrililt‘ from tlw wuztu New York Post. ”Ina: means the end or you. your majesty." snlggvn-d the juoknl In (hr next @789. that 1 cost $5,010” “It Qould. old night pmwlvr, If I were a; men- mun." replied m.- lion. licking n bloody paw, “but you {urgot r and $1 01) Specml. .. WaMbd n Liule Pransé Himselr. <‘u11m€in::1 |li<zf<lxmxxs fire in :1 “1-st- 1 vim. many mm: and \\'n[Ll\‘l| gath- -xl In E: uk nt thn- mim. Sumo or we 11, what: Hm! .I ugxil l;t"r whir'h -y “vi.- xztxxmin: \\::< taming, made str {HQm-t nut Hf [ho \\'.|_\' and nur- (l “vi.- xztxxmin: \\::< taming, made . “Em-t nut Hf [ho \\'.|_\' and nur- \' yé-ry ml lu‘hu: rl'th‘llud. nnj. “Indium. n max] lri~h (-m- nma near tlu- wall that 119 vuuLl ‘-‘":‘t‘" with the "the”. So. Whirl- Llwmt. he made fur :\ ‘luur in “I" hum Hmmgh it and mum» nm on 121.51 51110 sat» and evidently wry I alflhi‘ exploit. Women whu 11ml 12;~-fi‘-«~j.'v:« 1m“. shrlvked when they lxis‘vhnunr now gutln‘rt‘d round ‘u :Tmt jny and crh-d um: 'uisa‘ heaven. Johnny Brnhison. \ on. yL-ur knees and thank hvuv- ‘5 U1) to 53W) THE DRY BATTERY. 98c 59c 98c 19c all pomt~ excrp' 1mm} 11 mh, 213 b. m. (or all pmms south, and Highwood; 3:01 p. m. fur all points north except High- wood; 543 p. m. for a“ points; 6.30 p. m {or all pomts. Sunday; 5.16 p. m. for all point; d LOST On Sunday a ring set wnh opal and {our small diamonds, one of whlch Is mlssmg. Finder please return to Pleas office and rvcclve reward. 23 LUST Small pocket book containing we-ddmg In“; lxnl Hunk ch'fl‘k‘ Please rc- po t In ;‘Hl:"r‘ unrl rrward mll be given. Lm'r A very fine gold chain with locket shape of heart With 3 small pearls and a little red stone in center, on July 26m. between St. Juhns Ave. and public school. Finder please return to William Arnswald. 333 W. Laurel Ave. 23pd WANTED Ironing and sewing on Thurs day. Friday or Saturday. Call 7321.. 23pd Posmon WANTED ~ As cook and second maid, Chicago references. 332 [.1qu1 Ave. Tel. 602. 73 Stenographer dCSH'PS position in or om of ”lghldnd Park. Address Stenographer, 115 W, Deerfield Ave, City. 23 pd Tutoring mathematics. Telephone 761L 0‘ (E. Taylor of Deerfield-Shields High «McLZLEEUnHalAvc. BH (1 MISCELLANEOUS. , To ALL LADIES v Teaching in knitting crochetmg, stitching, sewmg and all kind: of hand work. Lessons during the dav or evening. Reasonable prices Address Mn. Klelan. 222 E. V'Ine Ave Tel, 398. 21-23 FOR RENT~6rroum flat. all modern im movements. Alxred Hill. 53 Green Bay Rd‘ 8 13 If FOR RENT FUR RENTâ€"Steam healed apartment, 6 rooms and bath; two extra ruoml if dc- slred. 47 St. Johns Ava, phones 49 and 199, F. P. Hawkins. 8;! H FOR RENTâ€"Store at 2(r8 E. Central Ave lnquue Subeys market, 210 E. Cen- tral Ave. 84 t! FOR SALEâ€"Shonmger pianos and M, Schulz Cu. pianos, also player piano in both makes. Will rent or sell on‘ easy paxmentsv Send )nur tuning nrder here Aldvns' Plano Shop. 313 Sn (Lencsec SL. Wnukegan, lll. l'hnnr 3 '3‘ B81! FUR SALEâ€"AI a hargmn pm‘e. my nrw mndern 8-mnm huuw on (in-en Bay Rd. and Chlwagu Ave. extra easy terms; sumo: other hnuscs. Address Joscph Delhaylfi Tel. 333. B 1611 65m FUR SALEâ€"New S-room bungalow at No. 25 ()nwentsia Ave. Modern plumbing. furnace heat, large cement balement; best location in Exmoor addition. Price $3050; terms $500; cash balance. easy payments. 0. A‘ Lewis Co‘, Room 218 Reaper Block or 3156 Mxlwaukce Ave., Chicago. 23 24 pd Fox SALES-*Choice 50-h. lots in our hcw subdwision along Waukegan Ava,‘ north of Vine Ave. Price $300 ,and upwards; terms $50 or more; cash balance, Easy payments. 0. A. Lewis 8: Co, Room 2!!! Reaper Block. Clark and Washington 5:3. or 2156 Milwaukee Ava. Chicago. B H t! PHARMACIST 7633 FUR SALE A- Heal lots fur a home. at prn‘c asked. in Highland Park, east of the railroad. cunvemcnl [0 schools. Moraine.- hmcl, gull dub. and railway stations, ;l| improvements m, For particulars address Palmvr A Montgonwry, Chesanmg. Mich, 23 24 FUR SxLE- New Indian canoe. mil sell for onr half cost price If taken at ohce. Ernest Gibbs, Highwood. III. 23 pd FOR SALE [)xning and bed rogm sets and household furnishings; practically new Address 135 So. Serond SL Tel. 680. ' 23.24 FOR SALE Angom cats and Mitch: 2 healthy kIIS with heavy coats. all colom' also maIes for service‘ Cats boarded; Maltby, I494 Lunt Ave. Tel. Rogers Parki â€"E.\IPL()\’ME.\‘T AIZENCY~ Women de- siring work shuuid reglsler, with me. 1! Wu need htlp address Mrs. (Leo. Smith Jr.. m er Schux.r:1(hc1 5 drug store. Tel. :0. 86 If PHONE 23 5 lines or less, 1 insertion. 25¢. each.“- ditionll line 5c. ' Blind ads, where replies are ordered sent to this office, double rates. Advertisements will not be received (or publication in the current issue after 5 p. m. Wednesday. Uconud Emphynonl Mm! “'ANTEDâ€"-A" kinds of female help:- American and foreign. Wages 37 to $10 a week. Also first class help Jumgghed Snrrs‘hiéh riéiice. Apply 124 50 F in! Srcel Ana. telephone 263. Mrs. J‘ M. Donsing. BS t! WWI THE HIM-HAND IMPRESSWHLAND PARKIIJJNOIS Highland Park Mail Service ‘ cimsc as lflHows. z m Inr all pumts north; (4:48 a. n2] p-nms cxn‘pt local north; 11.49 .x' 2m puznrs :wnh, 1.’ (13 p. m'. to! SITUATION WANTED FOR SALE LOST Sells Photo 2324 pd (lrn-nnmhnm ;. 0! Hum l-Hl ‘n‘ H potter. Menumuul Thy hm xum-uduvngml run! 11‘. mm (mnznr) \\:|~ u-ndru-lwl In IT‘V; [-1-- (Wt-vn K'hHmh-Huhm llhl I,:Inv:|~t«-r In 1311 Hn'rv \H'l‘l‘ suit! In 'm- 4.34“ INHQ'H (u’ thul‘lvn-(l turxwik:~~ in .\:-w ling- lund uni] MW \‘uxl; Imrin: Hn- m-n tut-my yvzlru (h.- gmvrnun-m uuwml- ed umny millwm w! nlullu'x m m!» slruvdn: :I'wll l:1:f:\\.|)'.i. M2! m.- [mn- 1c of 1%? and the hnlMin: of run ways :Hul r2um|~ [ml nu mu] [m that brnuvh n! th.- guwruuu-nt “ark.â€" \\'nshlhuh-u Slur. BUI" In 1711, Ii Wu (he F1"! Grofl Amorucan Highway. Swim-thin: mvr 'JII .n-nr: :lxn Hu-re wus hum lln- nm urn-u! Ann‘ncun rhighuzu, "tho olnl \urk rmnl.‘ be- twwn Nun York nnul l‘hHmh-Iplnu Tin- runslx'uwliun (If this “numb mud in 1711 \\.'I\ :III («amph- Hut Iml the «Menu-[iv mnlumxh’ .!I Min-r [WHIL‘ nlun: tln- All:er \I'.|IND111'I1 1.. nmku sllmlJr 1th‘ \xln In» tin-1v urn. xm “:L lvr l‘”ll(\',~ 1‘14 Hu- “but [-uu v1...“- rumh th- hum V») dumb-rm] mung-:1- nh-x' nn-l \n-rn “‘1le mrnmkm ur In“ run-h l'vn:|~'_\|\.mit (‘umw-In HI and .\'4-\\‘ Jv'l‘M) hm] Inn: rn.|‘l~ .‘r Hm» kiwi plain. In that reuwtn- :md 'durk :Iu-nu‘ porlml of my life berm» l Inn-u .\uu they nth-rod u [Irtm- :It Hu- mmuul fair fur the boat tnutn'hc-d [ullr uf ”unrul- turul twat-s. Thon- wvrv sum» lN'nlL Hos hruunht in. so {hut t‘\t'l'}lnhd)' taught-d when old Jm' th'hlsun unm- drh'tng “long It gn'ut. humlmuw, Maw minim: hnm- lulrnvnsul with u “try, scrawny Httle baht thnt tvmlt two stem to the Mg: ft-lluw's one ""I‘hnt‘n u timely hum-hm] pntr!’ souwlmdy shouted. “'Su they ln-Y‘ “mm-d .Im- lumpin- Nutty. "Sn tho-y Inc: The her-t mutrlwd pair in the t-uuntyf Unv's “'1!th tn (10 all the work nn' t'utht-r's u'tllin he should" "~ Exvlmngu THEY WERE WELL MATCHED. cumous CLIFF Houses. THE OLD YORK ROAD. 1w :«r’m- [-9'}'«lllnl tm‘ mulrm Il~xunv1ml N In hm u" How often huvmyou (‘OHIUH‘IN‘ed your laundry Woik bright and early and had the “job” held up and dragged through the entire day, all because your hot water supply was limited 2 Now suppose the opposite extreme prevailed”unlimited hot water as easily obtained as your cold water supply. Wonderful! 3ou will sny~yet an ideal condition enjoyed daily in over 100,000 American Homes. You simply connect the RCI'D AI'TOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER to the piping already in use and Tl'ltX Tlll‘l FAIY‘ET. That's all there is to it. The Ruud is in the hust'mentrâ€" out of sight-out of mind. It gives you no trouble and is always ready to plentifully suphly the laundry without inter- rupting.r the other demands of the household. Let us tell you how muth it “ill (ost to lune this perfect hot mm r se'drxiu in _\our home. The ltuud is (lispltnt‘d ut the Gas Office or a postal will bring \ou complete descriptive literature. 1 J1I.\lHl’/_ml run! 11‘. wk 1:~Iru-lwl In 17"; [-1-- hm llhl I,:Inv:|~t«-r In min! In 'm- 4.7M: lull.- I‘Hl'ilxl‘~ in .\:-w Hm:- ml; lmrin: Hn' m-x! u ;Ir\vrlllm'lul uuwml- m w! nlullu'x m m!» Free Yourself from lVeedless Laundry Drudgery Install a RUUD IIL'I’u-vd Juv lumpin- ‘I The her-I mult‘hed wa's \leth In (10 {mm-r1! lein he nu nI-ou! .\lur \lrn l‘.lm:1ll, liuunw} I! 1.1 tlvlll. llllll Mrs. Hulk VIM] in North Shore? Gas Co. “Harden-“Til. :Irr (‘nll'nws‘r \‘oh'v Hum M». ~11: I'm nu mmh ru-r Huffnlu Express ,\'u nmn who will not make an «Hort {or Mmoeu‘ need apply for aid to m- fm-Mm-Demoubenu. lhlmny How. :- tulle out w! (‘llfi |u||u«r. tn Hutu canyon. (+ntutns ttlmul tn'o-ntj hu- ruoum. smm- it! “Im h llrl' In :IIIIHI‘l pvrfn't I-oudlfloh. ‘l‘unm-I House. about two (mm mutt of Mir". 9 Two Hours». o‘tmtlns utmut tn rm) looting and In» kh‘ns. wanna-ted m an q-lnhornta system (If undergrnund |-~~~.-::»-~. nmt n burtnl ground 0! mm r-qunn- tw-t In va-h of "gate \ Ham's \\ HI: :llt] IMF“ IIiI'TI u TU“ P1 \\ h ul! vluhurnh‘ grnu-m nr- hm“. ”Hun, in sun mwwx Walls 2.3 {wt thh'k hH-IILI‘ “‘1'! high. '\\:It(-hlmu-n~ fn-t high "III‘ihlorkhnuw 11 “Ill; sum“ louphoh-s for .r. DDOI‘E has Telephone; 194 A Modern Pmrrfit. («in Know. I! pal only ‘ .1] yuu: \\'h.-n [Ema-t ‘\ HHJIIHIfl m_\ lh-u t “Mug .\':lHlm:I_" can-Mn: gm.- 1» lug-4MP lHnln-r md Hn Kept In (he Dar'k XH Supt mm s IQTHI Confluclmg‘ / .- 1.,«Hvl' ".'l . I(’\Pl‘l|\Hl'... vhnlm much l‘lu- 7m Hm! Mu 1mmn‘t slim [In \uu' “NH“: to ”M- l’llngwu) - In the «lurk :h m2. only kno-w Jl'flL'H.‘ \uy. ilh lwliut the support Lt "\‘('l}(ll.(‘ a1 ('ounty whu wanls hulu-M and :flu adminlslmtmn of the [LA/EM hummus I! choocn' ho represent the Republic-n Pmy (or the nficr 01 County Treasum, and i! clecled, 1 WI“ ad‘rpt, u renumcra- non for my whole “me and the best bu)- men administratnc 31:11:!) I posits, (h. salary allowed by the Loumy Board of Supervisors as in” pay, I Will turn Into the County Tr‘easury, as earnings n! the office, every penny received from mtrxest on pubhc monies. lnhefllanct lax rm nr any other source. I bc-heve Ur 531. 'y allowed by the “ward l5 .anlr (an pumi- Mon and am wxlhng u- ync {hr vmrk :‘ }' best anemmn vmham; t'mughz n! :z)‘ perqunsne FOR RENT 3 Choice Office HIS PALTFORI in the “'11 LIAM A kth Numb” 2‘ DEERFIE Will TO HOLD NV“ "13‘ duh (Umbfl htw “1 can ofl 1» mm crlrhmu DI obN 'H‘t lh: August hlh, Una » :'\ do: pupmnhun,( ‘11; r..n( no new,“ 'wrl)’ fl x' um-mlr I s\ .Sll‘lh lhrc will hmr. Mn P mun w ‘ Lawn :nd Xl-n Inf! hr avmngd ”Vt humd a dutanrr I8 I largr x rowd hclp Decrfll the hull driver. I can-mt o! “It“ lhl u fie ' While (1 medium, not take the Pun hid alrel quatwn the care“ run tur d have occl m draw! mung null are being Iy along I vacate in would be non a: la (u 0mm of 1m Svulem, This M-rh ind \A MCI :prr H‘i

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