THEHIGHIANDPARKPRESS Pususflnn Wmv av It Highland Park. Lake Telephone :: .. H3 wmslflnhi m MIKJL: mm Pm. Much. the Act 0! Much 3.1819. .____..___â€"â€"~ REAL SATISFACl'l0N You must use Nn-rim-n l0 7‘ have real ‘dusung satisfao:tion'.‘aIr You cannot get Nun-Finish results Without Nu-Fiui-h. Every user becomes an en- thusmst‘ A Ina] ml) convznce you x: has no equal. Ill-PINS", “\nmw manta and panama T51251- boule. BUS ' City of Paw Paw Louis Kreidler THURSDAY. AUGUST ,li 1934‘ Green News Co. 39 St. Jéhm Ave. Highland Park Telephone 954 The mnst wondrrï¬x] 0an fromcn‘. By means uf its mfmushing m-m? ng iptmns it whip. in into evrry parhcle of the framing cream. making ire cn-am mat is a rm‘vlntinn in texture and delicacy. It brmks all records in speedâ€"- unke- periect Ice m In 3 lamina. D. G PURDY.’ 8_ON5 In n a P_URDXf_§9N5 ~° Mid Lake Brown’wood W'hy not spend yr ur vacation at thxs deliqmiul resurt? Boaxxng, Bmhmg, Fishing. Tennis and DANCING. FOR RENT has made wonderfully clear records for the Columbia Graphophone Company. qu 111m 111111'113melaborandmezllcs - 1 1d sn‘t 1.1111 any other (recur. Nu- it hefm-e you buy a freuer. “noun. .1. Erskine Bank Building the Famous Baritone Marian H. Craig IS a marvelnua. . cleanin -poh> 1,; 11- quud. \ 'uh I! yu )usz dust in the Lab.†wav-v but what n cmermtre', No dust flung m the mum to suzle down a ain. V Everv ~pcck h tam .. up and la rn out ~nut yusx slurred up. And a! the same time. wnh no cc "1 wnrk your furniture. woodwrv'k d thgiV‘I‘lxydl floors are \\ H now Snnginl n aninin We are [hcxr Agents and can supply you with those ~..4. u,,., ,. or any othc} Culumbla Retords. Choice Office ‘owlm IS mom“ _.M IS m“ Inn and Cottages Tau-J)" of Violin» .74 NI-Fini-h :9 Helen Mayer '(‘I in the on r4 qm's! (e County. Illinois Highland Park 562 mul‘ 11- Ms! av-v ure', the , wq again. Everv Michigan Min Sylvia Christopher of Chicago. was the guedt last week of her aunt. Mrs. L Cnmer end family. Mr. and Mn. G. Redine and children 0! Deerï¬eld Ave. are warding this week on their farm at Lake Geneva. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Conrad end family of McGovern St. had In their guests last week Mrs. M. H. Conrad and children of Woodstock, -Ill.. Miss Helen Golden of Lawton, Mich. Miss Minnie Young of Minneapolis, Minn., the Misses Lillian Petersen and Marjorie Baillee of Evans- ton. Mrs. Henry Niemeyer and daughter. Miss Grace: Mrs. Joseph Shebrei and Mrs. Gassar-of Chicago. Chester Williams in company With a boy friend returned last meek from a fortnight' smotortriptoCharlevuix Mich ‘ Mrs. W. T. Underwood is spending ! this week with her mother, Mrs. W. M. lLOVell. Mrs Underwood will live this Iyear in Ann Arbor Mith. where her son Lmell will enter the state college there as a freshman and her younger son Tum ‘\\l l ententhe high school in that CitV. Mr. Wm. Harrison of Whea was the week end guest of hxs Mr, and Mrs. W. Harnsun of M Mr. and Mr~ Gram (jrccn lcft Sunday for {he Me of ‘2: c: nhvrc they cxpcct to rcsulu 111 {he future Mr, Spear wa: (he week-end gucst of Mr. l’.u.l Blanchard «l1 Wulkur Avg: .\l: Mnmr Mrl.uughhn «If llummgtun, at the W. Wllmct, Ohm, and Mrs. llurold ('1' “or \nginm IS the gumt llJIYIN :‘ home this “mix. who umlerwcm \‘(muurrl n \l s \lcorgc Zdhnlc m w; (I anon tnr appcndlcms onb 1:1 'lu \ugustmm hosplt ll Isrlmng mcclx. l M1» lda Naas was lhc gucsl lrlst we: k u! her cousin. M55 Alu‘nd Bcvkmg :11 “Ulu’lslotk. lll llr. Elizabeth Van lluoscn and M1» Gertrude Van ll‘lt'sl'll or llydc l’drk \u-rc the “eels-end gumu (at their brurhc-r and snstemnlaw. Mr. and Mrs. llruuld \Lm Hoesen of S. Shcrulan l\'(l. (Lays last week. Miss Marwnc Aldndgc and Miss l’earl Arnold arc spcmhng their vacznion in Donn-r and l'muldcr, Colo. Latcn [Hey wxll go {o Culuradu Springs. Central three Mr‘ llcnry Schc-nrlorï¬ of W. Ave. returned Mmulay (rum in nmnrlm‘ abscnce In Louisiana M155 Jessw Taylor Of Ruvmxa lS Sufler-_ ing mm a sprained ankle. Mus Ruth Bushnell of “'3quan was the guest of her Cousin, Miss Mary Scdg- \shk several days this Wt‘t'h. Mus Marmru- Ernlwm h spending sexual \wcks m (lnmgn \mung her mum): thc Misses Margurct and Marion (imllhc. .\ll_~.5 Ahcc Warnvr is thc gum! of hrr .mnt. Mrs. Joseph Nm-ls at her surmin'r W15. «)0 lak» l)Pla\.‘fllL lw an.) sts Veddér uf 1mm- last \wrk “f Mrs, F. B.( Mr. John I’umnm mu (LIV from a N-xcml w: Miss Monroe of Macon, 6a., is visiting ; at the home of her sister and brother-in- ilaw. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Fearing. E Mrs. Fearing is spending ten days at gBattlu Creek, Mich. Mr.]0hn I’umnm returned lust Sunr (LIV fmm a wwml \weks absence m ‘uratuga :prmgx‘ and Camden. N. Y. Mrs. A. A..}’utnam. who has been visit- ing for some mm in Camden, N. Y., re- turned with Mr. Putnam. Miss Olivia Goelixz of Judson AVt’., Ra vinia has retumed from a Visit in Ar kansa>. " The D. A. R. are planning to have their annual rummage sale early in October. Mrs. Chas. Mauran of Ranma spenl sexeral days in Freeport Ill last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harhaugh and family ar‘e motoring through Wisconsin They left last Friday and egect to be gone a week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scarborough have gone to Michigan for a few weeks. Mr. C 0. Wm: Cu!†is the gum? Knolis". ythc h Lucxan \inhums Mrs. Ruth Cofï¬n Collms has returned to her home in (zn-inia from an txtended vmt m the eax‘v. Mr. C U. Whri'r-uwrv uf 1,05 .Aanlt-s, Mr and Mrs. Thwmw \K'ylrlor and Mr Cu!†is the gum? thxs “‘sz at “Bobnlink Mm Rum-y: Hm; I»! Rum)†r'L-(urnrd Knolis". yrhc home of Mr and .\1L‘\ Lucxan \inhums. Fletcher of E Ce-ntrul Avc. Mrs, Bowvn was called here an zicmun: of [he llEm'» of her mother. *lasz \vcok from a several nun-ks Unusv {alnng Georgian Bay. Canada. Mrs H. Bowen of Waskisk. Minn. is: ï¬shing her parents. Mr and Mrs, A W. i Mus LOUISC Darby o! Rnnnm Is spend- mg a fnrtmght m Honmn Harbor. Mich. as the guys! of Mr. and MN Frederick Wunu r. quM'rl‘.‘ of H115 my. ‘4, ‘I'L...n ,. \\‘ \mnpd \'.'u\-v..n m Miss Catherine Cushing returned last week from an extended visit in the east. She visited for some weeks with her friend, Miss Then Fessenfeld in Baltimore, Md; during the month ofJuly both young ladies visited in Maine. Miss Fessenield accompanied Miss Cushing home and will be her guest the remainder of the summer at the Moraine. Friedhem Lodge. 1. O. L. V. announce an ice cream social for Sunday. August 30th at the corner of Waukegan Ave and Washington St.. Highwood, formerly known as Ft. Sheridan Park. All are cordially invited. Mystié “‘orkcrs oi the World announce a picnic and dance fur Thursday, Aug. 13th at Lake Front l’ark. Sandwiches, coffee. pop, ice cream and other refresh- ments will be served on the grounds The public is cordially invited and a good time is assured. The next of the series of ice cream socxals lhat are being held on the lawn of the W. W. Wagoner residence in High wood will be held Saturday evening, Aug. 22nd. Members of the Swedish Lutheran church are giving these socials for the purpose‘of raising money so as to enable them to hold a bazaar for the church the latter part at September. Mr. and Mn, l-‘red Larson and daugh- ter l-‘l-ircnuz Mr. ,lnseplil‘roula, Mrs. of Chu'ugu were the week-(ml guvsu at Mr and Mrs. (imrge }{()'u\('. Ford and NHL all Mr. Ralph Snutlwrtnn. rlorut, was one of the judges at the Wmnetka flawer show last week. _ Dr. V. l'llmann has moved his (ul‘fne from 131 No. Sheridan Rd. to 35 50‘ 5t. Jahns Ave. Mrs. S. A. Sr. Peter and Mrs. Waiter Cope are planning to leave Salurday tnr Grand Rapids. Mich. where they will visit relatives for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Abercromby of W. Central Ave.. were the week-:nd guests of Mr. and Mrs. Creed Brunnelle of Chicago. ). \Vlhi'mnurv uf 1,05 .Aanlt-s, 3 guns? [his “‘sz at “Bobnlink the home of Mr and .\1L‘\ ‘ G. Mine and children at m Wing this week on ate Genevl. Wit . M. C. Conrad and family )rvcn of hxs parents, “CI 3mm. â€â€œ3. -....-. _. , 7 n 01' McGovern Miss Mnchell of Nvgannoe. Much, was the guest or Miss Ixnom Hn)nc a few “.35 (NC guys ton. “1 Mr. Frank Greening o! Chippen‘hliu. Wit. is visiting his aunt. Mn D. P. Shuh'en of W. Cenml Ave. ‘ Mr. und Mn. John = their Sunday Knew. "I hen Martin of Chime- Mn June- W. Prindiville mm“ by her two daughters left Wedneodly to! Roaring Brook. near Harbor Pomt. Mich. m be gone until the middle 0! September. Mr. Henry Mather! of Cinciunni. Ohio and I pupil of the Inteflnken who‘d for ban. in Rolling Pniric. lad. wu tho guest of Mn. W. '1‘. Underwood even] days last week. - Mr. Henry Schnufï¬er, Robert Sedgwick and Samuel Bingham leave Sunday (or a canoe trip among the Wisconsin lakcs. Miss Biggie of Chicago is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Chas. F‘ Drake, Mlss Murmrn- Ern km)†sexual \wcks m Unmgn wnmn: the Misses Margau- Mms Ahcc Warnvr is thc gum! of hrr .mnt. Mrs. Joseph Nm-ls at her sumrï¬rr humc at Lake Delavan, Wis. Master Earl Eru‘kson IS vmtmg Harold Cole at Glenvww, lll. Mrs. Rose Wics and two chfldrcn, of Chu‘ugu are the guests this week 01 Mrs. st' brother and Sister-in-luw. Mr. and M rs‘ Charles Zwetow. The Misses Miriam and Mary French wuH spend the weekend in Chicago as the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Frank O'Brien and thinly Mr‘ and Mrs: Edmund Elle]. accom- pamed by Mr. and Mrs George R. Rubens WI“ leave Friday f yr 'I‘hrec Lakes. W13 Mr‘ and Mrs. Burl ml] spehd a month there. Mr, and Mrs Roberts wrll return alter a ten dd)'S \mL cagu The Misses Laura Steele and M. ()Nicll I W of Lake Forest \vcre the weekend guest-t1,“ 0f Mug Iilla Krurger. hm Mrs. Aha.- Sturgcon and children, 01:: Texas, are Vismng Mrs. Slurgwn's hm mother. Mrs. John Mcnlzer. Hh two wee-ks vacation The Ludws of S: Mary's Court, Lady Fnrmters ammuncr that the rug rafï¬cd IdSl wuek was wan by Mrs. Row Garlnrdl. Mrs. W. [.eflert was taken to the Augus‘tana hospital Tuesday where she i) wifrnng mth a strukc u: puraysis. ,Mrs. Wm J. Baker 15 \ mung her molhrr, Mrs M Dellrn‘k u h-w days be fore leavmg for her hunu- In Hu- east. th MIS. 15. Muench, who has been the gum! [or several wceks of her daughters on .\'.(}reen Bay Rd. relurnc-d to her home in ()lney. lll.. Saturday, Muss Anna Muench accompanied her home and will visit her {or several week-n. \\ H pxm Miss Anna Morgan 0! Cary Ave, Ra- viniawho has been abroad for some momhs past and in Munich, Germany at the time of the breaking out of the war, was heard from recemly. A card dated luly mm was rvceived from her (his \Vt’l‘k from Zurich. Swnzcrland. Mr. Ralph Snuthvrtnn. r10rx>t, was one of the judges at the Wmncxkn ï¬cwcr show last week. Mrs: M er 651m Mr :mvi Mrs R. W‘ Sghnclder and mm! «hmth-r l-lnn'na- urc>pcndinflhe :ck at a Wm unsln Idkr. 'l'hey expect PHARMACIST PHONE 23 x-turn (hc Litter part uf :hc week. m-(u? Mn H 1’, “Hudson thu w tu-x‘ way hnmr from the Philip w “<1! her mulhz-r, Mrs Chan. M m Madmm, Wis. HM n \\ )tl \‘v'lnslnn \lslbcd ill 1’, “Hudson this Photo Supplies ll I h-vo writun in I previous lot“: of the tranendoul importance of wu- ur power developmcm in thin country. I have called nttention to the two bills that have been pending in the Houu on this subject. The Adnmson bill cow-ring the question of water power dmelupment on the navigable streams of the L'nited States, reported by the ('omnnttee on Interstate and Foreign ('ummcrce. and the horns lull coverâ€" in every seme of the word, safe- guarding the pullhc llllt‘rt'slb. While it 1< fair to the water pmu-r people it ulw exacts {ulr treatment and reasonâ€" able ('mnpon‘utmn {rum them {or all rmhh “l‘HCll they nmy .wruu- under the lull. The Adamson lull on the allâ€: huml, up reported tr the Huuse l») tln- ('rmnmttma u‘m. the uppmlte of n “mt-Hutuâ€. lllt'M5ul't‘. ll 1t hnd lnwn \vrltwn wtthnut roguld to the llflltlx n: th- pulvlu' and wlcly m the intruwts of \kllll'l' power mmmpuly, it ('(llllll warn-l) lune lK‘l‘ll u'rltten difâ€" {mrntly than Al was. lmlwd u num~ lwr‘ u! paragraph in the lnl appear to hnu‘ been llfted luodxly nut Hf bills \xhn h were \vrltten luy uttmmys of the wuter pmtvr compnnnw and which naturally were not (lemma-cl tu bene- Xit nnylmdy but their clients. ï¬x may then be just and reasonalule.â€f , l-Iwry friend of conservation lined: 'up {or that amendment, and mery Inmmy of connervntion and friend of lthe water [(m'er intmest.‘ lined up :nganmt It. For two days and more l I I l lthe urutory rmlretl forth. ï¬rst from‘ one ~\itle and then from the other. When the :zlmu tlnwn wzn Hztchei and the \ntn tuke‘t the 11:.t:-t'th.\t*r\‘ahon- ist> were tit-':~nt-l)' lrt-att : Mr the I“ munlnwnt was, adopted by a vote of 1.1:; tn 45. Fulluwing that |lt‘.’t‘flt the lam: t-unseantmrmts fought \nth less .hcurt against the HdO]!UUlt of the many amentlnwnu that were uï¬ered tn the following sections of the hill in â€10 Interest of conservatmn and pruc- Ltirully nll n! the-ml), “'t'rl‘ adopted, 'Wht-n the lull came to 11 “We on its ï¬nul msmgo Its smnwn «'uuld not. . rm'ngmzc 1t. Instead nt' hung a bill tin tht- mtcrest of “'lllt'l pmu-r mono- ‘poly )t was u real conscrxntmn meas- ‘gure, safeguarding all the inn-rut! off Ithe public, and the bill “as puswd byl lVote of 1‘30 to 47. The roll (‘hll on this lvili wzis II queer mixture. Some fld\'0(‘:itt‘: of the original bill voted against it on the ground that it had been hopelessly shot to pieces (and it had been from their point of View) and was worth nothing and other advocates of the hill in its original form voted for it reven after the adoption 0! the conser- vation amendments, saying openly that they wanted to get it 0\‘er to the Senate where they felt sure it would lie restored to the condition in which it Wm when i'vportul to the House. Those Who iire seeking to secure benefits in Connection With the natural resources of the countr) have their lnwycis and rvpresontutnes constant- ly at “ork ‘m‘king to hum lc-gisliition thiit may lu- pnssed tom‘hing the de- xolopinent uf those rl'f-(IUH‘V‘, xut‘h as ‘\\lll favor thmn. without regard to the [ml-lie interrut. We who are members of (‘ongreu urc- here as the advocstes of the pubâ€" hc :md shO'lld do everything we poaâ€" ailuly can to safeguard their interest. I! has been very gratifying during the past week to ï¬nd such a comfortable majority mudv up of thase who hnve dun (‘om‘t‘ptmn of ‘hmr [mnllon an represenwlnos of the people. For the ï¬rst (mm m this ('ungrvss the in- sue of Conserx'ntmn has [wen square- ly presgnted ( n the floor of the House, has been strenuouhly (ought out by both tides and the SJpporCI‘TS of Con- servation. including members of all the politlcu‘. parties, ath won. â€ROM North Shére Trust Company qpaul $100,000 Orguiud under the Banking Lam 6f the State of Illinois Making a specialty oi loans on improved real estate in the North Shore territory including ROgem Park. Evanston, Wil- mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka. Glencoe, Highland Park and Lake Forest. Security under mortgages in this territory is continually enhancing while the rate of interest is attractive. Highland Park. Illinois AHIlfll.V£m,h-‘h . nuanr-rm'd- W9 are not charging war prices as you will see by the following: $1.75 Middy Blouses, now . . D heating Work now. For several years boilers and mdiators have dropped 10 per cent in latc \Vinté! advancing again, 5 per cent in July and ) p¢r cent 1118‘0'm1mbcr. )ou run saw: about [U fu‘r cent by odntrading (I! once. 10 per cm! jorithn’e months is big interest. Chas.H.WarrenCo. I26 E. Coon-ll Ava. 4.50 Girl Drona, now 3.25 Cid Dresses, now 1.19 Hay Suits, now “The Imperial†214 EAST CENTRAL AVE [E Tabb-e W Park 265 Dyers a!!!“ gleaners .98 Play Suits, now .59 Play Suits, now Telephones AVE MONEY by contracting for your Why not have your clothing renovated here this week and give our work a fair trial? Our CLEANING AND DYEING of ladia' and gent's gamments. oriental rugs. carpetS. portiers. draperiw, piano covers. lace curtains. etc., cannot be duplicated by any local cleaner. as we have the LARGEST and mos: SANITARYI plant in the West. North SHore Trust Company wagon will tall fér and deliver your garments MORTGAGE BANKERS mine or rm: AND wonxs 2123-2133 Luncoln Ave-u, CHICAGO Lincoln - I948 Div ASK YOUR FRIEND . H. Decker Company . Whflfld'fllfl'fl Highland Park thORPORATED where the an: satisfac- tory work done. If she always looks neat 1nd immaculate. she undoubt- edly send: her clothing to us regululy {or our cmful work in You will do wt†1010]- low he: example. Sup- pose you try sending wme armenu to us this week. hull we all for them? Canning and L J. OUNDY, (4* $0.69 1 .69 Pbonc 20! 1 .69 .89 .69 .49