Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 20 Aug 1914, p. 7

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{dais Road 'd 5341 ill Hr ell Lh'uc :tion 'yun Pzrk Ill nt N m" OP chow Ire fin; Ave ID PK“ ‘ell “ark n Thanking you in advance for any favors that you may show me. I am Vety truly youn. I am in favor of pubhc improvements and especially good roads and will work t) w amend the laws that the monsys expended would go into the lmprove- ments and not to a lot of high salaried officials. I have been Supervisor of Libertyville for nearly five years. and as a member of the County Board I have tried to get value received for money expended. Ihave been Mayor of LibertyViHe {or {our years. and my friends say that 1 made good. I run the affairs of the City the same as I run my own business. with the result that we made substantial im- provements on a very low tax rate. I am a candidate for Representative in the General Assembly from this District. I think I am qualified for the office. I have been in business in Libertyville for over twenty years. and my reputation for fair dealing and hénesty is unquestioned where I am known. Subject {0 the Decision of the Republican Primrie- September 9th, 1914. City of Paw Paw Midlim Why not spend your vacation at this delightful resort? Boating. Bathing, Fishing, Tennis and DANCING. Booklet on request Lake Brownwood Henry B. Eger State Representative of the 8th Samaria! District DON’T FORGET the DATES Band Concerts Balloon Ascensions with donble parachute drop Wild West Show Colored Minstrel Show Moving Picture Show High Dive Gloomy Gus and Happy Hooligan Acrobats Dining Room and Lunch Service by different Churches making it possible for you to have the same food as served on your table at home Wednesday. Children‘s Day Thursday. .Vorth Shore Day and Milk Prmlut‘ers Day Speakers will be furnished by the Milk I’rodiii‘crs Asmwmim Friday. Chicago and Politicians Du) pr‘llkt‘rs, ll in. Lawrence Y. sliermzm. llim. William E. Mawn. llnn lt‘ugt-i‘ Sullivan, llnn. l.. ll. Stringer, also all senatorial and legislative candidates trum tlii> district Good Contested Ball Games-«Best Lake County Teams Wednesday, 1 p. m. Thursday, 10 a. m. and l p. m. Friday, 1 p. m. 2:12 Pace 2:19 Pace Marian H. Craig 2:27 Trot . . . f. Mile Running September 1, 2; 3 and 4 $3,600 in Pursesâ€"$6,000 in premiums Cuufidako for Good Exhibit of Farm Machinery, Stock and Poultry HENRY B. Scan Come and Bring the Whole Family for a Days Outing Speed Program---Half Mile Track Libertyville, Illinois UGLY CLUB. L‘gly brotherl. hither fly. With you bring the varying eyo~ ‘ Bring here cock eye: and eyes nsknnce That cannot pass one tender Klanca Bring gogszle era and pierce”. tun; Eyes green. white. red. black and blue. Bring with you the engic'l sight To see your heart and keep it right. But bring shurtslghted eyes to spy The mole that's in your brother‘s eye The members of the Ugly (-luh nr‘v directed to attend a special meeting; at (‘gly hall, 4 Wall street. on Thum- duy evening. the 12th inst. {It 7 o‘ciwk. to take into consideration the [)l’upr’h‘i) of bestowing some suitabiimurk of (ha tinctinu on 21 member who lately whitt- viuwing Mum-if in the su'roturf's um} mirror was so much pleased with hi< own ugly [whiz that he involuntarily lei fall the glass. which was dashed to pieces. and exclaimed. “I shall yet be‘ president of the club?" The nstouish-t ing fortitude of this ugly member, in the Irreuueut uud public acknowiedm 1311‘“) 1 "Rev discou prui’es. he's til ~Chic: A The the gr shock mind i the tuu Gore nm- “'l 'l‘hM) me n 1 Yuri: l' I‘m-r but nd" â€"liuwt When the underwriters' agent arrived on the scene to investlgnte. he found several funny things about the (‘nrgu One case nhipped as cutlery and in sored for $1.000 contained dog (‘nllnm worth $50. Barrel: supposed to coutuin expensive liquors Were full or worth less dregs. a consignment of gait fish insured for 8.5.000 was rotten. and other articles mentioned in the bill or « iading pro'ved to be in keeping. He Wu the Prixo Mombor of In Old New York Organization. In the New York Evening Post of May 11. 1814. appeared the following notice: Consul Mitchell. nut only duped. but outlawed. ’tood not on the order of his going. but cleared out for tall timber. The captain of the brig was tried in the United States district court in Boston. ('on ricted and sentenced to a long term in prison. where he died three months intenâ€"Darid A. Wamn in Outing Magazine. On lts lust voyage lt cleared from Boston for Port au Prince. Elam. us- tenslbly “1th a cargo of valuntfle gen« eral merchandise. Insured for $30.00). When wlthlu a few when of lts dorm nation It went ashore near eruguune and became a total wreck The cup- hnIL Parken pruuunly mud (hr vnrxu sight unseen. to Amerlc-uu Consul Mitchell for 8500 Mltclwll saved It at some trouble. but llved to wish he hadn‘t. Onm Abandoned, the Mario Coiuto Came to a Bad End. Tlere are few people who have not heard of the case of the American brig Marie Celeste. which in 1872 was Inex- pUcnhly abandoned in calm Weather UK the Azores by a crow never after heard from. Few. however. know that It ended its career many years later at the hands or the barrator. Come to Your PRIDE OF THE UGLY CLUB. ” MT ‘U'NLUCKY BRIG. ' Free Attractions Wednesday, September 2nd ...... $400 2: 24 Pace. . 100 3 Mile Running Thursday, September 3rd .V .3400 2:14 Trot , ...... 400 One Mile Running Friday, September 4th , . 5400 County Race. eligit . 400 f Mile Running. County Race. eligible to 2:24 class i Mile Running. I‘m-porn)“ dnth halt dis-"war vice. but ndversfly doth best (“somer- virtue The Rated Unkind. Geraldâ€"A gentleman ls dram-d .n! «no “'hu urn-r Kin-n 1min valdhwâ€" ’J‘hnn you‘re no uc-mlrmnn. you give me a 1mm every hum yuu ('Hli.-‘.\9' Yurk l‘rvss ' A Hm! to tho Luci oi Uu. The smallest bird caunut light upon the greatest tree without m-ndlug n shock to its most distant din-r. Every mind is at times no less semith‘e to the must trifling worthâ€"Lew Wail-(1: “Why do you speak of him as a fin‘ Isbed arm: '1" "Because he tnld me he was utterly discouraged and was going to quit the profession. If that doesn‘t show (but he's finished I don't know what does" ~Chk-ngn I'kUL Raye From I Searchlight. The paths traversed by rays from n searchilght depend on the form of curvature of the mlrrur. it flat. the paths of reflected ran would be tut same as those of the rayl recr-ired; if the arc of a circle. the rays will be reflected to one bright focus. To have a band or parallel rays lure the mirror lt must he the are of I parabola. Then straight rays will be reflected all parallel to each other. in air. the la- tenalty of this beam 0! light would dlminlsh. but In absolute ramum would be as intense at any distance, New York American. "Nut no longer darn it tuck me to 21! down!" answered the truthful com- plainant nrumptly.â€"8aturdny Evening 'Dat's wbut I sold" nnswan-d me little darky. "And you uy the force of the blow knocked you up In the nlr‘: ' “\‘ns. subâ€"‘wny up In de ulr." “Well. how long did you stny up more?" demanded the attorney. “\‘uu say." be united. “that «mm min street car hit that wagon you were riding on the Mn! Ielt of the wagon?" A Round Trip. The attorney for a street railroad company In a Kenutcky town was ex- nmlulug a skinny sixteen-yenrmd negro boy who had Iued {or injuries ustensibly incurred In a mlllsiuu on (inn highway. The nwmlmrs are rwuwsu-d ll) be punctual In {heir nttendum‘r. us it»: new members elected a! (be last mm. lug and six ”I the ugly ln-nth-s are expected to appear. The propriety of udmmlug Indies Into the Club will be discussed. By order o! [113 Ugllneu. men! nr 1113 muurul (it-furmhh". Ur serves the Mghvst roman-minnow THE mama pmlméndxm pm mos The Right Word. you speak of him as a fin $400 ‘ 100 With a Incline a! sickness the doctor got up and I‘enr back to No‘ 20 Arnold That night In- n-flu-d on a ton In the end Uf thv t‘nrrmur Toward mum in: he mum! hm nurses chnulug "Dr chorn ls nslu-p on the qun by the nun mum." one said “You know he dld .\rnnl«1'1~ up twin)" Tho-y nu) It “as H mm ntn'. and he's ntruld sho'n going to div; [hi-II Arnold ‘II have one on him." Win-u m- an! hmk the HUNe was bathing (he path-m] (Ice, u'lwn sm- woul out he (mum-d the blinds and mmfully studh-d vu-ry {entura Ax (In-y mum-d the mum In W num-s' dining null 5H5: Asmnn nuth‘ed (he (lrmxu look on (In- dut'tura {nu- “Don't you want wine lunch. Dr Severn?" she asked, He round himself "l‘vrhnpl I do." he replied “But I don't Want this pineal left Ilene Hn Ihe a speck” nurse?“ "No" "Thvn can you spare (hat little dark Dune who was In (he uperumx room's" Miss Ashton rung he! boll. “Ask to have Mr: Howell mm up in take charge at No fl)" she and U.) (hr nmve buy. "i want to watch cue." he said as he mun-d room No 20 On the high cot the pationt in} breathing painfully. moaning from time to time and muttering incohert-utiy The lummu sat down beside tie-r holding one wrist lightly. shading m:- eyes with his other hsnd. At two Miss Ashton came in. it is s critic-I _ ssh-<1 "i fear so " Tuwuni morning the name csiiod him Win-n he entered Not 20 the pa- tient was ruined slightly in bed. ‘ “w".- .ruu asleep?" she sslted. ' "No. i dunt slurp say more." be In ‘swcn-d n‘islfully The nunw went out Ind cloud the "inarruul m-nwrrhnge. isn't It?” be‘ 1 A dark eyed nume- who bud been "I don‘t think .0. She is cllm and standing span wtth bum“:- stepped ,very quivt." f nonly to D: Severn‘l side and. holding : At 9 he Mt alone with but while the 'a glass to his llpo. uld: ‘num rents-d "Drink!" ; “i want to look at you," he laid. “it 5, When the operation In nabbed and , you can endure the light.” the onierlieu time to any the patient J E: won-d the shade from the elct.~ bark tn her room the IBM bra-bed ;trtc bulb. nnd she raised be or" to thmn nuldp and lifted her on to the his-- I'Undrrfui Plat With I ”M 0! ltn-tl'hc-r An he stood after they and deep riulo-t nmund the outer rim: or gone- hi- nut-tum said: the my in‘ "l thounm you were going to flunk “Am you bo-ttrrY" Did you fumble that artery badly?“ "No" "What artery?“ The hnue eye. never hitch-d. but a He hut-tilt Nmored ht: linen mat mht of tum- ”two: out them. and left tbr P00") ‘1 know mm, John" tho URL ”the Along the mrrldor or pm-nte t'ootnl drum tn the not." he met Mi. Anhton. the bud numi He held twr to him “How in No. 20?” he asked "I tore you, Nell." “Cunning (mt nil right. doctor." ‘ The "ringing light made (meet. mov- “is any one watching her?" In shadows around the mm "l have jlllt come than them Rh» Late! the (muse doctor met him on ll quiet.“ < the calm "1 want to .1ch u I. . "mm. _ "thermal m-morrhnge. Isn't It?" be case." be aid as he mun-d room huh-(ii The cool gmy or any dawn VII "Good: I hope she will? I like Dr In a Hunt: the anzlmtbeunt put the Cup buck and spnnkk-d ether. but the cur- geon Mood an 1! tum-n Siowi) the path-m inhah-d (he fn-sh air. and then. by some frvuk for which (here Is no accounting. she opened her eyes. looking full at the aura-on. who. with a look of hormr that turned his face uxhen and drew dark clrcieo un dermmu: his eym. iouked at her, Silo-1m) Hr [WM-«t Hntrnuvent "YIN hutrmm-m 1mm I‘m 1m) uflvrnl Mm Tm uwrk h1';_':lh In ('flllllulh uork tM Hu' mlrf‘t'sl MM“ pt'mmrnfh'h (mm! m urn-m drum on ”w Fllrgmm's tOH'hUml zmd (qu rim“ num- I'hth- mm :Armmd hvr Ilwllth Ttn-n suddcna}, us If the bitunw were a loud n-pnrt. tin-y [)(‘H't'hI-li tlml Hu- pnllvnt [And 00th hrvutlmtg gum almln- one Wurd‘ "Mr!" A mum» ogwm-d tho Mudnw. thv anaesthetist Inld mm]:- the mp, and. wltlmut )vtting gu the ”gunmen! be was tying; the» surge-uh rusted his eyem upon the at“! fume [Lu] H ’I‘m- sur I'uxmu:nu).Ȣ Silo-1m) hurrmm-m 'l’llt' lulmr- ink!) 4 ("H {I Houx \ A duor nwung uprn. Hwn- “'n- I “(n-m: Ibdur of elm-r, and two arm-rile. vurrmi 1n n wunmu on n Itrrhhvr Tm- “mun-then“ kn-m the Hip m er her flu-v m4 Hwy lifted her In tin- mme .h Smo‘rn Ibo-Run to opornu- lw [Md M1 Hum-m fur nu mnmm on her \\‘rl~l thn umdv the Lmishm {or ulnuuht Inpnnmmu In In. mwemrmu tlwru W 5 [w lm;Lc. A few mlnma Inter Ult' nnrgmn‘ In «*Hnlv uniform. emu-red (he upenmm: r‘num ('(NXN' The dm‘rur nu-dlmted a minute or run (ht-u Went buck up the hwpltat stops The lur'xmn Niano-d Mn n»! from m.- rnrrlnxv nap and lurm-d around “I dun‘l know nuymluu about the ma» Where 1. Arnum ."' One mornluu In June Dr Severn In walking down the Item 0! mo 01: no. mm! In Hunurer. As he was about to Kat Into his pharlun one of the Intern». mun-d um and and. "Dr Arnold win!- you to 00 me opernfluu he mm on lur 1U o'rlm'k " He'l had In mrldenl Jlll ‘nt‘s Irrmthiu: u aw! ‘1 [hr \.l‘l‘,“ n! In r 0-! n-d “21:: um 1) null): on Hh‘ u-Hw . J'r ‘Hu-d n punk-d {rum- in hr [In-n mlrmm-m A {0011.}: Mb \\n'\ r 0-” and 010'! ll‘.‘ H) “\rrh M111) Thai: the cur-non folded be: mad. and. "he I (nan grown old. (road out o! the room. The sunbeam that mp! lhnmth the cloud mmd. united flatly flung an Inn um“ It touched the hood of bar "IN-n1 vntl any one." nbe laid whom mum-.1 mm [H mm the pain "1 mm I am rum: m shit-p. and !hls"-â€"abe amthyd mm; "m what I drilled back for" nh-d ?” The mum-uh ihllddrfi'd. “I did LII! «no your fun- nu It urn nearly un-r Noll. and thrn"~ "H In! fnlher." lb? Inld "Jul? WlnN-d In marry~ me. The nncn wax morn-gm m Jo», Then after you left hum-r mm. and l we!" to my aum in lk-nn-r " A bolt u! conic-Mme“! was Inc-(Lung over but Yuma nummMng out the line: of palm Mum-u the ”an. «bk-h bore exprmnmn u! nth-me nanny, Anonu-r mun pas-'00 silently Then .00 (“kt-d "Ind pm know me when you oper Thu; mum hunt the rm: of I pa [19ml hell and sum tout-tun hurrying along lb.- (‘ur’fldlfl' "Why. Sell. I WM: and wrote. Ind It Inn I Ia‘nl hack to and you” “Wm didn’t you write to me?“ the ash-d The num went out Ind cloud the door E2 won-d lbe shad. from me 91» n1: bulb. nnd she raised be or" to m.â€" I-«mdrrful are“ with I ring of deep Huh-l nmund me outer mm or the my M‘ “An you munâ€"r?" "NO" The brine eye. never hitch-d. but a "Wm-u was the Inn Winn-nature lakrn'." kw nrkvd *AI 0. I! x: mm], rising." “Doe- lbr know me In worse?" "I don't nnuk .0. She a cum and very qulm." In llw vnrridur 51m Alhton mobbim with the ('han He manned ll '1- lently "Ya." shv mm and slept. 'l‘lu- mun-nu nnd pvrformed thm op ernuum n! [he bun-Hal of the Simon of Merry, Mud ll Wu 8 In the ereulnx mrun- he got hack to the patient 1n Nu '20 lhvu'l )qu n-nu-ndn-r uhnx 1 [mid )uu tlw Mum \u- lurnuw rnuuuni'” \Vln-n ln- ”nuke Ills vuhv was full of lll'b‘If‘Vlht’d Imm "You Iuld me. dear. Hm! 3m) hut-d nw In Hm! l! we ewr drlflud "par!"â€" lhe uvuh had long mum botwvon llwm~";uu uuuld dflfl back to mvâ€"to die," \I lu'h I huh Hunk “In! I \‘vur‘ Vt llhulll hc-r. nm! r-ho- . "[M‘ 3H” "11‘ hr! (.I '11.. (HUl'll. “mum”.- l.» um 11; plm‘r lexhh- hm, nnd «Ow lulu! “\\ In-h- (2M )an gr! m) hum ‘l nvnl (or M"! " hw h. m- ;m-d to we In lhr This ”me my vollld MI lh'f hum}. and um- ulvndmi u [0“nrd him “Hmu I Inc-u. mm. Jm k‘" hlw disk“! "\11. erl." hq' nlulvu'n-d ‘lnd [hr hon-r lllmw nn-Y‘ 111 1: ”Huh Hn- mun ulnh-nlnod max she but) n-I vxnln-d \\ Iwwt rum-mln-r 11);: um! Hm! m her mind vllt‘ “mt hmh (m lLr Ema) “Lu-re “v Lad fin! (hr! ln-r He brunbo-d his hand wnrily arms: hll forehand. and wnwtmng In M: Incl lrrnnu-d Inn "1 (11mm! Mn: here ya." he MM. He wan-hm the rhnuffI-ur turn the var nmund In me unnuu “reel. then he “rm ulowly lmvk. lh mudv hm unuul ruvnd. Ilnmfln‘ to ‘hut with mum uf his gunk-nu. The m-n llll'l'llhlfl m mun; the wu man In Nu ‘JU mused "gum, and lb.- Iurm-um ml 1mm» lu-r "Don't you know." the Imam-ed ”than I bad to 30 to the liunlen’ dm m‘r mm: alone lllll nluhl?" At 10 o'clock the olive boy rm to the bud hurle'l duh and “tea: "What's the min (u: T" "Do you mean Dr‘ Scum?" "YOD-~ “What do you want him for?“ "IHI wife wants him" All-- Autumn called him. and he- want out to when Mn. Severn II; In ho-r lulomubile. Then no to" nit-op. j The pink dawn Nelda! to yellow nn- T “th and um Ibo slow. The maroon 1 went down to bruit-n. and when M ' mumed the had not awakened Anbotookuwrh-Irmww to at hot hand mum on (hummer- puno. and. bendln‘ out. just as {be “(In touched bu. hour um but}. were open and on hot gnu-r fun a look of tuefiblo roan-at nut-«1 “new" lawsuit, ”4(th {much thowlnutmw Be do! the Gunman Once" In hh hand Ind MM. "N“l" I tun! ‘\ hurt?" Hu- vnmmuvd nn- In! nhukn-u up‘ Hml' F110 raid gm! nil-1v! with p!wl1;ht' p... good to we In lho- hirh lmh- huranh‘ ("mums .‘H “I I lune llxvd pun m ‘hum you, .11an Tin-n l vn rho- . nxnhvrill nw" 1 rhmnn lhut. .\'c-11"“ Hm I! «mum! war be. than 1 n-nu-ndn-r uhnx 1 [Md )0 \\l‘ lurnnw rnguuvd'” u! ("o-r he. dmll “Inn! 1 [mid )uu rnuuuni'” unq- was full of nn H; Im- on ml Arm-u man. u nun-h and amen ma II, 011‘!) “am Misha-n [m i u" .- Imam [an My (“murmur-u manna {90! “PM.“ um HQ. ( Man umnuyoumu. Pmulflol flag-A’ (,9. My. Suitel.5and5.5utefilnkflld‘ 10! ”MIL ‘SSLJoh-n Avo- “MM Hfim v . V - ‘ “”1 w... mag, and an“ M In round wt!» mi; part In s‘nc buxom. with sponge, 10:. In 51" m,“ uummun bola. I'll sponge. 16c. 4 ”mm antâ€"r an... an! Inn the mm m an-od. lbelwnnlu-Lunwlol I‘M-nu ”(WA-burn“ mutant “0.. O 0°; 30-" Albany “not. M I. 71: 0M!!! and [at]!!! Man-I‘d”: If .‘Jw [£4qu m [A] M'mld, **~â€" ",V,, - vâ€"‘v him-Mmdsm Balk“- kJ I.“ T.» v lit-Ila]! MW“ ' led-nu III.“ I'd-uh... DR. WATSON Jake Gordon 17 W. Elm Place Curd-film 810 M An WM Tm 1|“ Shoe Repaid“ Shop First Class JOHN C. BORCHARDT Psi-(in. and Dona-ch. Wnll P... Dc. Bridklii‘ulCe-nthd Junk": Fresh Enter, Ea: Ind Pohltry 331 “Am J. RSIEFFEN Gallant -0. ’ “WA“ 8. El. FARMER Miss Alma Sahuri 3".“ M an E. Central Ave. u n (d) luau-A I. 0. NELSON Tabb-.0 87‘ manna WWW

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