Miss Eleanor Nelson of Vine Ave, will give an artic party at her home Friday afternoon. The decorations are to be green and white. The out~of~town guests are Misses Isabella and Esther King, Mary and Jane Marshall. Florence Rus- sell, and Grace Smith. of Lake‘lForest, and Miss Elizabeth Durborow of: Lake Bluff. Mr. and MD. John F Lwiv mi Marsh ï¬cld, “Rs, announce Lhc ergdzemem of their daughu-r‘ Edzth K. Cole, to Arthur L‘lmtonl‘urdy u! {hm city. No date has been set [or the weddmg but i: w111 take place In the early tall. Mr. and Mrs. “51!! Marl-“"1 (if 461 Deer- rield Ave. enunmned [nu-he guest: 3‘ dmner on >;;nday H1 cuniphmem to Mr‘ Henry qum' m Sjyrdquxa N. Y. The 0ut~of~umn guest: “cw Mr. and Mrs. }. G. Lee and Muss Latherme Haley of Waukegun and Mus Annd Clavey of (ilencoe. l'nnersity a: thclr r: mg at her humz- uh I last Wednesd _\‘, Mlss Margin-I [)czmng entertained the Alumni Assncxarmn m the Kappa Kappa (iamma 50mm) uI [hr Northwestern l'nnersity a: thclr rum: ,r Z‘.‘<m[hl)' meet- Mr. Theodore Merritt Clark. 353 east Maple Axe annnunt‘es the engagement of his daughter. Dorothy Gladys to Lieu-_ tenant La Rhett Lmngstune Stuart. coast Artillery Corps. l’. S. A. son of the late Captam Sidney E. Stuart, «‘rdance depart- ment. Muss Margaret [kwm’lg entertained the last week. Mrs. J. Schneider ofJefferson Park was the guest of Mrs. Ender last week. Miss Irene Hutchison left Tuesday to visit relatives in Beater Falls. l‘enn. Mrs. P. L. Jorgenson and daughter. jMarjorie of Waukegan, were the week end guests of Mrs P. S. Hutchison. The B. () .\', Society 15 Lake Farr-st. have issued Invitation: {'1 r an Informal dancxng party (0 be giver. 3r \ndcrsons Hall.Lake Fun->1 Tlekhwcr‘ F.5t!.erK1ng of Lake Forest and Humor .\r:l5on of nghland Park are on thc :1x'1:_mon mm- mmee. chcral H â€Hand Park people had been hidden. and hmun» mi tam iaruz- this week .1! [ht‘lr hamc (yr of Wednesdaj.‘ zmri 'I‘Eizzrxr‘j the†qucs'. T'cn-rc .u‘iz‘ at each afï¬x. Mr. and Mn john 1min \I.xrsha!‘ are entertauxmg Mr, .\I.> V\ qu I: 1.311 of \9“ York. Mr and .\Ir>. Manhalï¬ â€œch host and hmIc» mi I'm) iarut- (immr parties Quartem Hr n c'u-nzng “(abutmz‘ n )n lust The Social Side of Life 6 Local Affairs of the week Hr: :hh t'nrthda} annhersarx Thurwmy zsrtcrnvon A31. :7 *Icnry Nag-ting greatly :u't. 31.x: RA. mm Park “:12" hr: 1 rd (mend: of Mr. George :Izrprised him on Mon- " The ucmsxon n S .c m ‘1 C 1‘4 62;}; ood collar work-sends us that co ars because we starch them just right, give them an excellent hand work ï¬nish and create ample tie space that makes 1t easy to adjust the he We want your collar work. No Cleaner can do better work FLANNEL TROUSERS than we. EVERYONE that appre- Iu’nfoc (TAM rnnnrwnrlr QPndS r‘h Mace on High Class Lauder": and Fraud Dr) Clemons mam nor of By the Obsen rr Telephones 178 and 179 Hgéml’avï¬ Muss Faith Rexchelt had a house partv at her country home last \xeek for 51x 0! her friends fmm town. Miss Helen O'Brien of Chiyago “as the guest of 511$ Schlie a few day;. last week, An ice cream socxal and handkerchief sale Will be held on the lawn ot the Reichelt Jr. home the evenmg of Labor Day. beginnmg at 51x o'clock. Miss Ruth Reichelt entertained a few of her friends at a dmncr party. Monday evening. in honorox her birthday anmver sary Mr. James Kelfc \x ho has been \xsning relatives in the £23: for several weeks returned home Saturday" Misses Elsxe Palluth Man Bliemchl. \1rs.F H. Zerwer bl Chudgu and Miss (irace NicBroom 0t Geneslla were the guests of Mrs. J Pyle Sunday Mlss Isabel Kist of “'xlmette is the guest of Josephlnc Woodman. Miss Elizabeth Clark of [rung Park was the guest of her snstcr Mrs. W. A. Whiting Saturday and Sunday. Miss Laura Arnold of Chicago. is vim ing Miss Elhlda Knuak this week. Mr N \ICKc-Har of Fargo .\'. D. was the gwst of Mr. and .\Ir:. B. H. Kress last week. The Alter and Rosary Some-[y of the Catholxc church mil be rnlenmncd at the homc or Mrs. Eugene Endcr next Wed- nesday ant-moon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Supple of Chicago and Miss Helen Fldlar were guesh at the Supplrdule Farm mcr Sunday Misses Catherine and Christine Mo Mahon of Waukegan. and Mlss L)la Glynch of Wauconda \isned friends in Deerï¬eld last week. Mr. Margaret McKeHar of Fargo. N. D.. and Miss Marjorie Smith of Min- neapolis, who were the guests of their cousins, Misses Marie and Ruth Kress for several weeks left for their homes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. McDonald are re- ceiving congratulations on the birth of a daughmr. born Saturday, Aug. 29m. GSEU. Eva Ender. who has been visiting rela- tives in Greensburg, Ind.. for the past month. returned home Sunday. Deerfjeld News Items Mr. James W. Gaddis of \‘inccnnes, lnd., has been visiting his son, Mr. Wm. C. Gaddis. Mr. Peter Bleimehl of Chicago was the week-end guest of Mrs. Eduard Blgimehl. The members of the congregation of the First Baptist church will meet in- formally 1n the parlors of the (hurch on Fnday evening at which time Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Fr Evans will be the guests of honor. Dr. and Mrs. Evans are plan. ning to leave next week for (hinnville. Iowa. where thev will reside. PHONE 23 Mix; Jessie Gage of Hubbard Woods, well known here. has chosen Saturday September 5th {or her wedding day at which lime she will become the bride of NH. John Danley of Chicago. The wed- «lxng will be very informal with just relatives and intimate friends present. Mrs. Roland Bleimhl entertained the Em-hw club on Monday evemng. on WHITE ROBERT GREENSLADE 1345. Second St. Said assessment is payable in ten HO) installments with interest at the rate of ï¬ve 15) per centum on all in- smllments from and after date of issue of ï¬rst voucher. AH pers‘ desiring may ï¬le nhjechons in 3- (‘ourt before said day and may I’- peur on the hearing and make that defense. Dated at Highwnud. “llnois, Se tember IL 19â€. Furnham A. Hudson Person appointed to make mid asse-asnwnt SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE NH. 6]. . Notice is hereby gin-n to all per» sons interested that the (‘it)' ('ouncil 0f the (‘ity of llighwmxl. ('uunty of Lake and State of Illinois. have or- dered that “'uukeznn Avenue from its intersection with the l-Ia~t (‘orpo- rate Limits of the ('ity of llighwood Northerly to the North llllt' of Wash- ington Avenue extended In its course across said “'aukegan Avenue. in the ('it_\‘ of llighwood. (‘ounty of Lake and State of lllanlS. be graded, drained and paved with a twenty-one (21) foot vitriï¬ed brick pavement with combination Portland Cement (‘oncrete curb and gutter and other- wise improved. The ordinance for same being on ï¬le in the office of the City Clerk of said City and having1 applied to the County Court {or In assessment for the cost of said im.‘ provement according to beneï¬ts. Ind? an assessment roll having been made and returned to said Court. the flnli hearing thereon will be had on the 2lst day of September, A. I). 1914 br as soon thereafter as the business of the (‘nurt will permit. Electrical Contractor Highland Park, I". ’spmu. ASSESSMENT None: I V0. 6: _ Roadway Lamps and Brackets Farnhum A. Hudson, I’ehxon appointed to make said assessment. '27-‘28 Dated at Highwuod, Illinois. Sep- tember 3, 113144 Said assessment is payable in ten (10) installments with interest at the rate of ï¬ve (5) per centum on allfin- stallments from and after date of issue of ï¬rst voucher. All persons desiring may ï¬le objections in said Court before said duy and may up. pear on the hearing and make their defense. (‘ounty Court of Lake (‘ounty for an assessment for the cost of said im- provement according to beneï¬ts and an assessment roll having been made and returned to said Court. the ï¬nal hearing thereon will be had on the Blst day of September. A. l). 1914, or as soon thereafter as the business of the (‘ourt will permit. Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the City Council of the City of Highwood. County of Lake and State of Illinois. have or- dered that Washington Avenue 120- its intersection with the West. line of Waukegan Avenue. West its intersection with the West line of (‘entrnl Avenue, except that pot- tion occupied by the rail: and ties and between the tracks of the Chi- cago Northwutem Railroad Com- pany and except that portion occu- pied by the rails and ties and be- tween the tracks of the Chin" ‘ Milwaukee Electric Railroad Com pany. be graded, drained and paved with 3 Portland Cement Concrete pavement and otherwise improved. The ordinance for the same beln on ï¬le in the office of the City Cleri of said City and having applied td the Writ: or Itltp‘onr for tutu/on" illustrating Jalrrn! drug-s I‘HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS Phone 806-1. all After such a useful and honorable service, the Republicans voters of he Tenth Congressional District owe it to themselves to renominate their faithful Represen- tative in Congress, George Edmund Foss. We should send this man to Congress now so that his energies may be be directed in building up and maintaining our Navy so that all the nations of the earth shall seek to be at peace with us. He has trcqumtly bwn called thv “chislutiw Hinldcr of the American Navy." Of the 1 200000 tun: (if the presmt Amcritun ‘\':i\ _\ a million has been author ized sinu \lr. Puss lxczmic a mtleI (t lllt .\:n il Lummittee, and over 70 per tent of the\ m \ “as authorizcd and uppmpi i; m (l fur \xliile he was the (hairman of the Sam] anmitttc and h; id charge of tin {urnnil itiun of the \axal program and thc\ ziizil appiupiiation Bills “lllth llt SllLLt ssfully carried through the Home Of Rt‘plt x ntntiu 5. He 15 known and itmgniwd today. the world over. as an authorm on Xiintl affairs. and has many valuable reports and articles on the subject. N0 Congressman has ever worked more taithtulh and loyally for the interest of his District and nation than Mr. Fuss, and the fruit at his-labor can be seen on every hand. He secured appropriations tn the amount of $100,000 for the Mar- ine Hospital situated in Lake View. and he has made this the most attractive and best hospital in the l'nited States Marine Hospital Service. He secured a Public Building for livanstun. costing SWAIN and an addition thereto of 3501â€). He secured a l’ublic Building for \Vaukegai. (â€\llllg $95,000. which is now in use He assisted in securing appropriations to the amount of nearly $500,000, for improvements to the harbor (if Waukegan. He obtained for the Illinois Naval Militia, the l'. S. vessels “Dorothea.“ "Nashville" and “Dubuqueâ€. He conceived the idea of a great Naval Training Station {or the [hired States on the Great Lakes. and tinallv secured this Naval Training Station through the assistance and public spirit of the Merchants and Commercial Clubs of Chicago. whom he interested in the project. George Edmund l’nss first attrarted puhlir attentiun by a speech made at the Grant Banquet April 27. 1894. and in August \\;t> itwit‘mated and eluted tn Con- gress. And thus began his prilitit‘al t‘ziieei'. He gave up the practice (if law in m‘der that he might devote all his time and en- ergies tn the St‘l'Ylt‘t‘ (it the peuple, He has ltt'ed m l,;:i.e View {or nearly twenty years. in his mm hume,z1t 711 (iiirdun 'l‘errate. In Dseember. 18)."). he took his segit m the himw u? Representatives and pre- sented to Speaker 'l‘hmnzis B. Reed. the tzimnus Hamilton Club Gavel. He was assigned to the enmmittee (in naval affairs. of which he held until his term expir- ed. In 1898 he passed the famous Personnel Bill. renrganizing the personnel of the Navy, and in the same year. at his own expense. \ isited and made a study of the Navies of England and of Eurupe in urder tn better tit him fur his service in Congress. Wednesday, September 9th George Edmund Foss Congress 10th District Give Him Your Support Subject to the decision of the Republican Primaries candidate for t 1 Salute! to ll ( hunch ‘ P811) to! {M and I! ole-do hon In! my" inc» admmi ï¬lmy “Now Supervisor- thr Coumy, oï¬ice, ever! on puHK II any other I allowed by l hem and perquisite