Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 3 Sep 1914, p. 3

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thor- 0 per rman ~enth itates b .the mgo. ‘ pre- B was expir- nel of id)’ of ice in CCTCSI :n on 1 en lent}. DOW :arl y ' the the wer. ‘t the our and [blic on County Treasurer Subpct to the Decision of the Republican Primaries. September 91h. 1914. Your Support Respectfully Solicited. ll Khuxn to represent the Republican Parry lur the office of Cnunty Treasurer, and if elected. I “'1” accept, aw renumera- riun Inr‘ my whole rim:- and the best bus- ines: Administrative abilily I possess the salary allowed by the County Board of Supervisors as full pay, I will turn imo (he Cnunty Treasury. as earnings of the office, every penny received from interest on public monies. inheritance tax fees or any other source, I believe the s'alary allowed by the Board is ample compensa- tion and am willing to give the work my best attention without ‘thought of any (ion and am wmmg Lu 5.“ best attention without ‘tho perquisite. l solicit the support of ev county who want: honest administration of the public Phone 897-Y- HIS PALTFORM WillKrumbach Expand“ Clndidlte for Telephone E12212 t-Fz've m of everyone in the . honest and effluent ne public business. WXLLIAM A. ROSING. If I had my say 1 would assemble every King (Kink), Prince, Potentate. Czamwitch and Duke and all ble for the scientific study of how to kill whulesale and send them to the City‘s Dump. press the sword of fasten it tight, and shout. Lead on Mac Duff for your glorious country, lead on {or :1 glorious victory. fight soever happenaj to survive. we are going to hang him. wuyv». "“1"!""‘T -- -v, , u Talk about the folly of women in the latest fashion dress. how about the men? Leaders of nations in the ZOth Century. Diplo- mats, Statesmert and Soldiers with feather llats. dressed like Clowns, their manly chests draped with gilded braid and proud to have it hung full of hardware junk. the order or the Iron Cross of the 9th class for killing innocent men, Human beings, or perhaps the Star and Garter for sinking the enemy‘s ship and by so doing make a thousand mothers weep. What for? Send them to the Dump and let the subjects pray to God that they never come back. Transform the Palaces into l-‘ree Royal Nickel Shows and Thompson's Lunch Rooms. These two modern institutions are doing more for humanity than all the Emperors and Kings who claim to rule by Devine right. Do away with them and war will cease. lt '.\ ill be the dawn ofa Social lk‘mtx‘raey of the people, a Universal Brotherhood of Man and a United States of Europe and away off in the distance the United States of all the people of the earth. That's the time the Florist‘s business will flourish. no tlowers tor the graves of the soldiers but to enjoy them while they live. liven now, here, far away from the slaughtertields of Europe. plant ilowers, trees and shrubs, the more we all come in contact with them. the better we will be for it. The boy scout who plays with gun and sword requires little encouragement to become a soldier. Why not have him occupy his time planting? Creating. not destroying. Think it over, if you need assistance call up HS. Let‘s help you to lay out your beds and borders for planting this fall. We carry everything for “The Garden Beatifnl Notice Public notice is hereby given that the Board of Local Improvements 0! the City of Highland Park, County of Lake and State of lllinois. has tiled in the County Court of Lake County. Illi- nois, a certificate that the following improvement has been completed. and that it conforms substantially to the requirements of the original ordinance for the construction of the same. toâ€" wit: the construction of a cast iron lateral main water supply pipe four inches internal diameter, to lm mn- structed and laid in, along and under ‘Gage Avenue from and connecting with the present six-inch water main inow laid in Lincoln Avenue and from thence southerly fifteen feet east of the parallel with the center lim- ut' 'Gage Avenue to and connecting \\ith the present four-inch water main now ;laid in DeTamlile Avenue, together twith shut-off valves, five hydrants and special castings, all in the City of Highland Park. Lake County. lllinois‘ Highland Park Special Assessment of ‘said Court Docket Number 3054. and that application has been made to said Court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true. That :1 hearing will be had upon said application on Saturday. the 12th day of September, A. l). 1914. at the hour of ten 11“] 0'- A Highland Park Greenhouses clock in the vfdrenoon of said ‘luy the County Coqrt Room of <:u:l (‘n . um. .1. 1/. .y. .. .. clock in the forenoon of said Any. at the County Court Room of <:u:i (hurt, in the County Court House, at \Vauke- gan, in said Lake County. Uirjwtions may be filed to said applivatum an or before the hour of ten (10) u'l'iuvk 1n the forenoon of said day. Frank P. 'Huwkins Joseph L. Fearing Frank W. Sheuhen Byron J. Stevens R. W. Buckley Board of Local improve- ments of thc ('115' of Highland Park. Dated at Highland Park. ilimnxs, August 10th, 1914. Jan; Notice Public notice is hereby glh‘n that the Board of Local liiipi'm'eii:cnt< of the ('it_\' of Highland Park. Vuliixty or Lake and State of Illiium. has lllt'd in the County Court of Lillu’ (minty, Illinois. a certificate that the following improvement has been completed. and that it conforms substantrdly In the requirements of the original onlmumu for the construction of the mine, 1.». wit: For the construction of u (‘ll~'t iron lateral main water supply pipe, {our (4) inches internal diameter. in be constructed and laid in along. and under Bronson Street. from and min- necting with the present four 44) inch water main now laid in Bronson Street at the point Two Hundred Fifty (2:30) feet east of the cost line of Rice Street and thirteen (13) feet south of the center line of Bronson Street. thence ‘nordteuterly pandlel with and thirâ€" ;toen (13).!eet southeasterly at right ---l.- fmm mid center line of Bron- a» u". '1'- feet east of the cut line and thirteen (13) feet center line of Bronson normeutefly pandl‘el w HUI aim-- ., 1"“ _, teen (13).!eet southeasterly at right who from said center line of Bron- son Street; to an intersection with the i northerly line extended westerly oft lot ekhtyvmen (87) south Highland} Addition, Weber with shut-on started now for October is the 51.6“) v: 1 Highland: Notice is hereby given to all per- shut-ofl sons interested (hat the City Council THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS Sl‘l‘X‘lAl. ASSESSMENT NOTICE No. 218. Nutim- ls hereby given to all per; 50.x llllt'l't’;lt‘(l that the City Council of the (my at Highland Park. County ut’ Luke (llltl State of lllinois having Ui‘tlw’exl 'llill kill urtlinance providing for the grmlihp. t'urliiiig, draining. pzniiig \\'llh «'mn'rt-te pavement and othchiw iiiipruViiig Degrfield Ave. frniii at point ten feet east of the ln- tersectwn ot' the renter line of Deer- llt‘lll Au- wtth the west line of Oak. wmxl Ave. thence west to a point ten {ct-t west of the intersection of the said center ll'lc nf Deerfield Ave. to the easterly line of Green Bay Road produced northerly and providing for the payment til the cost of said im- pquk'lllellt h)- ~pccial assessment and the thUultl'r‘ of improvement bonds. the Ul'llllilllii't‘ t'ur the same being on tile lll Tlic' ntl'ivr of the (‘ity Clerk of will i-iti' illlll having applied to the (‘uunty lwirt Ml. Luke county for an :lfisvs‘sllit'ltt ui‘ lllt' costs of said im- pl't)‘.t'lllt'll kll‘lllltllllg to benefits. and an llrfl'hwlli'ltt thereof having been nimic- uul l‘t"1ll‘?.€d to said court. the timil lit-mini: 'liereon Wlll he had on thy l‘lll ltl) ut‘ September. A. ll. li'll. wt ii~ mm; thereafter as the E»:i\i:-'~- it 'hu court Will permit. Siiitl .ww‘snm ts l.~' puyuhle in ten illll iz»»t.ilini:~nt<. with interest at th.- mi.- .it‘ Inc 4.3) per centum per :liiiilim uli all installments from and .it'tt-r (lllll‘ Ur issue of,first voucher. All lk‘l'ubllx‘ «lc~irlng may file objec: tinn< in ~ultl murt before said day and nixv :imwiir rm the hearing and make Frank 1'. Hawkins .luwph L. Fearing l’rank W. Sheahen Byron J. Stevens R. W. Buckley Board of Local Improve- ments of the City of Highland Park. 1mm] :1! Highhmd Park. Illinois, AUKLHI lUth, 1914. 26-27 (l‘35(“'$lh(‘1‘. proxt'nh'l I 2”] HF<PNNJ nimiv uni riv xi hm HUI lzv»t.|lmh~m<. {hr run- nf IHQ‘ l :unmm an all 11151 .n'u-r dzm- uf My AH }w!'mx:< «ic~ir‘ (mm m mid vnurt may :lppwn‘ rm (h: their ~ivi‘ensu. Lnru u.\...‘ George E. l’hxlhps. Hfixcvr upp-nnled to make sand zxssrssment. Dated at Highland Park, 111.. Sep- tember 71rd, A. I). 1914. 27-28 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE No. 217. 3 best time to get busy in planting Hardy Stock. Hawkins Fearing Sheahen Stevens bar Twrm. A. D 1914. flan-I ('hrintiln u. l-Ldvurd A. - (‘hrixlinn In Chancery. No. 6946 Th.- rvquisite afi'idm'it having been filed In the ofl'ice of {he "Ink 0! “id (hurt. humor is hut-Pr) given to (he um! Edward A‘ (‘hrn‘tmm defendnnt as afnrvemd, than (he nlxwe named Complainant herrlnfurr Med her Hill of (‘omplmnt in sail! Vuurt. 0n the (‘ham'cry side thrrwf, and that. n summons thereupon xssued out of md (‘ourt Against the above named defendant. relurnnHv on thu- first day 0! the term of (he t‘irvui! Hunt of Luke (‘ounty. to he held at the Four! House in Waukegtn in said LIKE County. on the Fir" Monday 0! October, A‘ I). NH u is by Inw 1mm! at Highland 1‘ tvmluez 3rd. A. I" 15‘]! Stuh- u. llhnnu 1%.! ("Hunt (our! of [,1 Ufflc (h-(Irgv F Fu-m nppmntml ( A-,~~mem. (‘H.\.\'('F.R\ _\'(IT|(‘F tch and Duke and all of the other Drones responsi- press the sword of Honor in their hands and lorious victory. fight it out among you and who‘ N“) «If Lukn' , .I‘\ 'u- 1mmty, ”Mn (. Spring Flowering Bulbs and Perennials l‘hnll hillups. nkv “an! required ing, [A'WII (L Bur-buy, Clerk. W-ukegun, Hlmon, Scpumbcr 2nd, A. h. 1914. (‘ounly ('mn! of Luke I numy 14-1 ax. snowmen! uf the costs of semi Im~ pron-mam, :u-«ordmg U) 'n‘h0ill5, and a uupplpml-Mul specill ussrsxmm,‘ thereof hmmg been made and re turned tn kuld court, the final hear. mg {hereon Will be had on the 171!) day of September. A. I). 19H 01 up soon xherrafu-r In the huslnnn u! the coun will permit. Sand supple-mental spa-ill auscu- ment m payable in one insullrfient. All persons desiring may file ()hjq-v- mm; m rand rourt before said day. .md may appear on the henrmg and make the” defense. Supplrmrnul Special \mm-mrn‘ \olirr No. 75. Nuhrc n hereby given to I” per mm- ”Jan-Mm! that the CHy ('uunnl u! the (‘xly of Highland Park. County «J Law and Sun of “linen. having urden-d um I Iupplemenul spoon] Inemmenl lw ln'ied to pay the de- fir‘wm')’ of the con 0! the work and Intern! fnr mding. dnining. pav- lng and otherwiu improving of Kim Plnre m the City of Hmhhnd Plrk. from the easterly lme u! St. Johm Ave. thence ensurly to Lindon Park Hurt and Linden Park Place from me easterly (autumn 0! Elm Yllcf dune: enter! to the user' terminal 0! Linden park Plumwhich 1m M'ement m grovided for by nn 0 innnce pad onmfore on the fourth day of lurch. A‘ D.. 1902. and the lawful “pen-cl 0! Inch pro- Jlmu (T. Buyl-n, Ufi'xver appointed to make mud asnnment. Hated It! Hmhlund Park, thn Srpt. 'ml, A. XL WM. 312’- nnd which mic is “ill pend “'HMI, (‘ompl'u .\()T|('E. NOTICE as u.’ auch pm: In «and mp- ehment being the Flu (‘lurk g aplncd to the (‘nunly {m an m u! sml Im~ u) hem-uh, and II ussrsmwm made and n: the final hear- Id on the Hm l). 1914 or up he lvuslneu u! Ipeciul insens- Ie insullrnent. may file ()lqu-v- efore mid day. he hennng and (7. Huyl-n, to make mud Park. Illinois, 4-30,. -l- n .4. ll \mm-mrnl , 75. wen u. Ill per LA I‘.... 1 ..v1l\r|l Notice u hereby given to all per- son: Interested that the Ci! Council of the Cxty‘of Highland Purl. County of lake and Sum of Illinois. having ordered Um I supplement-I special assessment be lex'ied‘to ply the dc- ficiencypf the cost of the work Ind Interest {or paving and otherwlu Improving a ayxhem 0! street! in who (‘ity of llixhlnnd P-rk. County of Luke and Sum of Illinois. as foflm: Laurel Ave" from the Ely “no of St. Johns A\e., thence Ely. along said Laurel A‘ 9,, m the lily" terminus of ah- [uncled roadway 0.1 aid Daryl Axe, M the top of blufl of Luke MK’hIKIlI. Ind Prospect A\'c.. from u: Jmmuun with the south line of Laurel A\'e.. thence East to the lily, lemma: 0! the traveled mdwny on and Prospect .-\ve.. at the tan! hlufl at Lake Michigan. irh Improvement wu rovrdod {or by In ordinance parsed eretofore on the sevenlh day of July, A. l). 1914. and the l-wful expenm of such pro- ceedmg. the ordinance for and sup- plo-menul -upociml gnu-“men! being tn; file In the ufllce of the City Clerk of “Id City. and hauling nphed to the t uumy ('uurt 41f Luke ('ount)‘ {or an unessment of the coy-u of and im- provement, armrding to beneflu, and Sol‘r 27-30 ceedmg. the ordinance {or and lap. plemenul apecinl assessment bung * - - -‘ -1 .LA In... m.» L'I'KTQ'E' m'e’Zifiée L? the C31 Clerk of aid City. And having npl‘ to tho (‘ounty Court‘of Lulu 00an for un -1 _- {J iâ€" I Uuu" llv-I- - __,,, Inlealmeffl of the coat.- of said im- prmvemem, According m benches. And a supplemental lpocinl autumn thereof having been made and re- tumed to uidrcorurt! 03¢ and bou- .‘ I ~AL mg thereon will be hsd on the 17th dny of September, A. D. 1914 or u soon thereafter as the but“ of the cour!’ will pcrmiL Suid Iupplemenul special encu- mem m [-ynhle in' one installment All prrlmls desiring muy fib ob' - huns m said courl hefore nid‘ y, and may appear on the hearing And make lheir defense lalnu‘ .... .. ‘._. anmex ('. Boylan. (mm nppoinued w nuke aid Assessment. Dued 1: Highland Park, Illinois, Sept. 3nd, A. I). 1914. 27~28 supplemental Special Amt Nance Nu. 1n. a uupplemcnunl rpfi'lll nucument thereof having been mtde and ri- turned to and court. the find be”. mg thereon wxll be Ind on the 18th duty of Sepkmber. A. D. 1914 or u noon therflfur u the busineu d! the court will permit. Saul supplement-l Ipecinl um:- mem is payable in one ingulIman All persons dcunn; my file ob' - 1mm in aid court before aid y, and mny Ippelr on the honing and muke their defense. _ Officer appointed to nuke l“ amt. Dnhd at Highland. M 111m Sept. 3rd, A. D. 191‘. 27-28 ordinance {or “MA-u?“ SOTICE.

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