Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 3 Sep 1914, p. 4

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September llth at! 12th. “The History of Chicago" Included in Prognm The Ravinia club announces its second annual pageant at Ravinia Park on Friday and Saturday evenings and Saturday afternoon. September 11th and 12th, and "The History of Chicago", which will ap‘ pear as follows: The Coming of the White Man. 1673; Pere Marquette and Joliet; The First French Settlement; Tonty; Durantage; Du Luth; Fort Dear- beam. 1795â€"1812: Mr. and Mrs. Kenzie. Captain Whistler. Captain Heald. Black Partridge settlers. and others; the city born. 18201861; the first wedding: first lnnd auction; first city election; proclama- tion received announcing the firing on Fort Sumter, a call for volunteers; the til-c.1871; Chicago of today, 1914; art. music, literature. science. commerce. and lndust". All nations bring tribute. THEWANDPARKPRESS Whiedlflpqui Enacted as sccondchss matter March I. 1911. I! the pat office at Highland Park. 111111011. under the Act of March 3 1379 , THURSDM. SEPTEMBER 3 1914 PUBLISHED WEEKLY av JOHN L UDILL at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone :2 :; Highland Park562 You must use .Vn-Fini-h to have tea} dusting satisfatnon You cannot get .Vn-Fini-h raults mthout Vu-Fini-h. Every user becomes an en- thusxast. A ma] WI” cummce you it has no equal ’1‘ REAL SATISFACTION is a marvelous dusrinz; cleamn ~pohshmg. h- uld, ‘iKhu you just us: m the usual way»â€" / but what a difference! No dun flung in the ~ mom to settle down a ain. Every speck u takcn up and 2 en out~~n0€ )us! snrred up‘ And. a! the same nmé. wuh no extra work, your furniture. woodwer and hardwood fioor: are cleaned and p: :hshtdv Try 21 25c bottle. ANNUAL PAGEANT AT RAVINIA PARK In- 8 nil-tel. Bmuim much 1m laboranduscs less ice and «11! than any other freeter. See it before you buy a freezer. "The Freezer with the Aerating Dasher" The mm! W«‘n(l(‘ffill '~f1'.' firemen. By "beam of 1’» m unh: Hg m-mt ng qum it uh pa a r mtn eu-ry partixlc of hu- {rating . rx- am makmgir :- ("mm [nut m I wvrlamyu in texture and dclirmy It break< all records if: speedâ€" ..kq pgrlegt lye ere-n Telephone 954 See it in the Window m at the Columbia Mignonette $100 on my terms M. “Wis-u. Amt . Lac-4mm .P hi. Hus lain. {Ar-u- Ms Amid D G PURDYH‘ SONS N: D. G PURDYH‘ SONS M '01”?! IS mm' Miu Helen Mayer “W IS m" Teacher of Violin gum ‘7‘ IIVADLIMO O07. The Camp I’Hc glrls. “ho Paw been , ‘ ~ ‘ . ‘a: the Lamp i-ue':p u' \uuth :Hzn'en. .\II(‘h, fur the pas' \n-v'n. hme } re-lurned home, Mn. Fleur-4(- Tm Zur at :E Central Any. \\.1~ Ihv guardmx: The figlrls of thc nghund i'dxn dnmmn Awful [ dermce Tucker, Dark-r11 June; km 511- §jestrom. Bessm Salyard.~, Ethel Hull. Elsne :Blomdahl, and Flililxk“ Shcnklc. Mr. Frank M. Baker «>1 ginkgo w» a guest at dinner on Mumh) cwmng n: the home of Mrs. J 8.1er m Nu. St Johns Ave. family. who haw been >Dt‘ndmfl 8 {0“ Master Vincent Schrt-ur: and 111‘ aunt days in Holland. Mu‘h, hue returned [H Mrs. Lulu E, Long lcan‘ (u! \.m3da their home on Shcrxdan Rd Saturday. Mr. Forest Nelson of the [alc uf Pmes,‘ Miss Lxlhe Bell and M.” Rglh Maker West Indies. W35 ”168W“ on Saturday (on leave on Monday lnr a H»: mm of Mr. and Mrs. James Gram. ‘rclntn'es m Elgin m Miss Luum- {tub} fin rczunrd !'H::r Higman Park. Mutx. uhvrt- \hc 12.x: been the guesl of Mr, and Mn \Vunuer. Turn. Hly of Raxinm, Mr. and Mrs. H 5. \ .nl and .\h>> Cecil Vail have returnz-d mm: Emexnt. “'15.. where they have been >pcxtdlng the latter part of the auznmg-rv Mrs. Cldm J Tu ".1 a': to her homc un ()aku has been rcmcd Liu: months. Mr. and Mrs Fred W Schumacher and family. who haw been apending a few days in Holland. Mu‘h, hue returned In their home on Shcrxdan Rd Mr, and Mrs. H. E (use: < Wis, are the gucsh at Mr .md G. Grvx‘ne nn Lindcn .-\.r Master Eugene Tn- spent the >ummcr at E has returned to In: hm: A party consisting M Mr and Mrs J W. Osbourne. Mr and Mr‘ J 5 Shanon, Mr. and Mrs J 5 Bell w.“ lemr High land Park ne\t Tummy tur 3:: extvrtdcd fishing tnp m :hc nurtfzcrn “uod‘ nt Wisconsm. Miss Catherine Schumacher rcâ€"turned Mondav from Mason Lake and is visiung Miss Jean Ten Bmcck lhls week. Mr. Schumacher, who has returned Imm a summer abroad. pint-d his (anuly at Mason Lakelasl \wek‘ Mr and Mr; Schumacher. accompanzed by their young- er daughter Elizubcrh and son Bowen, Jr., will return next “(wk [0 their home on E. Laure! Aw, Mr. and Mrs (;\'\'XL{( tun, thelatterl>c1x;g rm: Rowan of this an [tan Redmc flat on [Nevin-h occupxed M Mr and ,\ and fannl), Thv Hug? Libenyville Miss Alma Cdrrull u: Kcnwood “as the guest List neck «11' Miss Madelyn Woodrufx m Rmmm Mrs. Joseph L. Huibrmk and her daugh- ter, Miss Frances Hulbrook have return- ed from a summer spch 1.". Tcnnessce and are now with Mn. Hulbrook's mother, Mn. (Hm‘u’ m Hugh-wood, Chi- cago. Mr and Mrs. Hoibrnok expeut to occupy Ihcxr home on Raxinc lmve abou: the mxddlc of this month. Miss Gladys Tug‘m-r u: (mkmmi Aw. who has been 1r {01111275sz ()11m in: the [33% threc “ceks 1: mpg-(Ia? horse >Ixt~ urdayn ' Miss Dorothy Schnncld has returned from a week spent m ()cunomowoc. \V’ls. Mr»: Mary Swzmyu operation last wrck m Mm Swanson xs d m1 won return home and Mm} \\ “cf M: forlhc par! six '.\~c'>\~ their humu m M Mrs Anna K \‘. D “Vflk‘h‘ “in 3!.1‘. Mrs.” Eugclxe E. Andrews spent several days 21:15 week xi>iung in Detroit, Mich, at thc hwme of hcr sister. Mrs. Frank Molby. Mr and Mr: Henry Ewart and chil- dren. Duuglas, Gordon. Lillian, Llosd. and Alphinc Ewart leave Saturday for the Isle of Pines. West Indies. where they will reside :n the future. Mrs. Ralph Reed of Drs Mamas, Iowa, was the guest several days [hh m-ck of her sister, Mrs. John M. Tunic. Mrs. Gordon Buchanan and sons. of Moraine Rd.. have returned (mm Own- omowoq'Wis.. where they haw spent several weeks Mrs. EN Hanson of E Central A\e., entertained a party of )oung people from Chicago over the week-end Then- were ten people in the part}. Miss Catherine Dean will return Friday from the sea shore. She will bring with her as a guest. Miss Georgia Sullix an of St. Louis. The Bovs Bible C1355 of [he anlh .-\\e. M. E. church announce an 1w cream social for tonight I‘l‘hursd.‘_w at the church. The objector this wm! 1‘ to raise funds to help pay for ~terw|pt1cun slides which have prmcd w" great value the past summer. Mrs, LeRoy Du kcnann .mu ‘ Edison Park are thc gur>t> 0 Mrs. Archibald AIR-Krnm‘m Mr. Chas. Frvbcrg mun-m:- sermus nperatmn at Hu‘ Anuu plial last week and is dam; m The Epworth Lungzlv Ax’enue M‘ E. church mi business meeting tn the their friends on {"id;1\ hour will follow. Mr. and Mrs. Audrr“ takrn the A. Coon gntmu Aw. I m m ransom ms] p \1 H'HH' fur \tercnpucnn 1 m great value XUI'Kh npcn and , : 1hr; ii [wild an :vw-m‘rx'rs ,\ 5mm} .1:\.ai~!~.xl(ircn or Mr. and sh u! Word was received from Mr and Mrs L C Ammons stating that they ml! am] from London for Amerua lhe wrond \wrk 1n September and wxll rcsumr ”1le “wk m music here. Mr and Mrs, Roscoe Burun:az:d>mn!l Sun Ruben. 0! Millingtnn, Ill. arenmtmg Mrs Burgess mothz-r. Mn Hmnu (Hr B(‘\(‘Yfll days. MI and Mrs. Herman lk’nzr! and HAHN) have ~11 l’ntmcld . gmzr bzuk Mu. \\ huh 311‘) .\I.‘r\‘ "w: .\lr. vnn-m an gm i1u>plÂ¥zll It quit!" . «um has (-1\ :UII‘IHWI Be! .\‘I> Hug} \\' I has (u H] Word 1135 been nucnuf Hf Mrs. Wm. Emerym dl Hu- daughler In Schenextad) Emerson “a: a former 1mm land Park, having resided x! now occupwd by Jnmcs (ymr Ave. Mr. and Mrs Geo. W. Chulds, nhn am making their summer home at Laké Geneva. motored (0 Highland Park the cahier part of this week for .1 two or three day: stay. Mrs. M. R Sedgwlck mi spending a few days mm family of Sheridan Rd‘ Miss Jean Gaylord 0! Lake Hi guest thus wt-ek of Mus Ex .1 Mn Mr‘ and Mrs. deurd Ham-iv. hue moved {rum South Second N .md are now ln'lng with Mrs “mm-ll; ,~ pan-ms. Mr. and Mrs. (Ecary of W Lcrzm: \\r Mr and Mrs. Fredcm "a M Monday fur Rnersxdc. I‘. haw punhuscd a 118“ h Tho F. (‘1. Gardner hut‘ c m I . Ave. Is txnhhed now .md the “ill lnkt‘ pmsrsalon 1h!) \\ n4- Henry Sthaumer Smam-i I'm Ruben Sedgwnck haw n-(un camping mp in Noxthcrn \me Miss India Trylor rs spending .1 week with her parents in Ravmm Mm Taylor is an instructor m the bays >(hOnl at Allandale. Miss Rowena Baum m awn-d In Allan dale school on Salmdm‘ tn attend the commencement cxcrnsrs Mn“ Bastm was the guest of Judge W h, Emng who took part in the commemvnu-m pmgmn. MlssAlu‘e Baker :5 >pcm‘..z.u .. in (In: In Irvmg Park With Mn \rth Juhnson. Mr. Frank (} Gardncr wn on account of the ““1333 nt !: Mr. W. M Loum- Irn Mun Albuqueque. New 31cm”) Mum >pend the winter, Miss Florence ()xborn r from a weeks \ml m'h Elgln. lll. Mr. and Mrs. 51L. Lnxtrm! ‘ wrck-end guests of ”1le wn . {chin-law. Mr and Mn (m) Anunch. lll Mr. Ralph Bennett (-1 ()regun mm the week-end guest of (he Than-r family 0! N. Sheridan Rd. ML and Mrs. C ('1. Alcundu ‘ln‘n! a fcw days of last “'Ct'k m Mmkmmn Mu h The Alumni Assm‘iatmn n! A111: Arbm held a banquet at Ranma I‘arkSJturixy, Aug. 29m. Mrs. Harry Claw and daughter, who have been visiting relam-es m Algonqum. H|., returned home Tuesdav Mr James Harrison n-t frmn a ten (Lips \Nl m: Hummgtm‘. West Vugm .1 Mn, James Nolan and Mn“ 'l‘csm. .\LLiury have returned (rm: .1“(‘Ck3 \mt “I”! Mr. and Mr: llnzmlr [1 m .\![('s. 511d]. Miss Donna Drew tanned Tuesdly from the cut where the spent moot ol the summer undying at the Columbia University. Min Drew motored through Rhode Island and Maximum with friends Next week the will leme (or South Bend Ind” where ha humeptcd a posniun to teach Domestic An: in the hIgh school in that city. MI and Mrs. Herman lk’nzr! and faznly motored to Conuantme. Mxyh and mere the weekend guests 9t Mr and Mn J Reescman and farmh Tru- Rm-scman's are expected to return hunu' (hr HHddIC uf ncxt Wm-lx. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Bruun of Um ngu \wrvlhe wrek~end KUK‘3I‘ «vl M: .md and Mrs. Frederick Glccrhludc Miss Agnes Garrity had us her Sunday guts! MISS Schelfer 0! Wilmette. Mr. Henry Hammer and chuldren of Chicago are the guests at relatives here and in Ravinil for several weeks. Muss Grace Murphy of Wauconda‘ ll! . was 1hr guest of Miss Eluie Wntcn a In days Hf last week. \IrsJ-‘redenck Nocrcnlx-ru nr‘r' \th ln-nare Hsmng friend: 111 Hum‘gwn, [II nhrlc there they an: Mindy; Ur :n'np meeting. Ml and Mrs. A, V. Simmoni .m- re~ :cmng congratulahnns rm thv tm‘t. u! a .i.u;ghter, born Friday, ALg -mr. Miss Hannah Harrison was the gucn on Sunday of friends in Chicago 65m PHARMACIST PHONE Z3 l‘HE HIGHLAND PARK‘ PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS m PMm Swwa n-(thn: Hm \me wzwxn \Vdu'rmgan IS the Scdgwu‘k dJugh curt} In \hs Hug” med (“EEK \«1H (. nd LII m Mr. Ind Mrs. Geo, Howe of County Line Road hnve returned from a week's visit with "have; in Mil‘rlu- keg and Beloit. Wisconun. While in Beloit they attended the” nnnunl family reunion. Mrs ch-ulcnhnl F whn has berm Ihv gu Cuthn m R3‘~|HI.I I; Lneuu-nam Mun n: has the ”Lilldgl‘fl‘viY ranlrumi, Doctor Herbert 1‘. Evan: “iii de- liver the sermon at the Bapuxt church next Sunday murnmg It eleven o'clock. His topic wxll be “The World's Greatest Task." This will be Mr. Evans' last MFVICQ IS p..- eor of the church. All are cordially invited. dm In: Edgruatrr k hn .ugu n he“ Mr “‘13 qx-nd 1hr ”mung yr.” vnlh her p.” H 1* MI and Mn Jrnm‘r I. Nardaic) MM Hunduc- 1) Nut)” Ln as he! gum! hm mum” Mu HJN') (I! Nru IL‘HH‘. rt Mrs Hrnry Bell and daughlrr Mm Manon: Br” 0! Antuv h [H finned In Highland Park Sunday. In bc 1hr guest: oi Mrs.) 8. Bell, ()1 .\‘. St Jnhn: Place. for one week d.l\ $[n .d vuli n-umn My)! Mdmh h.” . pun-(1.1 sludx‘ 111 Brand stud!” U'. Ii krufrfl -\\r mnmh ll‘\!1U\IUl .\Il\\ “.136! “(H u! .\ .‘1 Ju. l: \mzlng Mr: Hun .\'mvpsun XI? 1m wwrai mm: M It» “rt'r Mrs Rnbvrt \\'.nnun,;'t,! v? k \«...;w Vlsmng Mm Hum L‘uthn n' Run: A. l a few days hem-rm \\ amwnxhr u formerly m Lnn‘Jltand .1! Fuzt fihrndnn Mlss Frames hx-rs \rt ”ah the guest M Mr :md Mn .’\ b Uakwood Au- \lfrn Hm' Lul'lYAdl where hm l'ndcr [fir managrmrm u‘ Mb~ Helen Huyn- u! M. n:z‘<»:r Play: and Mr \ heater “'LHin' s n! N) (.Irrx’. H.“ Rd .A (rum: (Cu-.w rr.*u.1i1«- “pen-1 m. “aim-r H Miss L|Huan Same-r u! Mu lslhc guest n,” “um n1 Schwalbc AI quhigmz HJJ The Hughiund I‘nrk ’I mud»: k have pun‘hafird .1 Mrrn'wr.‘ 1:, m three lon, ‘3 hmw p‘mvr twr lance mmmg Mr and Mrs R I turned 1mm Hut-L4 have been \pc-ndmg I” N," H Spent: “0 MN \Lup 1.11M». flu-x the: “xx dang? Mn. C. P. Sullivan 1nd daughter Mu- gucnte. who have spent nevenl week: at Mackmnc Island. returned home Wed- nesday, [X'Hx (I Mr. J. F Learning 0! Ravinil und his son Jerry hau- lgtt for I week: \‘III'! to Colorzdo Springs. Mr. Cums: Finncy ol Ccdar R-padg Mich. who has been viutinl Mr. J. Fm- ncy. has returned home Mn. EV Tyner and children. uho have been motoring through the Rest Wllh I party of friends. hn returned home-A The party left Htghland Park July ch Mr‘ Tyne! jomed the part) on the Paufic 'cuast and a tnp tn Mt Ron-er “aw one otthrtcaturt-s ut ht: “cc-bu am) utth them gurus Gum “U! ,\ pm Aha! Khxfl lcn Mun lhr» u' rclmnn X1m~ RUIHHN LII,K1\H I Mr and Mrs (m Mr“! {ht H(‘ Addnionll local on page ‘ a r'\ “T"? 2 Mn: EKhtl Bmvu nn >undu) of Mus \Mhume \Ux r hutch vull H‘HJI. m nn'r m “alum-m \1 Md H and .\Ir R hubs-n. v ‘mn! 31kt. h |~ cxpmrm‘. P (.mm .\h\ |\ In e1; rd tr \d\Al|1r[| ll Hcmdxlm umqm- and 1:1 Spun“ .nu‘. hv-r \«vurzger y} .md sun hmnwrsquc are r nru “ka “c: ‘ A\ ’u' Rural n? Mr» M11 F Mrar: ('3>l ah MR “L‘s :rned \\ Holln uc I,(-an‘.xng rel (H MA 1" “W?! H‘IUX H MI and MI : 8.1m} u .1 511k h A“ .ln lrJn' a! r as \H \\ it! UJI f Muluaukr \1r Mr 5H ”1‘3”“ H \\ n \1! hwghl (.xhson \\ rrLA Mr « Fire-f1 ll Hum H lvm a. us here '2 t :‘lh ul nc-v. u c-rk M thr guests fall W. ‘ull‘dnxbct [3‘1 “(x-k :l Mr Frrd Pou- they Pphvmm H!) are NHH‘. of »r Hm k. ! mg d15- Manna .c-rman) slrzdam R hub \nlllng ”1411.4 all son rr the James ( ) 51le ”\L'n born he! pany gun! \bfl’ H M" H Ln! lur 1(Ir AVE MONEY by contracting for your heating work now. For several years boilers and radiators have dropped 10 per cent in late winter advancing again, 5 per cent in July and 5 per cent in Septembyr. You um saw about 10 par cent by contracting at on“. 10 per ('01th three months is big interest. I” E. Coon-n] Ava. Making a Spt‘t‘lztlt) ot luatbnn improved real estate in the North Shun‘ tcrntur)~ includmg Rogers Park. Evanston. “’il- metle, Kemlwnnh. \thnetka. (Mentor. Htghland Park and Lake Forest. Smurit) under mnrtgugvs in thzs territory is continually cnhnnt‘mg while thr ratv nt mtercrt I: attractive. Highland Purk. Illinois mm I man head-1 m: cm HIM l J awn c.5- North Shore Trust Company These New School Clothes Chas.H.WarrenC0. Dyers and; __(_:leaners INCORPORATED 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Hahn: W Put 255 Telephone: “The Imperial” Why not have your clnthing renovated here this week and give (mr work a fair trial? 0er CLEANING A.\I) DYEING of ladies' and gent's gamwms. uricmal rugs. camets. portiers, draperies. piano «(m-rs. lace curtains. etc, cannot be duplicated by am 10ml cleaner. as Wt" have the LARGEST and must SANITAM plant m the West. Have more good hard wearin them, than suits at twice the price used to have. SpeciallyPriced wagon will (all for and deliver your garments North Shore Trust Company T. H. Decker Company Human-durum 2.22 Owl: >20 (Owâ€"G N_NU.N_HU rial... >103... Q5 rial: . .0; ASK YOUR FRIEND Capital $100,000 Org-nixed under the Banking Law: of the State of [flinch MORTGAGE BANKERS Highland Park sun dnfirrem men But every than mus have hm clothes dean. umpoued and neat n he would create a good Immion and make a succmtul appear- ance. ()ur Cleaning 3nd mlkc her) man hunk ncaland prmporous. Why nolsend y' ur (10th lo “regularly addsmuch to your appearance and costs lmlc. during ti how well den vor. esu It (+1th 1 and H. \'mm x- Not vi the con! reâ€"elecfit win up] Republic mg pout hum no Board I. 1:th 1n m’q Were ponent'l vaicw ‘ they mi me, blfl < mm; “mum u bee-n Ill {“le | “undid“ of hf) d0! for th medal UI' (m but. I (hpuu Tattle plly 3 laser»; will be (-harge ('hlldx, ward SI (‘ommix du («1 }(H K' Will be n ream (bus make hgt for IH 1hr m API 14-! v m to h“ mm. 18 '11-'13 TIN In“ 01 l' XIII " The exerum nun It before o plum ymtnm U! wh: umpiy uum \\ m 0mm (10w 1 “it‘d A L... The A H)! \ 8C1 n It hm Ul‘

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