Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 3 Sep 1914, p. 6

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Ezght fez-i5 3ft requn'ed whn‘h null tk‘ theatre \me t9 31‘2” 33:: on "4 .35.;qu .25 pf!“ Luv. nr' I‘t'uiiiratmn prizes are: Bert Haston, mu lamp; W. E. Nummack. chest; Harold Vetter, .clock: No. KW. eievtx'u- mm; Albert Hall second and Ed. Selig, third: automo- biles. M. S. V. park, electric head lightsâ€" “t. Lestua' Manger. suit case. sevnnd: Themlm’e Knuzlk. Cigars, third. '1 ‘L. Third Prize for Best Decorated Automobile by Then. 1. Knaak are as fullows: Floats, the Deerfield Nursery. Katrashâ€"gas iron. first, the Standard Hil Company. gas lampâ€"- second, Royal Neighlmrs, pillowâ€" third; rigs, (I Antis Sons 4: Co.. WthF~rllfl<L J. A. Strykei'. gas ironâ€" second and Ed. Selig, third; automo- biles. .\l. S. V. electric head lightsâ€"' Swinger. suit gir'k, Lester Check; Miss Hockney, laum E. B. Rehm, sulm'i'iptinn in Park Press; Miss M. L'n scription to ”lg laml PM May Morris, subscription In Park Press; Johix Esther “Ki'uegcr, ('iwfll‘h' Agnes (,‘arnlyn, lmul; ”in! liver. boat: J. valis. Sn, lu Warns The fire engine of Deerfiold was drawn by sixteen boys in Volunteer Fire Department costumes. The prizes awarded to the best dec- orated floats, automobiles and rigs Dancing was enjoyed by the young people and The Atlas Supply Co. sent out a moving picture machine. and five reels were given on the scrflen out of doors in the evening. First prize for Best Float by Deerficld Nurseries sold by anmk Bros. this summer. Nu- merous races were held for men, woâ€" men and children for whlch suitable prizes were given. Dancing was enjoyed by the young people and The Atlas Supply Co. sent out a moving picture machine. and five reels were given on the bond; E. P. ()stgrnmn. dish; Geo. Karch, dish; Mrs. Fred Zm-wer. dish; Mrs. J. Hornberger; Mary Beckman, 6 dishes; Dr. E. E. (lei<ke, shuck mill; Pauline Stauber. >ug8l" and cream set; Lillian Rockenllack, razor strap; Loretta Mr'(‘mxlv;.'. razor strap; Mrs. E. Geiskc. map; Sadie Tdepbou 673 The Na Sigma ('hl girl.» wore in an automo‘mie covered with yellow chrysanthemums. each girl wearing a. sash and hair bow of the same color. The float of Autis Sons was a bow- er of pink rows. and the one belong- ing to John Stryker displayed a dwarf calf, and a tiny lamb and pig. A battle ship was represented by the Sunger Hardware Company. Knuk‘s automobile was followed by a long line of ()vm'land cars which had been twins in white dresses thh red, white and blue parasols. “THE CHRISTIAN" IN THE “MOVIES" Dr. B. A. Hamilton Dr. I L Banghlu DENTISTS l Caine': Famous Love Story at Local Theatre Sunday. Sept Gth DEERHELD DAY PROVE BIG SUCCESS Fust prize for Best Decorated Rig by C. Antes Sons h‘ E) :".k Bldg. KLAVD H“. “l plctures made L‘hnstmn," a: the local CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Hui! Came's play and is : Lasts rn‘r wt >fum‘um dalc‘ “I” w; '1 :1 Cut RV‘A "When It r-onms to a political snun don." replied r‘urmvr Curnmssel. "you '11! have to [8.1: to S! Stmlm. the pm! master. He's the only fem-r uruuno here that ever Dad oDeJ'â€"\\'asn1unuu Star. A Polmcal Siwatron. “What :an yuur \‘Lrus on the pa“! lea! situation?" I) Cook mehl. boat; Hm. I‘ (f. Bonson. boat I019. bl'x' L’. . I’drk‘ W‘ I). SM- Property, Exchange: Recorded During Past two Weeks check; Miss Hockney. laundry vheck; E. B. Rehm, suhsvriptinn m Highland Park Press; sts M. L'nger. sub- scription to Mix land Park Press; May Morris, subscription In Highland Park Press; Johxj. Parnell, chair; Esther “Kruegcr, (‘k‘t‘ll'h' fixture; Agnes (,‘arnLVn, Mutt: Hurry Schin- liver. boat: J. valis. Sn, boat; Heleh Trilly, boat: EVA Wximut, boat; A. T. Larson. boat; W, PL Mel'rlmzm. boat; R. E. Dickensmv, lmnt; ("lura Blei- cream set; Lunnn Kockennack, razor strap; Loretta Ml-(‘uulqu razor strap; Mrs. E. Geiskc. nmp; Sadie Galloway, tobacco and pipe; Allen Davis. chicken feed; J. Hornlmrger, box candy; Ada Ben-her, lmx candy; Marie Hammer, box candy; Mrs. 0. J. Holmes. box candy; Nannie Holtze, casserole, Lyda Heiber, laundry Gutzler, gas iron; Mrs. A. Mct‘omb, electric iron; Emma Selig. gas iron; Henry Meyer. rug; A. Schetzley, la- dies’ hat; Mrs. C. Mann. ham; Ed. Slgert. pail lard; Eugene, Zuzica ci- gars; Mrs. J. Antes. Permit cigars; Mrs. C. Hoyt, Good Example cigars; No. 318, Traveler cigars; Vernon Gunckel, slippers; Geo. Muu. umbrel- la; Marie Kress, picture; Alice Lani don. picture; J. G. DaWsen. picture; Mrs. G. Karch, picture; Jesse Easton, boat; J. G. Meyer, picture; John Klemp. picture; Geo. Karch, Jr., $5 Kate C. ()a , R‘umm. J. A. Raubc urigvmnnu L Ha u M. 1 Inh.\ A. W H state I LOCAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 1H) \‘. sts M. L'nger. sub- Hig land Park Press; subscription In Highland :' ’tir‘il! » 1“ ( .eorge imt! yum.“ Mel'rlmzm. bout; u; ('lura Blei- (wt, twat; Mrs. l‘Lzrny In‘ and an}: im :t. In: land link. W‘ vs 3t ”deft-la, Highland k. In! I dId um brIng hulue wIth me 11 um ple of the rujnn's (ran-elm: polnon. In deed. I was not Interwnrd In It fur Itself. I did not «won (are whethvr ur not there wus such a IIIIng as 1: Iran» less polsou Imt un my n-mrn to Ann-r Iva I Iwgun .mnw vxpcrinn‘nls CUIH't‘IU Imz [ht‘ inh-rvst that “’Ullld be ("ken in pron-"Hug It by \‘nrmus pc-hmns. | quk the urn-mum: In Imtif)‘ Hu- rhw .rr police In the «m In whin-l) I Ii\I~I my my Into-mIo-d «.un-rInh-nts. and m- \\.|~ muvh IIIIO‘I‘INIQNI 1n Ihn-m. Tho-n I “run- mr udVo-I'Lu-Im-ut :Inmnun'III}: Hun n physIcinn “how "sands or Me hm; nearly run our" and \\ 1m Imd «pe-nt Im IIfe Iu\'u~s(i;::utIn: Hn- \urqus :mh .‘IIHI euvmlrs In IIIIIIIIIIl 1m: Imd HIIM‘I'MIMI In dlscuu-rm: :4 pniwn Hm! II'([ In! truce. “0‘ "ml ('unwm‘u‘ql .‘l {mum-I which. If sulttvn-«I :lhuut In |)';I('o‘fl In festvd Iuy n-rmm. would (Ivstruy [In-m ‘ leaving no qur nr utIn-r {lIKJIL'rV‘PEIlIEV COUM‘IIIIQ'IH'tN I did "A! :v-[ ml 1 from ht-r I'Q'[[_\ :.. my por uh uh: 3v xhw \I'ruh‘ l-m'v '4 rll"' 'I'hc-rr um» "1' I :I‘m- {~H~ Iv v MNM'YI‘ “h\ :1!“ .H- U -<1‘-l “an! .,. '---\H!v-' -mw'a!--: w.» :"r xlwl fur " -- vx’n-"Iw‘ HAHN” ,' \I‘w " Thu “'1'.“ M [M-q “I"? |l|’I:ll xv! 'ut-p UH! or I' ‘ ' '9‘ m' melnm-huh- Hn-rt-an' I arc-ml th .z Mm whshm H fur Hm nurpme nr «wido- I fr pun). was [-rmfii HM L'H : if there was any one country that ‘ Interested me most of all it wu India. zThe Hindus .eemed to me I unique I people. Like other nemicivlllzed race-I. they have lived for ages in their rutn. j while their narrow scope bu led them ‘into correspondingly restricted intent _tigat.ions. What European civilization hu produced in the way 0! assistance ‘to live the indium have brought forth 1 for death. We have discovered a , number of untitoxins; they haw lbronxht out an innumerable number ‘ of poisom. frum 5n 11th" in: l mkln “0‘00"“- plu‘w- (U AUH‘ HI! (‘bh-f ("'\]l« pHmle~ Wu: Iml Ih‘ or ”In HHIH me. In I\l.\ I Afh‘r :lw IHHM ‘IIHL' :I numb pllvs [0 un :Idn-rtiu-nu‘m I h to ”In vim-f ur [min-e, who x. bq- Illih‘ to lvl n In.” wh'll \\ v-ilv m In nl-n “uh 1hr [mum lint a dumb DUI 1hr v be ¢l|\ ‘mv wunld .mmn Would [In m: killing verlml Ilppo-nrml lwn Dlllll'u'r (If :1. n“ u! the ['1']: (“mm-:5: Hw NJIIH- ur [In-I sending It..- dvmly «at. H ‘ "Pl NH'rHrv' ed upon in «nu-h cases. and the “’urd" "(Faceless pulwn" mount u great dml [u [De-nut tlmt l expw'tm! to tune nu} thing to do with such a thing. but It at once ou'urrvd tu me that I! a knuut edge of It should be common [mun-rt; it would be [be chosen lnstrmurnt or [Burden-rs and sulohlvst I confess I was surprised to learn of the various lubsmnces that I'll! pm duce death and the knowledge the li) dlnns have acqulred In handling them I was interested In the flower to breathe which is death; in the process of a poison. taking Increased doses of which one may become impregnated with it. and would be poisonous to others. But my attention wn chiefly arrested by n poison the rnjah men tioned which left no trace. Why was I eipa'mll)‘ Interested In n (rattles: poison? Because 1 elpm'lml to spend my life In a land where err are. as there Inns! always be. mth-v and sulclde. l know (hut as n Inodu-zli prnt'titlunor l med be r‘onwmntly m'l ed upon in «nu-h cases. and the “’urd'4 While In India I gulned thmuuh '| fflend admission to the palace o! u rnjah. He seemed to tulle I fnnry In me. probably because 1w found In un- 11 good Hateuor. 1 said nothing ex (‘opt to guide him Intn Channels that Interested me. Drugs being in UN line of'my profession. I was plouu-«l to hear what he had to say about (h.- urioun lndlnn congoctious, and (1)980 included polsona. When I was graduated from the medical college which made me un .\i. I). 1 concluded for the purpose of broadening my ideas to Fpoud a your in travel. Then lVI‘ould return and begin where i had left oiT. l hun- never regretted this resolution. Being an observant man. travel was of great advantage to me. teaching me that all i. had learned thus far was not necet sarily true. that i had only begun to learn and that i! i lived a thousand yenra 1 would no( know it all. ‘H {h I \\ II "t wm- Hun Hume “n Y" My mt |>"“11.- IHIu-r 'illl'puxps p” M." illh't'l‘Hw-m- n! lm rm n-I‘Inw “in: hers: ‘I Indy, lj‘. \l’rnto I... H‘PQ‘ ]~|H\ I IH‘ \\ II -Ilho-r .I“ Ni“ 01‘? III»- uhvll | ”H! fur NIH“ vll'ill {rum huh. lhiI Hw (Hm .‘Hh H h \' |Y\ u h- [In HI T! H” HM] nuk “I w'lH HI: 1 x ht w H l wr h. H Tho huh-rm! 'v; ': \ start hr nuwlf 1* Hull H hi‘ “WW Mum: and t-ndu-«I fur n purpow. Hm pun-mp twin: tn I?” buw I met wwwd nnd “nu mt wife. ()ne of the I‘l'th“ lo my advertise men! (hit I mrnul mm h) (be (bk! 0! pullvc prom-Mm! n murdv-r “no I fumui 114 I tit-ed, I flnrh'r 'm wai- nmrr v”«~ H‘ Hillllflh ”I" Hm! nummmn :11r uh hwwnvinl In mu! II) Hunt» 0! lmr. lmHn “Hh (hem hllmlwr u! rm: hm: hm hut 111”" In)- “h” | [ml ~£ [he mlm- «in II“ ”mm \\ drnuulm-r 01 mi In 'II'II‘ hvr ‘- mum [him :1 “LI! ~lw IH‘I m- illlll‘dn‘lt‘ll HIV-«I In-r H lzlkmg hrr lift In: to li-‘lvn “hum Hu- mm It unuhl lw \ Hill). and u.- trlnl “m: Mm With the pun Hint-ally. pn-h “'l‘hIn powder." ! said. “I! (aim! in large quunuty will kill: If taken 111 small doses II II a very remarkable remedy. a rvmedy that II not generally known In this country. 1 go! It in India; could KM only I mum-d qunn my. and 1m decided H it; drew mu! l new” L'hf It wltlluul known»; It! about (he rwlulrelm-uu 0! Un- penal. “bu um-n H “ ”I do no! require a reumd)‘. I re qulrv"â€" “Pardon me. you do mlmm a run "l lmw tnLo-n rented)?! [HI I (lied of thrm They do um um gm: "I'm-ham Mm 0116‘ will HUI. m that. l mum-t [ml vuthom Llluu' )uur umptunw" I kind u hum] Mrugglo. lrul In (I Kuhn-d umh :Murmnliun mun-m bq-r mn- n-4 l n-qmn-d and “n1 .» wt”: .3... l........., V . ..«_ fl . ,_, Hu- Imrk‘d at me mlu a melancholy dream. and I saw that she hm] nu! taken 1n wlmt l said 1 had brought a Imnll lmx of a harmless [nmdvr with me and :ln-w ll fmm the bag of mull (lm-a l curried with me "Perhaps you Inferred from my ad vortlllng that I am I quick. but I u‘ sure you I am a recent graduate of I first class umllrnl college. After grad ultlng l went to lndla. when I pro cured the- drug of Whh‘b 1 blue been wrltlng you. ll: vflect depend: on the quantlty tzrkm). just In It (‘Up of com-«- will maln- a person nerVuus. while I nary stnnll‘qunutlty wlll lnduve sleep." She Mom-d the door Ind led me to a little rvation room beside 1!. She did not ask we to be seated, efldenily do airing to nwure what i had agreed to bring and have it over with Never (holes: I tucked I! I chair Ind said nothing till nhe lndlcfled that 1 might use it. and she uni into one herself Then I Maid: "May I not come In for I few mo menu?" I naked, "I new to (It. you smug- «llru‘tionl II to the use of the powder." I "an supposed to have brought her And yet on seeing I young man of (be appenrum «- 0! one of her own clan she seemed surprised. If I hnd nm-dq-d nnuhlng to contim'r amp! the n'fllwmvm u! the Indy (HI lat-(bod by whhb l [mum Mentify her would have urn-d. Berldm, n mun rH dent that Iblle lhe had no lute-w In of using the pol-on on In; other H. .n VherIelr. uhe did not wlnh n to full um» Mber hundl. let! It might do dam.” 1 ohm revert to the moment I am looked on [be (ac. nnd azure whk-l. then Were before toeâ€"I 21H not over Ion-Main. I willowy figure, I face ev ery feature 01 which wu as perfect H Deemed to me. u it could be made. but wltlml llnxed with I mun-1n; melancholy. She bold I mu In one hand and extended the minor for what I all“! I! (be curt time up" mud I found a domicile that could l-t- the home or on. of the blgber clu- may I rang the bell. And Ln I (2' [noun-nu the door wn ope-ad could not supply the pom with t «luring mylcl! that an puma ro- delng I! had no Intention of Injnrlu .11, on. with 1!. She wrote In. In re» .ly to m. mu the had not an enemy fix the world. nddlng that Ibo VII hub to on a» mum by mm». w m: *l'reu-mhm: In be nullified [but M10 CM not wish my ponder {or any Uh» ‘uimnn- purpose. I wrule bc-r Hull U she “nuid let nw know when- I could Hm] hrr I would XIILQ' ll lo hrr !m- uva :m uplmlmnn-m for I rpr min «in n! u (‘PHHIH lmur‘ l wan In" to Imw n xxumum- ur nmtmng «.m- WHII um- who should ndm I ”)1- uhlq-ns it mu my mrrrspondrm. and l wuum knuw lwr by I note Hm uuuid tarry in brr hand. 3r m be pmed than nun-u. 'rm- .a pinion Imhmu-d her object, dm the applies! Inm u car-pud- \\ tlml hm: [m 111”"!!! HI It! ‘Iwm fur \I-Hi [In-re "In! Ink. \\ Ilh _\uu l u Hun-:9 «10‘ pm Hm! H1 I‘ll! unr-u 1H nu! 1H] Inn h VIM YI'H‘ I 1-41 h I ln‘r H: :ul an HIH “H? «H! ha “'1“; Ml ’- H XIII In H II [I ()Uf «()Y the)! bx Mm Mn: hL‘n mubu muh Ihmgs wrimnly, and Hm I! Leah-n hxs fearless expo-um uf the trm- (nuts about the Board Of Rum“ tumuualmh hum“ will rrsn?! m l K mm h good." 4) HM Is 1.- ”lt ha> been said many times a! E. \" Hm: that he taken his nulh of office seriously (the Wlukegun Sun says: ‘12. \'., takes hil cnndidacy M'rr lously.'l we agree with them and lie-7 lieve this needs no further proof than the {In that he has stood llLe a rod. for the rights of the people who were heavily fined in Police court. and compelled fines to be remitted bark to the poor fellow: who were unable to lose them or turned into the mty treasury that he stood out IRIHH-l the gas company": sulphur, and against the street ruilvuy, besides hanug fearlessly cut OH I free list in the water men (montly among (hone Well alile to pay) of 310.00“ in the first six month,- as cumminmnw “Yer. \H- lielwu- 'E. \'.' xlm-s (“he (JRVIS (‘AN and WILL." Tho (Irayslnhe Times up among thu- wwk'y editorials, under the fol- luwmg headinxi ()rvil Hun Then 0n the Bill. “Some of the statement! M by 1-: \I Unis, candidate lor County Judge. seemed rather ”than! whu. they were made. At the time they were thought light of but judg- n.g from the action of his opponent and the moneyed men thlt he ht: threatened to assess, there is linbleto be mine hot reading before the pri- mmw,» Um- of Mr. Orvis' statements um that he would appoint a Board says In follows I CAN AND WILL appoint a Board of Review on merit alone. and will RF-Ai’i’OINT them from YEAR TO YEAR. Some people do not want this done. WATCH THEM! I C A,N AND “ ll! h\ the same methods, force those same and others, along the North Shore to pay the (.3er they are dodging. I will not be led into any newspaper controversy. I repeat, however. the inch-p I cut all a $10,000.00 lrct- list from the water users of Waukegan. 11y! I‘hn I‘hnmsun Writes «m War Risk Insurance Bill 0H(v\»\~ .x’mn NH YrYal\ 0H1 M Mhdl H Wnuconda Leader of thus AKJZH‘I By ( hat. M. Tho-hum In» H mm! u hu Mad wnlhf)’ h Y. Orvil ll Serioun 'Iv“ iuuks \Try mmh am Is 1.- In M our next VuuzJ)‘ n vnnrr ntr. juxt and (-an uuld not be chosen for the puMn-he-d mmounvomm4s m (1» M11 Jun who-r0 he .u )UIH' \ullnx for hl'l‘. ls h..- nvlr In the dark ~1u;«p«d 1-: m be shipped ~I !m~ m H damage by Hw AfH‘IHWC‘I :I shall appcm in '1 I’rasuly Hm! (“Uni Nq-wn My! Hixiuvmlly «i In any om- m all that he prupmw> (n uhu 1r nut',’ look up Inf)’ yourself “huh w mam-vs tur H)“ In! sunnxifAmQ-n .n .\‘ an Ainrtu'u' .quw U M Hu-pxwzt mmmnl >hall mam- ..n [luv ships and «MI ms upon uthrr ,‘HAYJJL‘NIHL' Ihrn‘ mx umdmun dur 1. I homuon ~ \\ (‘rk llH‘ \ {Finlay} 't Haun- undn Irl-hlt‘d an'dll n .1> me War lnsur lh!‘ lull ‘nd H.‘ Consult-x a 1; walk) >~ .l Hun-flu ,. lu-nsury ~~l.u|l, db ‘H'M‘tt ll)! n1 ‘\\.- “rpm: 5(IV'I 1hr ll lhroughuul l ‘ \ mammal Naval Conterencr held there in llS‘lUpHHldCd as follows In article 56: "Thr lransler u! an enemy vusel to a m-unnl flag rflvclrd alter the outbreak n! huwdmes. 15 \‘md unless H is proved mm smh Iramle-r was not made m or- (l -r In r-xndc- the (“nu-qm-nu-s 10 which .‘1'ltf‘l‘3'l\ \visel, .n \u. h, M rxposed." \zuwugn max t I':\rnu(m was nevex :.n;mâ€"d in Hw- I’nu rn parlu‘lpalmfl In It, Hrral linlmn and me‘r hau'anm-unced unlr 1hr hcxmnmp ml the present }*;~r\ m HHpterr7\ 1.” Lu lwcn ‘ ”1 Hm kmd h, A.» h confrontx v‘n' “I”. the hm. Thr .«'r by 2?)» lmer I npposed lo any mcaauu' v» m thr shame“ degrrr endangers .s,n'rnanre of (hat neutralizy to who“! I-xtcnt. and I am ntrayd duri- n. (MS [‘ubhflflf munm ~ r um Hsk l 1 hut .pbmll ahlun run! wide-I m'u "lnrxnn rd undrr I h «d Hh blc- m nd pl|)\l ‘4‘!" V .t‘ \\ (‘l’ If .|: ‘vmtl'xnrlh Hut lhcu- x: a more Im- , 21.: .md n n on M'Huu‘ ubwdxon to :1 lnfl (“an 11ml. \\ Mir I am krrnlym- a: w ~‘mi n m.» o-Hx‘rnurn u! our com- _ ‘0“ 1 AW “plume-d in taking any stop .' Hm lune uhu'h might lrnd m the n “Hum drwna tn Irwlw uur Ramon m - D 13v guru-m war 1‘ \tr‘Nh1HH'”K'H‘au‘ at {um pl)\~ *1. ~ ‘mohed in this MIX “11“ h should ;,. mundrvf. Above all thmgS our 1,: mum) must be present-d In Hus .' Y'»!\ in) II "HI'l’M 15‘ 13v guru-HI \11‘1i u-mdrr 1f (hue wasn'! something Lo thr phrase that 1-2 V. uaullly gets what he goes aher. Thnw of u! that have made An rflmt to knuw Mr. (Drvls' record at n xumnnnunwr of Wuukexan feel xurv Ihut :1 alone n: sufiment eviâ€" dmu-r that he mm and wnll do what “.1 twime the luxeh of the people MIMI surely ”Hr Il~ the sort of mn that mvrlts (he support of the voters. 1mm...» Um- «if Mr. Orvis' “augments um that he would nppoim I Board of Rri'iml‘ that would equilize the propril) of mo TK‘h like Out of the pmu This untement “13 not ner- iouhly considered until he pointod 00‘ to them the {not that he (ii-charged men that came under the Civil Ser- \K‘C" examination and in hit depart- ment in the (‘ity of Wnukenn, when Hit-y showed inefficiency. Then the ()ppriiwnl and hi: inc-rid. began to “Some of the statement! M by 1-: \I ()rvis, candidate lor County Judge. seemed rather ”than! whu. they were made. At the time ”193' were thought 11gb! of but judg- n.g from the action of his opponent and the moneyed men Ont he ht: threatened to assess, there is linbleto be some hot wading before the pri- u m nut he n a man who lives up to h.» vmrd. Thmk over this quatian of taxes, and Lhen out your vet. for Urns; nf-unyone an equnliu undo!) URVIS (‘AN and WILL." I ! u mean»: rhal {he-w belligerent: m" nmdry u \md‘alltranstcrnto American .«m um“ and Regain. of “up: which .w wgntrwd undrl the flags n! any 0! ‘ l'wwn: mm [2]“!th m the war at .r 'y'nr hrnnlmr: brgan and “I” so!!!" ~'n.‘1\rsu‘le~ wnh Hu-n Hugues and .m , I'hrm as pr'lira u! “a! The prmnt ,r u-mld m~urr lhc- 4mner: n! ”-35:45 ,1 Hugues aKulllsl um Mkh lugs 1‘ .. r pmmwmm: rmrn mlr suxh .pn"'l_\ I hrhmr )1 “Hum become 1hr hcxmnmp n! the present pend] wax lhal thry unend (0 act ':.¢- lgrtluxallvn w! Lundun. Gr!- ; mil p'umbl) lnkr 1hr Nun? ani‘ [H (1‘15 In hnamml Imam 1mm But the u- .(i n n on M'INJU‘ an 11ml. \\ Mir I ‘l ”11‘ O'\h‘n\urn any mcaauu' v» hlfh H “mum become lune: but!) rerun) IMH- x: a more Im- the the bull elected I that ms fin to ti your Ill tion {or Of OI Mendy:â€" 1914. 11 Comm" in? your a! place a lny have um! I do... work .lv. 1

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