Greene-s News Stand Whinefl-SOKYYWi‘ Puausuau WEEKLY HY JOHN L. Cow. at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone :: 1: Highland Park 562 Entered as second-class :naner Mirth L 19“.“ the post ofï¬ce a: Hxahhlxd Park‘ lllmms. under the Act of Mirth 3.1379 on Easy Terms Latest Records on Sale Here Columbia Grafonola $50 “Favorite†REAL SATISFACTION You muut use Nu-I‘ini-h to haxercul dusting sqnsfacuon. u“.\ .h. You mm: or get Nun-Finish rmuit: mthoul Nun-Finish. EVt‘r) U>Er beCUmes an en- (P1112145! -\ (nal mli (onnnce you t has no equal IIII FIIIISI'I D c PURDYu" sons m V “ " mi ‘BXRIIEIE ww'am; m m. muofus. 80min. ï¬rst chance you got. And "any“ one trim-any. You will m»: b.- > , --f m bur-It must loll 1mm. But \ :‘ «on, 7 Let us help youâ€"for oil heat- en ue diï¬erent-some are better than others. The one sure best {at 20 yearnâ€"the one that modules the most but for the least cost. lithe one with um trade-man. Hm e cold room in I "Jifly"â€"to the remote! cots new. The he“ in clean And Mal... Costs only one cent an hour. to use- P. 5. Get the latest books written‘ by best author: at our circulating library, at 3 cents per day. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1914 D C PURDYu" SONS Telephone 954 J'l‘n‘u’th. " Burma. \hlx Erskine Bank Building Choose Anal! Barler Miss Helen Mayer E. F. PRATT, Prop. 39 St. Johns Avenue Pupil of ’WY I! m“ Choice Office 'QUAUW IS (CW IIYW .74 ll VA Home A074 Teacher of lein All Columbia ‘ , Records play on :15 ‘ Victor in the \(Iur {umuu‘n and floors are MC 1 Mr. and Mrs‘ John Meyer and daugh- 5 (er. of Chicago werr the weekend guests iof Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Obee. Miss Alxce Kurtz has returned from a three weeks visit mzh relatives in Ocon- omowac, Wxs. ! Miss Evelyn Bailey {unruly of For: §Sheridan. now of Fm: [.c‘nenuorlh. 1 Kansas. in the guest of thc Phillipsfamily ion Sheridan Rd. for a few days. Mr. Frank Rooney of Superior, WIS., spent several days of this week with his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Greenslade. Mr. Rooney is on Ms way to Washington where he will enter the state university. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Larson are spend- ing several weeks with Mr. Larson's parents m 5:. Paul. Minn. Mrs. Wm. Kopp of Lincoln Ave., who underwent an operation at the Augustana hospxtal last week is doing nicely. Miss Priscnlla Caner 1: expected to re- turn from Califomla this week where she been all summer Miss Carver has been on a concert tour and has also been the guest of her brother. Mr. Robert Carver of Seattle. Wash. Ma David Lighthall of Broadway. who was operated upon xhree weeks ago at the Augustana hospital. has returned home much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bleimehl, who were guests for the past two weeks of Mrs. Bleimehl's mother. Mrs. Johnson 0! Stoughton. “'15.. have returned home. Mus Fielc'r (vurlv (-! link-11 :\\<‘. and 31:» Rum Mnrnz. W'w has been her (U83! fur the p‘lst m mths. \MII return to Caleorniaihls week Mr~s Coale Is to be the guest of her aunt. Mrs. R. A, Hyde of “53114, Cal, and Miss Murray expects to gu to San Francrsco. Miss Coal: wall return 20 Hmhland Park in the spring. LQCALANDPERSONALNEWS Mr. and Mrs. F. Leach and taxmly of Rmens“ ood Were the guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs. John Shcahrn. Mrs} W. [’rxndmllr and mum returned 1mm (Hangz- Brook when they spent {ho >untmcr Mr. and Mrs. Henry Niemeyer, with their son, Arthur and daughter. Miss Grace and Mia Opal Clapp of Chicago. were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller and daugh- (er. Margaret Miller. of Park Ridge, “L. were the guests on Sunday or Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Rebling. Among the decisnons made by the General Federation of Women's Clubs. which met in Atlantic City during the past weeks were: That tht- next wunci'l meeting mm b:- lwid at szland. ()rgh )n the ï¬rst day at Juvw 1921 that the '1-‘x’ manna? :1.c:-tw:.: MM 'uv pin-,- '1'. Mr. Henry Atwaler has associated him- self with Guenzel and Drumnmnd, archi: (acts. 2045 McCormick Building. Chicago Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Conrad and chil- dren and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stone motored hen: from Woodstock. HI. and were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Conrad. 3h» Axum Amdcrg qur 1.1! {.zbrur} bull, Miss Mary Highley of Ranma has Just returned from a ten weeks usit In the east. Miss nghlcy was the guest of Muss Mattie Edgar. who was her roonrmale at Bryn Mawr college. 'ioiemxe, has 'm Hf {hr 1‘: Mr‘ and Mrs. Crede Brunelle and i small daughter Virginia, of Chm-ago. were : the wrek-end guests of Mrs. Brunelle's; brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mmi Arch. Abercromby. f Mrs. Chas. Brown is wry ill at her home on Webster Ave. The Misses Mabel Berg and Noreen Brownlec left Thursday {or a two weeks visit in New York City. Atlantic City. Washington, D. C. and Philadelphia. Pa. Mrs. L. 8. Bradley of New York and Mn M. A. Curtis: of SLJoseph. Missouri, who have been the guests of Mrs‘ D E Car of Glencoe Ave. are returmng home this week. \ier Mrs. M. A. Rowlins of L'uronclle. All, who has been visiting her daughter. Mr: D. E. Gray of (Hencoe Ave. expects to return to her home this week. Lloyd V. Bergen lctt on Tuesday {0r Madison Unn‘ersity where he will enter his sophomore yeah Miss Hcssie Baker. who ha: been in [rvmg P.1rk all summer. >pcm the week end \ch her parenh on .\' SI. Johne Arc. Mus Bnkcr 1~‘ trachmg ar Mrs. erwn's private >{h«ml m Rogers Park. M ~~ F rhcth [.wmirrhm‘k let! Tues- { mu-rnzy Sxiuml {or (ixrla ,\ ‘1 . (‘V .L‘ \l ‘ -Ir \\ ' a ..n and [)zu'r cl! Lulu cx m k. SM. and Mn \\ J. lmnuzerhm‘k let '., ers H.1‘t‘.p\hll"‘ fur Comm, yrr: the a (I!) (’I (I NHL! CI)! \\( ‘Jz‘ Frnm _< 1| ANION lehigmd kink annd: '1 being Starr» \l' .umlv haw \(‘dl AH no hm NJ» '1 Mik‘h H .k arr» â€W the «n 0| 1U LII Mr and Mrs Addan R Warnrn “In 3 have been traveling In Pennaylvanm 1m ‘ the past week “('l“ return this week Mr ;and Mrs. Warner \'lSlth (Hen Sunnzn' {and Easton, Pa. r Mr Robert Warner left last wet-k Iur Lehlrgh College. Pa.. where 11¢ wnll ('nh-r ‘hlS freshman year The commxtlee: on the commixm-m form of government hold daily mcetzngs in the Emkznc Bank Bulldlflg. Harold Uleson o! Muramc Rd JLJ Walter (ioehtz of Rawma left on 5.1m:- day for the l'nnersuy of Ilhnuls win-re they wa both enter their freshman 3‘1 nr. The Mlsses Helen and Carohne “HAYS left Tuesday (or the l'nxversily MEL»! on Lake Shore drixe. Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Morgan am: mun!) have returned from Mackmac 1514: ‘1 and will be the guests of Mrs‘ W. M. [well of Prospect Ave. until (thcr 1 ~z at which time they shall return tr :"rlr home on N, Lmdcn Ave. McGregor Willus left on Mend.“ Hills school. P1. where he WI“ cnu-r freshman year. ThOsc ml th Highland Park purple who han- bccn xn Green Lake, Wu and who are now returning are Mr an‘f Mn Robert Hucknmn. and Mrs than». Mr. and Mrs A. L. Morgan. and M: And Mrs. 0 H Morgan Mrs C C hmrwn and daughtrr, “va have been the guests or Mu» J I, me have rrlurnrd In Ihmr hum: m Mutiny. Mlv MHI \Izalh'd h!‘? .1 nghiflml Ha Mxldn-d spcm Sunday cu“ Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zinmcr moved into their new house on McGovern St. the latter pan of last week. Mr. Paul Muzik is sdcnding uxeral days of this week visiting relltives in Milwaukee. “'15. Mrs James ()rant of Ruin: A". re- turned Sunday from Oak Park. where she “33 called on account of (he Illness of her daughter. Mrs. John Russell Mn Ruse†n mu-‘h Improved Dr Roberta L. Moore left on Sarurday tor A ten day: stay In the but Dr Moore uxll uslr Hoslon and other pom“ «u Ilift'fr‘~Â¥. and mll rrrurn mth Mr~ Gram" \ .J'. p'rrli. «P‘O 1‘ run 1! r rah! Muss Kittie Nolan had us her week-end guest Mrs. Ewall of Morgan Park. Mr, John M. Baker. tormedy of Glen- coe Ave, Highland Park. who ha went the summer at Babcock. Wm. it now at Galesburg. “1.. where he is attendmg the Knox ochool. Miss L‘oleman and Mn. Mom: Cok- man of N State 5( Chucago spent Sun- day as the guests of Mrs. N. A. Aldridge of Glencoc Aw Mr. and Mrs Clarence Thayer. who haw: been at (ape Cod. ha»: {C(urrzrd Ln thmr home on Orchard Lane. Mr. and Mrs. I. Cramer and famxly have moved from McDaniel: Axe. to North Chicagowhere Mrs. Caner wxll superxntcnd a lunch counter in the want- mg room of the C. M. E. at North Chicago JUHCUOH. Mrs. E. H. Armstrong md her mother, Mm. Mary Wilson of Forest Ave. have returned lrom a two weeks nut In Toledo. Ohio “here they were the guests 0! Mrs, Wilson's mends Mrs Abbie H. Basnn Ind daughters; the Mums Dorothy and Rowena .pcnl Sunday In Edgewatcr as the guests 0! Mr‘ Ind Mrs. Jerome Beardsley, former resndents of Highland Park. The Boynton family of Shendan Rd and Elm PL. have returned to their hum: ancr nearly four months spent at Nan luckeL Mr. C. H. Baker of Babcock. Wu. (ormA erl) of nghland Park. spent Saturday and Sunday here. Mn. A Mnntgmncry “3rd am! her daughter. M155 Maryorie Ward hme u - turncd from [hr (Cht and are a: 1hr .“IH‘ZIIIR‘ hutvl The ladies of St. James Parish Hugh wood are planmng their annual ban.†to be held In the Parish hall the laurr pan of ()ctnbcr, {\u deï¬nite dates hau- been derided up< m Mrs, [Night (Zrant of Morris, Ill. ‘5 \mnng frwnd,~ 1n Highland Park ma, week Ml» Clara Mott. Mm has been m“ “.c‘ mmmrr a? the- Moraine hotel‘ kw ,nnrd [u {hr \"1ru1muhntei L‘hlcagw \1 MI M .\I THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS Mun“ *;)<-r H \IK (VT M H llnuxgrun w ".lk I m'. Mrs H A \hWNHM sen-ml (Ln: Lnl ACtA c Amy/mid .u.d Uzmix mu! Henna M le. mm Mr‘ Arnswnlds p Mn Wm Arnswald \1.“ I'm†(LC “ark r113 gurus «. r- Alk‘zxrfgr; Fu-drru k P 5m kn'l‘wml’a “h \\ nrn â€it" .xHRH t'\[ It?! \V U“ [hi5 ' Mr. and Mn Harm; MncKn-I) u! ’V’IquaJDhmmr the guests of Mr and ‘Mrs.} I. (â€burn and family MN Su'und 'St 'lnrxn-acn!‘ :hrrah‘ned [U at†up Hutu-rs,†lhr- nxv'h, but lhel! Oflnrtl prrxluu-d unlx mo runs, Cam“ walked. Path-r popped ll Rcrd WA Kerwin altrtdlrd erl.‘.ni~ alliglvd l0 lell and CasseH slid l: v. ufr kemm uluna [lnnl zmtl Rlchmnl- wumd nn the throw- â€. \\ Krru n NUlCd and Ruhardt bird tn third " I‘ Krrum's Inlleld out Crumn “allu-(l .lel Hole mond Harley Clo-50d the hclutml mlly by ulnrï¬nx cht >undm :lw lug dumga )lllll In Crcswcnts Pan. "lllr (all [hat the Regdldrsumpml 1hr hrs: unme- (vl the arm-s by no nlt‘;ln\ makfl 1hr “as! under: lurr [hing repam‘x‘ nut Sunday The gan‘c Hugh! tn hr A rral battle reglrdleu m umm flu.» is rrturnrd the winner. Crncrnfs 1‘ U «I I. U 0 1 0 2‘3 gran-xx: 1‘ U H H U U 1 U 2A5 Regains U U .' H . I 2 U xâ€" Edrncd runs Crrsxrnu. L5, Regular: 5 Stolen bau-sâ€"L‘u-sccmx 3, Regulnn. 2 Sacrmm hrts-l’rms. Two base hill-w. Keruln. min-x Thru- hasc hut Reed Homcmn (oluzzx Fun! hag-unbalh 0! Port", 'ï¬, (m 5\kr- «3 Struckoulâ€" by Putt", H M Svkrs 'v ch' 0'1 lusts AL‘rcs«m‘~ H Regulars » Wnd path-«Sykes. i'.m~rd balls men 2. Furs! base on en wr~ Regular. . Regulan, 2. â€It by plh‘?.<*.’-H;lrky. min l'm- pureflRago l S‘akr H Mr. and Mn. George Tackle. ol 0!- (rm! and (hm hm \hnldren were the gueslsm Mr and Mrs J W.\Vclch I“ the past wcrh Mr and Mn. Tackle- stopped at Hnuhland Pnrk comm to Califorhm b_\ autunwbnlc “\fnl fully .’: Mr and Mn. F M Tcrry left Saturday forvln automobnle (up around the Lake VIII. nanny Mr. and Mn Tern If! in company With mend: from Wilma". St. bows. Mo \Ir~ tun hr M ,1. week Mr and. .\‘ m, m Born guests u! M: mach“. Rev J n \†(hr L'hn up (i \. eve-hing .1! ugh: will begun .d x.- ptcachmg ~r~x vn‘t Sun“... ..‘ . of â€ï¬ne-W 14‘ The ymntgl lrc nxdkmg {or a Haruuz Panuh th| or (XL â€(h The tut) ut‘vks trnnls murnamcnl I! (he Highland I'drk \ luh rndrd Tunday. (he wmncn tx-mg .1) follow: Ethel Spencer and Mr!» xlar \ ubb muted doubles. Marmne Follanst-r ummnu mnflic. and I’amcl Lnbh HR‘IA whin- Benson ue emoymg their nation in W. J. Bcrk and Frank Elem) ofChk‘uo were Run-u on Sundm at the W. Wmen home 511'! Mr and Mrs W \\ Men and non Hut-1 ï¬n and Mr .u.d Mrs I) M Murphy oli \\ aucvmda are (‘HJUYIHK a maturing (Up! an ong the W Ixunsn lakes 1 Mrt Hus bummer at Mnlwaukee, Wit: “4; the u "ck cnd guru! wt Haney Willem; Musshrmr Mmph lrlurned (0 her humcm Wauumda ch-r spending the p35! \At‘t‘k “HP. rrl‘nnrp herr‘ M; and Mn W: .IIIH Slukman Indi tram-e d‘LIdrr-n u? u haw bcrn the aunt; 0! Mr and 51†[km Suau: Hf er AV?†lmxr 'rw‘ work hr: {‘mlr hum:- m New \urk Mr. .‘md Mu \Pmkm-n, prcvnom' l-L‘vm: ~1~ll ‘n H..Kl'~’::_d Park urn- m Ebcnczcl E The Muse: Emma Sevenon and Hand \1r w! ll‘ \1‘I \\ (\U\1’l\l H' HmM Hm I Hr! «‘11) Evnum’ Club BASE BALL 14d «w u! <1 James Parish. fuuh‘ldlr preparations .H‘Hz' in be held In ‘M u- v. rn‘ng u! Wednnday‘ angvhcal C hurrh “mac and daugh‘ “3: he 1hr week end \1:\ Flt-d V‘ bkhu- g wrmhrng >n Um I\ mun-d all-V H ("wilnfl Elder Ul ‘ pnmh Fndu Sundm uhuul nd udu nmrnmt UY‘ INN-n DOT k [ï¬lm Hun 1r\ \urrl L Durham r hcrn â€.9 (Menu!) «If 'nvul ll At hum 1H Making a specialty Of loans on Imprnved rm! (Matt in (hr North Shore territory including Rogers Park. Ifmnstun. W117 meme. Kenilwonh. Winnelka, (Hemuc, nghland Park and Lake Forest. Security under murmuxes m Hm h-mtnn xs continually enhancing while the mu nf mun-(«t 1~ .ntxmtn-(g Highllnd Park. lllinoin Amm I moot. Pin-Int I“ J an ha Fred-1 mwwmwmwm 1mm FOUNTAIN PENS North Shore Trust Company Ctpital $100, 000 Tuesday, May and Saturday Evenings Chas. H. Warren Co. Beginning Oct. lst [3 have ms! rcccn'cd .1 M 1m Sc]! Filling founmm \‘Vc believe tho arc the mus Fauntam Pan made. “'6 bar I meet SN! Finz‘u, Ihmg tor school use A wagon will call for and de/it'rr your gampnts Why not have your (‘lntlnmz renovated here lhlb week and give our work :1 fmr lrml? ()ur CLEANING AM) In HM; of ladies' and gem's garments. oriental rugs. (arm-ts. portiem. draperies. piano covers. lace curtmns. (-ll‘ . umnot be duplicated by any local cleaner. as m- lmn- the LARhHST and most SANITARY plant m the “wt. IN( ORPURAI LI) 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Telep “The Imperial’ ’ Dyers and Cleaners North Shore Trust Company Our Fall Stock We will not be closed on Thundny afternoons during the winter months is now complete and we invite your inspection SCHUMACHER'S DRUG STORE 2'2’-2l33 [Ancoln A‘rnuc. (HICALH ASK YOUR FRIEND Orflnizod undet the Bgnking Lu" of the State of "limit MORTGAGE BANKERS MAIN OH Kl Ah!) “'ORKS store will be open Lunoln . 19‘8 Telephone Highland Pad: 265 ('H‘ â€4cm a Nu! dmrrrm men But «\rn nmz mus! haw Pens Alnlhn «lrnn umpmu-d and nrat :1 hr mmld ( rentr .. Rood Implnmut and zuakl- a $UI1R‘.\\Y\,..’1}!|’)¢'JII .th (Du! Cleaning nnd 112m 510‘) Yuk: r\r!\ " an 100k (ml andpruspryuul “ hv u! wnd )mn l‘lmhe in s rwularh It add: mm h v \UU! apptm'nm‘r :ma )Mh hlhl‘ ILv'Y [)Ivoroey - 3‘52 l 3 “UN†(Aha 15? the uml [ht r 11mm in st: sude‘ cold, New, 0-! 3|" V |ll| hand HIHQ‘ NI r.