Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 22 Oct 1914, p. 4

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ll'lllll'-Hm gag. .5» g nzom Q1>DK3L. U .5â€" P GBUBDY-w sous u: Depend on that Inn. to: ting sub- You cm Mon. mun. BAIL! floats: in this mans. 80min. Int chm you at, tnd mine on. cfltic‘uy. You will go! be urged to buyâ€"it mu: an halt. 8th Comâ€"inkiouocitm w * * â€"â€"-~ can '00"! h I "HEWâ€"to the remot-z m Inn. Tho but hcluqandodoflm, Let us help youâ€"for oil heat- cn m Meantâ€"come no better mun others. The one sure has: MAI; ml Greenes News Stand Latest Records on Sale Here Columbia Grafonola $50 “F avorite” FOR RENT P. 5. Get the latest books written by best authors at our circulating library, (It 3 cents per day. 23 N. Sheritian Road Highland Park fishneBankBuilding Telephone 632 You must use Nu-Fi-ioh to have real ‘dusung satisfactxon'. You cannot get Nu-Fini-h results wuhout NI-I’iniuh. Every user becomes an en- thusxast. A tnal will convince you it has no equal. dust in (he usu'al w'ay- / but what a dnffereoce! No dust flvinx in the mom to settle down a n. Ewrv spetk Is taken up and la eln outwnnt Just tuned up. And. I! the same time. _Ir\th no extra work. your furniture. woodwurk and hardwood floors are cleaned and polsshed. Tr) a. x.buule REAL SATISFACTION fingered as snord 1L1. nuner March 1 1911.]! l the post 0471:: at Huhnnd Park. “11003:. underx the Act of March K is?“ ‘ WhineSlepquilflvm Punlsxan WEEKLY u Joux L. Uneu. at Highland Park, Lake County. Illinois Telephone 2: 2: Highland Park 562 MWPARKPRESS FRED SCHAEFER PLUMBING D C. PURDYu‘SONS ~¢ \ Choice Office '0'“ .7. 39 St. Johns Avenue THURSDAY. «m OHER 22. 1914 E. F. PRATT, Prop. is I Manchu. dustin - chmna-golbhin‘ - qu|d._ it It ypu its! 'W (S “m' Records play on Victor Machines > All Columbia in the Il'iNI‘D I074 arms E The hay rack ride which the Presby- ' terran Christian Endeavor Society planned for last Saturday evening was postponed until next Saturday evening. All the fyoung people are invited to attend; the :hay rack will leave the Prubyterian :Church at 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. P. I. tcr. Miss Margaret. I after being ea.t for t Mr. and Mrs Chas. Butler and family of Montrel. formerly of Highwood. are visiting friends this week in Highwood. Mr. O. Dickinson Street of New York City was the dinner guest of‘ Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Wean of Forest Ave. last week Thursday. Miss Martha Wetzel. who underwent an operation in the Presbyterian hospital last week is doing nicely. Mrs. I. 0. Jones of Chicago was the week-end guest-of her brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs Urban Kiehl of Highwood. Mrs. T. C. Williams of Ravine Place. who has spent the past weeks as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Smith of Kansas City, is expected to return the latter part of this week. Mrs Trigg Waller and little daughter. Mary Trigg. who have spent the past two or three weeks at Grand de Tour. 1H,. returned Monday to their home on N. St. Johns Place. ()n Monday the North Shore Chaptvr of the I), A. R held a memorial scrum- tor Mrs, Jr L. Fearing, former vice regent of the Chapter at the home of Mrs. W. C. Egan (it Ranne Place. Dr. P. C Wolcott opencd the service with prover. followed by beautitul tributes to Mrs. Fearing read by Mrs. J. F. Learning and Mrs.W.C Egan. Following this were twobeautttul vocal selections by Mrs. George R. Nichols. Suitable resolutions were-made and adopted. a! " Th: ; xelpful :pcakc Htairs she stumbled and fell ;nd broke; M” 10h“ (;r"”“““ 5""! h“ as her: {her left leg a few inches above the ankle. I 5““‘- M'“ ”then“? Wmmrbotham 0“ 1 Th.- Kniuhre n: puma“ 1 “am, ... :LhKagO this xwek I Mr. Jame; Watson of Highwood left Sunday for qunq. “L. where he will a:- tend the Knights of Pythias convention. Mr. Watson “Ill be gone a week. Mrs. Samuel Levin had as her gnu-5r: lawt \wek her sister, Mrs. W. Eddy 12.1 Mn F’ u k lln'ace of Marengn. In Dr A R E Wynn: will again prmch [2: line Bapm: Church on Sunday lliul'n- ' Hm {in - \H” be. “Realizmg the " Th: doctor is an interestmu and Mr. Walter Garrity. who has been In- mg :n Morgan Park for the past ‘year or so. has returned to his home on McGux- ern St. f Mr. Chas‘ Streiber, who has been dan- gerously ill at his horn: on No. Second St. for several weeks. is reported as do 5 ing nicely now. i Goldie Magnussén, the 12-year-old f daughter of Mr. and Mn John A. Mag- ? nusson 0! Bloom SL. met with an acci- 5 dent on Friday. Whilé coming dawn the Htairs she stumbled and fell and broke nounce a dance for Saturday, Oct. 24th. ; Mr. E P Sedgwnck rrturned Sunday at Eagle Hall, Highwood. r‘atzer hmmg been 6 m for ten days Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Mead of North Tthdkz-Luunn gummy school con- Chlcago were the guests on Sunday 0! \entmn mects Urdu}. Thursday and Fri- Mrs. Head's parents. Mr. and Mrsaddy a! “dukegan Methudxsz Church. Daniel (Qarmy. : Mr. and Mrs. .~\. 8. Fitzgerald and family and Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Masterson and famxly of Maywood were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mcachtle. Sr. and family. Mr. and Mrs 'l'Immas Welsh and hunt!) uf If LJux‘ul Aw. are spending scx'x-ml act-ks \‘mtmg My Walsh's mother. Mrs‘ Mary Wciah 1n L‘hxllicothe, Ohio. I): R Llsh'tn Dubsun left on Tuer. rnr “hmmznglnn. lil.. to attend the Irm- ":4 a! the }'I'r>h)'!cfidh Scnatc at [111nm] Me “(-111 2H :1 (urn'nissmncr of {Mr H“ «a I’rcsby’terv. The Hin‘llng contu;.;r tum] today 1n {3v Second Prcsbylerm khuuh u! Momtm‘ngL Mr. and Mrs 'l'Immas Welsh and 1.11m! Miss Sarah Morley of Chicago was thc week-cud guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. (2 Rogan. Mr. Wm S Baker of Chicago is spend mg :‘n:s ucrk .h the guest 0! ML .md Mr: 5 I HEM-r A\V St. Johns Ave. Mn: .\ 1x114 I’ctersonofbeertield SPCIZ: ' En-r JUNK. Mr: J. (“mm Mr. and Mrs. A. Block of Evanstun were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Chas. Rosenow Mrs.‘L. Schutz or Chicago. who is \ISIIV ing Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Werhane wull leave soon for Hartford. Wxs‘, where she wull visut relatxves, Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin Marshall left on Fridav (or a two weeks vxsit in Wash ington, D. C. and New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Richards of Orchard St. announce the birth of a daughter.,born Thursday. Oct. 15(h‘ Miss Lillian E» ans. who underwent an operation {or appendicitis in the August ana hospital Fnday. is reported is doin’g nicely. Mr. and Mrs. E‘ H. Staehling. formerly of Highland Park now of Bouman. Mon- tana. are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter. born October 10. Mr. and Mrs. ‘ R. D, Forum of Orchard Place are receiving congmtulations on the birth of a son. born Saturday. lmmm‘mr 1 Mrs. P. L. Deming and daugh- Margaret. returned on Thursday :‘rficid R‘l .\Ir~ J,[ ”A” ten days‘ Hit‘ mi Melrosr. Mass. .‘ ,0 Iwo month> “1th Martin. returned M The first regular meeting of the Ouoli Club Will be held in the Highland Puk Club House this afternoon. A reception to the directors will follow the program. The new officers are: Mrs. Rex LJona. presxdent; Mrs. Walter Baldwin, vice president; Mrs‘ Marshall Sampscu, re- cordxng secretary and treasurer: Mrs. Jessie 1, Chandler, corre>ponding secre- tary;Mr1.0tls Beardsley. Mrs. J. F. L. Curtis Miss Manon Kla>on.f'and Mn. Herman Thomas. dirmturs. There WI“ be an openmg meeting of the south div1$10n Parents and Teacher! Association Monday evening, Odour 26th, at eight o’clock at the Lincoln school. The meeung wxll:be in the na- ture of a welcome to the new principal. Mr. C. G. Wright. There will be a talk by Mrs. O, T. Bright of Chicago on 'The Mother's Congress Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Barr oszouon have taken the house on N. St. John: Place belonging to Mr. C, G. Alexander for the winter, Forest, Wednesday afternoon at half after three o'clock, FatherfiBerr-y officiating. An Informal reception followedjthe cere. mony at the home of the bride. The marrmxc Hf Mr Wnlliam N. Slef‘ fensun. son of Mrs N. Steffenson of this City. to Muss Katherine Powers. daughter of Mrs‘ Nickolas Powers of Lake Forest; took place at St. Mary's Church. Lake Imbdrll. run “him-uh \H“ be an uwp um-d h) rather..\1r and Mn. E sister. Mh‘s Edzrh Ln‘xi Mrs. chrv Arxu day fur NL-w Hzlz-ar' . «1mg m hv-r‘ hr'ltf Tcherun The Wuman'.‘ Mlssuman“ Society of the Presbytermn Churth met Monday atternwn .It the (hurt h. The feature of the meeting was :1 very: Interesting talk by Mrs “0H? of the Pt-ruan Mun-inn -n : Â¥ -, JV..." :uuumr “(I’M nan‘ as her; “01)!!! Ir! pl) of [hp top” n! (In- Hbfl lgumt. M1» Latherme “mmrbotham OH or m.- umbrella. \\‘lu-n you have I:- 1L‘h1cag0 [hls xwek More the hand nlldv It umund. If S0" Mr. E. p‘ Sedgmck ”turned Sunday! let go yuu will and that lln- rib. gm atzer hang been 6 Ht 9 d ‘ I nut of plmv. and than [he {nhln of (In- H W ten ays. ‘ umbwlln “HI follow tum “'lwn (h:- Thc Ldkz-Cuunn Sunday school confl umlnwh: u rnIh-«l up grip It ugmh \entmn mm.” Urdu, Thursdzu' and Fri-‘ lllllll you lmu- hull-NH! it I! put (A: day at W3ukegan Methudxst Church. ; In ”I.“ (Io-Inn you \ull m-x 2m unnuml} ["1le In H)» mum-r n! the Ilvnlvrrlm. M“ R P. Uandson and Miss Blanche: London UM..- Kaye of Lake Grnexa spent a {cw daysf Ins! Vscck \‘Ismng fru-nds here. I ' Olav" of Vnrm-h. Wt dJ) .‘xltcrnmm at 1hr hnnw nt {\lrslll. M. Baum, .\' Sherldan Rd Those taking ‘part :11 the program wew nMrs. Elisha Morgan. devotional cxcn‘mtstlss Alice Dawdson. the Lesson, asststcd by Mrs. W. Childs. and Mrs. C. G. Alexander. Mrst Childs also announced that Mrs. L Mills would have charge of the articles for the children's Christmas (ship; which the Guild expects to send to Europe. Miss Alice H. McElrath of the High School faculty gave two tharming read. ings. After the usual business 'mecting the guests emoyed a small hour. Mr tr Mr and Mrs. P. f‘ Buynton of No. Shendan Rd, announcr the birth of I 34m, born Tuesday, (Kt Nth There WI“ be a young people's con- ference a! the Fourth Presbyterian Church. Chicago. representing all the young peoples church soustres. Ten 0! the members of the hx'al Presbyterian Chnstxan Endeavor mll altend. The program consuls of supper and a social hour and begins at 501' Friday. Oct. 23. Mrs. anic Hart of S SecondSL. who has been I” for the past day: is improve mg slowly. The ordinance which provides for (h. closmg of pool rooms at eleven-thirty p. m. week days and all day Suodlyt. i. now bexng enforced by the police. Mr. and Mr; John F. Cole 0! M field, “’is., announce- the marriage fl their daughter. Ethel K. Cole to Anhlt Clinton Purdy of E. Central AWL, which took place last night. Wednesday, It 6v: o'clock at the home of the bride. pu'elfll. Only inmnate friends and relatives of“ bnde attended. After a short m honeymoon m'p Mr. and Mn. Fundy Ill be at home in their new hnuse on Oak- wood Ave. .\I Mr C? Ossoli Club THE HIGHLAND PARK 1(( \\ mar menu. “‘3 ‘ Ali:'11d§§(h()1)l »{:~. .vnzt. n: I.” :1: mil >pcnd wk t-rtd mth h.~ gun-Hts, Mr. and \dniph tin-1:11 .\I:' Waltz-“scum- ) aitmr‘. {hr Hun-h Nortmwslern Iii gmuc un Satuxdns m l-Lxunslun, M the WL-xmunstu \\ men The \1 (ivng arlcs (.nm IS m mung a hshmg {he Imitation as: I aM- II ‘ we h.‘tu- n the chum h. The feature of was :1 very: Interesting talk 1- of the Pcrsuan Mission at hm Thc- Durvas Socxcty ndq) nmrmng and sewed Misslnlmry Sw‘lety at noon pu rpuw h {duh II H‘ mh-r \HH leave Satur‘ am In Aurtrnd the wed- urfwr, Mr Charles W. mm.” Mrs. Atwatcr m1 h) Lhz‘r mother and h. E L, Lobdcll, and LH‘xh-H all ofChicago. f Mr Wnlliam N. Slef‘ :15: [m‘ the Rannia ‘H‘ fihn‘k‘stlmc Hutt‘l [WU vxm‘utnc (Uh- ‘vk 1m n In (he morn- :vm rttzlrrc an eleven ~c- u: xhxs met-[mg 15 m\! j' nr. lru-H and Min of Chicago? {:‘u ‘.\(‘('k\ “llh Mrs. M: \! “(Clory of S H 1mm on Tues («Hun “I, 13 grandnmlhrr, ,«::1d 5!. \Un and thv qunson m Elgln norn- lmndrwnmn-rmls surh m. t'ulxlil Th.- leven \nrnld looks like hum) I! Is rubhwi "K15 on ma. hands after Hwy tune lawn \Vilflhlfk‘ III llmrullzhl)‘ xu puvllhlv. :md «lulu-My, tlrlvn 'l‘u n-mm‘o- it tlu- hunch amp. :nro WI¢HIOd in :m -lhnr rhvmhul unln wrd- ”MLâ€"finunluy 'En-mng Punt Smith! Hardnes- Irlthout the rule. of 9 pilot, bevomea rudenm. R‘niu'n Vut hm Rania t «umomo lore. of for on Thu I. to say. more than one third or t . whole vuuntry :- omen-d brim-en. ‘nd there. are fun? avr-w of forest to o’er: lnhablunt : Fl-M and deor. If (climb-d lo urumhh- uu-rnmvh :II the nu o-rn muhh, 11-! us rt-vuh Hiv- elnbon «- ritual m-w‘vunrfi‘ m pm-nrmz I ”HM pnm nhout u vn-nlur)‘ mm H\ ‘Itrlklnmn film Willi n ph-m- nf Him-i n spark» you Iron» adopt Iud lurk)" :was tbhm‘n upon a piece of mph-r whlrh mark you blew Into n nun..- Stflp! pf “nod dipped in nulphur were .th In the flame, Ind your 1::th u Hahn-d. The Under. hnv f » jIn: ful led to: !um'tion. In "(In 6 xulsbed ‘by I do damper. The mutvh i Jack: were e-lltm- lwmemdo or pnr ! chased 1*: mm" bundle. from mu; â€"London Express. "No. nu ma; nobody placed around any mt?" . Yonker- salesman, played ti Yen, ml "And meat?“ "No. “1+" any hlU", Y< R‘ui Russia a at, Thu I: third 0! t . Tommfi. Ida. of Inmnbomom. Mother+And you uy the little girl played Holln. Tommie? Tommke- Yes. In. . (Women as “Mica. , “Random." um Ila-Hun. "l don't think rpm") would ever are (u be uoldien" "Why lot?" “Soldlep' uniform. Ire so much alike. Nb while: an Inn the num- out on y about that another out diet hu «3‘â€" 8: change [UPI [11:th l'lllll‘~c- u! .1“ n]w::|H Will) N "W HI rupwl off vim-pl h] In: ”(I [he hkill Itu‘lf. and M about us [slinhlv :ls n-r) Hlln Thv nllnuuw- In ':\IHL' H hut-an! M'r min-u Is In I'Fl‘sl'l‘t‘ (fir hr: “ms 0 the (Hurt: and mukv i! .-. lmndrwnmn-rmls surh m. t'ulxlil \nrnld looks like hum) I! Is 8km rurulsh u-nuoh-h-Ey urn-mu; ll». hnmlu i‘ used I») wuu- slum-um: In firm! of “1er gluu-n dun“; ":l'LM'II ouwnliunn. Sn ‘h-u'rl) n HI“ mrmfl mmh- mm It ‘ nmnl l-.- u nil-NI u?! “"11 Water Ur any liqlllll Hum) lu ’- m?! In" ”"3 l'lllll‘~c- u! .1“ nlwnlliruy [my had. Put your Ivft hand around thp on». end and wind the mum-elm through the left hand with n Ion-wing motkin [llflg otho-xulw put) an n1»! tn up... yuur Wu” lulu-r. .\'u\\ Inr Hn- rm! Huh] the- tnnht‘v'in hotlIu: t.|Il\ ll .0, Nu» "all of [nun-r «gaunt Hm “all [vn-ss thc m“) at th.- umhn-Hn again-u NW nil-0r und Hm lmndlr of tlu- um lm‘n: nmfln‘t yuur uwn h-uly Th5» Iran’s the hands {rt-e fur thr (10“ Cafe tank of rolling up the umbn-Hu Fina tho'huttou. Brtnx the fold wlth the button on It to your left Ind lat It hang duwn Then pull out one-h {um Ind mu It over the first. Throw thr lot ion-cl! around the umbrella with out dumrblng the 0mm of the folds. Orin the tupn n! the ribs with the right hit-'1) III'I|‘ tnuht. It h m «me11‘ v. \uu hhm‘l (If Lvu"; The Expert Mnkeu H 1 Rather Com phcnod Openhon tin-r pm for n nu l'thJMp jw H. I. umnu. ”hip. I It II found that the amount of hm” h Nnnu'lml wllh than wol- uu Hu- .uu Iud. rurhmnly enough. mun- upul- mun- hm. Tum: Iv hue um- fnl'lur In I!“ chum n! u-rmtrlul trmlwrulun‘. Al though I! In only one Hur Immun- urn- awed by [In- Inclination or Hh' mm. . squalor (U ”m ecliptic. Ind m.- twnl O cn-Ih-r In summer u hen Hu- lnn'u rm - full mall (llrwxly nu Hu- x-nrlh “'l' u the Imuuul of heat Hark-n and m {be nuihlnun, rvnw'liuu. c-n', nlnu \nr) we- IMH- a n-ry rmnplvl I) Mun v‘ maul“ { my» Inn at Ma. Um u a». ‘ Hm Hut We Gut. [Mimic hn‘ealluutlulu turn“! uh I! ,I'thInt-ohnb‘ In \‘nfluna part: 0! tin- Mcmxb a long wrhu uf .1 mm} “ "quilted that the III" (h... , the out constantly tlw mm: “I t of but. but ttu- urtnttuu t- n- .l‘l'”! II In I-olnt tn 10 (It-unv- us. m an“ uu'tm-r. In utber Im'dn out It“) II n rut-Inhlp .tnr, It ha- hm. beet: knuuu ttut otht-r ant-n HIr.‘ m tbé anumm or "gm tbry mm forth , limb!) Mint In the minute-Hula“ n! you“. [mt It nntulml nu- mm! mum: Inmugutk-n with the moat Phil-unnu- emu to prove that thin wan Hu- m.» with tho nun One of ”w luntrunu-nt» in no drlh'ntt- that It van menwrv nlw honulb part of I ('l‘L’rN n! ho-at “’30:: 'a 'mmu 37w ROLLING AN UMBRELLA. t‘“' H“ l 1. [wt tntlun I o. lhrm I. In an ‘r prwli Glen. of Van-nah the m In: encouran» AL.- mm 11 i- X um I!) .11 ll)‘ Un- SHIHImulan l n-n'ntuulfix Mr .11..” I kl):-\\Iu!.’r on Hu‘ n win HI mm“- m PARKILUNOIS mix“. uh H '1 CHICAGO FEED and FERTILIZER CO. 810 Exchangg :Ayenue Chicago, Ill. For Lawn and Garden $35.03 per carload of abuut 35 tum F. QB. Chicago Why not have your Clothing renovated‘ here this wwk and gave our work a fair trial? ()ur CLEANING AND DYEINC of lad'rs' and gent's garments. urienlal rugs. camets. portiers. (Imperial, pmnu covers. lace cunains, eta, cannot be duplicated by any local cleaner. as we have the LARGEST and most SANITARY plant xn the West. Long Distance Moving by Auto Truck 1 wagon will EARL W. GSELL PHARMACIST, LIVELY RUBBER GOODS Telephone. 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE ANKLE I ”HUI Dyers and Cleaners INCORPORATED Makmg a Spt‘t‘lah} of loans on improved real estate m thr North Shun- ternmry mcluding Rogers Park. Evanston. W1] matte, Krmlxmrth. Wmnetka. Glencoe. Highland Park and Lake Forest Serunt)‘ under mortgages in this territon 1s mntmunllx vnhancmg whzk‘ the rate of interest 1s uttmt ll\('. “The Imperial” North Shore Trust Company ”MESH? Auto Tumbfion Co. lung Hur Trucks go to Chicago every day and ifyou haw any household goods. going in we can give a reason able price on moving them North Shore Trust Company umnos..whnm-imms “flit-£550 WP"! r (15 2123 Well Rotted Manure it lasts and for immediate delivery. APPLY (all for and deliver your garments MAIN OFFICE AND WORK!» 2133 [ABCOII Avonijg‘ LJn<oln - 1m MORTGAGE BANKERS Orgunized under the Bulking Lawniof the State of Illinois ['niun Stock Yards Highland Park Illinois Capital 3 100,000 11 mwhnld use, you R'fl‘h’t' and we.” b) Rubber goods herv I“ J 'HJ up lxtc.claslici!_\'ax1(i lung \u'n 1m;nunlnwstouurRuhhm(huh “he-nth” mm 311‘ huxmg Rub? )( (\Hn iv> In! baby, mmm: ,- n h mwhnld use. you “111va .17: -.‘.< Hub-e w Part 265 WI” More your gar menu and nuke them fresh Ind dean Damn. You need not be alrud to entrust the most pend» able to our careful Work are extremely dgnnty and ntrncuve, but many 0! the “bric- ane dellCllf and will not "and the runes of the laundry. x. CHICAGO Telephone 23 -IIS2 h l J (JUNO! (aha J JIM'MNY CR! MOTFQRTWE m 31' BELOW BY q MORmNG'. ()ne shon ‘ New Alloy. The Gull Ash 1er [hi hrunsulck the" rum] lnururuon 12¢ Bums. the- fin via. this on u hm. on the Inns“ no” u. and which hux uom d "delwd! \qu ”It Hu! I :m' all,

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