Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 26 Nov 1914, p. 8

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i“); Culbransen-Dickinson Co Your Unused Piano, Upright or Grand v--. u.‘-u. VIII "- or, if you care to go to a little extra trouble. bring with you one of his shoes, of the pair that fits him most comfortably---and we’ll give you a perfect match in fit. Cooperative shoes at $4, $4.50 and $5.00. Also lower priced as Well as higher priced makes. iome and see it at our display rooms 1224 North American Bldg. Monroe Slate Sis. PHONE RANDOLPH 3292 can be Take the size and width from his best fitting pair or, if you care to m m n It":“ M..-" ._n..L._ . . They’ll Suit *the Best of Men Men appreciate comfort. And as long 1 tide thought means the giving of con appreciate as a Christmas gift a fine pair able shoes. such as We return your piano made into a player- piano. better than it was before. Only one player is available to make this wonderful transformation and that is Christmas Gifts that Please Men We really don't know of a more serviceable gift to suggest, nor do we know of another make of shoes that contains more lasting val- ue than the Cooperative shoe. They are an exceptionally good wearin‘ shoe and very dressy looking, besides being a treat for comfort. In a large varity of shapes and leathers-"all the latest. Mainmncd by First Church nr' Christ. Scientist, of Highland Park Electric Starter Electric Lights Complete . " Equipment Phone for Demonstration L. F. 14 Studebaker Service Station We are now prepared to meet any . emergency call, with our derrick service car. Please mention the Highland Park Press STUDEBAKER converted into a perfect Player Piano You are CordiaIIy Invited to make use of the privileges of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 119 East Central Avenue Ho'urs 9 to 12 a. m.. 1 to 5 p. m. Every day except Sunday HARVEY A. BEILGARD, Prop. ooperative Shoes 17 St. Johns Ave. of comfort, they'll long as the Yule- of comfort- WANTEhâ€"(Hr housewm k. I ( St. Tel. 334 M “'\NTEI) Drrssmzlkmg by at home- Emma Sta" In: “Ryanâ€"(me mahogany vase or statue: also rm elm floor lamp, Tel, 441 WVNTEI)-â€"Sewlng by expo stress. Tel‘ 725R LOST (medmmwmi rmx mi case on Vim- Aw man ("#1111 tion; over our week my [fix-w if returned tn Pre-ss rrfnr MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-Tn (‘Mh‘illgv‘ :1 property near Emu” (‘u‘y Address A B. PM» wrfzr e, Hug? Telephone 1069 LOSTâ€"(me large Mm k Inn week xn mam part HI twnn Sole Inoner Danish Luce: 1010 lush” Fold ham 3343.. Chm, H] Import!!! [haul Hedihr Frrwth and En: Ink Embnudtnu‘AWowlmI-u dud [~11qu u Spa-min LOST (in October 4th. a round sxlvrr nurse pln vnth a (mix rngrm-mg un back, Reward If returnrd m 361 [.Indrn Park Place- or tall tel '8 N3 .(9 pa SITUATION WANTED POSITIUN \\'\.\YFII [h wrung gnl 'v» take care at g hlldrcn and assist m hmm- work; $5 :1 week Address Box 195. Lake luff. 11a FOR RENT ~4~rrmm flat, all mm steam heat, $16 a mumh Apph office. FOR RESTâ€"A nice, light, 5 room flat. with or wnthnut shun, will pm In lurnm‘r if party wxshrs H, am also turma>1 kitchen and bedruum ll deslred Address 26 S. Grun Bay Rd. Tel, h‘84-W 39 FOR RENTâ€"#3 furnished rooms wnh bath. for light houwkrrpmg Apply at 12-8 5. First 5! J M Ilunsxng '19! 2M. Wpd FOR RESTâ€"Houses m Highwood and Highland Park; also for sale, cheap‘ 1.. N. Berube. tel. TILL. D 1 U 1119 Copenhagen Shop FOR RENT 6 room It,” 519:. m hear all modern Impnnemems. lnquxrcal \ohcy 5 market.’ 210 ELentmlAw. [)1811 FOR RENT Nicely turmshcd room. 2i?) W Vine Am TLe 403. tfpd FOR Ranâ€"[)esm! ”7 .\‘A 5! Johns AH“ veniences. Tel 573. FOR RESTâ€"Stu“ Ave Inquxrc Subx-y': tral Ave. FQR RI-‘N‘X â€"~$u!<‘l» ('rumt Pmn-x’ and van]! >pm‘c- In-r ~I~ mgv ‘ t Hm kx r'x , :1! {he Erslvum- Hank 1’ ."J I! FUR RENI‘~ Slum. Mann} aparmu-nr, h mums and bath. lvw mun nmm: II dc sirrd. 47 8:. John\ .\'.c‘ phhnvx 4!? and 199, F. P Hawkms, [U H Miss Ruth Berg Dressmaking FUR HM; \ SUhdHI>LHHn1nI 0t Vine fuv I terms SSH Ur :H paymt'nh l) \ Rcaper Him». k (Ir_'13fi.\111\\.n.k FUR ML: A) Svhuiz (u lllufh both nmkm \\ paymenlx N-mi Aldcns' I'mnw .\ \Vnukognn, It}. FOR RENT r at nm‘:‘ one mm b( (E and bulicr L0., K-mm SL. Chlcag tFOR S‘Aiflfieaunful riEHâ€"S:(xan1 btr'mv galow at '35 (hmentsm Aw, large mums. deCnralrd Ihmughuut nm- buhruom cement cellar, turndclc- uax hut .md mid water Connntmns. uhlu- enumrkd plumbing tixturm; lutmt clearw llxht fixtures; shades and m rren» rur all mn- dows; Scrccnrd pwrch. l‘rn'v $33231HI). easy paynn-nxs II de-sxm! H ,r\, ers Co., R-xnn 3!! Rmpm B‘mk, INSN Hark E 700R â€"-E.\u'|.m‘\m\x Annaâ€" Wumcn de- siring unrkg ~hnuld rcu‘mu‘r, with ma If Vuu need help mldnv Mrs. Urn. Smith Jr. mer N'l:m:.;wl x; ~~lz1m Mm? Tel. ,320, [)6 If : EMPLOYMENT AGENCYâ€"F i r a t :class help received for all household lpositions. Employment of all kinds ffor women and girls. .‘lrs. T. Walsh, 1238 N. First St.. near Elm Place. T'el. FOR SALE â€"T.xhiv drcnmnwns 1n the new crepe paper at n-nwnabit- pnuxs, center pieces. In: cupx plmc uuds, and flowers to matrix. SJIlet‘s may be seen at Larson's store. Tclv 426. DH) (1 FOR SALEâ€"3H mm la Will sell (‘hz'élp 1t mku George Si hxmibn. h. H Human, ma RENT, mu m FUR SM l; Hm a week. Aim first [fuss hcrp {hrnlsfiéd on short nuticm Apply 124 80 First Sreet Ava, telephone 261%. Mia: J. M. Dunsing. DS u v Liconood Employment Ago-cf \VANTED-AH kinds ot female help; American and foreign. Wages S7 to $10 THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS mGHLAND mum was HELP WANTED 120 Lincoln Avonu. FOR RENT LOST FOR SALE a! 208 E ( umer '.‘](I f x m inllc lmllhrr Dunn car std Liberal reward :- .39 pd :IH :cm‘rd scan"- D71! pedestal for mu table nr all modern and the day m’" . ll, .,,;E’ . IA 9" 11%! :w room fin! at mvdrrn run D L’[ H mm been all ”19:! 1:1 Skokle Ave. 1: «nm, Address Hnurntsla Ave :59 pd h r mm» 1nd Park. 1841 \L' u: m-ml Sm‘nnd ,Hl 5!. W x (h mm M-Al In D4 tf ntlal pd uI ()ffirrr appoamrd I men! Dan-d at Hmhlund 251h,A 1). IBM >dld supplemcmul xs pmablr In nne 1": sons d ’SI'IHK may hit your! bclnrc sand d.“ on Um hearing and n Automobile Tires, Metals Rubber: A SPECIALTY and Stutt- wt luxnt :~ Plum," t [(it’ll‘l) 21.. .d supplcmc-nml ~; ::~\(~~,~' L‘lll . lt-Hct! tr: p.t\ t.‘n~ it‘llttt‘!.t\ ,t t'.t- ~|'\ (v1 thr malt and 21H!‘."~Y : -: Illll"ltl\fl‘ : M a cast Iron luh‘ldl mts'vt untcr mgr-,m pipe. lngetht-r nltt. tz-t- t‘ulrunts, ~lt.t' w! 1valveaand spam! “minty: tn lx' mt. 'structed and ltnd Mum; and tztzdc-r thultr' -. Aw, Cedar Ave. .‘lhll \I’u-ndzm Rd m tlxr ctty u! ”xx! land l‘.nl\ tm‘mutng thh the water tnatn .t! tttr :rttrrsct man; of Ltnden Ave . Lxmuzn Aw ‘ unvl “mum“ thence wuthcmtcrl) along 341d Ltmle-n Ave. to Cedar Axe. thhnt‘r- easterly slung Cedar Ave. to bnendan Rd, thrntc- rust» erly and southcrh- alnng Sherman Rd It; Ind ronnectma with the wan-r mam nuu lard In Roger thlums Ave, th’h 1m prm'ement w“ prondrd for by .m U! dmnnce passed heretofore on the let day of Decembcrt A I). 1909. uhnh 1m prm rtnenl \hu prmtded b) an mdrnntuc paused heretolorc on the 6th day of (X tobcr. A. I). 19H. and the lawful cxpen us 0! such pnxerdmg‘ thc- urdmame tut said Iupplemcntal strait assesmnlrnt being on file In thrntht e tut the city t lrr lt n1 uid Cllv. and hainng applied to thc (nun ty cnurt of Lake t‘ounty lwr an aw» ment 01th: Costs ut sud ltllpltflclhrfll, accmdtng to bcnt'ftls, and a umplcmentnl ape-(ml nsscunwnt thrrrut hdung brrn made and rc-turncd tn mud u-urt‘ thr final heartng Ihc'rnn wrll P-r lmd «m the llth dayu! Den-mt)” A II 15414 n! .«- soon thereafter .‘h tint- thinilt‘S‘ t1 t.‘:r court vnll permit :‘n Drop me a postal card or tekphonc me and I will (all for goods North of Deerfield Road hudC.CN.W.R R. J. Smith nwn! IMh‘l! . « n15 1511‘ Hr as 3mm [Pu-rm nes> u! the your! “111 pc Sud suppit-rm-nml s; 15 pmahlc- In (my :zm. >0n>11r§lnng ”my mic-Ht \OUII ‘u‘ltllr mud 41.1) .11 mm}. -»n thy henumg . an usessmcnt uf th u: prun‘ment awarding In supplemental spa :31 85M havmg been mud:- and n' (DUN, (he lmul hrarmg hadum the “(h day u! I 1911‘ ur as 3mm [Pu-Ira“: mu a! mu] .\1\'|d”l(‘}\ mrnur, v mzpmvemrn! “as prmzrird tux b nr’dmame pasnd Pn-n-trtnn- nn 1hr d.1yul Srpxmnlwr, A 1) WIN, “huh pruvrmrnl “aw prundrd Inr h) an nam‘c paased hrrrtulurc an [hr NH! of Hctobt-r. A I), 16414. and 1m- in among: ()1 such prlwrmimg, 1m- nam‘e for find suppll‘nn'nifl) spa w sessment being an h't‘ zn m:- mm L Cih' (Ink 0! said “My. :md hmmg a” to the (‘nunly ('uur! n! Luke wunm bu 'Supplemental Special Assessment Notice * Nov 187 Noticeis hereby mum to all porsum intereatedtha't the city councfl or the Cityol Highland Park. County of Lake- and State of Illinois. haxing ordered HIM a supplemental spec“)! asst-sunem tn- leVch (0 pa) the dcticlcmy 01 the twat of (he work and xntcrest Mr gratin)»: draining, t'urbeng. pawn}; wuh Cunt‘rt‘ft‘ nmt'adam and mitt-runn- Imprm’mkv w! Mt‘llanwis‘ an-nuc- In the- DIV u! Hlmxmrn }'.uk. trum [hr wuthrriy lune n! In pmed roadway 0f Dv-t-rm-ld H\("..t‘ lht'nk‘k‘ suuthvth' 1w thc fithmh u ,., Rubber Bottles Paper, etc. m. .u w nub a. Iron Rags Metal appmyh H hrarmg [hrrruh “I“ he day u: Danube" .-\ 1’ IhrrrntH-r 3‘ {hr hm] uhcc ~ph m! 43M~srzxr111 xal assessment MM hm nervum- Impmvmg m (hc- L‘ylv u! Him). wuthrrh' line H! J Drum-M NH" rtht' fi‘vmhml) it! hum-Ix m rnur. u hid” Hrnl Inn-h mrnur, u pruxzdrd In! in '1 M «05!: MAY upped, rdrirmr “In Kurnrd bcnrrzh SM‘SH‘IQ‘IH All ‘1'! s 1!) Man! \‘ upper“ H)! .11 («xv-ssmr ‘un' .spp «irh'nu “1.1m? “r35 hr m H) Pun (,crmamsm. l'bher; (Rummy and Engllnd‘ Crumb In lam edxxnms (>1 Tm Mass will appe-r the remamdrr 01 [ms hut. Pruphfl: n1 Ind“) Magnum Indmn \‘nu Iaiks. Eaunmn Monk} xrlnlmg to 2m War an Thr Lap! Shot. Psalm" \\;. \ruhm Thr Wine Puma, .\n\ (M (v?! man) and the German Emprrm I’c m: [H mm. Kn r \Iars ”(hr-r Amun .m Hag». Pruphfl: n1 Ind“) Nu: {alks fiat." man “(ml '1. ‘ m v I. J P‘CY'W" AU\ 41‘ .\r-:,;M)(uh(~-d Mmhn 2!: PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Public Lubran HI w \an SUN.” L ad. tn hudnuxhlr [no .\r-w lrblnl' Attach this Kitchen Heater to your Gas Range North Shore Gas We do the work. The interests in- volved are mutual. The minimum cost is figured and the bi" divided into 24 monthly payments. But it is readily added to old house: without damage to the premise or inconvience to the occupants. M Of course new house: even thoiigh remotely located are rarely built without this improvement. Houses that are Equipped for Electric Light always sell or rent for higher prices Wc‘ invitv _\‘<>u m inspcct 1t display nmm. It has :1 gas kindlm‘ which will mw )‘uu :1 hm! m m ”H Iimc. Yuti can host heat your kitchen with this C(lkt’ hvatvr, which can he fas- It’llt‘dlt) _\'th‘ gas range. ()I‘ stand alum in any part of the main. It is >imply a small stow that \\ill l)LH'I] mlw. H!‘ any nthm‘ solid fuel-- lltii'ii tip kitchen scraps. paper and Hut-pings. HAHK‘ (mm Hrmuvubu' .umf \szpq \ .md l’arnsun, Mam! OF NOSTHERN ILLINOIS Avmu.‘ 0ch Telephone 194 PUBLIC SERVICE BARBER SHOP W. Central Ave, Hi1} Pod-d“ Mu“... VENCEL MUZIK Phone uJ-J Plump and Tender Spring Chickens For the table: mrn h-d “we! moatrd. unit)" A kn Thoroughbred White Orpington Cockcrcls bredlng hm: \lm'k ()1 MIdIoH EDGAR M. GIPP H ighhnd Pa rlr (it HUI H5 5. 2nd 8! H‘G :3.‘ ‘v l0! 1 ( “0 (In Hum” sou; ham r 1mm (It-«men “H her than 0 ' n iralmu pam no! N nut k umlmnk XaNdn \' \‘l n! Y'unspu: la! IN-u‘ m: excursnm Imp. am: nth-v an cl hnmry I.- Y'rfldy dH’mt-d he hr! km. ”MIMI! (M u: n: m. nmrl H1» anmum n|< ( “If"! Land)! H M Juhr. ( u, m: (hm-t c \hvury u! ”)1 1; “mm Highla Trude at H A MILE Number SEVERAL n,- nppt‘flf mum I Hut run-m Alum 31H” ‘ Hw p: avya‘ le ran“? l m- \ut pm »;'I K” ht‘ I u m4 In I" ul

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