Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 3 Dec 1914, p. 1

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er The 1km}: mm m- at Ruth St. Usms. arm-n .xt Rmm 1.1 Park by J xhn .5-\ chrcurs 0f Hzgnidnd Pd? k. w .-s awarded hrs! prize Tunes” cuntcat on There were near- m thc "Phumgrnphz‘ outdow pnomgruphy $10.00 Carolyn H. Maxurll {O C A $mnehd| lot 1. Carolyn suD. Hughland Park Q g John Griffith and wf to R R‘ Dawson lot 56. Rose Terrace sub, Lake Fares: W, D. $10.00 Then Scheurmann and W! to R. L Benson. lots 3, 4. and S 5 lot 2. Scheur‘ mann's addn to Deerfield. W D 51000. Names of phase ngmg transportation coupons appear In the” ad on page two. deemed. he bfll’hl“ or mails them to the Redemption ()rhi‘e of the NaJonal Mile. age Company. National Lite Btiildmg, 29 LaSalle St, Chicago, speCifViriit the form of transportation desired. The customers are saved all possible as the Traffic a<Sists the trouble and annm ance, Department of the pumpanv Coupun-s.‘ners in t‘\<'l’\’ possible manner. securingtransiwriatmn HEQUer', adVlCe as to proper ruii‘es minke, ”1lean reser- vatiuns on the sieepers and in the hotels. while the me‘ri‘ndnls who are subscribers to this premium idea have no money or spacetied up in premzuni stockr As an add- ed inducement to sane Mileage. the Com- pany H arranging special trips to the north. west, east and south. with stop- over prnileges and other attractive features allowed. In many instancesi one mile of National Mileage Will be re- deemed for several miles of transporta-l tion on these excursmn trips. I This is the limit of my appointed func- tion. but with your consent on this beau- tiful atumnal day. i will indulge in a few reminiscences in connection with the completion of the link in the great. but delayed enterprise of budding the pro‘ posed first class roadwaytroin Chicago to Milwaukee and ultimately to Green Bay. This is a large event for a small Sized Community This s ction of Sheridan Road is about a mile and a quarter long, It has cost about 540.000. bsill by speCIal assessment. Right here. to be sure I don't miss the opportunity. l Wish to say that ii' there any honors to be bestowed that it is to the generous owners of the frontage who have unserilshly prvoided public with the most costly. the substan- tial piece of good road between Chicago‘ and Highland Park. A small per cent of the owners WI” use it. The road is well built. every foot of lt‘ has been carefully inspected and there The customers are saved all possible trouble and unnuumcv, as the Traffic Department of me Cnmpanv a<srsts the Coupun-s.‘ners m ewrv poumir manner. secunngrransrwrmzmn rc-qmrcr', adee as h: prnper rlrll‘rs‘ minke, mukrnu reser- vazxuns un (he mum-rs and m the hotels. whllz- the lYlt‘Yl‘lldnls who are suhxcnbers to ths‘ premzuvn ulm have no money or spam-Med up m prcmzum stuck As an add- ed mducemem Kw sane Mlledge. the Com- pany H arranging sperm] tnps to the north. west, east and south. with stop- for emery riuilar spén: wzth thesc mer~ chant; vou get a Pink" oi tramp: rm‘ion. As mr (aw-mtg» humiy ~‘pends one~third of Its Income tar meats, groceries. eta, thts amount alone WI“ Insure many an excursmn trip. commutation ticket and and often an extrmwe tour, When the holder 15 ready to have th: coupons re- deemed. he bnmzw or mails them to the Redemptlon ()rhre of the Nthmal Mlle. age Company. Nanonal Lite Bmldmg, 29 LaSaHe St, Chluun, <pec1fv1mz the form of transportation desired. ‘ropeny Exchangu Recorded During Put Two Weeks [wenilrtn wt ‘1 'mle u! I! he spends unr- dd coupon for unn- m 19. for emery riuilar spén: \ ouprzr arc- m 111.: net-I1 \ mm {he “hula I.l'ill:'~ Sunduv on :1“:- 9 mlhnut thm‘mz: the questzun «xi xnguxrl, {or .\:' “eriru‘w um» Herc Ls wmethmg \\'hl\'h erzlnsts the mic-rest of people In whum a parlurs lamp. 2: hbrury (luck or a set or Chlna “:11 not Jippt‘al, fur carrywne hkes (0 travel partuulariy w". :1 pas. It means that muthrr cm pay that inns: wished 1-): \m: "I Arr wrk‘nuw! hnmr', -r that {he “hula Li'mia mm Spend .1 plcusdnt Sunduv on :1": ‘wuczn «rr m th (mantra; Of the many premium ideas offered in recentyearm "accelerate trade", none has been more novel and far-reaching in m appeal than the Mlle of Transpormzmn for every dollar In trader Here 1:: wmethmg \\'hl\'h erzlnsts the mterest of people In whum a parlurs lamp. 2: hbrury (luck or a set or Chlna Trude n Home and Have You: Va Rnilroad F-re Plid for Next Summer. A Milo for Every Dollnr Highland Park B'Iotagrap,’zer Wins First Prize A mus or TRAVEL Fox _- :m SHERIDAN ROAD A DOMAIN TRADE namcmn SATURDAY N umber 40 LOCAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS SEVERAL FIRIS ADO?! NEW SCHEME IAYOR ADDRESES LARGE GATHERING JL‘JI Yrill‘.~pflft;illt vn. or haw rv-Cen L's one he lt‘x'tfl\:‘< a is means that an. : ‘nl- [he umpnns I, It or $316 The , Highlani Park Prefix; CU‘U THt‘l' Vacation Sever-l Hundred Good Rood. Enthunhau ut From Chicago and North Shore 1p Wnrk- (‘ |~h .\ ha and 1y .1 :huusan'i umtrstums '1‘ (his com- pctztion and :n myuummg Mr. Schrc‘urs (he judgw say ‘lhc pIuture 15 “urtm of them St pHZc m a: 1\ photo- graphu~ compcutnn. This is the third opening of this section of the roadthatl have attended. The first when it had been opened through the primeval forest having first been sur- Yeytd and planned by Messes. Cleveland and French. land>cape architects. Mr. French later was the manager of the Art The road Is “‘9” built ever“ foot of It “C Klidtl Wd) KKHIDKIUL kc“ |lllllu‘ll I UII has been carefully inspected. and there Sheridan by the government, from there through Lake Forest. Lake Bluff and ha‘ been no skim in in its makin . ln! ‘ a p g g ‘,Waukegan at ditferent times. The great its whole length you will find no cross‘ . spins of the enterprise, who urged the walks and no bumps to make you pro~; . , 1 work along while they ll\'€d. were \olney fane. The contractor; with the important, ‘ , asststance of the weather man and the ‘ Foster and Alexander Clark. working “I ‘along the way from Chicago to Milwaukee energetic pushing of Mr Robert Hall.g Mrt L‘ushing, Mr. Lobdell, Mr. Chandler! D"°'°P°"""“ 0' 5597““ RM and.many more. finished the mad in goodl Chicl‘mr Sheridan Road between Chi- shape. beating Jack Frost bv ten days. to-‘ cage and Evanston is now completed and the great ‘ reliet o! the many anxious ' opened to the public. friends of the road. r____.__ ”Jm‘m" rain", anflflfl Mlyor H-wkinn' Addreu "Ladlt‘S and gentlemen? All you who are :nzercsted in good roads. seekers ol the beller wav. pleawrc rulers, gucsla everyone; I have her-n requested by the Busmess Mgn's Association of Highland Park to bld you, m their behalf, 3 amber: and hearty welcome on this auspicious occasion. As a representative of the whole city I also greet you and bid you welcome. d! Lvt‘s slay on.’ The opening of Sheridan Road by .\!.1\'t)r Frank P. Hawkins last Saturday “n :hn-rcd by m'era thousand good mad enthuuastx‘. 5m eral of whom motor- ed trum Chicago. The day was ideal Everybody had the "good mad inn-r" nhlch not cven the exct-llent buffet lunch‘ mm. scrvcd at the Murame, could curt- It was. a regular epzdemlc and 15 5H” sprmdmg We hvpv 1t null continue in fifll't‘ud. \\',- L'xk‘t‘d mun- gtwd roads. The celehxatmn darted “hen nL-ml) nm- hundrwl and ti:'\ dUtHanhlleS fuznr ml m ltm- at tln- Congrc» Hotel. Chit‘agu «Hui l:-;\:- tr) l’tghltmd Park over 1111' m vt'r :lt‘lllt‘d In our last Issue 'l‘ht'j. Ar‘t‘t.‘ mm 1‘ :1w corner or Sheridan Rum] nnvl Fun-U. -\u~. ‘w a dclz'gntiun wt tlw 'T l.l:lll l’uvx Htlhlllt‘>\ Mun": Azmnld rland Park Afrx-r ft'1‘...r1«l<1t:zvn<ut ll f? H/gr'rkznd Park 15' rm (hr fuztmui mm Dav “rank! by the Mn- mum-m ;:1 mm: trmk and mad;- an m Hun ':Ip nwr Hm romd. vndmg up u Momma Mutt]. whcrc an exm 11cm 't I‘um‘..‘ m “as 3Ef\t‘d by Mr. Town: Joined Highland Park in Celebration .5s {A \[ Ipvned th- HI ,)"| K In H ‘M' A bull} map agatn ,nc pubiu‘ the Sum tph‘d 'hz' )\ .\!l>\ (ma Kenilworth.» m Krmiwwx'?‘ pletvd 5‘; {-rzr been (UTIZII! n .1 Lincoln link k' expectrd :m: :1 ed in 1913 Winnellu. â€"Wuxk on {he mtercrpnng sewer In Wmnetkn. h in prngrr» am} ‘f Historic-l Sketch or Sheridan Rom " 1!: MW It... u' 11.4w“ ” The enterprise at .‘llt‘jltlJll Rii til ‘\.i,~ a .p grtmth and t'fllllt‘ :i‘mut iii 'l;t~ wen ‘1 Mr. \‘olney Ft'slc‘r, Mr Alexander r. Clark and Band Item-y tit lavanstun started a pruiect (it Cnlil’k'kllng Evanston With the Lake Shut? Drive of Chicago. 0 About the same time Mr. Cyrus Kt-hr, it a young attorney (it Lakeside. (now H b- ‘ slructed between Highland Park. a‘ g 5, bard Woods! pioposed a drive to be t' I- C d the lake shore to Glencoe and Wmneéa. e s e u 'Mr. Foster hearing 0! the idea, .vrotc a ‘letter to Highland Park interests proposo ing that the two projects should join and ‘connect Evanston with Fort Sheridan. A meeting was called. an organizatiom ‘- formed. officers elected and territory di- - Vided into districts and assigned to van- v ous committees. The territory between e Fort Sheridan and the county line “as assigned to the Highland Park committee . Ravinia at that time was only a subdiw ).sion made by ll. F Jacobs In order to Crinstruct the mad through Raiinia it 1 was necessar) tn lime the \(ite tit the people; \shile the teiiitnty between Ra» . min and lilenctie was Hwnt‘d in large Irtracu and the road “H‘ t'nt‘strtit‘ted and [ opened by property Uunen atitl prnate , subscriptiuiis lv) .\lt'\~it§. Muiregnr l Adams, Chas. W Fullerton. Hugh T. Birth.S. M. Millard. W. A Alexander. Chas. H. Deer. James B. Hobbs. E l. Lobdell, Thns. Daggitt, Chas. H. Rit‘e. .‘Melville E. Stone and F Newhall. Mr. Mcthegor Adams and Mr. Fullerton I were. espemally generous givers of money. The road was runstrut‘ted through For! ‘Sheridan by the government, from there Ithrough Lake Forest. Lake Bluff and ‘,Waukegan at different times. The great fspirts of the enterprise, who urged the iwork along while they lived. were Volney 1 along the way from Chicago to Milwaukee. lFoster and Alexander Clark. working all‘ afl-NqAâ€"vn pm 2rd stone: the [.4 geprmg w \ (-r yrurnn has (h Evan-tommAround Calvary Cemetery the new road is now completed. This section i. of brick and is, temporarily. only eighteen teet Wide. It is expected that the width of the road will bedoubled by the City of Evanstun later on when finanual plans are completed. The to- operation and finanmal assmtance of the Catholic Bisnop of Chicago has made this work possmle at this time. Sheridan Road north 0i Calvary has been parliall) repaved and 15 In good condition as (at as Main St, nu W lm'ttrxâ€"‘I‘he' Hrm'kxzzx Insmu’r u: dummy) and “as mdcly kmmn .x~ (I {Hzx- MIMI and 1! you “ill take your an m! of thy tunnel: a mmm-m and nbwrw the grace o! W. Fu-mt‘n' (urn-<1 Luvs )‘HU ml: rxpcrn-nce a Mun-an: 3(":\.I'H7H. xt _\'nu rcahzc {he \ilzzcrrnu- m 1:: m at I“ kmda " I'E‘z- wan-1:} npvmng was u'txc-n Hw r0“ \\ I!) first pus T ~\l!h nmcmlam, then Eughl) wnmiuw’, uni m that Imu- “as Edllwrl~ ,\ HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1914 You are- tn be congratulated dbon taking the mmatne In agitating for a new Cll)’ building for Htghland Park. But whather you do. ad» vocate the erection of some building that will be a credit to the reputa- tmn of this fine city something that will be considered as a model not onlv as far as the practtcal end is concerned. but also an far as ll concerns the an‘hllt‘cluml treatment outslde. ll thts should not be pus Sthle mth pN'M‘lll rcwurces, my optmon is that we sltnuid rather “at: .I Whllt‘ longer Conunucd on page 5) Dear Sir Edltur, Hmnuxo PARK X’sts‘ Highland Park, Ill. :rncd .m r In the L‘nmnu» mv- En I'Arix. undcr rim .1“! at um 'I h‘ vrth-Irepnng awn-r “nib. MAth-Zrd and I! I¢('\ 1: L‘ tum; \x‘H hr' ”bud: (" l:- bulldmg or the :mrr- the“ Sammr)‘ Dhtnd ‘n <Y‘e11riart Rnad H215 1' .' as, :.n\\c‘\rr, Mrn \‘IL‘ hdd Ut ru‘ud High~ .\nnoum‘ hm rum Hunk Hm: 7.‘ (- paring-whip subsistmg tx-lncm: L H Mcyfi and Harry M Mndmcls umivr 11m .‘irm mm: of the Hmhland Park (irm’rry NIS dissolved lav week by mutual cun seht. The two brulhcrs Harry H and Wallace W" Michaelsmll contmue (he busiqeu under the same title. Highland Park Grocery tobeRun by Two Brothen. L. H. Mayor Given up Intrre-L Mr. Henry F Adam. hr Sara H Hm ton. Mt. Mn D Liam, E M, £1 flatten; Mist A.Johnwn, Mr and Mn qurx Mellicr. MrsVL' I’ \L'vtMm. \h Andn-u Marinis. Anna Um”. “I Albrrl Umwn Anna Phillips. .\h~~ M \mutuz. \h Stamler. (I h UM “a" for the Following For me Ron-inn in Loc‘l Office Picture book» unt‘lude l'ndcr the \Vm dow by Greenaway. and Smtth's Farm book. Among the talry tales are lint 0’ the Sun and west 0‘ the Moon bv Thorneâ€"Thomsen and Japanese tan) tlles by Willtston. The fiction copies are: Otto of the Sllvtf Hand. l'\le. Gabriel Ind the Hour Book by Ste-m. and Stevennon's, Treasure Island lnexpen sive books Ire. Dutch Tums. l'erkms. Captu'n January. Ruse. Sing-gong, RUORHL King 0! the Golden River, Rullun, Ltttle Shepherd 0! Provence. Stem; Chlld! Unr- den ol Verses. Stevenson, In th- Days ut Alfred the Great, Tappan; Ind. In the Day: at Queen Victonn by Tappant For Children Between A... of [um and Fiftnn You" On Friday rvrnmg, Dec eleventh, thru- wnll be a rental at (he Norm End Meth; - dis! Eplscupal Church Mr Charles A Manh. whn Is a splendid rntrrtanw, and a {urcrtul ~peakrr. vull gut mm- n! his Interpretanu- reulaln. ‘Nu-mmk.‘ " The program wll «mnmrnw at mum (I'clock and :I 1x hupe-d a large audxrmr “111 greel (hr cmrrtmncr The M14” x.‘ under the nmpncs u! the Epwuxh League. Friday Evening. DOC. Eleventh, Charla: A. Munh to App“: {13‘ (1.1» .u .5 H.” dhl‘nctly ml ~Ia'v- ‘urmwvwvnllur. I hvreby respn’tfuiix yarn-s! the \Hllrfls U! the State of [Human \thun! antrrhm mg with rhmr dallv :nmahuna, to par- hnpztc 1n Cummvnmralory It‘rVICfS of the admission of {he State at Illmmu m the union of states on December 3, 1914. and to signahzc (he bxrth o! a nau- which within I century. hat no rapid!) udvnuud inn the mm rank among «bc :3!“ o! the unmn 4 .VA x'nc birth of! general a~~r kundaxmn 1 “lmnh \V.a<.1!m1!!m! In me .1! . x the states on [)m‘r-n‘brr 1. MM and are In! apprum hmg (hr C(‘Yth {Luv To (he People of FIRM DISSOLVES PARTNERSHIP In we m u! mug'u chrah "HIM In I] \' 1"“ (”Ll by Governor REUTAL AT I. L CHURCH ILLINOIS DAY PROCLAIATION BOOKS FOR CHRISTIAS ADVERTISED LETIIRS ours vrrv ‘rulv u u .\1 ”an, l‘ M \Y Edwurd F. Dunne the State of “linou Mr ’I he turrv . 'vn alzudx um I \vvn‘ :1:- 'fl; m! the Rannm {up w \ .’- 21mm. rim afltn'wnn, ‘aHt-d h (“r pnwknh Muss Susan Imkmwn \: »n:~ {he ‘14 panmrm: n1 umk m xm- urn-l urn- dxuussed and arrangemmu tor lhc L'hnslmas pan) were made :he party 1. to take place the week befnrr Chrmfmas, and all (ht teachers of the who”; were present. x! \u‘! Prenou. l0 ('ounnl Merlin. It ( My HI“ BOARD OF LOCAL IIPROVEIENTS MEET Snx month: ago Joseph Dudnruka o! 1309 Jat'kum St, Wank-gun, bade {are we]! to hu w”: and chtldrrn and sailed {or Europe where he wu called to settlr up the estate 0! ha lather Hr had bevn lrft a bequest In Pm tnthcr's mil and he nasured hll Wile that u soon n he had arranged all the drum hr would hasten bank HI: wtte ha! )thl rm‘rned wurd that her husband was drafted mm the army bclnrc Pn- rnuld rrturw tn the I'mtrd Matrs and Ir]! txwriaih wm‘hdrd m unc- ul thr- rrrrnt laryr Emtthw aununlable I! \Ih.‘ [hr mm! unusual the“ rcpnnrd In that Imallh m but“? time, .\0 (Iuc [u (hr [Men-a has horn sn’urrd but. H It Hated that .‘ur ‘rvram «Jun uhuh mly lead m xhc appuhrnm-m of the robbers. [ht-Irtrum the ~l<n¢~ and H1!- Hmr pipe whn h had her-n malqu-d that but u- rrntlv \\ hm (wk 1hr hrannu Apparatw. uhne (hey hunk H (n, m uhal (511le thn. to mat: a ”Nd u! Hus >I‘YL n un Hn’nn rallmad 51.: [hr \u-rk ruh‘x‘rs Food Mill Explode. If Roundou' 7hr trod gnufimg (flahlmhmrn! a! R’rundt-u! he’ungmu In Arthur Met-kt", uasdanvvud in .4; cxplwan 1-1 dust L-llnurd 2» Mr M. \alunfm Hm xmn ...’ other the: m ll. mowmral 01 um”- ing the rleclnficanofl 01 all unlmadt tn lcnng the (My 01 Chicago The plan Hm u now being fasten-1‘. with W A (.ardner. proudrnx ul lhc Noythucsu'rn 35 um- n! the pmmnlru nl {hr mum! is Yurs'alulmhale-Hm! l.:nl In hr than. 5’ Will Nonhvontcrn Elodnly7 Th3! 1hr elm [mm .m 1n n! Hm \ ”ham; and Nurthwnlcm xznlruad hum Lhu HR“ to Waukegan seems u-rlmn, I» eudrmrd by (he slept non bung taken by the of- flralu 0! (he rmlroad [u Intueu lhe heads Mam “I” slur anm‘ ll M F.0d Mill Explode. in Roundoul. Wnu» C Legal: will haw. new Skating Rink. W-uko'un Sgloon License to be 81.0001 Your WILKETTE TO HAVE fill COIPANY NOT MUCH BUSINESS TRANSACTED NEARBY NEWS ITEMS REGULAR MEETING OF OF LOCAL INTEREST THE CITY COUNCIL Film PI-nl In he Hull! In “Vulmflle pawn». Stove Stolen from Are. Sl-hon 1H" .1000 Lit-onto in W'nulogun (11.21! unh 1hr ”mung u! Hm 'I‘ :u' and 1hr Ir!‘.(‘\\al (If saloon ’2‘ “duh-gm tuj.‘ .14!‘~I',nll\£1:l\ .' ~ vrpmffd nu! Mun Mot-ally Wounded rn' Tuood-y Evening New Sitting le ‘1 ”II Hf war ”I IAIN Avra nfld “wk 1d \\ (hr 'aukvgnn \Im Ir! mpalnf~ 1L”! n .4] I"! Lima Hum“, \<.na Hakrs Mu by, Dina J )nhns‘m‘ Mm. Hun-nu (Aarh- Thun‘pstm, (km-new hnrbn. Mar 0 Imam dme Smxth. but”: MN. m. 3” Id"! lung M Ru hard ‘- “jxdqh } MEN-1‘ ”3' \V \\ \fu 4v) inlluus Friday Evening. Dec. «I: by the Can pun Phy-rl ol NorihutIt-rn Univcnuy Mu Mn "HIE CUIBUIS" AT RAVINIK THEATRE (m \rer in .«lu-Hlultl alum! 231) n'tlmt Uflnrt \A mg lucxud a 1"” hum Bladgrlt Hr- and Fxrrman LlhdllHHn lumped mtw the fur Mud and rlmveuut, Whrn thcx annrd thm tuund a young mam cmhwrn wan “1 age, uhr- gave his name as Frank Holland ut 4573 Elstun Ave Chlcngu In guru pam and found Yhat he had fallen lrum the tram and In duung m gut hll nght leg under the wheel: of the tum. cutttng the leg almost rmxrelx of! just below the nght knee Young Rolland m company “'llh a friend by the name 01 Pt Stuhulr. were bumlm the” why to Milwlukn He was lmvm-dmtclv taken to the Jane M( Allu- trv H’N'Wr' Winkâ€"gun, uh-ve hr 1: un drt h hrr m “the phuumtm Here 19 another trample- cmphhnng tlle ntunle nerd lot .tvetcher holders 1n our fin trudt MAn Full: From Frloghl Tram und Loo-e. Ru'hl Lo. All” a length) dlu‘uuwn mrr the sidfi‘ walk In be cunslrudrd around lhe hm- loum‘ Indian (rm- al Raufim m‘yulr‘u‘g Ald Franny} prnprvty. Ald Nu‘ht-ls mmcd Mumdrd b) Aid Hmklr), [hm 'hr Mani-v ammlnl a ("Hummer u! Hzrrr \htahrn Hm! an rxprmmuu «If um! 10 rxusrd 8189(1) be madr mu! (:1 the SWO‘I‘OO ht‘ll'lo’lllf apprv-pnaled (or new mm. and addmon to pumping fla- ‘Son._ in: "mm ma old boners (lined n; ‘..1u)l‘. " ;:\;'l hasr ‘ ! n a: u in); may Hm: .1 . "Xh dt‘bdfl \' owl-nit!” Appomiod to Enabluh Lina. for a Sudownlh Any-ad the ln- dlnn Tree on Dan Avenue '1 ht n-Ru Mann! 41p;”>|n[ a wunmvlirr n! Hzrrt‘ ‘1 “HM Y! w 1'\ FRkHIPVT A: «Mablnh- burgh-1;: udruafk 1n hum! of Aid gs yuprvu (n Devan Aw and H.¢'.."\ “than“ M- :1..~Hmlt~d In HmHn who Mt:, I: . ' H‘: u}: Humm. Ma» Al‘chh \<.na Hakrs Muw nude: Jnhns‘m‘ My» 5 .rnm. pltst'! a! meenng (.1 lit (11'! «mm- ‘ m We \uumxi dumber mung. the mayonsfif)‘ 31v “mum” of ”16‘ (ounnl N hif‘l‘ t nun “(‘1 Mr ‘M T1,. \ n.» }:.IY(‘)H1>4"} nu F thhm‘k v! $200) ,Hf‘) any 1(- (hrs! Mn ”.1“ regular winâ€"nded Irm- 1 puny Mr. '1!) h: (-xplam 1:. maHrrs In A: uhu‘h Hm (Al u 0-"? Volume 4 3151““! PM ”HUT 8K \‘lzn xlr's

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