Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 24 Dec 1914, p. 4

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Greenes News Stand The whole family will enjoy it We would be charmed to sell you one (mc on easv terms. Let us help you-for oil heat- I er: are difierent-some are better than others. The one sure best [of 20 warsâ€"the one that produces the most hen: for the least cost. in the one with this trade- mark. Huts I cold room In: Jiffy" -(o the remotes! cor~ ners.1‘he heat is clean And odorlms. Costs only one cent an hour. to use-â€" Bgrler. ' mam l Columbia Grafonolas'iff What Better Ch I‘ist- 152293 (Imago mas presmt than a rum-n Surveying. Indingineering. Typo- graphy Landscape und Connruc- (ion Work. 20 years in Engineer- ing. Surveying and Conuruction. The Copenhagen Shop For Beautiful Christmas Gifts 1010 lurx‘ul MN lnu BEL Chap. HI OFFICE RBIDENCE [an Ham. Wuhan Lake Faun. 1215341 P. 5. Get the latest books written by best authors at our circulating library, at 3 cents per day. Chas. E. Russell ”eater Wise” Choose An Oil You must use Nun-Finish to have real 'dusting satisfaction'. You cannot get Nun-Finish results thhout Nu-Finl-h. Every user becomes an en- thusmst. .-\ mal wtll convmre you It has no equal. NU ”FINISH h a n I'm-inns dus‘ mz- /Z.« '13/ _ I REAL SATISFACTION Entered u mood-ch. matter March 1. 1911.1! the you office a: Highland Park. 111mb. made: the Act of March 3. 1379. WhiaflflnYwiMm Nuns Want 3! Jon L Um at Highland Park. Ltke County, Illinois Telephone 2: : Highhnd Puk562 Initials at Reduced Prices THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1914 E. F. PRATT, Prop. 39 St. Johns Avenue CIVIL ENGINEER AND County Surveyor ‘QUAUYV IS ECW KIYAKU'CD II7‘ lee All Columbia Records play on Victor Talking Machines IS 3Y9 Mlss A. J. Marshall of St. Paul, Minn. is the guest of her brother. Mr. John Ir- win Marshall of Prospect Ave. over the holidays. spenu L-nnsunds wun Mr. and Mrs. Le Mrs. Harriet A. Gardner has conu- Roy Dickenson 0! Edison Park from the east to make her home wnh Mr. and Mrs. Fred. A‘ Preston of E. Mr. Frank (2. Gardner and famxly of E Central Ave. 'who have been Visiting Central AN“ relatives in the south and east {or the Miss Jean Ten Brm-rk 15 humc from past month, returned home. ‘ Welleslev College “hen: .h. it :1 ("wk Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Abercromby will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Dickenson 0! Edison Park: Mr and Mrs. George Pet! of N. Green Bay Rd., the latter being formerly Miss Georgina Stratford. left this morning for Toronto. Canada. where they will spend two weeks visiting Mr. Petts' relativea Liegh Bittinger returned Tuesday from Kalamazoo College to spend the hohdays wuh his parents. Mr, Herbert Kelly of Chicago. who at tends Marquette College, Milwaukee. spt-nt saturday as a guest at the M. C. Conrad home on McGovern St. Mi>s Mxldred Thayer attended a lunch- con party Saturday in Edgewatcr as the guest or Miss Winifred Carlyle. Mus Frances Inglis of Morgan Park, and Mrs. Frederick A. “(me of Chicago. “we the Week and guests. «If Mr. and Mrs: H. J. Thayer. Dr; Ralph Bennett, dm‘tur of law at [hr SL118 ['nwcrsily of Oregon. 15 the hnlxday guest or‘sxr. and Mrs. H. J. rhnyer of N. Sheridan Rd‘ Mus Mary Rhudus of the Chicago [’mversnty wfll be the weekend gum: oi \ :55 \hnam French. Mr. and Mrs. James Grant mil spend Christmas day with their daughter and son-inAIaw, Mr. and Mrs, John Russell of Mrs. Ida M. Miller and children. Ellsworth and Dolores will spend the holidays with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blanchard and little sun Paul. Jr,. will spend Christmas With rchtives m Edgcwater‘ The Christmas cantata at the Presby- terian church Sunday evening at eight o'clock, was very beautiful and quite well attended. Those taking solo parts were exceptionally good and those who heard the music were all more than repaid for their efforts to get out in the storm. tcr. Mlss Olga Brown, will spend Chnat- Balmger Fyffc, w ho attend: school in mas day With relatives in Chicago. ”Lawremcnlle N- 1 '5 hpt‘ndlnfl ”‘9 \[r and Mrs. A. l Renning of E Park holldms mlh hls pdunls Mr. .md Mrs Ame will hme as their wusk- and fill 65!: W "I FM“ of Launl \” Mr and Mrs F. w. White of Hyde Park MrS- “4 L- ford and dauuhm‘x the Mr and Mrs. Frederick Newhouse aanlsses Edith and Cathenne. of Boston. Miss Evelyn Hayden of Ravenswood ‘ Mass were the week end guests of Mr. The Christmas cantata at the Presbv and Mrs 10h“ Glass 0‘ Lary AW Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Bro“ n and daugh tcr. Mlss Olga Brown, will spend Chnat‘ mas day With relatives in Chicago. (lncagn will be Christn‘.» :uvsts or )lla hdll- }‘ lmnxcl M. Cobbl ‘ 'l‘lw paw. Miss Annie Cobb's kxmlcrgarten had “7‘ R: its regular Christmas party \Vcdncsday hl’lldfiyb mummg at nine-thirty a! \xhxch tune the Tm“- clnldren heard Christmas stones and en- Flu RHl‘m Wyn-d the usual Christmas tree. . 1 lOKlL‘dl 5‘ Mac Gregur Willits, who attends the: The 5 lllll School in Pottstown. l’a, armcd thmx this Week to spend the hulldays here. numb” ( Mileage coupons given with every cash pur- chase at Harder’s Hardware pM‘ \L\> Mae McL‘udc n m psazlstmus [gm-<19! \[ .\I‘ .\lc.\'umec 0! PI The Misses Lmnse a 1 Mr. Joseph L Fearing and family have gone to Macon, Ga. to spend the holiday: and will return to the Moraine shortly after the first of the year. Madame Fehnng. who has been vnsiting her son, f has returned to her home in New York i City. .xrcnts, Ha; I FL Shrrid \L\> Mae .\1r.:md Mrs. Karl Human of North 1‘” Calimrnia “UN" ”1“! “I“ ”'1“ Chnugo and Mr. and Mrs. John Straw: ilbOUl 513‘ Wk‘CkS‘ DY (incago Will be the Chriumm th)’ Ml. Harold Rcurdnn uf Waukcgdn u 511szle Mr. and Mrs, Wm. (Eran! nr \\. the Sunday gum! .1! me Bdhr “width Luutrl Am. Laurel Ann and N-vunni St. Mr, Ed. Parliament (,1 (371mm) xva be Mr Roy (Emmy “hm ntlvmh N hum} (hrhtmus gurst m ML and .\lr~- St, >\mi>m>c (wilxuv, [Llwmmm [n- Mr. William Eddy ut' Marengo. la, formerly of [his city, who was the gum! of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel (.mxn a few dzus law wa-k. has returned tn hlS home. Miss Blanche Ely of Libertyvillc will spend Christmas wkh Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levin. The next meeting of the Westminster Guild will be held at the home 0! Mn. Orren S. Peabody January 12th. 234E.PlrkAVe. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Winsten and Mn. 0 Archer of Kenodn will be the Chrit ma: guest: of Mr. Ind Mrs. John W. Ear mond of E. Centnl Ave. ‘ Mr. Tm Wall. Ind finally“ are mov~ ing this week from St. Johns Place to M mm mmmms] :znd Mrs. Wain-r \LNt-il mli «mu.» gursts of {diam m 111 Elgin , And Mrs‘ Sit‘gh' gum! :1 {cw ( H “crk u! the Inn pu'pzuator'y ; In Tcxds City “ht‘lx‘ (apt. Sn Hymn In: rcgimv Tun-I \\'.l)m15 0f Ft S? w ' ~ spend the Ni w L IGYZlngt Ii! ml McNamce. \vhn d cmmtury school 1:1\' :Lycndmg the hwlm , \lzunr and .\Ir> M nlmmcm or an muse £11k” U .‘\I MuN cnds C0111”: ashmgtun. I) \~ \Ht'h Irv {or the Miss Jean Ten Bra-(k 15 humc from i Wellesley College where she is a fresh- Minn man, to spend the holidays with her )hn Ir: ‘parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ten Broeck. m “I: and dan lx‘ mcl H Slvgh Sture Nelson, Whn altx-nds §the Wymun School of Forestry 3‘ I Mich, rvtumcd hmm- Saturday h“ the h(lhdil)\' “th In: pan-ms. J- Mrs. John ersun. 5. Scumd St Mr. and Mn G. W. Morrison. Mn. M. Jent of Indianapolis, Ind., and Mrs Fox 30! Riverview, 11].. are the holidzys gucsu of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clement; ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lane 0! Lom- ‘bani. m. m to be the Christmas sum [of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Beardsley. Mrs. W. M. Lovell and Mr. Raymond Lovell are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ward Knapp. Miss Eleanor Nelsun ml] spend the weekend at a house party In Chicago as guest of relatives. Mr and Mrs. Guy \'. Dickinson will be the Christmas guests of Mrs. W. A. Cloudman uf Elgin. Ill‘ Miss Elizabeth Hmumng of Detron, WI“ be the Chrxslmas gm-st or Mr. and Mrs. William D. Mann ut St. Johns Ave. Miss Mabel Falch, who haz. bccn ill at her home in Zion Clzy, Is reported as getting on timely Miss Falch IS a grade teacher at Ravinia school and formerly taught at the Lincoln school. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Cam vull enter- tain a house party 0! >x\ from Chu‘agu mer the huhdays. Thomas L. Glass. who attends school .‘in Poltsmwn, Pa, is spendxng xhc holl- Jdays wuh his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Juhn ,Glass. Mls. I). P. Shcahcn let: on Satuxduy fur where she WI“ spend the wntcr \mtmg rcl Miss Rm‘hcal Ford of Sparta. and Mr‘ SpaffnrdThayer or Chicago the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs‘ 'l‘hayer of Sheridan Rd. Mr. Norms Parran at the Wyman School of Forestry of Munsmg. Much, IS spending the holidays in Highland Park. Miss Elizabeth Stewart of Mldmah, N Y._ IS the Christmas unfit of Mr. and Mrs. John (Mass. Mr. and Mrs. William Balinger of Ke- okuk, 1a.. are the Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Fyffe‘ Dr R. Cah'ln Unhwn h spuuhng {hr hnhdays \xilh hr: p.1rv1)’.~ m [.unmtuma Tcnn. [lurmg Ln nbm‘lk‘c In. (ICUrKC ‘1“ Rnhlnmn, I) 1)., u! Mck'nrnm k Thou. logical Seminary mil nu Ihv pulp”. The Misses Catherim- and Margo! CU3hlng \MH gin-nakmmg party In a number or young pcnple January second at {he Moraine Hun-l nnk. h thin) hd“. RL‘Mmg ! Mr. Jack Curtis. son of Mr. and Mm Zlohn F. L. Curtis of Prospect Ave is 1homc for the holidays. having returned I from Hotchkiss school last week I‘L‘IUHXL' VIII Mr. and Mrs. Ed Huber and (mm!) and Mrs.}ulius mezcr lrtt Ll)! “rt'k Ior Calimrnia “bur- they uxli rrmmn about Six weeks Ml. Harold Rcurdnn uf Waukcgdn “as Bill Nevins of Minneapolis. Mlnn. is spending Christmas mth his father, Mr Nevins of Elm I’lm‘c. James M. Sutlifle left today {or Cedar Rapids, Iowa to spend (he holidays wnh friends. Hl‘ All the teachers at the McCryslle house on E. Central Ave., have let: for their homes to spend the holidays. Mill Albem Brophy o! Edgewalet will be Min Kathleen Bergen'a guest over the new year. Mr. Lloyd Bergen arrived from Madi- son Saturday to npend the hohdayn with hi: parent; Mr. Bergen attends the Univenity in Madioon where he i: I sophomon. MI» Llniv It. MN". I. W lau- crly of this dty. of Normal. m, m spending the ‘ y: with Mr. Edward Nevins 0! Elm Plucc. “h \\'.Arrl'll I‘iw .\\\1‘ul:h l \u {‘Irlr Chrhv r!) UH L'hrmnm H. ICVz-rybody Mr Mr. Edmund Ruhlmg rlw uuvsl this \uck‘ J Whirl-"1111“, \h, ‘11.;1' kunrnd ph' ~znre In 4%. rn:iw1[hl hIlIl urm-II In hm \Hii >pcnd I? Rd THE ammo PARKm W 9mm. ()1 her n And Mrs. MHz-Li Hui} LN (by .\l l5 VHH -\I;I Ugh-n hul of W. Central Ave, Fun du Lac. Wm. the rennnndcr «if .mu-s. altx-nds ghoul at Forestry, Munsing. Saturday In spend parents. Mr. and \h, and MI Ck (‘Xlt ‘Iu-nrd 1mm: .1! lthn‘ n SA H\ ('HIM 5 Id] '1)‘ \\ In H‘ um m-d H‘ aln. h N and Wu. were Thursday the 29th at 8 30 o'clock. the masquerade party waI be grvrn. to avmd remaining In the custurm-s too long {he grand march wnll lake plare promptly at 10 o'ciock. im'tllh n! flu “I “I“ Mrs. E. W. Bradley “I“ have her Christ. mas dinner with her daughter, Mn Kalcs. a! Winnelka and Mr; Pere Wicket and children will also dine in Winnctlu on that day with her brother, Mr. Ayees Boa]. Mr. and Mrs. A C Johnson. \ull spend Christmas with their son at Walermwn, S. I). returning to the hotel a (mu davs afterwards“ Mr. and Mrs. “C K‘ Kneaxh m” rntcr tain quite a large panv of {fluids al dun ner on Christmas day at the Moraine. Dr and MntCasey A. Wood, wxll spc-nd the holiday! in Washington with {heir niece. Miss Marjorie Fyfic. Col. E. L. Roberts and family who have been at the hotel sinu- lau June, lei! on Tuesday {or Calilorma and Will be a! [he Moraine again next season. The tennis courts hau- been fluodrd and are now turned ”110 a \91) good he skating rink Wthh us greatly (‘njnyrd by the guests. The Damsh Consul, Mr Boar gild, has so tar pron-n to be the nod rxpcrt skater among the gentlemen. among whom there are several \trygood skaters. The skating nnk l\ pmvmg a populur pastime this season: the- in IS (he best we have had. Every (“\Q’lilnfl (he (um! I! swept and re-sprmklrd, enabling us to keep a fine surface young people. l).qmmg vull commence at 8 30 o’clock. The mmmn picture vnlrnammcnl WI” be held on Saturday lhli work Instead of Fridav owing to lhr Christmas dance falling on that day. Fa uHx m imh‘r. plum)! Tuc>day is the annual reunion 01 (he Buy your Christmas Candy Canes at Schu- machcrs' from 1 10250 \I[\ Joseph l'mylun, the flyearold rum 0! Mr. and Mrs. James Hnylan “as opemlrd an Mnnduy for appendn‘xtxs in the Man: In!) hmpxlal. ”I: 15 rrporlrd a: dun.“ mt‘t‘lyt Mr\..\1.A..\hhl”> ml! be [he Umsl mm gursluf he: danghh-r and wnu» LN, Mr. and Mn C \\'A Huuhh m’ Schneider is showing some Toilet and Manicure sets that are Mr. and Mn. 1‘ Wellington Sumons of Waukegan. formerly 0! thus Cll)‘. Will be the gun-st: on Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. S‘ A. St. Peter. We‘d-h tooornctnnermvbich Ip-I pared in last week'l lane of has has! concerning the chin club which cm or- I gunned I few weeks .30. In lat week‘lf Issue we stated that the club was org-n- f med in SL Mary'n parish which wan 3' misunderstanding u I! is not I parish a!- !an. but everyone who wishen may gain. Miss Calherine Kenry won In! week'l‘ china. Highland Park Club Min Dod- Humane, In. Mod - dnociu cl- lor mica-admitt- men It “bury Inn. Th. da- not: every other Monday W at tight o’clock. Then an thirty-low when in the clan 'H Hu- m-xt rc‘gul‘u :z‘ul'x lr\\|” fn- izrld 1n I‘m I 1i!HIIlnM‘UHT91lll~fuv. unethical-mica“. Do- cemhctllth. \1 Have your Skates Sharp cned at Hurdcr‘s \JHSIUH M M.“ Rt‘\ I. )0 H lmw \ntuld NIH H Hradln’w by d In and MI: anmf L k r Chlthlih gin-~N HI \\ mu The Moraine nun opera H‘HILxL “Axum" (hr Nifx'lungrn by Anm- Fhuu x()bmndnrh-r411(9)]quii (Hm-1n h \1[\ \'r\\ Yuvk L .1\ huhdau u n, b an .\1 Ossoli (‘lub AHHHUH Mn [mknn jnnex Ln gm Ht) H) k V I '\ “I“ \pvnd [In (h .\IY\ hunk [ en Ind sun vau vx a Ihn-r we p.1rrh'x M! of pr Ymk( Stu-M Hie-n 4nd FREDERICK W. SCH UMACHER " . Telephones 144 and 363 EARL W. GSELL PHARMACIST, ' -- ARTHUR I VERL‘OL Prudent CHOICE CHRISTMAS CANDY Making a specialty of loans on improved real estate in the North Shore territory including Rngrrs l’ark. livanstnn. \\ il~ melte, Kcnilwurth. Winnctka, (il( now, Highland Park :end Lake Forest. Sm‘urity under mnrigngvs in this termini-x is continually onlizincmg while the mIv ml interval is human <-, A wagon will (all for and dr/it‘rr your garments Why not have your clothmg rcnm'atvd here this chk and givv our work a fan Irml? ()ur CLEANING AND Mum; of ladu-s‘ and gent's garments. m‘u-mul rugs, (Hurts. un'txcrs. draperies. pianu cnvcrs. lm‘c vur'mms, ('I(‘ . (‘zmnot lx- duplu‘atvd by any local dmnvr. as \H' Law the I.:’\}\’(‘.};\‘T and most SANI’IAM' plant m the West, North Shore Trust Company Capital $100,000 Telephone- INCORPORA TED 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Teleol Dyers and Cleaners “The Imperial” f you find that at the last moment you have forgotten some friend for Christmas, a box of Selmmacher’s Creams or a Vol/and Card or Boole- let will make it all right. [VI-r) box path-d an- vwmplt-s 0! [hr (unfu- tiuns art. For lb. Mk, 81h, and $1.00 TIH- Iasl word in (land) is wild MIH-n )0" ask for @HQISE North Shore Trust Company 2123-2133 Lincoln Avenue. (HICAGO Lincoln - 1948 Div ”711111111113 (710171111116 MORTGAGE BANKERS Organized under the Banking Lu" of the State of Illinois MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS Highland Park, Illinois ”(A J (.LU ha Prank-I Telephone Highland Park 265 Is llwau unstaflory, We sent you promptly and rouru-uuxly and our (harm's an modest Suppose you accept Nmta >1n\M§Imn and «all Diveroey ‘ 8152 Telephone 23 l J CRUNUV (Ah-I 1030 North Now Hig‘ 1‘ (EMS Cludt‘ on buildmg. the hnbil Ra' ()1 AT HHR

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