Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 7 Jan 1915, p. 1

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II. it’d”: I’hn-W'rm w I- Luv-11y no.0 an "3. 'uhingtol; 0 $2.50 thAY» JAN. 4- M ARCH and row" ‘ rvn- r\ mun-nun 1;! LTS > )(a 0-:le Ill We'll. ( u/ar DORF I'm-La and do 03.15: (I ‘ LEM” on A.“ II Tours We’ll! .~ndod Num SYNOPSIS 0F LECTURE 0N CHRISTIAN SCIENCE GIVEN 3': “K BICKNELL YOUNG,C.S. B. ONE OF WINTER'S REAL PLEASURES M D' ba u mt‘ ”smitr-x‘ tinti \ wt‘tSt‘lt‘nC('\. and (‘YJE‘ZL‘ :('>{1!7‘H111830f (\(ht‘IS .H we: ”re «arm. that x'hrtsttan Sctence ’w the \pvx'r'fl {If urxtzen word and by SLCZ". pram: Mats nut all manner of enk am: nz-d'tx the sn‘k. ‘F‘e adherents of tht.» ’ztfh uxtsh to do as! m their power to ”02>“ :n I’ZYKVIHS wzth \khnt has so wnn- derfullx hwssed {}‘.t‘fl‘.sc’l\('>l To this end the rsthhi,“ “mt of rhurdtes, the pub hctmtn at penudtcata and the maintain 1mm Hf puhht \ectures as well as :1 Care- milv guarded system of healing and Yr'dfhlfig‘ all at Wthh were conceived of enequmit-d by Mrs. Eddy. are found to he which: means. ttmardsthc accom pthten: wt :hts purpuse E'ethc JfL' healed or mveterate habits or int-the and 5m. [hr-1r 'huughts illum- mated And the (nurse ut their lives (hr- ect-d ht») new and healtmer channels by attendance upon these public lectures. t‘humh wrnces and testtmonial meettngs. Not .I was have recent-d the unpetui tn .1 new rte {ram thetr tmttal experxence .11!!!le thew lectures, ctxnttrntlrtg the Nr'ptzrr'x Mitch says‘ "He sent hIS word Jnt‘. healed them and deltvered the-m trom ‘hetr destrurtmn”, (P5. 107,20)‘ Chnstnh sexence confirms the Scnp‘ures md l3 mmttrmvd by themt It makes prm'ttt‘al every word or spmtual truth tmd rewa'xsthe goal u! progress tn he ">pt.’"' wtuierx‘tanqu. >ptrttual ptmer, lw. r" LTT‘. hohness“. ‘Scxence and Hen" \hry Baker Eddy, page 116. .1! 1mm mt pub; milv guarde {withing all 9n$Mumimi bc cr‘igwnt )I I Lt'w pluasurc m Introducing Mr. BLAYTTI Yuung. L15. 8.. member of {he B017". ‘1! Lcrturcshxp of the Mothrr Cmr'fi Th:- Fxrst Church at Chrut an Boston, Niilax cur W:- it 'ur.r\' A great that] of tnstruction to mantc the average human betng that {tic .\ H. i Wmd” does not mean some- {rung Zrthchr tnacce‘wlblc. Now we :.'\I‘ ' um ccrtatn tdeas which reveaiGo'L We .\~' set-n that here. These tdeas r"'.r- l. ,mser tn-txmu» bud and power axe I‘m-h are 0nd thh us. and there- !»z-v w.- “ wtth us. ”n the other hhnd w,- '.:: tmnk of our hodtes.and asa mat~ tt-r ‘1 :t;: We thtnk of them and a great‘ du'. : ‘ "RIVh‘ Nevertheless, so long as mm x ‘ tzr tendency, It ought not to be ttz'm v;.: pr us to recogmze that the true‘ :nmyjnt Hi what God is may affect our h xiici smce some: kind of thought is do- tm; mntethtng to our bodies all the time. “3- waik because of mind; and talk and ‘ tmd wink our eyes. because of and do every thing else we are dump: .Jetuuse of mind. and we do absol~ umv nnthtng because of matter. for mat- ter cannot think not talk nor walk by it- 3*?” when thought is absent. Influence of Thought To recognize the\nature and nction of thntzght is educational. To muse or awaken a human being to the necesnity {or correct thinking and the power to at- (Continued on page 3) q r‘ r:‘\ \V H ll unridm -mng. January 4th. In Chl Speaker Introduced by RuthB. Ewung.C.5.D. -\tlrmlanre Large .xiuign‘ , .th u“ thxs‘ ex cnmg 0n:- “h“ n!x'u.~trd mth [he sm’rcd [1115- -achmg to thc publir 1hr gus- t~rmn Scwnce, the good nuns : Emanuel God wrth us~2u d | w: Qhrutmn healing. He has, I :r'csmge of help and he‘ll” g an n! us. and I bespeuk H r -'_ rc\peclful and axlentxve tear- 1015*:an m luwnn. rrx-rnuz JKCN . *m (up: tins [1 lragrklpi’x) 1mm or pron! 4th. m Church Mn. Everett L. Mill-rd Poinh out Why oduced by . to Attract the Numeroul Bird. .C.S.D. Who Winter in the rye North 1H Th2 HiEbIWmPark Pregg’ - «xi, and IN is 1r.\h Rudirm-n nnstratwn calm dnd GET ACQUAINTED WlTH OUR WINTER BIRDS guz' \\ t'utu- 21ml hemp. The siiiitloui-r .sw-tls Ll!'\' \'t‘l') popular with the czirilinzils. blue-jays and nut, liin-thes uml also. unfortunately, with the squxrrels unil chipmunks. whivh go otf .with their cheeks stuffed full of them L'nlz-ss you frighten away these two agile fellows, they will leave \‘vry llltlr' for the liirdsi You Will also hiue to wage constant warfare on the English sparrows. either by shoot- ing or trapping them. for they i‘ome in such swarms that there is no whum'i- for the l‘thlS that are wanted. The birds which ought to come are the (”thicluidees. junms, nuthutches, waiulpeckers. 2i few lilucjuys and lust l‘ut not least. the cardinal. If you but ire-t hint and his wife to Visit you three or four times a «lay, you “'1” feel amply repaid for the slight trouble in starting the shelf. When making the shelf. he suge to have a rim put on to keep the seeds from blowing and washing otl' and have the shelf at least a foot broad. If you can have a screen of ferns or flowers inside the Window, you will find that you can get much closer to the birds, without their seeing you. If you have an evergreen tree near by the feed shelf, the birds will zip- preciate that as a shelter from which to approat-h. Th? little Chickadee is very well knmvn with his black cap and bib and Mack and white murkiiigswhe is so vhcci'ful and busyâ€"always calling his chickvn-doe‘dee and good natured in the worst weather. the worst weather. The junco is very trim and graceful in his slate gray costume. He some- what resembles the English sparrow. sn if you are going m shoot or trap the sparrow. be sure not to include him. The female has not his white vest, but us a beautiful brown gray. As they fly, they show very plainly then' white mil feathers. The nuthatches are must interest- ing birds; the white hreux'ted are: usually seen here. (wt-usionally the; red-breasted. They also have thei black and white markings and short square tails. They are very husinesg- like and abrupt. You can tell without looking when one of them hits the shelfâ€"it is with u hangfihe grabs a: seed and goes at? to a neighboring oakl where he jams it into the rough bark and strikes at it smartly till he gets} at the kernel. They are wonderful. clinihersAâ€"they are as often as not seen head downward, having no fear of Mood rushing to the brain. They can cling to :1 smoother surface and glide downward in a straighter line than any other hird. Vv'hen the wood- pef-Wescend, they always pitch down hirekwurds. never upside down. The woodpeckers and nuthatches, whose food is so largely the grubs that they find in the bark, have hard times when the trees are encased in ice. They are then forced to pick up ‘a living around houses and barns and are Very thankful to find food provid- ed for themâ€"the nuthatches liking the sunflower seed and the woodpeck- ers the suet. I On snowy days. you will find that you have many more visitors than usual and it is a good plan to keep the snow brushed 06 the shelf so the birds can get at the seeds: There is a good deal. of scrapping among them thenâ€"ill of them waniting “a place in the sun"â€"â€"the bluejay is usually the hull} of the crowd, though the cardi- nal occuionally disputes the title with him. («‘1 The ctrdinlls no the . first one: to me in the morning and chirp loudly \\ hit 1““ gQ' . Ht h h 1'! (Contixiised on Page 7) ham I m‘chinu-x IK Ul‘x‘ tf V|\\1H.§HW unlw - MY“ ‘ht'l \\ hlr} If ya 1hr m th h IHUIHII of - hirds of the num- (hm-hm ~Lmޢm v I'U‘idl‘lHS ;:\'1 ill“ will put .mv Ih-Ht \HH M HIT! .1 \HH amber (in ('(H'U Tm HI H NEARBY NEWS ITEMS ‘II. P. BUSINESS MEN OF LOCAL INTEREST IIOLD ANNUAL MEETING PRACTICAL HELP FOR UNEMPLOYEDIK CHAS. E GEARY‘NEW PRESIDENT New Furnitgre Store for Wnukov’n‘i gradation is Hotlthior nun Ever I. it Winnolk- 'hu new Telephone Sor- ' Eaton [Mo its Fifth Your. Good vice. Allendnle School to Re- i Fooling Eli-u Among ' Busineu M ceive Bequest Sheriff Elvin Griffin is a firm believ- er in the plan that has been put into effect in the city of Racine, Wis., wherein prisoners committed to the county jail are placed upon their hon- or and allowed to follow their regu- lar employment during the day time but are obliged to return to the jail each night. He says he feels sure that the plan will w -k out suecess- fully and would lik:\to see it put into efl'ect in Waukegan. l‘nique Plan for Handling Prisoners. “There are several good features to the plan," he said. “In the first place it does not deprive a man of, employment: and permits him to care‘ for his family while he is serving his sentence. Then too the averdge man who is arrested is heartily sorry for his offense and if given half a chance would lie glad to reform. Nothing is gained by keeping a mun locked up in jail while the county is obliged to pay {or the support of his family. "Undoubtedly some of the prisonâ€" ers who are placed upon their honor in this manner would break trust and seek to mmke their escape. If capâ€" tured they could he looked up in the 'jail and their sentence could he made fiery distasteful to them. On the oth- er hand if they did make their escape thev would1 be gone from the comm’u- inity for gobd." ,Vew Telephone Service for Winnetka. Under the new method it is not Enecessur) to call long distance to get. Chicago eonnections; instead. the ‘order for d Chicago number should be zixen to die first operator who an-j lswers in t 9 same ma'nner that a cfill! {for anot Wmnetka number \is‘; given. in ' i Rap-id télephone service between Winnetka hnd (hicago has been esâ€" tablished y the Chicago Telephone compan). he installation of the spe- (ial equipment that makes this serv- ice possibl was completed last week and the ne ' service was put in opera- tion Saturaay hight. \ 8) means of the new equipment the local Operators are able to estab- lish connections direct to Chicago numbers. : Practicjpl Help {or Lhenploycd. 1 Leading philnnthrofic residents of‘ Waukegan: became [flatly intemted Monday when the mhject of a muni- cipal stor ms brought to their utm- tion and t is possibloiflut within “at nurmtdre therewilibosupoukm there to ring nigh In W6“: into reality i tlie wwk daring for no (Contimbd (mm 5) HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1915 FOR Tamar WW STRIKING HIS GAIT YOK Four 'years ago wththe Highland Park business men organiied some of the must skJical predicked the life of the Associa'uon to be a few sad months while other: believed that after a years' linger- ing illness it would die a natural death. The above conditions. hawever, have neverqxisted. From its birth, the As- sociation has been a healthy and vigorous body. It has met with several serious diawbacks but its members have “stuck together" and as it enters into its fifth year it. is healthier ~and stronger than ever In looking back over the lour Years every member of the Association should be proud of its accomplishments and proud of the good feeling and lellow- ship now existing among its members. THE PRESS believes In the business men of Highland Park and feels sure that the great good done in the past four years is only a beginning of what will be accom- plished. 3 1.1;mech 3m sum The officers for the coming year are as follows: Mr Chas. E Geary. president; Mr John L Udell vice president. Mr James Duffy, secretary; Mr Albert Lar- 3cm. Ircasurer; Mr. James Bowden Mr William r‘earf and Mr. H. E. Turner, directors. AUTO CATCHES FIRE IONDAY IORNING No Grnt‘ Dumas. Dona. Fin Depart- ment Chllod. Fir. Eatin- fuiahr Uud An accident which may have proved serious occured Monday morning about seven o‘clock when the large truck own- ed by Schulzc's EBakcry caught fire m from of the Geo. F. Bock grocery store. The flame was started by the engine back firing and had it not been for the driver shutting off the gas a great explosion y have happened as the machine car- ried twenty five gallons of gasoline. The fire department was called and shortly after it's arrival. which was just in the nick of time, the flame was extinguish- ed and no great damage done. l At a lively session of the city council lTuesday night. a resolution was passed jordering the Chicago Milwaukee Electric to lower their trait ks on St. John' b Awe to strett le\ el. between Sheridan 1 Rd. and Laurel Ave. and between Central {Armand Elm Place, also to pave their gside of the street the same as the east iside. The action ofthe touncil was fol- Llowed by the presentation of a petition, that the city reclaim this portion of the lstreet signed by property owners on the 1east side of St. Johns Avenue between Sheridan Road and Elm Place. by their latmmey. Mr. Bowen W. Schumacher. 'Following is the resolution as passed, I upon a motiqn by alderman Obee: c. M. E ORDERED T0 LOWER ‘ E TRACKS 0N ST. JOHNS AVENUE MUST STOP SO. BOUND CARS 0N N0. SIDE OF STREETS "Wuanus'me Chicago Milwaukee Electtir Railroad Co. is now operating its railroad over and upon the westerly half of St. Johns Avenue from Sheridan Road north to Elm place under and by virtue oga certain ordinance granted by the city of Highland Park to the Bluff, City Electric Street Railway Co. on the 25th day of January, 1897, and amendments thereto, and WHEREAS said franchise provides that said railroad company shall so use and operate its road that St. Johns Avenue shall still continue to be a public :treet and said tracks and :aid portion of said road, shall be so need that the use there- of shall not interfere with the use of said portion of St. Johns Avenue by the pub- lic as a public street, and WHEREAS said Chicago Milmukee Electric Raiiroad Co.hlve removed the pavement between its trick! on “Hp“: tion of'St. Johns Avenue except in the block between Laurel and Central Ave- hues, erected‘platlonm, step. and em- bankments thereon and raised the- grade of tracks above the established grade of said street. so that it now has the exclu- sive occupancy of the westerly half of said street to the exclusion of the public and so that the public are deprived of the uae of the westerly half of 3an street as a public street in violation of the various provisions and restrictions 0! said ordinance and amendments thereto. Now, Therefore be it resolved that the of Dean‘ ,Ave. in front of lot No. 147. said Chicago Milwaukee Electric Rail- South Highland Addition to the city of road Company be and it is hereby order- Highland Park. Carried ed and directed to remove all obstructions Ald. Sheahen moved, seconded by Ald. on St. Johns Ave. to put the level of its Moses. the suspension 11 the rub. for road bed on the grade of said street as the purpose of acting upon an ordinance now established by the city. so that all providing for the communion of an tracks of said railway shall be upon the eight inch main sanitary sewer,- to be surface and be made to contorm to the laid in Oak St. Carried.“ . ' grade of the streets traversed theneby an The flag. presented to the city by busi- such grade now exists', to pave between new men 'and citizens, wu accepted and its tracks inhthe sync manner and with a vote“ at thpnks was “tear to the the same material and pavement as theldoners ’ t ._ adjacent portion of St. Johns Ave. 50‘ Pdlowing a‘ r‘commW by TH! :that the westerly portion of St. Johnsf PRBS in its last’ issue, the ‘conncil in- 'Ave. from Sheridaan. north to 'Laurel ll structed the city attorney” to drift an ar- Ave. and from Central Ave. north to Elm ldinance requirinfi the‘Chlcago Milwau- ‘ Place can be used by the public as a pulp kee Electric to stop their south bound Hic street in common with the use ol said can on the north side oIlCeanal Ave at ipnrtion ol said street by the 'Chicago well as the south side, the ordinance also Milwaukee Electric Railroad Company In , to include stopping all cats at the near ‘ accordance with the terms and provnsions : side of Roger Williams Abel, both north ‘0! said ordiance and amendments there. 1‘ and south bound. E ' .to. .. p l Ald. Sheah~n moved. seconded by Aid. : ity Council Has Busy Session Tuesdsy Night. Supple- mental Special No. 110 Referred to Special Assessment Committee. Purchase 500 Feet of Fire Hose Be it further resolved that on account of the failure of said Chicago Milwauo kee Eleciric Railroad Company ‘Qo com- ply with the provisions 0! said ordinance and amendments theretofthe rights here- tofore granted under and by virtue of said ordinance and amen 1ment| -there(q~ be forfeited, Ind the city derk be and he Mm spa-nu two wan wan. 3.1.. five. and Friend. Hero . Those young people who have spent their homily! With their parent.- and who ere returnipg to their respective nchooh ere: The Mm Catherine and Elizabeth Schumochet. Wefledoy college; Thomas Glue, Kilt'l echool; Mm Fyflgg Lawrenceville. N_. I; Jeni Tau YOUNG FOLKS RETURN TO SCHOOL is hereby ordered to give the Chicago 8.- Milwaukee Electrig ”Railroad Company written notice of the intt-ntion of the city of Highland Park at the expiration of tliirtydays after the sen ice of said no tice, to declare that all the rights of the said Chicago Milwaukee Electric Railroad Company under andiby virtue of said or- dinance and amendments thereto shall cease and terminate and shall be forever null and void, and to notify said company to remove, at the expiration of said time. from the streets of Highland Park, its tracks and other property. by serving a certified copy of this resolution upon W. 0. Johnson, Receiver of said Chicago Milwaukee Electric Railroad Company. Be it further resolved that the gity at- torney be and he is hereby authohzed to take such steps as why be necessary. either in court or otherwise. to lcompel the Chicago GLMilwaukee Electric Rall- road Company to comply wnh this resolu- tion and the conditions of said‘fitdinance ‘and amendments thereto. After an offer frbm Attorney Bowen W. Schumacher to assist the city in the above case without compensation, the following resolmion was adopted: BE IT Mason's.i that} Bowen w Schu macher bc and he“ is hereby appointed special attorney for the city of Highland Park in J" proceedings of said city against th'e Chicago Milwaukee Electric Railroad Company. Hg is to assist and advise with the city attorney and to serve without cinnpensationt Ald. Fearing mmed, seconded by Ald. Shear-en. filth the boii'mmmtation "om E. S. 641! referring to Supplemental Special Moment NoL 110 be relerred to the Spbcial Amman Committee for investigaéion and report to the chy‘coun- cil at in hex! meeting. Afleiri‘ appropriltioh not to exceed 3500, Fire and Water Commilme were givén power to purchase an ad. ditioual five hundred (c?! of fire hose. Md. Nichols moved. seconded by Ald. Buck,ley the ensrossment of an ordinance‘ providing for the consIruction of I con- crete cement sidewalk on the east side of Dean Ave in from ’01 lot No 147 50th Highland Addition to the city of Highland Park. Carried Aid. sn‘eahen movo'i, monded by AM. Manet. thc suspension 11 the rub. for the purpose of acting upon .an ordinance providing {or the contraction of In eight inch min sanitary sewer, to be laid in Oak St. Can'fied.‘ ' The flag. presenged to the city by busi- nc. med 'and citizens. was accepted and a vote“ a! thpnks was wear to the dorm ‘ . n Aid Shah n mov‘ed. seconded by Aid. Buckley, the engroosment o! tn ordinance providing 'tor the grading. drniuing. curb- ing. paving with macadatn. roadway haw in an avphak macadamaurtacc eighteen Iect wnde imcluding cnncrelc zuuen). construcntig a reinforced concrete gir- der-type bridge. and mberwise improving Beech 5L Carried. mmmmmmmn “Thalia! W fineue'ial my entitled “The “of M60." W511 bum in the Park Thain Tuesday evening. thereafter. Thhisnrulm written AnhuBRm nndet. . ltimolvés romance; WMMMintmdhqauiu mmw-memwur. mmum.wuwhot MPifi-Co. ' f . . 0:: WWW Iqury 13m. Volume 4 of

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