Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 7 Jan 1915, p. 2

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m h Sam] M Mr A (in! Thu I M: \I 1K M H' .\‘. M .\I 235 W. ‘Vine Ave .\{ H HM That Drudgery -- Washing Yes, there is a Way Out of it 1M! g1: Rffiablg Lgugtgg H | parry N u! ML: Mn)! pun-n AI M I) H 31)! m H)» h. m» umk nut fur :1 4: her homr Mon» ’ny t‘lr'Yt‘HHi. The: \ \\ (iv “k ll I J ‘hmh’Jn Ru M Ch g‘kNN gun-3M but; 12:, ,C Eisr, rL; w :32. “7; C, ALMA PECK \Imddrne‘ I!” (‘HQW l('\ c H 2dr Hf 1ch \ ' YUA'x‘x wm' Washing for you M At W‘h 1 “incl; HY h. \1 d; 1k Several (*1inncrr3arties~ are to preceed the dance at thc Moraine Friday evening. There Will be a flower cotillion at ten thirty, which will be lead by §Miss Doris Hurnphrry and Mr. J. W. .Prindiville. Supper will be served at midri‘i'ght, The Luther League of the Swedish Lutheran Church. enjoyed a sleighing puny nn Monday evening; After the nde the folks congregated a! the home of Miss Esther Swanson where delicious refrmhments were served. mg human Show were the features of 12w day, Santa (lam was there with a present And L'LHHI)' fur each child. Sun (Horn «‘ann-n welr rmnlly «nitr- fimwi Ml {hr hmnv uf Mrs. 1050p}! NCIAN ”mgr-r an ‘Vt‘dhl‘iddy of lust work, :1: ;: prim}: 0.1mm and a Very intercu- lnglumcrn Show were the features of H Miss l’xxsrlm Luna 1% L‘ondmlihg H «mm Hf slx mumull iu‘lurux m be gnen \kaly bcglnmm; Lmu NV nmvta-nth .(l thv rmm- or Mrs (m rw‘ ,Ionm un luvs» tun: cmxplvs \ull r'm'nc up thc p.111)". :\ xxcddnnu mi ”wires! to mam Hwh- !.md I’ka-r" |<Il:.u~fossRl1mSirmxw. :huxhtrr nl Mr. and Mm M. 1’, Stem-n: at Alum, Ill, and Mr Juhn Ruthm‘hvr. Ihu phyuc‘xl ducx'tnr In Dugrtic‘ld SHIc-M‘: Huh Sghnwl u hx. '1 [06k pLu‘e Wedm :«hy m‘ {he hm ;.- w! thv hrxdc's p.1xrms Mr and Mrs. Ruth (ICE-(T are at hnmc- at ‘17 l)nwvnx.~i.l Am. The 'I‘ursthy AYIL‘Hlan lundgc (th my! ‘l‘uexd‘u utternmm zit Ihc humc ql Mm W J Luuberbugk Miss I’Ixsrlh L'unm 1e Condudinu n \ffuirs of thc week mJ «hm t lhwrf Hr H) \n I‘I .\l .\l / Firm/1 Dry C/(‘um‘rx >1); n “,u‘h-duv ur uurk as you an us 173 and 17‘) JUU 1' [hr (":14 IILC to \h‘ h 131V 1i ,\l n-gmd {urs‘mnahon that you H Inmgh! ‘1 Mr I!) rmmh $1, .‘5 pieces, 60C; 1' MILLINER Telephonq .405 .\l Inhn N Walks HI sum" wt [ha- Ax N Iubut Wrin-r Mu/ut and Illuslmlvd mum, My \‘wlm, plum) M My“ L‘aru-r n !! yuu nerd time Itmth the "Blue" l\ H HI HI 1m! HM} cw Him unskh h’ Lnu Mn .m‘ Jf 1hvn'dumhtur “run Uxmgm H, Nu lional Mileage m- [\K'x’fHHLUU :vgnn. and M.” Ev-ngh 144v [mm 'pan\ “I” dun Abuul ~r\(\ 1d I H1 We give Mun” l‘h \K )ah'xs XH‘IIIJH I , :Ik “INN Rd rm: HIGHLAND PARK Messrs. C. W: Penis. Lincoin Pettis, Wm. Reay. F’eter Juhrend, ’B. H. Kress, and S. A. Hole, thevcommittee appointed by the village board of Deerfield, were at the town hall at 7 n m. Monday. Jan. 4th, for the purpose of receiving pooped! {ions for the building of. a fire lull. Miss Clara Ender entertained her many friends at her home on Lincoln Ave. Thursday evening. Cards and dancing were the chief fe'amres 9f the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whiting, who have been in Detroit. Mich. for the pasi week' returned to their home in Deerfield S - day evening. .1' n Miss Hattie Bfi'ettner of Cheboygén, Wis.. is the guest of her‘ aunt, Mrs. J.‘ Demgen. A Union meeting was held at the Unit ed Evangelical Church Sunday evening. Mrs. M. J. Clark left Sdnda‘iy evening for Chicago. where she will visit her daughter. Miss Elizabeth Clark during the coming year. Mr. hnd Mrs. Damer announce the bll‘lh of a son born Monday Dec. 28th. Mr. Herbert Earl Jones of Chicago and Mr. Wilfiam Wallace Ward of Park Ridge werelthe guests of Mr. Reichelt Jr. Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs Henry E. Moore spent the holidays at Battle Creek Mich. Al the mming pirture entertainment h-sld in the :(houl Friday awning, Miss Jmn McCombs of Marquette Mich. play-- ed pumu selections and Miss Vera Hen- mng of Chicago gave tvw very interest- ing readings. ' Miss Mrtrircd Whinng entertained a number hf her friends at a supper after a {Immu- pzmv Thursday cvcmng. Among theme prrsent were the Muses Mane and Loretta Krrss. Irene Huchxsan, Messrs Rnburt Antcs. Alex erlman, Ray Reeds. and Alumni Powers of Chicago. Mn»; Eldn Hoh-nbvrgcr cmonaincd a number of tnends :11 a five hundred pally Fndny cvcnmg. Mr: Jumcs Ayn-S n! Indxanupolis spent Thursday and Friday at the home 0! ML ‘Fumk Anders‘nn. Mn Framis,(}arrity was the weekend gum! n! her aunt. Mrs. J. E. Brown of \K'dukcgnn. MI. and Mrw k] H Juhwnd cmcrlam- mi .11 .l 1.41mi) n'unn/n dmnrr Sundm. The hm) snmh “ctr um-rtmncd at a dug}! Ink-p331} Fxlduy vu-nmg. :Hu-r ‘1 dclmhltul ride [hr buys wont to the BMW uf Mr. (.J, I Rmkunhm'k whole Ic- 211241111th won: served. The Mlxuw Krgx‘s unlcrxuined at .1 Um 4mm erIV .H thur humc on ”:1sz Ana. Tucsday cwmqg, Numvrous games Inrvm-d a part nt [hr rwnmg's entertain-l mun: The table nn Mm'h n-trcshments umv >L‘X\(‘({ “as \‘cry attrm‘tlua [he u-n~ “-1 wow hung :1 L‘hnstmas Her, WHCh WJS dm‘m‘alrd wuh many colored lights Each guvst rcu-ivcd a small gift from the Hun Among ihosc present were the Muse-s (Jam I’vle, Mxldrc-d Whiting. Martha and KIN)" Kn'rch. Mabel and Elda Hoeronbcrgcr, Hcrmlna Haunschild, Ruth Rmclu-lt. Irene Hutchlsnn, and Jean Mc- Cumbs uvaaxqucltz’, MiCh.‘ ML“ \‘crn chmng and Mrs. Chas. Hm‘hrmk wen- the guests uLSuppledalc farm New Year's day. ‘, Mr. Edward Knaak ‘l‘ld daughter W]- drcd, uf Downrrs Grove. 2»ch the guests: at (he hmm- of Dr. '1‘. L. Knaak Sunday. ' L. W“~Si‘fi5’éfiinjzér (3i Wade St., Lwill be hostess to tWelxe out of town guests at a luncheon and card paHy on chdnesday. Deerfield News Items \Vx Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. 'Roth entertained seventeen gueszs at dinner at ‘heir home on N. Second SL. New Year's day. The Baracca class of the First United Evangelical Church entertained the vari- ous church societies at a delightful New Year's party last Thursday evening. There were about sixty guests present. The 0. H. B.'s of the First ('nited Evangrlical Church gave a Ht‘igh ride party on Tuesday night. The party started from the H. Clow residence on 5. Second St. and drove to the R‘ TIHman farm where dclicmus oyster blCVV awaited Ihcm‘ Miss Elfnedu Knnak was the guest of her sister, Mrs. anayne Stryktr of Chi- cago lust week. The Altar and Rosary Society hcld thmr legulur meeting at (hr home 0! MI.» (1w chh Wedm-adny aftermmn. MI» lu-xw Mm‘ndm of Chicago “a: gm-xt n1 HHS [Clunmr Mm'cx' lust \H‘x Mr, and Mm \Vm Ifgm-H uf L'hn.’ nth- Hu- gmxl: «rt MI, and \II\ I“ \I H \I \‘. H PRESS, HIGHLAND PARKILHNOIS " 'lgm p1 Vb HM M [hr FRANK P. HAWKINS, R. W. BUCKLEY, . V FRANK W. SHEAHBN.‘ BYRON J STEVENS, Board of Local Improvement: of the City of Highland Put Dated at Highland Park, Illinois, Decan- ber 30th,-1914.45 46 Public notivc l~ hereby giyrn Ihat the Board uf Local lmpmvcmems of the (‘ity of lllighlaml Park. (uunry of Lake and Slate of lllinnia l|a~ hlnl in the ruunly court of Lake ('uunt)‘. Illumis. a ccnificatc dial the following imprm'rmcm has been completed. _ and thal it Conforms substantially to the re Huiremcnts or the original ordinance f0: ‘ the constructiun uf (be same. tn~wil2 County, lllinois. Highland Plrk Special Aaseument of said court docket No. 214, and that appliution has been made (0 slid court to consider and deter- mine whether or not the fact; stated in said cgn‘siute are true. That a hearing will be had upon said application on , Suurday. the 23rd day of Janulry A/WD. 1915, u the hour of ten (10) o‘clock in the (ore. noon of said dly, at the county court room of said court. in the county court house, at Waukegan, in said Lake County\. Obiee tlonn mny ‘be filed‘ipo n'id ppplicatiofi on or before the hour of‘en (10) o’clock 'in the foreman of‘gl'idlday. the constructiun at the same. tn~wit2 Furthe grading. draining. curbing, pav- ing with reinforced concrete bite-men! and otherwise improving Sheridan Road, from its intersection with the easterly line of St. johns Ate, southeasterly to the northerly end olthe new pavement in Dean Ave.. said northerly end of aid new pavement being in the‘mutherly line of Cedar Ave., produced easterly at the junction of Shéridan Road and Cedar Avenue, all in the city of Highland Park. Lake The Mu Sigma Chilwin hold their regular monthly meeting a! the home of Miss Clara Pyle Friday evening. Messrs. S. P. Hutchison and Frank Petersnn spent the weekend in Rock- fordJJI. ‘ Mr Walter Amos, who has been in Powell, 5. U. for the past three months, returned to Deerficld Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hagie crfienained mzmy of ‘ht-Ir friends and relatives New Year's eve. Misses Sigrid and Edith Anderson were hOstcsses at a dinner party Friday even- ing. The (Jut-(Hvltmgn guests were the Misses Elizabeth and mm- lahl of Oak Park Misses Exa andtkrtruch undgren and Mr. Oscar l undgren 0! Highland l'ark. Miss Florence Jiiiinstin returned to her home in Decrfirld Saturday. after a weeks‘ visit with friends in Kansas. Mrs. Henry Bleunehl and daughter Alma, of Chicago, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edw, Bleimem. Mia‘s Grace Schlxe visited relatives m Chn'agu last week. will be Served m the Tea and Rest Room at 25 and 35c Watch advettisements for other Specialties. Nations! Mileage Coupons with all purchases. Call a;]d get ten miles free. Store and Tea Room open every day except Sundays. SERVICE Telephone No. 169 GOO, GQODS Saturday, January 9th, 1915, On Saturday, January 9, the opening day Chop Suey Visit our Tea and Rest Room Where Tea, Coffee. Milk,- Chocolate and Light Lunches will be serv.:ed ' \Vhen meeting friends in town, meet them at Qu1 Rest Room. W1 iting mateIial and stamps will alw 2115 be kept on hand. if you should desire to write a letter 91 card. The Opening of the Store at 21 W. Central Avenué' New Method I Tea Coffée State? First class Teas, Coffee, Butter, Eggs, Chefese Canned Goods, Bottled Goods and National Biscuit Company Goods at Reasonable Prfices Notice Special Notice Next door to Highland Park Theatre FRANK L‘squEs :PROM omnqaymmnmmrmsm' , . gamut! respectfully announce It’s Old and Strongé ; 3 per cent interest paid on Savmgs Real Estate, Learn and Insurance ‘3 Long Distance Mpvmg: by Auto TruckE ; THE ERSKINE BiANK i1; M--LUAL-- Scranton Ordering your cool or wood while the weatlfer a good North Shore Auto Transportafion Co. uzum 3303., Agent: for m ms! . ramsso w rk Lake Geneva Ice Just telephone 65 .nd the Cod or 1.“. M.3 will call Our Trucks go to Chicago ev ery day and i5) ou hax c any household goods, going in we can gix age reason- able price on moving them high -1COAL-4 GOOD BANK ‘ th the also is a specialty of? which “e 8‘ more than prou¢§So it mu wflflz Gary’s Heine Bakery ’1! III P-LI A..- Aves

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