Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 28 Jan 1915, p. 2

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Ti r \e. tutti . 1 \ln\,\ ear-tens Sr‘Flc‘S (it .il_.-".liL‘i it"w lr1.l\‘i(1‘.tfl'..t’l_\tl‘i‘..llll‘ttl\'l€ \ w “ a": 1‘. Tue-Uzi. z“ wing it the lone '. Mi» Hem“- ‘tx‘ lune», .108 \int- \.. Vivian-we. :iii. the \('\'.Il]li great rtimin'it' l \)!‘.‘.")ii~u‘{ «his Frtzi; Schubert. kni uwn he»: 5) ziipimny how- pure gave “untiiiixhn'd” Cliit'tly. gitt at and his remarkable Schubert (lesenes ll) live ever. through his Luisli German songs whieli created impetus to that man eluus succession tit song writers Whose, songs make up the German “hid" a treasure house of melody and poetry. Llht‘ many other genius Schubert was unrecognized in his : He died prematurely, in poverty, . day. at the age of thirty~one, while still at the height of his mustcal fruition. Tuesdav Miss Carver's talk will be on Schumann, the poet composer. Illustrat- ing the lecture. the following program of Schumann's compositions will be given: Fantaise. opus 17 (first movement); songs. DesAbends. Aufschwring. Warm. and Grillen. opus 12. to the wor‘r'. .it ltrge tliraughL Next. Mrs. Charla Cliristman was hostess on Friday atternoon to a number of lathe}; the occasion celeorating her birth (Ln anniversary. The Bridge clul) met at the home of Mrs. Carleton Vail Wednesday evening. Miss Gladys Spencer Was hostess Sat- urday afternoon at a three table bridge . party in compliment to Mrs. 0. Dickinson Street who is the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lincoln Wean. Six- teen guests were present Mr. Lawrence Creatli Amnions and Mrs. Josephine Rea‘Ammons announce a piano recital to be given by their pupils in the reception room of the Highland Park Club Saturday morning. January the thirtieth at ten o‘clock. . Those ,who 1 will play are Mary Card. Beatrice Ihay. er, Charline Baylies, Jack Tuttle, Leonore :Smith. Dorothy Curtis, Margaret Forgan. gMariam Wickham, Ruth Warner, Helen I Watson. Natalie Thayer, Geraldine Faxon. Evelyn Foote, Caroline Schbfield. Allen 1 Mason, Bernice Waite. Katherine Card. l Helen MacPherson. and Mabel Higgins. l l '~\ knuwn he»: in z.. 'Ius rem.1rkal>h~ "un Schubt-n desenes x evvr. through hls German songs whicl impetus to that mar Grillen. opus 12. Mrs. John Putnam entertained the Board of Managers of the Highland Park Woman's Club at a luncheon on Thurs- day of last week. Covers mete laid for eighteen. Mrs. Charles Fverett will entertain a number of young [kaple at an mfonfial dancing party Saturday evening for her son Francis. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Harder entertained a number of guests on Sunday evening in compliment to her guests Mrs. Savage and Miss Tole (if New York. Mrs Edward Welsh of Lake Forest. enâ€" tertained the afternoon Euchre Club Wednesday evening This being for the husbands as well as for the Ladies. Mrs. Welsh entertained In the evening. Messrs lefrld and James (‘yenty en‘ termined twenty-five or the schoo! fnends at a sleigh nde party on Thursday night The merrv partv dr,)vr- m Lake Forest. Miss Nelhe Filmy-mid (mud as (hapcmnc On Thursday a number of friend: gathered at the home ut Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Larson when they came to assist Mr. Larson in celebrating hlS birthday anniversary. Euchre seemed to pass the evening hnurs must cheerfully. The prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Safe Larson, Mrs. Fred. Moon. and Mr. Cablinargi. The guest ut huntg‘r wti: pre- sented Wllh ti stunning pair (if-cuff buttons. Drlmiqu» refreshments _ wcrcv served. Mr. John Grenville Mutt entertained twelve of his gentlemen friends at a Vincent. A number of couples from Ravinia are participating in a very informal sleig‘h ride party on Friday evening. They have planned to ride around for a short time and then congregate at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McNeil where refresh- ments will be served. A number of the younger set of High- land Park attended the “five hundred” party given at the home of Phillip Spiedel of Lake Forest Wednesday even- ‘ing. Mr. John ()renvdk- Mun entertained twelve of hxs gentle-men friends at u “stag"dmner Saturday eyenmg at his homc en E. Laurel Aw. Mrs. John Grenville Molt entertained twelve members of the “Fortnightly" Club of Chicago Tuesday. at a luncheon in compliment to Mrs. Summer Ellis of Séame. Wash. who IS the guest of Mrs. Arthur L. Moore. Mr, Alec Gray sang a seIerIion of songs accompanied by Mrs. Annette Jones at the piano. MISS Beasley's class. 5 B of the Elm Place Grammar school gave a sleigh ride party on Tuesday at which time they en- tertained Miss Cramer's room. Mrs. S. A. St Peter was hostess yester- day attemoom when she entertained a few friends informally at cards. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. Burden of Evanstbn and Mrs. J. W. Snmons of Wau- Regan. The Social Side Of Lif¢ That They Send U‘ Highland Park ' Announcement ALMA PECK ' 235 West Vine Ave. ~any month, it's all the same to us “4': want to show them how well we treat their linen and how many lmle annoyances we can give them. Many perhaps do not know that cements before they leave this laundry are given I final “once ovef'-â€"buttons sewed on and other minor repairs made, and without extra charge. As to where the linen will go after a month's trial is not We know that our right-priced (not worrying us in the lemt. ll simply make men want to keep high~pricedl quality servnce wi on sending their linen to use We want you to take advantage of our quality service. Let us call for your linen next week. Phone us. Hip! Class Propose [mun/crux and French Dry Cleaners Modiste ---Milliner Local Affairs of the week _ n PMS {M H)! Obsrflrr to Bache‘ors Mr. Lawrence Creatli Ammons and Mrs. Josephine Rea‘Ammons announce a piano recital to be given by their pupilsl in the reception room of the Highland ‘ Park Club Saturday morning. January j the thirtieth at ten o‘clock Those who1 will play are Mary Card Beatrice Thay er Charline Baylies, Jack Tuttle Leonore Smith. Dorothy Curtis, Margaret Forgan Mariam Wickham, Ruth Warner, Helen Watson. Natalie Thayer, Geraldine Faxon. 1 Evelyn Foote, Caroline Schbfield. Allen‘i Mason, Bernice Waite. Katherine Card,‘ Helen MacPherson. and Mabel Higgins. Miss Esther Swanson was hostess on iTuesday to the members of the Luther ‘ League of the Swedish Lutheran Church. ’Mr. and Mrs. George Schwalbach en- tertained a few friends on Saturday ev‘gn- ingfin honor of heir guests ' the Mhses O'Brien and Pearson of Chicago. Those ! present included Mr. ~and Mrs. John l Hickey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pagan. the ‘ Misses Nellie Pagan. Ruth Johnson, ‘3 Emma Pagan. and Marie Hensel and ‘- Mesars. John Landick. Bernard Whalen. l and Joseph and Edward Fagan. Mrs. R. K. Buckman, Jr.. of E. Central ' Ave. entertained informally Tuesday af- 3 ternoon at a three-table 'bridge party in icomplimem to Miss Marion' Sutton of :Springfield, Mass., who is’her guest. i Miss Helen Cruel of Elm Place. enter- j talned the afternoon sewing club on , Monday. The fourth annual ball given by thel ‘Mrs. Matt E. Maiman of N. St. 10h“, Highland Park telephone Ems Wl“ lakc 1 Ave., entertained a nuth of friends in- place 0“ 1hr evening 0f Saturday, Febru‘ ‘ formally at cards on Thursday evening. arv thirteenth at Ravin'u Park Casino. | Mrs. William Russell of Highwood was The committee in charge and hostessesghostess on Tuesday night at aeuchre of the evening are the Misses Florence I party. The prizes were awarded to Mrs. Pfister, E'imbeth Ruhr, “9"“?“3. lnger- E William Holmes and Mrs. A. Huestis. so}. Fannie Williams, Maud Benson. Emma Sew-rson. Martha Booth. Anna Mead, Anna lngersol. and Mrs. Minnie Vincem. A number of couples from Ravinia are participating in a very informal sleigh ride party on Friday evening. They have planned to ride around for a short time and then congregate at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McNeil where refresh- ments will be served. A wedding of much interest to High- land Park people was that of Mr. Cieaver Thayer, :on of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thayer of N. Sheridan Rd.. to Miss Francis Ingles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John (ngles of Morgan Park Wednesday even- ing, January mienieth at seven forty five. at the home of the bride, Rey Clyde L. Lucas of Morgim Park officiating Those in the bridal party were Miss Helen Ingles.‘ sister of the bride, Mr. Spafiord Thayer and MissMildred Thayer, brother for One Month Telephone 405 We give National Mileage THE mam-waxi’m HIGHLAND rmnmms Ind sister of the groom. Abdut twenty- five guests attended from icago Ind Highlmd Park. After I m moon trip cut. Mr. Ind Mb. Ttherl will make their home It I; {umilhed apartment It «58 Lake Park {Ave.. Chi- The Philathes class of the BimBapfist Church. will eoc'ertsin tonighfi at a social in thechurch parlors. micelmnlttia in charge u composed of M3. H. Parts and Miss Edith McKenzie. :l‘he public a. cordially Invited to attend. ,j Mr. and Mn. Chtrlet Wthen enter- ttined the employeet of M’ Wmen't store on Monday evening It I dinnet party in compliment to Miss Mamie Cone; whose marriage to Mr. Leon Well: of Lake Forest laket place the tenth 0! February. Covers were laid for twelve. Miss Chaxiotte Yoe entcfttined the Tuesday afternoon bridge cm}: at a three- table bridge party on Tuesday afternoon. At seven o'clock Tuesday morning oc-‘ curred the marriage of MissSarah Mare- ly of Jacksonville “1., and Mr Thomn Rogan. son of Mrs Michael Rogan of this city, at nuptial high mass in St. lMary',sCatholic Church Rev. Dr. J. D . ' 0' Neil officiated. 'lhe bride was attend- ged by Miss Kittie Mackin ofJucksonvillc, ‘re glll., while William Kelly of this city. act- .ed as bestmnn‘ After the ceremony the' ‘guests about one hundred in number. congregated at the home of the grooms ‘ mother where a delicious wedding break- ‘ fast “as sen ed. sharply at eight oclow : The table decorations were \ery effective : in white Chrysanthemums. the center ‘ pieCe being a wonderful bride's cake. In l, the evening dancing was enjoyed by all, 2the guests. The out-of-town guests in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Goudieand family. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Postlewaite; and hunily. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rapp,i and the Misses Mary Kelly and Daisy . Madison. all of Chicago, Mrs. Mackin; land Mrs. Meyers of Jaclaonville, andl . Mm J. K. Alexander and Miss Franca‘ ; Morely of Deerfield._ Mr. and Mre. Regan ‘ . are at home at 136 N. Second St. i3 VZQ'I Mm A. B. MacCaughey of Lake and Hazel Aves. enténained a law of. he! {fiends informally at luncheon Tuesday afternoon. preceeding Mini Charlotlc Yoc's bridge party. Mm George Campbell entertained ten ladies at luncheon on Monday of last week in compliment to Mn Somme: Ellis of Seattle, Wash. who‘ is the guest of Mrs. Arthur L. Moore Music formed a part of the entertainment of the after- noon. 7 Mrs. Hannibal H. Chandler of Sheridan Rd., entertained a few of bq} friends in- (o‘rmnlly Monday afternod: in compli- ment to Mrs. Summer Ems. guest of Mk1 Arthur L. Moore. TherewiJLw Inflldax'uewiqg M i of the members of the Chicano Matt erhity Society It the hbme bf Mrs F. A. Preston 0! 314 E. Central Ave" February the third. The work is in éharge of Mrs. John Glass who is chairman of the new- ing committee. All who are interested are cordially invited to attend and have luncheon. Beerfield News Items To be Given to Dcnfiald Perm-I Ro- ceiving Molt Vote: in “Press” Sablcription Contact On Monday. Februéry first, THE HIGH- L'AND PARK PRESS will start a subscrip. tion contest id Deerficld and vicinity. There will be three prizes, the winner of the first will receive $30 in gold, the seéond $15. and the third $5, making a total of $50 The contest. Which will be held at Theo. J. Knaak's drug store, will be cbn- ducted in the following manner For all subscriptions to THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. paid one year in advance, ($1.50) a coupon for 2000 votes will be given. This coupon you‘ can vote for yourself or any person you wish at the ballot box at Knaak’s drug store Fiie hundred votes will be given with every renewal oi subscription. If you get a new subscriber to pay two years in ad- vance you get 6000 votes, or it youget an old subscriber to pay {or two years in ad- vance you get 1500 votes. In addition to these votes the merchants in Deer- field will give 25 votes with every 25c cash purchase. THE Pluses will also print a blank cou- pon each week which may be'cut out and voted for your favofite contestant. Start to save coupons today. All the stores have them. See if your neighbors take THE Puss. It not. get them. Jt s 2000 votes for any subscriber you get. It will only take a few whoaiptioue for any one petsop to get the first prize, :30 m gold. Ask your friend! to save the coupons!“ you, cut them out of the paper and get thermat the stores. The contest will lose M‘y ht. The subscriptions toge r with money axe to be left at Knaak’s drug store where you will be given the coupon'. For further information inquire at the drug store. ~ Miss Mayne Wading left for Grand Junction, lava; Friday morning. $50.00 IN GOLD FREE The Vicar of Wakefield will be shown Kfour reels of moving pictures at the school Friday evening. There will also Mr. and Mrs.‘Howard Durham of Kenilwonh were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reichelt, Jr.. Sunday. be a supper Served by the 'members of the Parent-'1 Cache! Absaciatjon which will be followed bv a soda! hour. ‘ Thursday afternoon the Woman's Mis- sionary Society of the Presbyterian Church held the January meeting at the home of Mrs E. Tod¢ Mi. Johnson. a returned missiontry fiom India made a very stirnng and appealim illustrated address on the Work of ,the, Interde- nominafioml Leper Colonyin ludit and told what is being done to ameliorate the conditions of theu unfortunate people. Mn. Fred Haw gavel cepott of the quarterly meeting of the 'Preebvterian Society at the Endeavor. Church lat The Scfing dish was cdtenained by ‘Mn' MtbeI-Schafler it thq C. B Eaton residence Tuesday evening. Victor Allen, who is mendt‘ng the‘ Glenwood school. was visip‘mg with his father. Mr. Robert Allen lam week. i The Alia! and Rosary Sficiety of the Holy Cross Church was exitemined by Miss Clara Endcr Wednesdiy afternoon. , Mr. and Mrs. Jamgs Brett left fast week for Minneapolis where ghey wil! re- sid‘e in the future. ‘ - Miss Sarah' Dempsey oi Waukegan was me guest of Mrs. E. Bleimehl last week. ' Misseleoretta Kress. Martha Karch, Mabel and EldaIHorenberg‘er wen: enter- tainrd at the Home of Miss" Gladys Fletcher of Golf Sunday. ' Mm Amelia Pyle and dnughter, Clgra Pyle were the guests 01 Mrs. Palluth of Chicago Sunday._ Miss Isabel] Biedcrsteaé of Highland Park was the guest of he; sister, 'Miu F rances Biderstead Sunday. . Misses Clara and Margaret Filling of Chicago were the guests of the Misses Knrch Sunday. Mr. Chas. Lange wl'kggiven a pleasant surprise by about twénty-five of his friends Thursday evenigig‘ the 0661700 being in honor of his biléldly anni er: For this five Cans S The Mm Kreu willjenterain meal Mu Sigma Chi at theit heme on HazeE Ave. Thursday evening. ‘ ofMissMiidredWhifinaSItnrdly even. Doyouknow that the pnmelpont in ing. Among those Mt were Milne- jthebeotmedinm ta’hrin' m and Mnde‘andLoremenyh mmmmm tlmsopen- bergerfiMuln. WMWWMMSMMWMMW the high canto! Huann-ndmmm 1W Mn]. C. Wdflwmmam-g Doyon'know that niacin! W berofherfxiendouknhbitdlunerSnn- on! m m Mu: dab- Five hundred wu enjoyed nt the homeEmmpot-ufion my? ' This contest is only for Deerfield and vicinity andisopen to everbody over 13 years of age. Theo. J.- Knaak will tell you all about the contest. Get your neighbors to subscribe for the Press and get 2000 votes for each subscription. Start saving codpons for the $508ubscfipfion Contest. - Have yOuEIJL‘mchedyin Our Tea Room? a; Not Expensgive. ‘ But oh so Good. 3 Chop Suey’ ys From 121» noon until Midnight" I ’ ‘ysfrom7:00t011:00'p. m. z E z “ ’Mrs Louise Hcehl presented the St lPaul’s church with a greciou: English iépulpit bible, which was greatly needed :because 0! the English servicu taking .place (he first Sunday of every month. ‘Moet likely Ihe time is not far off when Rev. Lender will have to preach in English twice a month. :2 The Ladies Aid Society of the Evan- ‘ielical St. Paul's church will meet next heck Feb. 4th at the residence of Mrs. William Huhn. Banding 25 cents. * Waltz and twoâ€"seeps a well as new Good music mrecL é: Sleizhlng parties invited to make this their destination. ; Whole evening: entertainmen! 35 cents. A Big Bug-in '; Where?.At the Duel-field ”boo! house. 8 When? Friday evening. January 29th. ‘- -Movia ”mulling new 10 and 5 cents. E After the movies refreshments and ‘ "Pohbofmul’m LDoywknowthatthedomt-oocpamel ’" offetsaconv’eniennqnicknndef- " mom of transporting mailahle‘ rm mypoot‘bflice in the United wait-Mom?- Do you kn W'that flukpucel post rm place- chn my other trumpet-mummy? . Doyoukndw that the pnmelpoot is jthebestmdinmta’hrin'mud Iprodncerintodwoontlct. thmopen- ginuthenytondme the high auto! menu-at mmptoducfim bo- TELEPHONES: It’ 3 Old and Stro 3 per cent interest paid ? Safi Rhal Estate, Loans and In: ance THE ERSKINE M Bowman Dairy. Coir mean Dairy Coénpan: $50.00 in Gold Free Does not apply to Safe Milk. It is the "hapgst article of food that you can buy. T Retail Price has not been increased. ‘ These are the three vital ints con with the prpduction of Safe '11:. All our; oduCts are Safe. High Costof Liéigg Dairy Inspection . 3 Perfect Pasteurizatxcog Bottling m the untry And thereby cut down your livinggcost GOOD BAN Have you started 1n our voting If Not Start N096 121 Vibe Avenue HIGHLAND PARK. 9. More Safe Mgk tween twenty : low postage ra rendered. are 1: Do you knovq at the benet by using the I post will I advantage to ‘ h consume ducer. and whic would 08m the middleman? 3‘ Do you know ' at the pure a steadv marke for any 3:: you may have n §and {to time, and that _ eré are ch people awaitingii’n tppponuni chase your phage??? Do you kn that bv Del name and ad with 1 list you have for and the pn same. to the P 1 matcncmci you will be pl: ' in direct c4 these custom Do you that e way to 1: customer: is to' main the l of your prod : at p rm all times and t ' gnome” them will call : re? Do you kW§ it aka I chant several . ito build? nblished and mm uni! do not despair ,ba results 1 rifled? at the hen: k obfi 31' post will on: b consumerzandf fifty poundim bated on Comest? Gumcowu m‘t9itl Cu‘ ah m e V km U I l In;

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