samba-muslsonhri Entered IS iccond-clm maner March 1, 1911. the post otï¬ce at nghland Park. Illinois. and the Act of March 3. 1879‘ Puausuzn Wax-mu av Joan LUDuJ. at Highland Park. Lake County, Illinois Telephone 1: :: Highland Wk 5w Continued from First Page gregate amount than any one of the states spends for its entzre government (with six exceptions) and that in meeting their half of these expenses of the city tho people of Washington are paying a considerably lower rauâ€" of tax than is be- ing paid by the people of any other city in the country, every sense of justice is shocked And not let any member of the house or senate undertake to point out these facts and, as a member of the house re- cently expressed it, “hold the even hand of Justice between the interests of these people and the interests of his own people," and he is attacked in public print as a "pinhead," “hill billy." “tight wad" and “block head." No man can arse in Congress and plead the cause of the people of the United States outside of this city without being maligned and cancatured. But let him say a few words in behalf of the outrageous "half and half" system. He then becomes a patriot, and as the same member expressed it. “the personiï¬cation of national pride." He is flattered. cajoled and petted by the social set.‘ He is praised. puffed and heralded as a great man by the local press. ' How about Records for that New Talking Ma- chine given you for a Xmas present? Call at Greene’s News Co. and select your Records from their stock of the latest Records made; or look over our catalogue and order what you wish. All Columbia Records play on Victor Talking Machines Greenes News Stand This "ha†and half" system will not stand the light of day. It has endured smce 1828 and all efforts to break down its injuï¬ices and inequntxes have thus far failed through a libera‘. usc of the methods Ihavc refuted to. It will tome to an end just as soon as a majomy of both Houses in Congress wove not lo be amendable to lhcsc THt‘th‘Jda. REAL SATISFACTION hm u thw- \mu 217 W. Cenml Avenue P. 5. Get the latest books written by best authors at our circulating library, at 3 cents per day. TIHTRSDAY. FEBRUARY mu>t use Nun-Finish to rmi ‘dustmg smisfatuun'. mmmt gr: Nu-Finiuh h \thout Nu-I‘iniuh , ilicr bcmmes an en- ..‘2 .~\ erl M†uymume : has no vqudl. n c PURDYu" sous we Paper Hanging and Decorating Tait-phone 1098 C. M. GATES E. F. PRATT, Prop. 39 St. Johns Avenue THOMSON'S LETTER 4w :5 rumour I YAILIIDID r. 4 PAINTING HICHUND PARK 4.1915 It 1 There seems to be a lively contest in lorder by the local chapter of Mystic l Workers. The contest is a membership i contest and the person getting the largest ; number of candidates for this fraternal gorder will receive a prize, there being one lady’s and one gentleman‘s prize. I The young people of St. Mary's ! Catholic church are plannihg a program i to be given St. Patrick's day, March 17th i in the parish hall. Mm Fred. D. Porter and son Hugh of E Ravinia will leave Friday for a two weeks' lstay in Kalamazoo, Mich: Tax book's are now in the hands 'of the town collector :t 105 W. Central Ave. Telephones 233 and 714-M, Ofï¬ce open evenings. Mr. and Mn. Carl Horenherger are re- ceiving congratulations on the birth of a son. born Thursday, January 28th. Mrs. P. E. Davis 06 Ft. Sheridan. left last week to be the guest of relatives in Washington. D. C. The Mystic Workers announce a mu- querade ball for March 17th. to be given at Ravinia Park Casino. Messrs. Drew and Savege. interior decorators and painteis, announce the opening of a Highland Park branch ofï¬ce at 128 E. Central Ave, ('1‘. E. Pierson’s Upholstcring shop.) Messrs. Frank IGoodrow of Wood- stock Ill.. and JamesA. Mitchell of Chi- cago ware guests at the M.L .Conrad home last week. On Friday evening, at the Immaculate Conception school, there will be an ex- hibit of all the pupils work done in the past year. Admission is free and the public is cordially invited. Mrs. F. N. Baylies. who has been“ in New York for the past two weeks, will return this week. Miss Lillian I’elerscn. 809 Main St., Evansmn. will be the guest this week andpart of next week or Miss Helen Cunrad. McGovern St. Mrs. William J. Davis. wife of Lieut. Davis of the 27th Infantry of Texas City, Tcxas. is the guest 01 Mrs. Frederiuk HA Sargent of F1. Sheridan. MRSS Lina Jenkins of (Salt. “1., is the guest of Mrs. Frederick Zahnle of W. Vine Ave. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown of N. Green Bay Rd.. the latter being formerly Miss Mavme Sash, are receiving con- gratulations on the birth of a daughter, born Monday. February 13!. Imulmmmn’ml Mrs. S. J. Baker of N. St. Johns Ava, entertained as her guests on Saturday Mesdumes J. A. Sibley, H. H. Cooley. C. G. Shaw and Mr. Franklin Pallat, all of Chicagu. Mr. and Mrs. Huward ll. Hodges, who formerly llved in the Lovell home on Prospect :\\'e.. have taken the Paul Bird home on Laurel Ave. {or the rest ofï¬the sts Eva Morton will be the weekend guest of sts Jean Gaylord of Chicago. foxmcrly of Lake Bluff. yr-..“ â€n. .u. ..u». v. nu. "In“.A- Mr. Jens Jensen will talk on LandsL Gardening at the Village House Thursday of next week. Mrs. G. V. Dickinson was the guest a part of last week of relatives in Elgin. Mr. Charles Schneider of the Isle of Pines. West Indies. formerly of thi> city, visited friends here last, week and a few days 0! [his \\‘Cv:'k. Sebald Rebhng was the week-end guest of relatives In Park Ridge, Ill. Mrs. F. L. Deming and daughters, the Misses Helen and Margaret. Mr. C. E. Wilcox. Mr. E. B. Deming of Belling- ham. Washington. and Mr. W. T. Gould of Beverly Hills. Cal. the two latter hav~ ing been guests of Mrs. F. L. Deming tor the past two weeks. left Tuesday night for Pasadena, Cal. where they will spend the remainder of the winter. Winter Mr and Mrs. Fred. Wonber of Benton Habor. Mich, formerly of Ravinia. left Ins; week for Ocean Springs. Miss, to spend the remainder of the winter. ( The cadets of the basketball squad of the Northwestern Military and Naval Academy won a victory over Crane High school in basketball last Wednesday, the score bejng 35-15. On Thursday of last week. the cadets accompanied by Col. and Mrs. R. P. Davidson we‘nt to the automobile show at the Coliseum. Mrs. Joseph Leaming is in charge of the stereopticon lecture to be given at the Village House of Ravinia tonight. The lecture. to which the public is cor- dially invited. is "The Road to Mandalay" by Mr. Chancellor Jenks of Evanston, given under the auspices of the Ravinia Cnmmissinn. ' Thu Rd‘xmlu Wuman's Civic Club will mvct Fnday afternoon at the Village lluuw Mrs. Frcderigk Do“, former president ! f the lllznoi: State Federation, mll «peak m1 “State Club Wurkf' Mrs. Elennnr Fu’l’c, prmidcm of thc 'l‘enth Distm‘t. mll speak on the work nl than organization. A soL‘ial hour nixh re~ frrshments “Ill follow. The Rifle (Nb of the Nortlm'rstern Mllxtary and Naval Academy, are com- peting tor {he national trophy in shoot- ing with military schools all over the country. Last weck [he cadetscompeted with the Hanurd schuol of Los Angeles. Cal.,the1r score was 889. These con- [05“: lakc place owry wwk. Last year {he club lm-kc 1h:- \mrld's record. 5 Mr. Fred Schaefer spent a part of last [week at the Master Plumber‘s annual iconvemion at Springï¬eld, Ill. ‘5 Mrs. George Burdick u! Cambrm‘ :Mass. isthe guest of her Sister, : T homas Milton Wilder of Rice Si minaret-tam ~ uhw “ daytorunonthe’nlylt MLHHV'DFflXOWWhOW‘h _ r . operadouforappendldderefundyflhe Thaw ' ‘7 V,- '1'} Michael Reese hoepRILie improv “,3.qu «hm ‘ cduad willbeableto co lichen-st mwumï¬nï¬p'nï¬ï¬‚jm mu]. .’ . . A. ,_,.:I Lg- .‘_Il_.l week. . dayevem ‘ Zitmï¬hiha There will be a poetuma‘ dinner and to the motion 90%] If dance at the Village Hausa floadayeveu- in; It eight flfteeh. at which time in. February 22nd. Mn. JoeephSchoen story. "the Old Curiosity Shop," inxerisin charge. The sheen are to CharluDickem. “Ilium " come in costumes of the tithe of Wuh- ington. Mruotm mashed as her week-end guest: Mr. and Mn. H. L. Tan 0! Chi- cago. and Miss Marcia Warren. also of Chicago. Mr. C. E. Schauï¬icr. formerly of this city now of New York, is in Chicago for a few_days while enroule for Lee Angelqs Cal. Mr. Schaumer was a dinner guest on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Elisha Gray. ' The dance given by St. Jarnes' Catholic Church choir on Friday evening. January- 29th was well attended and proved to be a social and ï¬mchl success. The hall was beautifully decorated In white and green with touches of pink. by Mr. Data of Chicago. The following young people were in charge of the aï¬girj The Mina Katherine Kenry, Wilhelmina Morten, Helen Berberich.‘ Mildred Remy. Esther Morten, Lucille Ludlow, Margaret Moore. and Dorothy Burke, and :Mr. William Zahnle. Mesdarnes Spellmaaj and Morren were in charge of the dinini roo'm. Announcement i: made 05 the marriage of Miss Bertha Getz of Chicago, to Her- man Joseph Leach or this city. The ceremony took place In Chihzo Wednes- day. K Alfred Gipp, who. for the past few months. has been in the advertising business here. has given up his ofï¬ce in the State Bank Building and has accept- edapositiun in Columbus. Ohio. Mt. Gipp lei: for that city Saturday evening. David Lighthall and {emulate planning to leave about the middle 0! thie month for their ranch in Montana: where they will remain permanently. ï¬r. and Mrs. E. M. Liglrthall, who are ndlw residing at 9 N. McGovern SL. will take the Light- hall home on Broadway andwill probably takepoueesion aboutthe‘ï¬l‘st of March. Miss Catherine Culklna bed as her guest over the week- end WA Mary Lee of Chicago. Albert Renning will leave Saturday {or Champaign, “L, where he will enter his freshman year at the State University. On account of thc‘g'increaae of her Chi- cago business Dr. Jessie O'Connor of Winthrop Ave., Chicago. has severed her business with Dr. Roberta Moore. Mr. Jarchow of Homewood Ave.. was taken to a Chicago hospital Wednesday morning when: he undement quite a serious operation. The Misses Beatrice Magï¬usson, Esther Winter and Emma Steinbcrg spent the week-end in Harvey, "L, as guests of Miss Lucile Phillips. ' Mrs. William Kopp of Linda Ava. and her daughter. Mist Mirie Kopp of Chicago, were the week-Que! guests of friends in Kenosha, Wis. The board of directors of the Highland Park Woman's Club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. John Putnam of Prespect Ave. ' Little David Duffy, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Duffy of N. Second St, .is ill with scarlet fever. ‘ Miss Margaret Phillips of Sheridan Rd. left last week to spend two weeks in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The Highland Park bowling team now leads the Lake Forest bowling league by a margin of one game. the other ï¬ve teams being within 3 games in the rear. J. Ori of the local team leads the in- dividuals with an average of 201 with M. Shiel of the Knights of Columbus team 3 points behind, while Dr. Evans is a good third. Of course we believe in the groï¬nd hog. This year at least. Mrs. Ernest Pett' IS on the sick list this week. « The second evening unds the auspices of the Dramatic committee 01 the Trinity Parish House will be Saturday, the thirteenth of February. Much interest is being shown in two plays, the casts of which are entirelv new and extremely good. A more extended notice will The published next week in THE PRESS. Miss Florence Waters lefï¬ Monday to emer the training school of. the German hospital, where she will train tor nurse. Dr. and Mrs. ‘W. S. Bern-rt of Mont- gomery Rd., who came to Highland Park in the early fall. are leaving this week for Chicago where they will spend the re- mainder of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wright of Chicago, were guests the early part of this week of Mm F. B. Knight of Park Ave. Mrs. M. A. Mihills of Fox‘est Avg. will leave this week for Niles, Mich., where she will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. T. W‘ Ready for oneâ€momh. Mrs. W. W. Shultice of Westcmpon, Maryland, who has been Vlhe guest of Mrs. J. C. Morrison, returned to her home on Friday. f ' A merry crowd of "hard timers" gather- 3ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clow Tuesday evening where they came to surprise and help Mr. Claw celebrate ; his birthday anniversary. The party was ijust stacks of fun I: each guest dressed ;in costume of hard times. Cards were the feature at the evening. The ï¬rst E prizes were pwarded to Mrs. A Knudsen 5 who received a gingham apron, and Mr. ' George Vetter who received a pair of overalls: the consolati prim were awarded to Mrs . t Thomas who was the recipient ot clotheqaina, and Mr. William Salyards who received a red : bandana handkerchief. _ Thererwere aln prize. given for the heat characters of the evening. Mrs. Albert Larson and Mr. William Ernst received them. The hard time was carried out beautifully iin the entire evening's entertainment as the napkins were newwaper and the score ‘card: tied with string. Mr. Clow was â€resented with a stunning much charm. On Monday of this week the students had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Ciayq‘on Lunham of the Red Path Lyceum Bureah of Chicago, in a group of songs. Mr. Lunham. whose voice fl 3 tenor, sang "Dearest, "by Homer, “Little Grey Home in the West," by Lohr. ind ~‘The Year's at the Spring.†the words 'of which use written by Browning. The pmgram in- cluded readings from Tennyuon, Long- fellow and Jonson, by the following aids: Eleanor Nebon. Merv Freneh- Mildred Weich, lube" King. Gertrude McLuhan. and Esther King. Thehesketballtelm wadefeeted Fri-‘ dnybykivuï¬dgtbem being â€its. theteun.upto thin time a. not had Wentpnctieebiiteiheethenewbo‘n’ gymnuiumieï¬nieheduhd is ready tot mtheteemfeele euro of victory tor theensuincgamee. ' OhaccountotlJncnld‘ehirthrhyhdna' Fridayof next week. the Parent- andk 'reechen' Association will hold in m- in; on Thursday afternoon inste-d'of Friday at two thirty o'dock.‘ The pin». gramutobeaoolleemnotGermwk mwghebeuucherkhundadwn playbyLaCerde Mac. 11:: db- Mwhiehwï¬ihehdbylhflden Ymmevhiunanum in. “Ranked ourmedialmminltiou." â€Yoshi: isuudousm‘havennmotheumdhthhe' ittendthismeetihz. and i; mite answerellqueetionepnlhenflect. ofthe am 011mm vaudeville “WW show. slim thatthe Senior: suede One hundred and ten dollars. _ I Highland Park Woman's Club l mm mm 3 WWW. M % “Hmm‘ . my mm Mam “mmeu mmwwwm. WWHMMMMuMW mmwmmmMmmm The Clvlcl study du- 01 the can Club will meet in the Highland ParkClub home Thursday momma. February 11th. at 10:30 o'clock. Mr. Robert Cothenvood. President of the Civil Service Comnill sion of Cook County. will spank on Civil Service. Members of the Highland Park Woman's Club and the Civics Club of Ravinia, are cordially invited. The next regular meeting of tlie club will be held at Trinity Parish House Tuesday afternoon. February ninth at half after two o'clock. Mn. Victor Yar- ros of Chicago. will speak on “The In: temational Mind, Nationalism and Patriotism." Mr. Worthe Faulkner, ac- companied by Mr. Sidney Arno Dietch, will give a group of songs. A large at‘ tendance is desired as this is a rare op- portunity to hear a man of international reputation on a subject of present day interest. as well as this program of at- tractive music. Mrs. A. L. Kenning entertained a few of her neighbors at a linle informal new- ing party on Friday afternoon ’ The auxiliary of the Chicago Mater- pity Society held an all’ day meeting at the home of Mrs Fred A. Preston. E. Central Ave, chairman of the sewing committee. A buffet luhcheon was serv- ed at noon. Lots of work was accom- plished as ninety-six sheets and sixteen blankets were made; A number of dinner parties have taken place this week in honor of Albert Rem†ning who leaves Saturday for Champaign, BL, where he will enter hls freshman year al the State University. Those en tertaining were Mr. and Mrs, Rothaker, Mr and Mn John Gourley and William E. Blctch. Min Helen Gipp ~entemined a féwv friends informally on Friday night. High School Notes Additional Observer Tossoli Club " afford a $100 or $200 , i“ --there are Victrolas ' 240 50, an $75, --any one you seléc t Eaimylmusic yOu wish to hear. 1;: W‘Ei: 1.: :2. E . -" Highland Park, mini. §mnlmrmuu thmmaq $5M *U'fï¬'iâ€"EWTKéent 4h Making a specialty of loans on improved real ’ North Shore temtory including Rogers Park! metgte, Kenilworth Winnetka, Glencoe High Lake Forwt. Security under mortgages in Eh continually enhancing while the rate of inter “s attm North Shore Trust Comény North Shore Trust ladï¬ Whammetcmw byanqucaldeaw. awe have the W 11,03:va plantm theWosL A marinauhrad deliver A Big Sale We! Raymond W. ‘ €8chneidef’ ZNHSTCENTRALAVENUE Dyers and C] “The Impe $1.50:shirts at $1.00'shirts at . Satilrday, February 6% weekamigweou'workafalrm MAIN OFFICE AND wonxs :1 2123-2133 lined- Avcnuo. CHICAcdl Capital $100,000 5 {3 Orgmlzodunderthe'Btnkhi Laws of the State of mind; MORTGAGE .BANKERé Men’s Furnisher Sizes from 13% to 175 13 St. Johns Avenue Telephone 331 ' for one day only INCORPORATED for them, n we are :1: quality} a: like clbthu We keep' 1 suits in oondiuom « ways orderi YOUM