Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 4 Mar 1915, p. 4

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THEHIGHIANBPARKPRBS WWSISOFYmiIMm Entered u second-clan mutter Much l. 1911. It lb. pout adios at Highland Park. llhno‘u. under the Act of Much 3. 1879. Puma» Wmu BY 10314 L. Unzu. It Highland Park, gake County, Illinois Telephone 2: : Highland Park 562 How about Records for that New Talking Ma- chine given you for a Xmas present? Call at Greene’s News Co. and select your Records from their stock of the latest Records made; or look over our catalogue and order what you wish. All Columbia Records play on Victor Talking Machines Greenes News Stand P. 5. Get the latest books written by best authors at our circulating library, at 3 cents per day. When furnace fires are extinguished in the spring, there come oc- casionally chilly days. This little Radiator will prove a genial friend then if, you’ll give it a chance. Ina very short time it will warm a room at small expenditure of cur- rent. { Price $4.50 PUBLIC SERVICE C0. THURSDAY. MARCH 4. 1915 The Luminous E. F. PRATT, Prop. 39 St. Johns Avenue Radiator “Nahum Electric portâ€"No “Mil-2; In a o-okolou nwivc'j\u!|y i LittleLeo Guron of Hig hwood, who > has been very ill with pneumonia for the ipast several weeks, is very much im .proved. i There was an unusually large atten- ‘dance at the regular meeting of the sttic Workers held Monday night at l Masonic hall. Mrs. Walter H. Baldwin and her ‘son, Hugh Walter leave today for Thomas- ville, 03., for a stay of three weeks. Mrs. Franklin 8. Haney leaves next week for Lot! Angela. Cal. Mrs. Hussey will visit the fair and return to Highland Park at the end of one month. This week Miss Alice Child. who is the head of the chemistry department of the Eastern High School in Milwaukee, is the guest of Mn'John W. Welch. Messrs. John and Paul L'dell and families and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cope and family were the week-end gusts of Mr. and Mrs. Amick of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Buckley and son, Mr. Charles Buckley, ll., Accompanied by Mr. and Mr; C. W. Buckley left on Tuesday for New Orleans where they will stay for a time. LIIUCIJO uuron 0K nlgnwuou, “'HO has been very ill with'pneumonia for the ' past several weeks, Is very much im- proved. There was an unusually large atten- dance at the regular meeting of the Mystic Workers held Monday night at Masonic hall. Miss Marion Rawfon of Milwaukee” who was the guest of Miss Dorothy Schofield last week. returned home on' Tuesday of this week. ' Mrs. Frank Lewis MOIby of Detroit,’ who has been the guest of her deter, Mrs. E. E. Andrews for the past weeks. . On Saturday evening of this week. there will be a dinner given at the high school for the high school girls and their mothers. All those wishing to must procure tickets from the stu cuts as early as pesstble. The affair I: under the auspices of the High School Division of the Parents and Teachers' Association and a small fee will be charged. On Friday, the Garrick Club IS to meet land be entertained by the eophomore class. The feature of the program is to be a short play written and coached by Dorothy Baker. "The R. B. C. Club and the-Society Reporter." The remainder Miss Derothy Clark. who has been in i for the put two or three weeks is able; to be around again. and resumed her dancing classes at Libnry hall on Wed- nesday. i Mn Frank Lewis Malby of Detroic, who has been the guest of her duet, Mrs. E. E. Andrews for the past weeks. will return to Detroit at the end of the week. Mr. W. M. Lowrie returned Friday from Albuquerque, New Mexico. when- he has been for the past six months. and is the guest of his brother and Sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lowrie pf Ra- vinia Park. Mr. Carling. Sr.. who underwent an operation for appendicnis in {he Evans- ton hospital last week. is doing nicely Mrs. John Glass leaves today for De- troit. Mich. where she will be the guest of her mother for one week. Miss Cole of Marshfield. Wis, is the guestufi her brother-m-law and sun-r, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Purdy at Oak wood Ave. Miss Eva Morton of S. Green Bay Rd.. was the week-end guest of Mus Jean Gaylord of Chicago. formerly of Lake Mrs. August Guron is very ill at her horn: 1n Hughwood with pneumonia. Mrs. John D. Jones had as her gues! last week Mrs. William Crimes of Chl- cago. Mrs. S. Grant and children of Ft. Sheri- dan. are on the sick list this week. Mrs. E. R. Reed of Chicago Ave. and Green Bay Rd., bad as her guests last week Mr. Joseph Tribbey and children of Chicago. ‘ Mr. Sullivan of North Ave., father of Mrs. R. Shannon and Mrs. Wm. Holmes of Highwood, is critically ill at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Millard of Ravine [)nve, returned Saturday from a months visut in Florida. ILOCM. AND PERSONAL NEWS I Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Martin and children of Linden Ave., who have spent the past seven weeks in Melrose. Mass.. retuxned to their home last week. Mr. Sewald Rebling is suffering a re lapse of the grippe. Bldff Mr. and Mrs John Irwin Marshall and daughter Miss Rafferty. and baby lett Monday for Galveston Texas where they wl“ visit relatives, and go on to Lahforma where they will tour the coast. The party will return to’this city at the end of three months. Mrs. E. Lindstrom has purchased the A. Leslie McPherson property on Home- wood Ave. and will take possession some time this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Atwood of Chicago, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Purdy of Oakwood Ave. Mrs. Gust Mearklin of W. Central Ava. returned home this week from a two weeks‘ visit with relatives in Milwaukee. \V IS Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown, In. and! Mrs. Andrews of Edgewater, were the, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas; Brown. Sr., of Highwood. Tuesday and Thursday evenings have been set aside for officers night at the Fort Sheridan bowling alley in the Ex- change building. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Benrddcy. formerly of this city. and who have made Edge- water their home for the past year, have taken the house at 414 Glencoe Ave.. where the! will reside it! the future. See Alaska throth the stereopticon when Hon. George R. Walker. United States attorney for Third Judicial Dis- trict of Alaska, will discourse on the Discovery, Purchase and Future Pros- pects of this wonderful country at the Ravinia Village House Friday evening. March 5th. at 8 o'clock. All are invited. A small admission fee will be charged. Miss' Basie Baker of N. St. thns Ave., spent the week-end as the guest of friends in Irving Park. Mr. Sidney Arno Dietch and Mr. Worthc Faulkner left Sundav for a con- cert tour of Oakland. Orlando. Jackson- ville. and Palm Beach. Fla. They ex- pect to be gone two or three weeks, Mrs. A. B. Bastin will make her home with them as formeriy. I :22? EV'" M 00!â€" -not . It (the same time. your furniture. sndhsrd'ood floon sn :leaned and polished. TN | 56 bottle “I“ .14 n c PURDYu' sons me : ‘owiuivns m‘ The gymnasium and swimming pool at Mi. Cali-u Conant of Chicago, who i the new high school will be open to club; is very vell known in musical circlel. lmembers every Tuesday evening. The , will give a pianologue at the club Tue- lclub thanktully accepts this offer of the ‘ evening. March sixteenth at eight fitteen. ,,‘ Board 0t Edueation. . "SPOT“ and Travel in Central Africa" ‘ The discussmn of the last meeting was , will be thewbject lorthe motion picture l principally the probability of giving a j - ~ t ' m o'clock. I public entertainment in the near future. °n_F_"d” evening I, eta _ _ . . The History Study Class of the Ossoli Club will meet in the Highland Park Club House Thursday afternoon. March llth. at 2:45 o'clock. Mrs. Anthony French Merrill will give a talk on The Rise of Journalism-The Newspapers of Queen Anne's Time. The Tattler. News- letters. The Spectator. and Other Pa m The members of the Highland girk Woman's Club and the Civics Club of Ravinia are cordially invited. Please note change of hour. ofmepméram‘wiu be vocal. violiiixid piano selections. At the regular meeting last Thursdly evening. Mr. Claude Shreve, Mr‘ Harold Schmid and Mr. Lloyd Sheahen were elected to membership. Mrs. Harold Larsen of Green Bay. Wis. and her guest. Muss Leila Hyson of Columbus. ()hin, are the guests for sever- al weeks of Mrs. Larscn's parents, Mr‘ and Mrs. R‘ G. Evans of S, First St. Mrs, Lucy Meyer of W. Central Ave, is quite ill. Mrs. W. Dooley, who has been qutte Ill for the past week, is somewhat nnpmvcd‘ Miss Marie Armstrong left on Satur- day for Washington. I). C, whcre she Will by the guest of General I. R. Sher- wood at Cnngress Hall, and after the ad- journment of Congress, Miss Armstrong will accompany General Sherwood and his daughters to Old Point L’umfort for a short stay. Miss Armstrong will return at the end of two weeks. Mr. J‘ M. Cleaver 0f Moline. “1‘, was the week-end guest at the Thayer home on N‘ Sheridan Rd. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Howe of County Line Rd.._ were the Sunday guests 0! Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pittack o! Englewoud, Mrs, is quite Mrs. for xhe Miss MI. Fritz Bahr returned Sunday {row several weeks stay at his farm In Red Bluff. Cal, Mia Marion Sutton of Springfield. Matt. is spending the week at the Laurel Inn after having been the guest of never- al people of this city. Mr. and Mn Ray Howe were the Sun dayg nests of Mrs Howe' s sister. Mrs Forest Cruine of Deerfield. Mn. D. F. Kelly, of Chicago who spends the tummer here. run the luncheon guest of Mrs. J.W. Prindiville on Tueoday. Mrs. Kelly and her daughter Aileen. leave on Friday for Honolulu (or I stay 0! five weeks and will return by ray 01 Lot An- geles and visit the fair. Mn. Kelly we- a dinner guest of Mn J. F. L Curtll on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Snow and chil- dren, who have been in Santa Barbara, (231., since January first. will return home the last of this month. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. Sr.. are quite ill at their home on S. Second SL, with the grippe. Mrs. Fred Meachtle, Sn. who has been quite ill at her borne {or several weeks, suffering with bronichal trouble, is re- ported in improving. Doctor Herbert F. Evans of Grinnell College, Iowa. will again be at the Baptist Church next Sunday morning. His sub ject will be “Life's Underlying Meaning." Mr. Evans has gone to Buffalo to attend the Religious Education Association con- vention this week. and will stop here on his way back to (irinnell. where he Is professor at Biblical Literature and Re- ligious Education. Miss Angela Hartnett of North Edge- wazer. was the guest a part of last week of the Misses Finney of N. St. Johns Ave. Miss Ella Garn'tv of Oakwood Ave, who underwent an operation on her nose at the Evanston hocpitnl last week, is do- ing nicely. The little daughter which arrived at the home of Mr. and Mn Charles Grant Sunday. passed :1an Tuesday night. be- ing about forty-eight hours old. Mrs; Sara Cochran? 0f Detroit.Miuh.. IS the guest this week of Mn BE. Andrews. ‘Mrs. Elmer Skidmore and dIughter Ethel, who have been ill with the grippe the past week, are able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greensladc "cleav- ing today {or Los Angelcs, Cal., where they will visit relatives and also attend the fair. Mrs. D. P. Sheahen returned Saturday from Oakfield. Wis”. where she has been the guest of relatives during the winter. > Mr. August Benson of Holton, Mich, is visiting relatives and friends here. Mrs. John Bell and Mrs.- W. E. Water- house will leave Saturday for Califorma, Mrs. Bell going to San Francisco, Visiting the fair. and returning by way of Port- land and Seattle after about three months; Mn. Waterhouse going to Loo Angela Mrs. James Enright of Glencoe. Won the china in the china club last week. It may be of interest to the many friends of John E. Conrad to learn that he very favorably passed the Bar examma. tnons held in Ottawa. lll. last week. He and Andrew Cooke of Waukegan were the only two men from Lake County who were successful in getting through. The Lady Vikings announce a dance to be givrn Saturday night in Eagle hall. Highwood. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. Illa-[LAND PARK ILLINOIS High School Notes Y. M. C. Notes Ossoli Club Mi. Young give a bandngina ’demon- strndon Tuaday for the benefit of the {Camp Fire girl: and taught them may ‘ useful way: of using a bandage. I Highland Park Woman's Club I The next refiular meeting 0! (ha club will tube place nt the Presbyteriun Church Tuesday lhemoon. March ninth at two thirty o'clock The meeting in to be I business meeting at which time nomina- tions for otficers for 1915-1916 will be held. " ‘ An unusually fine. clear cut bu-reliel, wu preknud to [he aninia xhool on Friday uwnoon. February twenty-duh, by the North Shore Chapter of the D. A. ‘ R., u a mmflil to loll Lamar Munro. {Fez-rim. wife of Mr. Jooeph Purim, who 'djedNOctober. Mn. Faring was I fprominehj mambo; 9!. the North 550:. Chanrer‘D. A. R., holding varioua ofica {andmvioe-regent oi the Chapter at the dine 0! her death The exercise. at- tending the presentation. were imprec- give; the achool children aang very meet- ly with “re. Ralph Fletcher Seymour u accompaniat. Mia- Stone. principal oi the achqi. briefly outlined the work of Mn Fearing {or the school. Mrs. Gordon Buchanan, Regent of the Chapter, made the premution speech. dwelling loving on Mrs. Fearing“: high qualitiea. Mr. . G. Wright. superintendent ol Ravinia school. accepted the pieture for the school. . Mrs. George Nichole sang a beautiful arrangement of the hymn. "The King oi Love. My Shepherd ia," by Gounod; then a silent prayer. followed by a song by the pupils. All adjourned for another new of the baa-relief, hung in the main hall. It is a replica of Guido Reni'a famous painting of Aurora, which is on the ceiling of the Roapiglipsi palace in Rome. Mrs. Joseph Learning waa chairmaa of the D. A. Rfcornmiitee for this memorial. and it was due to her efforta that this exceptionally good piece of art waa secured. , A large number of people “tended the motion picture. of Oliver Goldsmith'e "She Scoop. to Conquer." on Tue-day evening It the club houee. The picture! wme ‘onally good, and much ea- joyed by audience. | Highland Park‘ Club | The pupils of the upper grade history department dramatize-d tvm stenes trom American Histoiy on last Thursday alter- noon and evening The one rrpresenttnd the presentation 0! kittmid iienty Lee's tatnuus resolutions oi the wand cun- tinental congress and the debate on resolutions and the other the debate over the signing ’of The [)etlaratmn of In- dependence, and the lHlfl‘lt‘l art til sign- Inx the declaration. hilt) or tnore pupils toOk part In the seenes and each appeared in u Ctmtumt‘ of revolutionary times. The debates were taken from the historical records and a number of little instances preserved of that occasion were reproduced. The pupll: had memorized the long speeches \ery well and gave them with good eflect. The stage pic- tures were beautiful. In the last scene a group of excited citizens came in from the street and pulled down the king's arms and hustleda protesting tory or two out 01 the room with realistic seal. The scene closed with the pupils reprw ducing the favorite minuette of colonial times. The work was all done under Mr. Grunewald's supervision with the assistance of members 0' the teaching staff and a number of intdrested patrons and they are to be congratulated upon the great value and success of their efforts. The [notably meeting of the Mothera' Club was held in the Asaociation room. Tueadav evening. March2nd. The preai~ dent. Mn Henry Ditmer. presided. Thirty-five were in attendance and thoroughly enjoyed the excellent pro- gram which was presented. lnatrurnental soloe were given by the MicaeaBecie Sal- yarda and‘Helen Nichols. each played very nicely and show promiae of future ability. Mn Frank Green then read in her own inimitable manner “Miranda on Keepinl Young," by Dorothy Dix. which brought forth many expression: 'of keen enjoyment. To this she added two ori inal aelections entitled “A Protest" an “Gretchen's Experience.” both of which added to the delight of her audi- ence. Mina Mildred Thayer then sang with much sweetness and expresaion. Sunbeam; Perfect Day. and May Morn. ing. Mrs. James Watson accompanying her. Mia Thayer has a most charming voice and her songs were greatly ap- preciated by the club. Alter the pro- gram, light refreshments were served and a general good time enjoyed. These Club meeting: are the source of mutual pleasure to the ladies and the Y. W.C. A. The {quilt Thursday evening club en~ joyed I Very pleasant meeting Feb. 250:. Games. duncinu and lxght refreshments were the main future; Mia Ritter conducted the .Venper ser- vice Suuday nttcrnoon and interested the girl: very much wnth the helpful. whole- some W that she brought. D. c. PURDY»? SONS NowinStock Y. W. C. A. News Elm Place School D. A. R. Notes "rm 0.74 “WAY" Come from choiae‘live stock. We have to pay a little more for such mats. lQut y9ulonAont§pu§d satisfaction is our reward. Making a specia'ky of loans on improved real estate in the North Shore territory including Rogers Park, Evanston, Wil-- mette, Kenilwofith. Winnetka. Glencoe, Highland Park and Lake Forest. $mrity under mortgages in this territory is continually enhgncing while the rate of interest is attractive. ~ We shall be .‘hd to .5. you in our marketan’y tinie. But if you cannot come in person send us word of what you want and we will fill the order just. as faithfully 'as if you were present. We give his-l lino; All i Meats We Handlé 210 ECa'utnliAunue North Shore Trust Company Why not haw your clothing renovated here this week'md give our work a fair trial? Our Curikmc AND szmc of ladiw’ and gent's garments. oribhtal rugs. carpets. portiers. draperies, piano covets lace curtains, etc. cannot be duplicated by any local deaner. as we have the LARGEST and most SANITARY plant in the West. A wagon will. call for Telephone ZMEASIWMENUE “chum-"aim All Work Guarantged Raymimd W. sgl'neider '2 JEWELE Dyerg and Cleaners INCORPORATED “THC Imperial” Have NorthfiShore Trust Company Sob'ey’s Sanitary Shop e Your Old Jewelry Made Like New 5 mun OFFICE AND wonxs 31‘3-3133 [Jacob Ava... CHICAGO : Capital $100,000 “gunized lunder the Bulking um of the State of Illinois MORTGAGE BANKERS 331 ;- Highland Park, lllinois lu- m:.un.rnh-uu L1. ammo-Ii- and deliver your gamut: 13 S. St. Johns Ave. get out work on time Ind deliver it promptly. Why "0‘ Mina some ("menu to us this week an a in tiny; tummy. You can have every article of apparel immuulnte and in perfect condition if you tend them to us regulnr- ly. We use modern meth- ods in our cum-am WORK WEDO Telephones 431-432 - .152 44 a Esta 1342i

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