Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 11 Mar 1915, p. 4

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We wish to thank our many friends and relatives for their kindness and svmpathy shown in ourlate bereavement. MRS. CHARLES KELLER AND Sons cer. She was thirty-three years old. hav- ing been born in September. 1881. Funer- al services were held Saturday at one o'clock in the Swedish Lutheran Church in Highwood Rev. Nordgren of Kenosha. odiciatev; interment was in Lake Forest. She leaves to survive her a husband, Thomas Day, mother, Mrs. Stein. of High wood. and two sisters. Mrs‘ Hanson of Waukegan. aners. Richter of Chicago. Obituary Mrs Thomas J. Day, nee Anna Peter- son. daughter of Mrs. Charles Stein 0! Highwood, died on Tuesday. March second in the Augustana Hospital of can- “- Tuu ”Anne Dumas Common. to. Anna. India. A non-h 3nd amnptkm may (nick! ”mum our mutual: rm theuner u: Invent fl Dmhnbly "this. nmmumr-v hon-omen acumen-Ital. (“AHULOOKC out “can gem. In... A.“ 1 lormn: w morn Putnam math 8...“: a La. new" he A may "W weekly. [when cu alum o “Itm gum-L ham 3: u CL .0 byut mounds-Jen. Greenes News Stand ' Mm“ W W Ti? Wfifififim P. 5. Get the latest books written by best authors at our circulating library, at 3 cents per day. is I marvelous dusting. cleanin . fishing. - uxd. "u I! you Jun us! in the usual way-- hut what a fiifleyence! No dud flying m the _ i room to settle down Tn. Every: sveck istaken up Ind t en outwit“ ‘ just Itirred up. And. It the «me time. ‘ V , vnth no extra work. your fumitum! woodwork and hardwood floors an' clamdmdpolidled. Try-Scheme. J You must use Nu-Finioh to have real ‘dusting satisfaction'. You cannot get Nun-Finish results without Nun-Finish. Every user becomes an en- thusiast. A trial will convince you it has no equal. tome in and let us play them over for you REAL SATISFACTION Entered u ucondcl-a matter Much l. mu: (ham one: at Highland Park. luinob. under tho Act of Much 3.1879. WhicfljopaYmiMr-u a Highland Park; Lake County, mince. Telephone 1: :: Highland Park 5Q Pmusum Wan)! BY JOHN L. UDIu. THEIMMNDPARXPRBS D G_PURDY~“SONS a: Now in Stock SPRING OPENING 39 St. Johns Avenue E. F. PRATT, Prop. Cudofl'hnnb THURSDAY. MARCH 11. 1915 PQBPYF'SONS .OTAILIMD D074 ‘mwcs m" arm-{fl ngfi - ' .â€" Wmtmon. IITM I‘ll All Columbia Records play on Victor Talking Machines Mr. and Mrs. R Dean and family re turned to Highland Park Saturday from 1 Chicago, where they haxe spent the win 1' ter. and are leaving this week for Caii- I {omit where they will visit the expooi- tion. later returning to their home on Sheridan Rd. and Beach Sm. where they will spend the summer. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carr returned ‘ Sunday from Ormond, Fla. where they a have spent the greater part of the winter. , Mrs. Samuel Levin is spending severali days of this week visiting friends in Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fisher ware the week-end guests of relatives in Chi- Mr. Ivar Stranger of Lake Geneva. Wis. was the Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Kampe of ‘ Highwood. Mr. and Mn J. Gee and small son. of Chicago. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lowrie of Ravim‘a Park. Mr. August Benson of Holton. Mich, who has been visiting relatives here the but weeks. informs us that he has traded Beechwood Yum {or North Shore property and he and his family expect to return to Highland Park early this spring and re- side at 116 S. Green Bay Rd. Mr. and'Mrs. W. A. Alexander. who have been in Bellaire. Fla., {or the past five weeks. returned to their home on Sheridan Rd. last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Alexander are still in Florida and will return home next week. The Mystic Workers dance will be ‘held Wednesday evening March 17th. at Ravinia Park Casino m the form of a masquerade. Four prizes wxll be gixen. 3Pritchard's Orchestra will furnish the lmusic. Min Edith Lanyon of England. who: has been the guest of her brother ih Seattle. Wash., for some time. and who is now the guest of Miss Mary Sedgwick will leave within a week {or London England Owing to Miss Lanyon' 5 poor health she will enter a London hospital on her immediate arrival. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cluw were the Sunday guests of Austin. I Mr. and Mrs. W M. Miller and son I Willet of Chicago were the Sunday guests (of Mr and Mrs Archibald Abercromby :of W Central Ave Miss Isabel! Pitts, who was on the sxck list a few days of last Week. is able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Richards had as their guests on Sunday Messrs. Raymund Richards 01‘ Waukegan and Roberx Ric}.- ards of Oswego, HI. Mrs. W. Thomas and daughter. Miss Mabel. were the Sundav guests of Mn and Mrs. J. Malone of W. Central Ave. The Federation of Clubs of the Tenth Congressional District of Illinois. will meet with the Ravemwood Woman's Club Friday, March 19, at the Ravem~ wood Club Home. corner of Wilson and Alhlmd Avenues. Luncheon reserve- flons should be sent before Monday the fifteenth. to Mn. T. C. Hollenberger. M433 N. Paulina St. The program is to be a board meeting it 9:30, to be follow- ed by a business meeting at 10:30. The speakers are to be Mesdames John Har- per Long, Frederick A. Dow and Wm 1 Thomas. Luncheon will be served at 122.30 to be followed by the afternoon sessicn at20‘clock at which time the speakers will be Mr. William 8. Owen and Mrs Helen Ruggles Mrs. w. J. Louderback left Thursday of last week for New York City, return- ing home on Wednesday of this week. Mr. C. E. Wilcox. who. for the past five weeks has beentouring the Californil cont. will return home this week. noon. The score which was in favor of Culver Academy was 40-27. The cadets of the Northwestern Milii- any and Naval Academy basket ball team played the Culver Military Academy in their own gymnasium Saturdlv after- 0n the twelfth of March Mr, RJSI re! L. Sandwick WIN address the Civics" Mrs Club of Ravinia on the subject of “What ‘ Glady: the High School has done and what it ‘ weeks WI" d0. bQunlla‘ Miss Fannie Jafie of Chicago. 13 the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Titlebaum MrgA. W Fletcher left on Tuesday for Pomona, Cal where she will vzsit relatives for three months She wull also visit in Portland. Oregon. Tocoma and Seattle. Wuh., before returning home. Mn. Charles Golberg and Miss Rom Rocenberg of Chicago, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Taile- baum of N. Green Bay Rd. Mia Rim Davidson 0! Salesbury, N. C.. is the guest this week of Capmin and Mn. W. B. Stale: of Ft. Sheridan. Mr. and Mn. John Udell and Mr. and Mn 5. A. St. Peter were guests Sunday of relatives in Haywood. Mn. W. H. Brownie: of Highwood. who hubeen very ill the past week. is :10ny improving. Mn. D. P. Shaken can the week-end aunt of Mrs. Leach of Chicago. Mr. and Mn. Micheal Roach of High; wood announce the birth of a son. born Friday. March 50). WWW W and family relatn‘cs in ome. The Ladies Aid Society of 1hr: Ebenezer Is the Church will meet (hm atu-rnmn at (he ebaum ‘ home of Mn J T Montgomery of I'm! \Ir, 12.45! ret- Civics" Mm A. R. Carquewlle, who. mth Min “What I Gladys Jeffery: left Highland Pnrk u'x 1 On Tuesday evening the regular cud mrty of the club took place. Much in- 1terest is being taken in the pianologue 1 which Miss Caiiste Conant of Chic-co. is 1going to gne at the club- house on Tue:- (day evening of next week at 8 15. It in ‘ rumored that the evening is to be de- voted to a very interesting entertain- : ment. 1 This Friday": motion pictures are to be very tutu-ninjas. the wine“ beim “The Attack on Quebec." A very large audience \\'llfl?58€d the motion picturc‘s at the ciuhhnusc Fri~ day evening of last week The subjcc: was “Sports and Travel in Central Atria” and was very entertaining as well u in- structive. The number of children lee- ing these picturrg increases from week to Week and judging from the hearty ap- plause from the little ones, much enjoy- mtnt is derived from these entertain- merits. Barred Rock and White Leghorn Bag: for hatching hom best mat inc: $150 per setting Sccond pen $1.00 per semng. Mrs. {W Adams of Linculn Ann who has been m Milwaukee as the- guest of relatives. returned home (In: m-ek after an absence of two ueeks. The Ladiu Aid 500er nfthe Ebenezer Evangelical Church are pidnmng a sale to be held m Masonm Hull. “'rdncsday evening, March 3151. A dmm'r WI" be served from five to eight «diock for l small fee. I Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Gregory and dumb- ‘ zer. Min Ruth Gregory 0! Chicago. who ‘spend the summer at "Ledcemere." ? their wmmet home on S» Sheridan Rd.. are m the south and expect to return to {Chicago some time this month. Mrs. James Bowden 1: 111 in the Cnlumbia Hlmpital, Chicago Mrs. Evans and son Inmg. who have been visiting relatives hcn- tur sacral months. have taken an apartment onl Wilson Ave, Chicago ‘ Hatch Your Chickens NOW Mrs. Rolland Hastings and baby vull leave this week for New York where they will spend two, week: \ism'ng relatives. Miss Mildred MihiHs of Lake Forest. formerly of this city, spent lam Thundny as the guest of Mrs. Willxam Millard. songs. The nccompnm‘sz wa Be Min Myrtle Cornish of Chicago. l The monthly meeting of the North Shore Catholic Woman's Lune aka pllce Thundsy afternoon. Much 11th. It the Winnetkn Woman's Club The speaker! will be Mr. William 8. Owen. Principal of the Chicago Normu Ichaol. Subject. “Vocational Schools 0! Illinois." Mr. Herman Behrem of Chrome. will give a violin uolo. and Mn F. X Bren- nen of Edgewner, will sing I group 01‘ Fweeks ago {or Honolulu, returned on Sunday. Miss Jeflem however, is still 5 in California, Mrs. Carquevxlle having re- I turned home by way 0! Cahtorm; ~ Mia Winnie Robinson, who is Dan 0! the Delaware Cohege In Philadelph'u, will be the week-end sum 0! Mn. Frederick Steele on N. Shendan Rd. Highland Park Club ] Mr. and Mr; W. F‘ Ahrens or Sher- merville, who purchased the F. Shock; residence on Homewood AVe. look pom session of it last week and mll make their home here in the tuture Mn M. A. Mihms. who bu been the guest of relatives in Nile; Mich. (or the M week, will return home thin week. Mr. and Mn Edwin Crowtcy of High- wood. are receiving congratulations upon the birth 0! a son. born Saturday. March sixth. Mn Fn’u Bahr was the successful winner in the China club last week. Mr. and Mn. C. H. Cleaver 01 Chi”). were the weekmd guests 0! Mt. Ind Mn. Henry Thnyer. Mr. and Mn. Henry Thayer nod dnuthter. Mi. Mildred Thayer will leave the twaty-ocwmh 0! thus month for Calflomia where they ml! visit the Fair. Mn. Chain 1'. Boymon and but Mr. daughter. Ml. Edith Boymon Mt lat hkhl week for a six weeks' nay in southern I! E California. . "on“ THE HIGHLAND PARK m mam magmas {naming the Junior (undo. clan-a (or tome very attractive numbcn. Every- ione emoy: seeing xhe hule tots perform. fide- and choruna are to be patented who. and an entemmmem well worth ‘ the effort put tonh, is promnu-d. The Thursday club gave I thch party March 4. Lxght refreshment: were-end Ind all enjoyed the evcmng very much. The regulu mommy meeting of the Y. W. C. A. Board wu held Tad-y. Much 9th. “1030; m.. mu: : goodly number 0! memben present. ‘ The Camp Fire girl- an m a Very preuy omen: entitled “MW Dream,"tobegim u the Elm Place Auditorium Saturday evening. March 20. Beckie: the Operetta. Mil. Humphreyh it") The wblect for the meeting of the will I LIncoIn Avenue Dividon ot the Patent“ ren and Teacher: Amt-hon will he ”Nature 9 0! Study" In charge of Mn. Mutant Free-I dine man. when that dIvIuoo meet- next; Tuesday nflemoom March the uxteeath.‘ .‘h It three o'clock. Relruhmau 1nd I who ‘ eocuI hour will follow re."{ Actangehubeen mode III the “70‘ Rd.. gram of the Huh School Dt'vtuoo ot the J to Pnrcnu end Tuchen' Antietam the Immune ambition which the phyu'cd m‘Itratntng dunes were to have mvm II to “y I be omitted The dttcuwon Ithh II In, {chuge' of the membership committee. in to be "Whu menu can teach the IIIII I i practIcaI housewiIe." md ”The mutual ere ing; 'use at “boot udence In the home." The . regular Inlormel dance MI! (Ale piece In the gtrls‘ gymnasium. The meeting In to be Frtday afternoon Marrh tnellth at two thirty. ' We ral A-I be next regular min; of the Ono“ Club till he held In the HM Plrk Club Home Thunday. Mud: eighteenth at malady-live. Mn. Hush Soon. 0! Ennuon, '1“ gm: a talk on ”Quilt: and Coverleu." site: which the Evolunoa ol the Dance." m chug: of Mm Don't Humphrey. Wlm deliciou- relmhmcnn A number of Mia woke on question“ which the club won» :1qu is 111m} tohcu. Them numb, a group of non“ delightfully m by Mn. Culctou Vail. W by Mn. Annette Jones on tho piano. After the! let on the stage not those akin. part in? 1!!» program me ex- president: of Lhe‘ club. Mr: Daniel Cobb had charge 0! the meeting. 1nd wu first on thepro-l gram. her part consisted o! a very in-‘ teresung Ikctch of her wlv eminence“ In Highland Park when the city mu} then but a Hinge. Some of the flat! president: were unabIe to be preoenL. but menace. cunt trom than which were pleasantly nod by Na Cobb. f The Elm Phcc DlViBiOD o! the Parents and Tcachcn' Auociahon will have lor us program on Wedneaday afternoon. March mfiemecnth at [hm o'clock. I mun-1141mm: puyram m the pupil: 0! (hr tour up”! grade-3‘ uhxch will consist 01 a rrproduyuon of (ht-Ir when] work; Retrrshments and a noun! hour NH (01' km the pmgram. ll expecu to do.” i: 61 van! lumen! to all and a cordial lnvllau'ou is extended to any who may dean to attend. The meeting will be held 3: the Village Hat. Friday. Much 12th. a 2:3!) o'clock. The next meeung ol the Ravmu Woman's Cn'n: Club a (o be under the autplca ol the Educ-Mom] Committee Mr. R. L Sandwnck, Principal of Dec:- ficld Hugh S§hooL In” be the maker of the day. Hm mbnct. “Our Township Hugh School. what I! bu done and uh“ ' Mrwmumum hkhuhooLvuhioouIdchm bid: at Eamon Auden-v on Vedas-day nomadic-um Magnum null 'orszuuodroarujmbnmoc; meme fireman“ Evanuoo Academy and Lake Focus! Academy. use mun being. and“! 5 vote {or Evlnuu. The Ladies Guild 0! the Highland Park Bapmt church \vrnll awe I load and caudy nlc on Saturday (he l3lh begun- mng a! 11 o‘clock. I! the n-cu entrance of Mr Wuren'u More. A hop u lnnounoad for Saturday even- zng u the officer: Club. For! 5mm Col And Mn Nichol: who have been “mom-d n For: Edna Allen. Vermont Ire expected to arrive In Fon Sherman thm week. MmEtMa-uymofflaywoodvho humming tumor lemma m the bolidlyuiuvay m '01: m AI-egomptu ha contu- bum veryneriout ’arents and Teachers’ Assocmnon Ossoli Club Ravxnn Ciwc Club C. A. News A W” mil/gull for and deliver Why not hay; your clothing renovated here this weekdnd give our work a fair trial? Our Camus AND Datum of ladies‘ and gent‘s mucous. origtal rugs. carpets. portiers. draperies, piano covers. hoe curtains, etc. cannot be duplicated by any local dram-r. as we have the LARGEST and most Sunni; plant in the West. no r. Cain] [vii-u. Edwina-431.432 come from choice ve stock. We have to pay a little more for such meats, 'your continued satisfaction is our reward. W6 shall be glad to no you in our market any time. But if you cannot come in person tend us word of what you want and we will fill theorderjust u faithfully as if ipu were present. I: a": Mind liq; 214 am mum AVENUE qubullifla-JMZGS Making a specialtfof loans on improved real estate m the North Shore territory including Rogers Park, Evanston, W il- mctuc, Kenilwonh.’ thnetka. Glencoe, Highland Park and Lake Forest. Security under mortgages m this territory is continually enhancing whxle the rate of "118le Is attractive. “The Imperial” Telephone North Shore Trust Company tum! $100, 000 Offload! under the Banking Lufi of the State of Illinois Have Your Old Jewelry que Like New ill Méats We Handle Sobey": Sanitary ShOp North Shore Trust Company Highhnd Pnrk, Illinois maâ€"u‘ u:an.v..n- Haunt...- mm orncr: AND WORK; 2123?!” theol- A"... CHICAGO .4 ll W’orl’ Guaranteed MO’ITGAGE BANKERS 13 S. St. Johns Ave. I?! out work on time and deliver 1: mpg, Why "0‘ bring me garments to u: this week “ a 2m) " “thaws-fiduciary You can have every article of apparel Immaculate and In parted condition it you tend them to us rand-r- ly. We use modern meth~ 0d; m our name-am )0" garments -Il§2 Li‘s? Mo; Esti:

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