Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 18 Mar 1915, p. 5

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Lamps and Brackets House, Power and Motor Wiring Estimates Furnished on 134211.8red Tel. 805-1. Robert Greenslade w Park, 111. AUTOMOBILES Wall Paper and Suppliet Telephou us-w "kw GINES REBORED AND REPAIRED. COAL 102 N. first St. North Chicago, Illinois One block north of C. N. W. Depot, near 15.]. Eviaduct Practical Gas Engine Machine Works The Ford is lighter than any other car of its size ana power. Yet stronger. sturdier. longer lasting. Vanadium steel. that's why. Vanadium is the hardest, strongest, toughest steel made. It is the only steel that is hard and tough at the same time. lt is the highest priced steel that is used in automobile construction. Yet the Ford is very low in price. lts quality. terms, price and small cost of operation and upkeep. less than two cents a mile. have made It the universal necessity in town and country. Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail 300,000 new Ford cars between August 1914 and August 1915. Runabout. S440; Touring Car. 5490; Town Car. $690; Coupe- let. $750: Sedan. 5975. f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment. The following sworn statement (in con- densed form) made to the State De rtment as required by law is ”reapectfull su mitted" to the readers of "The Highland ark Press;" Raources Highland Park State Bank FRANK]. BAKER. Presidrnt ]‘ .\I. Al’FEL. In: In C. F. GRANT, L‘asluer Respectfully Submitted Lonns and Discount: Bond! Overdrlhs Bunting House Other Real Euate Cash on hand and in Banks Capital Stock Surplun Fund Contingent Fund Undivided Profits Rnerve for [marenl Taxes Dcpouils [1' you are not already a customer you are Invited to open an account with the A. 0. Mc PHERSON Highland Park Cargo WDMW by getting estimates from ERNBTHKUEHNE PAINTING, DECORATING AND PAPER HANGING On display and sale at Enablished 15 Year: OVW Liabilities We keep the best and guarantee full weight. Call tip 335 for a trial order. other car of its size and power szao.953.m 213.6642 123.39 30.W.00 $659,311 13 www.muw mmmmmm m. 5659.311 Highhnd Ptrk, mind! Teiephono 14o 133,938.37 413 inc gymnasium in which to pnctlcc. A .cu load of loyal Elm Place student- ; went to witness the glmc. Thou: boy: ‘who played on the team from hen: were. Arthur Arnswald. Vern Spucker. William Parker. GOIUYICd Arnswald, Emmett Lundgren. Clarence l'nsu-L and Oscar Lmdblom. THE HIGHLAND PARK m HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOXS Uncle Sam is looking for several hun dred practical farmers to take up homes ‘on the irrigation proyects he has been building in the west. The land is tree. ; but the law requires settlers to pay their share of building the irrigation system, i and for this reason a moderate capital II E necessary. A practical farmer wrth from $1,500 to $3.000 should have no trouble " in acquiring one of these farms and l putting it in successful cultivation. Under the new Extension act the settlers are allowed twenty years in which ;to pay for their water right. and no in- ‘ terest is required on deterred payments. Details concerning opportunities and terms will be furnished upon request by l the Statistician ot the Reclamation Ser- ‘ vice. Washington. I). C. The {arms are located in Idaho. Mon- tana. South Dakota Nebraska Wyoming l and Nevada. and ofler opportunities for citizens to establish homes In a growing 'country. Adjacent farms are under cul- ; tivation, railroads have been burlt.achools and churches established. telephone and 5 rural tree delivery are available. and i most of the hardships of pioneering a]. ready have been overcome Alfalfa is the big crop although grain. and sugar beets are profitable and in some sections truck tanning pays well. Seven boy: from the upper grades of lthlm Place .cbool playedlgune ol bukct-ballvith the Glenn): Grunmar uchool boys on Tue-day ulternoon. The scan was 35 to 9 in favor ol Glencoc. the Elm Phce boys. however, did very good playing. considering thn they have The regular monthly budne- meeting WI“ be held Thumb)! evening. Much 23 Gymnasium clnl meet: every Tooth, in the new ugh-chadnmnuium; boon 730 to lOflo‘clock. (m Saturda)‘ cvrnmg Apnl l i’urms and Truchru :\\~kl11 ik-cxm-ld WI“ prescm I'hr \lm Lunhdm L'um‘rn («mummy 1n .n 1 [hr 5(1th Hull m ht'l'!’2t'1\l ‘1 puny consuls u! L’uthmun- Rnd pmmsl of Bc-Hasl In-lan Ruhr Barron, vmlmnl and (Lu: tn \\ l program of nulln, planu and “(all solos besides several ensemble numbcn and the recital is to be followed by an Infor» mal dance. tenor Uncle Sm in Looking for Practical Fina." to Tuko up Home: in tho Woo! Ln'e stock and dairying an- the principal industries. Propony Exchangu Recorded During Pu! Two Wpokl C H‘ Holmes and w! to E E Farmer. lots 8 and E 10 (l. lot 3, Hensun's sub, nghwood. W. I). $10.00. John (m to F, n. Clavcy. :47 anr‘a m s. E. j sec 30. Deerticld Twp. w 115100.41). F. M. Burrill and wt to J. H. Norrlm. E 50 ft. 10! 5. blk 13. Exmoor Add to Highland Park. W, D. 8200).“). T. G. Kim Jr.. to T. H. Sheridun, lot 6. blk 75. Highland Park W. D. 810(1). Helen V. D‘ M. Bellhouoe and hue to O. H. Morgan. lot 6. blk 16. Highlnnd Park. W. D. $10011). Sarah Phase and bus to F. L. Silico- trom. lot in S W i sec 31. Decrfield M Deed 810.“). Chgo Title Trust Co" to G. M. Su~ cent. 10! 22 sub 01 blk 7'2. Highlmd Put. Deed $71.07. G. A. Reed and vi to A. L. Gourley, lot 3. blk T3. Highllnd Park. W. D. smo. Public notice is hereby given that the Subecriber Executrix of the Last Will end Testament of Funk L Deming. doomed. will uttend the county court 0! Lake County. It a term meted to be hoidenat the court house in Wankecln. in aid county, on the fire: Monday 0! May next. 1915. when and where I" person: min claims nuns! aid ante Are notified :11de to pm: the same to aid court for adjudication. PAuun F. Dunno. Exotutdx. Waukecln. Illinois. Much 15.1915 3-7 They have arranged .1 wry attractive LOCAL REAL ESTATE TRANSRRS Elm Plncc Notes DO YOU WANT A MRI? Deerfield P. T. A . M. C. Notes -\pnl lUlh (hr "\NI lznmn M 1r k ann \\ H .\L|XKH unhmx I-tuofli. Progn- 05703 n Who Club Hun Thad-y Alter-oo- lplctun mm w. I comkopaI icomediIn. I‘Id tom munch. Churn Wmhmux. owner of lNChncm Fedenl ban-t bIll 1am Ind I Itnng of mtIurIntI. was I waiter in I quu‘blunch room. And In It goes. The HI! could be Ilrung out tn 3 column’I length. Therclore, when you hen I boy or I young mIn complun that he hII no chance. (Ike him by (he jarm Ind tell him I {own thmgI. There never ill I time in (he worid‘I history prrndflil (11 bulk...“ .34 Dumuo- Pay Nova-D.” tho 5.- u a He.- drd Yuri Ago when there were more opportunmen lot a warm man :0 path to the (ram. There never was 3 Lime when: lmlelmelli‘ence and determination would prov‘de a man vmh compuence in a levl yenn Fxltccn yum ago Henry Ford. the automobile nunuhcturet, was engineer In an electric light plum In Devon Charla Murphy, the baseball millionaire. wu I report" on the CIDCIHMU En- qunrer. 'I'bomu H. lnce. the mom Third Largo-I Tower in lb. Wot“ OH Gm! bloc NOV-l Trtinin' 3 Sutton ': Then- has just been unnplctrd at the“ l'mtrd States Naval 'I‘ramzng Station In: Nunh Chu'ago, Ill . um- 01 [he two 4(0- foot steel tower: lormma a part 0! the} high-powered radio nation not under; conutructnon It that place. Thu structure emoyl the unique dittmchon 0! being oncol the three hiabut towrn m the world. the other. being the Enflel Town at Putin. Frunoe. and the (you-toot lower 0! the rndlo Itldoo It Arlington. Va, maintnmed by the Navy Departman When compktod the rndto station It Gmt Lulu will be ooc ol the moot in- portlnt of it) kind In the WM It will autiiuh wireleo communication: m the Atlantic tad Pldfic coo-t1. Ala-kt And the PM Can] 100:. and will be 0! immeuunble moo not only in I milnury way. but to mum: and con» mend“ imam u «IL It a ”adult and that it will “so buol paruculu value (AW 'MN’S LEAGUE ISIS 4004001 STEEL TOWER COIHHED Raoummtflwmdw N“ 99 NorthAmcdanUahoo. emu-ah mud: sympathy to m- tmm 0‘ Wmmmwwmm.u mytbo Father gnu an the! not thixdep-nedooelnainovnmddm Be it lunhu Rmuzn. That that resolution. h! mud upon the records 01 we Council. Icopybe um lo the beréucd lunuy sad I copy furnished to the Supra: Councu (or public.“ IIUONMIEINHHEENYEARS Getabottlc of the A. D. sanditwill mu; “'I‘hat tired Feeling" mate an appetitz, pufifydnBlood.andputhvLifiehbom ltgmintwodmwmdficenu. Youhavchcandyour Grandmother talkol'pkina Beef. Iron and Wine, and how helpedmbuildupmmhendlem, ~I,. WM was good for but i. .an MSW Spting Tonic Today [and when death Clams/newt Rudolph. Watch It A. D. 5. Beef, 1%. and mi... mu: swarmvs PHARMACY .Cmm hum 17.19 W. Eh Phat Phone 539 WITH A VICTROLA in your Home every musical longing is satisfied. Don't wait until you feel‘you can af- ford a $100 or 82(1) instrumentathere am Victrolas at 15, 25, 40, 50, and Zahnle's Ridgewood Farm Daily Rammed Milk and Cream Spring Millz'nery Display Onge Tried ffiAlways Used TAM s1 {Friday and Saturday March nineteenth and twentieth nineteen fifteen genume Pbcahontas Egg 4‘.“ Wed Doorfidd Avenue Fro“. Salt and Smoked M eats Butter, Eggs, 8’ Canned Goods 4 Sheridan Road, Highland Park ShoreFueleSIIWlYCo. 2? WJIIIIMKImgq '. McMahcm Invitation In 230 N. St. John- Ave. Highland Park, Illinois Highland Pan’s, Illinois Wine, and how it W's W“

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