Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 8 Apr 1915, p. 1

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Lwald 1.50 "(V-‘- *nue noth- 1 you “y floors 0an dis- A COLUMN FOR THE IALO. OBEE OBJECTS TO USE OF EVERYBODY C. M. E RATE RAISE MRS. FESSENDEN WRITES 0N PEACE A DIRECT VIOLATION OF FRANCHISE 5.“ "Preparedness in United State. in Introduce: Resolution Directing City A!- 2’ne Only Found-lion Upon Which ~ ney'to Tuke Mutter up With the Temple of Peace can ‘» lic Utilitieu Commiuion .\ be Built" \\- a It Once Number 6 l > 211 amc penplr tour is horrible mvl cw . "mt. as yet the (urges. that from {Him ' \ {llntfi produt‘e uonflict dominate t‘m» mulled world; and the kmgdonm antl prmt‘lpalitxes that are able to meet and ”hen to resist the onslaught are the natn n; that have prepared themselves and m are ready for the Aggressor. hm preparedness. is not for national aggrandtsement or for terntorial gain but for the protection of all that goes to the makmg of prosperity and general well being; tt is for the protection of the in- divxdual hearth-stone and for all that home llfe implies. Preparedness in these United States 131l the only foundation upon which the} Temple of Peace can be built; {or through 1 and by preparedness alone can our vast ? stretches of coast be guarded and pro~i tected by our navy on the sea, and byi our army on the land~protected bv men } who are capable of meeting strategic: emergencies as they arise who having made soldiery a profession are mentally- and phvsicallv trained. prepared to en- dure, Wlth a reserve of strength. ex» posure to heat and to cold, trained tof long marches and frugal living imen who have mastered that soldierly courage. - which never falters when hope seemsl lost. Now Militarism can have no place. nor could it possibly find a foot-hold in this Republic where serfdom is imposmblc and caste is ignored. The peace. cultists do not seem to have aknowledge that can be gained by all who seek it. They do not seem to know that the army and the navy ot' the United States have no autocratic or dominating power. The president elected by the people every tour years, is the commandemn- Chief ut the army and the navy, and in the president is vested the supreme power. The otficers of the army and the navy are professional men. In order to obtain their commissions they are subjected to examinations as rigid and as seientific as are those prescribed for any other of the learned professions. These men in the ranks are trained for active service, trained to meet an the conditions that war time produces. Preparedness that means. that If war did come. our young men. unused to soldiering, would not be called to give up their lives by hundreds and by thousands from fevers and other pestilential ills that the un-inured die from m camps. as they awau orders to the from. The one great question should be. how shall we as a nation hold peace?~the peace that is ours today. One of the objects of the peace pro- paganda IS an echo of the sullen cry of the down-trodden peasantry of the old worldâ€"thus “Do away with the autocracy of Militarism." The man in the ranks to get his enA hstment must have a healthy body and a narmal mind. Let us insist upon a sufficient navy and armv and a reserve of lrtined men of citi- zen soldiery to be called upon only in time o! dircst need. This wide spread insistence for “Peace at any price." while all about us whirls the tempest 0! war, seems futile. To the people who would do away with armament and all military protec- tion. we suggest that they tell us what would happen if Chicago were to say, “I will dxsband my police and hold out the nght hand of fellowship to all mankind." How long would we be Ible to hold in check vandalism and carnage? If we are to keep peace we must be prepared to protect her. Our greatest statamcn and heroes have all loved peace, and yet Washington, Lincoln. Perry. Farragut. Grant and the rest. won pence for us through battle. This until the Millennium comes; fnr then, and then only shallâ€"“The lion he (loan With the lamb." Nuw the dove sent out by the Noahs of peace comes fluttering back! havmg found no ('1‘! and no ohve branch, because the War Kiouds hang so thick over the greater pint xf the world. {L -r c natmns who sull keep peace ‘. ad by <enmg their houses in order. r ;‘ they fail to be prrpan’d. they must .u‘u- m ,ome dawn time to meet destruc- wn 411d devastanon. By Laura Dayton Feuenden T be Higblmm Par-k 1315955 J. P. Schneider and wf to l). W. I ‘ _.._. '7’ ‘ maxhews, lots 32 and 33. blk 4, Deerficld 3 by m" ”‘1" E i Park. w. D, $330.00. . ‘ ISlm-ll- Lupe-r , Evens Wrcnn and wf to Wm Nwrcn- i Rt‘anhmcnh berg, s g. m 2, blk 2, Wrcnn's Add to: ' Highland Park. W. D. $875.00. C. W. Killen and wf to John Griffith, ‘ ARTHUR “IE“ lots H to 18, bik 75, Highland Park. W." Composcd or 3 ‘ D. 5300 00. ‘ Hun Piston“ Anna J. Strensohn to C. 5. Preston ct - Pm", ‘31, part lots 54 and 55 Highwood. W l). l 31.00. ; T} , ' “Scx’fiun hwlxe of an uuhnunu‘ grant vd tho Bluff Cm Elntnc Railway rich rrm-x~ u! Luv mth the rnrporuxe lnmh u: Hrghhmd [fink I" the cents. High- Lind Park to Chimg) Northwestern Ranlway deput at Fort Sheridan at the cents. To Lake Forest ten cents and twenty-five rude m‘ket unhnnted to Lake Fares! at $2.00 each. Cash fare to Wauke» gnu twenty cents, round trip thirtycents." l'nder (he new rate to go in effect Apnl 13th. the fan- from Highland Park to North Chlcagu will be twenty-five cents. or fifty cents round trip: ‘ Twenty- fi\e coupon tickets between North Chicago and Highland Park WI” be sold for $4.60 each making the round trip (are cost thirty-seven or seven cents advance per round trip over the price now charged. A great many people living in High- land Park that work in Waukegan a'hd North Chicago will be effected by the raise in fare and haVe requested Ald. Obee to prevent the raise in ratesif it is possible to do so. Mr. ‘Obee has promis- ed to take the matter up with the City attorney and see what can be done. Marv A. Phillips to Fanny E. Phillips. 10! 10. blk 16. Highland Pak. W. D. $50.00. H. W. Weaver and wf to R. E. Pingrcy and wf, part Birch's out lot “A" High- land Park. W. D. $10.00. a The rather interesting contest for com- mioaionen of the Highland Park East Park District resulted in the election of Mr. Funk P. Hawkins for the five year term and Mr. Arthur W. Vercoe‘lor the four year term. The contest was between Mr. Frank G. Gardener and Mr. Vercoe for the four year term. Mr. Hawkins having moppoeition. Following is the vote: Mr. Vercoe 246. Mr. Hawkins 230 and Mr. Gardener 200. Aid. Obee asserts that the Chicago Milwaukee Electric Railroad Company will be unable to advance the rates until after their present franchise expires. John Recktenwald m E. A. Mechling, WBOacs SEisec21 and60acsin N E f sec 28, Deerfield Twp. W. D. 51,00 > Master in Chancery to Karl Bamickol, lots 13 and H, blk 42. Highland Park. Deed $1500.00. t}. H. Sargent and W! to Marjorie R. Ferns. lots 22 and 23. sub of blk 72, High- land Park. W. D, $1000. Felicia Volkman to P W Bradley. lo! 7, blk 49, Miller's sub Lzllw Forest. Q. C. $1.00 Anna J. Steensohn to C. 8 Preston at a], part lot 65. Highwood. W. D. 8100. John Griflith and wf to Frank H.(}Ibbs, lot 48. Rose Terrace. Lake Forest, W D. $10.00. Lorcenia S. 0, Champion and hus to Jennie B. Cummings. lot 22. Bentley's sub. Highwood. W. D. $350.00. P J. Kelly to, Mary Kelly. E 50 ft lot b|k11.Exmoor Add. Highland Park. 3 W. D. $10.00. Evens Wrenn and wf to Anna Olson. S Q lot 5, blk 7. Wrenn's Add Highland Park. W. D. $75000 To Local. in Nonh Room of new Blow dahl Block in Sheridan Road On May first. Johnson Company’s grocery store will move to their new lo- cation in the north room of the 810m- dahl block rm Sheridan Rd. This build- ingis oneof the newest and most at- tractive in Highland Park. ‘. P. Hawkins and “Inn ‘ Elector! CW “today's Election roperty Exchange. Recorded During Put Two Week: LOCAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS JOHNSON COIPANY T0 IOVE EAST PARK DISTRICT ELECTION mr W. Vomo Sam-l wf to 1). w.{ blk 4, Ikerficld? E Hemde several musn alc- number: a i r um‘xrof songs werr Praumull) H'ndrH-d 1by the Odd FcHuw Quaxtrllc which n {‘Cmnposcd 0t Arvh Abe-rcnumn Hamid {Sun-l:- stpc-r Rhuwhurt.|ml\1.uzi Kuurr E Mrs. Ray Atherton. Clark Watts. , Mr. Thomas Doughexty, Mm .Vlry ‘Gavin Mr. E. M. L'nk, Mignon, Mrs: Ellen _Nelson. Mr. L. 1.. Rum“. :- ’ THEODORE I. CLARK REGULAR MEETING 01’ The runny lric-nils of Mr .\rthiir \llvr hon Will be pleased tii he." at hip xiii-d fortune in securing the szlHlalr a! the First ['nited EVdnflflh-Il Chunhin l-le dene III. a \‘lllall town south n! lhun He preached his initial servu‘e Enter morning. Mr. Mierhui‘l Will leave Friday (or Hldene where he Wlll remain permam- ently. With him goes the best Wishes for his success in his new prnfmion from his many friendsm ihiqcoiiiniunily. It may be interesting to the public to learn that Within thelast fourteen months there have been (our young men endowed to the ministry from thelucal First United Evangelical church. Mr. Howard Kuut who is preparing for missionary work in China is now attending college in La Mare. Iowai Mr. Homer Dubs grandson of Bishv Rt Dubs. deceaaed, is now I!- tending White Theological Seminlry in New York. and is also preparing for Missionary work in China The remaining two are Elmer (lieser and Arthur Micr- hoff. Rov. Henry A. McNulty of Soochow, China will Punch Rev. Henry A. MpFully of Soochow, China who arrived in San Francisco Mon- day and is on hi: way can for I vacuum vill spend Sundly With Dr‘ and Mn P, C. Wolcon and preach It Tnnity Church Sunday morning at eleven o'clock .1: 9.38! a 335.123. E 333...... :6: 33m The local chapter 0! Odd Fellows held an installation of utficcrs Tuesday evening in Masonic Hall at “hu‘h time the lol- lnwmg otllcrrs une- Inxtallnl, A H ”l”, anylu (Zrand. (Lmrgc- Klunnad). V-"s Grand; R, C. Bleimhl, chordmg been-wry, Conductor; Then Knnak. nghl support" to Noble Grand, F. H, Meyers. Ivll sup porter to Nuble Grand. E I) k'ubbo, right supporter or Vice Grand. W ,l hum-n. left suppurIc-r tu Vncz- brand, ( ltlw Knaak, Chaplin, Edward ’lhrrna. Hhuh- guard, Hun Fusion" of Church in Eldon". Ill ‘ Prenched Initial Sermon Bauer Sunday A, }’ Rom. ouh‘xdr xxmrd, M Kqu-x right scene supporter, .md lid Juhrcnd letl scene supporlcr ARTHUR IIERHOFF, PASTOR 0F CHURCH Unchinod “nil for the Following Por- umo Ron-ins in Lon] Offic- A. Abcrcromby. Funancul Secretary, AI but Larson. Treasurer. C. S Sanborn ODD FELLOWS HELD INSTALLATION HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. APRIL 8. 191:3 3 > <mx< wcnonmmmcr n><>rx< 30<m3m24 OZ 4.1m 301.... on AT TRINITY CHURCH SUNDAY ADVERTISE!) LETTERS m! .luiduu t- Neighborhood .0 cu, Jdl I Objoct to La,“ Attorn‘ys Jame: U Ind John Watch at Waukegtn with Attorney ('190 E Phtlhpt nppenrrd before Judge Lune L Eda-rd” In the ctrcuvt court )ntnda) ahemuon rand procun-d' .4 xrmpunan Inyunctmn pruhtbtting the ( rt) ~31th tmn. hnunmg Angelo Ion-yd: the lcpey, m the new budding located near the mt] uhtth had been profiled for h m Rc-Idents m the ncxmty o! the 1m! trar that :tmr k‘hl‘dn’n \nll becolne tntntrd mm lrprus)‘ and have taken the (”UH ‘ dmn m an cnnrt to put In an! to What (hr-y tum a men- ace. A rulmg .m the matter vull he mudc totnm. L w In the retrnt 'campm‘n I was (huge-d \nth fiquandrnnc county funds m tur mshma the \rvy poor autumn" tn (uni thrm through the vnnxcl It um- um! that the father and mdhn n1 uvrnl hmnlko are unI'urthy 61 help, due to drink‘ Such I stltrmcnt In lnld Mk o! m:- unworthv :nvents' “w little thzl du-n hdplm ponrly dad, an the voter rt ItarVItum l ~aw my duty and gave. the-m moron“, mmnwln Yuri and‘ dmhmg In the fulure‘ in In the pu~' I shall cmmnur ghmg 9m h and m may he nfi’rumv. I'm (hr men 3nd unnwn 01‘ lk-crfirkl uhn su ravmniv .snd un 31'”!!th \um-vrtrd the «nth their splen dwi cndmwmrn: I gyvr my mm'nr‘ thanks lnpprnmuâ€" h! the tum-st .mdl am prulnundh gulc'u Sen/Ice: are held cmh Tumflav mum and Sunday mum at the lemrue Mm non Hull. 615W. Railroad Ave Mr J T Tall Will have thus: (1 the manure: nextSunday nigh! Mn Berth- L‘ox \nll tum In (hr munc Tu INF F < mm»: m Tm: Par.» Hw Nurlh 53w”- E..4n‘rh~!=_ 1 rpm lnlrvdrnxvmumlmhal .1 “In I: [NW D- E “whim“ of Piummn n nugu: u mrrm 3 With SUCCFSS A Mhsmn “.112 ‘l (11.3 \\ leruad va‘ lemrlw- has brrn Ifhhfid HIVâ€"Ll. I: '0 pic. 20â€"‘ .6 90:1!â€" Zoouv nub-{coo orth Short Union Cvowm.‘ Muuo- T. I. CLARK THANKS VOTERS IEETINC WITH SUCCESS WNWOFDCIMS H." In Wulmdll- \ cry umrrrh 1 \1 L1 «in (km/"balm! Hu- nnl) «main. M Tudhfs mun .sfup rlnlmn u.” thc-(n “m “aim; nun '1 hrud-nn M "Lark inf Supl'!\1.~ln_ M1 \luk “mung In a pmulxh m! 11H Mann kmgdnm yu'nud M ”an fur lunmm IUpr\IMIl and John lye-brig h‘l’t luv ummununn nl hnghua). hul- lowmg n the \()l(' by pnnmu Flm Precinct Sound Prn‘m. l Thnd Pm mu Fuurm Pn-(mu huh Procmd Jt mu Fauna-n No (“vacuum ‘10an mrn‘» \uYr Tomi uumrn n \ (irand mull 1 PLUMUTY OVER WHEN 0F193 VOTES PASS ENCROSSED 8'0“ ORDINANCE; In the F". P'ounuo I Tofil 0‘ 1332 Bowen W. Schumcho' Rona-u II Spo- Vocu Won ( ul. Thor. Bonn. cul Anonq Io: City W-Ih Relu- Dld lot Mon and ‘II for own. tol’rocoodm'o Against W’onun ( C M E R, R. (‘0. Wmuu Llul'l P Mums Rmmmm 521i 170 698 No oppouhon F01 Co-uuu'oooov d “kitty. Mm Women Total 1mm Putnam, 516 169 ms Second l‘rnnm Thard Pra'nnu Fuuflh l’m‘m: FIHh l'rrcmm MANIA Rmmum Fm! Prrnnn Setund I’vemml Thud l‘rfi mu Fourlh P" am! Filth Mn N (l Mm 104 104 1(7 ‘4] Jon‘s M: m In I‘m! l’yn mu Mum! I‘m 1m WMWMSWUN. ms The T. M (LAM THU] «I! Wlunu \\ mm 'and Pin hlunh I’xr Filth l'rnl ['9 lo the lime M gums H! mm M: John ()Ilvev n the only pom whoa! name hubetn nncnlmncd u CIMIdIIc lor member ol the Hugh School Bond 01 Educ-um There are two mcmhen In beck-cred h :- mount lhfl Lake Furnl will have one candldue. Th! drawn n Saturday. April 10 Huhland Park poll In. place .Nuflh Show Trust Bank An deg-on In” be hi“. at [hr me uh; School on Satutdn', Mm} ITlh Iur (hr purpooe of alt-(n n.- a pu-mlrm and tum member: of the Hm. n in! ”w lull tum 0! School Dusnut \’ It" Pulls "I” be WWWRIIhH ur~ xvfdaland 0V) To 50 Hall in th- lintoln 5<Loo| Sump “1. April 17‘- Will run for BUSNESS IEN IEU LAST HIGH Tulhl 3.5: X10 ‘ For Conntmov ol Hair-yo Mm Punmn Ml MEI CANDID“! an «I» 1*!- (m u Wmn :1: 1m :11 PIur-hlv 1‘13 For And-um SIM.“ Mrn 'mnm Toul Toll] 3” F0! Amuut Swot Nun-I’AIITIMN VOTE av "Lemon TOTAL VOTE CAST ov Hohhot ol the Hub School loud o4 Education ht! For Sum»: Mrn Women 101-! «I» 1W “)4 TH! :11 “(V 421 Tun- Nus PANTIMI L‘ 1111st Man Women Total ‘ nl lo . m-l Mr!) \\ umrr 1m 56 91 16 Men Women 1 «ml l”: 104 53 169 914 “inch ‘1 my 53 101' IN L'H 41k 4H m N)- 14.4. N:- Hl) ‘4 134 City Council Gentlemen l. Prmlm, nmprrlor II charge 01 United Smn Dcpafimrn! oi Labor Immignuon Serum», rel-(Ive w drporullon 01 Audit Lumnrdl, «he lrch lu- wirncd to'tho Mayor wuh [)0er 10.41 Larnrd. 1hr rfflnml lhrrtlhfl (.1 1hr «11) loun- . II wan “rm '[ursddv (\flullfi, Apnl (M1. ”911.“. [nrM‘lIl Hun May” Hawking Aldexlhrn Shrulwn Mun-a- Mu-Hn ()bec and blcxrna Aha: n1 .Udrnnrn Nuholp. Faring, I'm-1m: and AHmnry Hulmrg. Md Mnnhrx: mmvrd, "‘10!!de h) Aid. Moira. lhnl [he wmuhunu .mun Imnflhe Hluhlund I‘ftk Mumnr» Mon .~ Aswan. lmn Irllhvr In amn'umhru In xhr Elm Plate crummy and (Ir-mm; u! urn-u, hr "lenrd In (ht nlrrrl and alley Cum- mull" Lulu-d The lullmung rummunuunon (Yam Bmwen W brhumm‘hrr nu read and pluedonhk-d and his rfllflmllofl IQ- «and. To the Honornble Mayo! and ; As this count” has deaded to (flu no? ucuoo with relcrrnrc lo the Chicago kg Milhukee FJerInc lerood Company,_ 1 hereby mun. as npenul altorncy tor? the ("y of Hmhland .Purk. wnh "team-e; to proceeding- 0! Mod (‘lly mama! md 3 railroad company ; Rospcctlully youm. lmwnn W. SCHl'MACH-. Aid ”be! moved. sounded by A”. blevent. um the mmmumc-uon Iron- P. 1 hm mmmunulllon Inulruued {he city; in huld l ummdx umxl such “me as he% (an be drponrd Aid. Ubrr mmod, u (011de by Aug Aid. Uta-r mmm, ”(011060 0) Mugeg [hr adupllnn n! an (”FM .mukc ovdumu‘r Can ltd 1 he engroou-d ordmumr requnmu (bet LI M. In. to stop I“ trunu on both_ the north and mun: man a! (mural Ave. 3 was km. but upon te-(onudcnuc. n: wu deuded to rem 'u lo the manning; admmbirluon 9“th ,4 (fly Council (mulemcn Al the Int regular meeting or 1hr ck, councnl. I stated orally that In order 1“ the div umhonxm could Imelhgenfly pt. upon the qua-non o! the loflekufl oi the pro-rm irmé‘hlu of the Chic.“ Milwaukee Bit-arm lerood Con-puny. or the grunting 0! I new lunch!" to and mmpnny, that n wu necessary to hnvr brtorr them Urn-m data. and re- qunted In nppmpnluuo at m the notch- burhood o! $75.00 !or the purpooc 01 pm‘ cunn‘ [his du- I now have all ”III data. ex :epnng I crrlifitd copv 0! [hr hubdwmon‘lnd 1h. mpgrtyhkll lurvry, which the (My authoriuel It! welcome to use, and u lhIl question Will corn: up Immedludy below the commluluncra. I recommend that the proton! coum n procure. to: the uu- ofthc conmnulunrn. sud plat of thr- pubdunuon and five topograpluod survey. 1 think thu- will cost in tho nemhborbond M $7.51!) ' The Pumy In and Remaerltmg Co.’ were ground prrmmuon lo rune lb. usdewill m In»): 01 the" property s. to me grodc 01 their buildln‘. he H resolved that the my luonwy be tnatrucu-d to communicate With the Pubhc Uulidca Commtaaton m the matter 01 the Chtmo Mthvaukee Eleclric Railroud'a notice ol a ruse m the rule. lo vadoua potnta from the my at High- land Park. uhtch conflict. u-nh the tran- t hue under which auch Chicago Mil- waukee Electra: Railroad operatea. And that the city attorncy be Inalrucb ed to proceed at once in thn matter without delay a: the ratea are to go into died April 1501. 1915 Curried On motion may oeooodcd the met-cm. ndwurned unlu Wednnday evening. Apnl ’llu. 1915 at etch! o‘ckxk. ”a. 30 T... w 0-, The new Pliny In and ernm-nnmg Lump-nil phnl at 11-24 Derrheld Arm. .5 now In full menu“: and au- drhw-r mg over thirty 'om duv The uhtu in all filtered making an .boolx.“ \ )vuvr .m which as. dear I» n (nun! The man: u «amped mth an moduli mcmoct 0! cc mahnx and s. \rrv'm- xrramg. Vntmu .I’r \ulcrvmf cl all “me. to out 0 duo u ruuw the plan! Lu! M640” moved. mended by AM. Moon, the Idopuon n! lhe (ollovnng tooluLIon To (ho Honouble M-yor 3nd mm the water te'on amt If!“ hhfll- nun and the mtlhm u uuc. Mhuth-I NIBIOIEIADHCE ranch“: to V woe-nary to nu. and re- mthe DM- rpoocofpm- ex 1:9th I .lon’lnd tho ' h the (My use, and u I Immedludy ‘ recommend *urc. to: the sand plat of wow-Wed cost in tho Iltorncv tor? - Volume 5

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