Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 8 Apr 1915, p. 2

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é? afternoon '1I‘rl.\|drcs.-\:d Soar-W of St. Paul's Evangelmal (huzx'h “m:- flncrtuncd a‘ the home of Mrs Steven Slenerth Wed- nesday afternoon. The anan's Hume and Foreign Mis~ sionary Sociezy of the First l'mted Evan- gelical Church will meet at the home of Mrs. B. O. Fntsch on North Ave. this , .1: 1:1 m'> son. Mime (‘ihl for the uccasiun. Mrs. E. .\ Hclmu‘k of lhe iurt. “as Luck-«s on Wednesday afternoon a! a but table bridge: In romphmem to Mrs: Elizabeth Bryn or Nrwpon, R. I. who is now her guest. \ .Ix Mrsv Jn'nn D. Rlsune Hf Park Ana, en- termmcd informally at bridgc‘ on Handm- alzermnm m compliment in Miss Cecnle Mu! vx hose marriage to M V Merrill Fullanmev takes plate May mghlh. ()n T‘nuwiaj: evening of last wee-k Mr. W, L), Egan was hue! to ten guests at a drum-r wary 1n hnnnx or his hurxhdd)‘. ‘1: \‘fiundwr Finn m Mcdford, .0”an cards. on Wednesday evamng at the homu- ut Mrs. Henry Clmv. The wounds of whxch mil be turned (nu-r t0 the bazaar fund. Campbell Chapter build of Eastern Star entertained wnh a musk-ale and .... guilty unanru Ht tmtu lulu" UHSIHIH:'~', The nccztston was tn t'rlebratmn of the great need to rtnburk on u c third barthday anniversary of thcchapter. (Elites and dancing Immed a part of the cvemng's program Hard tacln and wa- ter were serxed fult‘owed by huh: re- freshments. The Sdtrty First dub was royally cn~ tertatned on Tuexday evening 'at the home of Master Delmar Cluw of :5. Secund St. musty“ 1435‘ wrr-LK pvue told at ampzng education In regard to the ”when pruhlcm (rt bvth-r “Wild [magma We must organize puhht‘ wpnnnn In: all to thtnk Internationally .md tht-I think pdufirall) Hm» dull we gm: ItD Norman Angril has ah!) pmnlrd huw the nnhtdrnt gov: .tlmut 1; 'W Admiral Tum"; ,Lt,-.,L.,a .1‘... n On Saturday night thc- members of Campbell Chapter Eastern SIM wrrly emoyed themselves Immensely when they all came dressed in hard [mu-i .‘HSYHI‘.‘.:'~‘, The ncczxsion was In telebratmn of the third barlhday anniversary of (hcchapter. (James and dancing Immed a part of the cvemng's program Hard tacln and wa- ter were sened quowed by huh: re- freshmenrs. There M” be a mliitaxy Imp at the Ofiicer's Club. Ft. Shendan on Friday evening. Master Gerald Van Schumk cntcrmmcd (tum) 11' his ittfln‘ ‘rirmis at u Fmthd‘ay party on \\'c(!ne<d.‘y zutn-rnnon The “me was spcm m games luliomng re- freshmems. .ncnts and a smml :xme \mru cup/yr-(i by the Kirk. Miss Ruth de Anguera at ()nwrntsxa Ann, was pleasantly surprised on Thurs~ day afternoon “he." the of her friends gaylv attired 1n mstumr. came m to paw the afternoon hnurs \Mth her, Refresh Mlss Florence Osborn “as hostess at a Fwe Hundred party on Saturday an» mng, The prizes were awarded to the Mms‘t-s Eva Morton and deth Davies and Messn'. George Mason and Lyman Murphy. class held their :mnual dummy: party at the Kcnwaod Club {rum three to five o‘clock. The Westminster GuxId \Vl” emcrtain the ncwchaptrr Hf the Gum! nn next Tuesday afternoon m the parlors 0! the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. MM; and MN. Childs W)“ (M as huslcswa On Thursday aftcrnrxvn of Int week Mr. Alvar Bourmque's Kenwoud dancmg .~\n (want at much interest to Highltmd‘ Park and Evanstm) SlN‘lc‘l)‘ Wlll takeplace on Wednesday evening. April {Hurtz't'ntlL When the marriage at Miss Lms \Vllll;lttt\. daughter of Mr and Mrs Thnmas L‘ Williams to Mr (ienrge Howell Nelsun. son of Mr and Mrs James Nelsnn of Chicagn, will be solcmmzed in thc- l'tc'h'r byterian Church at eight o'clock. Rm R, Calvin Dobson animating. The bridal party will conststi)fth¢lt>llt)wing: mater of honor. Mrs. Frank Earl Smith. of Kansas City, who is a sister of the bride- elect. the Misses Gladys Bond of Chiragv. Clara Harris. Charlotte Belknap and Dorris Lonar, all of Evanston. are to be the bridesmaids. Mr. James Straham of Chicago. is to be the best-man. and Messrs; Howard Williams. a brother of the bride. Walton Bell. \V'illtam Atwater, bath of Evanstun. and Dr. ll. 0, Wernichc, itChii‘agQ are to he ushers, After a hnine at 5452 St Lawrence Ase” Chicago l l l \Irs. [Huts Slut/lay at \Vzaukegm \s: “in he hostess tlth .ittrrntxun in th hUkhTC tlul) The lnt‘ll‘ilit‘tx .rt tlw (hour and th VHUHK t-ucuplr of tlw lipisiupal L‘hurt anion-d thcir ””1qu \hUlr {twist at th Pmsh ”0er un Mundzn awning. délklulls suppu “its senrd alts! whirl the young peoplc enjoyed .1 genera frolic anddiinw [)clightful HILIBIC was furnished bx the Misses Priscilla Carver Helen Mayrr and Kathleen Bergen. Hurt crvdlt is due tn Mr. C, (i Alexander tm the efforts he put forth to make this surh a successful affair Mrs. D. L. Pate Will entertain tlle tnusir Club at her home at the for! Friday atter‘ noon. The composer to be studied at this meeting wrll be \ltlhmell Mrs. E. A Helmick mill read .1 paper on the lite and works of McIMm-ll, which :wtll be short honeymoon trip the couple \Hh bet followed by V'm‘al and plant! Sclcttmns} .\lrs. Thumas Clements was htgh‘r‘n tn . ‘ V YWE‘ l . » r ._ The Westminster (1mm will entcrtain n ymnmr guests UH Monday cu The Social Side of life with Fntz on what he says became we haw seen his >t and plams and we can‘t. for the life of us. see why any la bending over a wash tub. with its odor or uvcx hut imnmg laundry work, when she could be outdoors rnjnying ll):- vxsitmg the floral display at Full Bahr's. We make laundering and dry cleaning ou} business. We equipped for it; (hm's how we lndlu‘ our livmg. Maine I to cut out the laundry work :11 humc. EKUU)’ the great low rates make It pogmblr. “ Trade in Highland Park " has ever been shown anywhere. they have been brought from North and South. all Silver Mcdai Stock. BAHR SAYSLE High Class Laundcrws ami F rend: Dry Clcmwrx M93913 W3 :1. Local :‘iffairs nf the week H! T o (9101ngan says became we haw seen his stock of flowers Phones 178 and 179 for the hfe of us. see why any lady would prefer . with its odor or uvm hut ironing, doing her 4M” could be (3131905 rnjnying the fresh mr and md how the tnlhtdtnl gov: .tlmnt 1; 'Wln-n Adlmral Tlrpnz tlct‘tdcxl that (icttnuny 3m wa: to have a great nmy. hr knew that nd the first thing tn do was to (It-die pnhl: 11¢ oplmun. and hr prnmptly start-r? 1hr 0f Germannavy lrflgut‘. Mm that x: “as Ilil’ subsuilzetl, lnSplrtd patrmtn' wrxtrn. rn tertmned professors, mmlr trtends mth the newspaper men. had the Krtlpp~ buy up a newspapcr or L“), an Ilmt m lrs> av _ I than ten years (mrnun ammo” had e 1” formulated «ts demand tor .| ““1! raw l and or cuurw the gm’crnrncnt lmtl tu he gmd‘d by so dehmtrlv e-(pn-«wrl lr. a natmnal demand. When Utdt‘l’s wen- dt slack at Krupps. there was dithcuit) m y. ulrdnglng that lm- qu-‘n «nu-nun: that n. cntcrprmng firs“ ":Hfllt“ nxulttz- 1n l-‘rrm h n. newspapers statcments as In the lmpend -1ng Increase of French armament: u hzt‘h a are promptly reproduced thth .1 nc-v. Ls coat of mm!) in the German press In England we have not one navy lraguc. but at least twu. When our gr¢at wl- dnsrs want conscnptmn. they do not want ' for public optmunâ€" they make It. Lurd ‘ ‘ Roberts. Earl and Flt‘ld Marshall, takes ‘ ‘ the stump. addressing great publi: audt- 1 ences. is most efficiently stagedwmnaxrd, ‘ . and for ten years the organization which a he patronizrs has been industriOusU at ? * f ‘ work." i BV [he ()hsrn r1 One needs but to read our daily news papers to see something of the Ictiviliei r)’ cleaning our business. We are thoroughlv we make our livmg. Make A reuolulion now 131! not [mm Vu‘ In the psychological cause musty" Lnjt wrr-L'~ l (Bunineu men uke not: of this) “ad even (me month uf Hit‘ am at {hr “(If barn =urnvd mm (‘uonztcllu- mnk, It could hm:- uSc-d $1 3400,.an Hln "re-ar- mg all Ihtsv Hymn 1n the warnr'g Lmds 100” chuvrhes at $50le and) Uni» public hbmncs at 51mm“) C.“ h In”) hflspl'dl: m SIIMMNI ram. 500 (My hulls A! SZINHNIJ my}! ‘ 3000 schools at SIIIHKN) ml: ' 300 Lu‘lmws at SSINUM) var}: 10.00:) farms at $10.00” e-ach 14mm engmew‘ :1: 31mm mm, ' 1301““ hull\x‘$ d' S I!“ (filth A farewell reception \ull he mnderrd to Armur Mcxrhofi mmghr. Thutfsda)‘, m the parlnrs of the Ftnt ('mtr-d Emugrl Ital Church. ML Mcxrhoff [raves Fndm for Eldenc “I Where he er buzm )1): new dunes as pistur of the 1mm}! [wan gr‘th Lhunh of 11.." \vllage. .-\ll hh friends are cordluliy m‘xmd rm J'Xr'll’ mng at her home on Central -\Ve ceding H. 6 Easter dame :u thz H1; Park Uub lhc out- ”I (own gush Mr. Pernne. stun Juhnmn and all of (he l’crrmc Studw, Uncagq, “For months we have been working 3 to make our big display of plants and flow- ers poasible." No finer lot of flowers delwluus supper was served all»! which the young peoplc enjoyed .1 general frullc anddanw lk'lxghtful musw was furnished b\ the Mlsscs l'rlsnllzr Carver. Helen Mayrr and Kathleen Bergen. Much crvdlt is due In Mr. C, (l Alexander fur the efforh‘ fie put forth to make Elms surh a successful affzurv by ADELINE L ATWA'IER PEACE COLUMN UV‘S d' $31“) with me Vu‘ fwgmx looking lllln :Icalcause‘whwh allousuuh \\'rr‘L'~ pvue (old at rhr )r‘thbiirk um ;I campmgn n1 regard In the Ire-xnendnux great outdoors. ()u r | mum’s Wth' 5 (11111011!) 1n 3.4"”!er (hat uluz-xni-‘rrmh the chmr and the Eplsrupal L‘hun‘h chair (an; at [In- mdu) evening. A served and! which ICIivilieIIWIukegan, Illinois. March H '€ give National All/[(71116 ‘rncbuu East. West, Ayn. pren t‘ Highland gusfi were dud Sharp, rn [r 1H Adjudncuion Notice Putin, mmcr Is hen-by gncn [hat the Substnbcr Exm ulnx n! (he 1.4;: “I“ and Testamrnl n! Frank L “wrung. (Sc-(cased. er amend (hr ummy (nun 0! Lake County, a! a [rrm (hvn-nt In be huldrnx! {he CUUH hnuw m Wankegan. m um coumy. an the first Mundm mt May he“. 1915, whbn and “hr'c ull pcrsuns hmmg claims agams! wan! nut» are notified and requested to prrscnl (he same to said court for adjudzcaunz. PM‘uM: 1-1. [ll-:VING. Exccutrix. , Waukegan. llfinois. March 15,1925 3.,“ mummy H lllzh n: L’rphllh (' I [JIM (my .Igw the WM Hun n! (fuming up :t‘g mg «Iulmlum bullrh, rx, mm! M unh-nmrd [mu «Inudrnmlh, dury n mnnmusnrss “uh “huh arr uu-d, and burn!» :11 5k), .md asphyxramxg silty“ huu :uhlc ll I> Iulxw u! I! r- game (w n, (I! vhummr; hau-pn-(iuvr substnmr h, ring I Would MN) haw: ,uulunml AHA”) km) '1 hc Hague and dc!" “My Iherr 1< va IIH‘I [he hr m nix mum a: mud [In leumlmtml umrst. “In nulmxn are uphdzng I smknm Ihru “.Um‘h, ~, cuppung men mduwn thz‘ nmnufavzurr nl n1 Klu'y .nrc rmxmrx !hv'n.v {manual bani” (mt. \ 2H drlugmg an .lmla l~ I! .1 unnudcmc that “will" .u.d gcnxma s nnlmu) Q'xpullsxnh began meannv‘h .IHl‘I lhc \m! u! um I Hum suit H affu‘t our mum fwm pmrrxuun ul dmumg '.\v 'n m: 't.r w In pan: '1 vu- nupmn- Han ! n! A» m“ 1:.lmn..lmz..|1 pluhlu'.\ v unu- up {rum Hrnv 1-» lmlu it! (an n mmx “ugh 1n hls nnnd‘ “hrh‘ doc-31m dun ur. “mum dm- xrgud xur 1hr \lrb‘pnit}! ml (hr othrr Mnm' How did 1: mm [H mm nulmn: whrn wv: >rm um flu'l .nuund {he mnid dunng 1hr RH-NCH'H rrgxrm" h n a urmudcnu- [Lat Hum; .. .4 \. IH Wuh [his cunnnandmg Ln! m mind I Would haw them cxannm- 11w 54.11030th 3 0! a Hernlmxdu .1 Mnhan, .md 25 Rmrsr \cll un the our hand and w! .o .Nurnmn Angc-H or .1 lush! Nan Juxdan m .4 Nonyuw on (he other I wqud haw“ them lnvrsxmur what )5 1hr 1014110!) U! nnhxary puucr tn Imlmlml advantage Due: a ImJnn's Cumuwnc dvpzhd upun lh .Hmrli lon‘c‘ I would Imu' them rc new the hrslun' or suns .mc! we uhdl (hr qxtmmmem m l swml ha». 4. d pram. and 3h(‘ gut “.11 bc 1hr- mahamun bv um {murr can gcl whal the-x But It) mklzrmn :u mummy: sue. ururdinurd .H In In H1? lute-Huge“! unduslzndmg ”I 1 HH'IHJ} pnnuph-a u: « n. H‘wn: ansm Imuuld Hum-hue haw «are ~ulfitlrnll) abuul Hz:- tut world 01 our.» I.u'r {m‘ (m l <ng I) and wmmut prrjudnr iiul l'HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS r'n‘l ln~HUlHrn (Lumu, uh dJnH Ir? “hen an .ewuum (w! . sun In Lawn-u; (hr .\ prett) quuk w Mud nut on Mn: armament (gm-<19 the pm'nlh‘h :mw \wrmntrh (n IIHIHHI lhcnhrh w ‘11:) ot’ the militnrists to organize public opinion in their favor. We Ire 3pm in- debted to Mr. hours P. Lochner (or the x following: : “The time his come when thou- who !stand {or a better order of thing: must throw a“ conventionality to the mud and start out upon ngxrcssave line: .When an editor Indulge: m MM talk about preparednrss. Htal Interests. na- ‘tionrd honor, and thchkr. “ha-n he makes misstatements of (arts wrth turn-nor to International matters, lrt us nut he um tent to shakr uur heads and w}. "Hmh Silly" “"111? Iht‘t‘dllt'r slum tum his , errors, pxutrst agam‘t Jmmwm It 1hr pat'lfists are but halt A: \Iglinn! m 1hr nnhtmtsts, Xht‘ edltur “1H 5mm « hang:- hns attitude unaummg. oi town: that he attempts hunmzly tn ”firm puhln OPXHIHH ) ‘1'- nd El) I”) urn If ru.m,;1ngxl’n Hm pun c :- DJHR‘ n! Affirm» musL m l} m bdniuupr. \ ”If” Hum-xx “('YH .lh NH le‘ [(- IINVI pr.“ 1‘ vu- lmprun- Nils ”up , umrst. “h!“ a!" “Wm v\pl«dm,.; lf‘rxr punk: u “.Um‘h,~. an”. thcfi cu mdmtn I'Mrpl IL) sk‘turr wl JY’I‘AIIHH" hml'x '.h1'.'l:\l':>f‘\ mt»; \ d Manda ‘LK‘Jkâ€"wlnd IHK‘H «If was (‘ul:r A Jr. pup we s~ rm! (hm: slud) by “non [hat the t (he 1.4;: H m and “wrung. dr(tl$¢d. try hot hh'rr ”H HI «u r\;.,, mu :9 H rm \ um UH ('\;n m swat] has 3) Um h!!! um! IIIH‘ umrrr» .nmhrnm m humus u,“ durfuwd Iuluxr 1»! U7): upcn nnndcd- iturupc wan! \\ h.” I: m pnulnr Min Jud arr! hm dhlrd {H l‘ he) an- n tux‘rn Hdgur [1‘ a! VUMH 11 IN?” .‘ubHHlxl ! 4. Huh-I h: Hnwlrx u .‘.(-n mi Aflflrt’ Kc ILuxI M ”H' 1111111.: [N w hru \llHld HM {mmrm “1H1 lha! {hr ”WHRa (radon hc Mum}; uhrn I~(‘I\ ht.“ “It! ”ks h! JKUC ”1 (hr a”. pnw \4‘ \Ahfl Axum u) Ru 1 u. “'aukruan Hunms, Mirth 22. 1915 4 T Urn-HI H» N h-m‘rn .1' [Y-r \ nur', “H“. m \\.Iuhrx.w,, :1: an! H unh 1m (hr hrs Maud.” a»! Junr next, [541:3 uhrn am alu-rr an! pun-n: huunu «hum Agamu sand (\IZHC aw nmmc‘d um rcqueuc-d h pHQtnl (hr nitric In kald (um! Fur id )udndnun H) rn-nmg! haul-r Irm Thur-n1.” r-l rung? ships uh“ dun-m u: dl\K‘\.\ \\ n-wcxml for Lake gnr (ht-H Donne-M f‘u’uufll mnan-r ‘\ «.nd A: 12w 1m mm! Pym; y; A phuxn g: \hs‘ Fit-4mm Mrwr “an I)!!! Su' Thc' pr bvtn an PK- nzfrrmunrd Thuwdav am khlt up: up” by v: d was Hum ”\r Iru hung “mung (hr- drad N‘f\’nl‘3 an} hr hymn My krrswc‘i xmr talk I!) Um Juz‘mr t Nnrt) .n rum ummk Vanghan’s I\ l‘ In (t murmng Infermn Hl\( ‘\4H\ \mrgr! \‘Hur x ”Mu-H .n n r md nu" N'Sflilln thA~ tnr lhc h 1“! HH- [1.“ .1114, FA it I'm“ .ii \A muusly (w ”u! R: h." horn uudvn we“: (blirl'fig‘ 51! k :I'~»\('H ML: gagcd .IS Hated supplx My .1 p out yr.” fun nut-nu! J «an 14-1 Mtexmn (nun): 131mm“: Mn! hr wvH gw :mmrdmh H Um his nun Hm". M‘Lurmuk Numb-5n mar) 1h. \Hl.filr‘{.ll)01! \utm JIM-1‘ H'hlr HP‘ l [FJNQ‘ x“ ”If l‘hr \\ 11‘ My! 11.} Kunkrdxlhrr, uhuhaulm “mm“ m M Luuxa hat the past mumh ”turned (0 hr! humr in lk‘rrhrld '1 hun- «Ln lbw-Nil H\ hcrn The Muse: Ruth Ladger‘mod and him-mu Mncr attended a pan) [men 3! (Eu- home uf Miss Finn-me (qunc or Hmbfand Park 331nm.) tuning Mm “anud bu; plr was 11".- sun! 0! 'm Mulhtr M! hart Vupwr u! x M A; 1 .43! u: r}. Mia Irene Maud-Q of Chnago tn the guest 0! Mm Elk-mot Mr)" Friday and Saturday. Decrfield News Items The Mint: Dene Km! and Lola Glynch are enjoying a week! vacation at their home In Wnucondm x! urea m .‘1'\\ KM pr;1,.ny drputmenr u! (hr l’n-s In \ LUHL h.» grail: SH Luge Hun her" “(‘|(“.i?\ tn \rxurr lmut: \I hired I 5!! Sudan 1):- Admdunhun NOCKO AIM at Purdy’s \ in ids: wrr}. BH‘H( ms!“ at chllh‘)? \mnd All" .1 Y’H’H‘ supp”; ~ (hv sun-rs 911.1 I('\'l 1m kirflhfl Irv-Y 1»! KW krn’xm k \l| Uhq INN (‘\Vn'nh' it; [Mr H; it ~ Inn} My»: s wan ~ \Lumnan \« rq-n uxf! 1rd .1! 1hr hnmr n! In Knunk :ullrrmxm Mus lmxmld~ n! 1 hr 3hr \gvralu‘r Ul‘l “(H LVN IA rtanmtfi c. I": I Inc- mrn In 4!! and H vw urn- hrh f: 4! which .I\ Huhv u h$xwlllmuv<1 141 flint an u'nn! have”) mr thnstmn ",Hdt‘fl\lll 3.I\\¢“ amt vul} hr hcid m l-xcu-H Wnlnrsdl) he: bmthrr Alun Urban. Irr I?! nivrrun w! [Hznun “A? Iluld My) Hyghhm .n ‘ and: 1“ Hanna “um“! um rrquruc-d (u rptmn urnmu hum:- ((1 '~\ I y KAN M! k' l "“M lusxslunn r “I a “1.; u. 1hr Mrs in“ MM Mn N, Ihrrr .41. gu ruxlrn \. L‘m Put): It Ir 14(an [hr rd .1 udr u! thanks "'7‘ I! 3x hmwr; UH. m: lhd M a my}: ("\AQ‘I. ~ WXHMIH gum .1 .sur ‘X by hr! or #nrlhdz) .“ his gu-lua Hull-Kn.) \rm \nnvd mam (Int-mu“ who ‘llvz‘l-r \ Mud- l f lhc- Mn unnng Y(‘\tlh'd 1hr r~rnt4lnr YUM]? (‘\f fun“ |\Q' 4 put .‘f! “(~th 4'“; k" r mun“ "All in uh? guru My .Hd « t? Hu- (hr rl n"! hoard 1hr hr I‘rrs \r the I' n '1’): gt: My )nhn 7r! r urrk guru N ht .1 I ('t Ju- Harm ( but" fr) hill (‘HI‘ Telephone- Hihhnd Put. :7 Ill ()nr Shur! bhx‘k Estimate. Furnished Lulu Fovtul P50!" 335 It’s Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Real Estate, Loans and Insurance ch Alloy- THE ERSKINE BANK ‘ll You Need 0m Goods Bowman Dairy Company Hs'l lil'HUNl-‘A Interior Decorators and Painters 128 E. Central Avenue Phone 573 Bowman Dairy Company [Vlnh Flu Pall (r) 5pm m.‘ I: «My mm. Let’s Trade 1 New Method Tea and Coffee Store .t AT {ifwaijz‘zg Telephone 169 ANYTIME :sgur min f; unmr H\ 3‘“ ”4 Eminent. harm-m C ‘ M. E Servic. hu lat!) GOOD BANK '.Sheet Metal, Furnace Work HUME west (m lM-rpath Ave-mu Why go (>11! of town to buy whvn you can do better at We Need Your $$MONEY$$ The Butler with (he Mild SwL-ct. Delicate Flaw'ur Perfectly Puteuriied BUTTER 121 Vine Avenue "‘K) s. Sum-n .- [MD I DIE. HIHHI A'\h PARK 0 (}ll‘.,\( Hi :0 Pure Cream 3: 5131mm. ”spa [ally 1hr " hun- two r1\ Mundx) Tm-sda) "a van-kn slrnmhl MATT SHHL My ‘. LAK E FOREST Nan-I on Phone 4517 will Hanging IIIH’ '1‘) “1;;th Phone ii 9% Ԥ

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