Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 8 Apr 1915, p. 4

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Greene: News Stand 3mPadny. P. 5. Get the latest book. written by but author: at our draining libnry, at Of our Shipment of April Sample Records :ome in and let us play them over for you woodwnrk .‘xr‘d hdfdwga fl cicaned and poh'shed. TN A Jx Dottie You must use V‘u-Hninh to havereal dusting satisfactxon‘. ’i‘ x . You cannot get Nun-Finish “3' " results without Nu-Fininh. Every user becomes an en- thusiast. A trial will convince you it has no equal. m is a man elous dusting a-laanéun ”ml L. . REAL SATISFACTION D GBURDYM Sous m Entered as eecund-class matter March‘..1911.a: the Dust afhcegt Hmhhmd link. Hams. Uhdcl’ the Act If March 3. at Highland Park Lake Coumy, 111mm: 1 M1? Henr’} A;“ake;t;mnrmu;edhm Tel h) e Z: 2: }{) hla d I’zrk â€" v) Ullk (’On On Ut’\ (\V O 11‘ “Ce (’Y ”D ‘n g n ' .‘ other Mrs E. L Lobdvll and Mn W Price $150 per Year ll ungaiCeha Parker W,oolley who addressed the Highland Park Womans Club in thz- Entera. as xeCund- c1195 mauer March! .1911. a: afternoon. -L,A 1 n PUBLISHED “'EEKLY BY JOHN L, L'DEL: at Highland Park. Lake Countv 111mm: Telephone :: 1: Highland Park 561 THEHIGHLAND PARK PRES§ E. F. PRATT, Prop. 395:. John: Avenue SPRING OPENING . ,, Hr...“ .-..._. .Jm NUTE.râ€" This stave-mem must be mad:- m duphcalc and b0 {In-red by thc publmhrr [u the postmaster, who shall send one Third A.ssismm Postmaster General Whivismn of (Nauru-am 1mm Assistant Postmaster General Whivismn of Classnm'aliun) Wushxng ton. I). C.. and remm [he mher in rhymes m the pm't "mm _ v 1,, Van'. .... ..-..\u Alklbkl~VL -1. LI'K... Edmor. 1mm 1.. l.'l»l>:|.1.. Highland Park. I]! Mamgmg Emma: [mix I. l'm.‘1.|.. Hmhhmi link. lfi, ”Uniflrfia MAHAgcr. J'qu L ['MiLL, quhkmd Park. IL! Publnhvr. JuHx’ Ir {'iH-JLL, Hmhlund link in (M'sERS: II! a vnrpnmnnn, gn'e us nmnc .md [ha names .md :uldresws of >i=thUIdCTQ huldzm: E per cent or mgr: Ur tum! amuum nl slmk.) }UH_\ I.‘ [DELL (anr. Highland Park. (H Known bondthdors. nmrtxuzecs. .md other secuxny huhlcr‘s. huldmg 1 per mm or more uf' tum! .mmunt of bands. mortgages, ur ulhcx wcumica Non:- 1mm L. l'nH.L. Sworn to and subscnbcd bdorc me this 26th day of Mm'h 1915. MARY IMMLEL Nolan Public. (My commissmn expxrrs May :3, 1918‘ SUNS»â€" This stave-men: must be mad:- m duphcalc and both (upu-s doA - . AL , ,A ‘ . . .. , [lap-rad hr pl” huh). L THURSDAY. APRIL 1. 191 'mnnsm“ _-._._.._. . u... v" uuwun, manna-Jul." I. LIRLULAIIUN. LIL. or [HP ”K; HL \.\'1) PARK PRESS publishcd “ccklx at Highland Park [II for Apr 1 191); required Knuth Actor -\Ligu.<t 2‘! 191‘. ’ L'I'Ar‘: STATEMENT OF THE _QWNER§HIP, MANAGEMENT. CIRCULATION. ETC 704-708 Harris Trunt Bldg. Chicago, Illinois Telephones Randolph 6030-6031-6032 Denominations, $100, $500 and $1,000. Form, Coupon ' Principal may be registered. Interest payable May lst and November lst at Chicago Sayings Bank, Chicago, Ill. Czillable on any interest date at 110 and accrued Interest. Price 101) and accrued interest to yield 6per cent. Salient features of this issue are as follows: The value of the property is greatly in excess of the bond issue. The properties have been in operation for eighteen and twenty years and have shown good earnings every year. Ct_»risei'\':tti\’e restriction is provided for further issues of bonds" The Electric light and (his plants are located in set- tions é‘llli‘l‘. are sliowin r permanent increase in population (Hid «with. The earnings are over twice the amount neces- sary to meet bond interest. Circular describing this issue more trill} \ ill be mailed you upon request. Stanwood, Taylor Co. is a marvelous dustimb cleaninf‘ Ahshmg h qund. Vitfin ynu just dust in the us'nl wav~ but what a dlfi’erence! No dust flvmg In the ‘ mom to settle down again. Every spvck N rakvn up and taken nub-mm Just sun-ed up. And. at the same nme. wnh no extra wurk. \nur furniture. unMunqL ._J l _- . ,. ton-um an Ohio Western Utilities Company Records play 01 Victor Talking Machines _ ,N. ...- w). 'w ' Troop B of the 5th Cavalry announce “mks ‘ . LNIN a masquerade ball, for Saturday evening, Mrs. 5- J' Baker "M M'” 895“" Rake-r iApril tenth. Prizes for the best dressed spent the iwrk‘cnd as true“; of friends Shipment Of and for the most comically dressed lady ‘ in Chicago, and gentleman will be awarded. Prit-A nple Records George Baldwm. a freshman It Cornell {chard's orchestra will furnish the music , l'niversity, spent a part (it last week and 3 Mr. and Mm Edward Mead of North the early part of this week at his home 1d let us play C hicago, visited rclatives here Sundav. 0“ Lake A”- VCI' for you Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brown of Cary,‘ M" and Mrs; ‘ ”L. the latter being formerly Miss Gladys lamil A" Columbia Thom of this city, announce the birth of '0 l Qeorge Tackles and ‘ y 0t Detroit Mun, who are enmutc heir huim- in California. where 350“. born Sunday. April 4th. , they haw spent the Winter, were the {CCOI’dS play on I Mrs. Joseph Snyder of Glencoe AV: is guests last week of Mr. and Mn. John Victor Talking in a Chicago hospital where she under i W Welch at W. Park Ave. “-44--- . First Lien 6 per cent SinkingFund Gold Bonds We recommend for your investment DELL. Highland Park. I]! Inn). 1. l'm:1.1..H‘mmH’urk I r. Juux L I'Miu, “ vh.‘ md Park {'DELL, Hmhlund I uk in 1mm, gn'c‘ us nm-m' .md [hv name: mrs are l Mr. Charles Strciber. who has ban ‘lvery ill all winter, is slowly improving. ‘ Mm A. B. Smith of 5 Second St. is J visiting her daughters in Benton Huber. l Mich. for several weeks. ; Mia Blanche Delahaye of Waukq‘mn' formerly of this city, underwent an op- eration for lppendicitia in the McAlinte't hospital. Waukezan. Monday, and in do in; nicely. a son born Sunday. April 4th. Mrs. Joseph Snyder of Glencoe A»: m a Lhicago hospital where she under- went an operation on her nose. g Mr Gustav chfert and family have 1moved from 131 (:lenview Ave. to 214 N Second St. been guests at the ' Moraine Hotel. left ‘ Mrs. S. W. Cregner ofbflazel Avon‘spcnt Faster thh her son “Ilham at Culver laSt week for a stay at the Congress j ‘ _ , Hotel, Chicago. i L mversny where h¢ ’3 3 sophomore. Mr. and Mrs. George Bard of N. Sheri. - Colonel Pate left last Week my several dan Rd., who have spent a very pleasant “ weeks stay a! Hot Springs, Ark, where winter in Southern CnMomia, returned I he “Vi“ take treatment “’7 503063 {10m to their home last, week, ‘ which he has been suffenng {or the past I . Troop B Of the 5th Cavalrv Innnllnnn ' “c‘eks. Hrs Montgomery Ward and her daughter Miss Marjorie Ward whoh‘me been guests at the Moraine Hotel left last week for a stay at the Congress two. Mr. and Mrs. R F. Peyton formerlvof this city. are in Excelsior Springs Mo where they spent Easter Earl W Gscll mmcd hrs pharmacy from St Johns :'.\w to N0 11: E. {entral Mme zhc first of the week: Miss Rulh Gregory. who spends the summers in Highland Park at Lulgu mere the home uI Mr and Mn Robert Gregory of S. Sheridan Rd In new the guest of her brother- -m- law and wafer Mr. and Mrs Rmmond Durham 01 “in ' netka. Fla. since the first or February. Mr, and Mrs. William LlcwcHyn I‘r:1iric.-\ve., announce the butt: of :un, burn :aturday, April 3rd. Mr. T. M. Clark is on the $I\‘k 115! {i week suffering with the grippc. XIYS‘ ’\ \I H E1115 and X155 Theresa 3]be Rgnnyr Ashton. who haw been 1hr 'gm-sts oi Mrs. A. L. Home for the past weeks. left on Tuesday fur thcir home an Seattlc, Wash. I :n;‘' m return to wrsny r)! thxu Mr: MJud H. house from In Mrs. H. M. Prmr returned w her hhmc Waltz-r Carr. M last week ilfh’f being the guest of her (he wrnrner m _‘ son, Mr. 1. ‘man an' 1n )dcksonHHv, ‘ . ’ . ‘ Mr. R 5 z Fla. smut the first or Pebruury. , . 'Mn‘h, wgh m 31?. and Airs. “'Hlmm [Inna-Hrn “I The many int-nth 0t Hhhnp R [mm of Harrisburg. I‘.!.. wxll 1w gricwd to learn of his drarh on laxt Wednesdav He had a great many friends 'm-rc as hc frequently preached m the First l'nm-d Evangelical Church. At the tum: of his deaxh Bishop Dubs was the oldest bishop in the L'nned States. hi“: mi) PERSONAL NEWS l (qu U) the k 1151 {his Barred Rock and thte Leghorn Eggs for hatching from best mat- ing: $150 per semng‘ Second pen 81.“) per setting. sts Emma Evans left Tuest Green Bay, “'15., where she wxll guest 0! her brother-Inlaw and Mr? and Mrs. Harold Larsen for weeks. Mrs. (.eurge F‘ Conrad of Amtiuch, 11L. , spent the weekend vumng rclatzvcs here, Mrs. JOSeph Hardacre and Mrs Cum- stock at Cary Ava. \nH return on the temh from Los Angelrs. ('81.. where they have been spcndmg tho: mun-r mlh Mrs Hardacre's sun. R. B. Hardacre. cashier of the Security Trust and Saunas Rank Mrs. George F‘ C spent the weekend Mich, “-3) m Chmagn last week on An .Iddntmnal dame “as pruudt-d 1w bllglnc§g and at the- same tzme \‘tsned the Junmr :rzrmbm‘; u! thmluh on “lung. relatnm here. day the am Mr and Mrs H. A Wrt-nn returned Friday 1hr mm}; thv mus! MrcHs mo» List m-rk Hum 'L‘hicago whcre they wm- hon pictures “xii bc gin-n (er annually. and are now hvmg at that Saturday thy tenth an Easter party Mormne. willbcgn'rn {ur the Children at thn-n Hatch Your NOW AIM-u chmng in: on Tuvsday murn- mg’ m return to [us studxcs .11 the l'm- wrsm' r)! thxus where- he 1: .1 frrahman. Mr: Maud H. Shannon has rented her housc from Jam;- lo October 10 ML Waltz-r Carr. Mrs. Shannon may spend the wmmsr In Northern Wxx‘onsm “as zhc weekend guut u! Mrs. M Shannon. Miss Holbrwk x: on: prime delegates from Chncdgu. and \\'vd:n'.~da)' to attend the pea”: h-rencc at the Hague. AIM-1t chmm.' in: on Tuvsdav Mr. and Mrs Richmond Dean, Muss Amy and Mus Katherine Dean. and Mr. C. f’i11lllbi) whu are at 1hr (am In Cumnrma, an‘ (-xpn‘h-d In return at the cm! n! {he- mumh Mus Huruncr Holbrnnk m “hum". The L'hrnnan Endeaux m-x! Sunday ml! br m that Svhaumrrlnszrad of In C] Musn‘ wmmmee as appc {uldrr On account 0! [ha Summy exemng at the Church, Chnsnan Endeavor but wxll Ink:- plarz- al the u: Sundayaftcrnoon. A large crowd attended (he lrammen'l dance given at Ranma Park Camno Mun day nigh: Mn. H C. Wallark 0! Des Mounts, was the gun! {or a part 0! last war Mrs. E A Hchmck of For! Sheridan Thz- dancing dass “huh has been met-(mg at tho: high school nu Tuesday ewnings me! With lhé Ravima dancing (1‘1"!) a! the Ranma Village Housc ch‘ nrsdav evening Mm Dons Humphrey ls 1hr msuucmr for both clay-('3‘ Mrs. C. W. Burkle)‘ \ Xvw ()rh-uni 1.15! week, u been me guest of Her son Buckle)" Mr. and Mrs. A H Fm .hrml)’ ut Haywood were the Smdn}. n! UR‘IF relalncx Mr Chane; Srrmbcr Mics Emma Rm‘lu-{rHvr Am! daughter. m‘h Iru‘hd~ ML»: Edith, n: Chtuigm “rrr :h- vu-rk- M” MAJ and Kuvatw u! Mr .md Mn [Mu-«J Rubh} 1hr umrrr m of Hmmcuuud .‘\\(‘ On Sunday ahrrnmm 11w “-51:11.“ muany met-(mg of the first ('nnrd Evunxg-lwal \hun'h nnsxmn band an” meet :11 the (hun‘h. Mr. E. H Mastery-n and ‘ hxldrcn Charla and Eugene I)! dexqu bah (mm- in makr zhmr humr um; um- \ PHI» dn-n's gnmdpmrmx, MI and Mn, L'thlm Sin-mm u! So'und ht ‘ HnC.T.Fotd 0! Wake... mm! mmmxcm whohubm in ,fricodsbetelutwcek. ’theEnnuooho-plullor [beware : Mr. Himeuck of Riven-wood ma Mr. 2min. warned to his home on N- St. .and Mn. Richard Vuu o! Deerfield were John- Am Them-y and i- waned u the Sunday guests 0! their relatives, ‘0‘“! WWW?"- Mm Mary Muehlkc and family of S M's- Helen Sullivan-pcnuhe week-end Second St. ' n the gum of Mr. and Mr; A. R. Mr‘ and Mn. John Borchatdtof Home- Willumn 0! Normal, m, {ormnly u! ‘ wood Ave.. had as their guests on Sun- Huhland PNL Mr. and Mrs J. W anhulh Sunday from an ahscnyv H! mm \‘xrglmu HM Spungs Mr‘ and Mn. John Borchatdt of Home wood Ave.. had as their guests on Sun- day Mr. and Mn Fred Cook and Mr. Mrs. ()un Borchardl o! (hk Puk. Mrs. Frank R McMuHm 0! Lab For- est, formerly of [his city, uxll lcau' sum: time this month to vml rvlauvrs m California. "Fan- Rilce Rod THE mow!) PARK mm mam PARK mmoxs (‘deH of (irand Rapids. xn Chmagu last week on at the- same nme Hsned George Tackles and mm. who are cnmulc In California, where Trust and Saungs Bank, Evans left Tuesday for v'. Buckley rclumcd (mm 1.15! week, when- Sht‘ hug hm u! Sound at :A Rm‘lu-{rHvr am Holbmuk 0! (Max! Pa” 0! last week of lemur met-1mg for '1 charge of Leslie In charge 0! the appeared m the at the cantata on the Presh'ytrnan leavor was omittrd. the usual hour un fos. Maud H wxll be the suurmld sister. several Mr Warn-n c of the m1 saded [H l‘ (Uh- “mm“ nlh-rvlumrd (“H weeks a! and .‘11\ M RENTâ€"House: n m. ”5. 3m {Knuth}; l to 3 yum Adina N. A W Enhne Bank Bldg. Tel. 3‘3 Fm Ram Furmsbed, new Sroom 'bungalon'. Address 25 (hummus Ave. 'ank [-1 Matthews 6 pd Fol mu: Lu: 30:21}. 81100. um mh, balance In two yean. alw |o( 1(1): 2“). 310 per {um fur quack dul‘ 5 to 20 m lot market garden. Adda" N. A. Aldridge. Ershnc Rank 81*. Td. 345 ‘ The Kent regular ”mummy; of thc (Knoll Ctub WI” beheld m the Ihghland Park Club Houu- Thursday, Aplll lulu-(nth. Lumheon m“ hr .wrwd at I: w p. m., after whwh will follow me znnual meet my when (he ofhcen for the ensuing year m“ be circled _ The annual mcctmg to be hrld nn 5m- -1 urdu the uwntumh at ux u'tlodc will be (allowed by a dmner, concert and .danm. The (OnCcrt WI” be gnu-n bv 1hr lUmvcrstty Club. (.109 and Name Club! consisting of foggy members who ml! be tentcrtnlned by the member: at dinner. Reservations nrr bung made for vanous partner; and the entertainment committee \llhh membcrs to rwuty thcm at the urliest moment u! the number of UCKflI required to thlt cu-r)‘ arrangement can be mlde to! the comfort and ('njoyment of mombtr: and Hmr guests The nunnnatmg ‘orl‘nmter have sub mined the {ullmnng naan to be. you-d on for ufln'rn Y"! 1hr cmumg year Prcndenx. Jnu. \. Nauru». In ncc president, \5 m R 'l app”. 1nd \‘u'c prem- dent. Cnrlrtun M Mu}. dxrn‘mrs, Mesarx Thb. C. Butt. Arthur W Jrrrams, Sxmmm B, Chiltendcn, Grunge Allen Mason W‘ Bradshaw Egan, and Herman Thumas actulud) my tenth an has!" party will be gn'rn fur the Chlldrl’“ a! (hm-c O'clock. When dunnng, games and mutzun pictures wifl be Indulged 2n. The Eds!” datuc 1:“! Monday “as one Of (be rnml > nx‘rhsful (>1 Ihn Nun's, enterlammrm mmnrrh mt \rvcnn' 11w- couples )ommg m thc 1:.crmmnt u! the Menmg Mm; Augusta Krwgrr an ‘nsrru '(m a! the Pugh s: h mi. rmcrlamvd u~ hr: flue-a! nvc-r the woe-k end her brnthrr Mr, “film”: Kncgr' «tunic-n: .M ”.r I'm n-rsuy uf “”11th han- Im- len LN W‘uhmg murh ph-asunâ€" xn 1hr Imlr pcoMr Mrs Paul Mud and iannly, u). been In (manna!) (or the but! wr lumrd nn Monday Mr and Mr: Howard Hum: hmw lwv-n (um; 1” {hr 12.41 I’md ulrll, uuxnurnn“ .Hmutrngmvtn u! lam!) [my 1025 rimmed lhflf annual egg hum Fridd) ”mummy on MI» Lubbs lawn The run-running tenure n! 1hr aflmt was a 11-)! .‘_u- ram“ «th zsfrmdrd Mr: Annr K Wth and dJul'hifl Miss Mary 91th u! sthauakn, Ind are the gue-tsthu neck 01 Mr And Mu John \V “'rhh Miss Annm Cub!” kxndezxa drrn, numbrnnx .abuutnghxvu Mu Ruth {othn Lulhxn u! khlfilyflt. who I: Wellknown to many HmMand Plrk people. left (his arrk to: a mum!» absence in L‘ahlnrma Miss Hrlrr‘. (widen, uhx- anrnds \ haul ax “'3!”qu Hui) \ykanmna I“. was the gun! u! Mus Hclrh \ mum! mar the week-("1d Mt- (golden iv“ 1ucsdm lur her humc m Lawton, Mun. wherr she WI“ .pcnd (hr rrruamdcr v! he! sprung vacation. H: .Hx Mn r1! «1! in! urck Ir at \\ [I‘m-dam: Highland Park Club Mir flu! 5H5 “ H HA “'allrr Htmtu‘d “mi“ \l‘.‘ .1! l? lelmxrr F) Liwrrnu \lllr x haul Mr and Mn ”(an H Tum-”rt.“ hue rrnu-d that h «we on A 1.xndrn An- In Mr Paul h’) of Humxngham, Aln M1 and Mn Tulswuxth .11:- a! 1hr Lulu-1 1111.9”! £ch unmm-x lhhhlfm Mn \ H l‘ukrr I)! .\ru Euyh In Hu- >umiuy gum! u! Mn f H hmuht «'1 E "Mk .‘\\‘r Mr Ind Mn, flange 5. ”vary and [amlly moved In! ucel from 241 Park Avr N 21012:“ An: Mr and Mn ”(an H Tum-art.“ hue rrnu-d that h «we on A 1.xndrn An- In Mr Paul Ivy of “mennham A!“ u. Ossoli Club [wrath Hahn ipr M.“ t‘hd~ m 1 Ah fut-M MAM“;- r AddnA “I mmdhs H \r» \nrk rrrnmter have sub- namc-s In belated 1hr cmumg year Neuron. In nut a sew-ml mumh~ \Isll hnmr ”.13 «Ni .“um \\ hc-rr hr .|l'.rhdl hr- ndezganrn . hi1 but! wrrkx Ir ""nfl\\ !hr turn-nth u! :h .1'» 1:! thx- UH H»! “'rd \\ ‘ t "a rnd drd Ht firm Hug! DH Why not have vour clothing renovated here this week and give our work a flair trial? Our CLEANING AND hymn; o! hdies' and 391W. garmmu. oriental rugs. cam. portion, draperies, piano coveraJace cumins, :th cannot be duplicated by any local cleaner. as we haw the LAM and most Sunny plan! in the West. “The Imperial” Highland Pnrk, Illinois nnwa l moot. h... In J um v... Punt-I CINE-3 REBORED AND RERAIRED. Gents’ F umisher Telephone 331 13 S. St, ALL MACHINE WORK QUAMNIEED.’ GAS EN' Making .1 Mu‘ialt)’ ()f luzms on improved rml (-smtv m 1hr North Slmn- terntury 1m ludmg Rogers Park. livanstnn, Vhl- mvtte. Kcmlworlh. Vl'mnrtlm. Glenn», llxghlaml Park and Lake Furcst Scum!) 11min mongages m tlns H'H'HHI‘)’ ls continually cnhmx‘mg wlnlv the rate of nm-rcst 2.x alzracm'c REGULAR 0R SPECIAL CUT ON SHORT NOTICE. AUTOMOBILES Raymond W. Schneider North Chicago, Illinois One block nanh 0! C. N. W. Depot. m I! you wantthe latest styles in collars, they can always be had at Schneider’s. We carry a larger stock of arrow collars than any dealer along the North Shore. Practical Gas Enginelz MaheWorks Charming Spring Costumes North Shore Trust Company Capital $100,000 North Shore Trust Company MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS ans-tn: Ling. Aug... CHICAGO COLLARS MORTGAGE BANKERS Orgnnizod under the Banking Law; of the State of Illinois INCORPORATED OVERHAULED AND REPAIRED EQQGHLAND SOLD. GEARS mermzss Al (hm season would end I“ ym pare] to us trequ and let us km) clothes In good cunt . Depot, near Ii]. Eviaduct are malt: their appear- ance. Dont‘n be duhcarx- ened i! you cannot blos- Iom out in new raiment this year. for we can make that becoming uuit your friends have admired as Iran-un- I; new again by our cmful woxh m 13 S. St. Johns Ave. 800d ammo; l your up frequentlv "‘9 YOU! - .152 )ou N. C. 413 Mo; Esfi:

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