Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 8 Apr 1915, p. 5

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Lamps and Brackets House, Power and Motor Wiring Estimates Furnished Highland Park, Ill. 134 cht Sreet Tel. Furnished Appamnent-For Rent, Tel3155 Robert Greenslade The one sure way to Keep Luc door bell battery from getting out of order is to abolish the battery and install in its place 3 Electric Public Service Company Because it gi\'es"the:highest motor car service at the lowest cost. the Ford is the one car you'll find in large numbers and in constant use. in ever land. It's a better car this year than ever beforeâ€"but it sells for $60 less than last year. The Ford is everybody's motor car because everybody can easily understand and safcl‘f operate it. Doesn't take a skilled mechanic to operate or care for the Ford. Less than ‘two cents a mile to operate and maintain the Ford. With “Ford Service for Ford Owners" your Ford car is never idle. Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail}300,000 new Ford cars between August 1914 and August 1915.: Runabout. $440: Touring Car, $190; Town Car. $690; Coupe- let. $750; Sedan, 3975. f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment. Highland Park Garage 11] E. Park Ave. Tale! Highland Park State Bank To every man, woman and child in this vicin- ity. a cordial welcome is extended to establish 21 Banking Home with us. In every land and clime, man plans, toils and sacrifices in the inspiration and anticipa- tion of 3 HOME. FRANK /. HA KER It can’t get out of order. It is fire-prom, sen- containedâ€"occupies less space than one house battery, will do the work of several, is more economical. One of the numerous conveniences in the Wired House A HOME wherein to live. the FAMILY HUME. A HOME dedicated for worship. the CHI'RCH HOME A HOME for associatxons and fraternity, the LODGE HOME. A HOME for the protection of funds and valuables, the BANKING HOME. A Banking Home on :1 saft'. substmmal, romwucnt b‘ankmg Homr Tel. 805-L Onfdisplay and sale at of Northern Illinois FdJNnhcd 15 YNH .. Mc PHERSON F. (i RA .VT, L113 im I I‘n‘sux’rn way to kgep the Transformgl: It is fire-proof. self‘ ,\l Al’lh‘lh 1'1” ['1 Telephone 140 THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHIAND PARK ILLINOIS Mrs. Celia Parker Woolley head resident of the Frederick Douglass Centre then told of the need of such a ccntrc, as a meeting place for both whntc and black people. that they may haw a better un- derstanding at one another Just as the snclal settlement I: thr meeting place {or employer and emplnyc-c, the nch and [yx)r,capnt;tldt1d labor that they may. at least. mttlgutc ct'unnmlc and other tmtlrrstandmgs, all human so lllls x'ttlc- mcnt, w1th the one dttlcrv-nt‘r, the rucml prt-Judlce tor the cx-slawr The last regular meeting of the High- land Park Woman's Club was held in the lecture room of the Preabyten'an Church on Tuesday afternoon. April 6th. The program opened With some song: by negro composer: “Just You", T. C. Burletgh. a baritone In one ol New York“: largest churches. and “A Summer ldyll." Coleridge-Taylor, very beautifully sung and xnterpreted by Mrs, Carleton M, Vail accompanied by Miss Priscilla Carver Thls is a White problem as well as a black. We tell the negm tn take- mn- nf himself, yet all th«- busmcn (olleges InChlcago are (loscd lo hxm We (rel grnwrd,ifl1c (011105 to our church, or plan: of amusrmenl. Yet nolwnhstaml mg the Injustlce done the negro people ”literary has been reduced (It ; : amtr slavery In Chlcago alone the-rc- arr 3H Highland Park Woman's Club or 4‘) women's clubs which belong to a National Federauon nf Wthh Mrs Booker T Washington IS l‘rcsndcm. three or [our adored new spapcrs. wveral (hurrhrs drug «mes, hundreds of professional pcuple and so on. It was easner to sign the Emancxpulmn Proclamation than Kn work out real {rt-c- dom by long and pamlul adyuumrnl. Are we gmng to be truly Amman and democratic. and allow the negro {rtednm to select the schools to whu'h he wants in send his (hlldrcn. allow hum to live whcre he can afford; go when: he van“: or are we gumg to forget our republican (ramming. pass prohsbotory laws. "Thus far shalrt thou gland nu lanher"? This mm- __-- The program ended thh two more wngw, “She rested by the Brokrn “rook" (ulcndqu‘aylwr and 'Awakrmng" by Rnsamundc Johnson. imam shouting that I'nc mustral abcllty of the negro IS equal to that of the whxte man. Refreshments were scn ed by the fol hm mg hustczuk‘s. Mrs (Karena- H, Thaycr «’halrman assumed by Mcsdanws Charles 1' Linger, H. P, Jeppdcn. U. A. Len'mrd. W. M. Lovell, John Schrcun, F‘ X. Barr, Wm Becker. John Funncy. Muss Margah «(ta Brown and Mrs (Rx-1112, m we mav take unto ourulvci. uhll‘h Mrs. Woollcy has hanging on 1hr walls of the Centre: “I am resolvrdlhal nu man shall drag rm- duwn by making me hau- h‘mh- _..»__..â€"â€" M h...â€" High School The high school dwmon u! the Pan-ms and Tcm‘hcrs' Association will meet on Thursday aflrrnoon lln- hum-nth in th- assembly room at (hm-e o'dmk The program Will be school talent m the form n! .m hlsltfl’k‘fll pagrant. and sclcctmns trnm [he school orchestra Thr dismis- smn whu‘h Will be m charge at Mrs‘ “K T. Fnderwood Is. “ls the home meeting {he needs 0! the adolescent boy or girl m ;m vducatmnal way to prrpan‘ lhcm fur gymnasium Mu? Thc last mr-ctlng of the Lam‘nln Ave Mm Ellis rm: 0! lb: but-«rainy: Hum dnmon ot the Parents. and Teachrrs' .hsnmllfin UUUM'. zuwlUtmut on Nnnh A»mm.ltmn ml) take place at the Villa“: Aw: m kihn'aun gnu .1 \cry mun-smug Hume, Rannu on Tuesday afternoon. au‘ounl of (hr Wurk they an dulflfl Ind April 153th at three o'clurk The featurr the summr: mum lxoyectbrum prumutcd of the afternoon is tube “lkxnoshc Arts." I by. the k amp Fm: (Juardtan's Asvx when um (‘ (‘., szht to have charge of a of L‘htmmx Apnl 153th at three o'clurk The featurr the summr: mum lxoyectbrum prumuu-o of the afternoon is tube “lbmostlc Arts." I by. the k amp Fm: (Juardun's Asvx mhon Mrs. C. t}. anht to have charge of a of L‘hrmgu lecture on “The canmng M Vegetablegf This camp I: wanted tnr mix-x Hon. by Mrs. Amxmctle honoho, d! the l‘nl‘ South Haven Mu h. and b!“ be Hllrd ail versity of llhnms. Mrs, J. C. Mnrnson is ‘ summer huh Camp Fire hub ( hdpuund to have on (‘Xhibfllon yarn of canned ,by their guardians vegetablas. A social hour With refreshn Miss 8113' Ink w" "’3' WWW] .,n "“5““ mil-follow .gave the mothers in Men M the am that would be (“rum-d over their dingh- ; Notice The assessor is located In James Hep burn's office. Room l0. Sheridan Buildâ€" ing. Changes in description and of ownership will be made until April 'Dth. Frank Lawn. arents and Teachers' Assocmnon D G PURDYH' SONS Mead Bicycles We have made arrange- ments to deliver Mead Bicycles and Tires at their regular catalogue prices. Dancing will tollow In 1h: mrls' Place your order with us arm '1‘ Assessor The [emu] by Mm hum Humphrey lulsttd tn Mr Alba! Lam-H u! k hu ago and the mex dam mg x143: 011M \‘ W. L‘ A uni; hr guru Tuesday Apni 13”) ll lhc [pun-pal Paluh Haunt “tank-s lhc nbuvr menuom'd Mn‘ Wm M PM“! Mr Hnflnllmnnand Ml. Sidnr) lkmh wall M“ to [hf ahrndy m ten-alum: program Thr Frlau‘v-Yup k lu!‘ gnr a masque-r Ade pally" Thursday cscmg, mun) amusing and mun-sung unlumn “no In enuencr The Highldnd group «N L any )- "rhnlu‘ chapcrom-d h) lhcu guaxdun Mrs H (. Peru, churn-d .1 purlv m the A>HILIUOU mums hm.” . \rnmg prncdrd b» a (1m; h wxll be a \plrndld 099‘!!!an In M Ma: Humphzm a mat. The (1.1m :1...- Llusc :Mvnl 1:: wk: minmxax. rmuns l her at ' Thr Molhu" « luh met I In): 15:! than ngu‘ar llxrf’hfl and CIIYPI'JMAMH dudlchLl [HOKY'AYH The mum Ella. [h u and Kuxhleflv Kruc-gax m Hm: (Pin-r pun l‘ uuhrsUa 0! 1w” Hahn.- .md punt» give some \cr)‘ aurmmc x-‘m Hulh kxndly xespuudmg m aurduuc N‘ln hum kmaI)‘ magnum“; w thee-[mums Miss Milne Umun added much to [hr prhgram by he! \oczl sclrglmnlx Mm Brown h» .1 mm guru \onc ind her prhgram by new \oczl 1 Brown hm .: \cH' sun: singing was much cnwyed ters and :1 grucral Idt. ol the Camp Fire Gammon! plan. Coflre and undwxchcs wru- u-r‘od I!- tc: which a uncrnl good time wu espoyed. Fifty. mdudmg mtmhrrs and guests, Fifty. mdL \rre present Notuc Ls hrrrby given that I grneul mumopul da‘uun wxll be bold in! nly oflkerx m the (Hy Lake County, "1mm; 20th. A, I! 1‘315 fur the kzlkmmgumcen Mayor and (our vommusmm-u That the pnlhng pbcr (or the Fun erd vull be .11th Fnrc Nation budd- ing. cot. ul Central Ave. nod (nu-en Bay Tm uu‘pomn. pm {or the Second Wud will be u Dufly‘l Expnu 065cc, cor. Calm Ave. nod N. Shaw-n Rout. That the polling place for the Third Ward mil be I! D. C. Purdy Ind Son'- uon, 68 8! Johns Ave. Thu (he pollmg pix: (o: the Fourth city at Highhnd Put. Lake County. Ill. The poll. at sud Man will In 09‘" It 7 o'cloct in the menus; And comb" muwn'docxmmc W 9‘ Ward till he at the Mun! Pu. building. 110 W. Centnl Ann. 111 In the Cotton Um and Percolaon Mlle! petite! coflec wubou! boihn‘. PRESCRIPTION ROMPTV PROGRESSIVE PULAR ERFECTION- RECISE HARMACIST RICES Ito-l and at. Nth-'0 A quicku, nun and dealt way cl dam; (to val. V. \V'. C. A. N HONE 200 UNIVERSAL UNIVERSAL ER!»- Notice l('\sun§1(n Hub mun-n w 111 I ‘md 11 res huptd all vull n! [hr hnll 1r~snn ~ duh met [mad-av mrn gu‘ar Inc-rung and a large 'nly of Huhland Park, mus. un 'Iursday. Apnl tor the kzlluu Ink umcen that I grneul DALE SWEETLAND’S ma” ti“ 5 [INN-d {he LU NIVER SAL n _ Household Helps Equip your home with modern cookmg appliance: Ind yOur wurk wxll he done in less hme and with fur bent! results. m are distinctive in design Ind 01 first Qullity in muted-l md workmnruhip. The maker: autumn of complde ntid-cnon accompamcs each amcle. Booklets fullv describmx UNIVERSAL Booklets fully deteribmg UNIVERbAL Home Need: and (hcxr use: an: your: for the “lung. Foodm man’s HARDWARE Wavwm“ U N IVER SAL Home Needs M184 STYLISH CLOTHES FOR WOMEN 17-19 W. I): Placc non-Aft...- 1 UNIVERSAL} Save Maney on Your Coal NorthShoranellzswyCo. “I 13.5... 57 230". Sde-Avo. We are well stocked up with Large Egg. Small Egg. Range, Chestnut and Pen Have. it delivered before ‘you start Housedeaning During Month OfAjLnl Padmized m ad Cream [KIM-Allan: per ton Cheaper Tr.“ Iii The great consideration is not how fine to the touch or how long the raiment will wear, unless with that fineness and length of service you can have good taste. correct lines, fault. i083 details and know the gar- ment is the one YOU in par- ticularf'ought to wear. Daily's Ready to Wear Stone 2“ door W.“ of Tho-tn M “"1 MW Pot. mild“ mCoatsandDrm To. In“ T- P08 QM w The comet method of mum; at. Every cup mm m These thing: you can get u From $5 to $35 WPuhlbi LMVIZRSAL l. NIVI'LRSAL W's W“ His

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